Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Seven Year Old Max Geissbuhler Obtains $4.5 Billion Photos

Science Project Produces NASA Quality Photos for Fraction of Cost

10.09.2010 by Winsip Custer CPW News Service

In August  2010 Luke Geissbuhler and his seven year old son, Max, lauched a four foot helium filled weather balloon from Newburg, NY. Attached was an insulated styrofoam housing containing a Go Pro Hero HD camera and a GPS tracking unit.  The camera and GPS were also wrapped generously in hand-warmers for extra thermal protection from temperatures that dipped to 60 degrees below zero.   The small spacecraft would have to endure 100mph winds and face the possibility of a water landing.  Nineteen miles up the four foot balloon had explanded it to maximum 18' diameter before popping and dropping the camera and GPS to reverse the journey earthward.  Suspended by a parachuse the camera and GPS had traveled about thirty miles from its launch site.

"The quality of the video is what cost NASA and the US military $2.4 billion dollars over twenty years to acquire.  If you included the costs of the USSR's space program the film is the equivalent of $4.45 billion dollars over forty years," said  Leonid Pagalli of the Aeronautics and Space Observers Federation.
"If I were young Mr. Geissbuhler's science teacher he'd definately get an 'A' for his efforts and the results of his project," said Pagalli.

To view the footage of the frugal flight see....

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