Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Friday, September 30, 2011


by Winsip Custer CPW News Service
     With relentless flow of American jobs from the U.S. to its Asian allies and then to China where everything from toothpicks to pharmaceuticals and engines are costing less to produce, the Liberative-Conservables for A Radical New Direction meeting in Charleston, South Carolina this week have announced their vision for solving the problems of the U.S. debt crisis:  Radically alter the property tax base. 
        “A simple annexation of the  areas directly north and south of the U.S. borders with a 15% increase in property taxes……a new federal property tax……for only ten years with a mandatory, non-perpetuitious tax period and the abolishment of that tax after ten years will sink the U.S. debt within that period.  After that, the sky’s the limit as we gear up for competing with an expanded business/services based economy next to none and influence production only from nations with shared governance models and acceptance of the Geneva Conventions,” said Liberative-Conservable spokesperson, Nigel Noir of Fairfax, Virginia.  “What good does it do but make the top strata of a Capitalistic or Communistic country wealthier when they shift the capital and management from one worker pool to another across such politically diverse borders?  Whether people are paid 10  cents an hour or $100 dollars is not the point.  Is the governance shared or dictatorial?  Tyrannical or responsible?  Closed or open?  Varifiably so or blubbling with corruption and hypocracy?  Are intellectual property laws respected so that individuals can prosper from their unique gifts and talents?  That's why the short tax period of ten years based on land and mineral values to kick start the new economy is essential," said Noir.

"We don’t believe that any state in the new United States of the Americas should be larger than Alaska even though Sara Palin and Rick Perry disagrees on this minor point.  At any rate, they should not be larger than Texas or Alaska which would mean that Brazil would definitely have to become about three separate states,” said  Noir.
"Guantanmono, Cuba would be central most
loction for the new capital of the
United States of the Americas," says Noir.

           Washington D.C. would no longer be the capital of the new United States of The Americas in this plan. Instead it would be moved to the most central location possible….to the new city of Guantanamono, Cuba.  "Yes," said Noir, "We added a 'no' to the end of the name to indicate that torture is a 'no-no' in the United States of the Americas," said Noir.  Guantanamono would also become the location for the new Smedley Butler Camp for the United States of the Americas Marine Corp.  "The new capital would be much easier to defend with at least 90 miles between it and the  U.S. mainland in case of model airplane or other attacks,” said Mr. Noir who has it on good authority that representatives from Disney World are interested in purchasing the White House, Blair House and State Capital Building for a new educational-model theme park.  "The whole city will take on a new atmosphere of education and learning instead of lobbying and penis measuring," said Noir who related that 32  state teachers organizations were already organizing for the new jobs that the new "Teacher's District" will provide.  "Getting all those lawyers out of there will be like ridding your house of termites," said Noir who indicated that there were no plans for moving the U.S. Pentagon, but "we might change it into a triangle.   The little one room school house will become the White House," he said.  "Ask anyone.  Without an education in a one room school house Lincoln would have never made it there, so this remind  people of that fact more effectively that resurrecting a many one room school houses in a nation that is now many time bigger than in the early 1800's and more technologically advanced.
"With the new Smedley Butler Marine Corp. Encampment at Guantanamono we will also be telling the world to sing a new song.   This hemisphere, unlike the Chinese and former Soviets...and even less like those oppressive Jihadists has no place for their type of thinking.  We should tell the same thing to the Darth Vaderish Dick Cheney-types or Donald "Have Some Aspertame and Forget That Body Armour" Rumsfeld-types who have promoted torture and mindless political misadventures along with  the wingnut religious blitherers who support Christian, Jewish and Islamic Jihadism.   East and West there is no place in the future of this planet for these fruit cakes," said Noir who claims that his father worked in a Ford factory before moving to a Koch oil refinery job and before that working as a purchasing agent for Hilton Hotels in the Conrad Hilton/Marshall Plan's expansion into Turkey.  "That was just as the American opium policies with respect to Turkey and India were solidifying after World War II at U.S. taxpayer expense.  Before that Dad worked for the WPA building Hoover Dam so that Las Vegas could have lights and dancing water fountains where guys like Steven Wynn claim that they did it all themselves without help from the lowly hotel worker, truckers and other ordinary tax paying people.  All during that time Dad was learning how to blow and curve tubing for neon lights and fixing the spinning mechanisms on one armed bandits while studying to be a deacon at St. Pious Catholic Church," said Noir, "and saying God, you up there?"

"And what did he hear?" I asked.  "He told me to become a Protestant and believe me I protest everything.  He said 'greater things shall you do than I have done.....go for it," said Noir, "and that's what Dad taught me, even after I told him I dispised the disconnectedness of the church's wealth with its mindless support of the military complex that men like Smedley Butler weren't afraid to challenge." 

I asked if there were any Presidential candidates that shared his vision or that of his organization.  "You kidding?  That would mean taking seriously the moving of industrial equipment that we initially sent to Mexico back from China so that our hungry neighbors to the South would also have to take seriously making other than cocaine from coca leaves or peddling marajuana," said Noir, "but all politics is first of all local and people now think that the Monroe Doctrine has something to do with Marilyn Monroe while many U.S. citizens believe that they are the only real Americans.  That has to change," said Noir.  "Smedley Butler taught us that his fellow Generals for whom he was a thug on three continents believed that the Monroe Doctrine was indeed about Marilyn Monroe.....go and rape her!" he said.  "Well fxxx that!"

Noir said that he believed that the current slate of U.S. Presidential candidates are all hopelessly flawed.  "Obama is held hostage.  Romney is  a shill for the National City Bank Boys, the Morman Church and Boston Blackie....the Kennedy/Harvard/Irish elites....and remember that Harvard like Yale was no initially open to Roman Catholic leadership....but what were they going to do with all those damn Irish in Boston?  Rick Perry kisses the Donald's ring and Trump's jobs are making high rise eliteist condos and casinos with a golf club or TV show thrown in, plus Perry takes the Federal dollars and says he doesn't.  That's why we are Liberative-Conservables. There's no pure anything.....Capitalists, Socialists, good Christians, good Muslims, good Jews, good Anglos...Good Chinamen, Good..... well, you get my drift....everybody's a mongrel in need of a bath.  Say they're not and I prove you otherwise in seconds," he concluded.

Noir expressed concern that if the Americans from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego did not organize quickly that the European Union would see America as the new, but old, territory to conquer.  "Germany's political leaders like Joschka Fischer, have already been talking about "One Billion Europeans from Vancouver to Vladivastock," said Noir.  He noted that leaders from Germany's Green Party, Socialist Democrat and Christian Democratic parties along with American political activist, Jane Fonda, and former Englishman and popular musician turned Muslim, singer of the classic Christian hymn "Morning Has Broken", Jusef Islam, had met in Bonn for a "Green Sustainability" fund raiser.  In his youth, the German leader, Joschka Fischer, had been involved in demonstrations during which German police were fire bombed. "Fonda supported the Communist North Vietnamese, which fueled much resentment in the U.S. while Cat Steven's conversion to Islam has spooked U.S. official who put him on a "no fly" list.  Germany....a nation with a history of animosity against Jews should have had Barbara Streisand at that event and not  talk about Canada being European.   The French in Quebec may get squeamish about that, too. Not to mention the Irish and Scots if the Brits are trying to resurrect their old empire through the EU.  And Celine Dion should have been there, too, come to think of it," said Noir.  "And Josef Islam and Jane Fonda better get back to singing "Peace Train"....you know.....'peace train drives this country, everyone on board the peace tain,' and that train better not be hauling more Jews to concentration camps, or armaments to slaughter Indians and Buffaloes.   And those sincere Christians in the U.S. who have a spiritual orgasm whenever Billy Graham stands in front of the American flag have got to start singing 'There's a Balm In Gilead'  instead of 'There's a Bomb In Gilead'.....thank you National City Bank Boys!" said Noir.

"The German leader, Mr. Fischer, has called for a new Palestinian state and was a backer of Yasser Arrafat," said Noir.  "I believe that statehood is a good thing, but neither by the United States adding new states North and South, nor Europe adding new nation-states, East and West across the pond and linking them to the European Union including Vancouver to Vladivastock. That will not insure a brighter future.  We have two world wars to prove that.  All religion like all politics is local and unless people find common ground within their politics and belief systems there'll be no 'green party' anywherer....which when you look at the earth from outerspace is actually more blue than green.  It will be the ashen gray planet," said Noir who also expressed concerns that Americans would not appreciate "Boxing Day" as it is widely promoted by the British among members of the EU.

Rezwan Ferdaus' Non-Suicide Mission Shows The Surge Is Working!

Non-Suicide Model Planes Clear Indication That America Is Winning Hearts and Minds
by Winsip Custer CPW News Service

     Rezwan Ferdaus, a 26-year-old man from Boston was arrested Wednesday, September 28th.  He had plans to aim a remote controlled model airplane packed with C-4 explosives at the  Pentagon and U.S. Capital.
     While counter terrorism experts and model aircraft hobbyists claimed it would be impossible to inflict large scale damage on the structures, some believe otherwise.  “If one of those landed in the right place with couple of pounds of C-4 explosives strapped to them it would sure make you want to move your desk from the outer wall,” said one unnamed Congressional aide.

     "A dirty bomb or biological weapon could be delivered in a similar way," said Reavis Botulman of the Center for Group Panic and Paranoia Analysis in Stepford, Connecticutt.  "Fortunately we have found ways to eliminate the panic and paranoia associated with the endless threat of such crazed Jihadists, home-grown psychotics or pre-adolesants looking for some thrill and excitement or who may are angry after the last school report card," said Botulman.
     Ferdaus’ five to seven foot long replicas of U.S. military planes that are guided with a GPS system are capable of speeds of over 100 mph.
1987 attempt by German man to
crash Cessna 150 into Kremlin or
prehaps simply to have a
Vodka tonic with the Premier.
Prior attempts to crash planes into the White House were successful on at least one occasion.  The President and family were sleeping at the time and unhurt but the crash killed the pilot.  The Kremlin experienced a similar event at the height of the Cold War.  Neither incident used model airplanes, but larger private planes.  At 7:30 p.m. on May 25, 1987, a German man landed a small Cessna 150 on the Kremlin lawn.  Shortly before 2:00 a.m. on September 13, 1994,  Samuel Eugene Corder slammed his Cessna 150 into the White House.  He was the only casualty. Cessna Aircraft Corporation believes that they chose their planes because of their dependability, but denined plans to use the events in the advertising campaings or in recruiting foreign flight students to any of their Cessna flight training schools in the United States, but didn't rule out the possibility for their overseas training centers.

     “This is definitely an improvement,” said Simeon S. Swerdwergle, psychotherapist and counter terrorism expert with Eyes On The Skies LLC, a  Langley, Virginia research and security analysis firm.  “You see, in the past Jihadists were interested in inflicting maximum death, destruction and mayhem with suicide as a logical reward given the promise of 72 beautiful virgins in the afterlife.  When Bin Laden was killed with a porn collection they reasoned that he was not that close to Allah to really know how beautiful the 72 virgins really were and if he was, then they couldn't be all that beautiful in comparison or he would be fixating on them instead of on the the girls in his video collection.  Since 911 there has been a decrease in Jihadist plane crash scenarios and the fact that Rezwan Ferdaus is having trouble envisioning a future without him in it is a clear sign that the 1000 Points of Light that George Herbert Walker Bush claimed that he wanted for the world, but really didn’t, is coming our way anyway.  This is a monumental improvement.  The surge is working!” said Dr. Swerdwergle who also pointed out that this type of attack using model airplanes had been reported in Winsip Custer on November 6, 2010 and on November 9, 2010.  "The surge is working.  Need I say it again?  But it isn't a military surge from our troops.  It's the surge of decent people of various faiths sick and tire, tire and sick of being manipulated and not being included in shaping their own destiny," said Swerdwergle.  "Whatever else this Rezwan Ferdau's plan is telling us, it is that he doesn't want to commit suicide....and that's a good thing.  A hopeful thing.  The world can build on that."

Marine Corps To Open Three New Camps in Honor of Gen. Smedley Butler

Marine Corp To Open New Camp Smedley Butlers In St. Louis, Detroit and  At Guantanamo  Bay
 by Winsip Custer CPW News Service
Gunnery Sergeant John H. Quick (second from left) photographed sometime prior to 1912 with other legendary Marines. From left: Captain F.H. Delano, Quick, future Major General and Marine Corps Commandant Wendell Cushing Neville, future Lieutenant General and Commandant John Archer Lejeune, and future Major General and two time Medal of Honor Recipient Smedley Butler.

     The U.S. Marine Corp which currently has camps named after two-time Congressional Medal of Honor winner, General Smedley Butler, only in Okinawa and the South Pacific well beyond the Homeland of the U.S.A. has announced three new camps in Gen. Butler's honor.   
      "Putting Camp Butlers way out there has left a gigantic hole in Americans' understanding of the nature of war,” said Marine information officer, Lt. Col. Bardwell D. Schelschlucked.   "Location, location, location.  Strategic location.  These new camps, strategically located, will help to keep the American electorate educated about the dangers of citizen ignorance and what Smedley use to call in young Marines… “Penticus Upus Ur Anus”….which he often included with “Non Illigitimus Carborundem”...."your head is up your ass" and "don't let those bastards grind you under," said Schelschlucked who philosophized about why camp Smedley Butler which had been Camp Simon Bolivar Bruckner were both on Okinawa.  
     "Camp Smedley Butler is actually a collection of facilities and satellite camps spread throughout Okinawa. Camp Smedley Butler received its name after the Camp or Fort Bruckner was renamed when US Army troops left Okinawa, and the base was then transferred to the USMC.  That was a step in the right direction, but without the Marine brass admitting the real nature of the charade that put the onus back on a Southerners and their General Simon Bolivar Bruckner who wimped them out them at Fort Henry during the Civil War."

     I asked the General to explain.  He said that Simon Bolivar Bruckner had surrendered Fort Henry and Donnelson to General Ulysesses S. Grant during the Civil War opening the South to barge traffic from the North and sealing the South's fate without much of a fight.  Venerated as a hero, many Southerners believe that General Bruckner, like General Braxton Bragg who was prominent at both the Henry/Donnelson battles and the Battle of Fort Fisher where the first Navy Seal, William B. Cushing made his name in U.S. Navy history for the Union, was working for the Northern Railroad and the Caleb Cushing family interests from Boston.  They point to General Nathan Bedford's Forrest's warning to Bragg as evidence.  After World War II the camp at Okinawa was named for Bruckner because his first and middle name, Simon Bolivar, had meaning for many Spanish immigrants in the Phillipines and other Pacific Islands.
       "The National City Bank Boys whom Smedley grew to loathe weren't the backbone of the U.S. in the beginning, but emerged in 1833 at Yale with a corresponding power grab in the South through Scottish Rite foudern, Confederate General Albert Pike who had received Caleb Cushing blessing.  That's why 40 of the Union Generals are all buried next to Skull and Bones founder, Alphonso Taft, at a cemetery in Cincincinnati instead of in Washington D.C, " said Schelschlucked.

     "Camp Bruckner in Okinawa, renamed Camp Smedley Butler,  was a strategic decision for the National City Bank Boys who were running the railroads for the  the U.S.'s Westard expansion toward the Orient and Middle East's poppy fields," Schelschlucked maintains.  "A disproportionate number of poor Southern boys and Irish from the North.....just like during the Civil War....died at Okinawa to extend the National City Bank Boy's power and influence.  Bruckner's name had roots in the Confederacy but they a tangled mass.  Camp Butler's replacement of Camp Bruckner sends a message that old Smedley wasn't really the thorn in their uppity asses that we know he was, but of course they haven't until now been willing to place Camp Butlers so close to home where historian may truely unpack this side of our forgotten history.   Simon Bolivar Bruckner Jr.'s  father, the Confederate General from Kentucky, had surrendered the keys to the front door to the Confederacy to General Ulysseses S. Grant at Fort Henry, the Fort along with Fort Donnelson that guarded the river traffic into the South.  From there Bruckner's supervisor, Genral Braxton Bragg , aided and abetted the National City Bank Boys in their expansion plans via the Union Pacific Railroad who wanted the flatlands of the South and Southwest....get it?  Union and Pacific.....and poppies beyond that....and oil and everything else.  That is what Nathan Bedford Forrest figured out and why he threatened to kill his commander, General Bragg, Bruckner's supervisor.  So there is the name Simon Bolivar in the U.S. acquired Far Western edge of the U.S. territory which was the edge of the old Spanish speaking Spanish empire with memories of South America's great liberator, Simon Bolivar, the name on the camp before it bore Smedley's name, but mixed with the Confederacy.  Of course if there was any real truth to the charade, the Western Hemisphere would already be the United States of the Americas out of the irresistable force of truth, liberty and freedom," said Schelschlucked who noted that Okinawans had forced African American soldiers in the Air Force to be turned over to Japan for prosecution for raping Okanawan women while stationed there.  "This was what General Braxton Bragg's great nephew, C. Wright Mills figured out when he wrote The Power Elite, " Schelschlucked continued.  "That when people aren't quickly assilminated and included in the struggle for education, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in more than terms of weapons, territory, opium, oil, gold, whatever, we revert to the law of the jungle, however high tech and sophisticated we may appear to be."
     “The location of these three new camps….East St. Louis not far from Lambert Field where Charles Lindbergh took off on his historic trans-Atlantic flight and within view of the Gateway Arch ….then in Detroit where Henry Ford built cars which he ran on taxpayer paid roads and highways sometimes parking in Conrad Hilton's hotels which were built from money received from the Marshall Plan at tax payer expense.  Detroit is where instead of army barracks, soldiers  will be housed in foreclosed but renovated properties….and at Guantanamo Bay which will be converted into a Caribbean Marine rest and relaxation station and  military style training resort with special classes in Butler’s classic analysis of modern warfare.  Butler’s book War Is A Racket will be used as the primary training text,” said Schelschlucked who said all three camps will be opened by June, 2014, in time to celebrate U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.

3 new Camps Smedley Butler in Detroit, St. Louis and
Guantanamo Bay

President Obama believes that the 20,000 new jobs needed for the camp development will significantly impact the three cities as well as increase pride in the historic Marine Corp.  White House officials indicated that none of the work on the three camps could be conducted by companies linked in any way to the companies identified in General Butler's classic book on America's military/foreign policies.  "We are hopeful that Mexico, Egypt and Libya will invite us to place similar Camp Smedley Butlers within their borders....from the Halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli.... to provide security and cross-national training with their military whose soldiers will also be eligible for up to four weeks per year at Camp Smedley Butler, Guantanamo Bay," said Lt. Col. Schelschlucked.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

TE Lawrence Syndrome and General William H. McRaven

General In Charge Of Bin Laden’s Capture Showing Signs Of War Related Disorder
By Winsip Custer CPW News Service

      They call it the “Lawrence of Arabia Syndrome” after British soldier Thomas Edward Lawrence.  “It happens when soldiers representing dominant powers identify with those they have come to liberate or dominate or liberate AND dominate.  Sometimes it happens slowly.  Sometimes rather dramatically.  In a similar reverse form of the syndrome, the Helsinki Syndrome, a prisoner will become a model trustee of the prison that incarcerates him or a kidnap victim will fall in love with their abductors,” said Dr. Robert S. Lugwulzmantz of the London Center for Lawrence Syndrome Research.
General William H. McRaven shows signs
of Lawrence Syndrome according to
Dr. Robert S. Lugwulzmantz

     Lugwulzmantz became interested in the Lawrence Syndrome when as a boy his father, the leading Orthodox rabbi of the Temple Beth Judah in Leeds, led the charge against a middle aged associate rabbi of the synagogue.  “The associate, a few years older than my father.... we called him ‘mutton chops’ because of his long sideburns... had hit middle age and a member of the congregation, a married woman, threw herself at him and he succumbed in one of the synagogue closets between the cases of Mogen David and boxes of Matzos.  It was quite a scandal and my Dad intervened and basically dragged Rabbi Obamowisz before the congregation for a formal thrashing.  The poor man jumped off the Ramsay Hat Factory building and impaled himself on a wrought iron fence.  A year later Dad, who had grown long sideburns since Obamowisz’s death, had an affair with the same woman and Mom divorced him,” said Lugwulzmantz.

President Lyndon Baines Johnson
with fully developed
Lawrence Syndrome

     According to Lugwulzmantz, President Lyndon Baines Johnson, developed the syndrome after leaving office.  "He grew his hair long and began listening to  Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young's Four Dead in Ohio and developed a strong attraction to Patoulie oil and incense," said Lugwulzmantz.
     Lugwulzmantz maintains that Lawrence syndrome is often free floating, involuntary and irresistible to its victim and often comes as a great surprise to those who know them.  So far none of General McRaven’s close associates have shown similar indicators, but it is rumored that a couple of members of the Seal Team 6 have started riding camels around their back yards, while smoking Camel cigarettes” said Lugwulzmantz.

General Abdul Raziq: Patraeus' Man In Kandahar Is A Murdering Drug Lord?

Justification for America’s Presence In Afghanistan Laid Bare By Appointment of Kandahar Sheriff?
by Winsip Custer CPW News Service
      “So how long would it take for you to figure out that we weren’t in Afghanistan only to track down Bin Laden and to silence terrorists?” ask Mark Franz.   “More importantly, don’t folks at home understand that it’s to control the poppy fields of the world’s  richest opium producing region just at it had been in Southeast Asia's Golden Triangle?” asked goat cheese importer Franz of the U.S. company GetUrGoat Cheeze Company LLC..   Franz imports high quality goat cheese ‘from the world’s most contented goats’ as his company slogan implies.  "I think they eat the poppies," said Franz who was in Kandahar bargaining with one of  Afghanistan’s goat cheese coops when  we asked him of his impressions about Afghanistan’s new Sheriff of Kandahar.  "You know the story about the Sheriff of Nottingham?" he  asked.
         “I have lost all confidence in the American electorate, in the President, the Joint Chiefs…..well….maybe they're the only ones who come clean…..’Joint Chiefs’!,” said Franz who grew up in Topeka, Kansas and shares a special concern for the treatment of Col Theodore Westhusing, Jessica Lynch, Pat Tillman and the role of General Patraeus in overseeing operations in Afghanistan and Iraq.  “The American populace is brainwashed to believe that we are all good, all loving, all caring, motivated by truth, justice and the American way.  Yea, well what way is that?  My time in Afghanistan is a constant reminded of why there is blood on the stripes of the American flag and it’s not always that we are motivated by altruism or justifiable military incursions and policing actions.  Our government is as corrupt as any empire since the Phoenicians, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, French, English, Spanish and we are blind not to see and understand it.  Opiates reduce pain.  Opiates are irresistible.  Whoever controls them is assured that the product sells itself.  The legitimate medical market worldwide for opiates is astounding and so long as the industrialized nations pass laws to prohibit, those who control the military, customs at home, the DEA, the FBI and other law enforcement agencies, they have a virtual monopoly on weapons sales, prison management, street distribution and a new form of slave labor….inmate work programs farmed out as cheap labor to corporate America,” claimed Mr. Franz as he dipped a slice of goat cheese into a sauce that looked like axle grease.
      This week in The Atlantic, Matthieu Aiken’s article “Our Man In Kandahar”, an expose of General Abdul Raziq’s rise to power relates the grizzly story of bodies left in the dessert, part of the price of political ascent in American controlled Afghanistan according to Aiken.  The new American backed sheriff in Kandahar, whose predecessor was assassinated several months ago, has been characterized by this new article in The Atlantic as a school boy gone terribly bad, extremely wealthy and ready like John Joel Glanton’s ferry service across the Yuma River of Arizona during the California Gold Rush, to charge the opium traffickers of Afghanistan a hefty protection fee for crossing the highway from Afghanistan to Pakistan.
           “My first impression is that any American soldier who raises issues with the appointment here in Kandahar, will end up like Pat Tillman or Col. Theodore Westhusing,” said Mr. Franz.  If there is anything that I’ve learned in my work with cheese…..and especially that cheese….people don’t like you touching it, much less moving it, without substantial risk to life and limb and much payola” said Mr. Franz.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

China To Solve Its Smog Problems by 2020

China to Solve Air Pollution Problem With Massive Investment in Methaneusumpollu Process while Dented Fenders in Korea Has China Playing New Tune

by Winsip Custer CPW News Service

     Wi Lin Wu, head of the secretive Chinese Methaneusumpollu plants destined for  China’s ten  biggest cities said on September 27 at the Nationalist Chinese Pollution Solution Enclave in Shanghai that “we have found a solution for the nation’s air pollution problems.  We plan to reverse the entire smog problem by 2020.”
     Earmarking the nation’s ten biggest industrialized cities with the new Methaneusumpollu plants designed by a consortium of Asian and Malaysian nations including Vietnam, Cambodia , Laos and Myanmar, the process combines hydro-carbon particulates found as discharge from coal and gas power plants with methane gas.  “This is a win-win for everyone in the region,” said Wu.  “No longer will smog fill our city streets and low lying areas where people are sometimes forced to wear masks to assist with breathing.  The pollution just disappears with a minor increase in proposed lower limits of the greenhouse gas, Methane, which is nearly uncontrollable anyway," said Wu.
     China’s ten most populated industrialized cities include:

Beijing………………………………………………… 11,200,000
Guangzhou…………………………………………    9,500,000
Shenzhen…………………………………………..    8,100,000
Tianjin………………………………………………..  7,500,000
Wuhan……………………………………………..     7,500,000
Hong Kong………………………………………..    7,000,000
Donguan…………………………………………..     4,850,000
Xian……………………………………………………    4,200,200
Guiyang………………………………………………    4,000,000

        Critics of China’s new Methanusumpollu process claim that the pollution doesn’t just disappear.  John Wilford Bahls of the New York/Hong Kong research firm of Fuller and Bahls LLC, said “Methane gas from China’s sewer systems can be used to combine with coal and gas particulates, but they don’t disappear.  Methane is lighter than air and they simply rise to the upper atmosphere where they are picked up by the jet stream.  That’s good news for the Chinese, South East Asians and Indonesians and bad news for the U.S. and Europe.  With the earth spinning West to East the jet stream follows the earth’s rotation.  That means that China’s pollution will be deposited somewhere over Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Idaho, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado, Montana and Wyoming and perhaps  Arizona, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska and the Dakotas.”
     Mr. Bahls was asked about the time honored saying that seemed to identify America’s Westward expansion….”Go West Young Man,” and whether or not this refutes the lore behind this popular saying credited to Horace Greeley.

Following the earth's West-to-East rotation the
25,000-35,000 ft. high Pacific jet stream
travels in the same directions at speeds of over
100 mph.

      “Yes,” said Bahls, “by going West we ended up in the East sending our industry that direction.  I just leaned that America’s leading guitar maker, Fender, has closed its plant in South Korea and moved its production to China leaving our South Korean allies without jobs.  Cort Co. a subsididary of Fender Guitars maintined that Korean workers were denting their Fenders and needed to ship the Korean plant to Communist China.  Cort workers claimed that this was subtrafuge for employing communist party controlled workers at lower pay and the Cort employees sent a video explaining their position.   And now the Chinese come back to pay us a messy visit.  Well, what goes around seems to come around, doesn’t it?” he concluded.  "Representatives from 3M, Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing, have assured me that they were not, as previously reported, responsible for producing the proprietary research on the bonding agents that detach the particles from the Methane molecules after about 72-144 hours," said Bahls who added "The average speed of the jet stream is about 100 mph with the distance from Beijing to Los Angeles being about 6600 miles."

Curtains On Al Qaeda and Western Imperialism

by Winsip Custer CWP News Service

     Former Minnesota Governor, Jesse Ventura, isn’t sure that Osama Bin Laden was killed by his former fraternity of Navy Seals.  On a recent CNN news cast from Minneapolis he said if he cannot believe what his government tells him about Pat Tillman, or Jessica Lynch, or about the reasons why we invaded Iraq, why would he believe that Osama Bin Laden was killed?"  Ventura wants to see the pictures....photos of the dead Bin Laden that the CIA has managed to keep classified while groups work to unveil them.
      Ventura’s remarks raised an even bigger question now that a wave of democratization exposing U.S. and European abuses in the Middle East no longer flys under the radar.  If Egypt, Syria and Libya were secret renditioning sites for U.S. covert operations where torture was routinely conducted, Ventura and others are wondering what other Iran-Contra-style operations are carried out in our name as we at home naively wave a flag of support and praise?
        Expert on American and Middle Eastern religio-political-symbiosis is Donald Sterling Curtains of the Hammond-Aegeh Institute in Washington D.C. .  Curtains asks “What if like the disillusioned sons of America’s leading industrialists, William Ayers or Joseph Lasater Maher, Osama Bin Laden was the disillusioned son of Saudi Arabia’s oppressive Royal family’s leading builder?  The Saud/Faisal family’s brutal, dictatorial rule is well known. It is  under girded by their unimaginable oil wealth which keeps them in power.  They wield this power as the protectors of  Islam’s holy shrines... Mecca and Medina.  A concordat exists between them and the faithful.  They keep the shrines open to pilgrims.  The pilgrims give unconditional support.  The normal quid pro quo of political-religious arrangements not unlike the power elites of the U.S. and Britain who give their people support, but manipulate their religious leaders as tools in the quiver of their arsenal of influence and political, religious and societal agenda-shaping?  Did young Osama Bin Laden  emerge from Saudi Arabia like Ayers or Maher emerged here in the tumultuous 60's...fed up with the status quo?” asked Curtains.
         I asked Curtains if this wouldn’t assume that while the CIA was using Al Qaeda to do its dirty work in the Middle East, as many CIA operatives now charge that it also assumes that Bin Laden jettisoned the manipulation of the American/Euro/Faud/Faisal compact and the Al Qaeda name with it?  What do you do with all those videos of him talking about Al Qaeda doing this and that and taking credit for it?”
         “I'll answer that,” said Curtains, “but on July 7, 2005 in London, England, we were given a very interesting clue to the possibility that the theism of Islam was taking on something much less than the whole of Western Christianity.   Islam may not see Jesus Christ as the world’s Messiah, but there are examples of Islam embracing him as ‘the Great Physician’, a prophet and healer.  They are confounded by those claiming to come in peace and healing, just as Francis of Assisi's mission of mercy and love was confounded by the brutality of the Christian crusaders. So we wave weapons and power.   How does that influence any human being anywhere?   You have to remember that the legalism of Judaism and Islam arose, as American Jewish comedian Lewis Black has joked, out of despiration to control our primordial animalistic instincts.  Christianity said that the fulfillment of the minutae of law was the greater law of love.  Christianity claims to be irrestible apart from the politicized variations attached to it or predestinated relieving them of inquisitions or anything other than the need to live graciously.  Christians live side by side with Muslins and Hindus in India, Malaysia and in other regions, but not in Saudi Arabia unless in compounds permited by the ruling elite.  So who controls that policy there and if Osama was a truly conservative Muslim, why not seek asylum near Islam's holy shrines with the protection of its dutiful followers?  The Royal family whose policies are supported by the Western power elites are there, that's why, and as Whitman or Ayers and Maher were brought down in America, so would the Saudi Royals reel in Osama.  Would democracy in Saudi Arabia change that?  What else would democracy in Saudi Arabia change?”  asked Curtains who believes that Saudi Arabia and its minions, Bahrain, the UAE and a few other nations are the last bastions of tyranny to stand in the region. 
     Curtains wonders whether Osama Bin Laden was a misguided dark knight of the brewing democratic movement working as Al Qaeda within Al Qaeda….those who were tired of being used and abused in the conduct of covert operations that ultimately prolonged their oppression...a type of Saudi/Yemeni abolitionist John Brown.  Even John Brown had to be careful not to initially alienate his support base in the the North just as Bin Laden depended on his support from the Sunnis in Saudi Arabia and elsewhere.  A spoiled rich kid like Ayers or Maher who identified as a plaintiff's lawyer with the oppressed against the powerful and who had the money and connections to act.  Bin Laden wouldn’t likely have changed the name of Al Qaeda to “Christ Killers” or “Infidel Assassins” or “Great Satan Hunters” .    Al Qaeda, after all, was working in Afghanistan against the former godless Soviet Union…or so Curtains believes and as Charlie Wilson's War has asserted.  “We are hearing everywhere that the democratic movement spreading like wildfire across the region is not so that the oppression of the Saudi Royals can be mimicked, but reformed,” he asserts.

     “The word Qaida comes from the root verb q-'-d  which means to sit down, remain, abide, stay.  Some believe that  al-Qaida's   There is some justification for saying that, but there is also justification to see the words associated with the English word for ‘foundation’.  So that in the same way that the American Anti-War movement of the 60’s would tune in to songs like Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young’s We’ve Got To Get Ourselves Back To the Garden, there is a yearning for a return to something lost….to some foundational belief or value.  Granted, the Western and Middle-Eastern versions of this longing look different in many ways, but that yearning is, in my opinion, and as the recent rebellions across the region appear to support, universal.  People everywhere want to be free and when freedom is just another word for nothing left to loose, even suicide bombing is not beyond comprehension.  Just ask Americans Charles Whitman or Jared Lee Loughner or countless others who kill to make some deeply rooted pathological point…well, forget that, they’re mostly dead except for Loughner, you can’t ask them, which would have been a good reason to keep Bin Laden and even Saddam Hussein alive to tell us what they know.  Dead men can’t talk only living ones do.  The July 7th bombers may not have organized in such an extensive and destructive way, nor were their deeds so powerfully etched in our psyche as was Bin Laden’s after 911.  The July 7th, 2005 body count numbers were only a fraction of 911, but I’m telling you that the principles may be the same,” said Mr. Curtains.

     So what happened in London? I asked Curtains.
     “Something that may have at its center the same concerns within the monotheistic Muslim community as there would have been in the monotheistic Christian West," he said.  "Remember that Salman Rushdie, author of The Satanic Verses was given asylum in Britain.   On July 7, 2005 men claiming to be Al Qaeda detonated bombs in London.  There were four, but two were of special interest and were at the center of the linearly arrayed explosive charges.   One explosion was at Tavistock Square.  Another was at Russell Square.  When you look into the importance of these two locations they are as important to England as the explosions at the World Trade Center was to 911.  The Russell family’s American power and influence had congealed in New York from its various whaling, shipping and financing centers along the Eastern Seaboard….Baltimore, Boston, Philadelphia but most importantly, New York,” said Curtains.

Tavistock Square and Russell Square at the center of the July 7, 2005 array of detonations.

     Before the American Revolution the Russell family beginning with William Russell , the 5th Earl of Bedford, would solidify the family's connection with Tavistock.  Today the heir apparent of the Russell family in England is Henry Russell, Earl of Tavistock.  

     In America, the Russell family created with Alphonzo Taft the leading covert assemblage of American power elites at Yale in 1833…Skull & Bones.  In as much as this was well after the Revolution and given their deep-seated alliances with the British Empire, this was not a movement to further the American Republic and its democratic experiment as had been the Revolution itself.  It was a usurping of the American Republic as it matured, reverting to its Trans-Atlantic ties and to power assets in Europe with the vision of the American experiment as cover for its continuing ambitions.
     “The Tavistock Group is now a multi-national corporation headquartered in London.  Before World War II it began importing to London the leading European mind-science researchers, especially from Austria and Germany, which included Sigmund Freud.  At stake was understanding what motivates people and how to exert power over the individual and the masses.  Given the Tavistock connection to the Royal family and the Royal family’s connections to Austria and Germany, they had a significant investment in learning how to control their British subjects world-wide.   With Lord Hamilton’s connection to British Free Masonry and the Knights Templar's, I believe that what had begun as a type of labor union of European skilled masons and tradesmen, evolved over time into a merger of these skilled artisans, resistant as they were to the tyranny of the European Royals, but willing to concentrate their own form of power and influence which Adolf Hitler recognized as a potential Aryan ally,” Curtains explained.

       “Freud was ushered out of Germany with the help of Princess Marie Bonaparte the Great Grand-Niece of Napoleon the Great.  Living in England, she provided Freud with a home in the Tavistock district of London where his work in mind science continued.  A mind science culture evolved around the work of Freud and others and Tavistock’s mission served the British Empire and the long emerging American-Anglo Alliance….an alliance that survived the American Revolution,” Curtains asserted.
Sigmund Freud and Princess Marie Bonaparte in 1938
        “One has to look no further for this Trans-Atlantic union than to Charles Joseph Bonaparte of Baltimore, the most influential member of this historically powerful French family in the U.S. .  Charles’ mother was the daughter of one of the founders of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad with its ties to Alexander Brown, progenitor of the powerful Brown family of Britain and the U.S. with it intermingling with the Russell family also of Britain and the U.S..   Another of the Al Qaeda July 7, 2005 explosions in London was at Russell Square.   Charles Bonaparte’s father, Jerome, had opted out of marriage with a European royal, and selected Charles’ wealthy American mother instead,” said Curtains.  The B & O Railroad's thrust was always West toward the opium field of Turkey, Pakistan, India and Afhganistan Curtains asserts.
      Charles Joseph Bonaparte would be appointed by Theodore Roosevelt as Secretary of the Navy, which has long been co-joined with Yale’s CIA fraternity as the powerful intelligence gathering branch of the U.S.A..   This connection dates to the co-dependence of the New England Puritan Protestant families’ investments in whaling, shipping and the China Trade with its lucrative opium supplies, diversifying over time into other businesses and centralizing on Wall Street and Madison Avenue in New York.  Being great pragmatists, they valued both the French spirit of independence and the British imperialism that insured their trade routes and continuing good fortunes.  With the French and their ongoing ties to Roman Catholicism, the New England Puritans would maintain a nervous relationship with Catholicism that would prove advantageous in the push for Manifest Destiny into French Catholic and Spanish Catholic regions of the American Southwest.   The conversion of CIA Director, Allen Dulles’ cousin, Avery Dulles to the Roman Catholic Church in the 1940’s underscores this uniquely Western cross-Christian-tradition and alliance. Indeed, when John Henry Brown of Texas saw the dire prognosis for the Texas Revolution without the importation of English speaking Catholic priests to the region to help avoid a split between Anglo Catholics and Protestants  with desertion to Hispanic Catholics,  he appealed to the Roman Catholics of Charles Joseph Bonaparte and Alexander Brown’s home city of Baltimore for help.
     “Charles Bonaparte was appointed the first director of the Federal Bureau of Investigations, the FBI.  It was a convoluted Gordian knot of international alliances with its potential for many unintended consequences that led to a push by the 11th Congress in 1810 to seek passage of an amendment to the Constitution stripping American citizenship  from any citizen claiming a title of nobility from a foreign nation as Charles Joseph Bonapart’s father, Jerome, had nearly done,” said Curtains.
     “So Freud moved from Austria to London in 1938 with the help of Princess Bonaparte.   Given the House of Saxe-Gotha's connections to Germany, the Saxe-Gotha clan renamed itself as the 'House of Windsor' to soften the British distaste for imported German royals. George V whose son abdicated the English throne to marry American divorcee and Nazi spy, Wallace Simpson, had a problem with the British people, as would the French with the Germans for invading them during World War I. Winston Churchill. the great defender of Western Democracy with FDR, didn't trust the German royals and after Rudolf Hess attempted to forge a union between Hitler and the Duke of Hamilton and the Marquis of Tavistock with his Messerschmidt flight to England on May 10, 1943  the intrigue continued,” said Curtains. 

     Churchill pressed FDR to remove Joseph P. Kennedy, father of JFK, as Ambassador to Britain for being a German appeaser.  The Tavistock Group did the most to incorporate Freud’s mind control methods in their work through the MI-5 and then MI-6 British intelligence communities.  The Tavistock Group was supported by the Saxe-Gothas, but also by the French  Rothschilds,” said Curtains.

“ Its’ been said that ‘The only Rothschild to die in a Nazi concentration camp was the estranged ex-wife of Baron Phillipe Rothschild of the Chateau' Mouton Rothschild of France. There has been much speculation about that sad loss to a family that was able with its money to handle many liberating bribes. After the war the Americans, through their CIA, imported Germany's leading mind scientist including their top psychiatrists and mind control experts whose work continued in the United States through the CIA's MK-Ultra program where it merged with Tavistock’s leading tacticians.  The MK-Ultra mind control program was fully documented through the findings of the Church Commission.  At the center of that investigation was concern that covert operations were gone amuck and not serving the American vision of  liberty, freedom and republican and democratic values, ’” said Curtains.

     “Rudolf Hess’ flight to England was for the purpose of connecting Germany with Lord Hamilton the Marquis of Tavistock.  The British intelligence officer in charge of Hess’ interrogation was future 007 novelist, Ian Fleming, who attempted to bring Alistair Crowley, an occultist with ties to Berlin prior to World War II, and friend, Christopher Isherwood, whose novel Cabaret was made into a popular movie about Germany's sexual permissiveness in the 1930's.  The movie does not explore Crowley's satanic connections," said Curtains.  Curtains quoted from Jonathan Fryer’s Isherwood: A Biography (Doubleday & Co., Inc., NY 1978 pg. 107)
“… Christopher met Berthold in the Cosy Corner, an unpretentious, almost homely place, often overheated by a big stove, and lacking in distinctive decoration, except for a few photographs of boxers and cyclists pinned up over the bar. Christopher later took several of his friends and acquaintances there, including the practitioner of the occult, Aleister Crowley, who declared on entering: “I haven’t done anything like this since I was in Port Said.” Crowley then walked up to a very tough-looking youth in an open shirt, standing by the bar, and scratched the boy’s chest deeply with his nails. Only a sizable gift of money succeeded in restraining the boy from beating him up on the spot.”
     ‘Winston Churchill refused Ian Fleming’s request to allow Hess to meet with Crowley, but when one thinks about the impact of Fleming’s 007 imagery in influencing a rejuvenation of American/British ties in the face of the Cold War threat, it is not difficult to see a sinister agenda aligned with the continuation of a world-wide empire, albeit the West's.  Later, Isherwood would have close ties in America with Alduous Huxley, author of Brave New World, whose work both in America and Britain was associated with the Tavistock Group…another way of saying the British Saxe-Gotha-German-Royal-family with its ties to the Austrian/German heritage and Nazi Germany's fascination with the occult which the CIA's Allen Dulles employed in America with his connections to the British intelligence community and the importation of Nazi Germany's scientists to America through Operation Paperclip.  That operation was accomplished with the help of the Roman Catholic Church  in Italy and with Allen Dulles' cousin Avery Dulles, the American Roman Catholic Cardinal.  The connections came full circle,” Curtains continued.

Ian Fleming, Aleister Crowley, Rudolf Hess, Salman Rushdie

     Freud’s mind sciences had yielded the power of traumatic experiences to split the human psyche and to vivisect the personality into mailable compartmentalizations.  From these experiments in mind manipulation came the novel The Manchurian Candidate which spun the origins and interest in mind sciences to the outer reaches of the globe and not closer to home in America and Britain.  Indeed, Richard Condon, the book's author, was proven to have plagiarized portions of the book from the work of one of Tavistock's most notable authors Robert Graves.   In America, Alduous Huxley would become a part of the MK-Ultra experimentation conducted primarily in San Francisco at the U.S. Navy base, The Presidio. The work there incorporated the attention of occultist/satanist and U.S. Army Col. Michael Aquino.

     “In the post war years, Winston Churchhill’s daughter-in-law, Pamela Churchill, would divorce the Prime Minister’s son to marry American business tycoon and Brown Brothers Harriman mainstay, Averill Harriman.  In England, occultist/satanist Alistair Crowley’s home would be sold to Led Zeppelin guitarist, Jimmy Page, as an increasing number of Tavistock critics argued that Tavistock influenced everything from the drug culture to pop music as tools of their mind science experiments and mission of world-wide domination,” said Curtains.

     “Christopher Isherwood would befriend American author Hunter S. Thompson whose interests,  writings and death lead many to believe accusations  that he had participated in the ritual murder of a boy from Boys Town in Omaha, Nebraska.  This may indeed be accurate given Thompson’s bizarre interview with American television talk show host, David Letterman.  The event which allegedly included a child from the Franklin Cover-up case in Omaha took place at the Bohemian Grove north of San Francisco.  The Bohemian Grove has long been associated with the East Coast power elites of the Yale Skull & Bones fraternity with its backing of the CIA’s MK-Ultra project,” Curtains believes.

     The loci of the July 7, 2005 suicide bombings in London at Russell Square and Tavistock Square, were not in Curtains’ estimation, an accident.  “As with the World Trade Center, terrorist acts of this magnitude are not planned without meticulous attention to the importance of the place of detonation so as to provide an unmistakable message,” said Curtains.

Friday, September 23, 2011

United Health Group, Dr. William Wayne McGuire and the Great Stick Up

Minnesota Health Insurer Nets America's Delicate Butterflies

by Winsip Custer CPW News Service

     In chaos theory it is called the "butterfly-effect".  It means that a very small change in one location can create a very big one somewhere else.  Something as simple and as seemingly innocent as a fluttering butterfly's wings can have vast implications for everyone.
     World Com, Enron, Columbia/HCA and other recent specimens of corporate malfeasance had a winged companion that like a beautiful little butterfly flew guietly under the radar.  Following on the heels of the S&L scandal and preceding the Wall Street bail out by about a year, many Americans missed the flutter of United Health Group and Ingenix's passing flight.  Hoping that the season for consumer gouging was a passing and short-lived plague, these two health care butterflies proved people wrong.  Scandal was only cocooning.

     New York State's Andrew Cuomo didn't miss the delicate flutter, however.  His investigation into the Minnesota health insurer’s trade practices led to the American Medical Association’s law suit and the subsequent $350 million settlement to resolve United Health Group’s class-action law suit.

     United’s CEO, Dr. William Wayne McGuire, a graduate of the University of Texas, Austin and the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, Texas would rise like a butterfly and sting the medical community and American consumer like a killer bee, forgetting the tradition of Hippocrates.
     At a time when American families were facing the outsourcing of jobs, the loss of their homes and decline of their communities the smallest "butterfly effect" meant moving from security to chaos.  Dr. McGuire's company's wings flapped even more vigorously in this environment.  In the end, the medical care consumer was pinned and mounted...each an addition to the collector's collection.
      Cuomo’s investigation exposed Ingenix’s data mining program that rigged results to under-reimburse consumers and short-change McGuire’s fellow doctors.   Exiting the company like a Monarch fluttering in and out of an open window, McGuire left with over $1 Billion in compensation and his $41 million butterfly collection, which he donated to the University of Florida.   The former high school basketball star from Clear Lake, Texas  had netted more than baskets and butterflies.  In the high-flying world of medical-care rip-offs he reached new heights logging the biggest settlement of its kind to date.

     “Out of court settlements of this size aren’t generally given for nothing,” said Dr. Will B. Marcus from Syracuse, New York.   “And Dr. McGuire can cocoon nicely in his old age in Florida” said Marcus who sees the support given to Dr. McGuire from Senator Thomas Daschle as a “dash of ill begotten gains and moth eaten graft.”

"What becomes perfectly clear in this case is that while the U.S. health care system is bench marked by the prices that the AMA and its doctors assess are reasonable, routine and fair, there is atop the food chain another category of physician-administrators like 'Dr. Butterfly' who are really high fliers with someone else keeping his wings from being knocked off.  You'd think that the collective power of his fellow physicians would keep things in check, but it didn't in the case of Columbia-HCA and that was because of the payola to the Doc's or until someone like Mr. Cuomo steps up to bat and calls them a bunch of self-absorbed A holes....capital A....and I should know!  Most doctors I know will tell you that they didn't go into medicine for money alone, but for the satisfaction of helping people.  It is, after all, a helping profession.  One said "I use to really enjoy being a doctor till the guys with the alligator shoes arrived and screwed it up for everybody," said Dr. Marcus who concluded, "the chickens could ban together to take back the coop from the foxes and wolves, but that would require real guts and sadly, many are too busy gutting someone else."
Daschle advocates a government-run competitor to private insurers.
But he sells his expertise to UnitedHealth, which opposes
such public insurance plan.


Paris Hilton Product of Big Government Says “Gusher-Up” Economist

By Winsip Custer CPW News Service
      While the Tea Party and Republicans complain that the government has no part to play in the creation of jobs, Dr. Bullard P. Wiseman an independent economist with the Washington D.C. consulting firm of G-UP,  LLC, maintains that the government throwing money at a problem is a very good way to have some of the money trickle down.   “The key to trickle down is to gusher up,” said Wiseman.
     According to Wiseman the money must be thrown up and not down.  “A perfect example of this, though Ronald Reagan’s trickle down policies were never  so clearly articulated as my ‘gusher up’ model even by that self-absorbed wing nut, Milton Friedman, is outlined in my new book (Freebird-Vulture Press) titled Gitty Up Gusher!,” said Wiseman.  “You have only to look at Paris Hilton to understand how it works.  After World War II, Conrad Hilton was on the move declaring that he was ordained by God to spread the free market capitalism of America to the world.  He would see to it that the world would compare East with West through exposure to his hotels.  The differences between the draconian Soviet and Chinese models would be obvious.  So they'd choose the best that Western culture had to offer.  So with help from the American taxpayers through the Marshall Plan, Paris Hilton’s grandfather received his expansion money for his foreign endeavors,” said Wiseman.  "Them's that gots is them's that gets," he continued smilingly.  "Leona Helmsley was a little slow on the uptake."
     “But doesn’t that mean that Mr. Hilton received welfare?” I asked.  “Doesn’t  that mean that Paris’ charmed life was somewhat bought and paid for on the backs of people who by in large could never afford to stay in Hilton’s hotels?”  I prodded.
     “Yes, but everything's paid for on the backs of working people” said Wisemen, "which is why rich people are stupid not to let the gusher trickle down somewhat," he reasoned.  “ Which is why the Best Western Hotels were created for your kind....or Motel  6.   Of course, the Chinese seem to be taking great pride in their new hotels like the Radegast  in Beijing that books for about $87 per night and has 5 star accommodations, about the price of a Holiday Inn Express on discount," said Wiseman sheepishly.
Radegast Hotel, Beijing, China
     Wiseman said that the best analysis of Conrad Hilton’s plan is covered in Annabel Jane Wharton's 2001  book, "Building the Cold War: Hilton International Hotels and Modern Architecture" (University of Chicago Press).  I asked him if he could sleep in a 5 star $87 per night hotel in Beijing not a stones throw from Tienanmen Square where student protesters and freedom fighters were massacred by their government?  "Yes," he said, "I'd sleep just fine, but I'd avoid the Fillet of Yorkie and Peach Crusted Dalmatian Patties on the room service menu," he concluded.