Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Oliver North To Represent Rosslyn Chapel Capital Inc.

Fears of Worldwide Economic Collapse Lead Ollie North To New Role
Oliver North in advertisement for Rosalyn
Chapel Capital, Inc.
by Winsip Custer  CPW News Service

With G. Gordon Liddy as the spokesperson for Rosalind Capital, the gold purveyors whose forturnes since September 11, 2001 have skyrocketed, Col. Oliver North has accepted the position as spokesman for the competing firm Rosslyn Chapel Capital whose motto is "Flush the Fool's Gold and Stick With Purity"....a clear reference to G. Gordon Liddy's relationship to Nixon's plumbers during the Watergate scandal.
Liddy's supervisors at Rosalind Capital were infuriated by the announcement and its implication that Rosalind was selling an impure product and by the declaration by Rosslyn Chapel Capital that it has been  "In business since 1194," a clear indication that their gold is protected by the Knights Templars.

G. Gordon Liddy of
Rosalind Capital
Meanwhile, the Grand Master of the Knights of Malta, head of the Roman Catholic Order that replaced the Knights Templars when they were expelled and supressed by the Pope Clement V, is seen here asking Pope Benedict for his blessings in becoming the spokesperson for MSS also known as Maltese Spam Speculators whose business motto is "MSS... Because You Can't Eat Gold".
Grand Master of the Knights of Malta
with Pope Benedict
 Pope Benedict is reportedly waiting for a conclave with representatives of a little known Tuetonic Knight Order called Legion of the Sons of Sion or SS, before committing to the Knights of Malta.

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