Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Pope Benedict XVI’s 11th Hour Surprise!

Pope Emeritus To Pronounce Marriage Acceptable and Sends PPs To Diego Garcia
by Benetelli O. Mayo CPW News Services

     Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation will take effect on February 28th, 2013 at which time he will become known as the Pontiff of Rome Emeritus.  As any Protestant minister serving a large church can attest and as Reverend Luther Wesley Williamson of the First Second Covenant Freewill Missionary Episcopalian Presbyterial Congregational Fellowship Church in Lincoln, Nebraska has laughing said, “my predecessor was our church pastor emeritus and it was like living in the Bates Hotel with Mommy Dearest stored in the attic.”
     On the other hand, across the Roman Catholic denomination members are hearing from those closest to the retiring pontiff that as with the declaration of Celestine V in 1294 which provided the legal and canonical framework for Benedict’s early departure, Benedict will likely pronounce a new church practice of acceptance of married clergy and the elevation of women to the priesthood, by midnight on February 28th.
     One authority on Roman Catholic church law, Dr. Damian Negro Iglesias of the Pontifical Center for Canonical Elucidation in Padua, Italy said, "If he doesn't do it by midnight on the 28th, he will surely do it before the next Pope is selected.  I would look for the next Pope to ratify Benedict XVI's action, otherwise you'd have a severe schism over which Pontiff's authority is inerrant."
     “Celestine V practiced mortification of the flesh as a spiritual discipline and everyone I know who is married claims that there was nothing in Celestine’s floggings that provides any greater mortification of the flesh than the institution of marriage.  Especially when a wife is having difficulty achieving pregnancy,” Benedict XVI is reported to have said.
     Others claim that in order to clear up the problem of pedophilia among Roman Catholic clergymen a new holy order of pedophile priests will be established called simple "PP" much like the Society of Jesuits who use 'SJ' after their names to indicate the order's claim on its members. 
     “This is perhaps the most progressive of Benedict’s forthcoming proclamations within his final ex cathedra pronouncement.  Pedophile priests will live together in isolation on the island of Diego Garcia in the shark infested Indian Ocean practicing Celestine’s mortification exercises 12-18 hours per day.  It has been widely reported that with the provision for married clergy, former Penn State football coach, Jerry Sandusky, is seeking entrance to the new order.  Mrs. Sandusky recently told relatives, however, that “I married Jerry for better or worse, but not for Diego Garcia.”

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