Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Tax Bill Unites Frackin' Poets

Frackin’ Poets Award
By Winsip Custer CPW News Service

      With the advent of a pipeline bill attached to a payroll tax bill that has been derailed by a fractured Congress, the Franckin’ Poets Society of the Drill Hard and Here Association of Bridge Beau, Louisiana has conducted its first annual Frackin’ Poetry Contest.
     First Runner up and winner of the $1500 prize was Bodine Broussard whose entry, Carbon Dating, was said to “bring tears to the eyes of men and women-folk alike”
    This year’s winner of the $5,000 Frackin’ Poetry Contest Award was Jardine Bragg from Covington, Louisiana.  Jardine’s entry received eight out of ten of the judges’ votes.  “I thought it would be unanimous,” said Frenchy Clavenhagen the event organizer.

If I Had My Ruthers
By Jardine Bragg

If I had my ruthers I’d prefer no clean aquifers
and the pumpin’ of mud, Corexit and brine.

Let filters do now what nature did then
and sell 'em Kevin Costner's great find.
It’s lonely out in the wilderness amid the stars and the trees.
Where the antelopes roamed and I built that damn home with some logs and other debris.

Nature’s no friend when the wind starts to spin and the rocks start to roll down the mountain.
Go find a nice yard in a small urban shard with a bench and a little bird fountain.

And while you are at it, don’t have any kids.  They’ll grow up and make life confusin’.
And add a disaster to the plan of the Master who’s better off with your refusin’.

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