Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Alister Crowley, Georges Melies, Martin Scorcese and Hugo's 3-D Lesson

"George Melies.....I Owe Him Everything!" -D.W. Griffith

by Winsip Custer, CPW News Service
     Freeman B. Passionfruit, the curator at the Bovary Institute for Cinematic Studies, sees The Merry Frolics of Satan,The Last of the Demons Defeated, as a wonderfully wacky promo of the world’s carnival, chaos and cabaret. "But then, again, it could be something altogether different," says the expert.
    Alister Crowley’s close friend, Georges Melies, upon whose work is based the new 3-D film HUGO by famed director, Martin Scorcese, begs a question:  With Melies’ work rediscovered in the 1920’s to become the basis for a blockbuster new high-tech film, HUGO,  what were the “last of the demons” to be defeated in Melies’ short film The Merry Frolics of Satan?
     "Slavery?  War?  Pestilence and famine?  Murder in Syria?  Killings in Egypt and Iraq? Pedophilia at Penn State or at Boys Town, Nebraska? The black coachman’s rig comes crashing down in the end of the film.  What does that represent?  Melies belies the answer.  Is it war?  Pestilence?  Pedophilia and child abuse?  Murder?   Rape?  Incest?  Or the reverse?
     "Dadism has always been alive and well.  Up is down.  Down is up.  Left is right and right is left.  Good is evil and evil is good.  Anyone who has lived long enough to follow their own dreams only to learn that those dreams were based on illusion knows the reality that belies the well-crafted, but misguided, spoken truth," said Passionfruit.
     The truth of it all will be laid bare when the last of the demons is defeated, but which demon?   And what will remain?  Love?   Death and destruction?  “I’ve looked at life from both sides,” said Passionfruit.  “I long for love and pray that it wins out in the end and I feel like the homely English singer, Susan Boyle, whose simple life as a Catholic Christian has been materially altered, but who at heart still longs for the support and love of her mother.    As a Christian she knows that she does not want a Christianity that created the demonic renderings of the Spanish Inquisition.  And like me, Ms. Boyle recoils from the patting hand of her new friends who offer her fame and fortune,” said Passionfruit.  "I think the last of the demons to be defeated will be anyone or anything that attempts to destroy that unconditional love and acceptance that Susan Boyle knew from her mother long before the lights and cameras arrived," said Passionfruit noting that when The View's hostess asked Boyle if her new album, Someone To Watch Over Me, was based on someone who was watching over her said simply, "My mother."

      "Does anyone bear all things, or believe all things or hope all things like Mom?   And I believe that Mom will kick the holy crap out of any demons that belie her love," said Passionfruit.


  1. Hi ! Thank you for this article. I am currently interested in the representations of the devil in the early cinema. You have written that George Melies was a close friend of Aleister Crowley. Could you please tell me what evidence there is for such a fact and indicate me in what document I can learn more about it ? Thank you so much for your answer.
    Best regards.


  2. Dear Guillaume,

    Winsip Custer has forwarded your comment. Sadly, Mr. Custer has recently retreated somewhat from his regular postings following an incident in which his Yale, Yale The Gangs All Here was redacted without his permission by parties powerful enough to hack his accourt of influence the blogspot.com administrators. Be that as it may his friends and fellow CPW News Service writers are still using his site following our advice not to abandon this platform altogether.

    The best evidence of Melies and Crowley's relationship is the film The Merry Frolics of Satan itself. Aleister Crowley provides the voice over for the Melies film.


    I have asked Winsip Custer to post this to his site in my behalf. Good luck in your research and don't forget the influence of Melies on D.W. Griffiths whose Birth of A Nation celebrated the resurgence of the KKK in America about 60 years after the Klan had been commandeered by Albert Pike. Mr. Custer has provided extensive analysis of the KKK's connections to Scottish Rite Masonry and its creation by the Prussian Royal family in the late 1700's, distinguishing it from the American Anti-monarchial masonry of Washington, Frankolin and the others and the SR exportation to America from Prussia, England and Scotland primarily in the South following the Civil War. This would make D.W. Griffiths a tool of monarchial Scottish Rite and European imperialism and of the commandeered KKK whose founder, Nathan Bedford Forrest, left it in 1868 according to Ken Burns and Shelby Foote. A. Crowley's followers in Europe and the U.S. have, then, through Europe and America's leading motion picture directors....Melies, Griffiths and now Scorcese...who come to think of it...was director of The Last Temptation of Christ...are clearly associated.

