Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Keystone Pipeline Is At Cushing Crossroads

President’s Tax Cut At Cushing’s Crossroads

by Winsip Custer CPW News Service

      With trust levels for Congress reaching an all-time low of 9% Americans are asking “what are these kindergartners doing  fighting over a $1,000 per year tax cut on payroll taxes?"

     Answer:  According to John Walker Brown Cushing from Boston, Massachusetts “the oil barons who use to route oil through the gatekeeper-pipeline at Cushing, Oklahoma with oil moving from Texas oil fields to refineries in Houston and back to the metropolitan centers on the East and West Coasts, the political log-jam is because the apples and oranges bill of payroll tax cut is married to the Keystone Pipeline approval.  This will insure that the Republican oil barons continue in power financially while Obama’s tax cuts will buy him votes in the next election.

     America’s power elites have always included the Cushings whose fortunes like that of the founder of AIG Insurance….Cornelius Vander Starr, or the Forbes, Peabodys, Roosevelts, Russells, Browns, Tafts and others was through the China Trade…..opium.  From their shipping, transportation, whaling and other enterprises they diversified into petroleum  and weapons production.  This is no more clearly seen than in the crossroads of the oil pipelines at Cushing, Oklahoma.  Up until OPEC’s shipments replaced the flow through Cushing with tankers from the Persian Gulf, Cushing was the U.S. oil supply benchmark price setter.  Now it sits in the same cat-bird seat thanks to new oil supplies from Alaska, Canada and the US. Northwest.

     “It's a classic standoff between a populace position and an elitist one that favors the wealthy oil companies and their predominantly Republican leadership,” said oil sector analyst Sidney Blumentiski.  “Obama forgets that to cut the payroll tax may backlash on him if it increases Social Security’s debt problems and lends credence to jettisoning the entire Social Security program because of future short falls.  The oil barons won’t care since the new oil flowing through Keystone Pipeline reestablishes their dominance....not from Texas fields or even OPEC suppliers, but from new supplies in Alaska and Canada pumped through Cushing and the Keystone through Houston to the cities of the East and West Coasts.     The Keystone-Tax Cut Bill is a Platypus of a bill.  It will help Obama appear to be a champion of the little guys in the short run and keep the oil boys in power at the same time. From there they will demand that Social Security be privatized.  Of course that will be after Obama is out of office.“

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