Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Ron Paul's Newsletters

Libertarians, Koch Brothers, The Austrian School and The Evolution of the Paddlefish

by Winsip Custer CPW News Service

       Scientists looking for a link between  fish and mammals focused on a 365 million year old fish fossil with a flat head, eyes on top of the skull and left and right lower fins.  A modern living ancestor was determined to be the fresh water Paddlefish found in the Mississippi River.   While the first amphibians have been theorized to be the progenitors of all future mammals, those that remained in the rivers remained fish.  The Paddlefish eat each other.
     Sadly, so will mammals.   Enter the curious case of Dr. Ron Paul and recent criticism that newsletters accredited to him from 1980’s and 90’s make vicious racial attacks on minority groups. 
     Paul claims that he did not write the letters and that their words are taken out of context, leaving critics to question “in what context would these words ever be proper?”
     While Ron Paul will not reveal who authored the letters, many speculate that it was his associate Lew Rockwell.  This led others to question if Lew Rockwell, a student of the Austrian School of economic theory is related to George Lincoln Rockwell, a key leader of the American Nazi Party.  While those possible connections are difficult to establish, Llewellyn Harrison “Lew” Rockwell’s connection to the Taft Republicans through his father is not.  During the run up to Pearl Harbor, Taft Republicans were non-interventionists.  Meaning that that they did not favor American involvement in opposing Hitler, Musolini and Hirohito.  As students at the Yale Political Union at Alphonso and William Howard Taft’s Yale University hotly debated this question in the fall of 1940, Hitler’s American oil agent.William Rhodes Davis, supplied Hitler’s war machinery the fuel it needed to ravage Europe with exports from Brownsville, Texas to the Koch built refineries in Germany.  William Rhodes Davis' son, Gray Davis, the recalled Governor of California was recalled partly because of his connection to the Enron rape and cannibalization of California by Ken Lay.  Lay, Enron's CEO, was once considered to be George Walker Bush's first choice for Energy Czar and a staunch defender of "deregulation"....another primal value for a Libertarian feeding frenzy?
     In recent years the Koch family has distanced itself from Lew Rockwell, but it cannot distance itself from Rand Paul and his involvement in the Tea Party nor from Ron Paul whose Congressional district is the bastian of Kock-owned petro-chemical refineries along the Texas Gulf Coast.  The evolution of the Keystone Pipeline and Payroll Tax Cut Bill in Congress is informed by this interesting and troublesome web of connections.  Those same connections include the Taft family connections to the American German Bund coup-group of Henry Ford, Harvey Firestone, Charles Lindberg and others who sought out General Smedley Butler to lead a 1930's overthrow of FDR.
     Paddlefish prefer no intervention.  There is no governor in them that restricts their cannibalistic desires and they like it that way.  So it may be with the underlying motives that support the radical Laisse Faire philosophy of modern American Libertarianism.  Behind the projected Libertarian veil may be a lurking fascist leviathan.  Future Republican debates should focus on this question, but sadly the Republican candidates will not raise the question without fear of offending the darker elements in their support base.
     The panel of questioners need to include someone with the fortitude of former Iraqi Ambassador Joe Wilson who might ask...."if your guys were non-interventionist with respect to Hitler, why were you interventionists with respect to the fully contained Saddam Hussein?  What did Saddam have that Hitler didn't?  Could it be OIL?"

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