by Winsip Custer CPW News Service
With relentless flow of American jobs from the U.S. to its Asian allies and then to China where everything from toothpicks to pharmaceuticals and engines are costing less to produce, the Liberative-Conservables for A Radical New Direction meeting in Charleston, South Carolina this week have announced their vision for solving the problems of the U.S. debt crisis: Radically alter the property tax base.
“A simple annexation of the areas directly north and south of the U.S. borders with a 15% increase in property taxes……a new federal property tax……for only ten years with a mandatory, non-perpetuitious tax period and the abolishment of that tax after ten years will sink the U.S. debt within that period. After that, the sky’s the limit as we gear up for competing with an expanded business/services based economy next to none and influence production only from nations with shared governance models and acceptance of the Geneva Conventions,” said Liberative-Conservable spokesperson, Nigel Noir of Fairfax, Virginia. “What good does it do but make the top strata of a Capitalistic or Communistic country wealthier when they shift the capital and management from one worker pool to another across such politically diverse borders? Whether people are paid 10 cents an hour or $100 dollars is not the point. Is the governance shared or dictatorial? Tyrannical or responsible? Closed or open? Varifiably so or blubbling with corruption and hypocracy? Are intellectual property laws respected so that individuals can prosper from their unique gifts and talents? That's why the short tax period of ten years based on land and mineral values to kick start the new economy is essential," said Noir.
"We don’t believe that any state in the new United States of the Americas should be larger than Alaska even though Sara Palin and Rick Perry disagrees on this minor point. At any rate, they should not be larger than Texas or Alaska which would mean that Brazil would definitely have to become about three separate states,” said Noir.
"We don’t believe that any state in the new United States of the Americas should be larger than Alaska even though Sara Palin and Rick Perry disagrees on this minor point. At any rate, they should not be larger than Texas or Alaska which would mean that Brazil would definitely have to become about three separate states,” said Noir.
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"Guantanmono, Cuba would be central most loction for the new capital of the United States of the Americas," says Noir. |
Washington D.C. would no longer be the capital of the new United States of The Americas in this plan. Instead it would be moved to the most central location possible….to the new city of Guantanamono, Cuba. "Yes," said Noir, "We added a 'no' to the end of the name to indicate that torture is a 'no-no' in the United States of the Americas," said Noir. Guantanamono would also become the location for the new Smedley Butler Camp for the United States of the Americas Marine Corp. "The new capital would be much easier to defend with at least 90 miles between it and the U.S. mainland in case of model airplane or other attacks,” said Mr. Noir who has it on good authority that representatives from Disney World are interested in purchasing the White House, Blair House and State Capital Building for a new educational-model theme park. "The whole city will take on a new atmosphere of education and learning instead of lobbying and penis measuring," said Noir who related that 32 state teachers organizations were already organizing for the new jobs that the new "Teacher's District" will provide. "Getting all those lawyers out of there will be like ridding your house of termites," said Noir who indicated that there were no plans for moving the U.S. Pentagon, but "we might change it into a triangle. The little one room school house will become the White House," he said. "Ask anyone. Without an education in a one room school house Lincoln would have never made it there, so this remind people of that fact more effectively that resurrecting a many one room school houses in a nation that is now many time bigger than in the early 1800's and more technologically advanced.
"With the new Smedley Butler Marine Corp. Encampment at Guantanamono we will also be telling the world to sing a new song. This hemisphere, unlike the Chinese and former Soviets...and even less like those oppressive Jihadists has no place for their type of thinking. We should tell the same thing to the Darth Vaderish Dick Cheney-types or Donald "Have Some Aspertame and Forget That Body Armour" Rumsfeld-types who have promoted torture and mindless political misadventures along with the wingnut religious blitherers who support Christian, Jewish and Islamic Jihadism. East and West there is no place in the future of this planet for these fruit cakes," said Noir who claims that his father worked in a Ford factory before moving to a Koch oil refinery job and before that working as a purchasing agent for Hilton Hotels in the Conrad Hilton/Marshall Plan's expansion into Turkey. "That was just as the American opium policies with respect to Turkey and India were solidifying after World War II at U.S. taxpayer expense. Before that Dad worked for the WPA building Hoover Dam so that Las Vegas could have lights and dancing water fountains where guys like Steven Wynn claim that they did it all themselves without help from the lowly hotel worker, truckers and other ordinary tax paying people. All during that time Dad was learning how to blow and curve tubing for neon lights and fixing the spinning mechanisms on one armed bandits while studying to be a deacon at St. Pious Catholic Church," said Noir, "and saying God, you up there?"
"And what did he hear?" I asked. "He told me to become a Protestant and believe me I protest everything. He said 'greater things shall you do than I have done.....go for it," said Noir, "and that's what Dad taught me, even after I told him I dispised the disconnectedness of the church's wealth with its mindless support of the military complex that men like Smedley Butler weren't afraid to challenge."
I asked if there were any Presidential candidates that shared his vision or that of his organization. "You kidding? That would mean taking seriously the moving of industrial equipment that we initially sent to Mexico back from China so that our hungry neighbors to the South would also have to take seriously making other than cocaine from coca leaves or peddling marajuana," said Noir, "but all politics is first of all local and people now think that the Monroe Doctrine has something to do with Marilyn Monroe while many U.S. citizens believe that they are the only real Americans. That has to change," said Noir. "Smedley Butler taught us that his fellow Generals for whom he was a thug on three continents believed that the Monroe Doctrine was indeed about Marilyn Monroe.....go and rape her!" he said. "Well fxxx that!"
Noir said that he believed that the current slate of U.S. Presidential candidates are all hopelessly flawed. "Obama is held hostage. Romney is a shill for the National City Bank Boys, the Morman Church and Boston Blackie....the Kennedy/Harvard/Irish elites....and remember that Harvard like Yale was no initially open to Roman Catholic leadership....but what were they going to do with all those damn Irish in Boston? Rick Perry kisses the Donald's ring and Trump's jobs are making high rise eliteist condos and casinos with a golf club or TV show thrown in, plus Perry takes the Federal dollars and says he doesn't. That's why we are Liberative-Conservables. There's no pure anything.....Capitalists, Socialists, good Christians, good Muslims, good Jews, good Anglos...Good Chinamen, Good..... well, you get my drift....everybody's a mongrel in need of a bath. Say they're not and I prove you otherwise in seconds," he concluded.
Noir expressed concern that if the Americans from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego did not organize quickly that the European Union would see America as the new, but old, territory to conquer. "Germany's political leaders like Joschka Fischer, have already been talking about "One Billion Europeans from Vancouver to Vladivastock," said Noir. He noted that leaders from Germany's Green Party, Socialist Democrat and Christian Democratic parties along with American political activist, Jane Fonda, and former Englishman and popular musician turned Muslim, singer of the classic Christian hymn "Morning Has Broken", Jusef Islam, had met in Bonn for a "Green Sustainability" fund raiser. In his youth, the German leader, Joschka Fischer, had been involved in demonstrations during which German police were fire bombed. "Fonda supported the Communist North Vietnamese, which fueled much resentment in the U.S. while Cat Steven's conversion to Islam has spooked U.S. official who put him on a "no fly" list. Germany....a nation with a history of animosity against Jews should have had Barbara Streisand at that event and not talk about Canada being European. The French in Quebec may get squeamish about that, too. Not to mention the Irish and Scots if the Brits are trying to resurrect their old empire through the EU. And Celine Dion should have been there, too, come to think of it," said Noir. "And Josef Islam and Jane Fonda better get back to singing "Peace Train" know.....'peace train drives this country, everyone on board the peace tain,' and that train better not be hauling more Jews to concentration camps, or armaments to slaughter Indians and Buffaloes. And those sincere Christians in the U.S. who have a spiritual orgasm whenever Billy Graham stands in front of the American flag have got to start singing 'There's a Balm In Gilead' instead of 'There's a Bomb In Gilead'.....thank you National City Bank Boys!" said Noir.
"The German leader, Mr. Fischer, has called for a new Palestinian state and was a backer of Yasser Arrafat," said Noir. "I believe that statehood is a good thing, but neither by the United States adding new states North and South, nor Europe adding new nation-states, East and West across the pond and linking them to the European Union including Vancouver to Vladivastock. That will not insure a brighter future. We have two world wars to prove that. All religion like all politics is local and unless people find common ground within their politics and belief systems there'll be no 'green party' anywherer....which when you look at the earth from outerspace is actually more blue than green. It will be the ashen gray planet," said Noir who also expressed concerns that Americans would not appreciate "Boxing Day" as it is widely promoted by the British among members of the EU.
"And what did he hear?" I asked. "He told me to become a Protestant and believe me I protest everything. He said 'greater things shall you do than I have done.....go for it," said Noir, "and that's what Dad taught me, even after I told him I dispised the disconnectedness of the church's wealth with its mindless support of the military complex that men like Smedley Butler weren't afraid to challenge."
I asked if there were any Presidential candidates that shared his vision or that of his organization. "You kidding? That would mean taking seriously the moving of industrial equipment that we initially sent to Mexico back from China so that our hungry neighbors to the South would also have to take seriously making other than cocaine from coca leaves or peddling marajuana," said Noir, "but all politics is first of all local and people now think that the Monroe Doctrine has something to do with Marilyn Monroe while many U.S. citizens believe that they are the only real Americans. That has to change," said Noir. "Smedley Butler taught us that his fellow Generals for whom he was a thug on three continents believed that the Monroe Doctrine was indeed about Marilyn Monroe.....go and rape her!" he said. "Well fxxx that!"
Noir said that he believed that the current slate of U.S. Presidential candidates are all hopelessly flawed. "Obama is held hostage. Romney is a shill for the National City Bank Boys, the Morman Church and Boston Blackie....the Kennedy/Harvard/Irish elites....and remember that Harvard like Yale was no initially open to Roman Catholic leadership....but what were they going to do with all those damn Irish in Boston? Rick Perry kisses the Donald's ring and Trump's jobs are making high rise eliteist condos and casinos with a golf club or TV show thrown in, plus Perry takes the Federal dollars and says he doesn't. That's why we are Liberative-Conservables. There's no pure anything.....Capitalists, Socialists, good Christians, good Muslims, good Jews, good Anglos...Good Chinamen, Good..... well, you get my drift....everybody's a mongrel in need of a bath. Say they're not and I prove you otherwise in seconds," he concluded.
Noir expressed concern that if the Americans from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego did not organize quickly that the European Union would see America as the new, but old, territory to conquer. "Germany's political leaders like Joschka Fischer, have already been talking about "One Billion Europeans from Vancouver to Vladivastock," said Noir. He noted that leaders from Germany's Green Party, Socialist Democrat and Christian Democratic parties along with American political activist, Jane Fonda, and former Englishman and popular musician turned Muslim, singer of the classic Christian hymn "Morning Has Broken", Jusef Islam, had met in Bonn for a "Green Sustainability" fund raiser. In his youth, the German leader, Joschka Fischer, had been involved in demonstrations during which German police were fire bombed. "Fonda supported the Communist North Vietnamese, which fueled much resentment in the U.S. while Cat Steven's conversion to Islam has spooked U.S. official who put him on a "no fly" list. Germany....a nation with a history of animosity against Jews should have had Barbara Streisand at that event and not talk about Canada being European. The French in Quebec may get squeamish about that, too. Not to mention the Irish and Scots if the Brits are trying to resurrect their old empire through the EU. And Celine Dion should have been there, too, come to think of it," said Noir. "And Josef Islam and Jane Fonda better get back to singing "Peace Train" know.....'peace train drives this country, everyone on board the peace tain,' and that train better not be hauling more Jews to concentration camps, or armaments to slaughter Indians and Buffaloes. And those sincere Christians in the U.S. who have a spiritual orgasm whenever Billy Graham stands in front of the American flag have got to start singing 'There's a Balm In Gilead' instead of 'There's a Bomb In Gilead'.....thank you National City Bank Boys!" said Noir.
"The German leader, Mr. Fischer, has called for a new Palestinian state and was a backer of Yasser Arrafat," said Noir. "I believe that statehood is a good thing, but neither by the United States adding new states North and South, nor Europe adding new nation-states, East and West across the pond and linking them to the European Union including Vancouver to Vladivastock. That will not insure a brighter future. We have two world wars to prove that. All religion like all politics is local and unless people find common ground within their politics and belief systems there'll be no 'green party' anywherer....which when you look at the earth from outerspace is actually more blue than green. It will be the ashen gray planet," said Noir who also expressed concerns that Americans would not appreciate "Boxing Day" as it is widely promoted by the British among members of the EU.