Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Friday, January 28, 2011

Mubarak Headquarters Torched By Angry Egyptians. Robert Baer, Ex-CIA Agent says...."I Warned You!"

National Democratic Party Headquarters Building of Mubarak's Party Up In Smoke

by Winsip Custer CPW News Service

With the announcement of a night curfew in Cairo, the angry mob of anti-Mubarak protesters stormed the National Democratic Party headquarters building. The symbol of Mubarak's repressive regime bellowed smoke and fire.

Robert Baer, author of several books cautioning that the CIA within the CIA had long provided rank and file CIA agents with no information on the Muslim Brotherhood's activities in the region said "I warned about this years ago.  Agents on the streets had no clue who the Muslim Brotherhood were, not that they were spawning Al Qaeda in Egypt and that they would take out Sadat, the peacemaker, to replace him with Mubarak the tyrant.   We didn't know that Al Qaeda would flee to Syria and then to Saudia Arabia where they recruited the Bin Laden whose family owned an airport in Houston, purchased with the help of James R. Bath and Khalid Bin Mafouz.   Most Egyptians know that the average American gets nothing of the truth about what their government does in their names....just like we CIA agents were kept in the dark by the numb-nutz at the top of our CIA pyramid."

Walid Phares, an expert on Egypt said Friday on FOX News...."We have not engaged the culture and society of  Egpyt because the U.S. State Department told us that the Muslim Brotherhood was more important."

Another ex-CIA agent who wished not to be identified said...."This is very dramatic in Egypt, but you have to remember that it started in Tunisia, Egypt's neighbor.  Dictator Zine El Abidine Bin Ali of Tunisia fled to what country?  To Saudi Arabia, the gracious hosts of Al Qaeda.  Bin Ali,  the Tunisian president since 1987 flees not to an open and democratic nation, but to Saudi Arabia with its marriage to which American power elites? What does that tell you about who was supporting Mubarak in Egypt?" he asked.

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