Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Hillary, Lucifer and Ben Carson: Horny Little Devils

The Devil's In The Blood Letting

Commentary by Dr. Barnard Christian Cooley DeBakey, Sr., CPW News Service

     Some were taken aback by Dr. Ben Carson's Republican National Convention speech that painted Hillary into Lucifer's corner by virtue, or lack of virtue, of her relationship to Saul Alinsky.  Author of the 1971 book, Rules for Radicals, Alinsky states: Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins--or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom--Lucifer.
      Alinsky was the guru of modern community organizing and worked in the Chicago-land area where America's most outspoken supporter of Nazi Germany, Ambassador to Great Britain, Joseph P. Kennedy, reached out his hand to the organized labor unions in 1960 to get his son, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, elected to the nation's highest office sending clearly mixed signals to the left and right on the political spectrum.  It's also where Al Capone celebrated his control of the local community with a small fireworks display on St. Valentine's Day in 1929, the year of the Wall Street stock market crash and beginning of the Great Depression that led to the implementation of the Glass-Steagall Act passing in 1933 to prohibit Wall Street investment brokers from acting as banks and vice-versa.  Glass-Steagall partitioned investment houses and banks and kept them from copulating in their deals up until the repeal of Glass-Steagall in 1999, the last year of William Jefferson Clinton's second term when he failed to veto the repeal.   Without Glass-Steagall in walked the wolves of Wall Street behind the hands-off policy of the Security and Exchange Commission, the Federal Reserve and Congress until 2008 when it all came crashing down, but which is now on a roll in spite of Brexit and a $19.1 trillion national debt, but with people wondering when the next bubble bursts since nothing close to Glass-Steagall replaced it.
     Dr. Ben Carson's brain needed surgery before he wrote his speech.  Philosophical surgery, not literal surgery.  As any good surgeon can tell you, and as Carson has shown with his own groundbreaking advances in medical science, just letting it bleed is not a good idea.  Like Dr. Carson, Dr. Michael DeBakey taught the world that if you can get a bleeding soldier to a MASH unit, a mobile army surgical hospital, within the first hour of the wound, their chances of survival are substantially improved.  It's called the "Golden Hour". 
     The Federal Reserve Chairman, Alan Greenspan, following the counsel of economist Milton Friedman, pushed for deregulation in 1999.  Why?  Because there is an invisible hand at work that keeps just the right pressure on the bleeding arteries of the market place and provide to the patient the best chances of survival.  Time proved, as Greenspan admitted after 2008, that this principle is not at all unlike Luciferian Saul Alinsky's principle "let it bleed". 
     Did we learn from 1933, 1999 and 2008 as John Nash's Nobel Prize winning "Governing Dynamics" illustrates that the philosophy of economist Adam Smith needed revision?   Did we learn that reasoned and principled regulations are not socialism-gone-wild?  Apparently not.
     Alinsky's overriding principle in community organizing is anarchy and decomposition so that real renewal can take place, if it's renewal he had in mind mentioning that Lucifer got his own kingdom as a result of his radicalism which included getting peace-makers to throw themselves off of high walls.  Simply stated the principle for both Lucifer, Alinsky and Greenspan is:  "Let It Bleed!"   Does that sound like an invisible hand?  Why, yes it does.  But "let it bleed" is not the principle of any responsible physician  in Jewish, Muslim, Christian or any other religious circles.   You are hard pressed to find those who will argue that the Great Physician counseled "let it bleed."   The little lost sheep?  "Ah, crap, just let it bleed," said Jesus?   Hardly.  He did tell those whose right hand offended them to cut it off and cast it from them, but he didn't tell them..."and don't use a tourniquet, either."   Neither Milton Friedman, Alan Greenspan or Robert Merton, the student of renowned economist Paul Samuelson who died calling Merton the maker of a "Frankenstein monster" of mumbo jumbo metrics....Merton's incomprehensible Black Scholls credit default formulas that tanked the economy....countered the "let it bleed" formula of Adam Smith and Saul Alinsky.   When it was discovered just how wrong they had been did any of them walk around handless?  No and neither did Enron's or WorldCom's leaders or countless other bamboozlers during the bloody-gusher-geyser years of 1999-2008, though Ken Lay did throw a blood clot in his prison cell or something.
     Sadly, there have been notable physicians who despite the age-old Hippocratic Oath of "first do no harm" have harmed.....Dr. Joseph Mengele in Nazi Germany, Dr. Hugh Smith Cummins in the U.S. Tuskegee Experiment, Dr. Leonard A. Scheele or Dr. Leroy E. Burney, which ever of the these two U.S. Surgeon Generals were aware of the U.S. Army's Pruitt-Igoe Experiment in the St. Louis housing project built by the architect of the World Trade Center, Minoru Yamasaki, and whose Pruitt-Igoe project was controlled demolished with thermite explosives in 1972 by the same company that finished the demolition of the World Trade Center beginning days after 911 to the horror of the NYFD fire fighters whose families could not properly retrieved their loved ones' remains. 
     Perhaps Dr. DeBakey and his colleagues if they in any way saw the Korean War as some wonderful laboratory for developing their "Golden Hour" theory were guilty of violating their Hippocratic Oath....."Hot dog, another gut shot, head wound....let it bleed, but not too long, we've a theory to prove here that will have wide ranging application in the civilian world."
     So where does this notion of "let it bleed" come from?  Could it be: SATAN?  It could if we can include that name to mean ignorance as well as the crasser motives associated with pure evil!  Indeed, it could!   We must first assume that the Luciferian principle of Alinsky is not unlike Adam Smith's invisible hand theory...."let it bleed," at least from our limited human perspective. 
     Granted, Alinsky's principle is more proactive, snipping the arteries, so to speak, while Smith's depends on a kind of simplistic prayer that asks "please Great Invisible Hand, don't go to sleep and don't have carpal tunnel syndrome so that you can't apply to the invisible  tourniquet of the free market just the right level of pressure."
     As Dr. Ben Carson was talking and as the shredded remnants of Glass-Steagall lay rotting and faded in some back alley, New York housing mogul who claims not to like hedge fund managers, but who are increasingly the only ones who can purchase his penthouses, is calling for even more deregulation while he creates new jobs for the declining middle-class.  It's not that we need new regulations.  We didn't need Glass-Steagall.  It's just that so many are willing to follow the simplest of admonitions.....one of which read "Thou shalt not steal."
    Either way it's this dark principle laid down not by authors like Herman Melville in Moby Dick, but by a bevy of slaughter house mule skinners who seem to be running things most of the time and about which General Smedley Darlington Butler wrote the book about the bloodiest of all of our endeavors, War Is A Racket, a racket in need of a wobbly principle like Alinsky's or Smith's to help keep the wobble wobbling. 
     For Herman Melville, letting it bleed unnecessarily was likely to drag down the whole damn Pequod, Ahab and his cauterized stub, Starbuck holding his coffee and all the other blubber merchants into shark infested waters and it did.  "Let it bleed" was not the counsel of the parson in Melville's story as he ascended the bow-pulpit and pulled up the stairway after him to pronounce his wisdom.  Instead we have to look to modern writers like Cormac McCarthy whose biggest fan is from the leading center of the U.S. arsenal's weapon makers and secret intelligence agencies' recruiters, Yale, and its Dumbledore academician and keeper of the American literary canon, Harold Bloom.  Bloom has taken great pride in promoting McCarthy as the new modern Melville.  There is a humanly unbridgeable chasm between the two writers who are separated by only a couple of centuries, but that is more than enough.  We initially fought bloody wars out of necessity.  As Eisenhower and Smedley Butler before him feared, we now fight them as a business proposition or for political sport.  In all honesty, there is not a surgeon in the world who wouldn't agree that war provides a great laboratory for experimentation on wounded soldiers who should all read Dalton Trumbo's war story, Johnny Got His Gun, before rushing too quickly into battle like Theodore "Ted" Westhusing, Pat Tillman or Jessica Lynch even though there are myth spinners who doctor up their tragedies like Vernon Loeb or Steve Coll of the Washington Post and a host of others. 
     So was Eisenhower gullible?  Perhaps.  Rome, that wasn't built in a day, is still under construction.  McCarthy will say in his novel, a novel that Harold Bloom compares with Moby Dick....Blood Meridian... that "war is god".  Melville was unwilling to make that illogical leap.  Or, at least he was unwilling to say that the war god, Kratos, is equal to God.  That is the story that Ismael has left floating within his mind as he floats on Queequig's casket before telling his full story to the world when he is rescued.
    The Luciferian principle of "let it bleed" or of "take your hand off the tourniquet and let the invisible hand do its invisible job" are equally suspect.
    Now I know that there comes a time when we have to "let God decide" in questions of life and death, but counseling anarchy of either the Saul Alinsky or Adam Smith kind in matters of economics and community building is to misappropriate the injunction. 
    That having been said, with Donald Trump coming into office or Hillary, one whose husband unwound the tourniquet of Glass-Steagall and the other who invited Dana White of the blood sport, Ultimate Fighting Championships, to give testimony to Trump's willingness to promote his "let it bleed" carnival, we are all in for some interesting, but bloody, times ahead.


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