Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Thursday, November 29, 2012


Paula Broadwell Announces Sequel to All In: The Education of General David Petraeus

by Cathy Opusdalilly for CPW News Services

     Simon and Schuster announced today that Paula Broadwell’s sequel to All In: The Education of General David Petraeus, will be available in time for Christmas.     Sub-titled Still Looking For General Zod, the book’s introduction is written by Tampa, Florida socialite, Jill Kelley. 
     "People cannot get enough of the Jill Kelley and Paula Broadwell story, “ said Mordecai Zuckerman, Simon and Schuster’s spokesperson who also noted that Mrs. Broadwell's proposed title, All In:  Up to the Hilt, was rejected by the publisher.  "We like the military imagery, but it didn't do justice to the deeper motives directing Mrs. Broadwell's interests in General Petraeus.

     Dr. Harvey Hykyte of the Center For The Study of Zod-Odditites in Roswell, New Mexico believes that both Kelley and Broadwell suffer from an acute form of the Zod-Oddity Syndrome a purely feminine obsession with military men of the highest rank.  “The key is the rank.  Rank is everything to these women.  Low rank triggers no attraction at all.  Tests show that the lower the rank the more the sufferer thinks of privies and potato peelers, foxholes and gun oil, though there is some indication that the thought of guns and oil triggers minor levels of eroticism, but not enough to cause them to want to mount the officer like Mrs. Broadwell mounted the pilings at the West Point obstacle course.  The higher the rank the better.  Rank, rank, rank.  They eat, sleep and breathe rank.  Whoever can outrank another officer will win the Zod-Oddity sufferer's interest and affections," said Dr. Hykyte. 

Zod-Oddity syndrome strikes one woman in 10,000
military women according to
Dr. Harvey Hykyte of the
 Center for the Study of
 Zod-Oddities in
Roswell, New Mexico.
     Jill Kelley, who wrote the introduction to Broadwell’s All In: Part II, was not initially interested in participating in the book.   "A seven figure advance sealed the  Simon and Schuster offer," said Zuckerman who also announced that he has signed an agreement with Dr. Harvey Hykyte to published his new book The Heartbreak of Zod-Oddity:  Rank And the Women Who Reach For It.

    Challenging Dr. Hykyte's assumptions and diagnosis of Mrs. Broadwell's disorder is Dr. Fleming Eon Goldman.  "This has all the making of a counter intelligence move," said Goldman who has served for thirty two years as president of the American Counter-Intelligence Society for Intellectual Advancement of Public Disclosure.  "I believe that the only thing in Mrs. Broadwell that is anything like the luny wingnut that chased General Zod is the fact that she was the sharp stick with which General Petraeus could gouge out his own eyes and become forever associated with the not-nearly-good, the bad and the really alluring whose ugliness is soul deep.  That stick could have been married or single, brunette, red head or blond,  male or female depended on the General's sexual orientation, but whoever the powers that be used, the results are the same.  The man took himself out of the picture in a way that effectively severs the institutional memory on a sxxx-load of military dirty dealing," said Goldman.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Petraeus Blinded Like Belisarius by the Well-Clothed Emperor

Petraeus Affair The Sacrificial Blinding of the American Belisarius
By Winsip Custer

    National Review Magazine On-Line has called him a “modern Belisarius” on November 19th, 2012.  That was 14 months after this reporter had made the comparison on September 14, 2011 in an article titled Petraeus,Westhusing and the Lessons of Belisarius.  The NRMOL comparison uses the analogy inappropriately.  The writer, Victor Davis Hanson, an honored historian who has taught at the numerous U.S. military academies and think tanks should have known better.  A professor at Stanford and a fellow at Stanford's Hoover Institute, Dr. Hanson's associates there include Condoleeza Rice,  Donald Rumsfeld, Edwin Meese and George Schultz.  Stanford University will, of course, be forever associated with its namesake, Leland Stanford, one of the  first U.S. Transcontinental Railroad's "Big Four".  It will also be associated with Myron Du Bain, president of the Stanford Research Institute and the "men who stare at goats" experiments of the CIA's MK-Ultra program.  Hanson sees the West as the giver of enlightenment through military conquest, a role that was honed by the Greeks.  In a recent discussion on his book on the Peloponesian Wars, Hanson explained that Iraq, Afghanistan and other tribally led regions are parasites. 

Victor Davis Hanson, military historian and
22nd Chester M. Nimitz guest lecturer at
Berkley arguing for the benefits of empire.

     Frederick Mellon, noted economist whose Eco-Echo-Micro-Macro Theory has convincingly argued that all humans and human organizations on planet earth, however enlightened they appear to be, are simply parasites sucking the resources out of a dying planet.  "Who are you going to believe?" asked Mellon.  "The truth or a nose picking professor who was probably part of du Bain's LSD experiments at Stanford and whose bad trip left him with a fixation on white soxs?"

The original text of Goebbels'
diaries are held by
The Hoover Institute.
Louis P. Lochner edited and
Goebbels' diary and provided
the introduction.  Lochner
was Henry Ford's secretary.
Ford was a leading member of
the 1930's "Business Plot" foiled by
two-time Congressional Medal
of Honor winner,
General Smedley Darlington Butler.

    The Hoover Institute is no stranger to propaganda.  It domiciles the papers of Nazi propaganda chief, Joseph Goebbels.  Dr. Hanson has been a staunch defender of Donald Rumsfeld who purchased the plantation where U.S. abolitionist Frederick Douglas was renditioned before his return to the South....."Misery Plantation".   If ownership of such a high profile icon in humanity's struggle against tyranny was intended to serve as a constant reminder to Secretary of Defense Rumsfeldt that forgetting history dooms one to repeat it, the Plantation's purpose was thwarted at Abu Ghraib Prison in Iraq.

     A fifth generation California vineyard keeper, Hanson has written what critics have called a non-apologist's assessment of the American family farm.  Fields Without Dreams was a eulogy not a call to arms. 
     One review said of Hanson's book: "As we read this book it became clear that Professor Hanson's uniformly negative opinions of the people who now support themselves as professional farmers are truly clouded by his amateur status as a farmer. The sad thing is that he does not see that himself. In case you are wondering, his profession is, after all, that of College professor."  Another says that he personally knows Hanson and then provides a litany of Hanson's accomplishments in his family's California's grape and raisin business.  What is clear is that someone, perhaps Hanson's father or those of his powerful friends at Hoover ate sour grapes and set the children's teeth on edge when it comes to America's smaller farms.  We know, for example, that George Schultz's company, Bechtel, was involved in Bolivia's water wars whereby the World Bank promised clean water if the people signed over all their access to water, even rainwater, to the corporation which would charge the people about 20% of their annual household income.
    Recognizing the corporatization of the family farm, illustrated recently by ConAgra's multi-billion dollar purchase of Ralsco, Hanson's inclusion in the California wine culture puts him squarely within the company of Robert P. "Bobby" Koch, the Wine Institute's chief Washington lobbyist and husband of George Herbert Walker Bush's only daughter, Dorothy, sister of George Walker Bush.  Jenna Bush, Dorthy's neice, spent time after college writing a book about the poor of South America while touring the 100,000 acre family property near the headwaters of the Amazon just across the border of Bolivia and Brazil in Paraguay. 

    When one takes a good close gander at propaganda, however seemingly sophisticated and credentialed the source, it becomes evident that the truth never speaks for itself.  The truth must be championed.  If you cannot trust that the map that you are following is trustworthy, you are as likely to end up in Auschwitz or Abu Ghraib instead of your intended destination, Albuquerque.   Believe it or not, history is replete  with examples of  lighthouse keepers that move the light at night so that unsuspecting sailors trusting their bearings are misdirected to run aground for the salvage value of their ships and cargo....a fairly accurate analogy to the U.S. ship of state.

      The bizarre nature of the outing of not only General Petraeus, but also of a colleague, General John R. Allen, has Republicans and Democrats pointing fingers wildly at what they assert was a politically motivated action.  Either it was to cover over what Petraeus knew of the Benghazi embassy attack or it was, according to some Democrats, a public disclosure that was aimed at embarrassing Obama as inept.   His opponents claimed he should have known that the George W. Bush appointed head of the Iraqi “surge” and General whom Obama kept in the saddle to become the  new CIA Director, was seriously compromised.    
     The assumption is that the President would have handled all of these events differently, more expeditiously, with greater wisdom and decorum, if he were an effective leader who had prevented the death of four in Benghazi as George W. Bush had failed to do with 2,753 at the World Trade Center in spite of advanced warning of terrorist plots to use domestic aircraft as missiles.  At the very least, it was being argued when the Petraeus story broke, that Obama should have been honest about the events in Benghazi and on the home front, allowing a celebrated U.S military officer to retire from public office graciously and gracefully with the least possible damage to his family, his wife and children and the organizations he has served.  Which if Obama was trying to protect his reputation is what would have happened through top-down pressure brought to bear on lower level FBI agents from Director Mueller long before the well-timed waste-bearing flatulence hit the politically spinning fan blades. 

     Was Petraeus that much different from William Jefferson Clinton or Barney Frank except for the absence of the Clinton/Lewinski power differential within the workplace and Frank's sexual orientation?  A tragedy is still a tragedy, but even sex scandals repeat themselves differently as these examples clearly show and with widely different outcomes.
   Unfortunately, a reasoned approach to the crisis and civil decorum is not what happened.  What happened is high school all over again.  The scandalous emails were, from all outward appearances, released in such a way to provide the greatest collateral damage like a terrorist bomb detonated in a town square during a community carnival,  like a fog of Agent Orange spray blasted to defoliate the underbrush of the U.S. Presidential election, or Corexit sprinkled into the froth to sink the grease and grunge that the nation's leaders had in a deeper sense created.  Why had not the NSA who reads every one's emails long ago read Petraeus' and Allen's even if the FBI hadn't and doesn't the NSA talk to the President?  Of course, Obama didn’t elevate Petraeus.  Bush did. 
     The decider of “Mission Accomplished”, yellow cake uranium and countless other political missteps put Petraeus in charge.  Petraeus' leadership was to  help fuel a planned terrorism-on-the-run out of control war, two wars, Iraq alone to have cost a measly $60 billion and which now sits at over $1.5 trillion and still the nation that we had a clear hand in breaking is a disgusting mess.   We were told by General Colin Powell we would fix what now remains an open sore and monument to the stupidity of war.  The dead and wounded?  How does one put a price tag on that?  
     One would think that George Walker Bush's ancestor was Texas Ranger Samuel Hamilton Walker for whom the Colt Walker pistol is named. Perhaps to the nutty filibustering fruitcake, that "gray-eyed man of destiny", William Walker.  Or that Bush's friends at Yale are heavily invested in everything from gunpowder, to lead mines, to tank track makers, military uniform contractors like General Patton's family who was a major supplier of WWII uniforms, or to spent ordinance picker-uppers and mine diffusers whose no-bid contracts with the Pentagon are mired in secrecy in a system that morphed from liberators to  the subject of Eisenhower's  departing advice and warning, ironically given from a war hero who had made a fine living off of the complex, expanded its arsenal like no other and was said by Harry Truman to have defeated the Nazis "only to become one."

   Petraeus has long been compromised.  Holly Petraeus was the West Point Commandant’s daughter.  Her husband appears to have been picked early for a major role in the U.S. military establishment.  In addition he had suffered a traumatic case of “friendly fire” at Fort Campbell, Kentucky where a soldier, according to various accounts of what happened, fell or tripped, accidentally (or on purpose?) perfectly perforating the young officer’s lung.  Rushed to the hospital his wound was closed by none other than George W. Bush’s closest ally in the Senate, Senator Dr. William "Bill" Frist from Tennessee, whose business partner at Columbia-HCA Hospitals, Richard Scott, went on to become the Governor of Florida where the two Generals unwisely succumbed to the affections and friendship of Mrs. Kelley, also a friend of the FBI agent who reported the General’s indiscretions.  How such a state as Florida became the playground for Mrs. Kelley is beyond most of us until we remember Jeb Bush and Texas' Richard Scott have been its governors with Scott's place in the annals of corporate fraud forever concreted by the $1.7 billion Columbia-HCA Medicare fraud fine his company paid before its failure and his $400 million severance package much of which he used to gain his cushy Florida government job.  Florida, where not only have the ethics of public service mutated, but where the effects of Global Warming have etched away the beaches where once Delores Hart, now a cloistered nun, was wooed on the silver screen by actor George Hamilton in Where the Boys Are in 1962.  Another 50 years and the remake will have the spring breakers partying on the beach in  front of the Florida's Governor's Mansion in Tallahassee.
    More significantly, General Petraeus was compromised in his role as the leading commander in Iraq’s Green Zone.   There, following a heated encounter with West Point’s top ethicist and beloved teacher-warrior and a man concerned with the concept of ‘just wars’…  a man who was charged with the training of an indigenous security force which had not been adequately considered before the invasion, Colonel Theodore “Ted” Westhusing, who would be "sullied no more", Westhusing died mysteriously, tragically and disbelievingly for many who knew him.  Westhusing’s story is told in Christian T. Miller’s book Blood Money and raises, without mentioning specifically Belisarius, the specter of a Belisarius-like drama unfolding.  The Westhusing confrontation with Petraeus followed within hours  by Westhusing’s questionable “suicide” shows that the two men were likely following the same course that led to Belisarious’ blinding.   Loyally do the Emperor's bidding and you will be blinded.  Each of the men in their own way were being sacrificed on the altar of the brutal power elites' tribal home-front protectionism that included the promulgation of endless war abroad and the camouflaging of family empire building through privatized security company revenue streams and no-bid defense business arrangements under the bigger banner of national patriotism
     Investigative reporters for Dunkelheitslügen, the German off-line political journal, Mort Zartorbach and Albert Teller Oppenheimer agree.  “You don’t have to be a nuclear physicist to see that this Petraeus case is nuttier than a Filbert orgy at a Brazil nut convention," said Zartorbach.
     “I’d say that the military in and around Tampa Bay, the old stomping ground of Mob boss, Carlos Trafficante, is probably trafficking in a network of toxic Tampa housewife wannabe babes all siliconed up  and  stooping, not just from the weight of the silicone,  to do anything to feel important.  Throw in an FBI agent with an irrational interest in the inner workings of the this twisted sludge and a Bond girl bimbo who likes to play with guns and walla!  Just what the newest Karl Rove or Lee Atwater ordered as a last minute attempt to swing the election away from Obama," said Zartorbach.
     “Behind all this is more than Petraeus’ interest in Broadwell’s behind.  The errant bullet through the General’s young lung patched by Senator Frist, would have had the effect of preparing him for a role in the military machinery as perfectly fitted to taking orders from the real powers behind the Presidency as a finely tuned transmission cog in the heart of a Mercedes Benz.  If Obama is slow to redirect this carefully orchestrated train wreck, his is no fool.  Petraeus could be counted on to  prolong the wars that Obama seems in no hurry to stop and to keep the greasing a tightly guarded secret.  Until the leaking emails, that is.   Now Petraeus is in a position to retreat from the front of the public and secret wars where he can do no real damage….now that  Westhusing and Pat Tillman are gone along with many of the Seal Team 6 that took out Osama Bin Laden,” said Oppenheimer noting that he agreed with many who thought that the timing on the Bin Laden capture and burial at sea seemed far too convenient.  "This is how Petraeus is blinded by the Emperor like Belisarius," said Oppenheimer.

     “I’d like to interview and investigate that soldier who fired the shot at Petraeus at Fort Campbell.  My bet is that he is dead or on some secret assignment in Manchuria,” said Zartorbach.  “I’d start with the premise that Frederick W. Humphries is closely connected to families deeply invested in the U.S. military complex’s historic families…..Brown,  Root,  Walker…that connection could be traced to U.S. defense contracting companies and mining operations or heavy equipment companies that benefit from the raping and pillaging of foreign nations for the mineral and other assets that can be extracted to extend the Empire, made up as they are of many smaller family business empires,” said Zartorbach as Oppenheimer noted that FBI Agent Humphries' wife is Sara Walker Humphries.
     “It’s business as usual,” said Zartorbach suggesting that the uninformed read General Smedley Darlington Butler’s book War Is A Racket and Col. Daniel Marvin’s Expendable Elite which he said "could just as easily been the title of a book about Belisarius as about Marvin's experiences as a Green Beret in Cambodia.   During the Viet Nam War Marvin's encounter with the CIA and U.S. political power echoes the courage of Col. Westhusing and Pat Tillman  in Iraq and Afghanistan, but unlike them Marvin lived to tell about it," said Zartorbach.  "When Marvin went to publish his story the Special Forces Association representing members of all U.S. Special Forces groups....Berets, Delta Force, Navy Seals, Army Rangers,  turned on him and sued him for libel in the most conservative state in the U.S., South Carolina.  Figuring that he'd not dare show up in court, Marvin, who refused the CIA orders to pull off the execution of the Cambodian prince, showed up in court and won the case.  Petraeus could one day tell the truth about his military experiences, but sadly the present situation takes away so much of his credibility that it's not likely that he would be believed by the discerning or, more to the point, that he could dodge another bout of "friendly fire" likely ordered  by shadowy figures whose closest thing to real combat is bird hunting. 

     General Smedley Darlington Butler's battle with the "Business Plotters" who planned the overthrow of FDR by asking Butler to lead a 500,000 soldier army in a coup d'tat was led by Harvey Firestone, Henry Ford, John Burroughs, Charles Lindberg and Prescott Bush whose  position as a director of the FBI targeted Union Bank, was joined by Hitler's banker, Fritz Thyssen.  Critics would say that Thyssen was jailed by Hitler in Germany, but that was after the Union Bank's dealings with Germany were already disclosed severely curtailing Thyssen's usefulness to the Nazis.  In the 1930's as with Henry Ford's earlier mission to keep Americans out of any militarized peace keeping role in the lead up to World War I with his peace initiative and "Ship of Fools", was the unparalleled access of Louis P. Lochner to Hitler, Goebbels, Himmler and others at the top of the Nazi's mechanized pyramid of death and destruction. 
     The real truth about the Petraeus case in all likelihood, like the eyes of the blinded Belisarius who had done the emperor's dirty work only to be hauled up on who knows exactly what charges or like so many killed in Iraq and Afghanistan like Westhusing and Tillman, will never again see the sunlight of a new day.  Not without many more willing to be silenced like Westhusing and Tillman. Turning a blind eye leads inevitably to turning a blind eye.  Not turning an eye is to invite a sharp stick!  Few will pay that price and the evil ones bank on it.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Jim Wallis Points To Evangelical's Disappointment

Evangelicals In Quandary Over Obama Win
By Rich Waifman for CPW News Services

     According to Washington’s expert on Evangelical Christians, Jim Wallis, American evangelical Christians are in a tight spot with respect to Obama’s re-election.   Wallis writes:
“Religious right leaders like Ralph Reed, Franklin Graham and Tony Perkins did everything they could to turn evangelicals to Romney, especially in the final run-up to the election. Their efforts to turn concerns about abortion and gay marriage into partisan arguments for a Republican victory -- and to threaten dangerous consequences of a Democratic win -- were, by their own estimates, the most extensive ever. But they failed and didn't change the outcome of the election.”
     It was widely reported that Franklin Graham's website removed Mormonism from its list of cults in order promote wider acceptability of the Mormon Church.  This was in spite of the fact that Graham has historically renounced the Book of Mormon which is rejected among most mainline and non-denominational evangelicals. 

     According to Rev. Theo Culloden Fruzen of the Church of Relevant Evangelism “we now live in a post-evangelical age.  It is here that Christianity finds its real testing ground.  Christianity and power have a hard time mixing well.  Consider Christianity’s founder.  He would not have made a great CEO of Bain Capital and while Mormonism is quaintly reminiscent of Old Testament patriarchs with multiple wives, evangelicals have, along with Roman Catholics, a very difficult time believing that Jesus had one wife let alone multiple wives....regardless of Coptic papyri presented by Harvard Divinity School's Karen L. King or Ron Brown's The Da Vinci Code.  Jesus would not have been a fine army general nor navy admiral.  Several years ago the U.S. Navy proposed naming an atomic attack submarine after Jesus, the Corpus Christi or 'Body of Christ', but that would never have been Jesus’ choice.   The U.S. Navy changed its mind after a public outcry from non-evangelical Christians who believed that the sub was an underwater phallic symbol and could in no way be claimed to look like the sacred ixthus, though some held up a model of the sub noting it could be construed as a cross for a Jesus with stubby arms," said Fruzen.

    "Jesus was more about beating swords into plowshares.  Sure, he told Peter that one sword was enough, but we have a hard time believing that one missile is enough, or one drone, or one anything.  Remember all those hydrogen bombs of the Cold War?  More is better, especially when you feel threatened or entitle to some other geographic area’s dwindling natural resources.  Ralph Reed is irrelevant, well, except back when he was helping Jack Abramoff make money through the Native American Indian's casino operations, but it's  Franklin Graham who, thanks to his father,  is saddled with upholding the history of post  WWII’s marriage of Christianity to the U.S. military power elites of the Military Industrialist Complex," said Fruzen.
     Fruzen believes that we see the really significant marriage between U.S. power and Christianity not with Henry Luce’s Time and Life Magazine's “pumping Billy Graham”, but in the action of General Dwight D. Eisenhower who warned against the possibility of misadventure while blessing the very thing that had provided him and the war lords of Germany, Italy, Japan and other nations such a good living....well, those that won, anyway," said Fruzen.
    “Yes, it was Eisenhower who was baptized into the Christian faith at National Presbyterian Church and put ‘In God We Trust’ on the U.S. currency.  National Presbyterian Church was formerly Washington D.C.'s First Covenant Presbyterian Church.    First Presbyterian Church merged with Covenant Presbyterian to become First Covenant Presbyterian.  Did that make the church a synagogue, since Jesus was the Lord of the Second or New Covenant as Winsip Custer has explained in his article Was Dwight D. Eisenhower Jewish?  I don’t know, but no doubt to erase the confusion the church changed its name again to National Presbyterian Church kind of like the Anglican's National Cathedral where on the parapets are symbolic gargoyles including one of the mythic head of the Star Wars stories' Evil Empire, Darth Vader.  You can't make this stuff up!   It sure shows that Billy Graham was riding on the wave of victory provided by the  U.S. win during the war thanks in no small part to combined efforts of two Jews who begged the world not to use their work for evil….Albert Einstein and J. Robert Oppenheimer.   Of course, the way the U.S. evangelicals and oil cartel power elites threatened by fear that peaceful nuclear energy along the lines of the programs now run by France would kill their power plants branded Oppenheimer as a national security threat. Oppenheimer's peaceful stance and how he was treated is a sad chapter in U.S. history and a national disgrace unbecoming of a world power that chose to  really follow Odin, the Norse god of war, under the guise of really trusting in the deity of the Judeo-Christian Bible.   I have taken the track that if Billy Graham and Dwight Eisenhower can silently go along with the marriage of the church to the misadventures of  a nutty Dr. Strangelove like Edward Teller, father of the hydrogen bomb, the bigger bomb that Einstein and Oppenheimer whose coattails the lesser Teller rode, preferred not to construct, then gay marriage is a fly-speck blip in comparison.   But, of course I don't do marriages in my church.  Did Jesus do any marriages?  Weddings?  He went to them as something of a caterer and bar tender, but Jesus doing one is another matter. I can't find a single one.  I leave that to the public square and to the civil magistrates while I party hearty like Jesus.   Nor do I favor the Catholic Church’s imposition of aberrant human behavior on altar boys, the prohibition against birth control, nor many Evangelical Christian’s prohibition against abortion in all cases,” said Fruzen noting the death in Ireland of an Indian woman who seventeen weeks pregnant was refused by Irish doctors an abortion that could have save her life.

Friday, November 16, 2012

U.S. Government Overthrow Likely?

Coup d’etat Meter Shows Heightened Probability

By  Patrick R.  Seuar for CPW News Services

     Dr.  Rico Chez Gusto of the Turvy Institute for the Study of Coup d’etats in Cadiz, Spain, says that “computer analysis of the conditions in the U.S. indicate that the nation is ripe for a coup d’etat of the kind that was being planned in the 1930’s 'business plot' that was foiled by Franklin D. Rooosevelt,  J. Edgar Hoover of the FBI and Marine Corp. General Smedley Darlington Butler, two-time Congressional Medal of Honor winner and self-professed former 'goon for the National City Bank boys'."
     “Yes, it’s true,” with the Koch brothers’ efforts to control the 2012 election through the right winged Tea Party thwarted and now with the leading U.S. military leaders embarrassed by recently publicized breaches in military decorum, the time is ripe for a U.S. right-winged coup d’etat like the one that was to have toppled FDR and led by Henry Ford, Harvey Firestone, John Burroughs, Charles Lindberg and Prescott Bush, had the FBI not seized the assets of the Fritz Thyssen and Bush connected Union Bank” said Gusto.  Gusto noted that this is at the heart of the ongoing conflict between the CIA and FBI.  "The U.S. intelligence commnity had its beginning with homegrown spies who were weary of pyramidal, monarchical leadership like the kind promoted in modern corporations.  That all changed in 1833 when a new order stepped in to commandeer that community to replace it with a dark legacy that domiciled the key leadership at Yale University as evidenced by Yale professor Robin Wink's book Cloak & Gown.
    Dr. Gusto believes that given the convergence of these factors the Turvy Institute's computer model that takes into account over 200,000 variables is topping the scale for what he calls the “coup d’etat fire-engine-candy-apple-hot-mama red zone.”
     “Remember that  the Tea Party folks are backed by the fortunes of Fred Koch who was a founder of the John Birch Society.  The elimination of Obama and Biden would put the government in the hands of Speaker of the House, John Boener.  Boener, of course, campaigned actively for a member of Wiking SS reenactment group, Ray Iott.  With the projected coup d’etat it would no longer be a reenactment group,” said Mr. Gusto from his office in Cadiz, noting that Joshua Green had written about Ray Iott's Nazi connections in The Atlantic.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Susan Boyles’ Advice To Holly Petraeus
by Debra D. Sargeant for CPW News Service
And still I dreamed he’d come to me.
That we would live the years together.
But there are dreams that cannot be
And there are storms we cannot weather

I had a dream my life would be
So different from this hell I’m living
So different now from what it seemed

Now life has killed the dream I dreamed

   Jill Patterson of the Susan Boyle Worldwide Fan Club says “Susan Boyle has some sage advice for Holly Petraeus.  If you had a dream that’s different from the hell you are living, go out and create another dream.”
   According to Ms. Patterson, formerly Mrs. Farrel F. Plibick, “I dreamed that the man I married so many years ago and who looked like a geek then and is just an older geek now, could straighten up and fly right, but as a top flight executive with power, prestige, money and broads all around him with loose lips and quivering hips, I was wrong.  I didn’t help matters any.  Sure I was a bit overweight, but after five children what woman isn’t unless she’s some fitness flake, a running nut in Nikes, with too much testosterone, a bearer of broad well-like portals from over indulgence and the attitude of a female cobra?  But it’s not fair how if a man has power and money women will gravitate to him even if he’s physically a sawed-off runt with bad teeth, a receding hair-line and average intellect, which you have to be to be so regimented as to make it through West Point....did you see Men In Black?  'Just what we have come to expect from years of government service,' said Rip Torn's character.”

"...cut out the things you don't really care about,"
-Holly Petraeus
   When asked if Ms. Patterson who had retaken her maiden name was referring to her husband or General David Petraeus she said simply, “Come to think of it they do look a lot alike….same weak chin, beady eyes and willing to take over a  project….in my husband’s case he’s in waste management…..and come to think of it when you look at the history on Iraq and Afghanistan and how we went 'all in' with no plan for exiting nor for fixing it if we broke it, basically what is General Petraeus’ job description?  It's waste management, too.  As head of the CIA he was responsible for keeping that a secret!”

   Ms. Patterson was deeply concerned for Holly, however.  "She has a double wammy.  Not only is she the General's wife, but the daughter of a Marine Corp. Commandant, which if you think that had nothing at all to do with General Petraeus' meteoric rise in the the U.S. Military Industrialist Complex whose motto is 'Don't give a hoot, let's go pollute', I'll sell you a Sherman Tank and throw in some army surplus canteens.  I'd sell you some plutonium enriched mortar rounds, but those are all lying on the Middle East battlefields which we pay billions to U.S. contractors to go and recycle for us but not before polluting the holy crap out of the place while guaranteeing a sterile population," said Patterson.

Monday, November 12, 2012



By Duncan O'Toole for CPW News Services

     Following in the wake of Joe Cross’  Australian challenge…the stock trader turned dieter who spent 60 days in the U.S. on a  juice fast,  an Aboriginal tribesman, Banjora Burnu,  has another answer for the problem of obesity.  
     Burnu travels much lighter than the handsome Russell Crowe look-alike, Joe Cross, whose documentary on NETFLIX titled Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead,  is credited with doubling the sales of Beeville Juicers, the Sydney , Austrailia based appliance that promises better health.   Cross said that he randomly selected the Beeville Juicer off the shelf at Crate & Barrel in NY City where he spent the first 30 days of his fast in the shadows of Wall Street, Madison Avenue and the headquarters of a number of publishing and public relations houses.  Cross claims he has no stake in the company back home.  "Sur mon," said Burnu.  "So why not fast from Sarasota to Portland with 30 days in Selma?" 

   “Do you also use a Beeville in your diet preparations?” I asked Banjora.
     “No.  Mon.  I use the most portable inexpensive and efficient juicer in the world.  My teeth.   With da skin and  da peels of da fruits and vegatables carrying the bulk of the fibers an all da nutrients lost except for da juice out of them and throwin' away the pulp is crazy, mon” said Mr. Burnu of Koala Lump Pour, Austrailia, a village known for its delicious eucalyptus and papaya which Banjora sells as meals called “BB's Munch Packs”.  “A Munch Pack is  a baggie of mixed veggies, fruits, herbs and a boddle of wata,” said Burnu noting that he had no ambitions of selling  what he called a “Sheet load of dim dum peelers.  Beezzzz.  A power surge and dey dun foh!  Not my teeth,” said Mr. Burnu.
     "Mon, it just crazy to use all dat plastic, copper wiya and lectrik sukutry to do basically what Kevin Costner was trying to do on a massive scale with dat oil and Corexit in the Gulf of Mexico.  Da Dances Wiff Wolves mon got $50 million dollars from BP to spin clean da bad wata.  Dey better usin’ ‘em for big veggie juicers but da wata still polluted, but dim pumps need mo oil to spin dat wata. Dum.  Dum.  Dum.  I skinny,   I not sick.  But soon be dead like all creatures. Din I fly and no walk about, mon.”

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Petraeus' CIA/FBI Battle A Dark Legacy and Dark Alliance?

Mrs. Broadwell's Loose Lips Cause For Concern?

by Winsip Custer CPW News Service

      General David Petraeus' fall from grace.....or more accurately....the foot race with a beautiful biographer cannot be understood apart from his place in the Bush family political drama.   Petraeus was, after all, GWB's go-to-guy on Iraq....a war with no exit strategy, justified by non-existent yellow cake uranium and a broken nation that we broke down further without a plan to rebuild.  When Prescott Bush’s ties to Nazi Germany went far beyond “rumors” on the Internet to become the subject of a documentary titled Dark Legacy now being shown on Netflix and elsewhere, an unlikely group came to the defense of Bush’s legacy.   Prescott was the father of two U.S. Presidents. The Jewish Anti Defamation League or ADL placed the following statement on its website:
     Rumors about the alleged Nazi "ties" of the late Prescott Bush, the grandfather of President George W. Bush, have circulated widely through the Internet in recent years. These charges are untenable and politically motivated.

     Despite some early financial dealings between Prescott Bush and a Nazi industrialist named Fritz Thyssen (who was arrested by the Nazi regime in 1938 and imprisoned during the war), Prescott Bush was neither a Nazi nor a Nazi sympathizer.

     Fritz Thyssen, Hitler's banker, lost favor in Germany after the FBI moved against Union Bank in the U.S..  The truth out, Hitler jailed him.
     Fritz Von Albertson of the Institute for the Study of Dialectic Non-Alternatives said of the Petraeus affair....Mrs. Broadwell's loose lips are cause for concern.  I have seen her videos and her entire form and demeanor gives pause.  We know that the rumors were true, but there are rumors about the Bush patriarch that are not rumors at all.  The charges about Prescott Bush in the documentary Dark Legacy are essentially correct as is the analysis, but the ADL calls them rumors.  Why a Jewish organization like the ADL would want to risk taking such a stance in the middle of what appears to be a war between the FBI and CIA and a botch job in two Muslim nations, Iraq and Afghanistan, as evidenced by the previous scandal involving David Petraeus and Theodore Westhusing and the more recent scandal involving General David Petraeus and Pamela Broadwell, is beyond me.   Well, maybe not since the Israelis and Muslims are in such a precarious position relative to U.S. power in need of oil and opium....power and pain killers....the two essentials fueling Hitler's military complex.   As shown in Dark Legacy, it was the FBI that was charged with the investigation of the German American Bund and its connection to the 1930’s plot well before Fritz Thyssen, Hitler's Banker and board member with Prescott Bush at Union Bank, was imprisoned in Germany.  The ‘Business Plot’ that became the subject of Marine General Smedley Darlington Butler’s revelation of a right-winged plot to overthrow FDR coincided with the Union Bank scandal.  The FBI’s leading investigator was O. John Rogge whose book, The Official German Report, can be purchased today," said Von Albertson.

    "The Prescott Bush connection to the “Business Plotters” are as solid as Civil War abolitionist John Brown’s connections to his “secret six” during and before the U.S. Civil War.   Men like Geroge Luther Steans the lead miner who sold bullets....lead that was later put in paint and gasoline even when they knew it would poison you like Zyklon B.   While the situations were somewhat dissimilar in their potential for war profits for military suppliers the situation was the same old game.  Killing is lucrative.  Or as Smedley Butler said, "war is a racket".  Brown's supporters saw that under the pretext of abolition of slavery to fuel the military complex’s war profits they could make fortunes.  Those same players’ families are in the saddle of the modern U.S. military industrial complex about which Dwight D. Eisenhower warned.  We set up Saddam Hussein through the CIA when it's to our advantage and pull him down when it's not and the party keeps on going.   I’d say the ADL is filled with people suffering from Helsinki Syndrome,” said Von Albertson who said that Dark Legacy should be viewed in concert with Gary Webb’s book Dark Alliance

Myster Man: William Rhodes Davis
Nazi Agent of Influence
by Dale Harrington

     "With the far right business leaders of the Butler incident including Henry Ford, Harvey Firestone, Charles Lindberg, John Burroughs and others, they were joined by Fred Koch who built Hitler's oil refineries and who also helped to found the John Birch Society along with members of the W.R. Grace family from Ireland.  The Irish hated England which put Joseph Kennedy, the U.S. Ambassador to Britain during World War II at odds with Churchill.   Churchill saw Joseph Kennedy and the American hard-right who protected his rum running and Grace's gunja growing and export as a lethal threat to Britain and as a potential Nazi alliance against true democracies everywhere.  Hitler's oil agent in the U.S. was William Rhodes Davis whose connections to the Texas oil fields and refineries as well as to the future deregulation of gas prices in California, led W.H. Davis' son, Governor of California, Gray Davis, to be recalled when angry Californians figured out Davis' place in Texas' infamous Enron debacle," said Von Albertson.

     Von Albertson also argued that William Rhodes Davis' paths to Germany led through Houston,  the oil capital of the world. It was there that the Medical Examiners' office was recently investigated essentially for malpractice by the U.S. government attorney who guaranteed that the Iran-Contra investigation went no further than Oliver North, John Poindexter, Eliott Abrams, Casper Weinberger and the rest who received Presidential pardons. Michael Bromwich, also oversaw with Obama's appointment, the investigation into the Deep Water Horizon disaster. 

     "Remember that as with the Helsinki Syndrome, slave overseers can be more brutal to other slaves than their captors.  It's hard to be Moses when you can be Joseph who may have helped his brothers, but avoided  offending Pharoah and skipped an Exodus where one's fine coat can get soiled," said Von Albertson expressing his disappointment in the ADL.


Friday, November 9, 2012

Free Tattoos From Funeral Home

O'Malley's Funeral Home in Trenton, NJ Giving Away Free Tattoos

by John Jay Byrd for CPW News Services

O'Malley's Funeral Home offers free tattoos

     Jumping on the bandwagon of the immense popularity in skin art, a New Jersey funeral home is offering free back tattoos for anyone willing to carry a tastefully placed chest tattoo on their body.

     "We find that this is the most caring thing that a person can do for their loved ones.  When you have a beautiful back tattoo that is meaningful, however traditional or avant garde the image, than the front tattoo has all the more meaning. 'Oh how sweet of Freddy to make the decision about his burial for me so that I don't have to stand in the doorway or stairwell trying to tell the EMS guy where to take his body,' one patron told me," said Farsi Obalwami the owner of O'Malley's.

   Susan Fitzsimmons Short whose husband Dick died in August said "Dick had a beautiful angel on his back and a the telephone number to O'Malley's on his front with a simple three letter instruction to the doctor in the ICU.  That little forethought saved me so much agonizing grief that words cannot express to you what an angel Dick was.  So caring.  So thoughtful.  So unselfish," said Mrs. Short who has worked for twenty seven years for Acme Casket Co. in nearby Plantersville.

   Tattoos vary in price according to design, color and size.  "How do you determine a fair size and price for a tatoo?" I asked Mr. Obalwami.

    "That is predetermined by only one factor. Age.  We offer five back designs of the same size for  people 65 and older.  They are up to five by seven inches in one color.  Black.  Then we offer five designs for anyone under 65 but no younger that 40 that are three by two inches and also in basic  black.  Under 40 and you get the tattoo of your choice of any of five designs in a lovely one by one inch tattoo also in black," said Obalwami.  The chest tattoos are all the same size according to Obalwami who claims that his family was embalming royalty in the Middle East over four thousand years ago.

     Thurman Frisdale, president of The Continental Self Burial Corp, is opposed to human embalming and burials which use toxic waste products, plastic coffin liners and other non-biodegradable elements at exhorbatant prices.  Frisdale does, however,  is in favor of tattoos that instruct survivors to contribute the bodies of their loved ones to his not-for-profit corporation whose sole purpose is to "replenish the world's blood....oil".

    Frisdale notes that he has volunteer tattoo artists who will give people who opt for his practices a free frontal tattoo of roughly the same size as any other tattoo that they purchase.  The address of The Continental Self Burial Corp. must be included with the 800 number of Fed Ex that provides rapid transport in their patented cryopac containers with burial costs equalling only the cost of shipping and handling.  "Handling is always $99.95 reguardless of age, height and weight," said Frisdale.


Patraeus Deeply Embedded In Broadwell's Work

Patraeus’ Desk Job Supported by Skilled Secretarial Pool
By Frank Fahrenkroop for CPW News Services

      With news of General David Patraeus’ resignation as CIA Director, a shock wave has moved through the halls of Congress. 
     Reporter Ron Kessler has reported that the FBI has been following General  Patraeus ever since questionable emails between the celebrated General and his mistress came to light.  Patraeus is not the first high ranking officer in the U.S Military to face the embarrassment of sexual impropriety.  Dwight D. Eisenhower had a mistress and the military’s Tailhook scandal raised eyebrows across the nation as citizens were educated about the meaning of “tailhook” in aviation terminology correcting many misconceptions.

     While writing a book about General Patraeus a West Point graduate turned author developed a significant relationship with the officer while they were embedded in Afghanistan.  Paula Broadwell's book has one subject.  General David Patraeus.  The content of emails sent between Patraeus and Broadwell now has friends of Col. Theodore Westhusing asking questions.  Westhusing died following a lengthy confrontational meeting with Patraeus over the corruption Westhusing had uncovered in Iraq as Westhusing worked to train an indigenous security force.  "Was General Patraeus not listening to Col. Westhusing because of being distracted with Mrs. Broadwell or other support staff?" asked one officer who asked not to be identified.
     While a single photo of the lady in question has yet to surface, a  photo taken during a training session in Baghdad has been forwarded to International news organizations indicating that the best place to hide during an attack, always a threat to the commanding officers, was under the nearest desk.

Matt Bissonnette, SEAL TEAM 6 and Medal of Honor Warfighter


by Winston G. Westmoreland for CPW News Services
WASHINGTON — Seven members of the secretive Navy SEAL Team 6, including one involved in the Osama bin Laden mission, have been punished for disclosing classified information, senior Navy officials said Thursday.
     Four other SEALs are under investigation for similar suspected violations, one official said.
     They divulged classified information to the maker of a video game called "Medal of Honor: Warfighter." Each of the seven received a punitive letter of reprimand and a partial forfeiture of pay for two months. Those actions generally hinder a military member's career.
     The deputy commander of Naval Special Warfare Command, Rear Adm. Garry Bonelli, issued a statement acknowledging that nonjudicial punishments had been handed out for misconduct, but he did not offer details.
     The two main complaints against the SEALs were that they did not seek the permission of their command to take part in the video project and that they showed the video designers some of their specially designed combat equipment unique to their unit, said a senior military official. The official was not authorized to speak publicly which has raised the question about why the official was not punished along with the squeaky SEALS.
     SEALs, including some of those involved in the bin Laden raid of May 2011, have been uncharacteristically prominent in the news this year.
     Matt Bissonnette, who participated in the raid in Abbottsabad, Pakistan, but later retired from the SEALS, wrote a firsthand account under the pseudonym Mark Owen, but he landed in hot water with the Pentagon even before it was published.  According to CBS news that originally reported the incident, SEALS sign a non-disclosure agreement which Bissonnette violated as the censored work ultimately found a path to the video makers.
     Retired Col. Branislaw Solinzki, an expert on terrorism, counter-terrorism, counter-counter-terrorism and the previously classified black-ops tactics for guaranteeing total silence with regards to special operations code named Operational Oppression of Personnel Slippages or OOPS, said “I believe that with all of the SEAL Team 6 members dying in subsequent operations in Afghanistan and elsewhere, that the possibility that one member got away, wrote about it, was caught only to have the information appear in a video game is highly improbable.  I’d want to look closely at who owns the video game company who will now find it flying off the shelves as this looks like a classic example of counter-counter-counter intel operations aimed at assuring the public, especially Vets, that the original SEAL TEAM 6 members are alive and well.   That's as unlikely as the longevity of a Mayan tunnel digger working for the ZETAS in Juarez ,” said Solinzki.

   Solinzki, now retired, began his career in black ops in Cambodia witnessing first-hand examples like those chronicled by Green Beret Col.  Daniel Marvin in his book Expendable Elite.

    According to Solinzki the whole incident is suspect.... "Remember that this raid was in Pakistan in a city named for a Brit in a region controlled by the Sikhs, the historic warrior class of that region.  Sikhs were recruited by Adolf Hitler for the Nazi control of the region and were included as Aryans in Hitler's pseudo-science of Eugenics.  I believe that Osama was basically killed in Afghanistan, died of kidney disease or was otherwise 'kept on ice' until his death was needed for political reasons at home.  Otherwise, why not turn over his body to the family, wait for the funeral and do a big drone fly over?  Meanwhile I'd follow the payoff money trail....like heavy investments of Pakistani money from opium crops showing up in U.S.  in things like high tech video gaming and communications or health care which is always a lucrative front for drug money and war profits.  Colin Powell articulated this principle: If we break it we have to fix it", said Solinzki quoting Powell.  Nothing breaks things like wars and they are especially fine schools  for EMS, surgery and orthopedic training. And the party goes on forever....kind of like Albert Lasker putting Lucky Strikes in GI's rations while his wife was president of The American Cancer Society or with polluters like Fred Koch building Hitler's refineries in Germany while polluting American streams and rivers as he supported cancer research centers and birth defect eradication programs.  They don't tell you this stuff when you are young and in training, like they didn't tell you that the first Navy Seal was a member of the America's premier New England Brahman China trading class of opium smugglers that make the Mexican ZETAS look like choirboys."

Solinzki, the son and grandson of non-celibate Syrian Rite Christian priests who applauded the use of condoms by soldiers during WWI and WWII respectively for both their hygiene and population control is philosophical in his approach to the SEAL story.  "'Santayana said that those who forget history are doomed to repeat it,' but I say that even those who study history are doomed to refine and improve the ways that inhumanity has been mechanized throughout history.  I sadly believe that we will continue to evolve as earthlings into our highest and best use....which is to become a flaming fireball that stokes the evolution of some other fledgling planet's repetition of the whole process."

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Dan Marino Buffs Up!

Dolphin’s Meaty Quarterback Pushing Buffalo Steaks
by Winsip Custer CPW News Services

     According to Dan Marino, the former quarterback for the Miami Dolphins, ignorant and mostly improperly documented immigrants slaughtered North America’s best resource, replacing it with an inferior grade of meat, plumped up on steroids and enzymes, prone to disease, high in cholesterol and fat and far less tasty than Buffalo.  "Buffalo will not urinate in their water source and drink it," said Marino, noting that they are also excellent at identifying polluted American rivers by not being near them.  "Beef, on the other hand, urinate and defecated in in their own drinking water which may be why India's Mahatmas Gandhi also liked to start his day with a glass of his own 'sunshine'," said Marino.  "Cattle are god's in India and their Brahma cattle were imported to the U.S. because of their abilities to handle heat and insects.  Bred with the other U.S. cattle, they made these marvelous pee-eating blubbery meat sources that eventually turned us into what we are today. Fatties.  Blubber wads who try to shed pounds by drinking Slim Fast from a crappy can instead of eating healthy," said Marino noting that "Buffalo are to hooved meat sources what Ahi Tuna is to mullet or catfish."
     “You can go and watch Dances With Wolves, How The West Was Won or many other Western movies to see what happened to the massive buffalo herds of the America plains, but in the end cattle was a bad idea.  There’s nothing better than range-fed buffalo.  Range-fed chicken are known to be healthier and tastier as well,” said Marino who recommends range chicken stuffed in buffalo steaks. 
     Marino said that buffalo meat has a “lighter, sweeter flavor" and "doesn't leave a greasy feel in your mouth” and that it has…"a much livelier flavor, but isn't "gamy".  He notes that it is 70-90% leaner than beef and with 50% less cholesterol.”
    Dr. Horace “Tonka Tails” Lighthorse, an expert in buffalo with the American Indian Assembly for a Leaner America, sees buffalo as the answer to America’ obesity problem.  "Americans have become a waddling, blubbery, broad bottomed bank of bulbous bozos," said Lighthorse who stands 6'1" and weights a slim 169 lbs. who can spin on his head while riding his Appaloosa horse in full gallop while shooting a bow and arrow.
   “We are proposing to the Obama administration that American Indians be allowed to reinvent the Great Plains roughly between the Dakotas to Texas from Kansas and Oklahoma on the east to Colorado, Wyoming and New Mexico on the west.  Cargill, ConAgra and other major corn growers will have to give up their land to  be replanted as grassland for the new massive herds of buffalo that will graze there.  A simple tax increase on the mega-corporations that grow beef and corn for high fructose corn syrup will help to fund our project,” said Lighthorse whose family has remained at the cutting edge of buffalo raising and harvesting.
     Washington lobbyist, Jack Abrahamoff, as well as George Walker Cody, a distant relative of Buffalo Bill Cody, are representing the AIALA in Washington.   The Madison Avenue advertising firm of Colley, Twitchell and Bugge are promoting the AIALA plan with their new Buff Up On Buffalo, America! campaign.

     Hamilton Franklin Cushing, a descendant of Frank Hamilton Cushing, the famous expert on Native American Indian customs, said that "just because Buffalo don't drink their own pee, doesn't mean that Indians followed their example.  Featured in Bourkes 1891 book, Scatologic Rites of All Nations. A Dissertation upon the Employment of Excrementicious Reemdial Agents in Religion, Therapeutics, Divination, Witch-Craft, Love-Philters, etc. in all part of the Globe, Bourke showed how Frank Hamilton Cushing disclosed the close similarities between Cochise, Geronimo and Ghandi.

     "What's worst," asked Abrahamoff, "their little cultural peccadilloes or eating high fructose corn syrup laced with Monsanto engineered additives and watered downstream from a Koch Brothers' Georgia-Pacific plant and fertilized with petro-chemical that's then fed to cows standing in the own fesces and yellow drinking water?"

    "See," said Marino,  "At least the Buffalo are pristine. Which is why we should eat them with confidence!  Maybe they will improve us.  I'm not willing to diefy the noble buffalo, but he seems a whole lot smarter than people so I'm leaning in that direction."