Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Mitt Romney, Clint Eastwood: The Great American Fixers



 by Hampton Rhodes Potter for CPW News Services

     While people may not want a Mormon President in their home week after week reminding them of Howard Hughes’ dependence upon Mormons for the running of his Las Vegas empire, or of their history of bigamy, Mitt Romney is the “go to guy” when there is a crisis. 
     “Mitt was the fixer-upper for the Salt Lake City Olympics,” said Horace Merkle of the Former Mormons for Responsible Religion, a non-profit assembly of disenchanted former Mormons.

     “Mitt came to the rescue of Bain Consulting when it was in deep doo-doo,” said Merkle.  “Then there was his rescue of Massachusetts as its governor.  Some say it wasn’t that great, but who knows for sure? Of course as part of Mitt’s  success we cannot overlook the fact that it was Bain Capital that came to the rescue of Senator William Frist’s company HCA hospitals after its merger with Colombia Health Care and their plummet into bankruptcy and reorganization.  Frist’s buddy, Richard Scott, CEO of Colombia-HCA at a time when Frist was in office in Washington as Tennessee’s senator, would receive the largest Medicare and health care fraud fine in U.S. history at $1.7 billion.  Thanks to Bain and the Colombia-HCA lawyers and their political connections, not only did attorney and CEO Richard Scott, also a close friend of Richard Rainwater...  Rainwater... George W. Bush’s partner in the Texas Ranger baseball franchise stay out of jail, but  Rick Scott did not suffer from the fiasco.  Instead, he retired with a nice severance package.  Retiring from Colombia/HCA with a $400 million nest egg he used his fortune to help fund his election  as Florida’s Governor,” said Merkle noting that Floridians “must be incredibly corrupt or brain dead."  

     Merkle said this while pointing to a photo of a Scott predecessor in the Florida's governor's mansion before Scott's move from Texas to Tallahassee....Jeb Bush.... the brother of Texas Governor and President George W. Bush.
     Since the S&L scandal of the 80’s and 90’s, the Enron, Worldcom, HealthSouth and other debacles, the burst of the housing bubble, and bank bailout, Mitt Romney has excelled in things like keeping Governor Richard Scott and Senator William Frist out of the "Walmart of Healthcare-turned-sleeze-bucket-limelight."  Ken Lay of Enron, was not so lucky and may have wished, were he alive, that Bain Capital had been there to fix his problems, too, according to Merkle.
     “The return to the pre-Obama years of the Reagan and Bush ‘unleashing of Wall Street” promised by the election of Mitt Romney," said Merkle, “will be the return of the 80’s and 90’s without a doubt.  Mitt is a fixer….for some…..and he’s going to fix things real, real good.”

Convention of Republican Elephants?
    "Essentially the power elites of the U.S. and Wall Street regrettably, reluctantly, but understandably, handed Obama the ball in 2008 after the game had already been thrown in the fourth quarter.  Obama wanted the ball, which was a good thing since the elephant that the Republicans were backing was Senator John McCain.  McCain was NOT a fixer.  He was a crasher.  Crashed 5 airplanes while in the Navy, a remarkable feat only accomplished by the son of an Admiral.   Anyone less is long gone! Plus McCain really fixed things when he chose Palin as his running mate.  Nope.  McCain is a crasher.  So following General Colin Powell's assessment "if we break it, it ours," the Republicans handed Obama a broken foreign policy agenda, a broken energy policy, a broken industrial base, a broken import-export policy, a broken Iraq that our mismanagement morphed into a civil war with all the corruption inherent in America's other managed conflicts, a broken Federal Reserve whose chairman admitted his philosophy of economics was 'flawed', a broken Fannie Mae that had originally helped Americans avoid the pilfering of their home equity nest eggs, and a broken promise to 'protect and defend' the Constitution of the U.S. with the erosion of citizen rights in lieu of the promise of an illusive security and protection from terrorism.  It's all B.S. folks," said Merkle, "and now it's all Obama's fault, simply because he didn't push fast enough and hard enough, squandering his chances just as GWB squandered the enormous reservoir of goodwill that the world had for the U.S.A after 911, when he invaded Iraq under a flimsy rouse.  If Bush had been a legitimate leader, which only a total Florida recount could have provided, he would have invaded Saudi Arabia when 15 of the 19 Arab hi-jackers were Saudi's and when Osama Bin Laden's family was the empire-builders for the Saudi Royal Family.  Instead Bush  ushered some of the Bin Laden's out of the U.S. from a Houston airport within hours of 911.  Yep, it's all B.S. folks.  It's all B.S.,"      Merkle continued pointing out that Obama, while a smooth organizing operator in many ways, his wife, Michele, had worked in the historic Springfield, Illinois law firm that defended wife of the Republican standard bearer, Abe Lincoln, Mrs. Mary Todd Lincoln. 

     "Given Obama's do-little policies relative to the War in Afghanistan and the closing of GITMO as Clint Eastwood pointed out, is Obama a handpicked shill for the power elites?" asked Merkle noting that Obama's black chief legal officer, Eric Holder, under fire for the disappearance of guns along the U.S.-Mexican border could not have provided a better senario for stoking the fear of a fifth-column invasion requiring a 'make my day' response."

So Obama said according to Merkle, "'I want that ball.  Give it to me!'  Well, he got it and since the game was rigged in the fourth quarter of the Bush administration with the referees like Alan Greenspan, Congress and the former President adjusting and readjusting the game clock on a game that really never ends and where the tailgating party for the rich goes on forever, Obama now finds himself in a pinch.  Don't worry Obama.  Don't worry, America.  Mitt will fix it all up," said Merkle noting that Romney and his friends have a Darwinian taste for this type of politics just as do elephants.  "If the best feelings we have for Obama was the day that we voted for him, an infinitely worse day will be when Mitt Romney, yea the guy who straps his dog to the top of the car and who brow beats a gay student, beats Obama and returns the nation to the raping and pillaging of the 80's and 90's under the guise of 'I'll fix it'".

"Clint Eastwood fixes problems by putting a bullet through its heart or head," said Merkle.  "I knew a man who knew Eastwood since he was Roddy Yates on Rawhide and he says that Eastwood hates horses.  Well, the world that America must enter and enter quickly is infinitely more complex than the cattle trail of Rawhide or the "make my day" of Dirty Harry.  Put Romney's group back in the saddle and you'll all....the 99%.... have some really raw hides," he noted as he pointed out that the open range of America's frontier gave way to barbed-wire fences leading to the JP Morgan and EH Harriman controlled rail heads.   From there it was on to the Kansas City and Chicago stock yards not unlike Himmler's rail lines to Germany's factories.

"Clint Eastwood, addressing the Republican Convention said that 'We own this country," Merkle  noted.  "Never has the iron fist of the power elites been as exposed in prime-time than in 'Dirty Harry' Eastwood's remark.  As fellow Italian actor and director of The Good Shepherd, Robert DeNiro, can tell you, Clint left out the punch line:  'We own this country and the rest of you are visitors,'" said Merkle who knows that the same elements that hated the Irish, Italians, Jews, Gypsies, dark-skinned, slant-eyed and aboriginals, stick together in a type of Brahmin-elite no more tightly glued to their collective triggers than in New England.... Boston,  New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Washington.

"Clint was the iconic bad cop....Dirty Harry who tells you....'We own this country.'   Romney entered the room like the good cop to tell you that he, like you, is a lowly immigrant.  A rich immigrant thanks to what even Texas Governor Rick Perry identified as 'vulture capitalism', but an immigrant who will never forget who 'owns this country' and to whom he really owes allegiance," said Merkle.

"'Dirty Harry' said as his closing appeal....Go ahead and say it, 'go ahead and make my day'.....a reference that would make the gun and munitions makers whose ancillary incomes from stocking....over-stockpiling the arsenal of freedom...as happy as Charleton Heston holding a black powder musket in his cold dead hand or as the Generals who know so well who really holds the nuclear codes in their back pockets.   'Dirty Harry doesn't like lawyers, particularly plaintiff's lawyers, because they represent rule of law, negotiation and compromise," said Merkle.  "You know, the stuff that a democratic republic depends on for its resilience, strenght and power....only secondarily on the sword.  Make my day, Mr. Romney and Mr. Eastwood.  Get elected president and turn the nation around like you promise and do it on the back of something other than bombing the crap out of lesser nations and drone fly-bys or gobbling fossil fuels.  And if you don't?  You may not be able to pull the same ploy next time by running a Hispanic leader up the flagpole after the revisited 'Rape of America'.


Sunday, August 26, 2012

John Walker Lindh Urges Prayer Time

American Taliban Seeks Group Spirituality

by Phil Connors for CPW News Service

  Restricted from group prayer in his Indiana prison, John Walker Lindh, the "American Taliban" is being represented by the American Civil Liberties Union or ACLU.

  "It is not right that Lindh be cut off from his fellow Muslims just because he is in prison," said Sol Levitz.

   Levitz, an attorney whose father was restricted from praying at Auschwitz during World War II, feels a particularly close connection to the Lindh's struggle for religious freedom.

    "In addition, John Walker Lindh is the product of Oedipal urges that were created in the cocoon of his American nuclear family, by a father who worked as an attorney for Pacific Gas and Electric Company, the company that poisoned the wells of Hinckley, California like those xxxxxx Nazis did to my family in the showers of Auschwitz."

    It was pointed out that Hitler sought to convince Muslims that they were Aryans during World War II so that as with the Grand Mufti of Iraq and the Sikhs of India,  all Muslims would join him in his fight to rid the world of the Jews before his likely announcement that Nazi scientists had made a horrible mistake in their eugenics testing and that dark skinned Muslims would have to take the Jew's place at vacated concentration camps.  Levitz had no comment.

Don Quixote es Robin Hood!

Barcelona Mercado de la carne es compatible con cupones para alimentos Revolución española.

Olivia Ancho Garrafons por CPW Servicio de Noticias

       Simón Bolívar García Panza, el propietario de El Mercado Del Carne en Barcelona, España ha abierto su mercado de la carne de los pobres de la ciudad. "Con el desempleo de trabajadores agrícolas casi 30% en algunas regiones, no podemos permitir que el gobierno español la vista gorda a nuestro pueblo de empeoramiento de las condiciones.
      Me han entregado mi empresa en una organización sin fines de lucro y se han alineado con la Iglesia Católica Romana relacionados con LAS ORGANIZACIONES NO GUBERNAMENTALES para la exclusión fiscal", dijo Sánchez. "Dar a todo el mundo un sello de caucho y una almohadilla con tinta y pídales que confiscar, para las organizaciones no gubernamentales, los alimentos para sí mismos y a otros cinco y que compartir ese estiramiento lo que normalmente podrían comer a solas con cinco. Traen los bienes a los puntos de distribución central para la redistribución según necesidad.  Creemos que si los americanos harían lo mismo y enviar todo lo que se ahorran fuera de su presupuesto destinado a alimentos de otras naciones, el mundo no puede sobrevivir a cualquier desaceleración económica viene por un período considerable. Además el problema de la obesidad en los Estados Unidos podrían ser eliminadas. Park Avenue, en Madison Avenue y Wall Street modelos rápidamente empiezan a aparecer en cada esquina de la calle americana en lugar de los dirigibles buldging fondo visto embuten en el Walmart local.
      La clave es ir a su mercado local Español en masa… .no menos de unos cientos en un momento. Rodean la estampilladores con un grupo de unos diez y tomar los elementos de "Contribucions por NGOs" estampado elementos para que nuestros centros de re-distribución. Nosotros le enviaremos los dueños de las tiendas sus fines de año declaración de impuestos que cumple completamente con el derecho español para las donaciones a NGO's. Los ejércitos hacer esto en tiempo de guerra y cuando las condiciones demanda, de forma que el populacho. No lo hace, sin embargo, ser codicioso.
     Con fines de lucro grocers, reclamación de hacer sólo un 3% de beneficio sobre sus productos. Ese es, obviamente, un bien guardado secreto comercial que no es fácilmente compartida entre la población en general. Usted no puede conocer el número exacto hasta que las donaciones empujar el límite y las personas comienzan a morir," dijo Panza. "Y no tome ningún fritos.  No queremos que nadie, especialmente Frito-Lay de resucitar la imagen del "pescaito frito"Bandido", dijo Panza, un descendiente del hombre que habían inspirado a Don Quijote, sidekick, Sancho Panza en Miguel de Cervantes 1605 picaresco. La Iglesia Católica Romana que es el más rico dueño de la propiedad en España está exento de impuestos como son otras religiones, fundaciones y NGO's. En los EE.UU. iglesia las exenciones fiscales son unos $ del total de EE.UU. bugets. Mientras que, el presupuesto militar de los EE.UU. es de alrededor de $670.000.000.000.
     Las Iglesias son aproximadamente el 10% del presupuesto militar que se compara favorablemente con la práctica del diezmo judeo-cristiana. "No se trata de una mala inversión cuando se piensa en los objetivos de cada uno," dijo Panza. Panza afirma que no está vinculado en forma alguna con Juan Manuel Sánchez Gordillo de la Córdoba Región unas 350 millas al sur y al oeste de la ciudad de Barcelona. Gordillo del grupo es más de izquierda al centro.
     Yo sólo soy un empresario capitalista con un corazón, no como los UN petróleo por alimentos los necios que utilizar los alimentos como un arma", dijo Panza citando el escándalo que sacudió la UN . En 2005, el FBI arrestó Oscar S. Wyatt Jr. , el ex presidente de Costa Corp. lanzado en 2.5 millones de dólares de bonos garantizados, Michael J. García, el fiscal del Distrito Sur de Nueva York, extraditado Wyatt dos socios, Catalina del Socorro Miguel y Mohammed Saidji de sus lugares de escondite en Suiza.
     Los tres ejecutivos y tres empresas fueron acusados de cuatro cargos de fraude y prohibido participar en transacciones financieras con el Iraq mediante el programa de las Naciones Unidas alimentos como una herramienta de Panza lo que denomina "una sopa de pato Darwiniana diabَlico hechos".
    En octubre de 2007 Wyatt declararse culpable de conspirar para, bajo programa petróleo por alimentos, realizar pagos ilegales a Saddam Hussein.
     Wyatt recibió una pena de un año de prisión, y fue condenado a servir en el mínimo federal seguridad campamento en Beaumont, Texas, donde misteriosamente ganado peso. "Si Wyatt puede raid los pobres, sufrimiento del pueblo iraquí con el único salvavidas que tenían para su saqueo...bueno, entonces, hola Robin Hood! ", dijo Panza.


Top of Form

Quixote-esqe Convergence In Spainish Food Chain

Barcelona Meat Market Supports Spanish Food Stamp Revolution

     by Olivia Ancho Garrafons for CPW News Service
     Simon Bolivar Garcia Panza, the owner of El Mercado Del Carne in Barcelona, Spain has opened his meat market for the poor of the city.  “With unemployment among farm worker nearing 30% in some regions, we cannot continue to let the Spanish government turn a blind eye to our people’s worsening conditions.  I have turned my company into a not-for-profit organization and have aligned it with the Roman Catholic Church related NGO  for a tax exclusion,” said Sanchez.
     “We give everyone a rubber stamp and an ink pad and ask them to confiscate, for the NGO, food for themselves and five others and to share it thus stretching what they might normally eat alone with five.  They bring the goods to a central distribution point for redistribution according to need.  We believe that if Americans would do the same and send what they save out of their food budget to other nations, the world can survive any coming economic downturn for a substantial period.  Plus, I believe in birth control so I told the local Bishops, 'screw you, we're using condoms.  We can't afford this stupid program of unbridled births.   Plus the obesity problem in the U.S. would be abated.  Park Avenue, Madison Avenue and Wall Street models will quickly begin to appear on every American street corner instead of the bulging bottomed blimps seen gorging themselves at the local Walmart.  Most with four or five kids in tow.  The key is going to your local Spanish market in mass….not less than a few hundred at a time.  Surround the stampers with a group of about ten and take the items they stamp 'Contribucions por NGO' to our centers fo re-distribution.  We will send the store owners their year-end tax statement that fully complies with Spanish law for donations to NGO's.  Armies do this in time of war and when conditions demand so must the populace.  Don’t, however, be greedy.  For-profit grocers will claim to make only about 3% profit on their products.  That’s obviously a well-guarded trade secret which is not readily shared among the general population.   You cannot know the exact number until donations push the limit and people start dying,” said Panza.  “And don’t take any Fritos.  We don’t want anyone, especially Frito-Lay to resurrect the image of the Frito Bandido,” said Panza, a descendant the man who inspired Don Quixote’s sidekick, Sancho Panza in Miguel de Cervantes' 1605 picaresco.
     The Roman Catholic Church which is the wealthiest property owner in Spain is exempt from taxes as are other religions, foundations and NGO’s.
    In the U.S.A. church tax exemptions are about $71,000,000,000 of the total U.S. budgets.  Whereas, the U.S. military budget is about $670,000,000,000.  Churches are about 10% of the military budget which compares favorably with the Judeo-Christian practice of tithing.  “Not a bad investment when you think about the goals of each,” said Panza.  "Particularly if the Catholics start using condoms, but personally I favor a vasectomy," he continued.
     Panza claims that he is not connected in any way to Juan Manuel Sanchez Gordillo from the Cordoba Region about 350 miles to the south and west of Barcelona.  Gordillo’s group is more left of center.  I’m just a capitalistic businessman with a heart, not like those UN oil for food jackasses who use food as a weapon,” said Panza citing the scandal that rocked the U.N..
       In 2005 the FBI arrested Oscar S. Wyatt Jr., the former chairman of Coastal Corp.  Released on $2.5 million secured bond,  Michael J. Garcia, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, extradited Wyatt's two partners, Catalina del Socorro Miguel and Mohammed Saidji from their hiding places in Switzerland.

     The three executives and three companies were indicted on four counts of wire fraud and engaging in prohibited financial transactions with Iraq using the UN’s food program as a tool of what Panza calls a “Darwinian duck soup of devilish deeds”.    In October 2007 Wyatt plead guilty to conspiring to, under UN oil for food program, making illegal payments to Saddam Hussein. Wyatt received a one year prison sentence, and was sentenced to serve in the minimum security federal camp at Beaumont, Texas, where he mysteriously gained weight.

     “If Wyatt can raid the poor, suffering Iraqi people using the only lifeline they had for his plunder….well, then, hello Robin Hood!” said Panza.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Ty Warner Meets Jennifer Vasilakos

Jennifer Vasilakos Couldn't Find Help
….and Then…….

By Jennifer Wiccolman for CPW News Services

      Jennifer Vasilakos, an herbalist and Reiki teacher in Santa Barbara, California could not qualify for a kidney transplant.  To raise the money for the procedure she was on a Santa Barbara street corner at her fund-raiser when Ty Warner, the billionaire head of the Beanie Baby company, founder of Ty Inc., stopped to ask for directions.

     Vasilakos described the encounter:

I often get asked by random strangers for directions. Not one to miss an opportunity, I handed him my flyer and he made a fifty dollar donation. As he drove off, I thought that was the end of our encounter... He'd returned after an hour or so. Rolling down his window, he reached out his hand and introduced himself. I immediately recognized his name. He was kind and sincere as he looked directly into my eyes... I listened as he repeated over and over that he was going to help me. That my fundraising was done. That I didn't need to worry any longer. He said he would send a check after he returned to his offices during the week.

     Warner sent a check for $20,000.  The money was for a stem cell procedure needed to help save her life.

     Rejected for a routine kidney transplant because of a prior condition, the removal of a small spot of melanoma from her back, normal philanthropic channels were closed to her.  She was told that the risk of failure was too great.  If the melanoma recurred the kidney transplant would be wasted.  Initially this response from authorities sent Jennifer into an emotional tailspin. "Friends weren't exactly running up to offer their kidneys," said Beverly Fortuna, a Santa Barbara cancer survivor who thought the transplant policy rediculous.

     Sources close to Larry David, whose series Curb Your Enthusiam featured a story of David agonizing over the donation of a kidney for his sick friend Richard Lewis said...  “It was rude of David to ask the question.  ‘What? The girl didn’t have a friend at the fund-raiser who’d give her a kidney?  I could find a doctor friend who would do the transplant for $19,959, but not on Saturdays. Maybe she could get it done for less at a Scientologist or Reiki-related hospital.  What?  There aren’t any Scientologist or Reiki related hospitals?  Really?”

     Beyond the generous donation, Vasilakos is on a journey to bring awareness to stem cell -medicine which Vasilakos discovered in her search for an alternative. She determined that using her own hematopoietic stem cells could save her life.

     “After I serendipitously met Jennifer, I further educated myself on her stem cell needs. I was shocked that this particular type of treatment wasn't available to her in the U.S.,” said Warner. “My hope is that we can bring this lifesaving treatment to the forefront so that it can become more readily available and provide alternatives for people like Jennifer.”

     The National Institute of Health reports that most stem cell research is not embryonic and that Hematopoietic stem cell treatment is an alternative option used to isolate a cell from blood or bone marrow.  This provides a regenerating dynamic similar to lizards growing severed tails.  However, the Food and Drug Administration says that these procedures are highly regulated and generally unavailable.

     Vasilakos believes that the rest of the world is passing up the U.S. in this critical area of medical research.

     “We don’t want to find out that there’s a bunch of quackery involved later on,” said Dr. Theodore Blessing, of the Society of Regenerative Sciences.  “When Dr. Brinkley was selling his goat gonad procedure for male dysfunction from a clinic in Del Rio, Texas decades before Viagra and advertising across America from the Wolfman Jack station across the border in unregulated Mexico….a station owned partly by President Dwight D. Eisenhower, people were shocked,” said Blessing.  "Especially after learning that Dr. Brinkley had FDA approval."

     Vasilakos’ procedure will take place at a foreign hospital approved by the International Cellular Medicine Society.

     “I hope that ensures its legitimacy,” said Dr. Blessing.

     Vasilakos left for the procedure on August 19th to start this leg of her odyssey at an undisclosed location.

     As a Reiki teacher, Dr. Blessing wondered if Jennifer was seeking to channel healing powers through the light or dark side of spiritual forces.  Blessing, a Methodist whose methods are frequently questioned among his fellow Methodist Hospital colleagues, said I know that comedian George Carlin had his fatal heart attack and that he was taken to St. John’s Hospital for treatment in Santa Monica….named for Saint Monica, mother of that libertine and profligate turned Christian, St. Augustine.   Carlin had asked to be taken to an atheist hospital, but the paramedics couldn’t find one and lost valuable time during the 'Golden Hour' looking,” said Blessing. St. John's is also where the neonatal unit is named for wife of former California Governor, Arnold Schwarznegger, Maria Kennedy Shriver.  "It is also where Tom Cruise's ex-wife, Katie Holmes, delivered their children after being unable to find a Scientologist hospital within 2500 miles of anywhere," said Blessing.

     “I’ve never been able to find a channeling hospital, but that’s not to say that if I could channel Dr. Michael DeBakey , Denton Cooley or Christian Barnard into me, I wouldn’t care if they were Moloch or Odin!   Would it be dishonest for me to use Methodist Hospital if I were Moloch or Odin?” he asked noting that historically the two pagan dieties had an abysmal record in healing people's problems without significant strings attached.  "Unconditional love?  I hear about it at church every Sunday, but Moloch or Odin don't care about that stuff," said Blessing who reiterated that "I am a Methodist.  A Utilitarian Methodist."

     Members of the Methodists for Truth in Medicine, said that it would definitely be improper on the surface to allow Dr. Blessing's Reiki practices to channel Moloch or Odin, but that if Dr. Blessing's practice proved to provide substantial benefits for the hospital they may consider his unorthodox practices a minor infraction.   "Much like the CIA headquarter's using "You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free," on the wall of it foyer," said Reverend Betty Dulles Talmadge, president of the Methodist group.

Friday, August 24, 2012

British Royal Family To Sue City of Las Vegas For False Advertising

Las Vegas To Counter-Sue Citing Failure of British Security
To Adequately Protect Prince Harry

Prince Harry at another
party.  "Well, at least
I wasn't wearing that Nazi
uniform again," he said.

By Winsip Custer CPW News Service

     Citing the City of Las Vegas' failure to live up to its multi-million-dollar ad campaign with the slogan “What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas,” lawyers for the British Royal family have filed suit in a Nevada court on Friday.  The suit was filed in the Eastern Nevada Township where the citizens are predominantly conservative Mormons.  In the hopes that a Mormon jury will agree with the British Royal Family, a team of crack jury selection experts have been employed to cull the jury pool.
     “Our biggest concern will be in finding Mormons whose families don’t work for Nevada casinos, which is really a tough job.  As you probably know the Mormons nearly run Vegas’ Howard Hughes interests and over the years have infiltrated most of the big casinos.  They are conservative among their own, but let the heathen do what they want since it makes a lot of money from the non-Mormon,” said Harvey Winston of PsySelectors LLC.
     "Kind of like Mitt Romney with Bain Capital?" I asked.  Winston had no comment.
    “If you are going to promote your city as a place where nothing bad can happen of this nature, then we are going to hold them to it,” said the British royal family’s leading attorney, Gilbert Sullivan, of Sullivan, Sullivan and Tudor Attorneys At Law.
     “We believe that Las Vegas will come out of this unscathed,” said Vinney Pescho attorney for the City of Las Vegas.  “We successfully defended the city against similar accusations during the “Vegas…..A Family Destination” ad campaign after children were disappearing in large numbers off of the Strip.  We have no reason to believe that this is any different,” said Pescho.

     Meanwhile, sources close to Prince Harry at the party that night reported that the handsome, but achne-assed prince said "Well, at least I wasn't wearing that Nazi uniform.  I was dressed instead as Jews preparing to enter the showers at Auschwitz.  Jesus.  Can you never make anybody happy?"

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Drone Teams Help Put Fears To Rest

Bruce Quick To Defend Randy Brossart From Pesky Drone

By Winsip Custer CPW News Serices

     With the 2012 arrest of Rodney Brossart with the help of a U.S. military drone, the U.S. Government is taking new measures to assure the American citizenry that all is safe with respect to the creation, expanded production and oversight of the military’s new drone fleet.
     Rodney Brossart’s attorney Bruce Quick has called the police action used to arrest his client “guerrilla-like police tactics.”
     Speaking to U.S. News, Mr. Quick maintained that Lakota, N.D., resident Rodney Brossart had been apprehended with the use of a predator drone.  “The whole thing is full of constitutional questions,” Quick told U.S. News.  Brossart was arrested in a dispute with his neighbor over six cows.
     Douglas Manbeck, who is representing the state of North Dakota, told UPI that the SWAT team had approached The Department of Homeland Security for their help in capturing Brossart with the aid of the drone only after warrants were issued.
     "I know it's a touchy subject for anyone to feel that drones are in the air watching them, but I don't think there was any misuse in this case," Manbeck told UPI.
     To help allay peoples’ fears about the use or misuse of drones the government has provided the state of North Dakota with a team of active Predator Drone operators so that they can better clarify their work as drone technicians.

Predator Drone Teams (PDT) will work together to provide assurances that U.S. citizens have nothing to fear from new uses of government sanctioned "eyes in the sky".  "We are here only to protect and serve," said Will Hord the group's spokesperson and a top graduate of the RVAP Security Agency at Colorado Springs, Colorado when not serving in
Afghanistan with the USAF.  RVAP is the Remote Viewing and Aerial Processing Center near NORAD.
     Simon Megs said "We can't understand what the big stink is all about.  Once in Iraq a farmer named Omar Hosanni, one of our security workers, lost 9 goats that wandered into Muhammad Mofas' pasture.   Muhammad refused to return the goats and after the drone flyover our guys ate cabrito for a week."   Megs and several other  drone team members are being considered for the military's new Congressional Medal of Joystick Manipulators Award, a type of Congressional Medal of Honor (Drone Edition).

     The event involving Muhamad Mofa was similar to Archibald Wong's decision in March 2009 to launch an attack on a black market dog kennel outside of Kabul when a dozen pit bull dogs were stolen from a local poppy field security guard and Karil Karzari refused to return them.  Or so Simon Megs maintained.  "Being a first generation Chinese American, I forgot that our guys don't eat dog meat," said Archibald Wong.  Will Hord said he had no knowledge of these reported drone strikes.  "I can neither confirm nor deny that these strikes occurred," said Hord.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Research On Mother/Child Stress Haulted

Stressless zoo environment produces active and careless cubs while
stressful wild brings misinterpreted "arrested development" in quite cubs.

        Dr. Claudine C. Fries and Dr. Benjamin F. Nilknarf of the INDTS Institute for CPW News Services

     Dr. Gilbano Banosos of the Center for Creative Research and Analysis says that his research is not flawed and that he should in no way be compared with Germany’s Dr. Josef Mengele.
     “For decades we have wondered the extent to which stress on pregnant women contributes to slow or arrested development in children.  The studies were difficult to conduct.  They were fraught with conflicting evidence, lack of scientific data, physiological measurements that cannot be definitively measured within dependable timetables and without highly controlled stimuli for the study group,” said Banosos who claims he was ready to fix all of that.

     “So we were going to send 3,000 pregnant women on a retreat to learn about parenting during their first thirty days of pregnancy….all at the same time….to Club Med.  The ten jumbo jets get hijacked by terrorists and their retreat turns into a highly controlled and blind-study stress test.   As preparation for their new life in an oil sheik's  harem they are alone for the weekend and isolated, but in a beautiful locale like a pride of lionesses together on the lovely Serengeti, they are safe, but severely stressed.  The weekend turns to months.  Nine months.   Weekly analysis of hormones including those most affected by stress, like adrenalin, are carefully recorded for nine months after which the women are returned unharmed and with all of their delivery costs paid for.   We follow the children and at 48 months test for development markers.  The only exception is for those whose prenatal tests show complications and they are quietly let out on the street in their hometown without fanfare and with $10,000 in their pocket,” said Dr. Banosos.  “Would Dr. Mengele do that?”
     “I believed and still believe, that the test would show that high levels of stress are directly related to the fight or flight syndrome in the animal kingdom.  Young deer have a built in defense mechanism of arrested and retarded movement, but at a certain age this changes as their other natural defense mechanisms kick in....speed, strength and cunning.  The offspring's coat uses camouflage to enhance this defense mechanism.  They use arrested movement for a specific  purpose.  Survival.   The more stressful their immediate environment the less they move and the more retarded they appear.  'Sit dead-still,' Bambi’s mother surely whispered in deer-language into little Bambi's ear... 'and don’t worry if Aunt Wilma thinks you are a bump on a log,'”  said Dr. Banosos.

     "Zoo animals are born in captivity to relatively stress-free mothers.  Young zoo animals move franetically because their mothers aren’t running away from a cougar,  or from a hunter or from an 18 wheeler on the freeway.  They weren't sent the same hormonal messages that their counterpart is in the wild.  Captive-born offspring are more animated and seemingly more free, but are they?" asked Dr. Banosos.  "I mean how free can you be in a cage?  But you feel safe, relatively speaking.  So do cows as Temple Grandlin has shown by her research in reducing tension in a herd of beef outside the slaughter house.  This might be identified with slow or arrested development in human children when it is actually a perfectly scientific and logical response to the environment as signaled by the mother's hormones passed on to her unborn.  But how will we really know unless we are allowed to conduct the best of experiments?” asked Dr. Banosos.
     U.S. Assistant Attorney General, Bob Watts, said  only, “Dr. Banosos is nuts.”
     Dr. Banosos believes that the pharmaceutical companies and producers of ADHD drugs were responsible for the U.S. Justice Department’s interest in his research.  Unstressed mothers will be, I believe, to be shown to have hyperactive kids.  Stressed moms have quieter kids.  Drug makers want kids to be hyperactive and uncontrollable so that there will be more ADD and hyperactive children and hence more  Retalin (methylphenidate) sales,” said Dr. Banosos.  Banosos also suspected the makers of Adderall, Clonidine, Pemoline, Dextroamphetimine and Guanfacine, also used in the treatment of ADD and hyperactive disorders.
     "Imagine if the meat packers could have the added profit of sedate cows that stay fat and sassy with more beef on the hoof while charging those same cows to sedate their young rowdy calves on their way to the packing plant as veal cutlets," said Banosos.  "Basically I was proving in the human kingdom what Temple Grandlin was proving in the cattle business," said Dr. Banosos.

     When asked what he believed was the equivalent of a human meat packing plant, Dr. Banosos said "Iraq. Afghanistan.  Grenada?  Panama?   Somalia?  Before that Vietnam?  Korea?  Tomorrow Iran?" he wondered. 

"Panama?" I asked.  "Yea, three thousand were killed in the 80's to bring under control Manuel Noriega who, after all, had been for years on our CIA payroll.  Low profile is better if you're going to be on the CIA payroll.  Manuel's mother was by all reports a very gentle women who avoided stressers.  Which meant that little Manuel was bound to be ADD/Hyperactive.  A real over-active imbarassment to his handlers."

Dr. Banosos was also working on a study of the rise in combined opiates as battlefield pain killers and of post-tramautic syndrome drugs produced by some of the same companies that are heavily invested in businesses in Pakistan, India and Afghanistan where poppy crops are abundant, according to Mr. Watts.  "And of course where those drugs are used so are weapons of the more profitable limted destruction types instead of mass destroyers that tend to get the herds flustered and irritable," said Banosos.



English Parliament Petitioned to Reinstate Old Treason Law

by Winsip Custer CPW News Services

       According to Hoover B. Horstwomanski, Director of the Washington D.C. Center for the Positive Effects of Tyrannical Rule…."All U.S. President since 1782 are wussies."   Making this claim at the center's annual assembly on August 18th, Horstwomanski said.....
     “The 1st U.S. President and his friends in the First Continental Congress paid a significantly higher price to hold the office than ALL subsequent U.S. Presidents, by virtue of the tyranny of the English monarchy. The only Presidents alive during the drawn & quartering law were the first 8... Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Adams, Jackson, Van Buren, and Harrison, with Van Buren just born in 1782 and Harrison only a few years before that.   While criticism has flown over whether Nixon’s wife wore a cloth or fur coat; whether Mitt Romney strapped Seamus, the family Irish Setter, to the luggage rack of his car as his great-great grandfather may have done with one of his wives atop the carriage; whether Obama was born in the USA or elsewhere; whether LBJ had JFK murdered; whether JFK would be, like his father, a Nazi sympathizer…..or a Communist shill or too close to Sinatra’s Mob buddies; whether Bill Clinton was pumping Jessica Flowers and some other bimbos; whether Nancy Reagan was too chummy with psychic soothsayers or Billy Carter’s brother drank too much beer with his peanuts, the first 8 U. S. Presidents were much closer to the ultimate price that the first president would have paid for his leadership.”
     In 1782 England repealed the drawn & quartering laws for treason.   Horstwomanski believes that it’s time for the U.S. to get off  of its high horse and the feelings of entitlement in every area….from bleeding the U.S. job market through companies like Bain Capital, hiding excessive engourgements in overseas bank accounts, bailing out Wall Street nit wits or leading people to believe that big government is the solution to everything, going into rediculous debt for a house with another bathroom you'll never use or bilking Medicare and Medicaid for billions through companies like Health South, Columbia-HCA, or United Health; Invading countries based on lies, lies and more lies.
     “I have petitioned the English government to reinstate the drawn and quartering laws, just as a reminder of the high price of  true leadership and freedom.  It's the up-side of a real downer and an unequaled symbolic gesture aimed at reinstating the greatness of the American ideals," said Horstwomanski.  "We pulled England's chestnuts out of the fire during World War II, now it's time  for them to reinstate their brutal law to help us get back to where we started!  Maybe the Parliament will have a hard time doing it, but I promise that Buckingham Palace will not.  If England won't help the U.S. to implement a new period of refined leadership, we will ask the Chinese to do so, and if that fails we'll seek a reinstatement of the old  English law from a coalition of concerned nations to help bring a new season of purposeful leadership to light."

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan and Abraham Lincoln

VP Choice Sends Subliminal Message

Romney's Bain Fills With Disdain
Ryan's Mug Makes Us Smug
by Winsip Custer CPW News Service

     Mitt Romney’s choice of a VP, Paul Ryan, was apparently made less for Ryan’s political philosopy and connections than for the subliminal message the Republicans are attempting to send by the young Republican’s presence on the podium next to Mitt Romney.

Retouched photos showing bearded Ryan is Lincoln look-a-like
     Culled from the waste basket at the Brunswick Group where Michele Davis has been employed to help Romney fight off criticism of his Bain Capital connections, are pictures that seem to give clear evidence of the political strategy behind Ryan’s selection.
     Michele A. Davis worked not only with Newt Gingrich in his 1994 “Contract With America”, but also with Fannie Mae where she was a vice president for regulatory policy.  She held this position at the same time the mortgage financing behemoth was engaged in extensive financial fraud.
     In 2005, during the Iraq War, she was hired by George Walker Bush’s White House to serve as deputy national security adviser for strategic communication and global outreach. She also worked on winning Muslim “hearts and minds” along with Dan Senor, then an assistant to L. Paul Bremer, Ambassador and head of Iraq's Coalition Provisional Government which disbanned the Iraqi army and oversaw the Abu Ghraib scandal and the looting of Iraqi antiquities and cultural heritage.
     One unnamed source at Advertising Age said, “She likes really tough jobs and knows that money flows upward and outward toward the leaks in the PR pipelines where it is used to plug damage.  If Hitler had lived and was seeking a makeover, she’d take the job. She's a smart cookie who knows that no one with a lick of sense seeks public office anyway and both Democratic and Republican candidates are shills of the big corporations, just as Lincoln was for the war profiteers and railroad tycoons. Those tycoon would be... by the end of the 19th Century.....J.P. Morgan, E.H. Harriman and John D. Rockefeller....the most powerful consortium of power elites in history creating the first billion dollar businesses and sending us down the road toward fossil fuel dependence.  Today, Harriman's Union Pacific makes the fracking fluid which it hauls to Halliburton's many fracking sites while it charges transportation costs all along the way and passes that on to the consumer at the pump.  You get to pay for your undrinkable frack fluid water. Teddy Roosevelt took them on and they never forgot it.  Following the Great Depression FDR created the TVA and recently at Harriman, Tennessee coal sludge spilled into the TVA river system.   In the 1930's they tried a military coup led by Smedley Darlington Butler called the 'Business Plot'.  Madison Avenue did a stellar job of selling Honest Abe to the nation and so Davis will be building on that prior success.  Subliminally.  Because she knows that once anyone looks closely at Bain they'll be filled with disdain. If she could take on the BP oil spill with its PR mess, which Brunswick has indeed done with Davis at the helm, she can help these two politicians scrubb off grease and appear to be spic and span.”

Michele A. Davis

     Davis' bigger challenge is in redeeming Paul Ryan's image as a poli-wonk....what Justin R. Lipsynker of the Institute for the Study of Anachronistic Philosphies uses to describe young, impressionable political candidates who have swallowed hook, line and sinker the passing and passed-up parade of popular, but outmoded ideologies...those congregated especially at the outer fringes of the left-right political spectrum. 
     "Ryan's support of Ayn Rand is a case in point," said Lipsynker who noted a recent article by H.D. Thoreau on Rand's mypopic arguments.
     Lipsynker offered his own analysis of Davis' PR skills.   "People will walk into a gas chamber if they think it is a nice hot shower....or even a cold one depending on how long its been since their last shower.  The same principle applied to the housing bubble.  People chasing an illusive dream will sell themselves into slavery for the newest bathroom fixtures or to replace with granite countertops the perfectly functional tiles ones. Hoodwinking, selling the sizzle instead of the steak, it's all part of the game.  Davis is a damn good hoodwinker!  And when the steak on the menu is the people's own pound of flesh, you sell the sizzle that much harder.  It's an old reliable formula that Davis tweeks quite nicely."


What Do John Walker Lindh, Jim Morrison and William Ayers Have In Common?

by Winsip Custer for CPW News Services

Erin Brockovich speaking to the multi-million gallon
Harriman, Tennessee sludge pond leak that
spilled into the TVA river system.

     Erin Brockovich put her finger on America’s Oedipal urges.  Leaving the theater following the movie bearing her name and starring Julia Roberts, most felt that Erin Brockovich had uncovered a plot to keep the poor people of Hinckley, California from getting restitution for the polluted water beneath the Pacific Gas and Electric facility that had ruined their heath.  Behind the sludge, heavy metal and toxic waste of PG &E at Hinckley, Love Canal or the Harriman, Tennessee coal sludge is anger.  Deep seated anger that rises from right within one's own household.
    Harriman, Tennessee's connection to America's leading proponent of womens' suffrage, Jane Addams, founder of Chicago's Hull House, has shined a new light on the study of Oedipal longings.   Addams and her friend, Mary Harriman, daughter of Union Pacific Railroad magnate, E. H. Harriman, have according to some experts in Oedipal urges, complicated normal understandings of Oedipal issues.   "Yes, indeed, by masking the 'good mother' with a 'she-devil mommy' or 'anti-mother-earth-mum' according to Winney G. Willidordman of London-based Center For Cognitive Analysis of Oedipal Longings, the issue is as murky as Halliburton fracking fluid.    We have been following the upcoming return of a leading Occupy Wall Street advocate to Jane Addams' alma mater Rockford College in Illinois," said Willidordman noting the inter-connected relationship between Addams, Mary Harriman and the sanctimonious and puritanical white washing of toxic dumping and sludge releases into America's pristine environment.
     On September  9, 2010 in San Bruno, California a 30” natural gas pipeline owned by Pacific Gas & Electric exploded.  The 1000’ wall of flames killed eight people.  A future investigation of the fire was led by a lawyer for 16 years at Pacific Gas & Electric, Frank Lindh.  Lindh had left PG&E to work for the CPUC, the California Public Utilities Commission, leading Jerry Hill, a Peninsula Assemblyman, to question Lindh’s involvement in the San Bruno investigation.
     “John Philip Walker Lindh, Frank’s son, the American Taliban, is just one of several high profile children to turn against the values that their fathers found endearing.    PG&E’s CEO, Tom King, went from PG&E  to head National Grid, Inc., another energy company that was joined by Boston FBI agent Warren Bamford, whose connection to terrorism included the investigation of the PTECH scandal whereby high-tech security software controlled by Middle-Eastern terrorists was providing the potential for a Trojan Horse within the U.S.’s  FAA programs and other sensitive security systems.  Bamford had been front and center at Ruby Ridge and at the Waco, Texas Branch Davidian affair.  Another Rudy Ridge and Waco FBI alumni is currently the Sheriff in San Diego, Sheriff William D. Gore, home of the U.S. Marine Corp. and the Navy Seals.  It is not known just how Warren Bamford and James Bamford, author of The Spy Factory on the NSA's invasion of privacy under the Patriot Act are related, but the resemblance is significant according to forensic artists Festus Pusley and Rusty Skaggs of ForensicMapping LLC.

William James and Warren T. Bamford.  Note the characteristic peaking right "Bamford
eyebrow" of each.
    Suffice it to say that this is also where another high profile son chased Oedipal urges.  Jim Morrrison, lead singer of The Doors, was the son of Admiral George S. Morrison, who oversaw LBJ’s Gulf of Tonkin Affair that kick started the Viet Nam War pouring tons of Agent Orange onto pristine forests and fire bombing rice-eating Communists.  The Morrisons also lived in San Diego where Admiral Morrison was stationed for much of Jim's life.  "People are strange", concluded Jim Morrison before "blowing himself up" by overdosing on drugs which were, according to high ranking U.S. officials as much a part of the U.S. mission in Indo-China as oil in the Mekong Delta.

John Walker Lindh, Jim Morrison, William Ayers.
Victims of Oedipal urges?
    A third case of Oedipal urges is Barack Obama’s friend from Chicago, William Ayers.  Ayers’ father was Thomas G. Ayers for whom Northwestern University’s Thomas G. Ayers College of Commerce and Industry was named.  Tom Ayers was a key member of the board of directors of numerous U.S. Military Industrialist Complex companies.   Joining the Weather Underground, William Charles “Bill” Ayers, became like John Philip Walker Lindh a homegrown terrorist, but we might ask for what purpose?
“I think the verdict is long in on that one,” said Ursula Von Diggins noting that Mary Harriman, Jane Addams and their close associates cannot be separated from what Marine General Smedley Darlington Butler called the "National City Bank Boys".   National City Bank's founder and progenitor of Brown Brothers Harriman was Alexander Brown of Baltimore, Maryland.   Diggins of the Society for the Root Causes of Oedipal Urges,   said "The companies that their fathers’ worked for or created were great polluters of the earth...Mother Earth.  Imagine if each morning you sat at the breakfast table pouring milk over your cornflakes only to look up to see the flake sitting at the head of the table and thinking ‘Oh crap. What a farse!’  You’d go and blow something up, too," said Von Diggins.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


National Defense Authorization Act Backed by Barbed Wire Manufacturers
Naomi Wolf, Daniel Ellsberg, Noam Chomsky, Chris Hedges
Tackle National Defense Authorization Act
The "Three Horsemen for Freedom", Ellsberg, Chomsky
and Hedges.... and a lady.  Naomi Wolf.

 By Peter Druber Smith for CPW News Service
     While Naomi Wolf, Daniel Ellsberg, Noam Chomsky and Chris Hedges have filed suit against President Obama in U.S. Federal District Court in New York, citing the NDAA law’s vagueness  as the basis for it unconstitutional assertions, the National Association of Barbed Wire Manufacturers believe that the law is a good one.
     “Yes, it is,” said Heinrich R. Germania, secretary of the NABWM whose membership includes John Winthop Schackles, owner of America’s leading penal system security designer’s corporation, BarbieKlausCo, LLC.  “When it comes to knowing how to stop terrorists in their tracks, we do, and the Obama NDAA bill was a legitimate means of stretching a long security fence around an endless problem.”
     Sources close to the Obama re-election committee have noted that while Mr. Schackles is a major contributor to the Obama re-election campaign, his $4.5 million donation has in no way influenced the President's backing of the NDAA bill.
   When asked if Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, is a relative of John Warne Gates, the 'father of barbed wire' who once circled the Texas Capital building with barbed wire to prove its effectiveness in controlling Longhorns, Mr. Schackles said...."That's none of your xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx business!"

   Mr. Schackles also raved against Naomi Wolf and the "Three Horsemen", Ellsberg, Chomsky and Hedges....saying, "Why didn't Mr. Benson join in and they could have really blown some smoke up people's asses....Benson & Hedges!  What does Naomi Wolf want us to do?  Her Papa is an authority on Translyvanian vampires and she thinks that Madona is women's role model while Mr. Hedges rails against empty television while his wife is an actor on Sex and The City!  We need barbed wire and plenty of it to protect the good folks of the land while the crazies criss-cross the country!"

     CPW News Services' reporter, Richmond Lilly Burden, has widely reported that the facts about the history of barbed wire and its production, promotion and uses as a tool of totalitarianian agendas has been widely overlooked by the American media.  "Wall Street's Goldman Sachs' criminals are buying guns, gold and barbed wire," said Burden who said that he's taking up bungy-jumping, sky diving, skate boarding, open ocean shark diving, high speed motorcycle racing without a helmut and wade fishing barefooted in regions suspected of harboring flesh eating bacteria just "for the hell of it."  "Who wants to be around for this crapola?" he asked.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Nicholas Delpopolo's Food Nutritious Rite

Nicholas Delpopolo Finds First Amendment Rights Violated

Petitions Olympic Committee To Rewrite Outdated Rules
By Simon Temple Lars Orderly  for CPW News Services
     Olympic Judo fighter, Nickolas Delpopolo, is not taking an active role in his own defense against charges of doping, but members of his California-based church, the Reformed Coptic Mennonite Church of Mendocino County, California are.  Nickolas suggested that the positive test for Marijuana was the result of something he ate. 
     "Yep," said his pastor, Walter "Brother Beaming" Barnett, "he celebrates daily communion like all good Reformed Coptic Mennonites do.  He had ganja bread and wine," said Barnett.  "What's wrong with that?  Our delicious, nutritious whole grain bread is made from a variety of substantive grains and seeds including ganja, the Jamaican name for Marijuana which we call 'gunja'.  We peace loving Coptic Mennonites believe in gunja and butter.  Not guns and butter like the warring Fascist or Bolshevik pigs of all military industrialist complexes do."
       Marijuana or “gunja” is a food as rich in nutritional supplements as soy or wheat according to pastor “Brother Beaming” Barnett.  Because of its fast growth, clusters of nutty nutritional seeds and gentle mood altering qualities, not unlike wine in the Christian communion meal or Eucharist, "it would be poor stewardship not to use gunja," said Beaming who counsels church members not to smoke gunja because "soot isn't good for anyone."   
      Brother Beaming has become an outspoken critic of the “anti-religious attitudes that the Olympic Committee and the repressive U.S. and other nation-state drug laws have engendered.”
     “Without Mr. Delpopolo's commitment to his religion and the subtle mood leveling effects of his daily communion, Nicholas would rip an opponents head off and kick it up into the rafters,” said Brother Beaming who has pledged his church's unconditional support for Mr. Delpopolo.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Rockford College Hedges Its Bets

Chris Hedges To Go Back To School on Tenth Anniversary of Anti-War Speech

Rockford College Board Unanimously Agrees To Invite Chris Hedges To Return To 2013 Commencement To Complete 2003 Speech

by Winsip Custer for CPW News Services

2003 Rockford College Commencement
(click to view in entirety)

     Betting that ten years is way too long to avoid a formal apology, on the 10th anniversary of the event that cost author and reporter Chris Hedges his job at the NY Times, Rockford College’s Board of Regents has unanimously agreed to invite Mr. Hedges to return. He will complete the speech that was interrupted by disgruntled parents, students and some teachers and administrators.
       “I think it’s amazing that the college of Jane Addams, one of the greatest suffrage organizers and democracy advocates in U.S. history, has finally seen the light ten years after Mr. Hedges’ prophetic speech.  I don’t want to say that he was like Jeremiah, Ezekiel  or Isaiah from the Bible, but he was like Jeremiah, Ezekiel or Isaiah  from the Bible.  Maybe even like David taunting Goliath and everything he said was true then and is truer now.  "My son is graduating in 2013 and beyond college he has hopes of joining the New York Metropolitan Opera.  He has offered to sing God Bless America at intervals in Mr. Hedge’s speech so as to give the parents and students of the 2003 class the opportunity to stand during the song’s verses with their hands over their hearts to pledge allegiance to truth and justice in America and to apologize to Mr. Hedges for rudely and myopically interrupting his timeless speech," said John Addams Jefferson of Springfield.
     Members of the Rockford College ROTC will serve as Mr. Hedge's personal bodyguards for the event.  Executives at the NY Times chose not to comment on Mr. Hedge's return citing its policy of non-participation in any events that make the historic newspaper look more ridiculous that it already does.
     Craven Z. Dorsky of the Society for the Discovery of Hidden Alliances, says that Mr. Hedges appears to be in many ways like the Neibuhr brothers whose close proximity to "The Order"....the American hidden power elites... can be seen in their outspoken criticism of The Order without their being murdered.  Anthony Sutton in America Secret Establishment notes that The Order allows for criticism of its own, but never really relinquishes power and position.  Jane Addams, for example, was the founder of Hull House and was a leading proponent of Prohibition.  In New York, she was a close friend of Mary Harriman, daughter of E.H. Harriman, Mary founded the N.Y. City Junior League after hearing a speech by Addams.  Harriman's support of the New York Eugenics program at Cold Spring Harbor, influenced the aggressive racial purity programs that informed and encouraged Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany.  "Edwin Black's War Against The Weak spells out the Harriman/Cold Springs Harbor connections.  "But go a step farther," said Dorsky.   "In Harriman, Tennessee people were encouraged to move to the Appalachian coal mining region deep in bootlegging country where the still makers and bootleggers were capable of running Henry Ford's cars on totally renewable energy,  alcohol, but instead Harriman, Tennessee had deed restrictions against the sale of alcohol.  With connections to the oil interest that fuel was barbed off as a renewable source just as hydrogen would be later in the Twentieth Century as evidenced by the work of H.D. Thoreau in his article Wolf Dance In Gasland.  More recently, millions of gallons of toxic sludge from Harriman's coal mines have spilled into the Tennessee Valley Authority waterways bringing Erin Brockovich to comment about the Harriman's brutal assault on the environment.
     One younger Rockford Regent who wished not to be identified said "we tried to sever our connections to Jane Addams, but we'll never tell whether that was to distance ourselves from the growing awareness of The Orders connetions in American life, or because we're closet drinkers, or both.  What's clear is that no one believes that the Iraq War and Afghanistan Wars were anything but a raunchy cluster fxxx.   If Mr. Hedges who couldn't remember that Henry Ford was a member of the 1930's 'Business Plot', wants to finish that speech, then some of us want him to keep pushing on The Order.  Push, push push, until the truth really comes out and Mr. Hedges receives the change or martyrdom that the Neibuhr brothers avoided along with William Sloan Coffin, another 'Ordered up and approved critic'.   Calling for change is one thing.  Truly effecting it from the relative comfort of a high rise in New York City is another,"