Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

To Achieve Not To Plunder Was Ayn Rand's Great Message Says F.M. Mellon

Ayn Rand's Message Resurrected 
Without Contradictions
by Winsip Custer CPW News Service

     Wilshusen Professor of Economics at the University of Tubingen, Frederick M. Mellon's new book, The Reconciliation of Ayn Rand, is quickly rising to the top of the NY Times Best Seller list.  Reviews have been, across the board, lavishing in their unquestioned appreciation for Mr. Mellon's ability to bring a new level of lucidity to Rand's most resilient criticisms.  Among the samplings..."her emphasis upon individuality was the result of lactose intolerance as a baby"...and "she forgot that she borrowed cab fare for her first piano lessons," or "In Fountainhead she carves a penile impression of the world of achievement and fails to see the difference between the Tower of Babel and a good strong, but supple erection,"....or the most quoted and damning coming from her own mother.  "If she had bitten your nipple and drawn blood as she did mine, you'd have stopped nursing, too."
Ayn Rand
     "No," said Dr. Mellon whose award winning work on the Eco-Echo-Micro-Macro Theory has elucidated a new generation of angry Randites, "Ayn Rand's message was the unique doctrine of a creative mind that could only have survived in the Twentieth Century in society that believed and still believes that anything is possible.  She is right in some respects, just as Milton Friedman was in claiming that it was individual initiative that created the highest standard of living in the world....Henry Ford and Albert Einstein would not have achieved their phenominal success had it not been for individual talents, raw ambition, unleashed as it was in their individuality.  Had they been bound to govermental jobs as cogs in a collective system, we'd still be in the Dark Ages....or so both Friedman and Rand have eloquently stated," said Mellon.  

Albert Einstein
      "Of course, Ford depended on his rather long assembly line of collective workers to pull off his dream and he was good at using Washington to provide the kind of pro-business environment that encouraged the phenomenal growth of his business....like the collective building of roads with governmentally collected taxes so that his cars' axles didn't break and engines jump off their motor mounts....which actually caused many dentists to complain of a drop in demand for good dental care, but discount that criticism.  Even in baseball 50% is considered a phenomenal average.  No batters achieve it.  And Einstein's achievements were, of course, pushed to their height of development not in that little quirky man's isolated mind with its sponge-like ability to absorb quantum theories or to cause him to drool over his female student's low necklines and rising hemlines as he consulted with them in his open robe and slippers.  NO!  The bomb was the biggest collective governmental effort in human history aside from the development of the porcelain toilet, which Einstein saw as more beneficial for humanity or the long haul, else he would not have dreamed of having spent his career as a plumber," said Mellon.

      "Ayn Rand, bless her heart, was totally off base when she said that there are individual achievers and there are parasites as I have clearly shown in my Eco-Echo-Macro-Micro Theory.  I forgive her for that.  Why?  Because she left us with one overarching, all-encompassing and brilliantly mind-focusing image of life....."Achievement without Plunder."  I asked if Dr. Mellon would expound on this statement.  "I can't," he said.  There is no explanation that could improve on Ayn Rand's words....."Achievement without plunder.  Say it," Mellon insisted.
"Achievement without plunded," I repeated. "Again,'" he said.  "Achievement without plunder," I said, again.  "Let that be your mantra," said Mellon.  "And God bless Ayn Rand for saying it."
For Ayn Rand's famous address on individualism from Fountainhead see....

For a review of Frederick Mellon's Echo-Eco-Micro-Macro Theory and it's criticism of Ryn's achiever-vs-parasite views see