Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Amy Strickland, Booker T. Washington High School And Cheerleading the Proper Line

 Booker T. Washington High School, Amy Strickland and the Control of Class Distinctions: An Interview With Lowell P. Wigglesworth

By Guy Dwyer, CPW News Service
    Following the walkout by black students at Virginia’s first chartered all-black high school  in protest of a photograph tweeted by the school’s recently appointed Vice-Principle, Amy Strickland, a “teacher of the year” from another school, but with a prior background in public health administration and bio terrorism, it was obvious that it was time for someone of Lowell P. Wigglesworth’s stature to weigh in on the subject.

GD:  You are concerned that there is more to this story than meets the eye?
LW:  Of course there is.  Look at the timing of this.   Look at the timing of the Bill Cosby crisis….and for him it is a crisis....and of Ferguson, Missouri.  Sixteen women coming forward in Cosby's case and he was an ace in the whole for Anglophile power elites who likely have followed him like a poker player following his aces.   Why now if most of their cases were settled out of court some time over the past 20 years back when Cosby’s testosterone and judgment were running wild, out of control and obviously swelled  by his own sense of self-importance and celebrity?  Why now when everyone looking at the photo from BTW might find a subtle mental suggestion,  mind manipulation by association, that even the finest looking young black man from BTW or Temple University like Cosby will rape you?   Why now when two black men were the first to die of Ebola on U.S. soil?  Why now when  the first black, well, half-black President is under attack in ways that are not hard to separate from racial motives?  Ferguson is only slightly different.   Young Mr. Brown's aggressive stare down of the shop keeper that just preceded his death was enough to bring sympathy for the policeman, but the system was flawed.  Flawed to the bone by the lack of black representation on the police force.  Would young Mr. Brown have been coping an attitude if he had grown up in a city where more than half of the policemen who lived and worked there were black?  Maybe, but if not there would have been no basis for protest against a systematically and racially regulated society in Ferguson.

GD:  What is it about the Booker T. Washington High School incident that bothers you the most? 
LW:  That the kids are falling prey to the cultural and media manipulation and that the culture is being controlled by forces greater than the media manipulation.    Reverse the roles.  Suppose that in 1963 a dozen white boys stood with a dozen  beautiful black girls for a photo op as they went together to a prom?    Petty high school jealousies aside, the message would have been about “power”….”we have the power, the collective power to inflict our individual and collective wills on the culture so screw you.”    Is this a solid basis for a relationship between any man or woman?  In the case of Booker T. Washington, a school that has lost its Virginia Board of Education certification this isn’t saying much is it?  I think it is, but not in the way one might first expect.   That loss of accreditation could be manipulated.  Engineered.   Remember that Richmond, Virginia was the capital of the Confederacy and the Civil War was not fought over slavery.  Do you hear me?  That is the unabashed great American myth.   It was fought over a rail route to the Pacific and to the Middle Eastern opium beyond.   Abolition of slavery was the lace curtain covering the slaughter house window.   I have written extensively about this unmentioned fact of American history and have documented the details that are too compelling to deny.   The U.S  Navy would control the shipping lanes and insure that the trade routes that we appropriated from the British with a bigger and faster fleet of war ships was ours.  Many of the kiddos at Booker T. have parents who work for the Norfolk and Portsmouth Naval shipyards.    On the U.S. Naval Academy grounds is the tomb of William Cushing, Abraham Lincoln’s “first commando”….the first U.S. Navy Seal….and his brother who died at Gettysburg was just given a Congressional Medal of Honor posthumously by circumventing Congressional protocols for the medal, but the key Cushing…..besides the one for whom Cushing, Oklahoma was named and which controlled the benchmark price of crude oil for more than a century and the city through which the polluting sludge of the Keystone Pipeline will pass on its way to Texas that will chug out benzene and other chemicals in its difficult refining…..is Caleb Cushing who negotiated the Wanghia Treaty with China.   That treaty replaced Britain  with the U.S. as China’s leading trading partner and set the stage for the American power elite opium traders  to control the world’s poppy fields in Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Iran and Iraq.  Caleb Cushing from Boston was close friends of Jefferson Davis and  also a slaver.   If he had to use the abolition of metal chains as the pretext for getting to the opium across a fast flat rail route  from California , so be it, since the drugs would re-enslave once they were securely controlled.  
GD:  That's interesting, but so the students who will graduate from BTW will find it doubly hard to find a job in the private sector?  But how does this China and Middle East connection effect them?
LW:  The poor in China and the U.S. and elsewhere in the world are the market for drugs.  It numbs the pain of poverty and is a hidden and untaxed tax on the poor in a constant state of prohibition.  Poverty is perpetuated as a market for drugs in the U.S. just as in China during the Opium Wars, Boxer Rebellion leading to the Chinese Cultural Revolution.  Without science, math, history and the rest they won't have a clue about the real issues.  They will serve the sludge buckets of the old whaling ships turned opium cutters turned  oil and drug cartels and war profiteers and we will be stuck for another generation with the status quo.    Science and technology is being held captive by the power elites as much as Copernicus and Galileo were held captive by the power hungry Vatican and Pope and we will all suffer for it.   We are still slaves to carbon fuels, fossil fuels and we could be running the earth on clean fuels including ubiquitous hydrogen, wind and solar. Meanwhile the emphasis is on whether little black boys are going hand and hand with little white girls to a prom?  Good grief!  Well, we should all have a dream and it should be a whole hell of a lot bigger than that!

South Central L.A. and every other American city has found its youth, particularly its poor youth, suckered into the druggie life that runs hand in hand with the oil sludge buckets.  If these students fail to succeed in math, science and other academic endeavors they will find open arms in the military and help to extend the rails of empire in places like Iraq or Afghanistan or Syria.   They need to remind themselves that the underground railroad that the Northern power elites controlled stopped not in Chicago or New York, but Canada with Liberia, Africa awaiting them as colonist in U.S. sponsored re-colonization of Africa.
GD:  I see.   Like with cocaine in the Iran-Contra case and Gary Webb's book Dark Alliance?
LW:  Bingo!  Yes.   Dark, but not in terms of skin color.   Dark like the lightless life of termites tunneling under your house, our house.  It hurts when you are from a non-accredited school and your college admissions director looks at the test scores.   So many will join the military where there is greater acceptance of racial differences.   This is something to be proud of, but for the fact that Marine General Smedley Darlington Butler, the two-time Congressional Medal of Honor winner criss-crossed the country telling the U.S. and the world that war is a racket.  General Colin Powell was an agent of that racket when he sold, like the old slave, Stephen, at Candyland in DJango Unchained, yellow cake uranium as a pretext for war with Iraq.    Now he's pushing education, but his credibility and cover was blown.  There have been good black and white soldiers who have held to Butler's principles.....Colonel Theodore "Ted" Westhusing in Iraq and while some will wrongly disagree, there was a black soldier in Burma whose life story is being made into a film by Spike Lee.  He had a first-hand view of China's Silk Road during World War II and the fight for control of the opium there.   In Baghdad, Iraq, Westhusing was standing in the middle of historic opium smuggling city of David Sassoon.   During the height of the Civil Rights Movement in the U.S. the ROTC at Vanderbilt University was integrated in their barracks while the school's dorms were not.  Vanderbilt’s Chancellor, Harvie Branscomb, decided to rid the school of all dormitories foreseeing the  natural mixing and mingling that didn't seem to really bother Jefferson Davis all that much and so he was working to get Vanderbilt out of the housing business altogether.   You see what I mean?  But by taking the military option in a country that has replaced Britain as the Empire…..and this is the problem with all empires….you serve the great beast of botched ambitions as Smedley Butler pointed out.   There have been communities in even the South where integration was not a problem.  I ran into one community where someone was asked "so this all changed after the Supreme Court ruling?"  They said, "No.  It never changed.  It was always 'In Christ there is neither East nor West, Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female."
GD:  You are concerned that the public health administration factor is a part of the BTW incident?
LW:  The first man to die on U.S. soil from Ebola was black.   The second was black.   The white doctor in New York who worked at Columbia-Presbyterian Hospital lived in Harlem, there was a type of guilt by association.    The CDC and Emory University in Atlanta use the same infectious disease physicians and researchers  and they have patented the Ebola virus in the U.S. and Europe.  They will say that is to protect the research and future vaccines, but is it?  Ebola does, after all, share some major parallels with the Marburg virus that was manufactured in a post-WWII IG Farben related virus production facility in Germany.   The leading health administration researchers to study the 1989 outbreak are at the University of Texas and the Chancellor of the UT system if former U.S. Navy Admiral and head of the JSOC, Admiral William McRaven.   You see where this is going?   Then you have a little cheerleader with a background in health administration which was, as others have pointed out,  the point of origin for both Mary Harriman’s Cold Springs Harbor eugenics program and the government sponsored Tuskegee experiments and there’s little you can believe about what we are seeing and hearing.
GD:   The CDC can control the evidence in the Ebola death cases.  Isn’t that true?
LW:  Yes.   With a monolithic health policy linked as it is to national security policy and anti-terrorism policy the American medical community is poised, not unlike Hitler’s Germany, to use medicine and vaccines as an instrument of national, now international, policy.  
GD: What would you say to the students at BTWHS in light of this tweet and the spotlight that the school is under in other ways?
LW:    I’d tell them to study not just Howard Zinn’s book A People’s History of the United States, but my own work, or heck, just a summary of it like the one that Justin Tyme wrote.    These kids will leave school never having heard of Smedley Darlington Butler, much less Howard Zinn, unless they picked it up after hearing Zinn mentioned by Matt Damon in Good Will Hunting.     As good as it is there’s so  much that Zinn doesn’t cover.   Consider that the head of the CIA who brought out of Germany the best Nazi scientists, rocket and jet propulsion engineers, medical scientists, bio-weapons scientists and the like who were hidden in American cities.   Operation Paperclip Nazis were resettled in San Antonio, Texas, not just in South America. I have seen black Americans lament their treatment following World War II and the acceptance of German soldiers in POW camps in the States.   Was that about skin color or the perception....a false perception to be sure....that the Germans were from some advanced culture?  San Antonio, Texas, for example was a place known well to Dwight D. Eisenhower, but also to Robert E. Lee and even physicians like Dr. Ashbel Smith who was a Yale grad with a clear Anglophile agenda in the 1800’s.   In the 19th Century Robert E. Lee lived there and in the 20th so did Eisenhower.   At the same time that William Tecumseh Sherman was working for the Northern railroad barons before returning east to join the Union Army to destroy the South’s railroad system before it could reach the Pacific before the families of Caleb Cushing, Alexander Brown, William Huntington Russell and even the Delanos and Roosevelts all were aware of the American love affair with Germanic peoples.  In our Civil War neither side took the real moral high ground in admitting the real motivation for war.   You want proof?   Caleb Cushing from Boston was good friends with Jefferson Davis.  Look at Union General Sherman's treatment of freed slaves at Ebenezer Creek, the short period of Reconstruction and the discovery in the 1980's of the U.S. government's participation in the drug trade during Iran-Contra.    Alan Dulles like the Dallas and New York Hospitals where the Ebola scare first hit us was Presbyterian.  His cousin, Avery Dulles, was a Roman Catholic Cardinal like Boston’s Richard Cushing.   We know that the Roman Catholic Church had conduits through France and Germany to Brazil, Chile and Argentina after World War II and that they helped usher out of Germany  many Nazi war criminals.   Buried in the Vatican are the bones of  Bonnie Prince Charlie, the Scottish prince who sided with the Roman Catholic Church against the British Parliamentarians and anti-monarchial Puritans.     In America, Amy Strickland’s alma mater, Old Dominion,  though Anglican,  took the name "Old Dominion" from Charles II, King of England whose wife was Roman Catholic.  The Roman Catholics and Anglicans shared a reverence for monarchs.  In fact, Old Dominion's mascot name is "The Monarchs".  A school that traces its beginnings from William & Mary College, the current Chancellor of William & Mary is former CIA Director and Defense Secretary, Robert Gates, the consigliore of the most monarchial family in American politics.   The Bush family  follows the routines of primogeniture succession and family dynastic privilege like a Tudor or Saxe-Gotha heir apparent.
     By the way,  Like Henry VIII's wife, Charles II's wife could have no children.    Charles proudly noted, however, that he had 12 illegitimate children.    Is that a father's biggest nightmare?  Thomas Jefferson was a graduate of Old Dominion, but he didn't take Sally Hemings to the Old Dominion prom.    Don’t forget that the British monarchy during WWII was suspected of being loyal to Hitler since the British Saxe-Gotha-Colberg-Windsors were from Germany, not England.   The Duke of Windsor abdicated the British throne for the hand of Wallace Simpson, a known American-Nazi spy.   The Windsors have made fortunes in both enriched and depleted uranium used in the same way the U.S. military complex is making its money in defending oil, gas and mineral resources with incredibly dangerous and carcinogenic battlefield weapons that many of the young BTWHS's finest may be asked to pick up on a foreign battlefield with no real knowledge of the effects.   You'll find the German-American Bund that FBI agent William Flynn was investigating was laying its network in the U.S. well before FDR tightened the screws on American fascists including the 1930’s “business plotters”.     Hitler’s oil agent, William Rhodes Davis, was shipping oil out of Brownsville, Texas for the Reich.  We know that across the Rio Grande River from Brownsville was Bagdad, spelled without the “H” like Baghdad, Iraq, but there is a huge clue to the transshipment of   drugs across Mexico to the Caribbean even as far back as the U.S. Civil War.  Britain’s opium supplier in Baghdad, Iraq was the David Sassoon family who moved his operations from Baghdad to Bombay India.   From there opium was shipped to the Orient and Great Britain was essentially the army for Sassoon’s empire in the drug trade.   Sassoon essentially bequeathed to Britain the Chinese port of  Hong Kong for opium trading for silks and spices.     When the Suez Canal punched through from the Mediterranean to the Persian Gulf the British needed an Eastern Mediterranean fortification to protect Sassoon’s routes.   Egypt and Malta were key British ports and the arrival of the Turks in Lebanon and Syria triggered the arrival of T.E. Lawrence whose close friend were both Rothschilds and Sassoons in Great Britain as well as the Saudi Royals.  Of course there was no love lossed between the Brits and the Turks as Gallipoli proved during World War I.  I would encourage BTWHS students to watch two films:   David Lean's Lawrence of Arabia and Brian Desmond Hurst's The Malta Story.
     Malta was a key island port for Britain in the Mediterranean.   The Germans and Italians wanted it during WWII.   Consider the Nazi assault on Malta in 1942 and the U.S. ship Ohio, owned by Texaco Company which carried petroleum to the embattled British at Malta.   The Ohio had been fitted with guns at Galveston,  Texas, home of boxer Jack Johnson in May 1942, but the Ohio was also filled with 103,576 barrels of petrol at the Sinclair refinery in Houston before sailing to Britain where it was summarily requisitioned by the  British government.  Texaco executives protested, but not by the U.S. government and not FDR.   We know this from Michael Pearson’s book The Ohio and Malta.     President Roosevelt had to have known that through Hitler’s agents in Texas…chief among them men like William Rhodes Davis who claimed kinship to both the President of the Confederacy, Jefferson Davis, and Cecil Rhodes whose DeBeers diamond mines in Africa were making Texaco, Rhodes and the Rothchilds rich.     Sassoon was married into the Rothchild family and the Rothchilds and Sassoons  were both up to their elbows in the “Transfer Agreement” and the “Balfour Agreement” that sold out poor Jews in Germany to create Israel  via dollars from Jewish power elites’ circumventing the trade embargos against the Nazis.   That embargo went hand in hand  with the fact that FDR, Churchill and the Allies set in place trade restrictions on Germany that the fascist American “Business Plotters” had also violated…..among them some of America’s leading mercantile families.

GD:  I had read that the “Business Plotters” included Rockefellers, Firestones, Burroughs, Ford, Lindberg and even Prescott Bush.   There were others?

LW:   Others?    The connections to Germany were longstanding.  Those were the key players, but the German/American alliances stretch back to  Albert Pike, the top Indian Affairs man for Jefferson Davis and the Confederacy and the future chief legal counsel for the KKK and head of the Austrian-based Scottish Rite Masonry in America, linked up with the Northern power elites in 1909 when the son of Alphonso Taft, a founder of Yale’s Skull& Bones, joined the Scottish Rite lodge of his father shortly after he was elected President of the U.S. in 1908.   That was William Howard Taft.
I would tell these minnows at Norfolk that if they hope to be more than goffers for the U.S. military industrialist complex picking up Linden Blue’s spent depleted uranium shells on the some god forsaken foreign battlefield in some resource rich land and writing to their white, black, yellow or red wives back in the states, they had better get an education that tells them more than the drool that the power elites have dribbled out in the history and civics classes…and read a whole lot more than the pabulum they have been fed by  the same powers that might well have placed their VP, Ms. Strickland, at BTWHS.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Amy Strickland, Booker T. Washington, Tweet Likely A Well Crafted PR Ploy

Another Bamboozle?
By Winsip Custer   CPW News Service

      Four months into the 2014 school year and the newest Vice Principle at Norfolk, Virginia's Booker T. Washington High School, Amy Strickland, found her tweet  titled “Ever white father’s worst nightmare or Nah?” hitting nearly every major U.S. news source and prompted an avalanche of responses.
     All of this just happened after the only two deaths on U.S. soil from Ebola were black men.    It all happened during a bitter battle between a mixed-race U.S. President and a historically white Republican opposition.  It happened in a high school in Norfolk, Virginia home of a large contingent of U.S. Naval institutions and employers and it happened in the first chartered all black school in the state which has failed to hold its accreditation.    Norfolk is home to Old Dominion University from which Amy Strickland graduated.   Norfolk, Virginia's Old Dominion  University was celebrated by the King of England for its support of the monarchy during the English Civil War.  King Charles was subsequently executed by Oliver Cromwell, many of whose followers came to America and took up arms against Britain's monarchial power and the longstanding practice of primogeniture rule which the American revolutionaries saw as the basis for a feudal society.  Old Dominion alumni include Watergate burglar and CIA agent, Frank Sturgis,  as well as a number of World Wrestling Federation members.  The WWF's founder, Vince McMahon,  was the son of  Jess McMahon who was the fight promoting agent for black boxer, Jack Johnson, whose relationship with a white woman was a lightening rod for racial tensions.     Johnson's life was the subject of the Howard Sackler play The Great White Hope, and Johnson was portrayed by black American actor James Earl Jones in the 1970 film of the same name.

     Amy Strickland is not just any Vice Principal.  Her arrival at the school just this year spells out a fascinating background in cheerleading and public health administration.   It was within the arena of public health that the Cold Spring Harbor eugenics program of Mrs. Mary Harriman evolved and that the Tuskegee Experiment was conducted up until the mid-1970’s.  It is within the arena of public health that this new mysterious virus, Ebola, with symptoms identical to the IG Farben related Marburg virus from  Germany has become the major U.S. health concern with its links to Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone and other oil and diamond rich regions of Africa, having skipped across the African continent from Sudan where no biological host was found until it surfaced later in Africa.
     Who assembled the group of students for the photo?   Who is Amy Strickland and did all of this just "happen"?   Why did she leave her job with the Virginia State Health Department where her focus was on pandemic flu epidemics and bio-terrorism?   Time for the "Mighty Bookers" to start to do some serious analysis of what looks like another bamboozle....to focus their energies on math, science and most of all.....history.....which given the agenda of America's power elites will not come to them through the sanctioned proper line.


  Mortimer J. Cosgrove's Open Letter to Richard Branson, Elon Musk and Linden Blue has excellent advice for the students of Booker T. Washington High School when he quotes astro-physicist Carl Sagan:

    Carl Sagan said it clearly and accurately when you look at where we are today  back in 1995 (― Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark):

     I have a foreboding of an America in my children's or grandchildren's time -- when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what's true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness...
     The dumbing down of America is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30 second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance …..
     Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality. When we recognize our place in an immensity of light‐years and in the passage of ages, when we grasp the intricacy, beauty, and subtlety of life, then that soaring feeling, that sense of elation and humility combined, is surely spiritual. So are our emotions in the presence of great art or music or literature, or acts of exemplary selfless courage such as those of Mohandas Gandhi or Martin Luther King, Jr. The notion that science and spirituality are somehow mutually exclusive does a disservice to both…..
     One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.

     Could the poor performance from students at Booker T. Washington High School have been engineered?  Could the arrival of Ms. Strickland at BTWHS been much more than a routine job change?  Under Adolf Hitler were all Jews the scum of the earth?  Ignorant and with no redeeming social values?  Did Albert Einstein, a Jew, give us nuclear energy?   Did Robert Oppenheimer, another Jew, give us unthinkable destructive energy in the atom bomb and then refuse to build the infinitely more powerful hydrogen bomb because of where that road would inevitably lead us?  In the new world of applied sociology and psychology, mass marketing and concentration of power in the hands of a misguided few where education is more informed by the precepts of Wilhelm Wundt than Howard Zinn perceptions are all too easily managed for the maintenance of the status quo.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Ebola Burials: Morticians See Possible Silver Lining



By E.M. Bolmer for CPW News Service

     The CDC provided published guidelines on October 23, 2014(http://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/hcp/guidance-safe-handling-human-remains-ebola-patients-us-hospitals-mortuaries.html) for the safe handling of Ebola bodies for  burial.  Unfortunately for the Thomas Jefferson Smith family of Lagos, Nigeria the CDC’s protocols did not provide the desired support for their request for an autopsy.   “How do we really know that it was the Ebola that killed my brother, George Washington Smith?” asked Thomas.  “Damn it, I want to see one of those little squirming pretzels under a microscope so that I can confirm for myself that it was Ebola that took him and not something else,” said Smith.  Smith was not confident that if an autopy is conducted that it would be removed from the watchful eye of some organization with reason to hide the results.  "Yes, well the CDC says plainly....'Autopsies on patients who die of Ebola should be avoided. If an autopsy is necessary, the state health department and CDC should be consulted regarding additional precautions,'" and I'd like to know just what this means," said Smith.
     The CDC’s protocols has found morticians well pleased.  Ebola victims are not excluded from mortuary services and morticians believe that there is within the CDC guidelines a clear path to funeral preparation profits.  “Double bagging, safe handling and hermetically sealed coffins ratchet up the cost of burials, but we may have to ease some of the tight restrictions on certification for mortuary personnel at the same time we are increasing their training.  What a paradox!” said Morticia Druidson, of MMMM, Morticians for Making More Money in Tombstone, Arizona.


Foxcatchers In Hen House?

John DuPont Film, Heath Ledger, Paul Walker, Robin Williams and the Law of Probability

By Virginia May Hemm for CPW News Service

     With critics panning the new film about John DuPont’s sad life as a petro-chemical heir turned wrestling promoter, Foxcatcher,  and the chemical release that killed four DuPont employees over the same weekend the movie was released, finds many wondering about the timing of Hollywood film releases like Heath Ledger’s Batman movie, Paul Walker’s racing films and Robin William’s final film, A Night At the Museum 3.   "There is rising concern that there may be  a connection between apparent bad luck incidents, suicides, unintended drug overdoses and other apparent accidents and box office ticket sales," said
    “It’s hard to say exactly what the impact is on ticket sales following the death of a leading actor.   John DuPont’s character, Steve Carrell,  is still living so the likelihood that there was foul play is not easily correlated.   On the other hand, said Ivy Driwalls, of the Society for the Study of the Correlation of Death and Film Commerce, “it cannot be totally ruled out that there may be some contrived correlation between the two.   Our statisticians believe that the correlation between these recent deaths depending are highly suggestive of foul play….about like the statistical correlation between natural death and what the insurance companies experienced in the 1950’s Murder Incorporated case,” said Driwalls

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Wayne LaPierre No Go On Space Disarmament


By George E. Pourgi  CPW News Services
      Wayne LaPierre, President of the National Rifle Association or NRA, has challenged his members not to support an international ban on assault weapons on  commercial space stations.  The proposal for a total ban on assault wepons is in response to concerns that future space travelers may want to take over a commercial space station as a jihadist outpost.

     “It stands to reason that if  jihadists hijack airplanes that they will want to hijack a Virgin Gallactic or SpaceX space station sometime in the near or distant future and there is no reason to give them access to space weaponry if they plan to shoot up a space station,” said Myrtle Crepe of SSFOG, Space Stations Free of Guns, a Melbourne, Florida peace activist group.
     “I can’t figure out what Mr. LaPierre’s angle is on this deal.   Who’s going to blast away on a space station with an AR-15 or AK-47 knowing that when the ship’s skin is pierced it’s bye bye baby?” asked Crepe.

     NRA member Zoe Spurmata of Las Vegas, Nevada said that he believes that unloading a wad of high powered  bullets, especially armor piercing bullets,  in a commercial space station that may not have the same quality of construction standards as those produced by sovereign nations is a guarantee of  total implosion of the pressurized zero gravity and air tight refuge.
     “If Mr. LaPierre is not willing to ban assault weapons in space, then I’d like to have him tell us how we can get the bodies of future space travelers back home to their loved ones for a decent burial,” said Spurmata.

     Hearing Mr. Spurmata’s concerns for total space disarmament Col. E.M. Bolmer, of Arlington National Cemetery and Reginald Ford Meldehyde of the American Society of Embalmers and Cemetery Proprietors has joined SSFOG in calling for a total ban on space weapons.   “We have something of a bifurcated policy on gun bans, said Mr. Meldehyde.   “On earth where bodies gunned down in drive by shootings, robberies, terrorist attacks, or simple domestic disputes over Grandma’s nagging to a husband’s discovery that his wife is in bed with the plumber, the recovery of bodies for burial is no major problem.  We do that every day and it is such a comfort for the family to know that their loved one will be responsibly, tastefully and reverently interred for a minor fee that is often covered by insurance.    When it comes to a gun blast in a space station with the ensuing implosion and bodies strewn across the galaxy there is no opportunity for the kind of closure that our funeral services can yield for a grieving family.  Therefore we implore Mr. LaPierre to reconsider his ill-advised policy that makes sense in some circumstances, but not in others,” said Mr. Meldeyhde.  "We are asking people to write or call Wayne LaPierre to register your concern that he back our arms embargo for commercial space stations by contacting him by phone or mail," said Meldehyde.    He can be reached at  at:

Mr. Wayne LaPierre
National Rifle Association
11250 Waples Mill Road Fairfax, VA 22030


Monday, November 10, 2014

Ebola Cavaliers: Education Key To Walking the Ebola Tarmac In Shirtsleeves

The Only Thing We Have To Fear Is?
by Benjamin N. Contenot  CPW News Service

     Now that the national panic over an Ebola outbreak in the U.S. has passed the 21 day quaranteen without it following the scenario of the film Outbreak based on Richard Preston’s book The Hot Zone,  it is time to analyze the evolution of the panic.    According to Dr. I.N. Theski and Dr. Ima Wiel Suversav of the Center for the Analysis  of Bioterrorism Paradigms in Prague, Czechoslovakia, Ebola must be taken out of the realm of the spooky shadows and put under the healing rays of investigative sunlight.

     “It is true that Ebola shares some very common characteristics with the Marburg virus that first surfaced in a former I.G. Farben virus production lab in Germany following World War II.   We know that the best scientists from the Third Reich were transported to the U.S., but it would have been problematic to import a potential virus carrier….anthrax, typhus or what not….to the U.S..   Better that this devilish research stay in the host country, but when Ebola surfaced in Sudan and no carrier host was found and because it looked so much like Marburg….then spread to Zaire and then settled on the West Coast of Africa  in places with both significant natural resources and long standing ties to the United States like Liberia, then the simple eruption of a long dormant virus from the bogs and bungholes of Africa becomes quite problematic,” said Dr. Theski.
     “That’s right,” said Suversav.   “This alone was reason to analyze the evolution of the Ebola problem in the U.S. long before Mr. Duncan arrived in Dallas or Ms. Hickok became what Bill Maher has joking said is 'the kind of person you can only find in America.  A selfless humanitarian who also has narcissistic personality disorder.'   Well,” said Surversav,  “Mr. Maher is not off-base here.”

     “One cannot fathom the American bioterrorism paradigm without understanding the evolution of the modern weapons of war.   Not drones or cruise missiles, though they are clearly in the mix.  I mean bio-weapons.   Hells, bells even food got into the act when the UN oil-for-food-scandal showed us that there is no limit to the potential from war profiteering, but Ebola is not much different.   When the CDC and Emory doctors patented the Ebola virus at the U.S. Patent and European Patent Office the gig was pretty much up.   Own the virus and you own the vaccines or least you get a good percentage of the take.  It’s like inventing tank tracks or depleted uranium shells that fire this god-awful crap and then when companies come along to pick up the pollution you charge them, too, for the proprietary information on how to safely handle it,” said Surversav.
     “That Kaci Hickox studied at Johns Hopkins, the University of Texas and worked at the CDC brings the issue to the surface like a pimple ready to pop,” said Theski.

     “In the days and weeks after the Ebola scare we discovered that the leading CDC investigators who were at the 1979 outbreak in Zaire were at the University of Texas working in the Public Health Department in the new campus at Brownsville, Texas.  Now Admiral William McRaven is the Chancellor of the University of Texas, while the leading CDC/ARAMIDII U.S. Army Col. Clarence James Peters was investigating the Ebola outbreak in 1989, but he left the Army’s bioterrorism program in 2001 to head up the bioterrorism studies at the University of Texas.   His campus is also where a new Ebola vaccine was sidelined years ago and it is in Texas that the new tobacco-based medicines that are suppose to combat Ebola are being developed along with B.A.R.D.A.’s fast-tracking program on the Texas A&M campus at College Station, Texas with Dr. Robin Robinson taking the lead at B.A.R.D.A..    Arriving at the University of Texas Medical Branch in 2001, Dr. Peters was from Odessa, Texas, but spent time in Berkley and San Diego, California, Stone Mountain, Georgia, and Walkersville, Maryland and studied chemistry at Rice University where Dr. Kenneth Pitzer had been the key witness in the bamboozling of the nation with the destruction of the career of the father of the A-bomb, Robert Oppenheimer.    Oppenheimer was stripped of his national security clearance for refusing to make the bigger Hydrogen Bomb and that opened the door for the Dr. Stangelove of the nuclear arms race, Edward Teller, not to mention the use of depleted uranium in Linden and Neal Blue’s Predator and Reaper drones that have names as incentivizing of war as Vietnam era A-6 Intruders that protected the dropping of Agent Orange.  You can't say they named their tools of intervention cryptically....Predator, Reaper and Intruder cannot be mistake for Bambi, Thumper and Hostess.  Agent Orange was the defoliant that stripped the banana crops of Indo-China when the Blues were in partnership in Nicaragua with Anostosia Samoza in the competing Latin American banana business.  Paul Chapman tells that story in Bananas: How United Fruit Company Shaped the World.  Pitzer and William Liscum Borden were the key witnesses before the U.S. government's Gorden Gray Committee and Gordon Gray, father of Bush chief legal counsel, C. Boyden Gray, are both heirs of the R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company that benefited not only from the sale of cigarettes, but will benefit from a tobacco based Ebola medicine the tobacco industry's ZMAPP that may well end up being like Tamiflu.  Now in 2003 Dr. Peters championed the U.S. Government’s BioShield Program along with Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National Institute of Health.   Bioshield, signed into place by GWB, stockpiled both Anthrax vaccines, 75 million doses, along with $5 billion dollars of Tamiflu which was reportedly no more efficacious than other flu remedies already available over the counter.  There's nothing like having a sovereign source of scared tax payers' dollars for things like massive dosage purchases or Wall Street bailouts, as bankers Hank Paulson or Ken Lewis can easily verify.  When biomedical companies were invited to join the B.A.R.D.A. fast tracking of new vaccines and medications many, perhaps most, balked for fear that they would lose control of their free-market profit streams and hands-off history of unnecessary governmental intervention in the profit aspect of medicine.  So far bio-med companies are not saying that they are being forced to comply as Ken Lewis was in taking Paulson's bailout money which Lewis said his Bank of America did not need.....and neither did the 95% of the solvent local U.S. banks in 2008.  This BioShield deal was well covered by William Branigin in “Bush Signs Legislation to Fight Bioterrorism: Project BioShield Enables Government to Stockpile Vaccines, Expedite Research”  in the  Washington Post (Wednesday, July 21, 2004) and by Michael Barbaro in "Bioshield Too Little For Drug Industry: Companies Want More Protection From Financial Loss," (Washington Post, Monday, July 26, 2004),” said Theski. 

     Theski noted that B.A.R.D.A. was made possible by Senate Bill 1873 sponsored by North Carolina Senator, Richard Burr, a self-proclaimed descendant of Aaron Burr and from a prominent tobacco producing state and by Senator William Frist who not only plugged the hole in the lung of U.S. Army General David Petraeus when he was accidentally shot at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, but is well remembered for his part in the Columbia/HCA healthcare company after a fraud case when Frist stepped back in to help the company when its CEO and President, Florida Governor Richard "Rick" Scott, was forced to resign following a federal Medicare fraud conviction and the payment of a $1.7 billion fine, the largest in U.S. history.

     Both Dr. Theski and Dr. Suversav have been troubled by the fact that both Hickox and Peters were at the CDC and Johns Hopkins University.   “Yes, well one cannot fully understand the role of Johns Hopkins in the history of American medicine and education without reading America’s Secret Establishment by Anthony Sutton,” said Suversav.   “The history of Johns Hopkins with the arrival of the educational theories of Wilhelm Wundt are spelled out by  Sutton to a tee on page 32:
...in the next volume, The Order Controls Education, we will describe how Daniel Coit Gilman, President of Johns Hopkins University, imported Wundt psychological methods from Germany, then welded education and psychology in the U.S., established laboratories, brought these educational laboratories into major Universities and generated hundreds of PhDs to teach the new educational conditioning system. One of the first of these Johns Hopkins doctorates was John Dewey. The result we well know. The educational morass of the ‘80s where most kids — not all — can’t spell, read or write, yet can be programmed into mass behavior channels.
The Order’s next move was to control the Foundations. They got all the big ones — Carnegie, Ford, Peabody, Slater, Russell Sage and so on. ... The initial objective was to establish a direction in an organization. Selection of managers, intuitive or amoral enough to catch on to the direction, kept the momentum going. In the case of Foundations, The Order has usually maintained a continuing presence over decades...

     This is, of course, what scientist Carl Sagan also warned against when he said….
I have a foreboding of an America in my children's or grandchildren's time -- when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what's true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness...

     The dumbing down of America is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30 second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance …..
     Both Dr. Theski and Suversav agree that the Ebola scare has “manipulation written all over it.”   Theski was pointed in his criticism.   Anthony Sutton was no outsider.  He was a Stanford University professor and Hoover Institute member before he started to rattle the cages.   Sutton wrote of the secret establishment that has its hands in most major facits of American life from religion, education, history, medicine, media,  law, politics, economics, philanthropy, psychology, sociology and other areas including an overriding dialectic that pits left and right political ideologies against each other for profit.  "Yea, Sutton wrote: The Order had a key post in a Soviet bank! But we also find that Averell Harriman, his brother Roland Harriman, and... Knight Woolley [S&B], through the Union Bank (in which they held a major interest) were prime financial backers of Hitler," said Theski.
      Edwin Black’s War Against the Weak shows the connection of Mary Harriman as the backer of the New York Cold Springs Harbor Institute with its pseudo science of Eugenics that informed Hitler’s 'Final Solution,' rooted as it was in a rampant Anglophilia and Teutophila panic attack against all other cultures.   "Thank god these two squirrely ideologies did not unite when Rudolph Hess parachuted onto Lord Hamilton’s Estate during World War II with a proposal for Churchill.   Now the Ebola science that is evolving to control the …..well, whatever it is….and it is really hard to study when the threat of creating an 'outbreak' or 'hot zone' puts all the cards in the World Health Organization, NIH, CDC or U.S. military’s quiver of secretive science….it’s hard to study exactly what we are really dealing with here.   The school where Dr. Peters arrived serendipitously, or not,  in 2001….the year of 911…. for example, was a bastion of Anglophile sentiments with its founder, Dr. Ashbell Smith, saying famously….in a way that seems to invalidate the Hypocratic oath…..’the sword is the great civilizer.’    With U.S. National Guard troops entering the energy and diamond rich regions of Sierre Leone, Liberia and Nigeria as medical interventionists….well, Dr. Smith would be applauding, but it looks quite fishy from here, when the same energy and commitment that's given to war is not given to peace and healing,” said Dr. I.N. Theski.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Bill Maher Reemed by Rula Jebreal, General Wesley Clarks Wants Energy Independence from Saudi Arabia

Real Time Rotten Representation of Reality
by Cher Ng Herbegboner for CPW News Service

     While General Wesley Clark argued that Americans have made most of the mistakes in the Middle East he is not willing to agree with Bill Maher that the U.S. should disengage from worldwide police-keeping.
     “When I joined the military our roll was peacekeeping, not war-waging,” said Clark.  “Really,” asked Smedling Darlington Mofmani of the political restraint committee called Mixed Race Realists in Louisville, Kentucky.   “When was it that the U.S. military’s primary role was not war waging and peace keeping?   The key for U.S. power elites is to wage profitable, controllable wars in places where natural resources are easy pickens,” said Mofmani. 

     “Mahers’ treatment of Jebreal was shameful and her treatment of him…..an Arab from the West Bank who lost her mother at five, but married one of the Goldman Sach privateers?  Equally so.  When will people just come clean and strip off the fascade?…..Speaking of stripping, Jebreal was  point on with her assessment of the Jihadist core of the Middle East being funded through Saudi Arabia, whose royals push  its holy men to push religious fundamentalism like Henry Luce pushing Billy Graham to preach love and peace, but with the threat of nuclear annihilation mixed in for a kind of religious inquisition and incentive for conversion.   Wesley Clark told us earlier about the Neo-Cons agenda to ferment wars in seven countries across the Middle-East.  Their agenda is obviously in place and Clark was in charge of NATO when the Berlin Wall fell and did we asked the Russians, our allies against Fascism in WWII,  to join us in peace-keeping?  Well, no, even though they knew where all the secret caves were in Afghanistan, but they also knew the most lucrative poppy fields.   Since the U.S stripped the Brits of that role…..the role of David Sassoon’s opium exports for the British East India Company through Baghdad and Bombay, our power elites were not willing to share the poppies  with Putin, or with Yeltsin before him,” said Mofmani.
     “But what do you expect?   Clark is from Arkansas!    When 15 of the 19 September 11, 2001 hijackers were from  Saudi Arabia and we invaded Iraq and not Saudi while the Bush boys were playing in Prince Bandar’s crib?   Holy crap!  Leapin’ camels!  Bush bamboozlings!  We….meaning the U.S…..not our silver foot in their mouth power elites….are already energy independent with a very little bit of tweeking.  So what are the power elite “deciders” doing still playing in Bandar's crib?” asked Mofmani who believes that ISIS's funding from Saudi Arabia is as much a bamboozle as the pre-November election  arrival of Mr. Duncan from Liberia in a Texas hospital providing a global gestalt against dark skinned people and universal healthcare and preparing the U.S. for a white Christmas," said Mofmani humming "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas, just like the ones we used to know."

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Reese Witherspoon, Colin Firth, The Devil's Knot and The Evolution of Evil

Click above to Enlarge

By Godiva Z. Skeanidiphar for CPW News Service

     If you missed the 2013 Toronto film festival release of the movie Devil's Knot about the West Memphis 3 and the horrific 1993 murder of three eight year old boys in that city, Reese Witherspoon and Colin Firth's reenactment of the true story was released the week of the murders in 2014 in limited theaters and DVD's.   The film follows on the heels of the release and pardon of the living Memphis 3, not to be confused with the three dead victims, all of whom were hogtied, two of which drowned and one of which bled to death from the removal of a major portion of genitals.  In 2012 the mother of victim Steven Branch, Pam Hicks, filed a law suit against the West Memphis Police Department demanding to see Steven's possessions including his bicycle. 
    "West Memphis is in Arkansas," said Rita Blythe Clinton of West Memphis who has been following the case since the grizzly discovery in 1993.  "It doesn't seem likely to me that one man...black, white or blue.... could have held down the three boys.  It ain't likely that one man hog tied all three without one of the boys running away for help....then cut off one's genitals while the others watched, if they hadn't been drowned yet...and that doesn't seem likely cause someone twisted enough to do this thing would surely want them to see his kinky evil,  then drowning the two in the creek to cover his tracks....and then he walked into the Bojangles so that his tracks could lead right back to the muddy creek?  I'm no criminal investigator, but how damn weird is that?   Now I know that Arkansas is one sycophant society, but this gives logic a cranial anal impaction," said Clinton who worked in Mena, Arkansas across from the Mena, Airport when Barry Seal was "running CIA/Iran-Contra planes in and out like a Little Rock pimp at midnight," said Clinton.  "I know that when Bill Clinton was Governor that place was really hopping and I felt damn bad that Asa Hutchinson was the state's Attorney General when Barry Seal was murdered in Louisiana before Seal could give testimony in just who was at the top of the Iran/Contra drugs for weapons and hostages program that nearly cost Ronald Reagan and George Herbert Walker Bush an impeachment.  Mena had a similar murder of young boys.   Two young boys whose parents say they went out one night to shoot rats or something and were found run over by the train that ran by the Mena Airport....Kevin Ives and Don Henry....God rest their souls," said Clinton.   "Hutchinson, now Governor of Arkansas, was appointed the head of the DEA when he was unable to protect Barry Seal whose testimony would have blown the cover on the entire Iran-Contra plot all the way to the very top of this ugly food chain," said Clinton.
      Clinton also read Burl Barer's book, Fatal Beauty, about the Jimmy Joste murder case in Texas and his common law wife's assertions that she was protecting their son from ritualistic sacrifice by a powerful and twisted den of demonologists.  "Rhonda Glover, the parents of the boys from Mena, the parents of the boys from West Memphis have a lot in common," said Clinton noting that bizarre story was covered by Peter Pezonus.  "I would want to know if Stevie Branch was in any way part of the Taylor Branch family.  Taylor Branch was a close friend of Bill Clinton who spent Clinton's victory night in the 1992 election in Little Rock and who was at the estate of the Washington Post's Catherine Graham in Washington D.C. on inauguration night with the newly elected President Clinton.  That was reported by the  Michael Sragow  in his September 27, 2009 article 'Clinton Confidential: With a Historian's Honesty, Taylor Branch Relates Eight Years of Conversations With His Friend In the White House, '" said Rita Clinton adding...."it would be good that Branch not write about the Mena Arkansas airport operation nor about the Iran-Contra banks' origins in Little Rock through Arkansas banker, Jackson Stephens.  Four months after Bill Clinton's inauguration Stevie Branch and the other boys were dead.   The U.S. seems to have to accept a slickly managed and cryptic murder-message aimed at intimidating families, but not the wholesale slaughter of people like we have seen with the U.S. backed Shah of Iran, Saddam Hussein before Kuwait, Augusto Pinnoche in Chile or Anostosia Samoza in Nicaragua....the recipient of Bank of Commerce and Credits' Iran-Contra funding, hostage tradaing, weapons and drug distribution," said Clinton.  "Not yet," she added, "but that, too, may have arrived on 911," she continued.
    Colin Firth and Reese Witherspoon are not the fist Hollywood celebrities to take an interest in the Memphis 3 story.   Johnny Depp championed their release and his ties to Austin, Texas where the Joste/Glover story intersects with issues in Devil's Knot seemingly goes beyond Depp's attraction to Austin's Amber Heard and was covered in an article titled "Johnny Depp or Johnny Dipp?" said Clinton.  "Could the Memphis 3 have been patsies?  Certainly.  Would Steve Branch's step father have killed all three boys to get rid of his stepson?  Not likely," said Clinton. "If a wacko step-father was trying to eliminate the seeds of competition in his family, he'd more than likely make it look like an accident, not draw a huge magnifying glass to a trio of deaths," said Clinton.
    Devil's Knot, however,  is an excellent story of the degree to which U.S. diversity in religion has continued to provide an interesting backdrop for social analysis and pop culture conjecture.  If the Salem, Massachusetts history of witches and covens seems far removed from American life, it isn't.
     While the film takes substantial license with the facts of the case, what it does not attempt to conceal is the degree to which Memphis 3's leader was an occultist who held Aleister Crowley in apparent high regard.  Admitting the ritualistic drinking of human blood as part of his religious practice because there is "power in the blood," Damien Nichols' honest and forthright admissions of his religious dogma and ghoulish ecclesiastical rubrics brings a refreshing approach to a traditionally dark art.   It also explains how the void of traditional morality in America has been filled with alternative practices and beliefs that the mainline media has increasingly fed since about 1993 with shows about vampires, blood lust, cage fighting and 24/7 military channels," said one culture vulture critic.
     The black man seen at Bojangles Restaurant on Wednesday May 5th, 1993 and therefore a possible suspect, was never found and blood samples were taken from the restroom where he left substantial physical evidence that was botched by the West Memphis, Arkansas police whose top law enforcement official was Attorney General, Asa Hutchinson.  Hutchinson, ironically, a graduate of the ultra-conservative Bob Jones University serving in a state whose leading historian and biographer of the Confederacy's Attorney General,  founder of Scottish Rite Masonry,  slaver and reported Satanist and chief legal counsel for the KKK, Albert Pike, is the University of Arkansas' prominent historian and professor, Walter Lee Brown.  It's  not altogether clear that the black man's trouser legs were wet as Devil's Knot shows.  The official police report indicated that he was wearing black pants, not Khaki as in the film.  His shoes were muddy according to the Bojangles witnesses.  "It's not likely that the black man intentionally wore black pants to cover blood stains, but priests often wear black vestments to cover wine stains that dribble off their chins.  Everybody knows that people often intentionally wear black to cover stains and it does a marvelous job at doing that.  Water stains, liquor stains, food stains, blood stains," said medical uniform salesman, L.V. Inne of Little Rock, Arkansas.
      "You have to really be looking close to tell and a quick glance into a restroom wouldn't likely yield that much information if the guy was wearing both a black shirt and black pant, but whoever saw him, by putting the black man in black shirt and pants just white washed the whose African American race," said Inne. 
      "Now if there was some caked on red clay mud on the black pants, that would show, but then why would the film not just do that instead of changing the pant color altogether as it does?   And what right-minded black man would be a satanic priest in the Arkansas where the patron saint of kinky was Albert Pike, a slaver?   I saw Devil's Knot and it appears to me that it is tying a tighter knot.   That's just what the film was doing, tying one hell of a twisted knot like the one in the legend of Phrygian Gordium ," said Clinton a Greek Classics minor in 1983.
     Noting that Hollywood often depicts the South....and West Memphis is in the South....as a region of backwoods bozo bimbology, Clinton noted that Bill Maher and Nancy Pelosi's daughter had used Mississippi as an example of a Southern malignancy without doing the deep analysis required to show the South's rootds in the industrialized north.  "Albert Pike came to the South through Savannah and New Orleans and Arkansas, but there are plenty of followers of Aleister Crowley in New York, Boston or Baltimore and their ideologies are not that much different.  They were both essentially slavers!  Passionate pyramid sitters like the head lopping Mayan royalty or Egypt's Pharaoh," said Clinton noting a story that included Pike's Arkansas biographer, Walter Lee Brown.
     Colin Firth's interest in the film is puzzling.  However, there is a logical connection to the British that goes unnoticed.  "Albert Pike's Scottish Rite Masonry in Arkansas spread across the South and that swept the South and replaced the Christianized York Rite Masonry of George Washington and Benjamin Franklin.   Their beliefs did not originate in the Germany and Pike had a decidedly Germanic Thule flavor similar to the occult of the Nazi's Heinrich Himmler.   The British royal family is not British, but the German Saxe-Gotha-Colburg family that gave Winston Churchill hell in the 1930's and 40's.   Churchill had to put the Duke of Windsor and his American Nazi spy in exile in the Bahamas where they could do less harm to the war effort. He didn't think it wise to have a full-blown Nazi spy running around Buckingham Palace.  They were exiles to the Bahamas where FDR's people could watch them more closely.  Wallace Simpson, the Duke's wife for whom he abdicated the British throne, met her royal husband in San Diego, California  at the Coronado Hotel near where the U.S. Navy SEAL headquarters are literally built in the shape of a swastika.  The "Navy Mayor of San Diego" is married to Linden Blue, Skull & Bones brother of GHWB and founder of General Atomics that makes the U.S. Predator and Reaper drones that drop uranium shells on the world's battlefields.  The Saxe-Gotha-Colburgs ascended to the British throne with a fortune of $500 million dollars which today is $14 billion made mostly from uranium and Linden Blue and his brother own the largest uranium deposit in the North America.  Albert Pike's Scottish Rite originated in the Prussian Royal Court, entered the U.S. through the South, but the South's President, Jefferson Davis, for whom Albert Pike was Attorney General, was close friends with Boston's Caleb Cushing, the world's leading opium smuggler and negotiator of the U.S./Chinese Wanghia Treaty that led to the U.S. overtaking the British as the opium dumpers that led to Chinese Cultural Revolution.   After the U.S. replaced the British as the world's drug conduit history repeated itself as it had for the Brits with the Boxer Rebellion and Opium Wars.  Is Colin Firth aware of these British/American connections and if so why did he join Witherspoon in making this film?" asked Clinton.,
     "Science could have solved the Memphis 3 case as it could have solved the Rhonda Glover case, but not with the evidence disappearing.   In West Memphis it was the black man's blood that vanished.  In Austin, Texas it was a little boy's ear," said Clinton.  "At any rate, as we learned with Dr. Joseph Mengele in Germany or with the Cold Spring Harbor Eugenics pseudo-science funded by Mary Harriman, the Hypocratic principle of 'first do no harm' is not always at the center of science or police work, just as 'whoever harms a child...it's better for a millstone to be placed around their neck and they be thrown into the sea,' isn't either," said Clinton who was joined by another disgruntled voice.
     "I am sick and tired of Hollywood screwing with the facts of history!" said retired private investigator Samuel G. Spade of St. Louis, Missouri who said that Omaha, Nebraska's Franklin Cover-up and Happy Valley's Sandusky scandal could well be a part of the Memphis 3 case when you consider that Coach Joe Paterno delivered the pep talk at the 1988 Republican National Convention at which the Franklin Scandal's Lawrence E. King sang the National Anthem.   I don't care that Johnny Dipp, Damien Nichols, Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Sid Vicious, Johnny Rotten or whoever got a tattoo of some Sumerian Ouija board on their tits or pecker heads at the same Hollywood tattoo parlor.  Somebody will likely make 'em into lampshades someday for a little lamp made from a ram's horn to cast a soft light on a small plate of liver and a side of fava beans," said Spade.  "That police report is a historical document and the black man's pants were black, not Khaki!  The West Memphis police and the whole state of Arkansas is a boiling cauldron of criminality as far as I'm concerned and the death of those boys would have sent one chilling message to Hutchinson and even to then President Bill Clinton and Taylor Branch, his biographer,  who had to have known about Mena.  The message was the same as that to Barry Seal's colleagues in the CIA. 'Shut the hell up!  Hear no evil, see no evil and certainly speak of no evil!'   Now that's really evil!  The West Memphis 3 story has cover-up written all over it and the strong possibility that the two poles of good and evil are a type of dialect being manipulated by some mighty powerful players. Were the Memphis 3 framed?  Maybe.  Maybe not, but the right drug cocktail and their lives could take a twisted turn from personalities even darker than them.   What if the police's report on the murder of Lincoln indicated correctly that he was shot with a pistol, but Hollywood calls it a Winchester rifle?  It wouldn't bring him back, but by God in heaven you can't jockey with the facts like that to sway the sensitivity of the viewers.  The Winchester would have left a much bigger hole.  I don't know what happened in West Memphis, but I know that if Damien Nichols is going to continue to drink human blood with this Ebola thing going around, he needs to find a good source of homogenized human blood that has been well sanitized," said Spade.  "That could become a new industry in Sierra Leone, Nigeria or Liberia and might even hasten the eradication of the Ebola epidemic there. Given these struggling nation's economic woes and health crises.....now that their other natural resources are likely the target of diamond miners, oil drillers and uranium companies," said Spade, "canned homogenized blood for ritualistic celebrations of vinous venues could bring on an economic boom for the region, but may not pass FDA approval in the States unless one of Arkansas' Hutchinson boys has been appointed FDA Director," said Spade.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014



By Mortimer J. Cosgrove, Citizens for Space Free Ranging

Dear Richard Branson, Elon Musk and Linden Blue,

     With conspiracy theorists going batty over the possibilities of a double whammy for the commercial development of outer space….the Virginia and California explosion and crash that hit two leading space exploration companies, I write this letter as a challenge to private citizens to continue their efforts to open the new frontier of space for all earthlings.
     No one is accusing Elon Musk and Linden Blue of conspiring against the two companies and there is no evidence, yet, to support a claim of sabotage, but the likelihood that companies will threaten any governmentally based consortium within the well established Military Industrialist Complex can not only not be ruled out, but will in all likelihood occur.   The history of the government/industry collusion is the history of fascism or socialism and totalitarian ideologies that seal off technological advances until commercialization serves their own ends only.
     Carl Sagan said it clearly and accurately when you look at where we are today  back in 1995 (― Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark):
     I have a foreboding of an America in my children's or grandchildren's time -- when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what's true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness...
     The dumbing down of America is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30 second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance …..
     Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality. When we recognize our place in an immensity of light‐years and in the passage of ages, when we grasp the intricacy, beauty, and subtlety of life, then that soaring feeling, that sense of elation and humility combined, is surely spiritual. So are our emotions in the presence of great art or music or literature, or acts of exemplary selfless courage such as those of Mohandas Gandhi or Martin Luther King, Jr. The notion that science and spirituality are somehow mutually exclusive does a disservice to both…..
     One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.

     No one is accusing Elon Musk and Linden Blue of a plot benefitting from the two recent setbacks, but the two events had that net effect.    Elon Musk’s SpaceX and Linden Blue’s General Atomic Inc. will benefit from fewer eyes in the sky where their platforms alone can reign down depleted uranium on earthlings in little controlled atomic bomb blasts.    Given that Linden and Neal Blue developed Predator and Reaper drones and own the largest uranium deposits in North America and were in partnership with Anastasio Somoza  at the time that CBS newsman, Bill Steward, was murdered in Nicaragua and given Paul Chapman’s assertions in his book Bananas: How United Fruit Shaped the World and the Blue/Somoza partnership in bananas in Nicaragua and the stage is set for space wars.
     Now, I know that the aviation community prides itself on freedom from earthly bonds, but I encourage the Legends of Aviation.... Elon Musk, Linden Blue, Richard Branson, Morgan Freeman, Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Harrison Ford, Kurt Russell and others.... to put their whole heart behind the principles that Carl Sagan lays out and to condemn the attack on freedom that Anastasio Somoza represented in Nicaragua and who might well have avoided judgment had he access to a Reaper or Predator drone instead of a clumsy National Guardsman whose muzzle blast at the back of Bill Stewart's head was captured on film.
     I encourage all of the 700 who have paid Richard Branson $250,000 each to help him complete his project by doubling their initial $250,000, now.   Give him another $250,000 to finalize the project and to make part of the agreement that an independent third world reporter will always be included in all of Sir Richard Branson's commercial space flights as part of the Carl Sagan and Bill Stewart “Eyes In the Sky” Journalism Award.  Now I know that Sagan's Cosmos was a PBS, Public Broadcasting program, and that PBS is an arm of the U.S. Information Agency not unlike NPR and that an updated version of Cosmos has been aired by one of the leading "sound biting" media companies on the planet, Fox.   Go by Sagan's own words in the Demon-Haunted World and not the bamboozlers who own the media networks. 
    And Sir Richard Branson....you well know that the British royal family that knighted you and perhaps influenced the naming of your mother-ship, the White Knight, entered office with a fortune of $500 million which has become $14 billion primarily on their investments in uranium from which is made enriched fuels and depleted battle shells for the racket of war.  Never forget the problem that Winston Churchill had with the British royal Saxe-Gotha clan from Germany, nor that the Nazi spy Wallace Simpson met her future husband in San Diego, California at the Coronado Hotel near the present USN SEAL headquarters that are built in, seen clearly from your space ship or from Elon Musk's Dragon or from the NASA space shuttle, Linden Blue's Predator or Reapers or Burt Rutan's Northrup Grumman designed experimental planes or drones, the shape of a Nazi Swastika.

                                                                                    Mortimer J. Cosgrove, President
                                                                                    Citizens for Space Free Ranging