Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Monday, May 13, 2013


Auburn University On Trail Of Would-be Terrorists

by Blaise N. Steenich CPW News Services

     Auburn University is seeking to patent its training process used in the training of bomb sniffing dogs.  Auburn claims that had their dogs been used at the Boston Marathon near the corner where the bombers had passed they would likely have been caught.

     John St. John of the New Foundland Dog Gauntlet Society said "Auburn can patent the sniff training, but we are patenting a dog gauntlet system that when used as the access point at major sporting events will guarantee that no bombs get by.  That, of course, depends on the number of trained dogs used in the gauntlet.  Fewer dogs means a longer cue-time for sport fans, kind of like the lines in airports, but if  professional sports team can afford a few hundred dogs, we have the patented gauntlet patterns that can get people seated relatively quickly."

      When asked what the pattern looked like for the most effective gauntlet, St. John said, "That's a trade secret, but I can tell you that we have over 43,885,551 patents pending," said St. John .


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