Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Franklin Graham Prays for Manhattan

Prayers for Manhattan Eclipse 2008 Record

by Ollie Weisel for CPW News Services

While Franklin Graham, son of Evangelist Billy Graham prayed for the suffering of Manhattan, Mrs. Beulah Maude Frishert who lost her retirement in a series of investments in Worldcom, HealthSouth, Enron, Tyco and Bernie Madoff's investment schemes, was praying, too.

"The two prayers sounded very different," said Rev. Wilmer Pickens of the Institute for the Study of the Power of Prayer in Boone, Tennessee.  "Franklin's prayer was a heartfelt plea for deliverance from harm.  Mrs. Frishert's prayer was similar, but asked that all the wrath of the surrounding areas be focused on Wall Street." 

Mrs. Frishert's prayer was provided by Rev. Pickens who read it on WOAT radio in Cattail Creek, Tennessee.

"Oh God, please do not let those poor Northeasterners suffer unduly.  And if it be your will, would you please find it in your heart to focus the full force of Sandy's wrath at the Southern tip of Manhattan Island, specifically on Wall Street.  The Goldman Saks' offices would be nice.  Donald Trump's Tower would be okay, too.  And don't let any of the good men who were working on that dangling crane that appeared to have erectile dysfunction to be harmed in any way.  Thank you, God, for not sending them a catagory 4 or 5 like Katrina that hit New Orleans, unless by focusing the power on Wall Street you decide to rachet it up to that level or even higher.  What would a category 10 look like?  I know that with you, O God, all things are possible.  Amen."


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

History Channel Promotes Big Lie

History Channel Propagandizes American Public
By Dewey Shanker for CPW News Services
 In the History Channel’s new series The Men Who Built America, the popular purveyors of American mythology chronicle the life of steel magnate, Andrew Carnegie.  Correctly accounting for Carnegie’s bridge building accomplishments, his being ahead of the curve on America’s late 19th Century urbanization and need for high rise housing using Carnegie steel the program stalls in telling the story of the standoff between Carnegie’s brutal manager, Henry Fricke, and the unions.  "Stalls"... is according to some critics, a meek description for what they say is a program that tumbles headlong into a timely, but monumental historical error. 
    According to the History Channel, Fricke was determined to eliminate the labor union from the Carnegie mill at Hempstead by employing the Blackwater of his day, the Pinkertons.   Stating that “the labors unions were a recent development in America”, the program’s die is cast for redirecting the entire presentation toward the bastardization of the American dream by the importation of what Ayn Rand and others would call the “mindless collective”.  Communism.  Socialism.  It then equates unions with anarchists who track down Fricke for retaliation after the Pinkertons killed 9 workers and seriously injured hundreds of others at Hempstead.  A modern Nero, Fricke and Carnegie by association would be remembered for brutal business tactics and also the disaster at Johnstown, Pennsylvania where a dam burst killing 2,209.
     “Unionizing and collectivizing led to the Magna Carta in England.  The entire American resistance to the tyranny of England’s King George, it can be rightfully argued was unionizing,” said Dr. Jackson P. Steele Miller, head of the Society for the Demystification and Debunking of the American Myth. “America was always a union effort.  Why else call the Yankees during the Civil War the Union Army?   The patriotic colonists were, well, colonists! George Washington, Ben Franklin and others were Free Masons....and not Scottish Rite Masons who were formed in the early 1780's in Prussia by the Prussian monarch and whose leading promoter in the U.S. was Albert Pike, a Roman Catholic whose trails lead through Scotland, as did Andrew Carnegie, and whose sentiments were not shared by Carnegie's Protestant hero, John Knox, who hated the Roman Catholic Queen, Mary Queen of Scots, "Bloody Mary",  and the tyranny of wayward monarchs.   Pike, was the Confederacy's President, Jefferson Davis' brutal indian agent and a seasoned slaver, as well as the future chief legal counsel for the KKK.  Pike's Scottish Rite Masons caused a bifurcation within the Free Mason ranks with the steady progress of men like Washington and Franklin was cancelled out.   Through Pike, whose Masonic Temple is in Washington D.C. where he is buried, but whose first lodge was erected in Savannah, Georgia not far from Walker County, home to Augusta National Country Club, sparked a growing courtship between the idea of the personhood of corporations and the recently undeclared slavers and their like-minded Northern kin, like the New England Brahmins who had hidden their low down war profits beneath the high road of abolitionism.   Hiding behind the high walls of their exclusive clubs men like Carnegie and Frische could hide from public scrutiny, like the pharoah atop his pyramid.  Moses was also a union organizer which has always put the Jews on the hit list unless they have agreed to suffer, like Hank Paulson, Henry Kissinger or Alan Greenspan, from Helsenki Syndrome, or as they are known among devout Jews...."The Coats of Many Colors Men".   The Washington and Franklin non-Scottish Rite Free Masons were nothing if not a huge union built to resist the tyranny of monarchs and Popes in Europe who pushed for lower and lower wages, longer hours and increasingly dangerous working conditions.  That’s why their Mason ancestors put the gargoyles on the high church parapets to mock the SOB’s who had so little regard for the common person.  Carnegie workers would often stamp steel girders with CIASOB for 'Carnegie is a S.O.B' and 'FID' for 'Fricke is dead',” said Miller.
     "Who runs this insane History Channel?" asked Miller.

     A subsidiary of Discovery Communications Inc, the corportion's founder John S. Hendricks' missions statement reads from its own website:

     Discovery's leadership is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of professional and ethical conduct, and to fulfilling the original mission spelled out by Chairman and Founder John Hendricks in 1982:   "To satisfy curiosity and make a difference in people's lives by providing the highest quality content, services and products that entertain, engage and enlighten."

    "Entertain, engage and enlighten.  Well, two out of three gives them a C- or D+ average," said Miller.  "Not a very good average for a keeper of the corporate American myth that owes its union to the 600,000 American boys, North and South, many of whose brothers and sons worked in Carnegie steel mills and could not afford to pay someone else to do battle for them...kind of like George Walker Bush did in the National Guard.  Remember that America was built on the backs of the steerage passengers like the ones in the belly of the Titanic whose simpler life was entrusted to the great, brilliant, titan-like builders and planners up in the high and dry main salon where caviar and champagne flowed freely....for a while!" Miller explained.

    "'The Men Who Built America?  All by themselves?  Really?  Oops!" said Miller.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Bye Bye Embalming: Fed Ex On Board

Five Continental Self-Burial Wells Proposed to Eliminated Formaldehyde, Methanol and Ethanol Pollution While Replenishing the Earth’s Blood

by Seigfried Meinwuhl for CPW News Services

    Oil is being pulled out earth at an astounding rate.  Concerned that the earth’s blood is not being replenished a group of conservationists called The Continental Self Burial Corp is proposing five fifteen thousand foot wells centrally located on each continent for the burial of non-embalmed human remains.  “We provide free funerals for all who would like to contribute their non-embalmed frozen bodies to each continental well.

    Bodies are prepared at a central processing plant above each well-head where families are welcome to attend a funeral service of their choice.  "Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Islamic and other religious services are provided and the final benediction is followed in each case with the passing of the ear protectors for all celebrants.  "I wouldn't really call it a grinding noise," said the project's chief engineer, Webb McCobb, "it's more like a shrill whinning sound you'd hear on a Jack LaLane fruit juicer, only louder, but it only lasts for about two minutes."

     Embalming fluid contains a mixture of formaldehyde, methanol and other solvents.  Formaldehyde can be up to 30% of the mixture and methanol or ethanol is typically between 10 and 55% of the fluid.  There’s 1 gallon of mixture to 50 pounds of body weight.  A 200 pound man would have 4 gallons of toxic fluids that his body continues to ooze into the soil for decades if not centuries.  Decomposition is far better for the environment.  “Every 50 years we cap the well and drill another within a 50 mile radius to insure a future supply of new oil for our ancestors,” said Thurman Frisdale, president of The Continental Self Burial Corp.  "Formaldehyde is a major product for Koch Industries," said Frisdale.

     While the exact sites for the five wells have not yet been disclosed Frisdale says that they will be located in the center of each content to assist with transportation costs.  "We were thinking about Memphis and cutting a deal with Fed Ex which is based there.  In the U.S. alone about 5.3 million gallons of embalming fluid is used every year," said Frisdale who said that Valvoline had offered special prices on their NextGeneration recycled motor oil for those wishing to replace the more toxic embalming fluid with an alternative recycled blend for those who cannot ween themselve from the though of embalming.  Frisdale noted that  bodies will still need to be frozen and shipped at about 1/4 the cost of a typical burial and embalming and half the cost of cremations.

    Frisdale also notes that with about 2.5 million deaths each year in the U.S. and average weight of 150 lbs. per deceased that  fluids comprising 90 of body weight with water weighing about 8.33 lbs per gallon, that's 375,000,000 pounds of body fluid or 45,018,007.20 gallons per year or 881,509 barrels per year going back into North American Continent's strategic petroleum reserves from dead U.S. citizens alone.  Leading funeral companies and their Washington lobbyists oppose the efforts of Frisdale and his organization saying that plastic products alone, not to mention the need for asphalt for roads would require much large qualities of fluid replacement.  Frisdale, a Roman Catholic, said that this is why he is not supportive of  abortions.  "We'll need all the people we can get in order to replenish the earth's blood....oil.  With wild animals disappearing and domestic animals fully rendered, people are our only option."

     Frisdale's organization was jump started by a $850,000 bequest by Father Ignatius Loyola Capone, a hospice chaplain and part-time stock investor who decried the commercialization of body disposal and of toxic chemical dissemination through body embalming and also the waste of carbon based fuels used to cremate the dead. "We have to put back into the earth what we take out of it.  It is a law of nature.  The dinosaurs died out and became oil, but now we are the dinosaurs and current burial methods are simply ritualized denial and leave future generations toxic parks that need constant mowing," said Father Capone in his will.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

AA Misguided by Brewers and Distillers

Alcoholics Onymous:  Former Drunken Priest “Says Step Out of the Shadows!”

By C.J. O’Rourke for CPW News Services.

     Father Sebastian Patristicus Soleman of the Order of the Onymous Brothers of St. Olaf’s Parish, New Foundland, says that AA, Alcoholics Anonymous, unlike AO or Alcoholics Onymous is misguided.
     “I spent eighteen years hiding the fact that I drank and drank and drank.  Communion wine.  Scotch.  Irish Whiskey.  Miller’s Lite.  It didn’t matter.  So I’d go to AA and be an anonymous drunk. What that did is let the distilleries and breweries off the hook for their bad behavior making me and the other silent nitwits the closeted victims of their lucrative racket,” said Soleman.
     Soleman first noticed his addiction when he was an altar boy who always offered to wash the communion cup, hoping that the parish priest had left a few drops at the bottom.
     “I’d use a straw to get at it if I had to,” he said.
     “When I joined AA and realized that we used the Serenity Prayer which was written not by some anonymous author, but by the great theologian, Reinhold Niebuhr, as he wrestled with the need for the U.S. to stand up to the Nazi’s during the 1930’s and that it was commandeered by a friend of the German American Bund, Henry Ford, whose “business plot” against FDR was foiled by Smedley Darlington Butler, I was furious.  Ford wanted it used to give substance to the AA movement, but I was P.O.’ed,” said Soleman.   "That prayer was being used to keep us suckers in the closet sucking the bottle trying to figure out what they could and couldn't change when Niebuhr used it from a different point of view. Not in a closet, but out on the limb where you're already decided to join the rebellion!  The Serenity Prayer was stolen!" 
     "I’m not against alcohol.  Not at all.  I’m just against the brewers and distillers making people with a proclivity to alcohol abuse a victim like Albert Lasker, the father of modern advertising did with nicotine, by sticking it in military service men's rations during World War II and then pumping it with cutie slogans like LSMFT....Lucky Strikes Mean Fine Tobacco....yea, that will rot you're damn lungs out and turn your vocal chords and jowls into black tar,” said Soleman.  “That’s why I created the Onymous  Brothers of St. Olaf’s Parish.  We are AO, Alcoholics Onymous....not Anonymous.... and damn proud of it,” he said.

Louis C.K.: The Szekely Connection

So Many Bodily Functions and So Few Venues To Joke About Them

By Ward B. de la Estado for CPW News Services

      His father was an economist from Mexico, Luis Szekely.  His mother is reported to have been a software engineer.  “It is not known if she is the Mary Louise Szekely born in 1943 or 1944 who married Frank Graham Brown Jr. on January 14, 1967, but with Louis C.K.’s birth in 1967, that would have meant her marriage to Luis Szekely had ended before her 23rd birthday.   Everywhere I read Louis C.K. was born on September  12, 1967 to Mary Louise nee Davis Szekely to Luis Szekely,” said Ferdy Frederickson of Genealogy Trackers Inc..
    The most famous of the Szekely’s is Count of Szekely, Gabriel Bethlen, Prince of Transylvania.  A Calvinist, anti-Hapsburg, Protestant, he was also a pragmatist in siding with the Hapsburgs against the Ottoman Empire.  “Why shouldn’t the Knights Templars of France and England, the Teutonic Knights of Germany and the Maltese Knights of the Vatican and Hapsburg Empires side against their common enemies even though they fight like cats and dogs among their own?" asked Bethlen.

     Gabriel Bethlen founded an academy where pastors and teachers from Royal Hungary were trained.  He sent students to Protestant universities in Western Europe and Germany and prevented landlords from forbidding serf children from receiving an education.  This put Bethlen in the middle of the developing cultural currents flowing toward the eventual democratization of political rule, though he was also very ambitious.  Being a prince of Transylvania, he was inclined to enjoy dark humor, horror stories and the visioning of early capitalistic ideologies.  "I like Russian vodka, but scotch is better," he said indicating his early preference for the West, especially when it was a single malt scotch aged twenty years or more.
     When one of the lesser known Szekely court jesters broke out of the ranks of the other jesters with an endless barrage of bathroom and bodily function humor, it was reported that the royal celebration ended in a drunken brawl with jester Szekely defecating in the center of Bethlen’s brocade and crystal laden dining table.

     Thereafter, the jester became known as “Luis P.U.”.

     In the Twentieth Century, Edmund Bordeaux Szekely, reported that he had discovered a lost testament in the Vatican Library that he translated in 1928 which chronicled the contributions of the Jewish Essene community to the ministry of Jesus Christ, titled The Essene Gospel of Peace.  A second copy of the testament collaborating the Vatican find, was housed in a monastery that was unfortunately bombed during World War II and the book was reported by Szekely to have been destroyed.   Edmund Szekely founded a 3000 acre ranch resort in the Northern Mexico region of Baja, south of San Diego, California where he taught the healing practices of the Essene Jews that his research had discovered… including vegetarianism.  Leading Hollywood personalities frequented the resort, Rancho La Puerta, including Aldous Huxley and Burt Lancaster, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Barbara Streisand and Joseph P. Kennedy’s mistress, actress Gloria Swanson, who reportedly was an early devotee of Reike known as Reekie which was carried by some early Israelite Essenes from Egypt to Palestine having seen the Egyptian army's bath in the Red Sea as emblematic of their own central ritual.  The Reekie ceremony required a final step of ritual bathing, hence the Essene emphasis upon purification.  The relationship of John the Baptist to the Essene Jewish movement has been widely explored, but scholars find no strong evidence of Jesus' membership in the Essene Jewish community of the 1st Century other than being baptized by John in the Jordan River.
    Ferdy Frederickson notes that while the Szekely history winds through Transylvania, the brutal politics of Eastern Europe, Jewish, Calvinistic and early wholistic health and metaphysical mind science movements, there is no clear indication that these Eastern Europeans had Communist leanings.  "Well, who knows?  Hitler loved to associate Eastern European Jews with Socialism, but how would you really know?" asked Frederickson.  "I call them LCD Humanists.  Meaning 'Lowest Common Denominator Humanists'," said Frederickson.  "When a world-class classical violinist can play in a New York subway and make less than a one man band playing a wash board and cow bell you learn how to keep going for the lowest common denominator," said Frederickson of this Szekely characteristic and of their perception that even those of the highest common denominator conceal their interest in low down behavior.  "Why else would a world-class violinist play in a subway?" asked Frederickson.
     Frederickson believes that the arrival of Szekely Jews from Transylvania, weaved as they were through the Protestantism of Western Europe brought together two harmonious, but dissimilar aspects of their religious sentiments.  Protestants were anti-monarchial as were Jews whose leader of their Golden Age was King David, the last born son of Jesse of Bethlehem.  "No primogeniture system of first-born monarchs for the Jews and Puritans," said Frederickson noting the tendency of Oliver Cromwell to behead kings while reinstating the Jews of England whom Edward I or 'Longshanks' had exiled to the mainland during his reign. "A Jewish court jester, perhaps a Szekely, had made the mistake of saying at a celebration after the death of William Wallace that "Longshank's nickname applied only to his two legs."  What the Puritans weren't counting on was the merger of these Szekely longings with deep-seated Transylvanian interests in the occult which brought some of them big problems at Salem, Massachusetts which eventually went mainstream in the New England publishing business, especially as silent partners in Edgar Allen Poe's popularity and eventually in Hollywood films.

     The Vatican, which keeps copious records of the visitors to the library, said it had no record of Edmund Bordeaux Szekely’s 1928 visit.  “There was, however, what appeared to be a smudged signature of what may have been a “Luis P.U.”, said one Vatican curator, “but we had no book titled 'The Essene Gospel of Peace'.”

     “Too bad, isn’t it?” Edmund was reported to have said to a resort maid, Maria Soliz Blanco,  “The Essene Prince, Jesus, the Prince of Peace should have  had a Gospel of Peace.”

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Thomas Peterffy's Dream

by Winsip Custer CPW News Service

I grew up in a socialist country.
And I have seen what that does to people.
There is no hope, no freedom, no pride in achievement.
The nation became poorer and poorer.
And that is what I see happening here.
As a young boy, I was fantasizing about one day going to America.
Making a success of myself.
The American dream.
America’s wealth comes from the efforts of people striving for success.
Take away their incentive by badmouthing success
And you take away the wealth that helps us take care of the needy.
Yes, in socialism the rich will be poorer, but the poor will also be poorer.
People will lose interest in really working hard and creating jobs.
I think that this is a very slippery slope.
It seems that people don’t learn from the past.
That’s why I’m voting Republican and putting this ad on television.
I’m Thomas Peterffy and I’m responsible for the content of this advertising.

    This ad was placed on CNN between an ad for The Society for Human Resource Management and Ford Motor Company that used the Discovery Channel's Dirty Jobs host Mike Rowe.....the everyman of the American work experience.

     "There is no rebuttal to Peterffy who backs only Republican causes and who as a founder of Boston Options Exchange, BOX,  that provides electronic order matching services to stockbrokers and traders and shared equity partnership with Citigroup, Credit Suisse, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, UBS and Citadel Derivatives Group, all with their own connections to the 'too big to fail' bailout of Wall Street," said Festus Green Pusley of the citizen bank watchdog group Brazen Banks Back At It Again.  "Boston.  Massachusettes.  Where Romney was governor.  Where the Tea Party was held against those damn monarchists and King George yelling 'don't tread on me!' Only to be comandeered by the new breed of monarchists who believe in the monopolists' creed:  Too big to fail. Too small to succeed without our blessing, so lick our boots."

     "There's no mention of the 1930's business plot of Henry Ford, Harvey Firestone, John Burroughs, Charles Lindberg and Prescott Bush that would have had Marine General Smedley Darlington Butler taking over America with an equally distasteful option....not Communist totalitarianism, but Fascism.   A slave is a slave by any other name," said Pusley.

     "The American dream that Mr. Peterffy loves is the part about a common man like Mike Rowe working his way up with the help of others who encourage him, invest in him,  buy his product, trust his judgement, see his ethics on the street corner each day lived out in close community to others.... and know him long before he is picked off by Citigroup, Credit Suisse, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, UBS, Ford, Goldman Sachs and others needing a little guy as an example to show that the American Dream is still alive and well, but all the while promoting their bigger dream.  Their dream of an American imperialism, of too big to fail, of too small to succeed unless we say you can," said Pusley.  "Nobody's badmouthing success, but there is a huge difference between the success of vulture capitalists, monopolists and ethically challenged Enron, Columbia/HCA, HealthSouth, United Health Group, Tyco or Worldcom executives, S&L scammers or housing bubble bimbos and  the ethical, capital expanding venture capitalists who know damn well that Henry Ford did not invent the automobile, the wheel, nor the roads that taxpayers funded  so that his transmissions and engines didn't fall out of his Model T's half way between Detroit and Chicago", said Pusley. "But you cannot call what Columbia/HCA did in earning the largest Medicare/Medicaid fraud fine in U.S. history at $1.7 billion only to see their CEO paid $400 million in a severance package and to go on to become the Governor of Florida, for example, as success."   Pusley concluded "I'd take away that 'success' in a heart beat even though Mr. Peterffy may call that 'taking care of the needy'.  I'd like to see that called treason and some people shot...call me whatever label you want.  I call it class warfare and riding a high horse. Peterffy is right about one important thing...it seems that people don't learn from the past."

Monday, October 15, 2012

Engelhardt and Capaldi: Dipped In A Deep Dilemma

How Yale, MIT, Rice, Tulane, the Koch Brothers and Petro Chemical Plants Share a Common Philosophy

by Winsip Custer CPW News Services

    With the push to reinstate the Republican agenda on the American populace, an agenda that Mitt Romney will not clearly articulate beyond returning the cutting of taxes for the upper class, unleashing them to create new jobs, presumably in the luxury yacht business, unless Choy Lee Yacht builders can do it for less, Americans are searching for reality.
     Others assign to Obama a far left-leaning posture that his first four years do not bear out.  Beyond Obama-care and a discredited attempt to build the renewable energy business, Republicans are hard pressed to show where Obama significantly strays from a centrist position.  With Obama’s clear infatuation with President Abraham Lincoln who was first a lawyer for the railroads and whose wife's Springfield, Illinois law firm employed Michelle Obama, Americans fail to see the irony. 
     Festus Green Pusley of the citizen bank watchdog group Brazen Banks Back At It Again holds advanced degrees in philosophy, economics, history and human factors engineering from Madison-Overton University. Mr. Pusley believes that the free market capitalism of the Reagan-Bush era with it “unleashing Wall Street against Main Street” and the corresponding deregulation that led to the 2008 melt-down was contrived.  “Alan Greenspan admitted that the ‘Greenspan put’ went kaput and that his worldview was flawed,” said Pusley.
     Pusley outlined what he believes is the phalanx of philosophical and theological programs aimed at justifying Greenspan’s kaput ‘put’ with high profile apologists, deep-pocketed funding within leading  U.S. academic institutions and over reaching claims of the near deification of the free market model.
     “Start at Harvard University," said Pusley.  "Harvard is the ‘West Point of Free Market Capitalism’, but it has had problems with its crop of graduates.  Many have little regard for any sense of fair play or of monitoring their own behavior.”  Pusley pointed out that Harvard had been given a grant to create a department of ethics, but turned it down.  That did not stop free marketeers from going at it from a different angle or from different schools.  "Not from the ‘West Point’ of free market capitalism, but from the ‘West Point of U.S. Intelligence'….Yale University," said Pusley.
     “The Harvard Business School was the home of Dr. Kenneth Goodpaster who left Harvard when it refused to accept funding for an ethics department.  Dabney Boles writes for CPW News:  “Was it the Koch brothers whose money was rejected because aside Skilling, Bush, Paulson and Romney it was all too obvious if the sword point was at Harvard? What will Goodpaster add to St. Thomas' Center for Ethical Business Culture’s annual Ethics Case Competition hosted by the CEBC, the University of St. Thomas Opus College of Business and UnitedHealth Group?  Case studies from real cases involving Koch Industries and UnitedHealth Group? Will he ask David Koch a simple question: Have you talked to the bees? Really talked to the bees?"  Pusley noted that it was the Kochs who funded the Goodpaster appointment at St. Thomas College.

     Pusley has tried to encourage David and Charles Koch as well Goodpaster and others to create a spiritual retreat titled Talking to the Bees:  Judeo-Christianity, Western Orthodoxy, the Free Market and John the Baptist.  "I'm not very hopeful that they would be willing to live on locusts and wild honey for a week, nor that Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney could do without Aspartame in lieu of natural bee honey and Stevia instead of Monsanto's genetically engineered corn syrup," said Pusley.
    When Harvard refused the challenge, Yale picked it up as quickly as it picked up pre-Colombian artifacts from Peru or Geronimo's skull from Oklahoma, but not under the auspices of its business school.  Instead, Yale created  the Spiritual Enterprise Institute from beneath, beside and seemingly above the chummy waters of the messy Free Market. Yale's was a divine blessing neatly made evident by generous contributions from those with a free enterprise spirituality. Pusley assumes that the funding for the rejected Harvard program was perhaps to have been given by the Koch Brothers. David and Charles' father was a founder of the John Birch Society and of Koch Industries. Following in their father’s tracks, they also supported the funding of the Tea Party with its numerous links to the Libertarians.

     “The line is clear," said Pusley.  "From John Birch to the Tea Party with a Remora-like attachment of the Libertarians.  Rand Paul’s father’s Congressional District is home to key Koch Industries' companies so it is logical that Rand would be a big Tea Party advocate and the Libertarian umbrella provides a physician with a philosophical framework for relieving concerns about petro-chemical dangers to human health. The Tea Party is synonymous with Petro-Chemicals and the pollution record of the Koch’s is abysmal.  They support any philosophy, ideology or, better yet, theology that supports the Old Testament notion from Genesis of “subduing the earth," Pusley asserts, "which we all know allows for substantial collateral damage." 
     "So the Yale elites, the 'West Pointers' of U.S. intelligence community, exported a similar program to the South.  Specifically to New Orleans where The Center for Spiritual Capital at the Jesuit University, Loyola, is modeled on Yale’s approach to anointing Laisse Faire Capitalism.   It was a marriage as familial as Allen Dulles' kinship to Avery Dulles, the CIA's Director and staunch Presbyterian and his cousin, the first Roman Catholic convert to become a Cardinal without first becoming a Bishop. It is there at the Jesuit's Loyola that the institutes's director, Nicholas Capaldi, an expert on the philosophy of Utilitarian, John Stuart Mill, Capaldi boldly asserts the marriage between Judeo-Christian tradition and free market economics.
   Not unlike Yale’s Spiritual Enterprise Institute, Capaldi’s Center for Spiritual Capital states:
    Loyola's goal for the center is to revitalize America's spiritual capital. Judeo-Christian heritage is the core of America's spiritual capital. As the defining element in American culture it has made possible our economic and political achievements and freedoms; these achievements cannot be sustained without that heritage; the heritage has important positive implications for commerce both nationally and globally; the heritage is often misunderstood and misrepresented, and, for all of the above reasons, the heritage needs to be reaffirmed. 
     The Center for Spiritual Capital  also quotes Pope John Paul II who leans more toward one of the versions of creation in Genesis than the other without noting the tension between the two (Genesis 1 and Genesis 2) that was so eloquently explored by Jewish theologian Joseph Soloveitchik in The Lonely Man of Faith.  Relinquishing the Genesis tension, the Pope said boldly if misguidedly when divorced from the two differing accounts:
     Man is made to be in the visible universe an image and likeness of God Himself, and he is placed in it in order to subdue the earth...In carrying out this mandate, every human being reflects the very action of the Creator....Organizing such a productive effort... taking necessary risks... an essential part of that work [is] initiative and entrepreneurial ability.

     This is music to the ears of the Koch brothers, to many who believe that fossil fuels are the center of the earth’s energy solutions just as the church believed that the earth was the center of the universe in spite of the evidence and the church was , therefore, deserving of silencing the critics….Copernicus and Galileo. It is music to the ears of Libertarians who historically desire, like David and Charles Koch, avoiding a $350 million pollution fine and 97 count indictment in Texas in 2000 with the election (*appointment) of George W. Bush instead of Al Gore.  Indeed, with the election of Bush, Koch’s huge fine evaporated within days like the Benzene they released into the Texas sky at 15 times the allowable level with untold pain and suffering to those who contracted various cancers from their disregard potentially injuring the families of the very people who worked for them, joined their father’s Birchers or defended them in court cases and community publicity battles. 
     According to Pusley it's not hard to understand the connections between the traditional tension of the Puritan Protestant New England Brahman families of Yale and the Roman Catholics in New Haven whose ideas would migrate South. The Protestant's marriage to the earliest Roman Catholic immigrants was slowly incorporated at Yale only to migrate somewhat to Harvard where in the cradle of Boston's burgeoning Irish Catholic culture they began to eclipse the Protestants.  The Protestants, driven by their own ambition and presbyopia that blurred the lessons of history just as it had the Catholics, both forgot the tension between Gensis 1 and Genesis 2. George Washington Riggs was in the Yale class of 1833, the same class that founded Skull & Bones.  T. Lawrason Riggs was his grandson and stands as the lynch-pin between the two faiths, equally bent on persuing a lopsided vision of the Genesis story to the detriment of the entire world.  This is the same Riggs family that incorporated the Riggs National Bank in Washington that funded Samuel F. Brown Morse's telegraph, were the bankers for countless U.S. presidents and generals and even handled the banking of Chile's brutal right-winged dictator, Augusto Pinochet.  Riggs children would mine lead and other metals used in fortifying the "Arsenal of Freedom" which many have come to believe, when seen in light of Dwight D. Eisenhowers' caution about the American Military Industrial Complex, but who also banked at Riggs Bank, is more accurately the "Arsenic of Freedom".  "They both miss the point in the definition of what is orthodox Christian belief by misreading scripture and assessing its cautions," said Pusley.  "Where orthodoxy is defined by Genesis 1 without Genesis 2, subduing the earth without concern for its proper stewardship and maintenance a natural orthodoxy will sooner or later be proscribed."

     “Logically, Capaldi’s New Orleans based spirituality center would have a counterpart in Houston, the center of the world’s petro-chemical empire where hospitals like M.D. Anderson, smack dab in the center of the petro-chemical cloud touts its wonderful breakthroughs in cancer research.   Meanwhile, at Massachusetts Institute of Technology where the Koch brothers fund cancer research the announcement was recently made of the drastic reduction in the cost of production of proton-beam radiology therapy devices aimed at killing things like Benzene produced cancers,” said Pusley.
     “At Rice University is Libertarian apologist and ‘ethicist’, Hugo Tristram Engelhardt.  Engelhardt wrote a watershed book on bio-medical ethics, The Foundations of Bioethics, and then after several years, provided a second edition that was a kind of proof-texting of Biblical justifications for Libertarianism.   Engelhardt works within the shadow of the James A. Baker Center for Public Policy with its longstanding ties to George H.W. Bush and to the Union Pacific Railroad through Baker’s ancestors.  Rice is also the home of Kenneth Pitzer, a recipient of the Robert Alonzo Welch Award for chemistry, a president of Rice, close associate of chemist Norman Hackerman, also president of Rice and University of Texas.  Pitzer, together with William  Liscum Borden, provided the testimony needed to strip J. Robert Oppenheimer of his national security clearance when Oppenheimer joined other scientists like Albert Einstein in rejecting the unbridled militarization of the atom bomb with creation of a larger hydrogen bomb.   Oppenheimer, presumably a communist based on the Borden and Pitzer testimony, was replaced by Dr. Edward Teller, the Dr. Strangelove of the nuclear arms race.   I prefer to view the problems in the same way that Yale’s William Sloane Coffin viewed the civil rights issue when he was asked by William F. Buckley if he wasn’t trying to be Utopian.  ‘We have a long way to go before we have to worry about becoming idolatrous in our pursuit of a better world,’" said Pusley summarizing Coffin's rebuttal to Buckley's charge. 
     “A Roman Catholic trained at Tulane in medicine and at the University of Texas in philosophy, Engelhardt, who grew up in the small German town of New Braunfels north of San Antonio where Allen Dulles imported the Nazi scientists through Operation Paperclip, where AT&T, the company whose fiber optics cable splitters in San Luis Abispo and San Francisco read everyone's email and where the NSA is currently building a monolithic storage facility for housing the mountains of data collected with or without search warrants in a facility the size of the Alamo Dome and where the first school in the U.S. is forcing students to carry computer tracking devices, found a kindred spirit in Capaldi.  Capaldi, whose appreciation of John Stuart Mill’s utilitarianism is not far removed from Libertarianism, nor from Adam Smith or Milton Friedman’s Laisse Faire Capitalism, is well pleased," said Pusley.
    "While the widely acclaimed German theologian, Karl Barth, would argue that one could not read the Bible without concluding that ‘Democracy was ordained by God,’ trying to lay a clear line around Christianity’s endorsement of Adam Smith or any other economic philosophy is much more problematic.  Engelhardt, whose interest in pharmacology is also incorporated into his research has become a member of the Eastern Orthodox Church citing its powerlessness in comparison to Western Christianity as part of its overall appeal,” said Pusley.  "Copernicus and Galileo would not need a weaker form of Christianity to get their ideas across, but rather the marriage of science to a stronger form of Christianity under the single-mindedness of Martin Luther which serendipitously piggy-backed Gutenberg's advances in Northern Europe and breaking down the church's misguided parochialism," said Pusley noting that Yale, Loyola and St. Thomas were resurrecting the old model to protect the petro-chemical industry.
     “Capaldi remains tied to the Jesuit school, Loyola, with its unswerving faithfulness to Western Christian Orthodoxy as he sees it. The Koch brothers remain attach to nearly any school that will promote their philosophy....from MIT to the Roman Catholic Saint Thomas University where Kenneth Goodpaster now teaches.  At Massachusetts Institute of Technology is the David H. Koch Center for Integrative Cancer Research,” Pusley continued.
     Pusley sees a pattern.  “You can draw a line between these entities, take a step back and see a not so well disguised system of ideological mass aimed at encapsulating the contributions of the petro-chemical industry as a divinely ordered asset that centers on the spiritual capital it provides...or more precisely....on the capital it gives and then spiritualizes.  Does it provide a skewed view of spiritual capital?  Most assuredly.  It's as different as St. Francis of Assisi was from his father, whose cloth dying businesses gave workers a deadly rash....leading to Francis' now famous stroll though Assisi buck naked.  Francis was not unlike Jim Morrison of the Doors whose father was the U.S. Navy Admiral in charge of the Vietnam War's Gulf of Tonkin affair which William Sloan Coffin also abhorred.   Francis was a peaceful version of William Ayers whose father was on a dozen U.S. military complex company boards during the same Vietnam era.  More recently there is John Walker Lindh, the quirky American Taliban, whose father was a chief attorney for Pacific Gas and Electric, the well-polluting company made famous in the Erin Brockovich story,” said Pusley who added...."needless to say, John Walker Lindh is not likely to enroll at either Yale or Loyola's spirituality programs when he is released from prison, though he might never have joined the nutcake Taliban with their wretched treatment of women among other atrocities, had things been more circumspect and the tension described by Soloveitchik even marginally maintained."

Friday, October 12, 2012



By Romulus Roeamerson for CPW News Services

    With JP Morgan Chase Bank announcing record profits for the third quarter of 2012, and as its CEO complains of too much regulation, skeptics are increasingly aware that bailout money that would have been used to fix the toxic asset problems or to fund small businesses, instead has been “pocketed like a sick old widowers’ peanuts in the jowls of his cheeks which he swallows when the doctors and nurses aren’t looking,” said Festus Green Pusley of the citizen bank watchdog group Brazen Banks Back At It Again.  "According to Sheila Bair the head of the FDIC during the meltdown, less than 5% of community banks failed.  Meaning that they were doing a good job in regulating themselves.  It was the gluttonous Mr. Potter's crushing little George Bailey's S&L, just as Frank Capra showed us in his moive It's A Wonderful Life.....de javu all over again," said Pusley.

     “Think of old JP Morgan’s bulbous nose sucking up taxpayers money from the Hank Paulson bailout we were told would be used for one thing and then the bank inhaling it for another and announcing a huge profit.  Now, get ready for JP Morgan’s  engorgement to work its way through JP's equally disgusting intestinal track to plop and drop another big one on the U.S. economy only to tell us how good this is for everybody," said Pusley looking to the coming bond bubble.
    Pusley believes that the quicker the banks can be challenged by the placement of the entire Social Security System on the gold standard the better off the nation will be as it digs itself out of its $14 trillion debt.  "The SS Gold Bank can loan members 20% of their SS gold value for only 60 months," said Pusley.  "That's long enough to grow a garden in your back yard and some chickens to feed your family, but don't mortgage your house again if it's paid off.  A hand full of Rhode Island Reds will drop a couple of thousand eggs a year.  Omelets for everyone!  If you're house is paid for, but you can't afford the electricity, try turning your swimming pool or spa into a fish farm.  The future looks bright especially when we know it is backed by gold."

    “If we secure the Social Security Program with gold and leave the U.S. fiat currency on the “In God We Trust” formula allowing people to have their “gives us this day our DAILY bread” instead of socking it away like Mitt Romney and his mega wealthy cronies, the country will move forward nicely, steadily, but while shrinking JP Morgan’s gargantuan snot locket.”

Friday, October 5, 2012


And the Flame Thrower He Should Use:  My Second Term: Killing the Monopolistic Oligarchy with its Too Big To Fail and Too Small To Succeed.

by Winsip Custer, CPW News Services

   The proffered reasons for Obama’s passionless first debate are many:  It was his anniversary and his mind was elsewhere; he was ill prepared to do combat because of a proclivity to reasoned judgment that is excellent for a world leader, but bad for a politician needing to duke it out with a vulture capitalist;  He was suffering from jet-lag and a maladjustment to oxygen depletion at 5,000 feet in the Denver Rockies.  So his performance was, well, rocky.
    According to Farnsworth Livermore, chairman of the Society for Devilish Debating Tactics, Obama must face his darkest….or in this case whitest demons….as he enters the next two debates.  “Obama is not in a bad position.  He didn’t drool all over himself.  He made no serious gaffs.  He was just far too kind.  He must never again use Donald Trump’s name in his debate.  So Trump is considered by Romney as a small businessman. Make a joke of that in the other direction.  Trump is no small businessman. He's a monopolist like the one's that Teddy Roosevelt took on as a Bull Moose.  Be a Bull Moose!  If Romney is penis waving, show him that yours is, indeed, longer!" said Livermore.  "The important thing is that when Obama raised Trumps name he also dropped the birth certificate issue on the table like an anvil.  He doesn’t need that.  At all.”

     Livermore, believes that Obama must look defiantly into the camera and smile assuredly as he whittles Romney down to size.  “Rick Perry is a very respected Republican leader, Mr. Romney, who considers you to be a vulture.  And don’t say that he has his flaws.  We all have his flaws, but he is not part of a religious group that Howard Hugh’s people called the Mormon Mafia.  Does your Mormon faith forbid mafia style tactics as mine does, sir?  Vultures eat road kill and that is what your kind have made of the U.S. economy and its workers.  Did your father help American workers like Clint Eastwood's Walt Kowalski? Or did he shut them down?  And if he didn't why don't his genes run through your veins, sir?  You sir would have killed the company that made the Gran Torino (never mind that Ford made the Gran Torino....let his fact checkers point that out later and since Ford was a monopolist, too, his myth needs to do double duty as tribute to the nation for Ford's place in the  "business plotter" of the 1930's that would have had us marching in goose step with Hitler's Nazi Party), just like you wanted to do with GM?  GM the company that bought H. Ross Perot’s, Electronic Data Systems, a proud Texas company that made Mr. Perot a billionaire by supporting Social Security , its management and efficiency.   Why should we put your kind back in charge, Mr. Romney?  You, sir, believe in too big to fail and too small to succeed.  And when I said that if you were successful in business, you didn't get there on your own, you, Mr. Romney, are a perfect example of that.  Lee Iacocca is an example of that.  AIG whose initial fortunes were made from a guaranteed U.S. government assured mail route across the Pacific is another.  Henry Ford needed the assembly line workers and the taxpayer's roads, did he not?  Or are all Ford's car off road vehicles?  Was Las Vegas built in the desert without the Hoover Dam and its cheap electricity made by the WPA partnership with American Capitalism and its people and their taxes?  Did NASA go to the moon without government partnership with private businesses... many new ones?  Will the energy crisis and ecology problem be solved without this partnership?  It was Republican leadership that tore down the wise and balanced restraints that would have prevented the need for a bail out by Mr. Bush, Mr. Paulson, and Mr. Greenspan who admitted his ideology was flawed and that we all know has now left to the future the job of sweeping up the mess they left in Iraq and Afghanistan.  It is your party, sir, that pushed the hardest for the export of American jobs, so to say that you are now a jobs builder is a bit disingenuous.  No! It's laughable, then solemn and then sad when coupled with the way the too big to fail banks are sitting on the funding that could build and sustain the middle class.  I am not willing to strap our future to your vision or pummel it into the ground with the hope that your are being truthful about the direction you will take us.  How can we trust your values when they are vulture values?  Well America is NOT a carcass, sir.   (Yes, you MUST continually resurrect the vision of Romney putting Nixon's little dog Checkers on the roof of the car and also egging on the homophobes!) Why else have our jobs flown like a giant sucking sound out of the country while your kind withholds loans to flexible, agile small  businesses, then complains of the sluggish economy and proposes to profit off of a system that has educated students for the 200 plus years of American history as an investment in our future.  Your kind, sir, would cut the backbone of this great country into pieces, while your supporters are slicing and dicing our once proud businesses to get at their retirement programs and other assets?  In my second term I will take on the monopolies in a way that will make Teddy Roosevelt look like Casper Milquetoast to bring a revitalized nation back into balance and power.  I will offer a prescription for a nation liberated from the control of the business monopolies and their deadly principle:  Too big to fail and too small to succeed.  That is a vulture capitalist’s dream and a monopolist’s creed.   It is also the assault on America's middle-class.   Well that’s a thing of the past.  The future of this country is in new opportunities and a dismantling of the old business models.  Enron, WorldCom, Columbia/HCA, Countrywide, Tyco, Lehman Brothers, Goldman Sachs, the graceless narcissism or raping and pillaging of the U.S. economy will stop in my second term.  We went to the moon with government help and a consortium of new businesses that like the integration of the U.S. military during World War II helped everyone become better off....that's needed now.    I stopped the $60 billion dollar Iraq War that now has cost us $4 trillion.  That will not happen again just to line the pockets of  your buddies on Wall Street while real innovations in sustainable projects are bombed into oblivion.  We'll fight terrorism worldwide with sanity and hope and not death and destruction.   Something like that, Mr. Custer,” Livermore continued.

Teddy Roosevelt's iconic bear
now made in China for FAO Schwarz
     Livermore said that CNN’s Chris Mathews’ criticism of Obama needed to be tempered. Who was Tip O’Neil’s aide?  Mathews.   Chris needs to remember that Obama does not have the history in street fighting that John F. Kennedy had as a Boston Irishman caught between his father's fascist leanings and poor minorities of Boston.  “Kennedy had to know that if you take on this group with a populace idea….like the fact that monopolies are bad, while making new opportunities and  the required bank funding for new American enterprises are good….and what bigger monopoly is there than the trade agreements that shipped our jobs to totalitarian governments where the workers make pennies a day while the vulture capitalists sock away their money in the Cayman Islands….that they will come after you.    Today, FAO Schwartz makes Teddy Roosevelt's iconic "Teddy Bear" in China for pennies an hour.  Obama must look himself in the mirror and ask himself ‘Do I really want this job?  Am I really willing to pay the ultimate price?  What if it means that my wife is holding my head in her hands?  That is, after all, what happened to an Irish Catholic, what might happen to an African-American?” asked Livermore who did not feel that Mr. Obama's accomplishments could be compared to the Presidency of Abraham Lincoln.  "Lincoln was a Republican lawyer who worked for the railroad interests whose primary design for the South was securing a flat rail route from their Southern ports to San Diego, California.   The high road of abolitionism was used to secure a speedy rail route to the Pacific and the power elites' riches from the China Trade of the New Englanders who used the Irish Catholics to fight their battles for them," said Livermore who also noted that Michele Obama worked in the Springfield, Illinois law firm of the Republican lawyers who represented Mrs. Mary Todd Lincoln.

     "There will be those who point out that Teddy Roosevelt failed in his Bull Moose bid and was eclipsed by the leader of all international monopolists and corporate cabals, Woodrow Wilson.  Why recall Roosevelt's loss?    Because the issue is the same today as then when Roosevelt lost and then supported his close friend Robert Taft who is a much a monopolist as J.P. Morgan, Jay Gould or E.H. Harriman.  The issue is the same, only more pressing than ever.  Instead of an American power elite, a Roosevelt, calling for change, it is someone who has inspired the greatest change in America since George Washington, MLK and JFK. Strike a match, Mr. President.  Light the pilot.  Let'er rip," said Livermore, "but before you do go and read what George Washington faced from England's monopolists if he had lost.  You know what happened to JFK and MLK already."

     Livermore believes that if Obama is absent from the next two debates as he was in the first, then he was all along a shill for those who wish to give Americans the illusion of a choice, but without really giving them one.  "If he refuses to go after the monopolists and Romney as their agent of the status quo and their return to Enron and bail out years, then Mr. and Mrs. Obama's connections to the Sidley Austin and Brown and Wood law firms of Springfield, Illniois and New York, combined with Barack's silence means that he provided a respite from the brutality that defined the Bush legacy.  His silence would support the U.S. power elites who would reconstitute that brutality so that they can continue to kill the middle class, the environment and the nation as it circles the drain with Obama lounging in the accomplishment of being the first 'man of color' to get this far, but not as crazy as Washington, JFK and MLK in wanting to go further," said  Livermore.  "Controlled by what John Perkins has called the 'corporatocracy'", Obama's silence will be evidence that they got to him," Livermore concluded.

     "And if Obama fails to go for the jugular in debates two and three, Bill Clinton's speech at the Democratic Convention about the Republicans wrecking the economy and Obama not cleaning it up fast enough for them, will have been a smoke screen.  Bill Clinton, you will recall, signed into law the death of Glass-Steagall, the bill that had policed Wall Street after the 1929 Great Depression from 1933 to 1999, just before GWB took office and tanked the economy.  Combined with Clinton's support of GATT and NAFTA, Obama's silence will be evidence of the fact that it is always darkest just before pitch black.  Clinton's governorship of Arkansas during the Iran-Contra years when Mena was used as a drug transhipment site for the Reagan-Bush White House pipeline to the Sandinista, would be evidence of Obamas' complacency and of Clinton, too," said Livermore.

Monday, October 1, 2012



by Winsip Custer, CPW News Services

     With George Walker Bush’s  eight year plunge of the U.S. into a fiscal morass and unnecessary wars that Barack Obama desires four more years to correct and as Mitt Romney,  his critics charge, wishes to reconstitute with renewed deregulation, Ross Perot is returning to the political stage, but from the wings .

"Does Ross Perot not know that David Walker is a talker and NOT a real walker?"  
                                 -Portnoy Seather
     As Perot appears in interviews with CBS and CSPAN this week, David Walker, former U.S. Comptroller General, says that Ross Perot’s 1992 candidacy set the stage for eight years of the Clinton era's fiscal maturity with a resulting budget surplus.  Since then, war with its unbridled military budgeting had George W. Bush appointing Stuart Bowen as the head of  Iraq reconstruction effort.   Bowen’s staff members criticized Bowen’s oversight of his $50 billion budget, a number that was within $10 billion of Bush’s initial total projection for the entire cost of the Iraq war which is now over $4 trillion.   Bowen would  earn for his questionable work in Iraq the David Walker Excellence in Government Award for Performance and Accountability.  Former Perot supporters are lining up to ask Mr. Perot to explain how the waste and fraud in the Iraq War would deserve an award in performance and accountability.
     Ross Perot had warned in 1992 that the passing of GATT and NAFTA would mean the loss of U.S. jobs and the death of the U.S. Middle Class.  George Herbert Walker Bush supported the GATT and NAFTA bill as did Mr. Clinton whose sex scandals were accompanied  by a close relationship with a Chinese lobbyist whose company’s workers are essentially slaves of a totalitarian regime.  In May 2000, just after GWB's appointment by the U.S. Supreme Court, Bill Clinton's work of normalizing trading relations with China, a 2000  page document during the '92 debate, initiated over the previous ten years spanning the GHWB, Clinton and GWB administrations, was nearly 30,000 pages when it was passed by Congress and signed into law by George Walker Bush.  This gave China a place at the World Trade Organization table as an equal trading partner in spite of its abysmal human rights record.   China also failed to hold the U.S. accountable for its partnership in keeping the Chinese people enslaved from roughly the middle of the 19th Century by the "China Trade'.  Enslaved by drugs during the historic East-West opium wars fueled by an economic battle over who  would control the exploitation of the Chinese population as the British empire lost out to the U.S..    This foreign domination led to the Chinese Cultural Revolution and its distaste for Western Christian missionaries and to a new  Communist Chinese political ideology that, not unlike unregulated Capitalism, has disregard for the actual ecological stewardship costs that would responsibly include proper care of human "capital". 
   Others pointed out that while Bill Clinton left the nation with a surplus after eight years and identified with the oppressed, his home state of Arkansas was the base for known drug smuggling through Mena with its airport being a key link to the Iran-Contra program and to Barry Seal's drug distribution system and its CIA employment of Eugene Hausenfus, the clandestine pilot whose downing blew the lid off the Iran-Contra network.  Little Rock was home to the key Iran-Contra bank, BCCI.  The Arkansas politician saddled with protecting Seal as a Federal witness, Asa Hutchinson, was promoted to the highest DEA office after Seal's murder.  "Was GATT and NAFTA more than a vacuum for American jobs?" asked another critic of the Bush/Clinton trade agreement.

"We Are beginning to look more and more like extinct dinosaurs with too much armor and too little brain."   -William Sloane Coffin
     Portnoy Seather president of the Council For Guileless Transparency in Bethesda, Maryland asked of the new union between David Walker and Ross Perot, “Does Perot not know that David Walker is talker and not a real walker?  I believe that David Walker, like Scott Walker, Governor of Minnesota, is a member of a criminal family in the U.S. that ties to the brutal 19th Century filibusterer, William Walker, who was, like Aaron Burr, always trying to carve out his own kingdom and appoint himself monarch or dictator-for-life.  He wanted a world where slavery was legal and the social and ecological cost of his ventures were never accounted for.  For that the Hondurans shot him, while many of William Walker's  military misadventures inspired among his followers and kin in the Western Hemisphere  a private imperialism hidden beneath the umbrella of the 'Monroe Doctrine'.... a political position which many Hondurans today call the 'Moron Doctrine.'" 

     Seather continued...."Ross Perot dropped out of the 1992 presidential campaign citing danger to his family.  What the hell was that all about?" asked Seather.  "And if he was so articulate during the 1992 Presidential debates about the screwing that the U.S. was going to take with the ‘giant sucking’ sound  of jobs heading out of the country that is still buzzing in our ears, why is he not being more transparent about all these other dubious connections?”

     Seather questions Perot's sincerity.  "If I find out that Perot who made his fortunes by computerizing Social Security records for the U.S. government, is close to Rev. John Franklyn Norris, the Ft. Worth/Dallas preacher who was a close friend of the John Birch who was killed in China evangelizing on the one hand while keeping silent about the U.S. drug connections on the other, and whose dubius mission was memorialized by Fred Koch of Koch Industries who paid for the creation of the John Birch Society and was building Hitler's refineries in Germany while men like Henry Ford, Harvey Firestone, John Burroughs and Prescott Bush comprised the 'Business Plot' of the the 1930's and whose push toward chemical pesticides has been killing the world's bees?  Well then!  And with George Walker Bush living in Dallas not far from Perot and with General Edwin Walker, a known John Bircher,  who was supposedly nearly assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald, I'm going to understand why Perot dropped out of the 1992 Presidential campaign on such short notice.  But if he wants to leave a really lasting legacy for his children and grandchildren, he should join with us in the Council for Guileless Transparency and go totally clean.  There's no disinfectant like sunlight and openness," said Seather.  "Winston Churchill said '...that in time of war the truth must be guarded by a body guard of lies.'  Well, these guys are all trained in endless warfare so you can't believe a goddamn thing they say.  Nothing. Nada. Zippo!  If these leaders don't grow up and lead or move over and let someone else do so, we are in for a long dark winter of discontent leading to annihilation," complained Seather as he adjusted his toupe' and his left lifter-loafer, both made in Communist China.