Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Gerald A. "Jerry" Sandusky and the Japanese Bath House Defense

American Culture On Trial

by Winsip Custer CPW News Service

     “I have horsed around with kids. I have showered with them after workouts.  I have hugged them and touched their legs without intent of sexual contact, so if you look at it that way there are things that would be accurate,” said Gerald A. Sandusky in a Monday, November 14th interview with NBC’s Bob Costas.
     Assistant Penn State coach, Mike McQueary, has since shared that he was in the shower at the time of the attack on Sandusky’s victim and he did not leave Sandusky and the boy, but intervened.  This is information not contained in the 23 page Grand Jury indictment of Sandusky.  Any change in this testimony by McQueary could effect the outcome of Sandusky’s criminal trial, particularly if the growing witness pool is the focus of underworld intimidation and fear tactics.
     “Yes, and it’s going to mean that Sandusky’s defense is hinging on the testimony of the kids and McQueary and I am deeply troubled that the defense team, given the apparent connections to organized crime in this case, will intimidate the witnesses and families one by one. We have already seen the disappearance of a D.A..   My hope is that good people of Pennsylvania will see beyond the public ‘Japanese Bath House” defense which places the whole America culture on trial while arguing that Sandusky was wrongly convicted in the media and that this innocent man is misunderstood while failing to give McQueary and the kids and their families the protection they deserve.    I sincerely believe that when you pull on the string that the Sandusky case provides a nationwide pedophile connection that goes to the top of the American power structure will be revealed.  It is centered in those traditionally thought of as defenders of freedom, liberty and family, but who protect this pedophile network.   The ring seems to abhor the historic  American value that sees the individual as sacrosanct and they will do everything and anything to cover up Sandusky's guilt to protect their own lives,” said Brian Laminature of the citizen’s watchdog group Better than Bloodhounds.
     I asked Laminature what he based his observations on and he explained.   “History.  And the feelings about the development of America is laid out in Robert Deniro’s film The Good Shepherd.  When Matt Damon’s character goes to a Mafia figure, played by Joe Pesci, Pesci describes the fact that the Irish have their homeland.  The blacks have their music and the Italians have their families.  ‘What?’ asks Pesci do you have?’ and Damon says ‘We have the United States and the rest of you are visitors,’” said Laminature.  “There is a battle between the Plymouth founders concentrated in the WASP’s, no more fully concentrated than in the New England Brahmins, and the Irish and Italians who followed the Irish immigrants  and they spar with each other daily and often brutally.    JFK’s rise in Boston was a threat to this element and in 1960 he changed the balance of power which they control through America’s military establishment."
     "Is that the message that was being sent in the Italian movie director, Martin Scorsese's, The Departed, about the FBI's John Connally's tipping off the Boston Irish mobster, Whitey Bulger?  A triangulation of power politics and the intentional destablization of one group with another?  The star of that movie is on the board of the Second Mile Foundation, Mark Wahlberg, from Boston," I told Laminature.

     "Exactly, but consider the release of Clint Eastwood's film on J. Edgar Hoover the same week as the Sandusky Grand Jury indictment with it's emphasis on the Lindberg trial which was headed by the father of General Norman Schwarzkopf who also worked with Kermit Roosevelt to put the Shah of Iran in power.  The WASP’s are wrong about their myth, but that doesn’t keep them from defending it or even splitting with each other for power and dominance as they did in the American Civil War....a war that could have and should have been negotiated peacefully if they are what they say they are.  So if you have a festering boil of pedophilia within the ranks of the WASP leadership as the Franklin Cover Up reveals...with the WASPs claiming as they do moral superiorty, then their pedophiles will be hyper-vigilent and they will have allies within the Roman Catholic Church where pedophilia  is now clearly a problem that has been acknowledged and prosecuted and the battleground is set for all manner of infection from one ugly boil creating another on the body politik.  Their own alliances within these groups, like the factions within Hitler's Nazi party laced as it was with pedophilia and narcissism, will be quite fragile and brutal."

I asked Laminature “so what is the solution?” 

     “For people, black, white, yellow, Protestants, Catholics, Irish, Italian, Scottish, English, African, Mexican American, Japanese, Chinese, whatever,  to do something about it.  I’d hang  a ‘Sandusky Shower Pal’ in every locker room shower in America and tell the boys that it is NOT normal for 50 year old coaches to shower with little boys, to rub their legs and what not,” said Laminature.
     “What is a Sandusky Shower Pal?” I asked.

     Laminature sent a picture.  “Meanwhile, “ said Laminature, "McQueary and the families, the Grand Jurors, and everyone who cares about the direction that this nation is taking had better come to their senses and cover each other’s back sides and especially those of their children.  Adults who will do this to kids will do anything,” said Laminature.

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