The Interview with Fabian Colbachi
"The history of the U.S. from the American Revolution to 1960 was the history of Puritan Protestantism. The American power elites were WASPs who also controlled shipping, rail, manufacturing, weapons production, mining, almost everything along with that most important commodity of all....the nation's image of itself....its prevailing myth. This was spiced with a dash of separation of church and state, but if you had any question about the limits of that doctrine's restraint, one had only to look at Dwight D. Eisenhower's injection of the words "In God We Trust" on the nation's currency just after we had bludgeoned the Axis powers in a justified war that conveniently forgot the American Imperialism that had antagonized distant nations with the same worn-out techniques that all plunders use to plunder.
"Achievement without plunder," said Ayn Rand. Envisioned but rarely practiced. There was and is within the WASP group a hard-right, crypto-Nazi element that's impervious to self-analysis and which would have been happy to support slavery, stay out of war with the Germans and Japanese and continue to run roughshod over the world as it had the American physical and political landscape for decades. Kennedy, JFK, was Irish. In 1960 he changed history. The Irish Kennedy's were of the same kith that the WASP abolitionists had sent South for war and that the robber barons had used to cut the great railroad across the continent to link it up with the economically enslaved coolies from California, cutting short the New England Brahman's China trading voyages and bringing home the bacon...or more precisely....the silk and opium...and the other less profitable stuff. As an Irishman JFK was a 'Johnny' come lately and his Irish crime-family friends hobnobbed with the Italian unwashed. Suffice it to say that you can't fully understand American history without understanding English, Scottish and Irish history and the competing religious sentiments that were not really separated with the penning of the doctrine of the separation of church and state.
Kennedy threatened the power elites by his very Irish presence and accompanying Roman Catholicism which also connected Irish with Italians, just as it had Irish with Mexicans on America's Southern border. The Texas Revolution, planned and directed as it was from New York, Boston and Baltimore was fueled by men like Alexander Brown whose power base would morph over time into Brown and Root and then into KBR. The Texas Revolution would have been lost had it not been for the quick WASP-backed injection of English speaking Irish priests into the fray to prevent the religious sensibilities of the Catholic Irish from establishing a concordat with their Latin American brethren in Mexico. This new Texas alliance between Irish and Hispanic Catholics was welcomed given both ethnic group's bitter encounters with the English and Spanish monarchies and the tyranny that European pyramidal social structures had fostered for centuries. In the same way that many Arab citizens long to turn a new leaf on their ruthless past, anchored as it is in the same royalist, monarchical and tyrannical imperialism and with a facade of religion, high holy places and customs maintained by their own power elites, so longed many Texas Irish and Tex-Mex citizens for a new enlightenment. For them a new paradigm was essential.
Unfortunately, Texas had also been mired in the South's brutal slave business, which even dictatorial European monarchies had, out of necessity, decried before America's 1860 Civil War. They didn't want a French Revolution across the entire European Continent, so they struck an uneasy compromise with the developing system of shared governance. East Coast monopolists who controlled both the Protestant and Roman Catholic power structures helped to continue the old paradigms in the new republics for the benefit of their own profits where possible. "Today we are one generation or less away from its full-out return and a departure from the advances made since the Civil Rights era," said Colbachi as he noted that there is no incentive for the Fascist right wing of the capitalistic system to truly embrace freedom and democracy. "The Russians, as wrong as they were about private ownership, learned this at Stalingrad and the German Nazis were hooked at the hip with the American 'Business Plot's' crypto-Nazi businessmen," said Colbachi who held up a copy so Edwin Black's book War Against The Weak.
In 1963, with the hard-right wing of the WASPS comfortable with calling the shots....Kennedy's threatened to pull the plug on the elites' military complex of industrialized revenue streams from foreign wars....specifically Vietnam. That finally got Kennedy killed. Oliver Stone got this much right," said Colbalchi. "It wasn't Castro or the Russians."
"So what would be Revell's motive in denying it?" Colbachi asked and answered. "That would go to the heart of the Kennedy assassination, conspiracy and cover-up, but lets not go there, yet. Instead lets look at what has happened since then. The blonde tramp, Charles Harrelson, was convicted in the murder of San Antonio, Texas Judge John Howland Wood. Judge Wood was supposedly shot by Harrelson as he left his San Antonio townhouse and he died in his wife's arms in the driveway.
Wood had a history. In the port city of Rockport on the Texas Gulf Coast, he had been a charter member of Key Allegro resort community. The deed restrictions included "all white" discriminatory clauses that were an affront to Ray Caballero who had married the sister of Ronald Reagan's EPA director. He was denied a home in Key Allegro because of his Hispanic roots, or perhaps also because of his ties to power elites in Mexico that Wood distrusted. The Chagra brothers?" asked Colbachi with a clearly confused expression on his face.
"When Dan Lasater invested in Illinois Governor, Daniel Walker's Savings & Loan which was closely tied to Neil Bush, GWB's older brother, the money was hand delivered by Lasater and his buddy Lee Chagra from El Paso. I'll come back to Mr. Chagra later," said Colbachi.
In Zbinden's church in San Antonio was Ron Calgaard the president of Presbyterian related Trinity University and the mentor of an up and coming banker named Paul Adams Rush, the chairman of the church's Board of Deacons. George Herbert Walker Bush is a Trinity University Trustee as is Tom Frost for whom Paul Adams Rush worked before he embezzled $500,000 and went to jail for 27 months, but Rush had been heavily influenced by his mentors and peers, some with religious roots in the very church where he worshiped. An Elder at Zbinden's church was Texas Attorney General Dan Morales who attempted to cut out a personal piece of the billion dollar Texas tobacco settlement without authorization from the lead attorneys and their law firms.
Stuart Bowen would work as an attorney for Texas Attorney General, Dan Morales, who went to jail as a result of the tobacco case just like Paul Rush. Paul Adams Rush, who had worked hard for the election of George Walker Bush was given another chance after his release, but blew that one, too, when he embezzled another $500,000 from Stuart Bowen, the Austin attorney who George Walker Bush had put in charge of the multi-billion-dollar Iraq Recovery and Redevelopment Program and who would have to defend his credibility against staffers who complained that he was mishandling the $50 billion project.
For his efforts Bowen received numerous governmental awards, including: The David Walker Excellence in Government Award for Performance and Accountability from the National Intergovernmental Audit Forum.
Charles Harrleson was convicted of the murder of Judge Wood with payment from Lee Chagra of El Paso, a Lebanese who chose the name, Chagra, because it sounded Hispanic and with his dark complexion he could hide his drug and arms smuggling operation along the porous US/Mexican border at El Paso. This story of Chagra's life is covered extensively in Gary Cartwright's book Dirty Dealing. Chagra and Clinton friend, Dan Lasater, had a big part in the Iran-Contra supply line which included cocaine that was trafficking through the Arkansas town of Mena.
When Eugene Hasenfus was shot down over Nicaragua the gig was up. Barry Seal, one of the CIA supply line pilots with Hasenfus, agreed to tell what he knew and how high up the power elites' pyramid the whole operation went. He didn't live to tell the story. Nor did Robert Corson, who was killed, according a Houston investigator with great interest in the three tramps, John Richard Craig, for the same reason. Craig had written an article on the three tramps for Newsweek Magazine, but equally important, he believed that Robert Corson, a major figure in Peter Brewton's savings & loan investigation, had also been involved in the Iran-Contra supply line. Indicted for his part in the S&L debacle, Corson believed that he could cut a deal on the S&L wrap if he told what he knew about Iran Contra connections in Texas. He never made it to the court of the George Herbert Walker Bush appointed Federal District Judge David Hittner in Houston. John R. Craig is convinced that Corson's suicide was staged," said Colbachi. "He was never intended to make it to Judge Hittner's Bush-appointed court.
The wrinkle comes in 2000, twelve years after Oliver "Buck" Revell's son, also an FBI agent was returning from Lebanon with CIA Agent Matthew Gannon to ask why the rank and file CIA and FBI agents in the Middle East had nothing on the Muslim Brotherhood in their files. The rumor was that the Muslim Brotherhood was a CIA created boogie man which did the agencies bidding across the Middle East and they didn't want the rank and file to screw up their game by telling the rabble back home about their seedy ambitions. Revell's son changed his travel plans, but not Gannon. Both were scheduled to fly on Pan Am 103. Only Gannon boarded and he died over Lockerbie, Scotland.
In 2000, two days before the Presidential election in Florida was decided by the Supreme Court, "Buck" Revell's grandson died by a mysterious suicide, or so the Dallas Police Department said. The young grandson had not shown signs of depression, had just been accepted at Texas A&M, home of the Bush Presidential Library. His car was found on the side of the road two blocks from home with the door open and his body was in his father's closet with a fatal gunshot wound to the head," said Colbachi. "There was a billion dollar settlement in the Pan Am 103 bombing paid for from Libya, but I don't know if anyone actually calculated the dollars going the families, to Pan Am, and the lawyers to see if the numbers added up, but everyone assumed that the bombing was payback for Reagan's attack on Libya rather than stopping Gannon and then laying the deed at Libya's feet rather than pinning it on Iran who was paying back the U.S. for downing of Iran Air flight 655. The Iranians had the inside scoop on Reagan and Bush's October Surprise and had to be handled with care as both a developing source of funding for the Contras as wells as a profit center for U.S. military hardware in Iran's battle with Iraq."
"The pastor had been the student assistant at his seminary for Professor Robert S. Paul, the same seminary on whose board of directors sat Louis Zbinden. The pastor didn't know it, but when Robert Paul had been a professor at Hartford Seminary in Connecticut, William Benton, a relative of Thomas Hart Benton, was being attacked by Senator Joseph McCarthy. McCarthy was America's boogie man and our version of the Muslim Brotherhood! McCarthy was a Roman Catholic who did the WASP power brokers dirty work," said Colbachi, which fits with the fact that McCarthy and Bobby Kennedy were close friends. Boston, Cambridge and Harvard had been a WASP stronghold that was invaded by the Irish Catholics who regardless of their growing population remained beholding to those power elites who preceded them. That power elites' base had bifurcated following the American Revolution along the lines of the egalitarian York Rite Masons and the Scottish Rite Masons of Albert Pike, chief legal counselor for the KKK. This will inform Fred Koch's funding the creation of the John Birch Society. It was this Southern crypto-Nazi element of Pike followers who were assimilated by Caleb Cushing's New England Brahmans after the Civil War. Cushing saw the potential for using the profits from the Civil War to fund a Northern Transcontinental Railroad to San Francisco connecting to the China Traders newer, subtler shackles....Opium. The Southern leadership like Jeff Davis and Braxton Bragg, however, held false hopes. This was the Order's cash cow. They don't like to share it," said Colbachi noting the place of the Bush family in the Union Pacific's legacy.
"Robert S. Paul was credited above all others as saving the Benton campaign by defending Benton's honor and credibility and putting Benton, who had seen the limitations of the angry anglophile agenda, into the U.S. Senate. His opponent was Prescott Bush, father of GHWB and grandfather of GWB. The forward to Paul's book Whatever Happened to Sherlock Holmes was written by his friend Robin Wink, Sterling Professor of History at Yale and author of Cloak and Gown: Scholars in the Secret War 1939-1961. Wink was the most knowledgeable American historian on the Yale connection to the CIA. It was a perfect storm and there were no kind weathermen nearby to provide a forecast other than that crappy standard one that pseudo-religious give under the general order of "the doctrine of total depravity," said Colbachi.
The pastor's situation was further endangered by the fact that his father had worked most of his life in management with J. Howard Marshall, Jr., the Yale law school grad who during World War II was in charge of the U.S. military's oil supplies. J. Howard Marshall, III would pair with Bill Koch, brother of David and Charles Koch whose Corpus Christi company had received a 97 count indictment for polluting the air of Corpus Christi, Texas with Benzene discharges. With help from the new Bush administration's control of the EPA, the 97 count indictment and $350 million fine evaporated into a 1 count indictment and a $20 million fine.
As part of the Bush pantheon of Texas oil barons during the run up to the 2000 Presidential election it made anyone close to the election's outcome who might have put out any threatening insider information at severe risk. The Koch family connections to Hitler's U.S. oil agent in South Texas, William Rhodes Davis, further connects the Texas oil barons to Prescott Bush who was cited by Congress for trading with Germany as well as being aligned with the German American Bund that was outed by General Smedley Darlington Butler. In Bill Koch and J. Howard Marshall's case against David and Charles, Bill charged that his siblings had taken oil from public and Indian lands without paying for it. William I. Koch's case was settled out of court.
"If I were that pastor it would be all I could do to stop from visiting his colleague in ministry, Louis Zbinden, with a baseball bat and some brass knuckles, but then I guess that would be out of character and come to think of it, God almighty lost a son, too. That pastor really walked into it when the president of the same seminary, Jack Stotts, asked his local congregation to underwrite the education of the head of the Reformed Church in Cuba. That would have put the Operation Zapata crowd into apoplexy. So much for the separation of church and state," said Colbachi. "And for any thought that America is the land of the free and home of the brave, without a lengthy, unvarnished, unlacquered assessment of that oft used platitude."
Stuart Bowen's handling of the Iraq Recovery initiative required his defense by attorney, Bernard Berenson of Sidley, Austin, Brown and Wood. Sidley and Austin was the historic Republican-aligned Springfield, Il., law firm that handled the legal affairs of Mrs. Mary Todd Lincoln, wife of Abraham Lincoln and cousin of slaver John C. Breckinridge. Sidley Austin had employed Mrs. Michelle Obama. This firm merged with Brown and Wood of New York in 2000/2001 which was domiciled in the World Trade Center on 9/11. Mr. Berenson was heavily involved in everything from the Patriot Bill, a less stringent definition of "torture" and the validity of the Geneva Convention as well as counsel to U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, who like State Attorney General Dan Morales, was also from Texas. Berenson, a summa cum laude graduate of Yale Law School, had clerked for Laurence Silberman, the judge appointed by GWB to investigate the Bush Administration's rationale for the invasion of Iraq based on WMD's.
Silberman had also been on the board of San Francisco's Crocker National Bank. "Look," said Colbachi, "From LeLand Stanford to Charles Crocker and other railroad barons it has all stayed in the family. Theirs! The Union Pacific...E.H. Harriman.....Poppy's daddy's job....they make war and the people are the fodder. The Order's leading China Trader, Caleb Cushing, if he ever had the intent of working with Jefferson Davis, which I doubt, that intent was made clear when William Tecumseh Sherman sent a letter to his brother in 1859 outlining his hopes for his future and slavery provided the perfect cover. You think Cushing's opium wasn't going to enslave? When Sherman marches across Georgia, Sherman had one thing in mind and that has been made clearly evident by all the photos of his march....tearing up the rails from Savannah to Atlanta and leaving his bowties along the way....kill the railroad there so that we can control it from here. That's exactly what Sherman does after the war defending the Transcontinental Railroad along the Russell's original Pony Express route. Nothing changes," said Colbachi.
Bowen's appearance before the Commission on Wartime Contracting was meant to answer criticism from among his own staff. A full year after his February 22, 2010 appearance before the Commission, there were still questions. Associated Press reporter Richard Lardner reported on February 22, year later... that the Commission was frustrated saying "Unless Congress provides resources to oversee and evaluate contractor performance, waste will continue and national objectives will suffer. They don't dare say....'hey, just stop it damn it!'"
"President Obama pledged to attack this waste and it what it is...but according to Christopher Hedges, Obama has embraced the Bush agenda. Washington claims that Bowen's agents in Iraq and Afghanistan checked the contracts there.....while the agents there blame it on Washington....this is how it works....nobody knows's an old game, but with Mr. and Mrs. Obama's roots in the very law firm that supported Lincoln....who worked for the railroads before the U.S. Government....would you expect anything else?" asked Colbachi.
Colbachi is deeply concerned that just as during the 1992 Presidential election between George Herbert Walker Bush, William Jefferson Clinton and H. Ross Perot, the 2000 Presidential election between George Walker Bush and Al Gore provided a dangerous platform for anyone potentially threatening the election of Bush.
"In 1992, the FBI was investigating James R. Bath through FINCEN, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network created to counter the rise of future BCCI's, the Bank of Commerce and Credit International that was the primary bank with ties to Arkansas' Jackson Stephen's organization that funded Iran-Contra in the late 80's. Bath was the U.S. agent for the Saudi royal family whose money through Houston resident and Saudi banker, Khalid Bin Mahfouz, was used by Bath and Mahfouz to purchase for the Bin Laden's the NASA-linked Houston Gulf Manor Airport which would be razed after 911. This airport, minutes if not seconds from the Houston petro-chemical complex was a favorite airport for the private planes of NASA astronauts. Bath, the owner of the fuel supplier, Southwest Airport Services, Inc., at the CIA linked Ellington Field only a few miles north of Gulf Manor, found the FBI investigation into his connection to the Saudi money evaporating during the 1992 Presidential election. Bush and Clinton were glad. Ross Perot was another story. When after 911 as 15 of the 19 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, Bush invaded Iraq. Iran-Contra was pre-dated by the election of Ronald Reagan when the release of the Iran hostages was stalled in what has been widely reported as the "October Surprise". Gunther Russbacher, a CIA pilot, grandson of the head of Austrian Intelligence during World War II and an SR-71 pilot had supposedly carried Vice-President George Herbert Walker Bush to New Jersey from Paris in a quick flight, impossible by other aircraft, after offering a $40,000,000 incentive and promise of billions in military aid for Iran in its war with Iraq for stalling the release of the hostages until after the November 1980 election which Reagan won, many believe, because of Carter's failure to secure their release. Had the disastrous attempt by U.S. Special Forces to free the hostages been similarly bush wacked? Anyone close to this clandestine initiative that would ultimately provide for the election of Reagan and the resumption of Aaron Burr or William Walker-style filibustering adventures in Central America under the guise of the Monroe Doctrine, were in grave danger," said Colbachi, noting that H. Ross Perot had taken a special interest in the plight of Gunther Russbacher as well as hiring from the U.S. Air Force for his Dallas-based EDS, former SR-71 technicians who were in a position to verify the Russbacher flight with Bush, much as Perot had done with Col. Bo Gritz who went on national television to make his claims that the Golden Triangle's leading U.S. agent was Bush insider, Richard Armitage, who sat on the board of Conoco-Phillips whose executives were also members of William E. King's Lakewood Yacht Club. "Weeks before his death, the pastor's son had been the escort for the niece of the heiress of the Conoco-Phillips fortune," said Colbachi.
"The fact that the SR-71's pilot was in jail in Missouri to keep him quiet about the "October Surprise" proved that the President of the U.S., Jimmy Carter, was not in control of the government in October, 1980. As Commander-In-Chief, he would not have used the military's fastest airplane to undermine his own re-election bid," said Colbachi.
Subsequent reports have argued, as mentioned earlier, that the Iranians downed Pan Am 103 as retaliation for the downing of Air Iran flight 655, June 3, 1988 by the USS Vincennes over the Strait of Hormuz. It wasn't the Libyans. "The Iranians knew that the 'October Surprise' and the clandestine flight by Russbacher could not become public if the Bush family expected to retain their political status," said Colbachi. "Anyone, anywhere near this cornucopia of black operations was potentially walking through a mine field, like little Don Henry and Kevin Ives, the two boys who stumbled on to the Iran Contra supply base at Mena, Arkansas which clearly demonstrates the Bush/Clinton connections to the entire Iran-Contra program given that Clinton was governor of Arkansas at the time of that incident and responsible for overseeing Arkansas' law enforcement. The Order controls both sides of the political isle," said Colbachi.
Rodney Stich, whose Defrauding America and other books have spotlighted the points of darkness associated with the October Surprise claims that H. Ross Perot who sent a legal team to Missouri to interview Russbacher lost interest in exposing this dark Order or saw the futility in opposing it. Those closer to the Dallas businessman speculate he was threatened.
The events of the night of December 10th, 2000 were chronicled by Houston Community Newspapers:
When Carr did not return to his uncle's house in Dickinson that night, his uncle began checking local hospitals and police departments, family members said. Carr's uncle knew "how excited Patrick was to go" on the hunting trip he had planned, and was supposed to return that night to pack for the trip. Shortly after midnight on Dec. 10, the teen-agers happened upon Carr's burning Bronco where El Dorado dead ends into Clear Lake City Boulevard. They reported the fire to the Houston Fire Department. Emergency workers responded to the scene and extinguished the fire, then found Carr's badly-burned body lying back in the seat with stereo headphones on his ears.
An arson investigator and a homicide investigator from the Houston Police Department were assigned to the incident. The HPD also responded to the scene and located a garden hose attached to the Bronco's muffler. Carr was found with $604 in cash on his person.
“I called Oliver “Buck” Revell, my parishioner in Plano, Texas and former General Deputy of the FBI in Washington D.C. to ask for his help," said Patrick's father. "Buck told me that his grandson had died the day after Patrick under equally mysterious circumstances and described them. He gave me the name of Bronislaw Mogenis, also former FBI and now in security with Lockheed Martin and a private investigator. Mogenis declined. His daughter Julie Mogenis, also former FBI, a judge and well-known hunting guide, called to give me the name of Gregory Howard Walker, a U.S. Postal Inspector and Houston attorney. Gregory Howard Walker took six months to give us the name of the last person to talk to Patrick that night. We never found her. Walker would go on to become the leading security expert for the Bush International Airport, Hobby and Ellington unusual ascent for a U.S. Postal Inspector. Julie Mogenis would suffer a near fatal gunshot wound in Utopia, Texas,” said Carr who also noted that the independent fire cause investigator appointed to his son’s case from FCI, Inc., was Christopher H. Bush.
Federal investigators in Houston have linked an 11-month-old Fort Lauderdale murder mystery to alleged drug and oil schemes involving the laundering of billions of dollars.
Investigators say Sibley Riggs, 43, of Fort Lauderdale, whose beaten and strangled body was found stuffed into the trunk of her car at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport last December, had been subpoenaed to testify before a federal grand jury investigating the drug smuggling case.
Authorities have targeted more than 100 people, including international financiers and oil resellers, in the case. The investigation was code-named Operation Lone Star, the Houston Chronicle reported Saturday.
The newspaper said the massive investigation, which began as a probe of the Houston-based Uni Oil Co. almost two years ago, blossomed into a probe of transactions through banks and corporations, primarily in the Cayman Islands. The transactions involved money from drug trafficking, crude oil reselling and questionable coal tax shelters, authorities said.
Also targeted in the investigation, the Chronicle reported, was Allen Rivenbark, a Fort Lauderdale shipping executive, now dead.
Broward County sheriff's spokesman Gary Gow said Saturday that Riggs' death remains an open, unsolved case.
"We were aware of the connection with the federal case," he said. "The detectives explored that angle but were unable to turn up any concrete evidence while working with the federal investigators."
Riggs was killed a week after she was subpoenaed to testify before the Houston grand jury, which at the time was looking into the drug smuggling and money laundering case.
A divorcee who lived alone at 1625 SE 10th Ave., Riggs sold yachts for the Fort Lauderdale office of Richard Bertram and Co. yacht brokers for several years before her death.
The first Operation Lone Star indictments are not expected for several months. Grand juries in Houston and Atlanta still are hearing evidence about the case, which has been slowed
because of reported leaks by a former assistant U.S. attorney, a reported assassination plot against another former prosecutor and the slaying of Riggs.
The FBI is investigating a 30-year-old former federal prosecutor who is suspected of trying to sell sensitive information to some of the targets of the probe. The prosecutor, who had been with the federal attorney's office in Houston for three months, was fired by U.S. Attorney Dan Hedges. No charges have been filed against him.
The fired prosecutor's lawyer, Mike Hinton, said his client -- whom authorities refused to name -- has appeared before the Atlanta federal grand jury and is "cooperating fully."
The assassination plot against the federal prosecutor was mentioned in an affidavit last May when authorities requested permission to search the offices of two Houston-based oil companies -- Houston Oil and Refining Inc. and HOR Energy Co.
Uni Oil executives Thomas H. Hajecate and his son, Thomas M. Hajecate , along with Miami tax attorney Lance Eisenberg, are fighting a 1981 indictment on tax evasion charges. The indictment alleges they concealed the Hajecates' interest in a Cayman Islands bank account.
Eisenberg, 34, could be sentenced to as long as 15 years in prison and fined as much as $30,000, or both, if he is convicted of helping the Hajecates evade income taxes and smuggle $1.5 million into the United States by laundering it overseas.
According to the indictment, Eisenberg helped the Hajecates falsify their 1976 income tax returns and aided them in failing to report their transfer of $1.5 million to the Southeast First National Bank of Miami.
Eisenberg and the Hajecates claim their indictment resulted from "prosecutorial vindictiveness" after a federal judge dismissed an indictment accusing them of illegally mispricing and selling old crude oil at higher "new oil" prices. Eisenberg was also a key figure in the Robert Vesco case who was using his Columbus Trust in the Bahamas to launder money while receiving the protection of Prime Minister Lynden Pindling who was receiving bribes for his protection of the Lehder cartel for protection. Especially sensitive was the fact that former S.E.C. Chairman turned C.I.A. Director, William Casey, had been an investor in a Robert Vesco hydroponics business named Multiponics, in Louisiana (Masters of Paradise, Alan Block, 1998, p. 149).
by Winsip Custer CPW News Service
The murder of a president is no small thing. Ask Fabian Colbalchi who has been studying the murder of JFK for longer than he would like to remember.
"The history of the U.S. from the American Revolution to 1960 was the history of Puritan Protestantism. The American power elites were WASPs who also controlled shipping, rail, manufacturing, weapons production, mining, almost everything along with that most important commodity of all....the nation's image of itself....its prevailing myth. This was spiced with a dash of separation of church and state, but if you had any question about the limits of that doctrine's restraint, one had only to look at Dwight D. Eisenhower's injection of the words "In God We Trust" on the nation's currency just after we had bludgeoned the Axis powers in a justified war that conveniently forgot the American Imperialism that had antagonized distant nations with the same worn-out techniques that all plunders use to plunder.
"Achievement without plunder," said Ayn Rand. Envisioned but rarely practiced. There was and is within the WASP group a hard-right, crypto-Nazi element that's impervious to self-analysis and which would have been happy to support slavery, stay out of war with the Germans and Japanese and continue to run roughshod over the world as it had the American physical and political landscape for decades. Kennedy, JFK, was Irish. In 1960 he changed history. The Irish Kennedy's were of the same kith that the WASP abolitionists had sent South for war and that the robber barons had used to cut the great railroad across the continent to link it up with the economically enslaved coolies from California, cutting short the New England Brahman's China trading voyages and bringing home the bacon...or more precisely....the silk and opium...and the other less profitable stuff. As an Irishman JFK was a 'Johnny' come lately and his Irish crime-family friends hobnobbed with the Italian unwashed. Suffice it to say that you can't fully understand American history without understanding English, Scottish and Irish history and the competing religious sentiments that were not really separated with the penning of the doctrine of the separation of church and state.
Kennedy threatened the power elites by his very Irish presence and accompanying Roman Catholicism which also connected Irish with Italians, just as it had Irish with Mexicans on America's Southern border. The Texas Revolution, planned and directed as it was from New York, Boston and Baltimore was fueled by men like Alexander Brown whose power base would morph over time into Brown and Root and then into KBR. The Texas Revolution would have been lost had it not been for the quick WASP-backed injection of English speaking Irish priests into the fray to prevent the religious sensibilities of the Catholic Irish from establishing a concordat with their Latin American brethren in Mexico. This new Texas alliance between Irish and Hispanic Catholics was welcomed given both ethnic group's bitter encounters with the English and Spanish monarchies and the tyranny that European pyramidal social structures had fostered for centuries. In the same way that many Arab citizens long to turn a new leaf on their ruthless past, anchored as it is in the same royalist, monarchical and tyrannical imperialism and with a facade of religion, high holy places and customs maintained by their own power elites, so longed many Texas Irish and Tex-Mex citizens for a new enlightenment. For them a new paradigm was essential.
Unfortunately, Texas had also been mired in the South's brutal slave business, which even dictatorial European monarchies had, out of necessity, decried before America's 1860 Civil War. They didn't want a French Revolution across the entire European Continent, so they struck an uneasy compromise with the developing system of shared governance. East Coast monopolists who controlled both the Protestant and Roman Catholic power structures helped to continue the old paradigms in the new republics for the benefit of their own profits where possible. "Today we are one generation or less away from its full-out return and a departure from the advances made since the Civil Rights era," said Colbachi as he noted that there is no incentive for the Fascist right wing of the capitalistic system to truly embrace freedom and democracy. "The Russians, as wrong as they were about private ownership, learned this at Stalingrad and the German Nazis were hooked at the hip with the American 'Business Plot's' crypto-Nazi businessmen," said Colbachi who held up a copy so Edwin Black's book War Against The Weak.
In 1963, with the hard-right wing of the WASPS comfortable with calling the shots....Kennedy's threatened to pull the plug on the elites' military complex of industrialized revenue streams from foreign wars....specifically Vietnam. That finally got Kennedy killed. Oliver Stone got this much right," said Colbalchi. "It wasn't Castro or the Russians."
Colbachi's writings, though difficult to find, are none the less, some of the most powerful insights into American history and myth, but his writings have taken an especially close interest in the Kennedy influence on America's changing culture. He does not believe that the murder of Kennedy thwarted the forward progress, but accelerated it as martyrdom often does.
"Scroll forward. The man who was responsible for confirming the identity of the three tramps at Dealy Plaza was an up and coming FBI agent named Oliver "Buck" Revell who graduated from East Tennessee State University and would be steadily promoted all the way up to the highest non-appointed FBI agent in General Deputy...under Ronald Reagan who appointed a new FBI Director above Revell, William Sessions. Sessions stayed through the Presidency of George Herbert Walker Bush, but he made Bill Clinton nervous so Clinton fired him and replaced him with Janet Reno from Florida who oversaw a political bombshell that exploded in the Texas home county of GHWB's son, home of the future Crawford White House, McClennan County. It was the Branch Davidian affair. Again the religious elements in American life surfaced in a particularly sensitive Texas county and with the protagonist claiming both a messiah complex and a refined gun-running business acumen. Sessions and Revell were called on to put out the fire that some say they started.
Later, George Walker Bush would appoint Sessions to the Constitution Projects' Guantanamo Committee along with Asa Hutchinson, the Arkansas prosecuting attorney who refused to investigate Mena, Arkansas, or the murder of Barry Seal before he could testify in the Iran-Contra hearings. Hutchinson was elevated to head of the DEA in 2001 anyway, one year after the painful loss of "Buck" Revell's grandson in Dallas. Peter Brewton, an award winning Houston Post reporter, had followed the Bush family connections through Texas. His book The Mafia, CIA and George Bush had shown that the Iran-Contra delivery boy, Farhad Azima, a graduate of William Jewell College in Liberty, Missouri, was one of the biggest contributors to William Jefferson Clinton. Azima, Brewton reported, was running the Iran-Contra weapons on his small airline in McClennan County, Texas, home of not only the Crawford White House, but the Branch Davidian Affair where gun running figured into the government's case against the Davidians.
Revell was needed again in Texas, where another William Jewell graduate, Rebecca Mark Jusbasche, had made $60 million dollars working for Enron in Houston, Texas before marrying a leading player in Bechtel's effort to strip Bolivia of its Lithium by controlling its water supply. Today, Rebecca lives in Colorado where she has joined the Telluride Foundation which was founded by General Norman Schwarzkopf whose father helped Kermit Roosevelt displace a democratically elected leader of Iran before replacing him with the repressive Shah of Iran.
Later, George Walker Bush would appoint Sessions to the Constitution Projects' Guantanamo Committee along with Asa Hutchinson, the Arkansas prosecuting attorney who refused to investigate Mena, Arkansas, or the murder of Barry Seal before he could testify in the Iran-Contra hearings. Hutchinson was elevated to head of the DEA in 2001 anyway, one year after the painful loss of "Buck" Revell's grandson in Dallas. Peter Brewton, an award winning Houston Post reporter, had followed the Bush family connections through Texas. His book The Mafia, CIA and George Bush had shown that the Iran-Contra delivery boy, Farhad Azima, a graduate of William Jewell College in Liberty, Missouri, was one of the biggest contributors to William Jefferson Clinton. Azima, Brewton reported, was running the Iran-Contra weapons on his small airline in McClennan County, Texas, home of not only the Crawford White House, but the Branch Davidian Affair where gun running figured into the government's case against the Davidians.
Revell was needed again in Texas, where another William Jewell graduate, Rebecca Mark Jusbasche, had made $60 million dollars working for Enron in Houston, Texas before marrying a leading player in Bechtel's effort to strip Bolivia of its Lithium by controlling its water supply. Today, Rebecca lives in Colorado where she has joined the Telluride Foundation which was founded by General Norman Schwarzkopf whose father helped Kermit Roosevelt displace a democratically elected leader of Iran before replacing him with the repressive Shah of Iran.
Twenty years earlier, Charles Harrelson, the father of actor Woody Harrelson, Charles Rogers and Chauncey Holt were arrested in Dealy Plaza on the day Kennedy was shot. Revell offered three other unlikely names that passed the Warren Commission without comment. Lois Gibson, the Houston Police Department's criminal sketch artist, who according to the Guinness Book of Records leads all others in sketch-assisted convictions, has closely analyzed the photos of Harrelson, Rogers and Holt, also known as the three tramps' and confirms that they were Holt, Harrelson and Rogers," said Colbachi.
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"The Blonde Tramp" (l) and Charles Harrelson (r) |
Wood had a history. In the port city of Rockport on the Texas Gulf Coast, he had been a charter member of Key Allegro resort community. The deed restrictions included "all white" discriminatory clauses that were an affront to Ray Caballero who had married the sister of Ronald Reagan's EPA director. He was denied a home in Key Allegro because of his Hispanic roots, or perhaps also because of his ties to power elites in Mexico that Wood distrusted. The Chagra brothers?" asked Colbachi with a clearly confused expression on his face.
"When Dan Lasater invested in Illinois Governor, Daniel Walker's Savings & Loan which was closely tied to Neil Bush, GWB's older brother, the money was hand delivered by Lasater and his buddy Lee Chagra from El Paso. I'll come back to Mr. Chagra later," said Colbachi.
Most of Judge Wood's friends went to the San Antonio Country Club, the Argyle Dinner Club and the First Presbyterian Church where Louis Zbinden was pastor. Wood, however would be buried in the Roman Catholic Cemetery in Victoria, Texas not far from his family's early Texas home in Bayside. Jimmy Chagra represented Caballero in his housing discrimination case against Key Allegro. Wood, though not Presbyterian like many of his San Antonio friends, was part of the Woodsboro, Bayside and Refugio area of the historic Irish Colony of James Powers, a colony that contributed greatly to the Texas Revolution once English speaking Catholic priests were brought to Texas with the help of John Henry Brown and Rev. Daniel Baker, a Presbyterian like Zbinden.
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Former Texas Attorney General, Dan Morales, also Elder at Zbinden's First Presbyterian Church |
Stuart Bowen would work as an attorney for Texas Attorney General, Dan Morales, who went to jail as a result of the tobacco case just like Paul Rush. Paul Adams Rush, who had worked hard for the election of George Walker Bush was given another chance after his release, but blew that one, too, when he embezzled another $500,000 from Stuart Bowen, the Austin attorney who George Walker Bush had put in charge of the multi-billion-dollar Iraq Recovery and Redevelopment Program and who would have to defend his credibility against staffers who complained that he was mishandling the $50 billion project.
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David Walker's DWEGAFPA, no admitted relations to George Herbert Walker or George Herbert Walker Bush vouched for Bowen's apparent credibility during the Iraq reconstruction scandal. |
For his efforts Bowen received numerous governmental awards, including: The David Walker Excellence in Government Award for Performance and Accountability from the National Intergovernmental Audit Forum.
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Stuart Bowen, friend of Paul Adams Rush and Dan Morales of FPC San Antonio. Head of the Iraq Recovery and Reconstruction program. |
Charles Harrleson was convicted of the murder of Judge Wood with payment from Lee Chagra of El Paso, a Lebanese who chose the name, Chagra, because it sounded Hispanic and with his dark complexion he could hide his drug and arms smuggling operation along the porous US/Mexican border at El Paso. This story of Chagra's life is covered extensively in Gary Cartwright's book Dirty Dealing. Chagra and Clinton friend, Dan Lasater, had a big part in the Iran-Contra supply line which included cocaine that was trafficking through the Arkansas town of Mena.
When Eugene Hasenfus was shot down over Nicaragua the gig was up. Barry Seal, one of the CIA supply line pilots with Hasenfus, agreed to tell what he knew and how high up the power elites' pyramid the whole operation went. He didn't live to tell the story. Nor did Robert Corson, who was killed, according a Houston investigator with great interest in the three tramps, John Richard Craig, for the same reason. Craig had written an article on the three tramps for Newsweek Magazine, but equally important, he believed that Robert Corson, a major figure in Peter Brewton's savings & loan investigation, had also been involved in the Iran-Contra supply line. Indicted for his part in the S&L debacle, Corson believed that he could cut a deal on the S&L wrap if he told what he knew about Iran Contra connections in Texas. He never made it to the court of the George Herbert Walker Bush appointed Federal District Judge David Hittner in Houston. John R. Craig is convinced that Corson's suicide was staged," said Colbachi. "He was never intended to make it to Judge Hittner's Bush-appointed court.
Following Charles Harrelson's conviction for the murder of John Howland Wood, Harrelson's son Woody went to a Presbyterian College on a full scholarship...a school of the same denomination as that of Calgaard, Zbinden, Rush and even of the Bush family when they were in Midland, Texas before converting to the more oligarchical Episcopal Church. The Presbyterian Church was also the home of long-time CIA director, Allen Dulles who following WWII was in charge of Odessa and Operation Paper Clip. Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles, was a Presbyterian as was Allen Dulles' cousin, Avery Dulles, who converted to the Roman Catholic Church to become the first U.S. priest to skip the office of Bishop before being appointed Cardinal. Woody Harrelson found door after door in Hollywood opening for him.
What was the result of the murder of John Howland Wood? An embarrassing chapter in Texas jurisprudence was closed and William Sessions moved from the dusty West Texas city of his District judgeship in the home city of Lee and Jimmy Chagra, El Paso. Sessions took over Judge Wood's place on the more prestigious San Antonio 9th District Court....the one Judge Wood just vacated to provide the stepping stone for Session's ascent to Director of the FBI. Soon William Sessions would be appointed FBI Director where he linked up with General Deputy Oliver "Buck" Revell, the firewaller on the three tramps identification. If Harrelson had been in Dallas as Craig and Gibson believed, after the Wood murder conviction, he was behind bars forever. Two Federal Marshalls were appointed to investigate the John Howland Wood murder for the Marshall's Service. Both resigned during or after the became a Texas county sheriff and the other a teacher. "Anything is possible with respect to the murder of Judge Wood," said one of the Marshalls. Would Judge Wood have known about the Chagra, Bush, Clinton, Arkansas Iran-Contra connections? Most assuredly.
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Oliver "Buck" Revell |
In 2000, two days before the Presidential election in Florida was decided by the Supreme Court, "Buck" Revell's grandson died by a mysterious suicide, or so the Dallas Police Department said. The young grandson had not shown signs of depression, had just been accepted at Texas A&M, home of the Bush Presidential Library. His car was found on the side of the road two blocks from home with the door open and his body was in his father's closet with a fatal gunshot wound to the head," said Colbachi. "There was a billion dollar settlement in the Pan Am 103 bombing paid for from Libya, but I don't know if anyone actually calculated the dollars going the families, to Pan Am, and the lawyers to see if the numbers added up, but everyone assumed that the bombing was payback for Reagan's attack on Libya rather than stopping Gannon and then laying the deed at Libya's feet rather than pinning it on Iran who was paying back the U.S. for downing of Iran Air flight 655. The Iranians had the inside scoop on Reagan and Bush's October Surprise and had to be handled with care as both a developing source of funding for the Contras as wells as a profit center for U.S. military hardware in Iran's battle with Iraq."
Six months after his grandson's death, "Buck" would be talking to his Presbyterian pastor whose son died the day before his grandson under equally mysteriously circumstances in Houston. The pastor immediately there a connection? The pastor had become the nemesis to the pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in San Antonio, Louis Zbinden. Was there more? I asked Colbachi. "Yes. It was Christmas 2005 and the pastor would be talking with his sister-in-law's brother at dinner. He was talking about Charles Harrelson at the dinner table when the brother walked in. "Harrelson? I ran with him in Brazoria County. We use to bury our stolen loot in a refrigerator in the back yard."
The pastor who didn't know it, just bought a home that had belonged to the president of the Bandidos motorcycle gang and because the house had some foundation problems, he got it for well under market value. The Bandidos were defending some of their members in a Houston murder case and their attorney was Jimmy Chagra. So was the murder of Revell's grandson and the pastor's son connected...two days before the hanging-chad debate was solved by the U.S. Supreme court as America sat on the edge of its collective seat and during which any unusual defamatory information could have monumental results? There was a 1992 election year precedence during the Bush/Clinton/Perot battle.
It begs the question when the giving of the election was to the son of the Iran-Contra mastermind and the one most believed to have organized Operation Zapata, the Bay of Pigs invasion. I believe, because the preacher's son had just left Austin where he had been working with the restaurant founded in part with the help of the wife of Paul P. Kennedy, the New York Times reporter who blew the whistle on the secret Operation Zapata training base at Retalhuleu, Guatemala that Revell and his pastor found themselves in the middle of a perfect storm that was at least 165 years in the making," said Colbachi. "If the FBI agent had prior knowledge of the 1992 FBI abandonment of the Jim Bath investigation, their families were in grave danger. The pastor's son was with his uncle in Houston who had worked for John Mecom owner of the New Orlean Saints and Houston Warwick Hotel across the street from the same Presbyterian Church where John H. "Jack" Modesett taught a large Sunday School class. According to Peter Brewton, Modesett was at the center of the savings and loan scandal with Corson. Brewton also reported that Modesett's business partner, Ed Baker, had been found burned to death in his car in West Houston. Modesett had been in Corpus Christi, Texas and had extensive connections there, the city where in 1999 the Koch Brothers battled the EPA and their brother William Ingraham Koch, partner with J. Howard Marshall III, in their bid to take over Koch Industries. The pastor's father had worked for J. Howard Marshall Jr. whose Union Texas Petroleum was sold to British Petroleum and who had been the key supplier of oil for the U.S. military during World War II and a graduate of Yale Law School.
Most important of all, Patrick's uncle was a close friend of William E. King, Jim Bath's business partner at Southwest Airport Services at Ellington Field, close to the corner of Clear Lake City Blvd and El Dorado where Patrick's body was found. King would become an attorney with Bracewell and Giuliani which also employed the sister-in-law of Revell's close colleague in the FBI, Steve Pomerantz, husband of the DEA Director who replaced Asa Hutchinson, the Arkansas Attorney General who had failed to protect Barry Seal. Pomerantz's sister-in-law would become an important board member of the University of Texas multi-billion dollar privatized investment fund UTIMCO. Patrick's uncle and William E. King were members of the Lakewood Yacht Club on Clear Lake.
"The Gulf Coast was ground zero for the Savings and Loan Scandal, the Saudi power grab through its Houston banker, Khalid Bin Mahfouz, including the purchase by the Bin Laden's of Gulf Manor Airport and with Saudi investment in the Iran-Contra bank, BCCI. In 1993, a year after the '92 Presidential election and subsequent silence of FINCEN on the Bath investigation, Mahfouz's bank paid a $225 million fine for its part in the BCCI scandal. Supplying weapons to Iran and Iraq so that Saudi Arabian royals and their American military suppliers, most of whose children were in elite secret societies at Yale and avoided military services themselves, continued the lucrative racket of war.
Koch was also heavily invested along the Gulf Coast. A wine collector, William I. Koch was joined in his wine interests by Robert Koch, husband of Dorothy Bush Koch, GHWB's only living daughter. Robert Koch, a Democrat was on the staff of Congressman Tony Coelho who worked with John Mecom on the board of directors of SCI, Service Corporation Incorporated, the word's largest undertaker and funeral business in Houston. SCI's business practices became the focal point in 1999 of "Funeralgate" that threatened the GWB governorship, but which was handled quietly by GWB's chief of staff, Joe Allbaugh, at the very time the Koch's needed a Bush win to help mitigate their 97 count pollution indictment and threatening $350 million dollar fine. Robert Koch would go on to head the nation's largest wine producers lobby in Washington, D.C.. Coelho was replaced as Al Gore's campaign chairman by the son of Chicago's long-time mayor, William Daley, who would go on the head SBC or ATT in San Antonio, Texas. Democrat, Tony Coelho, would go on to serve on the board of the Bush Presidential Library at Texas A&M University in College Station, but his resignation from the Gore campaign was reportedly triggered by Mexican and British news stories about his connection to Roberto Ramirez Hernandez of Banamex and its connections to drug money laundering.
The pastor who didn't know it, just bought a home that had belonged to the president of the Bandidos motorcycle gang and because the house had some foundation problems, he got it for well under market value. The Bandidos were defending some of their members in a Houston murder case and their attorney was Jimmy Chagra. So was the murder of Revell's grandson and the pastor's son connected...two days before the hanging-chad debate was solved by the U.S. Supreme court as America sat on the edge of its collective seat and during which any unusual defamatory information could have monumental results? There was a 1992 election year precedence during the Bush/Clinton/Perot battle.
It begs the question when the giving of the election was to the son of the Iran-Contra mastermind and the one most believed to have organized Operation Zapata, the Bay of Pigs invasion. I believe, because the preacher's son had just left Austin where he had been working with the restaurant founded in part with the help of the wife of Paul P. Kennedy, the New York Times reporter who blew the whistle on the secret Operation Zapata training base at Retalhuleu, Guatemala that Revell and his pastor found themselves in the middle of a perfect storm that was at least 165 years in the making," said Colbachi. "If the FBI agent had prior knowledge of the 1992 FBI abandonment of the Jim Bath investigation, their families were in grave danger. The pastor's son was with his uncle in Houston who had worked for John Mecom owner of the New Orlean Saints and Houston Warwick Hotel across the street from the same Presbyterian Church where John H. "Jack" Modesett taught a large Sunday School class. According to Peter Brewton, Modesett was at the center of the savings and loan scandal with Corson. Brewton also reported that Modesett's business partner, Ed Baker, had been found burned to death in his car in West Houston. Modesett had been in Corpus Christi, Texas and had extensive connections there, the city where in 1999 the Koch Brothers battled the EPA and their brother William Ingraham Koch, partner with J. Howard Marshall III, in their bid to take over Koch Industries. The pastor's father had worked for J. Howard Marshall Jr. whose Union Texas Petroleum was sold to British Petroleum and who had been the key supplier of oil for the U.S. military during World War II and a graduate of Yale Law School.
Most important of all, Patrick's uncle was a close friend of William E. King, Jim Bath's business partner at Southwest Airport Services at Ellington Field, close to the corner of Clear Lake City Blvd and El Dorado where Patrick's body was found. King would become an attorney with Bracewell and Giuliani which also employed the sister-in-law of Revell's close colleague in the FBI, Steve Pomerantz, husband of the DEA Director who replaced Asa Hutchinson, the Arkansas Attorney General who had failed to protect Barry Seal. Pomerantz's sister-in-law would become an important board member of the University of Texas multi-billion dollar privatized investment fund UTIMCO. Patrick's uncle and William E. King were members of the Lakewood Yacht Club on Clear Lake.
"The Gulf Coast was ground zero for the Savings and Loan Scandal, the Saudi power grab through its Houston banker, Khalid Bin Mahfouz, including the purchase by the Bin Laden's of Gulf Manor Airport and with Saudi investment in the Iran-Contra bank, BCCI. In 1993, a year after the '92 Presidential election and subsequent silence of FINCEN on the Bath investigation, Mahfouz's bank paid a $225 million fine for its part in the BCCI scandal. Supplying weapons to Iran and Iraq so that Saudi Arabian royals and their American military suppliers, most of whose children were in elite secret societies at Yale and avoided military services themselves, continued the lucrative racket of war.
Koch was also heavily invested along the Gulf Coast. A wine collector, William I. Koch was joined in his wine interests by Robert Koch, husband of Dorothy Bush Koch, GHWB's only living daughter. Robert Koch, a Democrat was on the staff of Congressman Tony Coelho who worked with John Mecom on the board of directors of SCI, Service Corporation Incorporated, the word's largest undertaker and funeral business in Houston. SCI's business practices became the focal point in 1999 of "Funeralgate" that threatened the GWB governorship, but which was handled quietly by GWB's chief of staff, Joe Allbaugh, at the very time the Koch's needed a Bush win to help mitigate their 97 count pollution indictment and threatening $350 million dollar fine. Robert Koch would go on to head the nation's largest wine producers lobby in Washington, D.C.. Coelho was replaced as Al Gore's campaign chairman by the son of Chicago's long-time mayor, William Daley, who would go on the head SBC or ATT in San Antonio, Texas. Democrat, Tony Coelho, would go on to serve on the board of the Bush Presidential Library at Texas A&M University in College Station, but his resignation from the Gore campaign was reportedly triggered by Mexican and British news stories about his connection to Roberto Ramirez Hernandez of Banamex and its connections to drug money laundering.
"The pastor had been the student assistant at his seminary for Professor Robert S. Paul, the same seminary on whose board of directors sat Louis Zbinden. The pastor didn't know it, but when Robert Paul had been a professor at Hartford Seminary in Connecticut, William Benton, a relative of Thomas Hart Benton, was being attacked by Senator Joseph McCarthy. McCarthy was America's boogie man and our version of the Muslim Brotherhood! McCarthy was a Roman Catholic who did the WASP power brokers dirty work," said Colbachi, which fits with the fact that McCarthy and Bobby Kennedy were close friends. Boston, Cambridge and Harvard had been a WASP stronghold that was invaded by the Irish Catholics who regardless of their growing population remained beholding to those power elites who preceded them. That power elites' base had bifurcated following the American Revolution along the lines of the egalitarian York Rite Masons and the Scottish Rite Masons of Albert Pike, chief legal counselor for the KKK. This will inform Fred Koch's funding the creation of the John Birch Society. It was this Southern crypto-Nazi element of Pike followers who were assimilated by Caleb Cushing's New England Brahmans after the Civil War. Cushing saw the potential for using the profits from the Civil War to fund a Northern Transcontinental Railroad to San Francisco connecting to the China Traders newer, subtler shackles....Opium. The Southern leadership like Jeff Davis and Braxton Bragg, however, held false hopes. This was the Order's cash cow. They don't like to share it," said Colbachi noting the place of the Bush family in the Union Pacific's legacy.
"Robert S. Paul was credited above all others as saving the Benton campaign by defending Benton's honor and credibility and putting Benton, who had seen the limitations of the angry anglophile agenda, into the U.S. Senate. His opponent was Prescott Bush, father of GHWB and grandfather of GWB. The forward to Paul's book Whatever Happened to Sherlock Holmes was written by his friend Robin Wink, Sterling Professor of History at Yale and author of Cloak and Gown: Scholars in the Secret War 1939-1961. Wink was the most knowledgeable American historian on the Yale connection to the CIA. It was a perfect storm and there were no kind weathermen nearby to provide a forecast other than that crappy standard one that pseudo-religious give under the general order of "the doctrine of total depravity," said Colbachi.
The pastor's situation was further endangered by the fact that his father had worked most of his life in management with J. Howard Marshall, Jr., the Yale law school grad who during World War II was in charge of the U.S. military's oil supplies. J. Howard Marshall, III would pair with Bill Koch, brother of David and Charles Koch whose Corpus Christi company had received a 97 count indictment for polluting the air of Corpus Christi, Texas with Benzene discharges. With help from the new Bush administration's control of the EPA, the 97 count indictment and $350 million fine evaporated into a 1 count indictment and a $20 million fine.
As part of the Bush pantheon of Texas oil barons during the run up to the 2000 Presidential election it made anyone close to the election's outcome who might have put out any threatening insider information at severe risk. The Koch family connections to Hitler's U.S. oil agent in South Texas, William Rhodes Davis, further connects the Texas oil barons to Prescott Bush who was cited by Congress for trading with Germany as well as being aligned with the German American Bund that was outed by General Smedley Darlington Butler. In Bill Koch and J. Howard Marshall's case against David and Charles, Bill charged that his siblings had taken oil from public and Indian lands without paying for it. William I. Koch's case was settled out of court.
"If I were that pastor it would be all I could do to stop from visiting his colleague in ministry, Louis Zbinden, with a baseball bat and some brass knuckles, but then I guess that would be out of character and come to think of it, God almighty lost a son, too. That pastor really walked into it when the president of the same seminary, Jack Stotts, asked his local congregation to underwrite the education of the head of the Reformed Church in Cuba. That would have put the Operation Zapata crowd into apoplexy. So much for the separation of church and state," said Colbachi. "And for any thought that America is the land of the free and home of the brave, without a lengthy, unvarnished, unlacquered assessment of that oft used platitude."
Stuart Bowen's handling of the Iraq Recovery initiative required his defense by attorney, Bernard Berenson of Sidley, Austin, Brown and Wood. Sidley and Austin was the historic Republican-aligned Springfield, Il., law firm that handled the legal affairs of Mrs. Mary Todd Lincoln, wife of Abraham Lincoln and cousin of slaver John C. Breckinridge. Sidley Austin had employed Mrs. Michelle Obama. This firm merged with Brown and Wood of New York in 2000/2001 which was domiciled in the World Trade Center on 9/11. Mr. Berenson was heavily involved in everything from the Patriot Bill, a less stringent definition of "torture" and the validity of the Geneva Convention as well as counsel to U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, who like State Attorney General Dan Morales, was also from Texas. Berenson, a summa cum laude graduate of Yale Law School, had clerked for Laurence Silberman, the judge appointed by GWB to investigate the Bush Administration's rationale for the invasion of Iraq based on WMD's.
Silberman had also been on the board of San Francisco's Crocker National Bank. "Look," said Colbachi, "From LeLand Stanford to Charles Crocker and other railroad barons it has all stayed in the family. Theirs! The Union Pacific...E.H. Harriman.....Poppy's daddy's job....they make war and the people are the fodder. The Order's leading China Trader, Caleb Cushing, if he ever had the intent of working with Jefferson Davis, which I doubt, that intent was made clear when William Tecumseh Sherman sent a letter to his brother in 1859 outlining his hopes for his future and slavery provided the perfect cover. You think Cushing's opium wasn't going to enslave? When Sherman marches across Georgia, Sherman had one thing in mind and that has been made clearly evident by all the photos of his march....tearing up the rails from Savannah to Atlanta and leaving his bowties along the way....kill the railroad there so that we can control it from here. That's exactly what Sherman does after the war defending the Transcontinental Railroad along the Russell's original Pony Express route. Nothing changes," said Colbachi.
Bowen's appearance before the Commission on Wartime Contracting was meant to answer criticism from among his own staff. A full year after his February 22, 2010 appearance before the Commission, there were still questions. Associated Press reporter Richard Lardner reported on February 22, year later... that the Commission was frustrated saying "Unless Congress provides resources to oversee and evaluate contractor performance, waste will continue and national objectives will suffer. They don't dare say....'hey, just stop it damn it!'"
"President Obama pledged to attack this waste and it what it is...but according to Christopher Hedges, Obama has embraced the Bush agenda. Washington claims that Bowen's agents in Iraq and Afghanistan checked the contracts there.....while the agents there blame it on Washington....this is how it works....nobody knows's an old game, but with Mr. and Mrs. Obama's roots in the very law firm that supported Lincoln....who worked for the railroads before the U.S. Government....would you expect anything else?" asked Colbachi.
Colbachi is deeply concerned that just as during the 1992 Presidential election between George Herbert Walker Bush, William Jefferson Clinton and H. Ross Perot, the 2000 Presidential election between George Walker Bush and Al Gore provided a dangerous platform for anyone potentially threatening the election of Bush.
"In 1992, the FBI was investigating James R. Bath through FINCEN, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network created to counter the rise of future BCCI's, the Bank of Commerce and Credit International that was the primary bank with ties to Arkansas' Jackson Stephen's organization that funded Iran-Contra in the late 80's. Bath was the U.S. agent for the Saudi royal family whose money through Houston resident and Saudi banker, Khalid Bin Mahfouz, was used by Bath and Mahfouz to purchase for the Bin Laden's the NASA-linked Houston Gulf Manor Airport which would be razed after 911. This airport, minutes if not seconds from the Houston petro-chemical complex was a favorite airport for the private planes of NASA astronauts. Bath, the owner of the fuel supplier, Southwest Airport Services, Inc., at the CIA linked Ellington Field only a few miles north of Gulf Manor, found the FBI investigation into his connection to the Saudi money evaporating during the 1992 Presidential election. Bush and Clinton were glad. Ross Perot was another story. When after 911 as 15 of the 19 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, Bush invaded Iraq. Iran-Contra was pre-dated by the election of Ronald Reagan when the release of the Iran hostages was stalled in what has been widely reported as the "October Surprise". Gunther Russbacher, a CIA pilot, grandson of the head of Austrian Intelligence during World War II and an SR-71 pilot had supposedly carried Vice-President George Herbert Walker Bush to New Jersey from Paris in a quick flight, impossible by other aircraft, after offering a $40,000,000 incentive and promise of billions in military aid for Iran in its war with Iraq for stalling the release of the hostages until after the November 1980 election which Reagan won, many believe, because of Carter's failure to secure their release. Had the disastrous attempt by U.S. Special Forces to free the hostages been similarly bush wacked? Anyone close to this clandestine initiative that would ultimately provide for the election of Reagan and the resumption of Aaron Burr or William Walker-style filibustering adventures in Central America under the guise of the Monroe Doctrine, were in grave danger," said Colbachi, noting that H. Ross Perot had taken a special interest in the plight of Gunther Russbacher as well as hiring from the U.S. Air Force for his Dallas-based EDS, former SR-71 technicians who were in a position to verify the Russbacher flight with Bush, much as Perot had done with Col. Bo Gritz who went on national television to make his claims that the Golden Triangle's leading U.S. agent was Bush insider, Richard Armitage, who sat on the board of Conoco-Phillips whose executives were also members of William E. King's Lakewood Yacht Club. "Weeks before his death, the pastor's son had been the escort for the niece of the heiress of the Conoco-Phillips fortune," said Colbachi.
"The fact that the SR-71's pilot was in jail in Missouri to keep him quiet about the "October Surprise" proved that the President of the U.S., Jimmy Carter, was not in control of the government in October, 1980. As Commander-In-Chief, he would not have used the military's fastest airplane to undermine his own re-election bid," said Colbachi.
Subsequent reports have argued, as mentioned earlier, that the Iranians downed Pan Am 103 as retaliation for the downing of Air Iran flight 655, June 3, 1988 by the USS Vincennes over the Strait of Hormuz. It wasn't the Libyans. "The Iranians knew that the 'October Surprise' and the clandestine flight by Russbacher could not become public if the Bush family expected to retain their political status," said Colbachi. "Anyone, anywhere near this cornucopia of black operations was potentially walking through a mine field, like little Don Henry and Kevin Ives, the two boys who stumbled on to the Iran Contra supply base at Mena, Arkansas which clearly demonstrates the Bush/Clinton connections to the entire Iran-Contra program given that Clinton was governor of Arkansas at the time of that incident and responsible for overseeing Arkansas' law enforcement. The Order controls both sides of the political isle," said Colbachi.
Rodney Stich, whose Defrauding America and other books have spotlighted the points of darkness associated with the October Surprise claims that H. Ross Perot who sent a legal team to Missouri to interview Russbacher lost interest in exposing this dark Order or saw the futility in opposing it. Those closer to the Dallas businessman speculate he was threatened.
The events of the night of December 10th, 2000 were chronicled by Houston Community Newspapers:
By Patrick Reynolds
William Patrick Carr, 23, was found by several Clear Lake High
School students in the early morning hours of Dec. 10, 2000, at the corner of
Clear Lake City and El Dorado boulevards.He was seated inside his 1984 Ford
Bronco, which was engulfed in flames.A 1/2-inch garden hose was attached to the
muffler and inserted in the driver's side window, and Carr's death was
subsequently ruled a suicide. In the last year, his friends and family have
vehemently disputed that ruling.
Carr's mother, Patricia, along with other members of his family,
have offered a reward for information concerning his death. The reward will be paid "upon
conviction," a yellow reward flier reads.
"I talked to Patrick that morning, and he sounded fine," said
Patricia Carr. "Knowing Patrick and
how much he loved life, there is no way he would have ever done this. For me,
that's been the hardest thing … nobody believes he did this to himself. No one
can think of any reason why he would have done this."
Carr had attended a party the evening of Dec. 9 at the Clear Lake
Christmas Boat Parade. He made an appearance aboard the 60-foot Hatteras
"Sea Note," with his uncle which was moored at South Shore Harbor Marina.
Carr's father would discover that the "Sea Note", previously named "Miss Heather" for the daughter of Halliburton executive, William R. Breland, who had also owned the boat before Hajecate, had extensive family connections to Joe L. Allbritton owner of Riggs National Bank and Allbritton to Harper Sibley the developer of Miami's Ocean Reef Club. Rudy Johnson purchased the boat from Hajecate and Patrick's uncle ferried the boat from Melbourne, Florida to Houston during the summer of 2000. Thomas Hajecate was owner of Uni Oil Inc., which in 1982 was cited by "Operation Lone Star" involving over 100 in Texas, Georgia and Florida indicted for drug smuggling and included the death of Florida Bertram yacht broker, Sibley Riggs. Included among the 100 indicted were Tilton Lamar Chester, Jr., Donald Aberle and Robert Vesco. Ms. Rigg's body was found stuffed in a car at the Fort Lauderdale International Airport. Not surprisingly, Gary Webb author of Dark Alliance was also working on the Robert Vesco connections to the U.S. government as evidenced by his son, Eric Webb's book, The Killing Game, which documents Gary's previously unpublished work.
For a full year, Florida newspapers sparsely reported on Rigg's death and failed to note anywhere that she was the primary witness in "Operation Lone Star" which according to a November 7, 1982 Miami Herald article laundered billions of narcotics dollars through Bahamian and Cayman banks in the years prior to Iran-Contra providing not just the model for Iran-Contra covert funding, but the very vehicle it required. As with Barry Seal, the key witness in the Iran-Contra case, Ms. Riggs, never made it to the Federal District Court in Houston to testify about the sale of the yachts she brokered in Florida. Similarly, Tilton Lamar Chester, the primary witness in the Georgia wing of the investigation died prior to his testimony in the crash of his small airplane leading many to speculate that like the crash of Texas Senator John Tower's plane following his Tower Commission Report, witnesses were being systematically eliminated regardless of their party affiliations. The Hajecate defense team were stifled in their appeal by the loss of 70 boxes of material by the FBI from 1980 to 1986 and by the Houston Grand Jury's use of the Supreme Court's secrecy clause for reviewing Grand Jury evidence in the Hajecate case....this in Houston and Harris County where the crime lab would be accused of corruption and investigated by Michael Bromwich and where an Assistant Prosecutor, Frank Robin, was indicted for attempting to sell testimony in the case. Operation Lone Star's connections to Robert Vesco's Columbus Trust in the Bahamas also showed connections to extensive cover provided by the Bahamian government in protecting the shipments into the U.S. from Bahamian air strips supplied by Carlos Lehder, a founder of the Medellin Cartel. Among the local islands used for transshipments by Tilton Lamar Chester, Jr. was Darby Cay, a private island purchased by a member of New York's Colombo crime family.
Twenty three year old, Patrick Carr, left the Clear Lake boat parade at about 10:30 p.m. and traveled alone to Banana Joe's nightclub on NASA Road 1. There he spoke with several people about his family in Corpus Christi, "his love of fishing" and an upcoming hunting trip he had planned with his uncle in Stuttgart, Arkansas, witnesses remembered. He also reportedly made a call to a friend from outside the club at 10:08 p.m. Several witnesses said that Carr left the club at about 11:30 p.m. It would be the last time he was seen alive.
Carr reportedly swam every morning that week at the Bally's Health
Spa at I-45 and NASA Road 1, and had spoken with his mother that Saturday
morning about his plans to pick up his younger brother in Austin and return to
Corpus Christi for Christmas.Carr's father would discover that the "Sea Note", previously named "Miss Heather" for the daughter of Halliburton executive, William R. Breland, who had also owned the boat before Hajecate, had extensive family connections to Joe L. Allbritton owner of Riggs National Bank and Allbritton to Harper Sibley the developer of Miami's Ocean Reef Club. Rudy Johnson purchased the boat from Hajecate and Patrick's uncle ferried the boat from Melbourne, Florida to Houston during the summer of 2000. Thomas Hajecate was owner of Uni Oil Inc., which in 1982 was cited by "Operation Lone Star" involving over 100 in Texas, Georgia and Florida indicted for drug smuggling and included the death of Florida Bertram yacht broker, Sibley Riggs. Included among the 100 indicted were Tilton Lamar Chester, Jr., Donald Aberle and Robert Vesco. Ms. Rigg's body was found stuffed in a car at the Fort Lauderdale International Airport. Not surprisingly, Gary Webb author of Dark Alliance was also working on the Robert Vesco connections to the U.S. government as evidenced by his son, Eric Webb's book, The Killing Game, which documents Gary's previously unpublished work.
For a full year, Florida newspapers sparsely reported on Rigg's death and failed to note anywhere that she was the primary witness in "Operation Lone Star" which according to a November 7, 1982 Miami Herald article laundered billions of narcotics dollars through Bahamian and Cayman banks in the years prior to Iran-Contra providing not just the model for Iran-Contra covert funding, but the very vehicle it required. As with Barry Seal, the key witness in the Iran-Contra case, Ms. Riggs, never made it to the Federal District Court in Houston to testify about the sale of the yachts she brokered in Florida. Similarly, Tilton Lamar Chester, the primary witness in the Georgia wing of the investigation died prior to his testimony in the crash of his small airplane leading many to speculate that like the crash of Texas Senator John Tower's plane following his Tower Commission Report, witnesses were being systematically eliminated regardless of their party affiliations. The Hajecate defense team were stifled in their appeal by the loss of 70 boxes of material by the FBI from 1980 to 1986 and by the Houston Grand Jury's use of the Supreme Court's secrecy clause for reviewing Grand Jury evidence in the Hajecate case....this in Houston and Harris County where the crime lab would be accused of corruption and investigated by Michael Bromwich and where an Assistant Prosecutor, Frank Robin, was indicted for attempting to sell testimony in the case. Operation Lone Star's connections to Robert Vesco's Columbus Trust in the Bahamas also showed connections to extensive cover provided by the Bahamian government in protecting the shipments into the U.S. from Bahamian air strips supplied by Carlos Lehder, a founder of the Medellin Cartel. Among the local islands used for transshipments by Tilton Lamar Chester, Jr. was Darby Cay, a private island purchased by a member of New York's Colombo crime family.
Twenty three year old, Patrick Carr, left the Clear Lake boat parade at about 10:30 p.m. and traveled alone to Banana Joe's nightclub on NASA Road 1. There he spoke with several people about his family in Corpus Christi, "his love of fishing" and an upcoming hunting trip he had planned with his uncle in Stuttgart, Arkansas, witnesses remembered. He also reportedly made a call to a friend from outside the club at 10:08 p.m. Several witnesses said that Carr left the club at about 11:30 p.m. It would be the last time he was seen alive.
When Carr did not return to his uncle's house in Dickinson that night, his uncle began checking local hospitals and police departments, family members said. Carr's uncle knew "how excited Patrick was to go" on the hunting trip he had planned, and was supposed to return that night to pack for the trip. Shortly after midnight on Dec. 10, the teen-agers happened upon Carr's burning Bronco where El Dorado dead ends into Clear Lake City Boulevard. They reported the fire to the Houston Fire Department. Emergency workers responded to the scene and extinguished the fire, then found Carr's badly-burned body lying back in the seat with stereo headphones on his ears.
An arson investigator and a homicide investigator from the Houston Police Department were assigned to the incident. The HPD also responded to the scene and located a garden hose attached to the Bronco's muffler. Carr was found with $604 in cash on his person.
In the year following his death, both his family and friends rejected the
medical examiner's office ruling that Carr committed suicide. "None of his
friends believe that Patrick would have killed himself," said Carr's
long-time friend Brad Knape of Houston. "He loved life and had everything
to live for." Family members say
Carr had no obvious signs of depression or suicidal tendencies, and that
neither side of his family has a history of suicide. Family members also claim Carr could not have
been unconscious at the time of the fire due to the carbon monoxide inhalation,
since his driver's side window was rolled down three to four inches. His trachea was burned indicating he was breathing. Carr's family says that Dr. David G. Penney, Ph.D,
Director of Surgical Research & Professor of Physiology, Wayne State
University, a Detroit Michigan carbon monoxide poisoning expert, stated it was
"not possible, given the diameter of the hose, (and the) size of the
passenger compartment, open window and time frame, that unconsciousness from
(carbon monoxide) would have preceded the fire, which victims typically
The family also contends that the fire started in a pile of debris
underneath the Bronco, and that the catalytic converter was ruled out as a
source of the fire. The family paid an
arson investigation group out of Tyler, Texas, FCI Inc., to conduct an investigation into the cause of
the fire that provided no hard clues as to what might have happened.“I called Oliver “Buck” Revell, my parishioner in Plano, Texas and former General Deputy of the FBI in Washington D.C. to ask for his help," said Patrick's father. "Buck told me that his grandson had died the day after Patrick under equally mysterious circumstances and described them. He gave me the name of Bronislaw Mogenis, also former FBI and now in security with Lockheed Martin and a private investigator. Mogenis declined. His daughter Julie Mogenis, also former FBI, a judge and well-known hunting guide, called to give me the name of Gregory Howard Walker, a U.S. Postal Inspector and Houston attorney. Gregory Howard Walker took six months to give us the name of the last person to talk to Patrick that night. We never found her. Walker would go on to become the leading security expert for the Bush International Airport, Hobby and Ellington unusual ascent for a U.S. Postal Inspector. Julie Mogenis would suffer a near fatal gunshot wound in Utopia, Texas,” said Carr who also noted that the independent fire cause investigator appointed to his son’s case from FCI, Inc., was Christopher H. Bush.
William E. King, James R. Bath's business partner was not only head of the Houston Fire Fighters Foundation, but a close friend of Corpus Christi Congressman, Hugo Berlanga, as well as an attorney for San Antonio's Beard and Groggan law firm and then Houston's Bracewell and Guiliani which combined the firm of First Presbyterian Church's Searcy Bracewell, formerly Bracewell and Patterson and renamed with the arrival of New York Mayor, Rudy Giuliani, who had supported GWB's choice of former NYPD Police Chief, Bernie Kerik, as head of Homeland Security. That was before public outcry and before Kerik's indictment on corruption charges. Kerik had served as the head of security in Iraq for L. Paul Bremer, before the training of Iraq's indigenous security forces was given to the U.S. Army's Col. Theodore 'Ted' Westhusing who supposedly died of a self inflicted gunshot wound hours after his confrontation with General David Petraeus over contract corruption and civilian deaths.
"I honestly have no idea what happened that day,"
Patricia Carr continued. "We wonder
if it was possibly gang related, or if Patrick made someone mad that night. He
may have found something out that no one wanted him to know. We just have no
idea." Other students from Clear
Lake High School also reportedly saw a blue Plymouth van at the scene of the
fire leaving and returning twice between 11 and 11:30 p.m., before Carr's
Bronco had arrived. Three males were inside the van, the students said Carr's family.
For Patrick's father the contradictions and
discrepancies were glaring. He disagreed with Patrick Reynolds article. "Patrick Carr didn't die in the 'early hours of the morning on December 10th. ' It was just after midnight and he had left the club about 11:30 p.m. and it was a good 15 minute drive to the corner of El Dorado and Clear Lake Boulevard. All of that figured into Dr. David G. Penney's analysis. Patrick's father discovered that the "Sea Note",
previously "Miss Heather", had a dark history that was briefly reported in
Miami papers with a baffling storyline. The Miami Herald reported:
Miami Herald, The (FL)
- Sunday, November 7, 1982
Author: From Herald
Staff and Wire ReportsFederal investigators in Houston have linked an 11-month-old Fort Lauderdale murder mystery to alleged drug and oil schemes involving the laundering of billions of dollars.
Investigators say Sibley Riggs, 43, of Fort Lauderdale, whose beaten and strangled body was found stuffed into the trunk of her car at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport last December, had been subpoenaed to testify before a federal grand jury investigating the drug smuggling case.
Authorities have targeted more than 100 people, including international financiers and oil resellers, in the case. The investigation was code-named Operation Lone Star, the Houston Chronicle reported Saturday.
The newspaper said the massive investigation, which began as a probe of the Houston-based Uni Oil Co. almost two years ago, blossomed into a probe of transactions through banks and corporations, primarily in the Cayman Islands. The transactions involved money from drug trafficking, crude oil reselling and questionable coal tax shelters, authorities said.
Also targeted in the investigation, the Chronicle reported, was Allen Rivenbark, a Fort Lauderdale shipping executive, now dead.
Broward County sheriff's spokesman Gary Gow said Saturday that Riggs' death remains an open, unsolved case.
"We were aware of the connection with the federal case," he said. "The detectives explored that angle but were unable to turn up any concrete evidence while working with the federal investigators."
Riggs was killed a week after she was subpoenaed to testify before the Houston grand jury, which at the time was looking into the drug smuggling and money laundering case.
A divorcee who lived alone at 1625 SE 10th Ave., Riggs sold yachts for the Fort Lauderdale office of Richard Bertram and Co. yacht brokers for several years before her death.
The first Operation Lone Star indictments are not expected for several months. Grand juries in Houston and Atlanta still are hearing evidence about the case, which has been slowed
because of reported leaks by a former assistant U.S. attorney, a reported assassination plot against another former prosecutor and the slaying of Riggs.
The FBI is investigating a 30-year-old former federal prosecutor who is suspected of trying to sell sensitive information to some of the targets of the probe. The prosecutor, who had been with the federal attorney's office in Houston for three months, was fired by U.S. Attorney Dan Hedges. No charges have been filed against him.
The fired prosecutor's lawyer, Mike Hinton, said his client -- whom authorities refused to name -- has appeared before the Atlanta federal grand jury and is "cooperating fully."
The assassination plot against the federal prosecutor was mentioned in an affidavit last May when authorities requested permission to search the offices of two Houston-based oil companies -- Houston Oil and Refining Inc. and HOR Energy Co.
Uni Oil executives Thomas H. Hajecate and his son, Thomas M. Hajecate , along with Miami tax attorney Lance Eisenberg, are fighting a 1981 indictment on tax evasion charges. The indictment alleges they concealed the Hajecates' interest in a Cayman Islands bank account.
Eisenberg, 34, could be sentenced to as long as 15 years in prison and fined as much as $30,000, or both, if he is convicted of helping the Hajecates evade income taxes and smuggle $1.5 million into the United States by laundering it overseas.
According to the indictment, Eisenberg helped the Hajecates falsify their 1976 income tax returns and aided them in failing to report their transfer of $1.5 million to the Southeast First National Bank of Miami.
Eisenberg and the Hajecates claim their indictment resulted from "prosecutorial vindictiveness" after a federal judge dismissed an indictment accusing them of illegally mispricing and selling old crude oil at higher "new oil" prices. Eisenberg was also a key figure in the Robert Vesco case who was using his Columbus Trust in the Bahamas to launder money while receiving the protection of Prime Minister Lynden Pindling who was receiving bribes for his protection of the Lehder cartel for protection. Especially sensitive was the fact that former S.E.C. Chairman turned C.I.A. Director, William Casey, had been an investor in a Robert Vesco hydroponics business named Multiponics, in Louisiana (Masters of Paradise, Alan Block, 1998, p. 149).
Dan Hedges went from U.S. Attorney for the Southern
District of Texas in 1981-85 to chairman of John Cornyn and Kay Bailey
Hutchinson’s Federal Judicial Evaluasetation Committee which screens prospective
U.S. attorneys and federal judges. While
in the Justice Department, Hedges joined Dan Webb and Rudolph Giuliani in
co-founding the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force. Since then in private practice he has served
as chief counsel for Kellogg Brown and Root, KBR, in their jury trial alleging
rape, sexual harassment and fraud. "You understand that this level of corruption requires the control of the prosecutors, judges, medical examiners, local, state and federal law enforcement officials?" asked Colbachi.
Connections between Operation Lone Star and Iran-Contra were prohibited from surfacing because the FBI had mishandled the evidence, essentially providing the same firewalling techniques that had been provided in the media's lack of analysis into James R. Bath's FINCEN investigation in 1992 and the failure of the Tower Commission, the Lawrence Walsh Report and Michael Bromwich investigation to bring charges against Reagan and Bush as well as Porter Goss' delayed release of the Hitz Report. When the Harris County Medical's examiner's office under former ME, Dr. Joyce Carter, the Washington D.C. Medical Examiner at the time of Danny Casalaro's death, the investigator imported for the job was former Iran-Contra prosecutor, Michael Bromwich. He would be rewarded with oversight of the BP Deep Water Horizon investigation.
In Hajecate's tax evasion case filed in District Court in February 1988, the following assertions were made concerning the loss of evidence from the time of the first petition on January 1, 1981 and November 1986, Hajecate being the petitioner who timely requested the disclosure of evidence. In November 1986 Iran Contra was exposed. Reagan appointed John Tower, Republican from Texas to oversee the investigation. With the exposure of the Iran-Contra network the question was now going to be "how high up were the decisions being made?" The Hajecate case provided a widow on the whole affair and read:
Connections between Operation Lone Star and Iran-Contra were prohibited from surfacing because the FBI had mishandled the evidence, essentially providing the same firewalling techniques that had been provided in the media's lack of analysis into James R. Bath's FINCEN investigation in 1992 and the failure of the Tower Commission, the Lawrence Walsh Report and Michael Bromwich investigation to bring charges against Reagan and Bush as well as Porter Goss' delayed release of the Hitz Report. When the Harris County Medical's examiner's office under former ME, Dr. Joyce Carter, the Washington D.C. Medical Examiner at the time of Danny Casalaro's death, the investigator imported for the job was former Iran-Contra prosecutor, Michael Bromwich. He would be rewarded with oversight of the BP Deep Water Horizon investigation.
In Hajecate's tax evasion case filed in District Court in February 1988, the following assertions were made concerning the loss of evidence from the time of the first petition on January 1, 1981 and November 1986, Hajecate being the petitioner who timely requested the disclosure of evidence. In November 1986 Iran Contra was exposed. Reagan appointed John Tower, Republican from Texas to oversee the investigation. With the exposure of the Iran-Contra network the question was now going to be "how high up were the decisions being made?" The Hajecate case provided a widow on the whole affair and read:
After respondent
examined the materials provided to the grand juries and the transcripts of the
grand jury proceedings, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) took custody
of them, and until November 1986, respondent lost track of the materials. The
FBI was holding more than 70 boxes of materials. Respondent has now obtained
physical custody of the more than 70 boxes of grand jury information,
transcripts, and documents relating to the Hajecates, but neither respondent
nor petitioners know precisely what is in the boxes.
Between Hajecate's last petition on January 9, 1985 and November 1986
when the Hajecate material was "found" CIA pilot Eugene Hasenfus had
been shot down (10/5/86) over Nicaragua nine months after his
CIA supervisor, Barry Seal, had been killed (2/19/86) like Sibley
Riggs, about whom the media reported little biographical material
shielding connections to Robert Vesco, Miami's Ocean Reef Club built by Harper
Sibley where both Beebe Rebozo and George Herbert Walker Bush had homes.
Barry Seal, like Sibley Riggs, died on his way to testify in Federal Court in Baton Rouge,
Louisiana as the scandal percolated up toward 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
The respondent, issued notices of deficiency and petitioners timely
filed their petitions on the following dates according to Hajecate's court
Date notice of Docket No.
deficiency issued Date petition filed
498-81 10/14/80 1/12/81
499-81 10/14/80 1/12/81
500-81 10/14/80 1/12/81
1250-82 10/14/81 1/18/82
1251-82 10/14/81 1/18/82
792-82 10/14/82 1/11/83
793-83 10/14/82 1/11/83
794-83 10/14/82 1/11/83
795-83 10/14/82 1/11/83
6809-83 12/29/82 3/28/83
626-85 10/09/84 1/09/85
The only two articles available about the
death of Sibley Riggs, about whom little is known other than that she, like
Barry Seal four years later, was to become the key witness in the Texas,
Georgia and Florida multi-billion smuggling operation in the Caymans and
Bahamas, were the AP release and Miami report on the same day. Reported first in the
Associated Press, then the Miami Herald, the story went nowhere. Houston newspapers did not carry the Sibley Riggs and Hajecate story and only the Galveston Daily News repeated it in Texas, but a current day search of their archives will not display it though it was in their November 7, 1982 edition. Neither the Associated Press nor the Miami Herald
give the names of their story's author/s.
Sibley's age is reported to be 40 by the AP and 43 by the Herald in a
case that includes the intimidation and resignation of Federal Agents and the
murder of a key witness in a case involving a multi-billion money laundering syndicate.
The Hajecate case was included in the
Columbia University Professor Ingo Walter's textbook on capital flight out of
the U.S. and provides the prolegomena for understanding the financial network
that was used by the Iran-Contra operation as well as the channel through which
the 911 hijackers back peddled for the attack on the World Trade Center.
![]() |
Hajecate case appears in Dr. Ingo Walter's book on capital flight |
From the initial AP story the Miami
Herald, given the Fort Lauderdale connection, began its own coverage which
was quickly dropped. "McMahon", a key source in the initial AP article is never
identified. Those AP and Herald stories are as
Miami Herald, The (FL) - Sunday, November 7, 1982
More than 100 people
-- including organized crime leaders, Bahamian
government officials and international financiers -- are targets of an inquiry
into the laundering of billions of
dollars through foreign banks, a newspaper reported Saturday.
"Operation Lone Star" began two
years ago as an investigation of foreign laundering of money to conceal its
sources from narcotics deals. The project has expanded to include money from
questionable oil deals and coal tax shelters moving through foreign banks and
corporations and then being reinvested in U.S. companies, The Houston Chronicle
reported. It also has been marked by an alleged
assassination plot against a federal prosecutor and the murder of a witness, it
reported. The investigation by the U.S. Customs
Service and the Internal Revenue Service now centers on the Grand Cayman
Islands and the Bahamas, sources close to the inquiry told The Chronicle.
Targets of the inquiry include a Bahamian
financier, the accused ringleader of an international drug smuggling operation,
a Norwegian ship broker and international grain merchant, a Miami tax attorney
and a former vice president of a Florida shipping company allegedly used as a
front for narcotics smuggling, officials said. One federal official who asked not to be identified said there
were enough leads to occupy investigators indefinitely. Assistant
U.S. Attorney John Johnson resigned from the investigation last July. He had
been the target of an alleged assassination plot, the paper said.
The alleged plot, along with the murder of
a witness, were mentioned in an affidavit filed to obtain a warrant last May to
search the offices of two Houston oil companies, which have not been
identified. The body of the witness, Sibley
Riggs , 40, of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., was found in the trunk of her car
last December. She had been beaten and apparently held under water until she
died, officials said. Riggs was
scheduled to testify before grand juries in Houston and Atlanta, McMahon said. Riggs
had sold luxury yachts to some Florida-based suspects, McMahon said. Some
yachts were used later in narcotics trafficking, he said.
Miami Herald, The (FL) - Sunday, November 7, 1982
Author: From Herald Staff and Wire Reports
Federal investigators
in Houston have linked an 11-month- old Fort Lauderdale murder
mystery to alleged drug and oil schemes involving the laundering of billions
of dollars.
Investigators say Sibley Riggs
, 43, of Fort Lauderdale, whose beaten
and strangled body was found stuffed into the trunk of her car at Fort
Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport last December, had been subpoenaed
to testify before a federal grand jury investigating the drug smuggling case. Authorities
have targeted more than 100 people, including international financiers and oil
resellers, in the case. The investigation was code-named Operation Lone Star,
the Houston Chronicle reported Saturday. The newspaper said the massive
investigation, which began as a probe of the Houston-based Uni Oil Co. almost
two years ago, blossomed into a probe of transactions through banks and
corporations, primarily in the Cayman Islands. The transactions involved money
from drug trafficking, crude oil reselling and questionable coal tax shelters,
authorities said.
Also targeted in the investigation, the
Chronicle reported, was Allen Rivenbark, a Fort Lauderdale shipping executive,
now dead. Broward County sheriff's spokesman Gary Gow said Saturday that Riggs'
death remains an open, unsolved case.
"We were aware of the connection with
the federal case," he said. "The detectives explored that angle but
were unable to turn up any concrete evidence while working with the federal
investigator. Riggs was killed a week after she was subpoenaed
to testify before the Houston grand jury, which at the time was looking into the drug
smuggling and money laundering case. A
divorcee who lived alone at 1625 SE 10th Ave., Riggs sold yachts for the Fort
Lauderdale office of Richard Bertram and Co. yacht brokers for several years
before her death.
The first Operation Lone Star indictments
are not expected for several months.Grand juries in Houston and Atlanta still
are hearing evidence about the case,which has been slowed because of reported
leaks by a former assistant U.S. attorney, a reported assassination plot
against another former prosecutor and the slaying of Riggs.
The FBI is investigating a 30-year-old
former federal prosecutor who is suspected of trying to sell sensitive
information to some of the targets of the probe. The prosecutor, who had been
with the federal attorney's office in Houston for three months, was fired by
U.S. Attorney Dan Hedges. No charges have been filed against him. The fired prosecutor's lawyer, Mike Hinton,
said his client -- whom authorities refused to name -- has appeared before the
Atlanta federal grand jury and is "cooperating fully."
The assassination plot against the federal
prosecutor was mentioned in an affidavit last May when authorities requested
permission to search the offices of two Houston-based oil companies -- Houston
Oil and Refining Inc. and HOR Energy Co. Uni Oil executives Thomas H. Hajecate and his
son, Thomas M. Hajecate, along with Miami tax attorney Lance Eisenberg, are
fighting a 1981 indictment on tax evasion charges. The indictment alleges they
concealed the Hajecates' interest in a Cayman Islands bank account. Eisenberg,
34, could be sentenced to as long as 15 years in prison and fined as much as
$30,000, or both, if he is convicted of helping the Hajecates evade income
taxes and smuggle $1.5 million into the United States by laundering it overseas.
According to the indictment, Eisenberg
helped the Hajecates falsify their 1976 income tax returns and aided them in
failing to report their transfer of $1.5 million to the Southeast First
National Bank of Miami. Eisenberg and the Hajecates claim their indictment
resulted from "prosecutorial vindictiveness" after a federal judge
dismissed an indictment accusing them of illegally mispricing and selling old
crude oil at higher "new oil" prices.
![]() |
Barry Seal, Sibley Riggs died before she could give direct testimony in the Thomas
Hajecate or Operation Lone Star case relating her work at Richard Bertram's boat company in Florida
and to the drug and capital
flight issues linking Florida to Texas.
All of that was in 1981 and 1982 with evidence in the Hajecate case
withheld by the FBI's which claimed that 70 boxes of materials had been
misplaced in the middle of the upsurge in Iran-Contra reporting. This effectively shut down the investigation until
the Reagan/Bush White House could do damage control with the proper underlings
taking the fall and providing the umbrella under which the administration could
stand before a deluge from the bottom up as it rained down cats and dogs.
For Patrick Carr, the Texas pastor's son,
there was another non-serendipitous event that put him in great peril during
the 2000 Bush/Gore election. In May 1985
BBC reporter Martha Honey had written about a Fort Lauderdale born Iran-Contra
mercenary named Steven Carr whose story together with that of Barry Seal and Sibley Riggs painted an incontrovertible
claim: The U.S. government had become a
criminal enterprise and its wars were a racket.
Steven Carr had been unceremoniously jailed in Costa Rica believing that his work there had the backing of the U.S. and Costa Rican governments. Angered at the turn of events he spoke to reporter Martha Honey. Costa Rica whose Pacific Coast is dotted with United Fruit Company plantations would find that with the shift of banana imports from the Caribbean to Indo-China the company began developing its plantations into high priced subdivisions for sale worldwide, but the primary broker for the United Fruit land lived in Corpus Christi, Texas. United Fruit, Coca-Cola and other U.S. multinational companies were the strongest supporters of Reagan/Bush's Contra initiative.
Steven Carr had been unceremoniously jailed in Costa Rica believing that his work there had the backing of the U.S. and Costa Rican governments. Angered at the turn of events he spoke to reporter Martha Honey. Costa Rica whose Pacific Coast is dotted with United Fruit Company plantations would find that with the shift of banana imports from the Caribbean to Indo-China the company began developing its plantations into high priced subdivisions for sale worldwide, but the primary broker for the United Fruit land lived in Corpus Christi, Texas. United Fruit, Coca-Cola and other U.S. multinational companies were the strongest supporters of Reagan/Bush's Contra initiative.
Vince Bielski and Dennis Bernstein covered
Steven Carr's story leading up to his planned testimony in Marth Honey's libel suit. Like
Steven Carr, Patrick Carr's father had been born in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Had someone assumed wrongly that they were related? Bielski and Bernstein wrote:
by Vince Bielski and
Dennis Bernstein
A county coroner in Los Angeles has yet to
announce the cause of death of Steven Carr, a 27-year-old U.S. mercenary who has
provided Congress with much of what it knows about weapons shipments to the
contras. Had Carr lived, he was also expected to testify in federal court against
29 contra supporters allegedly involved in cocaine trafficking, an
assassination attempt on former contra leader Eden Pastora and a scheme to kill
U.S Ambassador to Costa Rica Lewis Tambs. While Detective Mel Arnold of the Los
Angeles Police Department said the department is investigating the possibility that
Carr was murdered, at this point he said there doesn't appear to be any
evidence of "foul play." But in the days before his death, Carr told
several people that he feared he would be assassinated. He was "very
paranoid and frightened" because of his role as a witness, Carr's sister
Ann of Naples, Fla., said.
is what the police are saying about Carr's death. He died at 4 am on December
13 in a parking lot near his friend's apartment in Van Nuys, Calif., where he
was staying. In the predawn hours on
this Saturday morning, while his friend, Jacqueline Scott, was asleep, Carr
left the apartment for an unknown reason.
After spending an undetermined amount of time outside, Carr began making
noise which awoke Scott. Arnold said he
could not describe the type of noise Carr was making. Scott found Carr in the
parking lot, who was "distressed and having coordination problems."
Soon after he died from a "probable cocaine overdose." Asked if the
police found any physical evidence of cocaine
use in the area of the apartment or parking lot, Arnold said "no comment."
Dan Sheehan, an attorney with the Christic
Institute in Washington which filed the law suit against the 29 contra supporter,
said Carr used cocaine, but called him "an educated user." Martha
Honey, a reporter for the BBC, became friends with Carr while he was a
mercenary in Costa Rica. She said Carr was not the type of person who would
kill himself because he was under pressure. "Stevie was a survivor. He had
this ability to get himself in trouble but he always seemed to bounce back. He
had a great sense of humor."
The source of his fears were not just the
contra supporters whose alleged crimes he revealed, but also the U.S. government. Carr said that while he was in Costa Rica,
U.S. embassy officials threatened to jail him if he squealed on their contra
operation in Costa Rica.
In April 1985 Carr was arrested by Costa
Rican authorities for violating the country's neutrality and sent to prison.
Carr was one of several mercenaries based in northern Costa Rica on land owned
and managed by a U.S. citizen and reported CIA operative named John Lloyd Hull. Evidence from several sources suggests that
the contras operate what amounts to a military base on property controlled by
Hull as well as an airbase for the movement of cocaine from Columbia into the
United States.
While in jail, Carr spilled the beans
about the contra operation. To reporters, he claimed that Hull had told him
that Hull was the CIA liaison to the contras and was receiving $10,000 a month
from the National Security Council to help finance the operation. Carr told Honey why he was revealing such
secrets:"Carr said that the mercenaries had been led to believe that their
mercenary activity was sanctioned by top U.S. military and Costa Rican
officials. He was extremely bitter at having been arrested."
Honey compiled information from Carr and
other sources into a book focusing on the role of Hull and other contra
supporters in the May 1984 assassination attempt against Pastora in Nicaragua in
which a bomb explosion killed eight people and injured Pastora. Hull sued
Honey, and her colleague Tony Avirgan, for libel in May 1986. Carr received a
subpoena to appear at the trial, where he was to be a key witness for the
reporters' defense.
May 16, Carr was released from jail. He later described the events which took
place in his life over the course of the next week to Honey and an U.S.
congressional aide involved in an investigation of the arms supply network to
the contras.
said that Hull bailed him out of jail as a way of persuading him to testify on
Hull's behalf. Hull requested that Carr testify that the reporters forced him
to make the charges against Hull, Carr said.
That same day, Carr said he went to the
U.S. embassy to determine why he was arrested for participating in a war that
the U.S. supports. He said he met with two officials, Kirk Kotula, the counsel
general and John Jones, the acting chief of the consulate.
According to Honey's notes of her
conversation with Carr about his meeting with the officials, Carr said:
"The officials told me they knew all about Hull's contra operation and
they had me call him. He picked up the phone instantly, as if he had been waiting
for my call.
"They said if I go to court and
testify in your behalf I'll go to jail whether I tell the truth or not. I had
no choice in the matter. The embassy told me to get the hell out of Dodge or I'd
go back to La Reforma prison. They told
me that the bus to Panama leaves at 7:30 pm and to be on it," he said.
Carr spent the next three days staying at
Honey's house. On the night of May 19, Carr left the house to visit a friend,
and the following day, the U.S. embassy told the court that Carr was in their
custody and that he would appear at the trial, Honey said. However, Carr said
on May 20,following U.S. embassy orders, he took a bus to Panama, and with the
help to the U.S. embassy there, flew to Miami a few days later. Upon his
return, Carr was put in jail in Naples, Fla., for a prior offense.
Kotula said he had talked with Carr, but
denied the he had threatened him or forced him to leave Costa Rica.
"That's not true, at least by me. I did not threaten him with any such
thing. I couldn't do that, what would be the possible motive. I can't put people in jail and I can't get
people out of jail.
"I tried to convince Steve Carr when
I first met him not to go and join up with some bunch of guys. He was nothing
but a overgrown child who had read too many John Wayne comic books."
Jonathan Winer, an aide to Sen. John Kerry
D-Mass., said the Senator's office is investigating the matter. "There are
obviously some very serious questions regarding the U.S. embassy's role in
Steven Carr leaving Costa Rica," he said.
After Carr's return to the U.S.,
congressional investigators said they had planned on bringing him before
Congress. His testimony, based on his participation on a March 6, 1985 arms shipment
from Fort Lauderdale to Ilogango Air Base in El Salvador, would have linked
Felix Rodriguez--the ex-CIA agent who reportedly met with Donald Gregg, aide to
Vice President George Bush--to that weapons shipment, Sheehan said.
is the guy that can prove that the March 6 shipment of weapons that flew out of
the Fort Lauderdale Airport went to Ilopango airport," said Sheehan. "He witnessed and can identify Felix
Rodriguez as the guy who off loaded the weapons t smaller planes which were
then flown to Hull's ranch in Costa Rica."
In early 1986, Carr and two other
eye-witnesses told federal authorities that several major players in the arms
supply network were involved in the shipment, including Tom Posey, head of the mercenary
group Civilian Materiel Assistance, Robert Owen, reportedly a liaison to fired
Lt. Col. Oliver North, and Hull, Sheehan said.
With no criminal indictment by October,
Sheehan alleged before a congressional committee that the Justice Department
had engaged in a "willful obstruct justice....A number of
telephone calls were then placed to Mr. Kellner (the U.S. Attorney in Miami)
personally by Edwin Meese...instructing Mr. Kellner 'to proceed very, very,
very slowly' in any investigation of this case." Kellner has said he has
talked with Meese about the case, but denied Sheehan's allegations.
A grand jury has recently formed in Miami
to reportedly hear evidence about the March 6 weapons shipment. But the one
person who could have provided the grand jury with an eye-witness account that
the weapons were transported from U.S. soil to El Salvador--evidence which is
essential in making a case that the U.S. Neutrality Act and the Arms Export
Control Act were violated--is not testifying."
A great deal of the information Carr
provided did check out. It will now be harder for anyone to bring a prosecution
with Steven's testimony now unavailable, and I think that is very unfortunate,"
Winer said.
Steven Carr had died in Los Angeles of a drug overdose before he like Sibley Riggs, Barry Seal, and Tilton Lamar Chester and so many others like Danny Casalaro, Paul Wilcher and Mark Lombardi, Don Henry and Kevin Ives, could shed light on the Iran-Contra operation.
On December 5, 2004 Patrick Carr's father had sent an email to well connected Presbyterian pastors showing many of the connections to the Iran-Contra tentacle running from Florida to Houston to Los Angeles including a statement that Gary Webb, the Pulitzer Prize winning author of Dark Alliance, had nailed down the West Coast supply route, then been abandoned by the San Jose Mercury News owned as it was by Knight Ridder. On December 10, 2004, the anniversary of Patrick Carr's death, Gary Webb was reported to have killed himself with two shots to the head in his California home after telling friends that he was being followed and that if he turned up dead of a suicide, "Don't believe it." The LA coroner and medical examiner declared it a suicide.
Fabian Colbachi had a clear assessment of 27-year-old Steven Carr's odyssey. "No one was there to tell him that the government he thought he was serving was a fraud. John Lloyd Hull, the Contra organizer and supplier, would be charged by the government of Costa Rica with murder. He escaped to hide in a small village in Northern Nicaragua before fleeing to the U.S. where George Herbert Walker Bush stopped his extradition. Hull knew far too much about what Danny Casalaro called The Octopus, to send Hull back. The countries of Central America remember William Walker from his 1850's attempt to take over Honduras as his personal fiefdom after failing in California to appropriate Baja in an Aaron Burr-style filibuster attempt. Americans have forgotten, if they ever really new it, their own history. George Washington gave them liberty and freedom from tyrants. Now they are getting the product of their sloth: the secret government they deserve that thrives on ignorance, brutality and endless warfare," said Colbachi.
Steven Carr had died in Los Angeles of a drug overdose before he like Sibley Riggs, Barry Seal, and Tilton Lamar Chester and so many others like Danny Casalaro, Paul Wilcher and Mark Lombardi, Don Henry and Kevin Ives, could shed light on the Iran-Contra operation.
On December 5, 2004 Patrick Carr's father had sent an email to well connected Presbyterian pastors showing many of the connections to the Iran-Contra tentacle running from Florida to Houston to Los Angeles including a statement that Gary Webb, the Pulitzer Prize winning author of Dark Alliance, had nailed down the West Coast supply route, then been abandoned by the San Jose Mercury News owned as it was by Knight Ridder. On December 10, 2004, the anniversary of Patrick Carr's death, Gary Webb was reported to have killed himself with two shots to the head in his California home after telling friends that he was being followed and that if he turned up dead of a suicide, "Don't believe it." The LA coroner and medical examiner declared it a suicide.
Fabian Colbachi had a clear assessment of 27-year-old Steven Carr's odyssey. "No one was there to tell him that the government he thought he was serving was a fraud. John Lloyd Hull, the Contra organizer and supplier, would be charged by the government of Costa Rica with murder. He escaped to hide in a small village in Northern Nicaragua before fleeing to the U.S. where George Herbert Walker Bush stopped his extradition. Hull knew far too much about what Danny Casalaro called The Octopus, to send Hull back. The countries of Central America remember William Walker from his 1850's attempt to take over Honduras as his personal fiefdom after failing in California to appropriate Baja in an Aaron Burr-style filibuster attempt. Americans have forgotten, if they ever really new it, their own history. George Washington gave them liberty and freedom from tyrants. Now they are getting the product of their sloth: the secret government they deserve that thrives on ignorance, brutality and endless warfare," said Colbachi.
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