People collect
memories. Trinkets, doo-dads,
what-cha-ma-call-its are itemized, catalogued and crammed into collections
generally the size of the warehouse afforded by the benefactor’s
contribution. Never enough of a gift to
replicate the known universe, items must be prioritized according to perceived
value, but of value to whom? Of value
to the culture or group doing the collecting, obviously.
When the leaders of
industrialized America raced across the continent propelled by a vision of
Manifest Destiny museums appeared to warehouse a tableau of the journey. For the American experience as a whole none
is larger than the Smithsonian Institution.
The term “keeping up with the Jones” would more logically have been
“keeping up with the Smithsons.”
Back in 1838 John
L.M. Smithson, a geologist and rock collector, donated 104,960 gold pieces
worth over half a million dollars by today’s standards to fund the Smithsonian
Institute. The Englishman’s gift set the
benchmark for the growing nation’s collective memory. Working hand in hand with the leading
newspapers of the time, the stories they chronicled, codified and systematized created
a type of official history of the nation with a
unapologetic, some would say brazen, bias.
As a type of
marching addendum to the benchmark, museums housing the memories of the
subjugated subcultures would spring up as a type of running commentary and critique of
the benchmark. Footnotes to
history. Borderland ballad songs were sung
like those of the subjugated Hebrews in Babylon sang as the culturally enslaved hung
up their lyres all the while wishing they could also hang up the domineering liars on the nearby weeping willow trees. Conquest inevitably leads to distrust as the Palestinians and Jews, Irish and English, Iraqis and Kuwaitis attest to this day.
And so it
goes. Time marches on to the beat of the
musician pounding the bass drum and to the direction of the drum major
leading the parade down Main Street, or as history has shown for America,
down Wall Street. The parade always
follows the money, as does the building of the nation’s collective memory.
America has had no
more powerful drum majors and drum beaters than what Fabian Colbachi has called “the Cain Cushings and Abel Browns”. Brothers
within the same Anglo order from different, but interdependent families, often
driven to fratricide for those "brothers" who got out of step or attempted to
redirect the band down a side street.
Alexander Brown was the patriarch of what Smedley Darlington Butler called “the
National City Bank boys” while Caleb Cushing was patriarch of the New England
Brahmans or “China Traders”. In other
words, “opium smugglers and drug dealers”, said Colbachi.
"Brown’s Baltimore and Ohio Railroad would feed the march west down iron
rails which alongside ran the copper wire that tapped out Samuel F.B. Morse’s
code, often in secret encryption, to protect the marching orders from unwanted alteration. Characterized by one popular television
series as Hell On Wheels, the railroad was both demonized and glorified. Blacks seeking to escape the bondage of the
South sang of the Rock Island Line. "It’s a very good line" sang Huddie "Leadbelly" Ledbetter forgetting that the Underground Railroad ended not in Rock Island, Illinois, New York, Vermont or New Hampshire, but in Canada where ships were lining up to carry the escaped slaves to Liberia. Union freedom fighters fought war with mixed motives while Confederate "state's righters" fought war with a corresponding equally-ethically-challenged worldview.
When the Texas Revolution was stalling, John Henry Brown and the Protestant preacher Rev. Dan Baker sent Juan Linn, a Roman Catholic layman leader, to Baltimore to petition the Bishops' meeting there to send English speaking Roman Catholic priests to the region to prevent mass defection of Irish Catholic settlers over to the Mexican-Catholic side. As can be seen by Jefferson Davis' close friendship with Caleb Cushing's clan with the Browns of Baltimore, they were eyeing Texas as their ace-in-the-hole for the Pacific rail route to China with the side benefit of providing a release of pressure on urban centers' overcrowding and a slave-holding Republic should the South fail to secede from the Union," said Colbachi. "With succession would come a 'Golden Circle' of slavery around the Caribbean basin if William Walker, Caleb Cushing and Jefferson Davis had their way. This was in spite of the Roman Catholic Church's rejection of slavery which Albert Pike wholeheartedly embraced even as a Catholic," noted Colbachi who added that as with Wilberforce's England and the Catholic Spanish provinces the articulation of anti-slave policy was politically expedient and marginally observed. Colbachi noted that Albert Pike's leading modern defender is Walter Lee Brown, the University of Arkansas' noted historian, from the state where Albert Pike served as Grand Dragon of the KKK and where in the 20th Century a Willam Walker filibustering attempt was believed by many to be repeated in the Iran-Contra attempt to annex Nicaragua. With funding by drug sales to America's former slaves, the bank for the Iran-Contra operation, Bank of Commerce and Credit International or BCCI, was domiciled in Little Rock where not far away the Mena Airport was the drug import hub.
A list of correspondence from Caleb Cushing's papers in the Library of Congress include an amazing list of players. Jefferson Davis is listed. Cushing had been responsible for bringing Davis to Boston to speak in favor of slavery. Davis' future head of Indian affairs for the Confederacy, Albert Pike, founder of Scottish Rite Masonry in the U.S. and chief legal counsel for the future KKK is also included in Cushings' letters as are letters to Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Pierce.
Pierce was a backer of filibusterer, William Walker who was killed trying to take over Honduras after his failed attempt to annex Baja, California. Pike's order of Free Masonry had its beginning with the Prussian Royal family in the decade following the American Revolution and then was exported to America basically bifurcating American Masonry between the York Rite Masons of the Washington and Franklin patriots and the Scottish Rite Masons of Albert Pike who was Roman Catholic. A minor scandal erupted when during the Truman Presidency a White House restoration could not locate the original corner stone laid by Washington as he wore his York Rite Masonic apron. It was rumored to be at the Washington Temple housing the body of Scottish Rite Mason, Albert Pike.
The first Scottish Rite Mason to be President was Andrew Johnson, sworn into the society in a SR ceremony at the White House in 1867 by Benjamin Brown French two years after Lincoln's assassination. French had been appointed Commissioner of Public Buildings by President Lincoln and oversaw Mary Todd Lincoln's renovations of the White House. Many of French's letters in the Library of Congress correspond with the same recipients as those in Caleb Cushings' papers and French wrote of a bitter encounter with John P. Usher, Secretary of the Interior, who though not known to be either a Scottish Rite or York Rite Mason, made fortunes working as an attorney for the Union Pacific Railroad. Land acquisitions for the railroad depended on Usher's position as Secretary of the Interior.
"If the original cornerstone placed by the York Rite Mason, George Washington, was moved by Scottish Rite usurpers, Benjamin Brown French was just the man to do it," said Fabian Colbachi who noted just how little has been made of French who made the funeral arrangements for Lincoln's son, wrote a hymn for the dedication of the cemetery at Gettysburg, had his own son build the stand upon which Lincoln's casket and later Ronald Reagan and Gerald Ford's caskets were laid. "That Hollywood and historians finds so little interest in this man is incredulous and that the follow-up to Jefferson Davis' speech in Boston by Frederick Douglas was nowhere in the recent Steven Speilberg film on Lincoln is incredible," said Colbachi.
Benjamin Brown French had accepted an appointment in the clerk's department of the U.S. House of Representatives in 1833, the same year that Alphonso Taft and William Russell created Skull and Bones at Yale. He served as Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives from 1847-1850 to become the President of Samuel F.B. Morse's Magnetic Telegraph Co. just as Morse's cousin, James Walker Fannin's death in Texas was being remembered along with the Alamo massacre. Running alongside the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad tracks from Baltimore to Washington D.C. Morse's company tapped out a telegraphic message from Alexander Brown's hometown that would first be heard on May 24, 1844, in the U.S. Supreme Court chambers in Washington with the message "What hath God wrought?"
In 1860 Congress passed the Pacific Telegraph Act and by then Morse's patents had been licensed to many companies with the leader being Western Union whose chief negotiator was Hiram Sibley whose ancestor Harper Sibley would own Washington's Blair House. Harper would build Florida's Ocean Reef Club, home to George H.W. Bush, Bebe Rebozo and other Washington as well as New England Brahman insiders. Morse' first transcontinental telegraph line was completed along the Pony Express route owned by Bostonian William Russell with his ties to the Russell Trust in 1861. This diverted eyes from the flatter southern route that William Walker had eye to a central route that avoided the South and Southwest. Brown Brothers Harriman's ties to the Union Pacific and future employer of Prescott Bush, GWB's grandfather further illustrate the connections. Western Union was the only company to receive the government contract for the transcontinental telegraph by default.
In 1857 French was appointed Commissioner of Public Buildings by Franklin Pierce followed by President of the Republican Association of Washington D.C., then the Grand Master of the Scottish Rite Masons in 1861, Chief Marshall of the Lincoln inauguration in 1861 the same year Lincoln re-appointed him Commissioner of Public Buildings where he stayed until 1867. French, even more than Albert Pike who was fighting for the Confederacy at the time of French's renovations of the Lincoln White House, was responsible for bringing the Scottish Rite Masonry of Pike and the influence of the Prussian aristocracy into the mainstream of American Life.
Michael Spangler in Benjamin Brown French In The Lincoln Period gives clues to French's primogeniture leanings which Thomas Jefferson had been commissioned by the First Continental Congress to write out of United States law. French's connections to the banks of Europe through his son, Frank, are also revealed. "Most important was his immediate and extended family and the social network it provided. He was devoted to his wives. His older son Frank, who became a successful international banker, was a great source of pride for him. And although his younger son Ben was somewhat of a ne’er-dowell and a prodigal causing him much grief, the Major never forsook him. Interestingly, he lived long enough to remark on the nascent talent for sculpture evinced by his young nephew Daniel Chester French who would later create the monumental sculpture of Lincoln for the Memorial sculpture of Lincoln in Washington."
A system of Masonry antithetical to European monarchical rule, the York Rite Masons, were in essence challenged by another Masonic group directly beholding to Albert Pike and the Prussian Royals who inaugurated Scottish Rite Masonry. In Scotland they were known as Jacobite Stuarts with key Stuart leaders including Bonnie Prince Charlie buried in the Vatican at Rome and whose beloved savior, Flora MacDonald, immigrated to North Carolina before returning to her homeland. The connections to the Confederate General whose cavalry was often conspicuously absent from important Southern battles, John Ewell Brown "JEB" Stuart, laid bare the entangled web of cross-Atlantic ambitions in America. The return of primogeniture was full blown by 2000 when the first born son of George Herbert Walker Bush, George Walker Bush, became President of the Unites States under questionable circumstances that were settled not by a legitimate recount, but by the Presidentially appointed U.S. Supreme Court in a state where the candidate's brother was Governor and where the "King of Timeshares", David A. Siegel, claimed he had personally influenced the election.
Siegel's Wall Street and Las Vegas connections would allow him to build a replica of a symbol of European decadence associated with monarchical rule, the Palace of Versailles, in Orlando, Florida. Tauted as the biggest house in the Unites States surpassing Bill Gates' mansion by 10,000 square feet, America's transformation was complete as timeshare investments borrowed from increasingly troubled "too big to fail" banks by amnesiac struggling Americans served to import from Europe an old vision of yesterday's tyranny repackaged as the new American Dream. During the 2012 election that pitted Barack Obama against Mitt Romney, David A. Siegel demanded that his remaining employees at Westgate Resorts vote for Romney though legalities prevented him from saying...."or else find another job."
The older York Rite Masons, any modern Mason knows, had deeper ties to Christian traditions than the Scottish Rite Masons whose rituals, crafted by Pike, were more eclectic perhaps leading to the appearance of greater openness, but resting on Egyptian mysticism and a hodge podge of Gnostic traditions. More importantly, York Rite Masons had deeper ties to the trade unions of Northern Europe that were often the subject of cruel dealings by monarchs and the Roman Church leaders that supported them. Legend has it that the Knights Templars whose authority was challenged by the Roman Catholic Church had what assets the church could confiscate redirected to the more manageable Maltese Knights of the Roman Catholic Church of which Albert Pike's group was a part in spite of the church denials. The beginnings of the marriage between the New England power elites predomiantly from Puritan Protestant traditions with the Roman Catholic tradition in American can be seen clearly in the Grace and Whitney families with William Collins Whitney becoming the son-in law of Joseph Peter Grace whose fortunes in fertilizer and gun powder were initially funded by fortunes made in the gathering and shipping of South American bat guano.
Though claiming to be Scottish, which suggests they came from the region which legend also claims was the place of exile for the Templars and the birthplace of a decidedly anti-monarchial form of Christianity of the theologian John Knox, Scotland was not the birthplace of Scottish Rite Masonry. Ironically, Benjamin Brown French was, however, also the head of the Knights Templars in Washington, D.C..
Benjamin Brown French's tensions with John P. Usher signal the fault line between two powerful and secretive lateral verities. Usher, as the Union Pacific's power broker in Washington D.C., knew that the Southern Transcontinental rail route was the easiest to build, but the most difficult to control. French represents the reason why. As close as French was to Lincoln, he was totally compromised by his Scottish Rite connections to Albert Pike and hence to Jefferson Davis, Caleb Cushing and their pro-slavery circle of Northern power elites whose wealth came as much from opium shipments as from the goods shipped on open flatbeds.
The South's princely "JEB" Stuart, like Robert E. Lee, Braxton Bragg and Jefferson Davis knew well the potential for a Southern transcontinental rail route through Texas. Stuart's autobiography speaks of his 1854 Texas adventures. Jefferson Davis' father-in-law was a relative of Aaron Burr whose ambitions for the West and his killing of Alexander Hamilton, were legendary. John Ewell Brown "JEB" Stuart is most often compared with German Prince Rupert the Duke of Bavaria and the leading Royalist General fighting Cromwell's forces during the English Civil War for the re-seating of the House of Stuart in England.
On the Western frontier German settlers who traced their ancestory to the German Hessian troops hired by England to fight Washington and the Continental Army made excellent farmers, tradesmen, cattlemen and engineers, but had a characteristically German conceit that played well to the aspirations of European Royals. Some of the larger ranches across which a Southern transcontinental rail route would travel were settled by Anglicized German names like Brown for Braun or King for Koenig. Adolf Hitler tapped into this German proclivity by shifting German allegiances from a royal hereditary elitism to a broader racial one and from priviledge by birth to priviledge by personal, albeit brutal, accomplishment. He padded this ambition with an ever emerging list of energy enhancing drugs designed in Nazi laboratories like IG Farben, Hoerst and Bayer.
Fabian Colbachi has studied the Stuart connections to the German Royals and their associations with the English Royals. "What is obvious about the connections is made more obvious by viewing history's minor clues," says Colbachi. "Prince Rupert and James Ewell Brown Stuart are known for the plume they wore in their hats and their flamboyant horsemanship. I look in such telltale clues for small comparisons," said Colbachi. "Consider Queen Victoria who is reported to have married her butler, John Brown, after the death of Prince Albert. Brown introduced Queen Victoria to a rare drink in any bartender's opinion....claret wine mixed with Scotch. This is reported to be the favorite drink of President Barack Obama. Queen Victoria's family line was replaced by the Saxe-Gotha family from Germany which changed their name to Windsor to disguise the royal German roots. Those connections were especially troubling to Winston Churchill during World War II as the heir to the throne, the Duke of Windsor, dated, engaged and married an American divorcee who was a known Nazi spy," said Colbachi noting that Churchill's daughter-in-law divorced Winston's son to marry America's Union Pacific railroad heir, Averill Harriman, while Joseph P. Kennedy, the war-time Ambassador to Great Britain whose Irish Catholic heritage connected the Irish historically to the Jacobite Scots, showed pro-Nazi leanings that led to his being recalled by President Franklin Roosevelt. "Running though all 'border ballads' are intriguing rhythms and rhymes, beats and cadences, that prove comforting to some and troublesome to others," said Colbachi.
When the Texas Revolution was stalling, John Henry Brown and the Protestant preacher Rev. Dan Baker sent Juan Linn, a Roman Catholic layman leader, to Baltimore to petition the Bishops' meeting there to send English speaking Roman Catholic priests to the region to prevent mass defection of Irish Catholic settlers over to the Mexican-Catholic side. As can be seen by Jefferson Davis' close friendship with Caleb Cushing's clan with the Browns of Baltimore, they were eyeing Texas as their ace-in-the-hole for the Pacific rail route to China with the side benefit of providing a release of pressure on urban centers' overcrowding and a slave-holding Republic should the South fail to secede from the Union," said Colbachi. "With succession would come a 'Golden Circle' of slavery around the Caribbean basin if William Walker, Caleb Cushing and Jefferson Davis had their way. This was in spite of the Roman Catholic Church's rejection of slavery which Albert Pike wholeheartedly embraced even as a Catholic," noted Colbachi who added that as with Wilberforce's England and the Catholic Spanish provinces the articulation of anti-slave policy was politically expedient and marginally observed. Colbachi noted that Albert Pike's leading modern defender is Walter Lee Brown, the University of Arkansas' noted historian, from the state where Albert Pike served as Grand Dragon of the KKK and where in the 20th Century a Willam Walker filibustering attempt was believed by many to be repeated in the Iran-Contra attempt to annex Nicaragua. With funding by drug sales to America's former slaves, the bank for the Iran-Contra operation, Bank of Commerce and Credit International or BCCI, was domiciled in Little Rock where not far away the Mena Airport was the drug import hub.
A list of correspondence from Caleb Cushing's papers in the Library of Congress include an amazing list of players. Jefferson Davis is listed. Cushing had been responsible for bringing Davis to Boston to speak in favor of slavery. Davis' future head of Indian affairs for the Confederacy, Albert Pike, founder of Scottish Rite Masonry in the U.S. and chief legal counsel for the future KKK is also included in Cushings' letters as are letters to Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Pierce.
Pierce was a backer of filibusterer, William Walker who was killed trying to take over Honduras after his failed attempt to annex Baja, California. Pike's order of Free Masonry had its beginning with the Prussian Royal family in the decade following the American Revolution and then was exported to America basically bifurcating American Masonry between the York Rite Masons of the Washington and Franklin patriots and the Scottish Rite Masons of Albert Pike who was Roman Catholic. A minor scandal erupted when during the Truman Presidency a White House restoration could not locate the original corner stone laid by Washington as he wore his York Rite Masonic apron. It was rumored to be at the Washington Temple housing the body of Scottish Rite Mason, Albert Pike.
The first Scottish Rite Mason to be President was Andrew Johnson, sworn into the society in a SR ceremony at the White House in 1867 by Benjamin Brown French two years after Lincoln's assassination. French had been appointed Commissioner of Public Buildings by President Lincoln and oversaw Mary Todd Lincoln's renovations of the White House. Many of French's letters in the Library of Congress correspond with the same recipients as those in Caleb Cushings' papers and French wrote of a bitter encounter with John P. Usher, Secretary of the Interior, who though not known to be either a Scottish Rite or York Rite Mason, made fortunes working as an attorney for the Union Pacific Railroad. Land acquisitions for the railroad depended on Usher's position as Secretary of the Interior.
"If the original cornerstone placed by the York Rite Mason, George Washington, was moved by Scottish Rite usurpers, Benjamin Brown French was just the man to do it," said Fabian Colbachi who noted just how little has been made of French who made the funeral arrangements for Lincoln's son, wrote a hymn for the dedication of the cemetery at Gettysburg, had his own son build the stand upon which Lincoln's casket and later Ronald Reagan and Gerald Ford's caskets were laid. "That Hollywood and historians finds so little interest in this man is incredulous and that the follow-up to Jefferson Davis' speech in Boston by Frederick Douglas was nowhere in the recent Steven Speilberg film on Lincoln is incredible," said Colbachi.
Benjamin Brown French had accepted an appointment in the clerk's department of the U.S. House of Representatives in 1833, the same year that Alphonso Taft and William Russell created Skull and Bones at Yale. He served as Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives from 1847-1850 to become the President of Samuel F.B. Morse's Magnetic Telegraph Co. just as Morse's cousin, James Walker Fannin's death in Texas was being remembered along with the Alamo massacre. Running alongside the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad tracks from Baltimore to Washington D.C. Morse's company tapped out a telegraphic message from Alexander Brown's hometown that would first be heard on May 24, 1844, in the U.S. Supreme Court chambers in Washington with the message "What hath God wrought?"
In 1860 Congress passed the Pacific Telegraph Act and by then Morse's patents had been licensed to many companies with the leader being Western Union whose chief negotiator was Hiram Sibley whose ancestor Harper Sibley would own Washington's Blair House. Harper would build Florida's Ocean Reef Club, home to George H.W. Bush, Bebe Rebozo and other Washington as well as New England Brahman insiders. Morse' first transcontinental telegraph line was completed along the Pony Express route owned by Bostonian William Russell with his ties to the Russell Trust in 1861. This diverted eyes from the flatter southern route that William Walker had eye to a central route that avoided the South and Southwest. Brown Brothers Harriman's ties to the Union Pacific and future employer of Prescott Bush, GWB's grandfather further illustrate the connections. Western Union was the only company to receive the government contract for the transcontinental telegraph by default.
In 1857 French was appointed Commissioner of Public Buildings by Franklin Pierce followed by President of the Republican Association of Washington D.C., then the Grand Master of the Scottish Rite Masons in 1861, Chief Marshall of the Lincoln inauguration in 1861 the same year Lincoln re-appointed him Commissioner of Public Buildings where he stayed until 1867. French, even more than Albert Pike who was fighting for the Confederacy at the time of French's renovations of the Lincoln White House, was responsible for bringing the Scottish Rite Masonry of Pike and the influence of the Prussian aristocracy into the mainstream of American Life.
Michael Spangler in Benjamin Brown French In The Lincoln Period gives clues to French's primogeniture leanings which Thomas Jefferson had been commissioned by the First Continental Congress to write out of United States law. French's connections to the banks of Europe through his son, Frank, are also revealed. "Most important was his immediate and extended family and the social network it provided. He was devoted to his wives. His older son Frank, who became a successful international banker, was a great source of pride for him. And although his younger son Ben was somewhat of a ne’er-dowell and a prodigal causing him much grief, the Major never forsook him. Interestingly, he lived long enough to remark on the nascent talent for sculpture evinced by his young nephew Daniel Chester French who would later create the monumental sculpture of Lincoln for the Memorial sculpture of Lincoln in Washington."
A system of Masonry antithetical to European monarchical rule, the York Rite Masons, were in essence challenged by another Masonic group directly beholding to Albert Pike and the Prussian Royals who inaugurated Scottish Rite Masonry. In Scotland they were known as Jacobite Stuarts with key Stuart leaders including Bonnie Prince Charlie buried in the Vatican at Rome and whose beloved savior, Flora MacDonald, immigrated to North Carolina before returning to her homeland. The connections to the Confederate General whose cavalry was often conspicuously absent from important Southern battles, John Ewell Brown "JEB" Stuart, laid bare the entangled web of cross-Atlantic ambitions in America. The return of primogeniture was full blown by 2000 when the first born son of George Herbert Walker Bush, George Walker Bush, became President of the Unites States under questionable circumstances that were settled not by a legitimate recount, but by the Presidentially appointed U.S. Supreme Court in a state where the candidate's brother was Governor and where the "King of Timeshares", David A. Siegel, claimed he had personally influenced the election.
Siegel's Wall Street and Las Vegas connections would allow him to build a replica of a symbol of European decadence associated with monarchical rule, the Palace of Versailles, in Orlando, Florida. Tauted as the biggest house in the Unites States surpassing Bill Gates' mansion by 10,000 square feet, America's transformation was complete as timeshare investments borrowed from increasingly troubled "too big to fail" banks by amnesiac struggling Americans served to import from Europe an old vision of yesterday's tyranny repackaged as the new American Dream. During the 2012 election that pitted Barack Obama against Mitt Romney, David A. Siegel demanded that his remaining employees at Westgate Resorts vote for Romney though legalities prevented him from saying...."or else find another job."
The older York Rite Masons, any modern Mason knows, had deeper ties to Christian traditions than the Scottish Rite Masons whose rituals, crafted by Pike, were more eclectic perhaps leading to the appearance of greater openness, but resting on Egyptian mysticism and a hodge podge of Gnostic traditions. More importantly, York Rite Masons had deeper ties to the trade unions of Northern Europe that were often the subject of cruel dealings by monarchs and the Roman Church leaders that supported them. Legend has it that the Knights Templars whose authority was challenged by the Roman Catholic Church had what assets the church could confiscate redirected to the more manageable Maltese Knights of the Roman Catholic Church of which Albert Pike's group was a part in spite of the church denials. The beginnings of the marriage between the New England power elites predomiantly from Puritan Protestant traditions with the Roman Catholic tradition in American can be seen clearly in the Grace and Whitney families with William Collins Whitney becoming the son-in law of Joseph Peter Grace whose fortunes in fertilizer and gun powder were initially funded by fortunes made in the gathering and shipping of South American bat guano.
Though claiming to be Scottish, which suggests they came from the region which legend also claims was the place of exile for the Templars and the birthplace of a decidedly anti-monarchial form of Christianity of the theologian John Knox, Scotland was not the birthplace of Scottish Rite Masonry. Ironically, Benjamin Brown French was, however, also the head of the Knights Templars in Washington, D.C..
Benjamin Brown French's tensions with John P. Usher signal the fault line between two powerful and secretive lateral verities. Usher, as the Union Pacific's power broker in Washington D.C., knew that the Southern Transcontinental rail route was the easiest to build, but the most difficult to control. French represents the reason why. As close as French was to Lincoln, he was totally compromised by his Scottish Rite connections to Albert Pike and hence to Jefferson Davis, Caleb Cushing and their pro-slavery circle of Northern power elites whose wealth came as much from opium shipments as from the goods shipped on open flatbeds.
The South's princely "JEB" Stuart, like Robert E. Lee, Braxton Bragg and Jefferson Davis knew well the potential for a Southern transcontinental rail route through Texas. Stuart's autobiography speaks of his 1854 Texas adventures. Jefferson Davis' father-in-law was a relative of Aaron Burr whose ambitions for the West and his killing of Alexander Hamilton, were legendary. John Ewell Brown "JEB" Stuart is most often compared with German Prince Rupert the Duke of Bavaria and the leading Royalist General fighting Cromwell's forces during the English Civil War for the re-seating of the House of Stuart in England.
On the Western frontier German settlers who traced their ancestory to the German Hessian troops hired by England to fight Washington and the Continental Army made excellent farmers, tradesmen, cattlemen and engineers, but had a characteristically German conceit that played well to the aspirations of European Royals. Some of the larger ranches across which a Southern transcontinental rail route would travel were settled by Anglicized German names like Brown for Braun or King for Koenig. Adolf Hitler tapped into this German proclivity by shifting German allegiances from a royal hereditary elitism to a broader racial one and from priviledge by birth to priviledge by personal, albeit brutal, accomplishment. He padded this ambition with an ever emerging list of energy enhancing drugs designed in Nazi laboratories like IG Farben, Hoerst and Bayer.
Fabian Colbachi has studied the Stuart connections to the German Royals and their associations with the English Royals. "What is obvious about the connections is made more obvious by viewing history's minor clues," says Colbachi. "Prince Rupert and James Ewell Brown Stuart are known for the plume they wore in their hats and their flamboyant horsemanship. I look in such telltale clues for small comparisons," said Colbachi. "Consider Queen Victoria who is reported to have married her butler, John Brown, after the death of Prince Albert. Brown introduced Queen Victoria to a rare drink in any bartender's opinion....claret wine mixed with Scotch. This is reported to be the favorite drink of President Barack Obama. Queen Victoria's family line was replaced by the Saxe-Gotha family from Germany which changed their name to Windsor to disguise the royal German roots. Those connections were especially troubling to Winston Churchill during World War II as the heir to the throne, the Duke of Windsor, dated, engaged and married an American divorcee who was a known Nazi spy," said Colbachi noting that Churchill's daughter-in-law divorced Winston's son to marry America's Union Pacific railroad heir, Averill Harriman, while Joseph P. Kennedy, the war-time Ambassador to Great Britain whose Irish Catholic heritage connected the Irish historically to the Jacobite Scots, showed pro-Nazi leanings that led to his being recalled by President Franklin Roosevelt. "Running though all 'border ballads' are intriguing rhythms and rhymes, beats and cadences, that prove comforting to some and troublesome to others," said Colbachi.
With the quickest
route to Cushing’s cash cow, the opium trade of Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan
and India which continues to be a prize of American ambitions and which the Brits had been selling to the Chinese to ease
the pain of British domination, the Pacific soon became home to the more dominant American fast tall ships meeting up with the locomotives in California. Connecting California to rails across the U.S. the Cushings and their New England Brahman buddies were in business and business was booming. A parallel Southern track punched through within ten years as Reconstruction of the belligerent South became a discarded and arguably fictitious motive for war.
Soon English drug runners like Jardine Matheson with their connections to fellow British-Americans in the Northeast, especially the Russells, who together with the Browns and Cushings would graciously allow Jardine and Matheson some stake in the Southern route through Texas, showed that their cousins in commerce in an Anglo-American alliance were needed for their knowledge of the trade and connections in England, Europe and the Orient.
Running overland across the Great American Southwest “Cain Cushing” and “Abel Brown” found only two pesky barriers standing in their way: Indians and Mexicans in the Southwest and Confederates in the Southeast. The Southerners or more pointedly, Confederates, lesser members of the Northern Cushing and Brown tribes who had failed to preempt the North by educating, freeing and then arming their slaves and getting the jump on John Brown whose financial backers were New England's leading industrialists, folded. Without their Northern cousin's utilitarian foresight they could not see promoting freedom with forty acres, a mule, and partial ownership in annexed New England textile mills supplied by its one essential raw material, Southern cotton. The Irish, Italian and other minority kin would have likely assisted had they known of the Anglo-American ties of Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore to Liverpool and London, but that line of reasoning would have drastically altered the prevailing Puritan myth as well as been wishful thinking for radially changing the character of a people they perceived were accustomed to serving pyramidal power structures and incapable of providing leadership of a self-determining nature.
Rumors persisted that Albert Pike corresponded with Italian nationalist, Giuseppe Mazzini, who had along with Giuseppe Garibaldi emphasized a type of United States of Europe long before the European Union. It was projected that Pike's secretive followers had linked up with Mazzini's followers especially in New Orleans where General Benjamin Butler, also listed among Caleb Cushing's correspondence, had overseen the Union occupation of the most active port on the Gulf of Mexico and Mississippi River. If Italian history had taught the world anything, it was that empires, even empires based on republican principles, are built on human misery as much as human progress.
Alas, the Confederates whose replication of the English manors in the plantations of the South were also envious of the pyramidal structures of Europe and too greedy in wanting to control the opium route's Pacific and Atlantic terminals while holding to what was quickly slipping away under the guise of God's judgement for their failing to take the moral high ground like their Northern cousins. All of that was a partially fictitious, in fact, mostly false motivation, as delays in civil rights and the continued sale of their own secret government's ever expanding and undeclared tax on the poor, as in China, continued to this day remaining mostly unexposed until the San Jose Mercury New's reporter Gary Webb made the connections through Los Angeles leading drug dealer, "Freeway" Ricky Ross.
Ross' drug of choice was not opium but the newer equally addictive and highly profitable drug, crack cocaine. By then the official U.S. drug policies and secret ports of entry for contraband were well established on the prior work of opium imports leading many to wonder why an insurance company, AIG, would take over the administration of U.S ports for the failed Dubai Ports deal as will become clearer when one understands AIG's history in China. Restricting poppy production in the U.S. insured that a controllable nozzle of profitable imports was well-protected while also guaranteeing that the military complex needed to secure production in distant lands fed the U.S.'s insatiable appetite for military ambitions often cloaked as defensive military requirements as a revolving door of National Guard armories spun out stockpiled equipment released to foreign wars as needed and quickly replenished. Endless war and the emptying of the arsenals guaranteed the need for the next generation of weapons at increasingly higher prices.
Soon English drug runners like Jardine Matheson with their connections to fellow British-Americans in the Northeast, especially the Russells, who together with the Browns and Cushings would graciously allow Jardine and Matheson some stake in the Southern route through Texas, showed that their cousins in commerce in an Anglo-American alliance were needed for their knowledge of the trade and connections in England, Europe and the Orient.
Running overland across the Great American Southwest “Cain Cushing” and “Abel Brown” found only two pesky barriers standing in their way: Indians and Mexicans in the Southwest and Confederates in the Southeast. The Southerners or more pointedly, Confederates, lesser members of the Northern Cushing and Brown tribes who had failed to preempt the North by educating, freeing and then arming their slaves and getting the jump on John Brown whose financial backers were New England's leading industrialists, folded. Without their Northern cousin's utilitarian foresight they could not see promoting freedom with forty acres, a mule, and partial ownership in annexed New England textile mills supplied by its one essential raw material, Southern cotton. The Irish, Italian and other minority kin would have likely assisted had they known of the Anglo-American ties of Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore to Liverpool and London, but that line of reasoning would have drastically altered the prevailing Puritan myth as well as been wishful thinking for radially changing the character of a people they perceived were accustomed to serving pyramidal power structures and incapable of providing leadership of a self-determining nature.
Rumors persisted that Albert Pike corresponded with Italian nationalist, Giuseppe Mazzini, who had along with Giuseppe Garibaldi emphasized a type of United States of Europe long before the European Union. It was projected that Pike's secretive followers had linked up with Mazzini's followers especially in New Orleans where General Benjamin Butler, also listed among Caleb Cushing's correspondence, had overseen the Union occupation of the most active port on the Gulf of Mexico and Mississippi River. If Italian history had taught the world anything, it was that empires, even empires based on republican principles, are built on human misery as much as human progress.
Alas, the Confederates whose replication of the English manors in the plantations of the South were also envious of the pyramidal structures of Europe and too greedy in wanting to control the opium route's Pacific and Atlantic terminals while holding to what was quickly slipping away under the guise of God's judgement for their failing to take the moral high ground like their Northern cousins. All of that was a partially fictitious, in fact, mostly false motivation, as delays in civil rights and the continued sale of their own secret government's ever expanding and undeclared tax on the poor, as in China, continued to this day remaining mostly unexposed until the San Jose Mercury New's reporter Gary Webb made the connections through Los Angeles leading drug dealer, "Freeway" Ricky Ross.
Ross' drug of choice was not opium but the newer equally addictive and highly profitable drug, crack cocaine. By then the official U.S. drug policies and secret ports of entry for contraband were well established on the prior work of opium imports leading many to wonder why an insurance company, AIG, would take over the administration of U.S ports for the failed Dubai Ports deal as will become clearer when one understands AIG's history in China. Restricting poppy production in the U.S. insured that a controllable nozzle of profitable imports was well-protected while also guaranteeing that the military complex needed to secure production in distant lands fed the U.S.'s insatiable appetite for military ambitions often cloaked as defensive military requirements as a revolving door of National Guard armories spun out stockpiled equipment released to foreign wars as needed and quickly replenished. Endless war and the emptying of the arsenals guaranteed the need for the next generation of weapons at increasingly higher prices.
The Mexican claims on the Southwest were
cleared away with the annexation of Texas and the adjoining territories between
it and the Pacific. With the help of men
like Samuel Hamilton Walker whose six shot Colt pistol guaranteed success against
bows and arrows, Eli Whitney’s cotton gin could gather steam on the opium-propelled ride west across Texas and the Southwest's expansive future cotton fields. It was Whitney who introduced Samuel Walker to the gun maker, Samuel Colt, whose significant weapon production would even supply troops during World War I as great-grandfather of George Walker Bush, Samuel Prescott Bush, was in charge of small arms procurement for the United States military. Samuel Prescott Bush's son, Prescott, would work for E.H. Harriman, the owner of the Union Pacific and a founder of Brown Brothers Harriman Investments. U.S. Secretary of State James A. Baker's ancestors were leading attorney's for the Union Pacific. John P. Usher, the Union Pacific's leading lawyer and land grabber, may not have been a Scottish Rite Mason as was Albert Pike and James Brown French, but his connection with E.H. Harriman and the Brown family put him in the center of American's Puritan Protestant power elites which Italian film director and actor, Robert DeNiro, describes in the words of The Good Shepherd with a phrase repeated in the 2012 Republican National Convention by actor Clint Eastwood. Matt Damon would say in DeNiro's film "We have the U.S. and the rest of you are visitors", while Eastwood said simply "We own this country,"....a viewpoint that historian Sydney Ahlstrom said in 1973 in A Religious History of the American People, changed with the election of John F. Kennedy in 1960.
Main stream America questioned Kennedy's ability to lead if he had grown up in the Roman Catholic tradition of Pike and the Stuart Jacobites. In De Niro's film Joe Pesci, playing an Italian Roman Catholic Don, acuses Damon, a Yale-educated CIA agent, of brutality that surpasses the Mafia while Damon says that "We make sure the wars are small ones."
For the more difficult and distasteful population relocation and elimination in the Great Southwest men like John Joel Glanton, himself a free scout for James Walker Fannin, the cousin of Samuel F. B. Morse, were given free reign until a flood of Christian missionaries and the stories they told caught up with Glanton in Arizona Territory leading to the petitioning of California to bring Glanton to justice. Californians had already repelled the ambitions of William Walker as he worked with the Southeasterners to clear the Southwest Territory for Jefferson Davis' proposed San Diego port and Southern Transcontinental rail terminus. William Walker may have eyed San Diego as his own possession or one further to the South with his attempted annexation of Baja.
Cormack McCarthy has written extensively of Glanton in his novel Blood Meridian, while others have pointed out that Glanton had married the most beautiful woman in San Antonio, perhaps lending to the story not of the Yellow Rose of Texas, but of a blood red San Antonio "Rose". Glanton's specialty was in disguising the hair pieces of scalped Mexicans which he made to look like Apache scalps for the bounty paid by Mexican politicians. From their encounters with Glanton the Mexican leadership learned the meaning of "Tenga cuidado de lo que deseas " or "be careful what you wish for."
In Aaron Burr fashion, William Walker attempted to annex for his family, intertwined as it was with the Cain Cushing and Abel Brown clans of the Northeast, all of Baja California. When the possibility of a Central American canal seemed feasible to eliminate the off-loading of cargo in California and cutting short the journey from the Orient to Europe, Walker turned to South America, specifically Honduras. He supported a Golden Circle of slavery with headquarters in the American South, but with clear connections to the non-abolitionist brethren in the Northeast like Caleb Cushing.
In Speilberg's film, Lincoln, for which Presidential historian, Doris Kearns Goodwin served as a consultant, little is made of Lincoln's railroad company connections or of the deeper motivations behind the Civil War. "Speilberg has Lincoln making the claim that he is a whaler, as had been the China Traders before turning to more lucrative, lighter and addictive cargoes and then to the oil, not of living whales, but from subterranean fossil fuels as they diversified their product line. The only mention of Lincoln's railroad connections is Abe telling Mary Todd Lincoln when the war is over that they should see the West by rail. Nor is there any mention, perhaps as Lincoln tours a military hospital with his son, that Eli Lilly was one of the North's leading artillery commanders and a pharmacist who knew well the future of narcotics in the growing military industrialist complex as well as in domestic medicinals and in keeping the poor in continued poverty as in China," said Colbachi. "Speilberg was the protoge' of the Cosmopolitan Magazine publisher, Helen Gurley Brown's husband, a master at using Hollywood movie production as the myth-making tool of the order while Speilberg's first movie was The Sugarland Express, a real life saga written by FBI agent, Robert Wiatt. Wiatt became head of security at Texas A&M University, home of the G.H.W. Bush Presidential Library as well as the Edward B. Cushing Library nearby," said Colbachi noting his concern that Speilberg like Condoleeza Rice may suffer from advanced stages of Helsinki Syndrome when considering the family ties to William Walker and to the 1930's Nazi-American "business plot". "Together Brown and Speilberg exploited humanity's deepest fear....the fear of being eaten alive by the jaws of some unstoppable force....more poignant than just being dragged to the depths by Moby Dick," said Colbachi reflecting on the tweaking of story-telling from the time of Herman Melville to Peter Benchley.
Speilberg supporters point out that his choice of Englishman, Daniel Day Lewis, beyond Lewis' likeness of the famous President, is enhanced by Lewis' co-actor in the 1992 film Last of the Mohigans with American Indian activist Russell Means playing Chingachgook. Means became famous in 1973 when he led a 71-day armed occupation of Wounded Knee, S.D., the site of the 1890 massacre of Sioux men, women and children. Means had also urinated on the head of George Washington's at Mount Rushmore. "A little narang ceremony and scatalogic rite that's far less unhealthy than Agent Orange, Corexit, or Aspertame and actually a daily regimen for Mahatmas Gandhi," said a Means friend and Native American historian who recalled the U.S. atrocities in the Philippines led by General Leonard Wood.
Main stream America questioned Kennedy's ability to lead if he had grown up in the Roman Catholic tradition of Pike and the Stuart Jacobites. In De Niro's film Joe Pesci, playing an Italian Roman Catholic Don, acuses Damon, a Yale-educated CIA agent, of brutality that surpasses the Mafia while Damon says that "We make sure the wars are small ones."
For the more difficult and distasteful population relocation and elimination in the Great Southwest men like John Joel Glanton, himself a free scout for James Walker Fannin, the cousin of Samuel F. B. Morse, were given free reign until a flood of Christian missionaries and the stories they told caught up with Glanton in Arizona Territory leading to the petitioning of California to bring Glanton to justice. Californians had already repelled the ambitions of William Walker as he worked with the Southeasterners to clear the Southwest Territory for Jefferson Davis' proposed San Diego port and Southern Transcontinental rail terminus. William Walker may have eyed San Diego as his own possession or one further to the South with his attempted annexation of Baja.
Cormack McCarthy has written extensively of Glanton in his novel Blood Meridian, while others have pointed out that Glanton had married the most beautiful woman in San Antonio, perhaps lending to the story not of the Yellow Rose of Texas, but of a blood red San Antonio "Rose". Glanton's specialty was in disguising the hair pieces of scalped Mexicans which he made to look like Apache scalps for the bounty paid by Mexican politicians. From their encounters with Glanton the Mexican leadership learned the meaning of "Tenga cuidado de lo que deseas " or "be careful what you wish for."
In Aaron Burr fashion, William Walker attempted to annex for his family, intertwined as it was with the Cain Cushing and Abel Brown clans of the Northeast, all of Baja California. When the possibility of a Central American canal seemed feasible to eliminate the off-loading of cargo in California and cutting short the journey from the Orient to Europe, Walker turned to South America, specifically Honduras. He supported a Golden Circle of slavery with headquarters in the American South, but with clear connections to the non-abolitionist brethren in the Northeast like Caleb Cushing.
In Speilberg's film, Lincoln, for which Presidential historian, Doris Kearns Goodwin served as a consultant, little is made of Lincoln's railroad company connections or of the deeper motivations behind the Civil War. "Speilberg has Lincoln making the claim that he is a whaler, as had been the China Traders before turning to more lucrative, lighter and addictive cargoes and then to the oil, not of living whales, but from subterranean fossil fuels as they diversified their product line. The only mention of Lincoln's railroad connections is Abe telling Mary Todd Lincoln when the war is over that they should see the West by rail. Nor is there any mention, perhaps as Lincoln tours a military hospital with his son, that Eli Lilly was one of the North's leading artillery commanders and a pharmacist who knew well the future of narcotics in the growing military industrialist complex as well as in domestic medicinals and in keeping the poor in continued poverty as in China," said Colbachi. "Speilberg was the protoge' of the Cosmopolitan Magazine publisher, Helen Gurley Brown's husband, a master at using Hollywood movie production as the myth-making tool of the order while Speilberg's first movie was The Sugarland Express, a real life saga written by FBI agent, Robert Wiatt. Wiatt became head of security at Texas A&M University, home of the G.H.W. Bush Presidential Library as well as the Edward B. Cushing Library nearby," said Colbachi noting his concern that Speilberg like Condoleeza Rice may suffer from advanced stages of Helsinki Syndrome when considering the family ties to William Walker and to the 1930's Nazi-American "business plot". "Together Brown and Speilberg exploited humanity's deepest fear....the fear of being eaten alive by the jaws of some unstoppable force....more poignant than just being dragged to the depths by Moby Dick," said Colbachi reflecting on the tweaking of story-telling from the time of Herman Melville to Peter Benchley.
Speilberg supporters point out that his choice of Englishman, Daniel Day Lewis, beyond Lewis' likeness of the famous President, is enhanced by Lewis' co-actor in the 1992 film Last of the Mohigans with American Indian activist Russell Means playing Chingachgook. Means became famous in 1973 when he led a 71-day armed occupation of Wounded Knee, S.D., the site of the 1890 massacre of Sioux men, women and children. Means had also urinated on the head of George Washington's at Mount Rushmore. "A little narang ceremony and scatalogic rite that's far less unhealthy than Agent Orange, Corexit, or Aspertame and actually a daily regimen for Mahatmas Gandhi," said a Means friend and Native American historian who recalled the U.S. atrocities in the Philippines led by General Leonard Wood.
emancipation of slaves was the over arching cover for the Union's prevention of Southern
secession, it was not the only rationale for the North’s reaction to the attack at Fort Sumter. Bruce Levine, author of The Fall of the House of
Dixie: The Civil War and the Social Revolution That Transformed the South,
offered to NPR’s Terry Gross another high minded myth that circumvented the
Southern rail route and China Trade connection which time, historical events
and propaganda has both proven, denied and covered up. Levine’s argument goes something like this: The U.S. was the only outpost of
non-monarchial, non-pyramidal representative government in the world. If they lost the South to a replication of
the European system of manors and Lords, their outpost was weakened.
This argument would work for some in the North, but not for the majority of the China Traders and rail barons whose ties to England’s Lord Russells and Browns and a host of others replicated the European monarchial system anyway. Indeed, the rise of the closely held U.S. corporations often saw the first-born sons held in place atop a family dynasty through a system of interlocking corporate directorates.
The Pacific sea route soon demanded a centrally located canal to the Atlantic. A lake in Honduras was believed by some, including William Walker, to relieve the need for a longer canal, but eventually the placement of that canal would, with the advent of new technologies, move further south to Panama with the Roosevelt and Vanderbilt families, also knee deep in China trading, secretly and openly leading the resistance to William Walker's mercenary ventures, but still using the beloved Monroe Doctrine to protect U.S. advancements with primary and tertiary benefits and liabilities to people everywhere as journalists like Gary Webb would exposed to his peril in his book Dark Alliance.
William Walker, rejected by the Californians, but backed by President Franklin Pierce, found an assembly of other Central American nationals repelling his filibustering attempts not unlike the failed Bay of Pigs or Iran-Contra episodes of the 1960’s and 80’s. Walker’s plan was sometimes cloaked behind a smoke screen of patriotic flag waving or more to the liking of the “rule of law” lovers, the 1823 Monroe Doctrine which also veiled the U.S.'s domestic in-fighting. That Doctrine guaranteed that the Smithsonian’s cherished collection would continue to march to the beat of the established Anglo-American order even as the Cain and Abel elements within the Anglo family duked it out.
No clearer is the Cain Cushing and Abel Brown two-step seen than in Texas where Indian fighter, John Henry Brown, quick to become a dominant frontier newspaper man was joined with Edward Benjamin Cushing. Cushing of the Providence, Rhode Island Cushing clan, which was itself an integral part of Boston’s Caleb Cushing family, was an early Texan opinion maker. Caleb Cushing would negotiate America’s trading arrangements with the Chinese who would be dominated by American naval power that usurped the British naval presence in that region up until the Chinese Cultural Revolution. Promising not to repeat the British chemical enslavement of the Chinese, Cushing laid the groundwork for the U.S. rape with a new Nan King Treaty. By the time the Japanese stepped in to brutally rid the orient of foreign influences the U.S. was appealing to Chaing Kai Chek whose primary financial backer was the Chinese Green Gang, the inland delivery system for the Turkish, Pakistani, Afghanistani and Indian opium imported in the past by Britain's David Sassoon from Basra, Smyrna and Bombay. Then came General Claire Chennault, a Scottish Rite Mason from League City, Texas with his AVG or American Volunteer Group to resist the Japanese along with the son of a connected Texas clergyman, David Lee "Tex" Hill also a Scottish Rite Mason. Hill's father was the pastor of San Antonio Texas' First Presbyterian Church while similar familes had clergy leaders educated in New England seminaries like Gordon Conwell and others deeply influenced by the Cushing, Russell, Taft, Lowells and Roosevelt galaxy of China Traders. Within the Scottish Rite sphere of influence was hidden the fact that Albert Pike, the founder of SR Masonry in the U.S. was the leading legal counsel for the KKK. Old slaving habits are hard to shed.
The air defense of China provided by the AVG made Chennault a hero in the eyes of many, but not for fellow U.S. General Hap Arnold who protested Chennault's unexamined popularity. Soon U.S. Christian missionaries were expelled from China for being agents of subversion and Mao's Cultural Revolution took flight as a reation much like Ghandi's bloodless revolution that would expell the British from India.
Caleb Cushing would be accompanied on his 1843 China mission by William Tecumseh Walthall whose relative, Edward Walthall, twenty years later would be the personal secretary to the Confederacy's President, Jefferson Davis helping him write his memoires in Mississippi while in the same state James Vardaman, Sr. the "Great White Chief" produced James Vardaman, Jr. who for a decade was head of the Federal Reserve System under Harry S. Truman. Nearby Greenville, Mississippi would produce Walker Percy who would, along with his friend of over sixty years, Shelby Foote, retell the history of the South minus the Cain Cushing and Abel Brown connections. Why muddy the already muddy Mississippi Delta?
A U.S. military camp named for Walthall was built in Mississippi which would be the training site for Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders many of whom were recruited from in front of the Alamo in San Antonio or from the bar at the Menger Hotel not far from where John Joel Glanton had tried to murder Rev. John McCullough the Presbyterian pastor who hightailed it to Galveston. The Jefferson Davis Project at Rice University, Houston, Texas provides a fine repository of the Davis/Walthall letters while also chronicling the close relationship of Davis to Caleb Cushing and Franklin Pierce.
Edward Walthall's close friendship to Boston statesman and Senator George Frisbie Hoar of Massachusetts who was also a friend of anthropologist Frank Hamilton Cushing, was made clear when Hoar wrote... "If I were to select the one man of all others with whom I have served in the Senate, who seems to me the most perfect example of the quality and character of the American Senator, I think it would be Edward C. Walthall of Mississippi....He rarely took part in debate. He was a very modest man. He left to his associates the duty of advocating his and their opinions, unless he was absolutely compelled by some special reason to do it himself. When he did speak the Senate listened to a man of great ability, eloquence and dignity."
Ironically, Hoar's assessment of the Walthall's place in the growing China Trade and rail routes across the U.S. provides a classic dialectic of denial and pursuit that resonates to this day with soldiers having served in U.S. military ventures and who witness the disconnect between high minded ideals and ground level realities. Hoar's 1902 Senate speech applies as much today to as then:
This argument would work for some in the North, but not for the majority of the China Traders and rail barons whose ties to England’s Lord Russells and Browns and a host of others replicated the European monarchial system anyway. Indeed, the rise of the closely held U.S. corporations often saw the first-born sons held in place atop a family dynasty through a system of interlocking corporate directorates.
The Pacific sea route soon demanded a centrally located canal to the Atlantic. A lake in Honduras was believed by some, including William Walker, to relieve the need for a longer canal, but eventually the placement of that canal would, with the advent of new technologies, move further south to Panama with the Roosevelt and Vanderbilt families, also knee deep in China trading, secretly and openly leading the resistance to William Walker's mercenary ventures, but still using the beloved Monroe Doctrine to protect U.S. advancements with primary and tertiary benefits and liabilities to people everywhere as journalists like Gary Webb would exposed to his peril in his book Dark Alliance.
William Walker, rejected by the Californians, but backed by President Franklin Pierce, found an assembly of other Central American nationals repelling his filibustering attempts not unlike the failed Bay of Pigs or Iran-Contra episodes of the 1960’s and 80’s. Walker’s plan was sometimes cloaked behind a smoke screen of patriotic flag waving or more to the liking of the “rule of law” lovers, the 1823 Monroe Doctrine which also veiled the U.S.'s domestic in-fighting. That Doctrine guaranteed that the Smithsonian’s cherished collection would continue to march to the beat of the established Anglo-American order even as the Cain and Abel elements within the Anglo family duked it out.
![]() |
USS Brandywine that carried Caleb Cushing and William Tecumseh Walthall to China in 1843. |
No clearer is the Cain Cushing and Abel Brown two-step seen than in Texas where Indian fighter, John Henry Brown, quick to become a dominant frontier newspaper man was joined with Edward Benjamin Cushing. Cushing of the Providence, Rhode Island Cushing clan, which was itself an integral part of Boston’s Caleb Cushing family, was an early Texan opinion maker. Caleb Cushing would negotiate America’s trading arrangements with the Chinese who would be dominated by American naval power that usurped the British naval presence in that region up until the Chinese Cultural Revolution. Promising not to repeat the British chemical enslavement of the Chinese, Cushing laid the groundwork for the U.S. rape with a new Nan King Treaty. By the time the Japanese stepped in to brutally rid the orient of foreign influences the U.S. was appealing to Chaing Kai Chek whose primary financial backer was the Chinese Green Gang, the inland delivery system for the Turkish, Pakistani, Afghanistani and Indian opium imported in the past by Britain's David Sassoon from Basra, Smyrna and Bombay. Then came General Claire Chennault, a Scottish Rite Mason from League City, Texas with his AVG or American Volunteer Group to resist the Japanese along with the son of a connected Texas clergyman, David Lee "Tex" Hill also a Scottish Rite Mason. Hill's father was the pastor of San Antonio Texas' First Presbyterian Church while similar familes had clergy leaders educated in New England seminaries like Gordon Conwell and others deeply influenced by the Cushing, Russell, Taft, Lowells and Roosevelt galaxy of China Traders. Within the Scottish Rite sphere of influence was hidden the fact that Albert Pike, the founder of SR Masonry in the U.S. was the leading legal counsel for the KKK. Old slaving habits are hard to shed.
The air defense of China provided by the AVG made Chennault a hero in the eyes of many, but not for fellow U.S. General Hap Arnold who protested Chennault's unexamined popularity. Soon U.S. Christian missionaries were expelled from China for being agents of subversion and Mao's Cultural Revolution took flight as a reation much like Ghandi's bloodless revolution that would expell the British from India.
Caleb Cushing would be accompanied on his 1843 China mission by William Tecumseh Walthall whose relative, Edward Walthall, twenty years later would be the personal secretary to the Confederacy's President, Jefferson Davis helping him write his memoires in Mississippi while in the same state James Vardaman, Sr. the "Great White Chief" produced James Vardaman, Jr. who for a decade was head of the Federal Reserve System under Harry S. Truman. Nearby Greenville, Mississippi would produce Walker Percy who would, along with his friend of over sixty years, Shelby Foote, retell the history of the South minus the Cain Cushing and Abel Brown connections. Why muddy the already muddy Mississippi Delta?
A U.S. military camp named for Walthall was built in Mississippi which would be the training site for Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders many of whom were recruited from in front of the Alamo in San Antonio or from the bar at the Menger Hotel not far from where John Joel Glanton had tried to murder Rev. John McCullough the Presbyterian pastor who hightailed it to Galveston. The Jefferson Davis Project at Rice University, Houston, Texas provides a fine repository of the Davis/Walthall letters while also chronicling the close relationship of Davis to Caleb Cushing and Franklin Pierce.
Edward Walthall's close friendship to Boston statesman and Senator George Frisbie Hoar of Massachusetts who was also a friend of anthropologist Frank Hamilton Cushing, was made clear when Hoar wrote... "If I were to select the one man of all others with whom I have served in the Senate, who seems to me the most perfect example of the quality and character of the American Senator, I think it would be Edward C. Walthall of Mississippi....He rarely took part in debate. He was a very modest man. He left to his associates the duty of advocating his and their opinions, unless he was absolutely compelled by some special reason to do it himself. When he did speak the Senate listened to a man of great ability, eloquence and dignity."
Ironically, Hoar's assessment of the Walthall's place in the growing China Trade and rail routes across the U.S. provides a classic dialectic of denial and pursuit that resonates to this day with soldiers having served in U.S. military ventures and who witness the disconnect between high minded ideals and ground level realities. Hoar's 1902 Senate speech applies as much today to as then:
George F. Hoar's personal secretary was George Spring Taft, a close descendant of Robert Taft of Menden, Massachusetts and part of the Alphonso Taft family, the founder in 1833 of Yale's Skull and Bones fraternity. William Howard Taft would often hunt on the family ranch in Texas which lay in a line directly across the Jefferson Davis rail route to California. Fifty miles west of the Taft ranch was Braxton Braggs' family ranch at Lagarta, Texas, that of Braxton Bragg Wright, that would produce a leading critic of American imperialism, C. Wright Mills. Mills would be joined in coming decades by the offspring of other power elites generally in the tidewaters of the money's flow rather than in its swifter currents....William Ayers of Chicago, Jim Morrison of California, Albert Lasater Maher also of Texas and even John Walker Lindh, the 'American Taliban'. Considered wayward sons, they registered their disdain of the system in which they had been born as ballsy balladeers and bumbling bomb-makers.
To the West of the Bragg/C. Wright Mills ranch was a region controlled by the sheriff and father of Yale's premier spokesperson for 'traditional' values and conservatism, Roman Catholic intellectual, William F. Buckley. Publisher of National Review Magazine and Firing Line, Buckley's father was the sheriff in the county that determined LBJ's Senatorial election. The CEO of Union Pacific, Averill Harriman, also a "Yale Skull and Bonesman" was, along with Buckley, part of that society's circle of influence created by William Huntington Russell. It was no secret, then, why a Georgia Senator, a state where the names of Russell and Brown had provided substantial influence, was a leading member of Lyndon B. Johnson's inner circle, Senator Richard Russell, whose concern for a Great Society built on guns and butter were picked up after Richard Russell's death by other hawkish Democrats, Senators Sam Nunn and Zell Miller. All of this begins when the seemingly incompatible positions of Pike and Cushing unite Roman Catholic Masons with New England's China Trading Brahmins so that by the new millineum Iran-Contra defendant John Poindexter's office of government intelligence is using the Masonic pyramid and all-seeing eye as the logo for his clandestine work.
George Frisbie Hoar, the grandson of Roger Sherman, also received an appeal from W.E.B. Dubois for help with securing a teaching position at Harvard. Dubois, a founder of the NAACP was also a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Mason and had spent years in training in Berlin, Germany from which the KKK's chief legal council and Jefferson Davis' Confederate agent for Indian Affairs, Albert Pike, had imported Scottish Rite Masonry from the royal court of the King of Prussia with the first Scottish Rite Temple at Savannah, Georgia. Washington and Franklin had been anti-monarchical York Rite Masons, not Scottish Rite Masons. This wiggly pallet of odd fellows suggests that monarchism and slaving tendencies of Pike and perhaps even Dubois supersedes race and color as would be evidenced by the CIA's union with "Freeway" Ricky Ross the black king pin of crack cocaine distribution in Los Angeles, California that hit hardest the Black and Hispanic minorities just as opium had done in China where the Chinese overseers were also identifiable. There was also Frederick Bailey, AKA Frederick Douglass, who had worked in Baltimore's Gradner Shipyard laying the hulls of the Brahmin's fastest opium clippers like The Frolic as evidenced in Thomas Layton's 1999 book Voyage of the Frolic: New England Merchants and the Opium Trade (Stanford University Press). During the 1930's they were the Chinese "Green Gang" that had worked closely with the American Volunteer Group or AVG and its Flying Tiger commander, Claire Chennault. According to one journalist, Peter Brewton, Chennault's Flying Tiger Airline, still in operation long after WWII, provided planes for the Iran-Contra effort in the 1980's.
Moreover, George Hoar's Senatorial critique of American ambitions in the Philippines serves to underscore the speech titled Subjugation of the Philippines Iniquitous in 1902 when Hoar said:
If you had done to Cuba as you have done to the Philippine Islands, who had exactly the same right, you would be at this moment, in Cuba, just where Spain was when she excited the indignation of the civilized world and we compelled her to let go. And if you had done in the Philippines as you did in Cuba, you would be to-day or would soon be in those islands as you are in Cuba. | |
But you made a totally different declaration about the Philippine Islands. You undertook in the treaty to acquire sovereignty over her for yourself, which that people denied. |
Edward B. Cushing was the son of Edward Hopkins Cushing who owned the tri-weekly newspaper, the Houston Telegraph which he had purchased from milk and meat packer, Gail Borden. Borden, inventor of packaging processes that depended on a small alteration in Samuel F.B. Morse’s extruded metal telegraph line, barbed wire, was counted along with Borden's breakthrough meat packing and milk homogenizing processes to keep moving armies safely fed. Unfortunately the beef and milk growers in concert with the FDA have shut out small local dairies from taking raw milk to market through FDA regulations and increasing heavy handedness.
Barbed wire insured the end of the open range and the linear march of progress toward the processing plants of the power elites’ distant factories taking unrefined ingredients and refining them in accordance with the latest requirements. Extruded wire with barbs also provided for population control in prisons and concentration camps as well as battlefield obstacles.
In a perfect example of benchmarks and footnotes, the old Chisum or Chisholm Trail from Texas to Kansas which was made obsolete by railroads and barbed wire is today the subject of much controversy. An American Indian named Jesse Chisum originally blazed the trail which Anglo cattlemen named "Chisholm" used for their cattle drives. In question is which Chisum or Chisholm should be remembered. The winner is a foregone conclusion: Chisholm. Thus proving again why the victors are drawn to the telling of the story and reinforcing the saying that "when the myth becomes the reality keep printing the myth."
Armies of militant museum curators traveled the extruded rails never speaking openly of the funding sources riding, mostly unseen, the same rails. "Have you seen the opium?" asked a Texas Ranger in 1992, knowing full well the good citizen had not. Indeed, the drugs travel very quietly and their sales helps make the trains ongoing movement possible. These funding sources have controlled the beat of the bass drum and the direction of the drum major’s baton to this day, as evidenced by Col. Bo Gritz's testimony about the control of drugs in Indo China's Golden Triangle as a reason for U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. Then there was the Hitz Report which was squelched by CIA Director, Port Goss, but which when finally released verifying the stories of journalists like Webb, Gritz and others, nearly caused riots in Los Angeles, California as minorities learned of CIA complicity in drug importation and distribution effecting their citizens.
When Cushing and Brown’s fellow journalists pointed out irregularities in U.S. import-export processes they were branded “muckrakers”. Like Old Testaments prophets calling for regulation of rancid recipes in human life and establishment of kosher protocols, muckrakers were, in Cain against Abel fashion, labeled "blamers" and therefore the subject of cruel elimination. "It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness," the muckrakers were told. "Indeed, but when you light the candle you see what's there. Better to draw back the curtains to let in the disinfecting power of sunlight," said one modern muckraker, Ralph Nader. Nader, more than a singer of 'border ballads', also noted that the future of the earth was directly tied to the broader use of sunlight. "'Going Green' as an environmental slogan is misguided. The earth is three fours water. Green turns brown and then to black like coal, oil and tar....on that is built a carbon-based economy. No water, no life. Running for President on the Green Party ticket was a huge mistake for me. I say 'Go Blue!' and use sunlight to split hydrogen and oxygen molecules and forget about everything else because green inevitably follows blue. That means moving rapidly to a hydrogen based world-wide economy and using silica to make the electrolysis devices for making hydrogen and oxygen from H20," said Nader. Nader, who claims that America's power elites use corporate socialism to run the nation has noted that this move will require future citizens to stick their thumbs in the eyes of most traditional educational institutions and their funding sources....petrochemical companies. "Their money pushes the carbon based economy which even the 'Go Green' slogan supports with it half-measure," Nader concluded.
Edward B. Cushing’s contributions make possible the Cushing Memorial Library at Texas A&M University in College Station, but the stories it houses, like the Smithsonian itself, have been unapologetically biased. Both employ some contrarian storytellers who make no great attempt to critique history and who will keep their tales as short as possible and not venture onto "sacred ground" defined by the institutions. If the University of Texas became the providence of the Baker/Union Pacific crowd, A&M was carved out for a deeper Southern focus by Cushing who, had his money not been available, would have been absorbed by the Texas University System.
Running alongside Rhode Island’s School of Design Museum in Providence near Brown University is Cushing Street. From their lofty perch along the American East Coast with its tributaries all linked to Wall Street whose investment banks were supplied leadership from America's leading Ivy League schools, the designers spun their plans for the subjugation of the continent and world. Other Cushings endowed Yale University, home to the most elite of the American power elites and repository of America’s deepest secrets phalanxed amid marble and granite columns of pride and power owned by secret societies. Robin Wink, author of Cloak and Gown, the Sterling Professor of History at Yale, has chronicled this aspect of Yale's history.
Taking their marching orders from the Bible’s Genesis 1 and not Genesis 2 accounts of creation: Subjugating and dominating instead of pastorally maintaining in peaceful coexistence, the power elites ruled ruthlessly. As with 1930's and 40's isolationism on the one hand, while steel, oil and other supplies flowed freely to Germany so the power elites' museum collections included the stolen heritage of lesser cultures: Geronimo's skull was supposedly taken from Fort Sill, Oklahoma and Peru's Machu Picchu relics were only recently returned to Peru from Yale University via law suit.
When on September 11, 2001 dark skinned terrorists of a different religious persuasion sent planes into the World Trade Center near Wall Street, few asked “Why didn't the terrorists aim toward the capital of American decadence, Las Vegas? Or what were members of the Bin Laden family of Saudi Arabian power elites doing owning an airport within minutes of America's largest conglomeration of petro-chemical refineries and why didn't they just attack the refineries from there and really send a message?”
Las Vegas was not targeted because that would have been to aim at an alley and not the main parade route. Why not aim at the U.S. refineries to really cripple the oil dependent U.S. economy? That question is more complicated, but the World Trade Center as a target is notable. It domiciled the offices of the newly merged Sidley Austin and Brown and Wood law firms. Sidley Austin was the law firm of Mrs. Mary Todd Lincoln in Springfield, Illinois and Brown and Wood is historically linked to Alexander Brown's National City Bank claimed by General Smedley Butler to be experts in what he called the "racket of war" in his book War Is A Racket. Michele Obama had worked for Sidley Austin and the Brown and Wood connection to Alexander Brown and Brown Brother's Harriman which employed the father of two U.S. Presidents was hardly hidden.
The New England Brahmans, mostly Puritan Protestant immigrants from England, Anglophones whose travels and exploits were chronicled in smaller Smithsonian-like warehouses, had imported even to John Henry Brown and Edward B. Cushing’s Great Southwest, the Godhead of the Hindu religion, the Brahma cow. There it was married to European imports because of its genetic qualities by cattle breeders who when it came to human gene mixing favored the new pseudo-science of Eugenics like that supported by Mrs. Mary Harriman at Cold Spring Harbor, New York and the subject of Edwin Black's landmark book War Against the Weak. For the bold and brazen, sacred cows make gourmet burgers, buffaloes make nice throw rugs, while some very special sacred cows remain sacrosanct.
“In the 19th Century these same American Brahman elites would vacation in Florence, Italy each year reading the poetry and religious tracts of their leading poets and religious leaders….the Brownings, the Lowes, Melville, Hawthorne, Thoreau with many remaining there buried alongside Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Theodore Parker and Hiram Powers whose Greek Slave when unveiled sent shivers up the spines of many a petticoated American Puritan. Powers sculpted an enslaved white woman with a life-size statue of her imprisoned condition that became a Civil War-era blockbuster. These upper crust folks saw themselves as the new American Di Medici.
It was for this American Di Medici class, Anglos who aligned with Germans, that two time Congressional Medal of Honor winner, Marine General Smedley Darlington Butler, said “I was a goon on three continents” as he gave witness to a plot in the 1930’s to replace the elected U.S. government of FDR with a fascist dictator of the “business potter’s” choosing.
Decades earlier in Theodore Parker’s hometown of Boston, Caleb Cushing had consulted with the Confederacy’s President Jefferson Davis before Davis’ speech in support of slavery at historic Faneuil Hall all the while being well aware of those families lined up along his projected Southern rail route to the Pacific’s doorway to Chinese opium, silk and spices. These families were waiting with baited breath for news of Northern support of their logical plan. Along that Great Southwestern route were families who in the previous decade had entertained Robert E. Lee, John Ewell Brown "J.E.B." Stuart and Braxton Bragg whose direct descendant would write The Power Elite, C.Wright Mills, the sociologist at Columbia University, as previously noted.
Who would dare run a railroad through the Rocky Mountains? Davis had laid out the rail route from Georgia ports to San Diego across the Great Southwest...forget the stories of Spartacus and the Exodus. Some stories deserve to be forgotten or so Cushing and Davis believed. Caesar and Pharoah's power was much more alluring than the fate of a slave movement.
Jefferson Davis' Indian agent was, as noted elsewhere in this article, chief legal counsel for the future KKK, Albert Pike, the founder of Scottish Rite Masonry in the U.S. which bifurcated the earlier York Rite Masons of Washington and Franklin. To have been a fly on the wall at Faneuil Hall or in the parlor of his home to hear Cushing and Davis’ plans! Later at Faneuil Hall, Frederick Douglas, would speak against slavery following his renditioning at Virginia’s “Misery Plantation” a farm recently purchased by former Secretary of State, Donald Rumsfeld, himself a close associate of the Smithsonian Board of Regents and unwavering supporter of water boarding. In the 1960's the Smithsonian Board's head was Earl Warren who was also head of the Warren Commission that oversaw the investigation of the JFK murder.
Also among Caleb Cushing's correspondence is communication with Gideon Pillow who had fought with Robert E. Lee and Braxton Bragg against Mexico before the Civil War. Pillow will be forever connected to Fort Henry where Nathan Bedford Forrest is said to have massacred a cadre of black Union soldiers after the fall of Fort Donnelson which early on fell to the Union Army and essentially opened up all Southern rivers for the North and where Bragg had played a key losing role. Southern General Nathan Bedford Forrest after repeated encounters with fellow Confederate General Braxton Bragg came to believe that Bragg was motivated by something other than loyalty to the Southern cause. Forrest, then a Colonel, told General Bragg that if he ever got in his way again he'd personally kill him. Forrest left the KKK perhaps realizing that the organization like much of the rationale for the Civil War was a prevarication. Pillow remained a staunch defender of Bragg's reputation.
Union General, Ulysses S. Grant said of Gideon Pillow known to him in Mexico as Grant fought alongside Lee and the others that... “I had known General Pillow in Mexico, and judged that with any force, no matter how small, I could march up to within gunshot of any entrenchments he was given to hold.“ Such were the connections of Caleb Cushing, the Boston China Trader who had his eyes on the Great Southwest, the Pacific and the poppy fields beyond.
Speaking with Brian Lamb of C-SPAN from his Memphis, Tennessee home, Civil War historian Shelby Foote's office shows above his desk only one photo of a Civil War General. Fabian Colbachi has said "Foote knew damn well that N.B. Forrest knew that the Civil War was means to an end and that end wasn't primarily the end of slavery. Shelby Foote admits that he was a protege' of Walker Percy whose connections to the Walker and Pierce families have been well documented. Walker Percy's father was the law partner of Hazelwood Farish whose wife, Jane L. (Davis) Farish was the daughter of Jefferson Davis' sister. The Farish name is long associated with the Walker, Percy and Bush names and William Alexander Percy was a Yale graduate having edited Yale's poetry journal. In his C-SPAN interview, Shelby Foote quickly deflects criticism of the Percy family noting that they opposed the Klan in the Greenville, Mississippi area while a caller points out their heavy handedness with respect to disallowing blacks from evacuating during a flooding in the Mississippi Delta and enforcing their volunteer labor.
"Without tacking the opium connection to the Civil War or uncovering the connection of Jefferson Davis to Caleb Cushing, the millions upon millions of words used to analyze, scrutinize, villify and glorify war and to place it squarely within normalized American experiences, as with Shelby Foote's voluminous writing on the subject, the real motives are scrambled and unintelligible. Without the ugly truth of it laid bare their power to propagandize the racket of war continues," said Colbachi.
These historic events and connections obviously have a modern component. David H. Koch's interest in the Smithsonian's place as official record keeper of the American experience focuses on human evolution. The David H. Koch Center on Human Evolution at the Smithsonian traces human origins, but does not mention the Cain and Abel-like battle between David and his twin brother, William. Together with J. Howard Marshall III, William had tried to wrestle control of the multi-billion dollar Koch Industries away from David and his other brother, Charles Koch. Together, William and J. Howard Marshall testified that David and Charles had made fortunes from oil extracted illegally from beneath publicly held U.S. Interior Department and Indian lands. The Koch's father, Fred, had not only been a founder of the John Birch Society with its abiding interests in the China mission fields... fields that were being fertilized for souls ripe for winning with the sale of Middle-Eastern Opium, he was also the builder of Adolph Hitler's oil refineries in Germany where German chemical companies were discovering drugs like methamphetamine or "speed" used to ratchet up soldier's readiness for war.
Koch's oil agent in the U.S. was William Rhodes Davis who operating primarily out of Texas, claimed to be both a descendant of the Confederacy's President Jefferson Davis and of Cecil Rhodes. U.S. funding for the post Versailles-devastated German economy had been channeled through Union Bank of N.Y., a bank within the Brown Brother's galaxy of financial institutions, which dealt directly with Hitler's banker, Fritz Thyssen, and on whose board was Prescott Bush. Prescott's anti-civil rights leanings would come out during his U.S. Senate race with William Benton whose liberal leanings were attacked by Senator Joseph McCarthy and his henchman, Roy Cohn, who would eventually head South to attack the fortunes of Texas cotton magnate, W.L. Moody, for another Cain and Able showdown within that family. J. Howard Marshall III's Yale educated father had been head of oil procurement for the U.S. military during World War II and eventually became known as the aged husband of buxom blond, Anna Nicole Smith, from a small Texas town of Mexia just minutes from W.L Moody's historic center of operation.
With the “high ground” of abolitionism addressed with the death of 600,000 Americans, the passing of the 13th Amendment and suffrage envisioned, but not attained, the reconstruction of society, South and North, was quickly forgotten and remained so for 100 years. Once the new opium route was secured civil rights were set on the far back burner. Indeed, way back and out of sight and mind. To enfranchise citizens meant they would need detoxification and that is a poor business strategy for the drug trade. Those recently freed slaves, freed but without civil rights and a vote, were reinslaved just as in China the very same opiates had enslaved their masses leading to a total rejection of Western values much the same as blacks of the 60's migrated to Muslim religions to the horror of J. Edgar Hoover. The expulsion of Western Christian missionaries from China led to bitter protestations of principled writers like author of The Good Earth, Pearl S. Buck.
That China seemed weak to defend itself against the Western onslaught led the Japanese to believe that they were the only Oriental society able and destined to make that stand. They did so to their peril and with no regard for their Chinese neighbors who had suffered so much already.
The rail route to the Pacific was accomplished in 1869, but not across the South and Southwest, but across the Midwest and Rockies linking with the China Traders in San Francisco. In San Francisco Texas Ranger, John Coffee "Jack" Hays, the close friend of Samuel Hamilton Walker, James Walker Fannin and a cousin of John Hays Hammond, the right hand man of Cecil Rhodes, head of the African DeBeers Diamond mine, was following the money trail. John Coffee "Jack" Hays was elected Sheriff of San Francisco in 1850 on the same day that fellow Texas Ranger, Ben McCullough, was elected sheriff of Sacramento showing the momentum for a Southwestern route that changed course during the Civil War to San Francisco drawn by another lucrative magnet for wealth and power, gold from Sutter's Mill.
It wouldn’t be until the end of the 20th Century that journalists like Gary Webb, Mark Lombardi and Danny Casalaro began to rake into a pile of muck in the spirit of Sinclair Lewis, news about the illicit drug trade of U.S. elites. The Cain Cushing and Abel Brown drug legacy was not unlike the U.S. meat packing industry, but unlike Sinclair Lewis, in Cain and Able fashion these truth-tellers were eliminated from the story-board and relegated to just another contrarian borderland ballad song.
Mark Lombardi would die mysteriously from a supposed suicide in March 2000 at the age of 49 in his New York apartment after spending years in Houston's Museum District as Director of the Contemporary Art Museum within minutes of the Bin Laden owned Gulf Manor Airport and the Houstonian condominium where Connecticut resident George H.W. Bush and wife Barbara maintained their Texas residency. Lombardi's death came during the Bush/Gore election of 2000 that would be decided not by the U.S. electorate, but by the U.S. Supreme Court at a time when any unfavorable information relative to the Bush legacy would be catastrophic for the Bush II campaign. After his death, a number of Lombardi's paintings tracing the Iran-Contra network which had deep ties to the S&L scandal as evidenced by a Houston Post series written by Peter Brewton, went on display at New York's Whitney Museum triggering a phone call from the FBI following the September 11, 2001 World Trade Center attack.
Gary Webb would die from two gun shot wounds to the head on December 10, 2004 during the next Presidential election cycle's showdown between Bush and Kerry, leading many to believe that there would be no warehousing of unflattering stories of America's political and economic elites. Webb had named too many names and like Casalaro, Lombardi, and others whose names are too many to mention, have also helped to draw the connections, including children like two boys killed near the Mena, Arkansas airport run by Iran-Contra drug supplier, Barry Seal.
Edward B. Cushings' family had supported the Southern Pacific Rail Route as had Caleb Cushing and Jefferson Davis….the route to the China trade across Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada and California. The northern power elites, noting the hickory-nut-hard heads of the average Southerner, favored a mid-route, the Union Pacific route. Eliminating the dealings of the Apaches and Confederates, even with the Rocky Mountains, the central route was easier given the imported Chinese Coolies many of whom worked as human detonators for dynamite charges while paid in opium, the very currency the rails were seeking to secretly exploit.
The Union Pacific's representatives were in Texas, too, and were primarily domiciled at the University of Texas and its law school. Most notably were the ancestors of James A. Baker, the former Secretary of State for George Herbert Walker Bush whose family allies include, as can clearly be seen on the campuses of Ivy League colleges like Brown and Yale, the Cushings, Browns, Russels and E.H. Harriman with his relationship to the Transcontinental’s “Big Four” including Leland Stanford at whose namesake University is the Hoover Institute. The Hoover Institutes' directors have included Condeleeza Rice, perhaps another severe example of Helsinki Syndrome, Ronald Reagan's Secretary of State during Iran-Contra, George Schultz, and Secretary of Defense for George Walker Bush, Donald Rumsfeld.
More importantly, Stanford's Hoover Institute was also home to Anthony Sutton who was forced out of the Hoover Institute when he exposed through extensive research and documentation how during the initial years of the Soviet Communist Revolution the Communists were dependent on U.S. and Western technology and funding in the same way that the Nazi's were dependent on Union Bank of New York and Fritz Thyssen's connections to the U.S. power elites. Sutton showed in his book America's Secret Establishment how the power elites play both sides, left and right, against each other for profit in a Hegelian dialectic that always keeps them on top and society stabilized and destabilized in ways profitable to them. Sutton's work was affirmed by U.S. National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, whose daughter is a co-host with former U.S. Congressman, Joe Scarborough on MSNBC's morning television show Morning Joe. Brzezinski states in his book Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era (1970):
- For impressive evidence of Western participation in the early phase of Soviet economic growth, see Antony C. Sutton's Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development: 1917–1930, which argues that 'Soviet economic development for 1917–1930 was essentially dependent on Western technological aid' (p.283), and that 'at least 95 per cent of the industrial structure received this assistance.' (p. 348).
The Cold War was not the only thing that was investment banker-contrived. Sutton also exposed the way in which the U.S. power elites had commandeered public education in America. The power elites saw to it that their children received first class education and indoctrination into the Gnostic principles that shielded the glass ceiling of their privledge and status from penetration from undesirables. In time as jobs were shipped overseas they lamented the poor state of education in America and went about fixing it with programs like No Child Left Behind through which the educational process was privatized like the U.S. military. Celebrated conservative black author, Armstrong Williams was implicated in a scandal involving payments to promote the Bush "no child left behind" program during his radio show. This made businessmen like Vanguard's Randy Best fortunes by the takeover of previously not-for-profit colleges and universities. Those schools found assets liquidated, teachers fired and the streamlined delivery system costing students as much if not more than before with banks taking a strong literal financial interest, but in an environment of social isolation far from the temptations of the college quadrangle where troublesome new ideas had in years past challenged the elite's tightly controlled vision of progress. Sharing the fortunes with the colleges' hand picked board or regents guaranteed Best and others a buffer of compromised and prostituted educators.
Edward B. Cushing's Houston Telegraph newspaper appeared to be going soft after the Civil War and so it was sold to a hard-line Southerner, but as the folding of Reconstruction within ten years of the Civil War had proven, "Cain Cushing" and "Able Brown" had more in common with each other than with the plain folks they had fought to enslave or liberate. The distant trumpet of the China trade dollars beckoned as clearly as the pounding rumble of the bass drum’s cadence like the wailing of some great white leviathan in a beloved Melville novel. The Brahman's celebrated their heroes like Robert Gould Shaw who died with the all black Massachusettes' 54th Volunteer Infantry, overlooking the fact that for a fee many fortunate sons paid poor young Boston Catholic Irishmen to fight and die for a principle quickly forgotten or less than half-heartily accepted after victory.
Within this educational mix the colleges that had claimed the advantage with the children of elites and non-elites alike clamouring to get in... like the eight leading Ivy League schools among them Yale, Princeton, Harvard, Brown and Penn State... poured fortunes into their atheletic programs that acted as recruiting tools less for educational excellence than for supplying the military complex's needs and a vision of world domination. Henry Cabot Lodge said famously, "The broken bones on the football field are the price we pay for the Anglo domination of the world." Sports writer Henry Deford stated that "The jet fighters will continue to fly over the stadium at the big games."
Other New Englanders like William B. Cushing who was tauted as the first U.S. Navy SEAL and Frank Hamilton Cushing whose stories of America's aboriginal peoples elevated the Brahman class while appearing to broaden Americans understanding of displaced minorites provided justification for their wholesale slaughter. Bostonian, George Luther Stearns, one of Abolitionist John Brown's "secret six" supporters and a leading lead supplier for the arms industry saw the coming slaughter, North, South, East and West as a way of cornering the lead mining industry.
Edward B. Cushing's Houston Telegraph newspaper appeared to be going soft after the Civil War and so it was sold to a hard-line Southerner, but as the folding of Reconstruction within ten years of the Civil War had proven, "Cain Cushing" and "Able Brown" had more in common with each other than with the plain folks they had fought to enslave or liberate. The distant trumpet of the China trade dollars beckoned as clearly as the pounding rumble of the bass drum’s cadence like the wailing of some great white leviathan in a beloved Melville novel. The Brahman's celebrated their heroes like Robert Gould Shaw who died with the all black Massachusettes' 54th Volunteer Infantry, overlooking the fact that for a fee many fortunate sons paid poor young Boston Catholic Irishmen to fight and die for a principle quickly forgotten or less than half-heartily accepted after victory.
Within this educational mix the colleges that had claimed the advantage with the children of elites and non-elites alike clamouring to get in... like the eight leading Ivy League schools among them Yale, Princeton, Harvard, Brown and Penn State... poured fortunes into their atheletic programs that acted as recruiting tools less for educational excellence than for supplying the military complex's needs and a vision of world domination. Henry Cabot Lodge said famously, "The broken bones on the football field are the price we pay for the Anglo domination of the world." Sports writer Henry Deford stated that "The jet fighters will continue to fly over the stadium at the big games."
Other New Englanders like William B. Cushing who was tauted as the first U.S. Navy SEAL and Frank Hamilton Cushing whose stories of America's aboriginal peoples elevated the Brahman class while appearing to broaden Americans understanding of displaced minorites provided justification for their wholesale slaughter. Bostonian, George Luther Stearns, one of Abolitionist John Brown's "secret six" supporters and a leading lead supplier for the arms industry saw the coming slaughter, North, South, East and West as a way of cornering the lead mining industry.
In the prevailing
years the cultural curators demanded a process of peer review to protect the
prevailing myth which the changing education system provided. One historian made it a point to ask every U.S. Marine he met attending college on the GI Bill to identify Marine General Smedley Darlington Butler. "They had a 99% failure rate, meaning that they did not know about a 1930's fascist plot to overthrow the U.S. government by America's leading business power elites," he said.
The prevailing myth is essentially a spoil of war. To its telling comes the victors. In other words, a distillation of the story-line is required so as to bring new and old stories into conformity with the dominant, culturally approved viewpoint. Minor challenges are sometimes tolerated if they are carefully worded, sufficiently vague and non-threatening to the ruling elites. Otherwise, they are discarded as the errant ramblings of wandering vagabonds singing woeful borderland ballads instead of loyally goose stepping to the victory marches.
The prevailing myth is essentially a spoil of war. To its telling comes the victors. In other words, a distillation of the story-line is required so as to bring new and old stories into conformity with the dominant, culturally approved viewpoint. Minor challenges are sometimes tolerated if they are carefully worded, sufficiently vague and non-threatening to the ruling elites. Otherwise, they are discarded as the errant ramblings of wandering vagabonds singing woeful borderland ballads instead of loyally goose stepping to the victory marches.
The beat goes on,
but the march, as many have noted, has within it the seeds of its own
demise. Trading whale oil for fossil
fuels and wind ships for piston driven combustion engines, the increasingly mechanized
world of the Cain Cushings and Abel Browns have been appropriated by their conquered
minions as the world strains, coughs and
sputters under the weight of their progressive march.
“It reminds me of
an experience I had as a boy,” said one Mid-westerner. “There was a parade down Main Street. The bands were playing their fighting songs
one by one behind a row of John Deere tractors pulling roaring flame
cultivators powered by propane and used to burn unwanted weeds out of farmer’s
fields without hurting the crops, but they had to keep moving or else crops died, too. Suddenly
a train rolled through town and stopped straddling Main Street shutting down the parade in its tracks. As the bands marched in place the asphalt
melted under the heat of the cultivators so that when the train did move the
drum major stepped forward and together with the trumpets, trombones, flutes
and French horns walked right out of their shoes onto hot tar. The parade was called the Flames of Salvation
Day Parade. Indeed, it was, but few back
then, as now, really understand.”