Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Prosperity Depends on More Enrons

Radical Darwinian Constructionist Sees Hope In Unrestricted Markets
By Winsip Custer CPW News Service

Road To Future Prosperity Rests  With Mastering the Mastering Skills combined with Bietrag Kampf or Sacrificial Battling
     “My dog has no question about who is the 'Alpha Leader',” said Fritz Von Fescietz of the American Institute of Radical Redirectioning.   Speaking before the conservative business group Rechteckig  Tisch in Washington, D.C..  Von Fescietz outlined the streamlining needed in economic and political thought and policy that will keep the world on a track toward wealth and prosperity.
      “Deregulation of markets is essential to worldwide economic recovery,” said Von Fescietz.  “When you remove the ridiculous restraints that compel corporations to maintain artificial boundaries and limit their creative impulses you threaten to unhinge the natural order which science has long proven is based on Darwinian principles of evolution, adaptation and change.”
      Von Fescietz used the rise and fall of Enron as a good example of the principles he has espoused.  “Enron was a hub of evolutionary activity.  Freed from the gagging restraints of a sissified business environment supported by the nanny-state, Enron was freed to swing its sickle of radical redirectioning  with a flourish.  With the support and endorsement of what I call the ‘Alpha Masters’ the expendable little “Beta Drahtpuppes”….Ken Lay, Jeff Skilling, Rebecca Mark Jusbashe and others….were effective agents at weeding out of the collective gene pool the weaker elements.”
         According to Von Fescietz the process is best observed in the Enron connections to other corporations as they struggled to survive in what Von Fescietz called the “Alpha Master’s Mahlstrom Strudel”.
         “Enron envisioned selling not only oil and gas futures, but climate futures.   That effort was not realized to its full potential, even though Skilling thought he had sold a Kansas tornado to a group of Oklahoma farmers, but the control of water in developing countries was well on its way to a reality.  Azurix, now Exterran, a water purification company created by Enron with Rebecca Mark Jusbasche as its head, nearly controlled the entire nation of Bolivia’s water supply.  And I don’t mean short-term.  With the Mahlstrom Strudel ( or "Whirlwind Whirlwind") created by Enron’s Beta Drahtpuppes in Bolivia, they nearly controlled that nation’s entire water supply with Bolivians paying 20% of their annual incomes for water.  Imagine if an American making $50,000 a year was paying $10,000 per year for water.  Now that’s Darwinian principles at their best for the Alpha Meisters,” said Von Fescietz.  “Control the water spout and you can control Bolivia's enormous supply of Lithium which will be increasingly needed for electric car batteries.  Control the Lithium and you can control the electric car market and manage the rate of development of electric cars for maximum profitability for the Alpha Meisters and their oil supplies.”
        Von Fescietz explained that in California Enron used similar tactics to control that state’s electric grid.  “Few realized that California Governor, Gray Davis, is the son of William Rhodes Davis, a great American pioneer of Mahlstrom Strudel science.  Sometimes nature needs some help in catalyzing the field of evolutionary dynamics.  William Rhodes Davis sought to fuel the effects of the Alpha Meister’s catalyzing formulas.”
Von Fescietz noted that the Left panel of the Texas Lone Star flag was the
"Bonnie Blue Flag" of the Confederate States
of America and Texas was the front line for the recruiting of Beta Drahtpuppes for
the armies of William Walker who attempted to annex Central America.
 Central and South America was also a target of the Knight of the Golden Circle as a Caribbean
Golden Circle of slavery in the Western Hemisphere.
     I asked  Von Fescietz for clarification.  He explained that small companies like Capstone Turbine, Inc., a California manufacturer of gas turbine electric generators found a significant niche with the Mahlstrom Strudel of rolling brown outs created by Enron’s catalyzing formulas.  With the threat of rolling brown outs everyone was considering buying a generator for their back yard.  Boom.  Up shot Capstone’s stock value which the Alpha Meister's pocketed before general public determined that it was a Mahlstrom Strudel catalyzing tactic.  Similarly, when Azurix was capturing the water of the South American Beta Sklavins, the Bolivians, they needed water pumps to deliver their purified water which sucked 20% of the Bolivian Skavin’s income annually.  The primary pump provider was a company named Hanover.  In 1996, Enron invested $10,000,000 in Hanover and at the same time it extended Hanover a $100,000,000 line of credit.  This was well  before the 2001 Enron sacrificial Beitrag Kampf….gift battle and subsequent death.  Enron, and especially Ken Lay, a friend of George Walker Bush and once considered a candidate for Energy Czar,  went down like a Teutonic Knight fighting in a flurry of Mahlstrom Strudel for his Alpha Meister.   Then in 1997 when Hanover went public, Enron made a quick 30% return on its investment just like Capstone.   Enron was the perfect catalyst for relieving the California Beta Skavins of their assets.   Enron accelerated their inevitable descent into the Mahlstrom Strudel mix, “ Von Fescietz asserted. "Then came the untimely rescue by the recall of Gray Davis and failure of some of Enron's California Beta Skavins to stay focused on their Beitrag Kampf or sacrificial battling," said Von Fescietz citing a number of Enron whistleblowers who verified the "Mahlstrom Strudel" tactics to the same "misguided element of the U.S. government that kept Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame from being murdered like Col. Westhusing, Pat Tillman and others."
Von Fescietz was asked if the philosophy of "Mahlstrom Strudel" was a return of Nazi values as in Germany of the 1930's?
“This is 'Mahlstrom Strudel' for the sake of the Alpha Meisters,” said Von Fescietz tersely.  Von Fescietz considered the outing of CIA operatives, the cooking of U.S. intelligence information for the purposes of war in Iraq, prolonged occupation in Afghanistan well after the death of Osama Bin Laden and general arbitrary and capricious manouverings on the part of Alpha Masters as an essential element of Mahlstrom Strudel.   "Mahlstrom Strudel is simply a way to radically reconstruct reality for the sake of evolutionary change," said Von Fescietz.

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