Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Ebola Burials: Morticians See Possible Silver Lining



By E.M. Bolmer for CPW News Service

     The CDC provided published guidelines on October 23, 2014(http://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/hcp/guidance-safe-handling-human-remains-ebola-patients-us-hospitals-mortuaries.html) for the safe handling of Ebola bodies for  burial.  Unfortunately for the Thomas Jefferson Smith family of Lagos, Nigeria the CDC’s protocols did not provide the desired support for their request for an autopsy.   “How do we really know that it was the Ebola that killed my brother, George Washington Smith?” asked Thomas.  “Damn it, I want to see one of those little squirming pretzels under a microscope so that I can confirm for myself that it was Ebola that took him and not something else,” said Smith.  Smith was not confident that if an autopy is conducted that it would be removed from the watchful eye of some organization with reason to hide the results.  "Yes, well the CDC says plainly....'Autopsies on patients who die of Ebola should be avoided. If an autopsy is necessary, the state health department and CDC should be consulted regarding additional precautions,'" and I'd like to know just what this means," said Smith.
     The CDC’s protocols has found morticians well pleased.  Ebola victims are not excluded from mortuary services and morticians believe that there is within the CDC guidelines a clear path to funeral preparation profits.  “Double bagging, safe handling and hermetically sealed coffins ratchet up the cost of burials, but we may have to ease some of the tight restrictions on certification for mortuary personnel at the same time we are increasing their training.  What a paradox!” said Morticia Druidson, of MMMM, Morticians for Making More Money in Tombstone, Arizona.


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