Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Friday, July 19, 2013

David Baldacci Fades To Yellow Contemplating Edward Snowden

Millionaire Lawyer Tale Spinner Nose Dives.  Snowden Is Last Man Standing

by Winsip Custer CPW News Service

     He’s written such gripping political thrillers as Absolute Power.  He and his wife, Michelle, created the Wish You Well Foundation to fight illiteracy.
     Of Italian descent, ironically,  Italy was featured on the same NPR All Things Considered on July 19th, 2013.   With news of Italy's courageous extradition of  CIA agent, Robert Sheldon Lady, the “secret rendition-er” held in Panama after he had been detained for torturing an Egyptian cleric.  Italy was trying to return him for trial for kidnapping and torture.

     The best-selling Baldacci sees the unfolding story of  Edward Snowden as friendless, sitting in a courtroom with his lawyers and the screen fading to black.
    “I see it a different way,” said Smedley Darlington Butler Martin of Broken Arrow, Idaho.  “I see David Baldacci as a Scribe and Pharisee who instead of promoting endless civil or criminal battles as he once did now spins stories of Presidents gone haywire, but tells the voices of reason that they haven’t a chance against them.   When Baldacci is asked to envision a real life David vs. Goliath, Spartacus vs. Rome, he fades the heroes to black while the power elites he celebrates decorate their delinquency with twinkling points of light….significant humanitarian contributions…. were their ornamentations not hanging from the hangman’s nooses.  It’s a fraud folks.  Baldacci is a fraud.  He and his wife’s foundation don’t fight illiteracy in America, they fight freedom and independent thinking.  I’ve never found a Baldacci book worth purchasing and I’ll never purchase anymore either,” said Martin.
      Moses Washington Spartacus Carver of Mobile, Alabama said of Baldacci’s argument, “So Snowden is out on a limb.  Thanks for sawing it off for him Baldacci, or trying to.  You have the spirit and attitude of Joseph the boot licker hoping that the Pharaoh can throw you some more publishing bones.  A pimp for the properline.  Elevated by Hatchette so that when a hatchet job is needed you will spread eagle.  That comes with following in the path of Maine Governor, John Baldacci, cousin of Maine Senator George Mitchell, a graduate of Bowdoin College, the alma mater of Franklin Pierce, ancestor of Barbara Pierce Bush and ardent supporter of renegade filibusterer, slaver and promoter of the 'Golden Circle of slavery',  William Walker," said Carver who noted that since leaving the Governor's office John Baldacci has joined Pierce Atwood at the Franklin Pierce Law Center.  "This is the left and right ventricles of the American power elites heart that has historically used the Monroe Doctrine to push personal and familial business ventures in the Western Hemisphere....hell, world-wide.... while looking on the middle and lower classes as their pawns."
      Snowden will have plenty of friends.  William Ayers.  Fawn Hall. Pat Tillman’s family.  Col. Theodore ‘Ted’ Westhusing's family. Daniel Ellsberg, Noam Chomsky, Christopher Hedges, Tomas Young (if he’s still alive then), Barry Seal's family, Robert Corson's family, Danny Casalaro's family, Mark Lombardi's family, Kevin Ives and Don Henry's families,  Matt Gannon's family, Ron Kovic, Jon Michael Turner and thousands of others you little pompous twit,” said Carver who added…”go fade to yellow, Baldacci.  Fade.  Fade.  Fade away.  No,  faster.... because the current shade of yellow is blinding.”   


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