Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Lords of the Lesser Manors

DeLaying the Abramoff Craving For Links

by Winsip Custer CPW News Service

Golf historian at Mizzoula Men's Institute, George Contour Bender, a distant cousin of country and western singer George Strait, has written a fascinating new book Delaying the Abramoff Craving for the Links printed by Swayback Mountain Press.  

A blistering criticism of American acceptance of British/Scottish Anglophilia in Western culture, the book is opening the eyes of golfers across the country.  "Golf clubs are closing across the U.S.A. as the economy continues its slump.  Fewer golf clubs means fewer golfers which may be a precursor to wars and conflicts, says Bender.

"When we moved to Billings Montana when I was a boy, my father was urged to join a local country club and to take up golf with the movers and shaker of the community.  I'll never forget his response to one kindly old duffer who pressured him on a bad day.  'I don't have four hours to waste and if I wanted to ruin a nice walk through the country I'd invent a game of hitting little round balls in a hole with a stick'," said Bender.

"There was more to it than that.  At home Dad would say 'every golf course is an extension of the English manor, but it was invented by the Lords of the Scottish manors.  The Brits were happy to see the Scots take up golfing since swinging a pitching iron was better than them swinging a Claymoor,'" he continued.

"Still, the golf club in Western culture had become the place where the Brits and Scots hammered out their own peace while planning their conquests of others.  Found as early as 1340 the holes were not originally numbered, but carried names like Ireland, France, Spain and eventually China, Australia and India. St. Andrews was a kind of brain trust for the conquest of Ireland and then North America.  The clubs in America continued their exclusivity since it was there that business and military leaders often hammered out their plans for economic conquest," said Bender.

"When Omar Bin Wadi Habbi caught on to the importance of the links in the development of international business plans of oil companies in the ARAMCO consortium or Arab American Oil Company, he quickly built the exclusive Medina Mansion Golf Course outside of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and had the course wired with ultra-sensitive microphones.  From the information gleaned from the Western oil men's golfing conversations he was able to help direct the Arab nations toward the creation of OPEC as a replacement for ARAMCO," said Bender.

"It was a brilliant strategy for Prince Bin Wadi Habbi who preferred racing his Arabian horses and  Falconry to golfing, but his actions led to his purchase of several British and American courses where he gleaned more information from the hidden microphones and went into the import-export business suppling the Chinese with a line of ships for flooding America with items that found increasing demand in the stalled U.S. economy.....Dollar Store do-dads and trinkets.

Meanwhile, the American company, Strages Inc,  that has expanded its business to consolidate multi-company-employees into shell corporations to eliminate employer liabilities and employee benefit costs, has purchased a part of Lord Hamilton's Estate in Western England.  The estate was the site of the crash of Hitler's right-hand-man, Rudolf Hess, who had flown to England in 1941 to appeal to the Brits to join the Germans in creating a world-wide empire.  While some of the British Royals and Lords found the offer appealing, Winston Churchill did not.  "Hess is an idot," said Churchill.  "And they should have buried him on Lord Hamilton's putting green.  Golf is a game whose aim is to hit a very small ball into a even smaller hole, with weapons singularly ill-designed for the purpose."

Wreckage of Hess' Messerschmidt BF 110 beside
Lord Hamilton's putting green.  Lord Hamilton
is on the far right.
When Churchill was told that Hess' Messerschmidt was powered by an ITT-built engine from the U.S., he told his assistants to bury the information because he would make sure that his golfers in the U.S. could beat the German golfers in the United States in wagering on the links the redirection of American support toward the Allies.  "With the Japanese nearly golf-ignorant and lacking the land mass needed for the wandering golf courses of England, Scotland and the U.S. where the Japanese could learn the sport, it was a cinch that the Americans would join the British in standing up to Hitler and Japan whose agenda would have provided little time for golfing," said Bender.

Charlie Sheen and Rush Limbaugh Debut On Dancing With The Stars

July Dance-Off Features Limbaugh & Sheen
"I'll jump like a tiger, kick
like a mule and gator
like a gator.  The judges
will be freakin' out!" said Sheen of
his upcoming dancing debut.

by Winsip Custer CPW News Service

In a scheduling dream that has other reality program producers drooling, Conrad Green has struck a home run that is guaranteed to have millions in America jump jivin' in July.  Charlie Sheen and Rush Limbaugh will appear in a dance-off on Dancing With The Stars on Tuesday July 12th, 2011.  

Charlie Sheen and his dance partner/instructor Bridget Flaure Flambeau have chosen as their first dance routine the popular classic hit song Eye Of the Tiger.  Also appearing on the same show directly following Sheen is Rush Limbaugh whose partner/instructor, Buehlah Maude Crackles with the dance to the slower old Elvis hit Fools Rush In.

Former Speaker of the House of Representatives, Tom DeLay, was originally scheduled to make a comeback for the program, but is unavailable until after his release from prison.

To view Rush Limbaugh practicing his upcoming Dancing With The Stars routine see...

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Japan To Become New Yucca Mountain?

Japanese Say "Yuk" to Yucca Mountain Proposal

Yucca Mountain
by Winsip Custer CPW News Service

With the growing evidence that Japan's Northeast coast will become the next Chernobyl, residents in Nevada's Northern counties are anxious that their proposal for creating an international Yucca Mountain-type repository for nuclear waste in the earthquake and Tsunami region of Japan be seriously considered.  "We don't want that stuff here," said goat rancher, Basil Crowfoot, of French Flats.  "I dream of my goat's milk lighting up like a Christmas tree," said Crowfoot.  "It might make it easier for me to hit the milk pail in the dark morning hours, but let's ship our spent fuel rods to Japan.  They are industrious and will figure out what to do with the stuff.  I don't know why when the Chernobyl accident happened they didn't have the same idea.  Heck, I hear that they opened the Chernobyl area for tourists...what are they, nuts?  Better make it into a highly guarded radioactive waste dump.  The world is going to need more radiation zones for storage, not less, and the world would be willing to pay big bucks for the security to keep the stuff out of the hands of the Muslim terrorists.  So why not just take each inevitable new accident site and turn it into storage like I do with the junk cars on the back side of my little ranch?" asked Crowfoot.  "In a couple thousand years no one will care and by then we may have been wiped out by another Black Plague or meteor," he concluded.

Meanwhile, on the street interviews in Tokyo indicated that there is little support for the idea in Japan. 

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Cream Always Rises To The Top

Famous Quip Sinks To Bottom

by Winsip Custer CPW News Service

As Western culture seems to be coming under fire from the Middle East, so too are many of the little sayings and verses that parents, teachers, bosses and others used to instill moral and ethical truths.   "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink," is one.  "The horse is more likely to lead you to water, but the water he leads you to is in all likelihood polluted today," said Wilford P. Hodge of the Center For Cognitive Analysis of Popular Phrases in Jonesboro, Arkansas.

Take another one..."You have only one opportunity to make a good first impression,"  that one, says Hodge, is 180 degrees away from another popular saying..."you can't read a book by its cover."  I've read some pretty good books with a crappy cover," said Hodge.  "On the other hand, I read some crap with stunning covers....take Harry Potter, for example," he said.  "Hog warts!"

I asked Hodge what he felt were the pros and cons of these bits of wisdom collected from various sources and codified in books like McGuffey's Reader.  "The pros are that they are quite memorable and as teaching tools they pack a great deal of culturally transmitted information in few words.  It's like looking at a mountain filled with rocks and trees and a stream coming down one side with snow cap at the top....so much packed into a single image.  On the other hand, the image is distorted from the start.  A picture of a mountain is not a mountain.  Same thing with these quips and phrases.  Take this one...'cream always rises to the top'.  Now we know that in a milk jug that's sitting still cream floats, but what organizations sit still?  Most are in a constant state of flux.  The churning and churning means that cream can't rise to the top because of the constant agitation.  Often you find that agitation is to create a barrier to the cream rising.  It's often caused by some in the very organization in which the cream, if it was more stable, would rise to the top, but can't.  I offer you two organizations in which the cream did not rise to the top, but was suspended in the milk by an artificial hyper-state of confusion, shifty and deceptive business trade practices and even illegal maneuvering....Enron and Columbia/HCA Health Care.  If it was cream that rose to the top in these organizations it was clearly curdled," said Hodge.

"Ken Lay went to jail for fraud.  Rick Scott of Columbia received the largest Medicare/Medicaid fraud fine in U.S. history, $1.7 billion, but that didn't stop him from becoming Governor of Florida with advertising paid for by his $400 million stock sale and severance packages when Columbia went bankrupt from his management style. Style?  Well, it was the style of Jesse James.  That Scott was elected the Florida Governor is a clear indicator that with many of the retired leaders of American business and industry retiring to Florida, their endorsement of Scott gives them comfort. They must mostly be descendants of Cole Younger and Billy the Kid. They see Scott as one of their own even with information about his Columbia connections widely disseminated during his gubernatorial race in a state that previously selected our nation's highest officer, the President of the United State...an officer sworn to uphold our laws...even the ones that he and they may not like.  Which brings me back to this popular quip.  Cream rises in a stationary or more stable milk jug, but Enron and Columbia are clear examples that crap rises to the top, too.  To be accurate about these nuggets of culturally transmitted illusions people have to think dialectically about a phrase or quip. Think of the exact opposite as quickly as you hear the first one.  Rising is juxtaposed to falling.  Purity is juxtaposed to corruption.  Motion is juxtaposed to stillness. Bad apples to good apples, to use a different image...or fresh cream to curdled cream.  The truth of the matter is generally in the middle.  Let me further clarify...  'Cream rises to the top....in stationary or more stable milk bottles....but so does feces in a septic tank,' said Hodge as he put his hand on his chin as if well-please with his statement. "Now when your friend tells you he has just been promoted to a higher position at the newest Enron or Worldcom or Goldman Sacs or Merrill Lynch, or heck, your local school board or church or synagogue, corner supermarket or even the President of the United States, say  'Cream always rises, but so do turds in a septic tank.  Which are you?'  There, that's clearly a better quip, but an admittedly tasteless one that you don't want you use at your mother's house at Thanksgiving or at lunch with Monsignor after church on Sunday, but it has the punch of those early moralistic quips in McGuffey's little Reader" said Hodge who concluded "and I've worked in some organizations that were clearly more like a septic tank than like a sanitized milk jug."

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Egypt, Libya, Yemen,Shared Governance Is Catalyst For Middle East Revolt

Sharing Government Key To Enlightenment

by Winsip Custer CPW News Service

To recruiters it's the rage. To caregivers in hospitals, teachers in colleges, workers in a variety of helping professions and even some progressive manufacturing companies, marketing firms and financial service organizations it promises greater employee participation in decision making and a free-flow of creative ideas. It's called "shared governance", but for some it's another name for dumbing-down, group-think, even Communism.

One CEO, who upon hearing of a fanatical religious group that committed mass suicide at their leader's command. said "now that's the kind of loyalty and commitment I was talking about!" That same executive, on his better days, wanted to give the impression of openness and inclusion, but not actually give it.  This ambivalence breeds unions formed for collective bargaining power and battle lines are drawn between "them" and "us". Upper management demands higher and higher salaries and workers historically used their collective power to give their senior members, not unlike the leaders on the top of the management pyramid, a greater share of the war spoils. Soon jobs which can be shipped overseas to satisfy owner and stockholder demands for greater profits are relocated while those that can't be exported become the new battle ground for another round of false impressions, political jockeying, labor and management demands for concessions and a continuing spiral of manipulation and greed accompanied by accusations and denials.  The players forget they are on the same ship and that the ship can sink.

A desire for shared governance fueled Plato's Republic, the Protestant Reformation, the Renaissance and Age of Enlightenment and in turn stoked an explosion in scientific inquiry. Science required a healthy disrespect for authority and the pyramidal organizations that supported the authority that science disrespected. Meanwhile, emerging leaders in science applied their healthy anti-authoritarianism to other fields.

New paradigms that depended on past rebellions become entrenched and die a slow death to the newer rebellion. "My cancer riddled prostate died a slow death to the surgeon's knife and then I discovered Proton Therapy and that I didn't need to choose between incontinence or sexual dysfunction," said the loser in the ever changing battle between the status quo and the change that accelerates itself through shared governance.

The English word "govern" comes from the Greek verb κυβερνάω (kubernáo) which means "to steer". Plato was the first to use this word to describe governance. Not ironically, the use of "steerage" to describe where the poorest of the poor were located on a ship is not unrelated. "Steerage passengers" were quartered near the rudder's steering mechanism. For all of the captain's nautical skills his hand on the ship's wheel could easily be redirected by tampering with the steering gears or pulleys as happened on the Matar Espiritu in 1622.

On the Matar Espiritu were slaves bound for Cuba.  They agonized over the captain's decision to deliver them to the slave block in the approaching port. The slaves decided to jam the gears with wooden bowls thus sending the ship aground far south of Cuba and providing for their escape to Yucatan where they took up raising hemp and mangoes. One of their leaders, Kulambaja Nubinaba, discovered the use of hemp as rope and began selling it to passing ships for mooring line.  They also used it as an analgesic which when smoked in small terra cotta pipes eased an assortment of aches and pains. Kulambaja sold the hemp in small pouches which he called "baggies" along with one terra cotta pipe with each bag of hemp. In the slow seasons he sold the pipe and baggies to passing sailors by offering one pipe and baggie free for each one bought, thus inventing the "buy-one-get-one-free" marketing tool that we know today at leading retail stores.

In time, with the invention of synthetic rope, hemp rope went out of style. The pipe and baggies never did, but Kulambaja's business was transformed as governments put in place protective restrictions and tariffs called "drug laws" designed to keep Kulambaja's small, but thriving business from making a profit.  Over time, heavily invested in oil from which synthetic rope was made for a fraction of the cost of the harvested hemp crop, the competition had killed one of Kulambaja's income streams. 

Kumambaja's off-spring would mix and inter-marry with the indigenous population of the Yucatan and spread throughout Mexico, Central and South America where they created large networks and associations to combat the restrictions of the distant power elites that he felt were not unlike his people's king back in Africa.
Kulambaja's family had been in the bowl-making business in Africa, when Portugese traders dealt them a tremendous blow by purchasing his enslaved family from the king of their tribe, Zulilli Mumbaba. Mumbaba, impressed by the Kulambaja family ingenuity for making wooden bowls, earthen pots and pipes, decided to copy their methods, then compartmentalize the production methods and gave jobs to members of king's own family. Only a handful of the king's family were allowed to understand the whole process that emerged within the stolen  production methods....a process which the Kumambaja family had acquired during years of trial and error. 

 Kulambaja's family joined the resistance to Mumbaba and started making wooden bowls from distant African hardwoods in their own little family owned production line to differentiate their bowls from those of Mumbaba. This made King Mumbaba even more angry and oppressive so he rounded up Kulambaja's family, caged them and sold as slaves to the Portugese. Elimination of competition is the hallmark of every tyrant.

I asked a leading authority on "shared governance" Dr. Francois Placebois of the Paris Institute of Shared Governance and Dr. Martin Moshermueller of the Berlin Institute of Shared Values to help shed light on the place of shared governance in our current culture.

"Martin Luther was convinced that humanity was being enslaved by a monolitic religious empire that crushed the individual's spirit as surely as the intimidating Philistine, Goliath, would try to command the servitude of the Israelites," said Moshermueller.  "In the West, with this impressive history that leans in favor of shared power and governance, it is counterproductive to oppose shared governance in the fashion of a Saddam Hussein, a  Mubarak or a Qadaffi who have used open oppression and violence.  Those who promote the values of shared governance, especially since the proliferation of the powerful corporations in the mid 1800's, are ostracized, sometimes severely, but much more subtly than in nations like Egypt, Tunisia or Libya.  'You want to share in leadership?  Great.  Here, do this. Now this.  Now that.  Double the participation in this. Quadruple the effectiveness of that.  We'll bury you in work and blow your hair back and take the wind out of your sails.'  That's how the promotion of shared governance is squelched in the West.  This is an adolescent means of forestalling the tempest that will blow back not just someone's hair, but the entire stalled and spiritless system as we are witnessing in the Middle East and as we have even seen in China during the Tienanmen Square demonstrations or with those willing to die scaling the Berlin Wall," said Moshermueller. 

"The question arises among promoters of shared governance....'I know it sounds good, but does it work? If it works, where does it work, particularly now that jobs seem so scarce and opportunities so few and the culture so dark and foreboding?'  Where does it work when upper management, Wall Street financiers and politicians seem to give only lip service to it or where jobs are exported to oppressive Communist countries or the Third World where ruthless dictators provide a safe haven for ruthless oppression? Where does it work when we support resistance to tyrants like Hussein, Mubarak and Gadaffi, but do nothing for the people of Bahrain or Yemen or in the past, Idi Amin or Charles Taylor or the Chinese student who stared down a tank or students in Iran who asked for a more open and progresssive society and die at the hand of their dictator?" asked Placebois.

"Is the Middle East on the verge of its Reformation, Renaissance, Enlightenment and Great Awakening?" I asked Placebois. "Are they as capable as Christians and Jews of embracing the value of the individual and of pulling from their scriptures the theological and philosophical supports to steer their ship in a positive direction toward a free and bright future?" I asked.

He said "I think they are. They are now connected to the rest of the world and they have seen what they missed sitting at the foot of the Pharaoh's pyramid," said Placebois. "Noam Chomsky has spoken of America's ignorance of conditions that average citizens in Arab states have had to endure as a result of our backing tyrranical dictators.  This information has been repressed in America at least since Eisenhower's adminstration.  But those at the top will be divided increasingly between those who believe that shared governance is ordained by our creator and those who prefer to imprison others. Evil is ubiquitous, but it has within it the seeds of its own destruction," Placebois cointinued. "You know from your own experiences that the 2000 U.S. Presidential election should have been totally recast so that the power of shared governance remained with the people and not with any other authority, regardless of the winner," said Placebois defiantly. "You are seeing this desire played out in the Middle East among people who are much more like your founders than you are," he concluded.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Rupert Murdoch's Glenn Beck Beckons Fight Promotion Using Casey Haynes' Restraint

Anatomy of Fox Fight Promoting

by Winsip Custer CPW News Service

Peace making is a lost art. Just ask Casey Haynes who had enough from Richard Gale. When the little bully wouldn't stop hitting the bigger Haynes, Casey body-slammed the whipped and storm less little Gale into a hobbling Nightingale that whistled a different tune.

Chubby Fox newsman, Glenn Beck, perhaps identifying with the rotund Casey Haynes, used the young boy's dilemma to promote the appeal of walking softly, but carrying a big stick. It's not that there is no truth to Beck's presentation, but as always it is a half truth that refuses to go deeper even with an anchor and anvil chained around his neck. The anchor and anvil is the video and the chain is the clear truth it presents.

The video doesn't lie and it is obviously recorded by Gale's corner man.  It went viral on the Internet and was even picked up by Fox News' Tea Party promoter, Glenn Beck, who used the film not to promote peace-making, but the limits of self-restraint and the justification of retaliation.

Rufus T. Darwin of Give Peace A Chance Association of Darwin, Australia said "The smaller Gale is obviously being coached by someone off-camera. The cameraman or other Gale associate pulls the fight promoter back to get him out of the way of the camera so that the little attacker can be clearly filmed. After the body slam that pummels the wind out of Gale, the older fight promoter enters the "ring" to level his complaint against Haynes who appears ready to take on even this cowardly finagler. The fight promoter, whose little champion has limped back to his corner, contemplates taking up the lost cause, but clearly decides, when confronted by an older girl, to give up the staged attack, but then follows Haynes.  When Mr. Beck used this video he failed to point out that he is more like the fight promoter who stepped into the camera than like Haynes. Beck is constantly beckoning people to fight.  The really sad fact is that the willing fighters, like little Gale, are usually brain dead before they figure out who's pulling the strings.  In the case of Gale and Haynes,  Haynes was clearly the victim who refused to be one, but now is doubly victimized.  Once by Gale and the fight promoter/s and once by the school administration that suspended Haynes and Gale for four days for fighting.  Clearly the promoter/s and the cameraman and Gale should be doing more than four days in suspension and Beck?  His program should be body slammed like Hayne did Gale and for all those grown idots like the founders of  World Wrestling Federation, Vince McMahon or Vincent and Lorenzo Fertitta of Ultimate Fighting Championships and even the world's shady arms dealers who have never grown up, we need some Cassey Haynes legislation that throws the book at the fight promoters!" said Darwin.

To view the viral video on YouTube see....

Note however:  CBS has edited the full version of this video.  The CBS edited version does not fully show the big boy with white shirt, back pack and jogging shoes who confronts Haynes following Gales' retreat.  Nor does CBS's editing provide the verbal taunts from behind the camera that were obviously coming from Gale's "corner".  This omission by CBS may now be victimizing Haynes a third time by removing the context of this sad event.  Will CBS be responsible in its reporting by asking the obvioul follow-up question..."Who were the promoters?  What happend to them as a result of their promoting efforts to bring this confrontation between Gale and Haynes to a head? In the mainline media "if it bleeds it leads" and CBS is one of the few major media outlets that is able to show this video on-line without violating copywrite laws...which is why they are also providing advertising with its showing.  A fourth victimization of Haynes?

for the full video with verbal taunts....

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Japanese Women Need Dorothy Gray Cosmetics

Japanese Tragedy Excellent Opportunity
 For America Cosmetic Company

by Winsip Custer CPW News Service

Cleanliness is apparently still next to godliness, at least in Japan and the American company Ascendia sees a wonderful silver lining in a radioactive cloud. "This nuclear tragedy is sparking new interest in one of our older products, Dorothy Gray Cosmetics," said Sherman T. Wassbothelman. "We took a lot of heat from the critics of our 1950 advertising campaign for Dorothy Gray, but this all goes to show that if you'll just wait long enough, fashions change and sometimes in that change comes a return. Ceiling fans, electric cars, wood heaters and even Dorothy Gray. Well, it's still sold in Walgreen Stores, but now it's expected to sell like hotcakes in Japan," said Wassbothelman. Wassbothelman said that the original ad campaign which received such glowing criticism from an increasingly informed public, will be used in it original form.

"Sadly, the sweet, young model in our television ad, Virginia Meade, left no family after her death from skin cancer in 1963, but we are going to set up a scholarship to her modeling school, The Manhattan Modeling Institute," said Wassbothelman. "Satura no longer contains lead. Lead was injected into the final product at the insistence of our chemists who were directed by WWII hero, Lt. Col. John Luther Stearns, a distant relative of George Luther Stearns, the lead mining entrepreneur who funded the abolitionist John Brown in the years before the Civil War and attempted to corner the lead market prior to the Battle of Fort Sumter shortly after Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry. I think that if we put lead back into our cosmetics it might help shield the skin from the dangerous effects of radiation, but the FDA will never buy it," said Wassbothelman who has been recently eyed for a board position with Full Metal Jacket Lead Mining Co. Inc. in San Francisco, California.
Arcadia Bandini Stearnes, wife of Abel
Stearns and heiress of the first wine
vineyard in California, Buena Vista.

Lt. Col Stearns, now ninety-seven, was asked if he was also related to famed California business and political leader, Abel Stearns, who is said to have been married to one of the most beautiful women in California, the daughter of Italian immigrant and vineyard owner Don Juan Bandini, a relative of the Florence family of Bernardo Bandini whose work as a Roman Catholic altar boy with Lorenzo de Medici did not lead him into the priesthood. "I always wondered that myself," said John Stearns, "and whether Arcadia Bandini, the fourteen year old bride of Abel Stearns who was forty-three at the time of their marriage, owed her beauty to the use of lead-based cosmetics. I tried to figure a way to weave that story-line into our advertising and sales promotion, but could never quite work out the details."

For a look at the Dorothy Gray television ad see....

Operation Odyssey Dawn A Dawning Oddity

Obama Stumbles Into Action

by Winsip Custer CPW News Service

Weeks after the sweeping political changes that squeezed Libya's brutal dictator in a vice-like clamp with Egypt on one side and Tunisia on the other, President Obama has limped into action by calling for Western Democracies to provide a no-fly zone over Libya. The military strategy is called Operation Odyssey Dawn. By Saturday March 19, over 100 cruise missiles had hit Gaddafi's forces, giving new hope to the increasingly disheartened resistance.

"It's an odyssey alright," said Mohamed Benwadi Ali in Tunisia. "Everybody is wondering 'did the Americans know that Libya is the third largest oil producer in Africa and it's clearly worth fighting for, for that reason? Why sit back and let the good people die? So that a takeover is easier with fewer Libyans? And how with the American's reconcile this position with the Saudi Royal family's support of the equally repressive regime in Bahrain? '  The Odyssey is that so few will fight to liberate people from tyranny when it is in their political interest to maintain the status quo so long as the oil flows. My suggestion to anyone wanting to overthrow a dictator is that they should follow Washington, Franklin, Adams, Jefferson and the others....get all your camels in a row first and have plenty of lead and gunpowder of your own. Then, in as much as it was the French who pulled the American's dates off their palm tree, make sure you have the French nearby. They didn't do so well against Hitler with that damn Maginot Line which is about as effective as that U.S. border fence with Mexico, but they did pretty well with Lafayette's fleet in America and their Mirage fighters are not so bad considering that they led the attacks on Gaddafi's troops while some poor American on a ship pushed the button on a cruise missile."

Leading researcher at the Washington D.C. think tank, The Center for Tanked Thinkers, Fred Lykes Ballister, said that "its high time that we did something. Not to do something is ridiculous. Do something. Anything. Something. That nut cake is killing his own people like Idi Amin or Charles Taylor while Obama sits on his tush. Jee-mon-ie! What is wrong with you people?"

Meanwhile, Americans opted to watch the March Madness NCAA college basketball tournament with little thought of the Libyan crisis. "What can I do about it?" said New Yorker Windell Bradley, "I have to be at the store at 4:00 a.m. to make donuts and my wife hates the news. It all seems so bad all the time, but my wife and I are going to watch Casablanca on the tube tonight and we're going to sing La Marseilleaise just for those dang Frenchmen, especially Lafayette!"

for the song Mr. Bradley mentioned see.....

Friday, March 18, 2011

Sheen's Image Tarnishing U.S.

Sheen's Behavior Prompts New House And Senate Bill Seeking Change For U.S. Currency

by Winsip Custer CPW News Service

With Warlocks from Salem, Massachusetts following Charlie Sheen's national appearances like flies following a cattle drive, U.S. Senators and Congressmen are crafting a new House and Senate Bill taking aim at what Senator Harry Reid said is "a disgusting display of pop culture run a muck," and which South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham has called "proof that an abortion is not always a bad thing."

If adopted the U.S. Treasury Secretary will be empowered to order the immediate change of the phrase "In God We Trust" to "Charlie Sheen Is Nuts."

"We feel that this will go a long way to providing a solution to those who feel that the addition of the phrase in 1953 was a violation of the separation of church and state.  Mr. Sheen is, however, providing an opportunity to fix what his life so clearly shows is broken by providing us an opportunity to amend the 1953 decision that serves as an indictment of the United States every time Charlie handles a dollar bill," said one U.S. Senator who said he was working with Mr. Boehner and others to insure the change.

Meanwhile, attorneys for Sheen are demanding a royalty for every coin or currency that bears Mr. Sheen's name. Sheen's only comment when asked about these developments was "Winning. Tiger Pee." I asked...."You mean Tiger blood?" "I graduated," said Sheen who was seeking a meeting with House Speaker John Boehner to discuss the details of his attorney's demands for a royalty. "How much of a royalty do you want?" Mr. Sheen was asked. "I'm not greedy. I want 10%....ten cents on every dollar, a dollar on ten, ten on a hundred. Winning. Winning," he said adding "My new charitable foundation will be headed by four wives of some of my favorite U.S. Senators and Congressmen.

The Chaplain of the House of Representatives is said to have started the morning session with an invocation.... "Oh God, whose Word told us that the love of money is the root of all evil..."

Healthy Disregard: The LIfe of Florida Governor Rick Scott

New Movie To Chronicle Life of 
Florida Governor

by Winsip Custer CPW News Service

Gigsup Cinema, the hot new motion picture company that is blazing uncharted trails in the Docu/bio-story genre', is looking for a leading actor for their new film chronicling the life of Texas lawyer turned hospital administrator and then Governor of Florida, Rick Scott. 

The script written by Dr's John Root Brown and Sylvia Brown Russell is said to have commanded $1.5 million under the title Scott Free, but the title was changed in pre-production by WebCast Studios, first to Fraud and then to Healthy Disregard

Webcast is said to be looking for a leading actor to play the part of Scott and have not ruled out Woody Harrelson or Ed Harris.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Japanese Art Investor Eyes Native American Art

Cuckoo's Nest Indian Artwork Is Big News In Japan

by Winsip Custer CPW News Service

The Japanese love Jack Nicholson's portrayal of a renegade psych-ward detainee in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest. The 1975 film reminescent of Paul Newman's blockbuster Cool Hand Luke, a film that won the young Nicholson an Academy Award has taken on new life with the recent disaster in Japan's Northern Prefectors. New interest in Native American art is thriving in Japan.  Of special interest is the painting by Cuckoo's Nest's other fine star, Creek Indian artist and former rodeo cowboy, Will Sampson.

Sampson's paintings are in the style of Charles Russell or Frederick Remington, but with an eye to the enduring dilemma of the American Indian.  It is perhaps this conflict of cultures that appeals to the Japanese who have both endured the suffering and benefits of Western European culture.  "It's a painting that shows the pain and conflict of any people who feel that they must stay or go, march into an uncertain future, but always wondering where they are going, what to take with them and what to leave behind," said Tokyo art investor Iki Fujimori.

Will Sampson died following surgery for heart and lung problems in Houston in 1987, but his art work lives on thanks to a dedicated group of friends and family members who support the work of the Kvskvnv Foundation in Anadarko, Oklahoma.

"I love his work and especially the painting of the Indian on horseback following his people on the long road into the distance, but on a horse  with a saddle, a hat that looks like it was appropriated from the Europeans and looking back at what he has left knowing that he is torn between two conflicting realities," said Fujimori

To see Will Sampson's artwork....

Japanese Warn That Al Qaeda May Export Radioactive Material From Daiichi Plant

Disaster Creating Potential Dirty Bomb Depot

by Winsip Custer CPW News Service

Yukiya Amano the chief of the International Atomic Energy Agency stated at the Vienna airport on Thursday that "The situation continues to be very serious."  Meahwhile, the top U.S. nuclear regulator said the pool of water surrounding spent fuel rods at reactor No.4 may have run dry and that another was leaking.

The head of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Gregory Jaczko, told a congressional hearing that radiation levels around the cooling pool were dangerously high, and that they pose deadly risks for workers still working in the wreckage of the power plant.

"This scenario is the perfect storm for Al Qaeda," said Bentley G. Wasserman, of the Terrorism Watchers Society of Eugene, Oregon.  "Our big concern now is not that dirty bombs will be made from the submerged radioactive nuclear submarine components beneath the Columbia River in Washington State, but that for the price of an airline ticket or from small boats from a mother ship off the Japanese coast, Al Qaeda operatives will send a 'dirty bomb detail' to the disaster site to harvest radioactive material for detonation in the U.S."

Al Qaeda members are said to be resisting this idea, according to secret sources within the terrorist group.  "We prefer to go in a quick flash, rather than to drag out the whole thing over weeks and months risking cancer, oblated thyroids and the slow death associated with radiation poisoning," said one dedicated Al Qaeda suicide bomber.

Meanwhile, some paint manufacturers in the U.S. have been offering lead-based paint as a deterent to the penetrating effects of radiation and have reportedly been selling a spray product called "Lead Suit In A Can" in Pakistani villages, in parts of Saudi Arabia and in villages along Libya's eastern border.  In small roadside cafes and store fronts the American film, The House In the Middle,  has been showing up as a training film demonstrating the protective effects of lead-based paints.

For more on the use of this film see....

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Was Dwight D. Eisenhower Jewish?

Church Name May Provide New Clues

by Winsip Custer CPW News Service

     Researchers at the Center for Ecclesiastical Transparency in Washington D.C. say that President Dwight David Eisenhower who attended the National Presbyterian Church may have been secretly Jewish.
     "A year after we dropped the big bombs on Japan the Presbyterian General Assembly voted to change the name of Eisenhower's future church from First Covenant Presbyterian Church to National Presbyterian Church,"  said Fulbright B. Foreman the center's director. "Every Christian knows that the First Covenant is a reference to the Biblical Covenant of Abraham, which with Moses would become the Covenant of Law, but which Abraham sealed with the prior act of circumcision.  The Second Covenant is, in the New Testament, a reference to the Covenant of Grace in Jesus Christ.  Now we have not been able to fully ascertain whether First Covenant Presbyterian Church's name was chosen because another Covenant Presbyterian was threatening their primacy in Washington or whether the church was being secretly directed by opportunistic closet Hebrews.  It may also have been a wish to identify the church with the swelling nationalistic zeal felt by Americans after military victory in World War II, but this is less likely given the denomination's emphasis on sound doctrine and high educational standards which would have prevented it from doing anything to threaten the long cherished American emphasis upon separation of church and state which had its roots in avoiding the religio-political wars of England and Europe or, more importantly for Christians, the idolatry associated with elevating anything other than faith in God as an ultimate object of true devotion. 
     A church neighbor, John Summers, who parked his car in a no loading zone in front of the church, only to be severely reprimanded by what he described as a 'very legalistic church lady', is convinced that the name of the church before 1946, First Covenant, still applied, at least, to this woman.  He said that her emphasis on the rule of law clearly pointed to Old Testament legalism versus Second Covenant forgiveness and grace," said Foreman.

President and Mrs. Eisenhower
leaving National Presbyterian
in 1956
     President Dwight D. Eisenhower was baptized at the church in 1953 three years before his decision to support the "In God We Trust Bill" which put that phrase on our national currency. According to Mr. Foreman, as Ike left a Sunday service he said to a fellow parishioner... "by golly if money is the root of all evil we'll just make it that much harder for it to be used for any evil purposes!" When Eisenhower's church's name changed to National Presbyterian from First Covenant in 1946, however, some members who raised issue with the name change were accused of being unsupportive, legalistic and unpatriotic. 
     Actually, Washington's "Old First" Presbyterian merged with the newer Covenant Presbyterian Church in years past to create First Covenant, thus laying the groundwork for the inevitable confusion.  Some historians have indicated that the inclusion of the word "First" in church titles, common among warring Protestants on the road of Westward expansion, is absent from Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches that predate the Protestants by about 1500 years, but that inherent in human nature is a desire to be first as evidenced by mountain climbers, pilots, deep sea divers and lust-struck adolescent teens, especially boys.  "It should have been First Second Covenant Presbyterian Church to avoid the problem," said Fred C. Williamson of the church that had been home to John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, James K. Polk, Franklin Pierce, James Buchanan, Ulysses S. Grant and Grover Cleveland.  "Jesus was the first-born son of Mary, but he didn't act like one," continued Williamson, who also admitted that the use of the office of "Elder" among some churches made him nervous for the same reason.  "My big brother treated me like crap!' he continued.  "I thought about him every time I looked at the church Elders," he said with a visceral response.
     Mr. Williamson insisted that putting the name "National" in the church title clearly showed a wandering disregard for the separation of church and state that was the bulwark of the U.S. Constitution  as clearly spelled out in the First Amendment.  "American civil religion is not what the Founding Fathers had in mind," said Williamson in his letters to his new pastor at The First Second Covenant Christian Fellowship in Bethesda, Maryland.  The First Second Covenant Christian Fellowship had changed its name in 1986 from First New Covenant Christian Fellowship believing that the 2000 year old Second Covenant could not in all honesty be called "New" and that their former name may have implied a form of false advertising.  In a written response to Mr. Williamson's letters of concern about National, his new Pastor, Figley W. Shrivilfork, a distant relative of the only clergyman to sign the Declaration of Independence, John Witherspoon, wrote "Hope to see you this Sunday when the title of my two-part sermon will be 'The Nation That Follows Christ Will Lead The World'. Then my next sermon, Part II,  will have to be a shorter title...simply 'Oops!'," wrote Rev. Shrivilfork.  Williamson was counseled by Shrivilfork not to continue to encourage any of his friends who, now well on in years, had criticized Eisenhower's decision by saying...."Who do people think we trusted before Ike put that on the money? Odin?"  

King of Bahrain Harkens To State of Emergency

Arabs Rain Troops Into Bahrain
Bush's Harken Energy Company Breathes Sigh of Relief
Saudi Royal Family Fear Domino Effect

First-born son of George Herbert Walker Bush,
George Walker Bush, with Bahrain's King and Prince
by Winsip Custer CPW News Service

Fearing the fall of a neighboring monarchy, the nation that gave to an unknown and untested Harken Energy of the Bush family exclusive drilling rights in Bahrain, the monarchy of neighboring Saudi Arabia, home of Prince Bandar "Bush" and employer of the Bin Laden family, has rolled its military into the small oil rich monarchy of Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa and his first-born son.

We attempted to contact Greg Palast and Steven Grandison whose political documentary Bush Family Fortunes: The Best Democracy Money Can Buy to see if they thought that in the event of a similar situation in the United States the Saudi Royal family would lend its military to protect Bush family assets in, say, Texas, Florida or elsewhere, but they were unavailable for comment.  Sources close to Palast and Grandison said that they were working on a new documentary titled Cutting the U.S. Constitution Back Down To Size: Bush Hogs For A New Monarchy.

Sectarian violence between the Sunni Royal Family and the majority Shiite population has spurred riots and university students complain of daily knife fights.  On a positive note, however, several of the Bahraini students have said that their experiences were good training as foreign exchange students bound for either UCLA or the University of Chicago.

Palin's Joke Suckles Lactation War

Michelle Obama Pumped by Palin Sarcasm

by Winsip Custer CPW News Service

Michelle Obama's campaign to make it easier for women to breastfeed figured into Sarah Palin's comment to reporters in New York this weekend. When the escalating price of gas and groceries arose, Palin reportedly said, "It's no wonder Michelle Obama is telling everybody you better breastfeed your baby--yeah, you better--because the price of milk is so high right now!"
Michelle Obama, hearing of the comment said, "At least I could feed my babies something other than saline solution."
Former Republican
Presidential candidate
Sarah Palin
This triggered a joke from President Obama that many feel was totally inappropriate.  "At the end of the Civil War a soldier with a bleeding ulcer asked his doctor for help.  The doctor prescribed mother's milk from a wet nurse at the end of his street.  Toward the conclusion of his fifth treatment the young soldier noticed the woman stroking his hair softly.  She said 'I know something that would go along with this nicely'," said Obama adding that the soldier said "what?  You've got some cornbread?" 

Reuter reporter, Walter Chistenson, summarized the White House press corps concerns when he said "this may trigger an ongoing Palin/Obama lactation war."

Japan Quake Puts Earth Off Kilter

Earth Off Center

by Winsip Custer CPW News Service

The recent Japanese earthquake has tipped the earth slightly off of its axis, according to Professor Yuto Onono of the University of Kyoto.

"The earth is now officially off-center, off-kilter, how you say....wobbly....spin funny," said Professor Onono.

When asked if there would be any noticeable effects from the development Professor Onono said "policemen will have many more false positive sobriety tests on DWI arrests."

Daniel Shenton, head of the International Flat Earth Society which was founded by Samuel Shenton in 1956 and which in the U.S. was headquartered in Lancaster, California, and led by president Charles K. Johnson until his death in 2001, has said that there is no truth to the assertion that the earth is rotating off its axis since the earth does not rotate.  Californians are said to be taking new interest in the International Flat Earth Society since the Japan earthquake and assertions by leading scientists that the Pacific Rim nations are all in jeopardy of a chain reaction from the shift in the earth's plates.

The California group Scientists for Radical Remediation, have called for a renewed effort to fix the problem before the swelling of the ranks of the Flat Earth Society which they believe is an example of MDS or Mass Denial Syndrome. MDS is a new psychological disorder that some compare to the TNGB Syndrome, both of which are under consideration by the DSM-IV committee for entry in the next DSM Handbook of Psycological Disorders.  TNGB is the "There's No Global Warming" syndrome.

Earthquake And Tsunami-Proof Housing

Japanese Realtor/Inventor Laments Resistance
 to Helium House
by Winsip Custer CPW News Service

Earthquake and Tsunami-proof
Helium House which Lu
calls "The Simeon
Li Win Lu, an inventor and real estate developer from Nagasaki, Japan is troubled that so few listened to his offers to mass produce his Helium House.  "It floated beneath four helium gondolas while tethered on two one-inch steel cables and would have survived the worst earthquakes and tsunamis, but people weren't willing to pay the $100,000 additional cost of the lift system that holds the comfortable little bungalow in mid-air."
Lu gives credit for the invention to Italian, Leonardo Di Vinci, German, Henri Giffard and Frenchman, Jean Baptiste Marie Meusnier, and a Christian monk named Simeon Stylites, but Lu's small balloon factory was as much a result of his father's conversion to Christianity in 1940 than to the others mentioned.  "I was always told after World War II that the reason that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were chosen as atomic bomb detonation sites is because these cities were the two most Christianized cities in Japan and that they were destroyed for their Christian citizen's failure to evangelize the rest of Japan fast enough to forestall Japan's militarism that led to World War II.  It was then that I envisioned living somewhere other than planet earth and so I came up with the Helium House having first invented the Helium Shack.  "It was about a fourth the size of the Helium House," said Lu, "and less than half the current price of the full-sized Helium House.  Of course, living in the sky requires a special life style and it's not for everyone....rock gardeners, sleepwalkers and people who can't climb a rope ladder."

Sunday, March 13, 2011

KV Pharmaceuticals, McKenna, FDA and The Rising Appeal Zero Population Growth

Bilking Babies and the 
Sweet Smell of Success

by Winsip Custer CPW News Service

The cost of having a child has just gone up, way up, thanks to the United States Food and Drug Administration, a St. Louis drug company named KV Pharmaceuticals and a drug policy that creates phony wars on drugs, approves some drugs that shouldn't be approved while providing monopolistic status to those with power to influence the process.

The drug called 17P and sold under the name McKenna which had been compounded by local pharmacies for years and cost about $10 per dose was approved by the FDA for KV Pharmaceutical's monopoly on the drug while eliminating the compounding process.  KV hiked the price per dose to $1500 each.  The Pittsburgh Post Gazette reported.....

The revelation this week that the cost of a popular drug to help prevent preterm labor is going to go up 100 times its current price has stunned pregnant women, their doctors and pharmacists in Western Pennsylvania. ”I’m ready to have a heart attack,” Janice Watkins, a Pittsburgh resident who is pregnant and has been taking the generic drug known as 17P, said Thursday after she learned of the price increase from her doctor’s office. “I’m nervous now because I have to go home and call my insurance company to see if they’ll cover me.”

Obviously, the hike from $10 to $1500 is a mouth full change, as the Pittsburgh paper says, but newspapers widely reported that  the former KV Pharmaceutical CEO, Mark Hermelin, pleaded guilty on Thursday, March 10, 2011 to two federal charges of misbranding drugs in an unrelated case.  The 69 year old Hamerlin was sentenced to one month in prison and a one million dollar fine, but that has not changed KV's pricing policies, nor the FDA's assertion that they had no part in establishing the monopoly.

Fred W. Chalmers of the FDA watch group Bad Medicine, said "it's like this.  The FDA has broad sweeping powers to create wealth with the stoke of a pen.  They are not unlike the Army Corp of Engineers which decides whether an area is going to be harvested by oil interests or remain natural habitat, whether a sea wall will create a stable community or be lost to erosion or subsidence.  Their decisions are never made in a vacuum.  With only the top eight graduates each year from West Point being invited to join the ACE group, they wield extraordinary power and in as much as former West Point grads are often top executives of companies that profit from their decisions it's essentially an extension of the war-spoils system.  The same can be said for those who influence the FDA process which always claims to be above the fray.  Look at J.D. Searl company's approval of the drug Aspertame better known as the sweetener Equal.  The company couldn't get FDA approval so it hired the man Richard Nixon called 'that ruthless little bastard' to dropkick the drug through the FDA process and around the more exacting requirements faced by the earlier sweeteners.   That "ruthless little bastard" was future Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld," said Chalmers.  "The whole war on drug thing is essentially a scam protecting the private profits and black markets created by the manipulators," concluded Chalmers.

It was noted that the only U.S. drug company licensed by the FDA to import cocaine is Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals and St. Louis brewer, Steven Busch, heir of the Anheuser-Busch Brewing Company, has been linked to KV Pharmaceutical through his relationship to the former CEO, Mark Hermelin, who owned a fleet of charter jets. "St. Louis, home to such governmentally linked personalities as George Herbert Walker, has been not only the 'Gateway To the West' but the 'Gateway' to government backed decisions that make and break not only the monopolists, but the American people," said Chalmers.

Time Magazines' Maria Svalavitz has reported that "The March of Dimes — which has received hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations from KV's subsidiary Ther-RX, which will market Makena — supports the introduction of the new drug. "'An FDA-approved product is a good thing, 'says Dr. Alan Fleischman, medical director of the March of Dimes. The drug is expensive but it's a very important drug for a very important purpose. The company has promised that every eligible woman whose doctor prescribes it will be able to receive it and ability to pay will not preclude that."  (from More on Time.com: Expecting? Text 'BABY' for Advice About Healthy Pregnancy).

Chalmers said, "that's what you'd expect them to say.  The fact is that it is a shell game benefiting the profiteers...in a way similar to Albert Lasker who was America's leading advertising and public relations guru selling cigarettes while his wife was on the board of directors of the America Cancer Society or while paint or asbestos companies knew for over fifty years that their products were injurious, but sold the poisons anyway with protection from the government."