Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Bethany McLean's Fortune Reporting Reconsidered

 Reversal of Fortune's Fortunes, McLean Now Lean on Credibility

by Bushrod S. Long, CPW News Service

    Writing from his small office near Houston's 2929 Allen Parkway Building while viewing and reviewing Mark Cuban's Magnolia Pictures and 2929 Entertainment's Enron: The Smartest Guys In the Room based on Bethany McLean's book The Smartest Guys in the Room from her reporting for Fortune Magazine which in 2000, he looked pensive.  Fortune had pumped Enron before McLean's Fortune fateful article popped Enron's bubble with "Is Enron Over-Valued?"  B. Ward de Estrata an independent reporter for Houston Multicultural Muckrakers, or HMM,  found his pensiveness turning toward a languid irritation and then to an accelerating anger.
    "Bill Clinton from the banana republic of Arkansas fails to veto Glass-Steagall in 1999 just before he pardons the war-profiteer Marc Rich and after what George Carlin called 'humanitarian bombing' in Kosovo, hands the keys of the kingdom over to GWB after his Supreme Court appointment following Gore's towel tossing in Florida.   Suddenly I'm thinking Austin Gore and of Edward Covey who owned Maryland's Mount Misery Plantation where Frederick Douglass was renditioned after trying to escape from the South and long before Mount Misery was purchased as a trophy property by Donald Rumsfeld, the Secretary of Defense.  Is it any wonder we reaped the whirlwind of 2000 to 2008?   Is it any wonder that we are still up to our collective asses in poo-poo-poo-p-do?" asked de Estrata as he wondered why Dan Rather of CBS's 60 Minutes, also from Houston had co-owned the Tecolote Ranch in Las Vegas, New Mexico with Rumsfeld while reporting on Abu Ghraib and dropping the ball so miserably on the GWB Texas Air National Guard memo story in 2004 that was available in late 1999 before the 2000 election.
     The reporter was equally concerned that Bethany McClean's work at Fortune Magazine which in 2000 was so favorable to Enron suddenly showed the Henry Luce magazine making the reversal that seemed to save its own credibility.   "Finally, some people are seeing the light, but good God y'all it's not like it was hiding under some bushel somewhere.   We're talking blinding in-you-face candlepower that should have peeled your eyelids back up over your back collar line!  Fortune was talking out of both sides of its mouth.   It was as if we had forgotten history in order to repeat it.  It was like journalism and sociology and psychology had moved from being the study of life as it is to being the tool of propaganda for life as someone.....someone very powerful.....wants it to be.....and hiding the fact that the term 'applied'.....'applied journalism'....'applied sociology'.....'applied psychology'....is 'applied mind control' so we don't see what's right there in front of our snotty little noses!" said de Estrada.
      "It doesn't help my objectivity to note that Ms. McLean was a Williams College graduate whose Phillips-Exeter educated President was James Phinney Baxter, III the Director of the Office of Strategic Services or OSS, the forerunner of the CIA, in 1942-43, and that Michael Beschloss, the Presidential historian and husband of the President and CEO of the Rock Creek Group formerly Carlyle Asset Management of the Carlyle Group was from Williams College, too.   Michael Beschloss is a 1977 graduate of Williams College," said de Estrada.  Ward de Estrada printed out a hard copy of a recent response to the Youtube videos of Bethany McLean's books and interviews.  It read:

   Do this book....since you married the leading Enron prosecutor who saw the Harris County Medical Examiner's office that did the Cliff Baxter autopsy.....the former Washington D.C. ME, Dr. Joyce Carter, investigated by Michael Bromwich who was the leading Iran-Contra investigator....the firewaller for Reagan/Bush....who went on to oversee the Deep Water Horizon investigation and who while in Houston was paid from confiscated drug money.....of which there was an endless supply.
     Then include why Fortune which had pumped Enron before your writing that exposed its "useful idoiots"  and which was like Time, a Henry Luce product.....and how the new Dumbledore at Columbia University in New York, Steve Coll, formerly the editor at the Washington Post and now the Henry Luce Professor of Journalism, also oversaw the likes of Jeff Leen and Vernon Loeb.   Loeb....who doctored the stories of Pat Tillman and Jessica Lynch before co-authoring ALL IN: THE EDUCATION OF GENERAL DAVID PETRAEUS with Paula Broadwell before Loeb moved to the Houston Chronicle as what?  Another firewaller?
     Do a book on why Fed Chairman Greenspan received the Enron Prize at the Baker Center for Public Policy at Rice before admitting that he was wrong about his "put" that was really a big "poot" in our faces....backed up by the son of the "Father of Applied Sociology" at Columbia, economist Robert Merton, who received a Nobel Prize for his Black Scholes incomprehensible credit-default formulas which his mentor at Harvard, Paul Samuelson, called a 'Frankenstein monster' that gave the Wall Street bamboozlers at Goldman Sachs for which you worked justification for raping Main Street....95% of whose banks were solvent in 2008....and remind us that Citibank morphed from National City Bank for which Smedley Butler said "I was a goon on three continents".  Get Max Ebert, now a Hemmingway Scholar at the University of Iowa....Hemmingway, who blew his brains out at Harriman's Hotel in Idaho,  to co-author it with you and to do something on how Rice University's Dr. Kenneth Pitzer was the key witness of the oil cartel against J. Robert Oppenheimer for not wanting to make the hydrogen bomb and to make energy ubiquitous.   Add something about Rice's Dr. Frank Vandiver and his relationship to NY City's WTC via the Edward Mosher Foundation at A&M and Mosher Steel that provided the steel for the first 9 floors of Minoru Yamasaki's building.....and include his Pruitt-Igoe building in St. Louis.  Add how the Texas A&M architects and engineers following the Texas A&M bonfire collapse recommended adding a center core column of steel since carbon based fires can't melt steel!  A&M is also the home a Professor Emeritus of Economics, Morgan Reynolds who resigned as Chief Economist for the Bush White House in 2001 after 911.
     Throw in why Vandiver who oversaw the letters of Confederate President Jefferson Davis at Rice, never made anything, as has historian Lowell P. Wigglesworth, of the close relationship between Jefferson Davis, Franklin Pierce and Caleb Cushing whose ancestor, Charles Cushing, traveled extensively with the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, the godmother of Elizabeth Kauffman Bush.
     It'll be a barn-burner!

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Love In Ruins: How Walker Percy Got It So Wrong


by Lowell P. Wigglesworth, CPW News Service

    What a bad joke: God saying: here it is, the new Eden, and it is yours because you’re the apple of my eye, because you the lordly Westerners, the fierce Caucasian-Gentile-Visigoths, believed in me and in the outlandish Jewish Event even though you were nowhere near it and had to hear the news of it from strangers.
      But you believed and so I gave it all to you, gave you Israel and Greece and science and art and the lordship of the earth, and finally even gave you the new world that I blessed for you. And all you had to do was pass one little test, which was surely child’s play for you because you had already passed the big one.
      One little test: here’s a helpless man in Africa, all you had to do is not violate him. That’s all.  You flunked!

                                                        Walker Percy, Love In The Ruins

        Ah, she's just Tonkanese.

                                                       -Luther Billis in Rodger's and Logan's
                                                       1949 Broadway Musical South Pacific

       Just five years after the great World War number two Oscar Rodgers and Joshua Logan produced a Broadway musical that celebrated the victory of war, the unique American sprit of inclusion and the seemingly universal (universal by 1949 standards) of heterosexual, male/female love...."There Ain't Nothing Like a Dame". 
       The thrill of victory has a way of covering over the agony of a thousand defeats encountered along the way and like the Friday night victor of the All-American football game who parties too hardy after the game is left feeling on Saturday morning like he really lost.
       South Pacific's 1949 celebration of American inclusion was too premature and too uninformed  about the real nature of our human foibles.     Did we save the Chinese from the Japanese, really?  Or were the Japanese, brutal as they were at Nan King and throughout the Pacific rim trying to save themselves from what Walker Percy called the "fierce Caucasian Gentile-Visigoths" who flunked their singular assignment in America and who had witnessed the American power elites doing to the neighboring Chinese what the British and French had done before them?  Is that what John D. Rockefeller's ships were doing on the Yangtze in 1937 when the USS Panay was sunk by Japanese airplanes?
     Country music starlet, Reba McIntyre, would resurrect South Pacific at Carnegie Hall with Alex Baldwin playing Luther Billis while Baldwin was also playing his role in 30 Rock based on the television industry that was housed in John D. Rockefeller's New York building, 30 Rockefeller Center, but never mentioning the darker elements of the Rockefeller's connections to Indo-China or to his buddies in the Lamar Hotel's Suite F8 in Houston, Texas.
    The thick golden thread ran right through the parlour of FDR's USS Potomac, into Clint Murchison's mansion on Matagorda Island and to his Tampico, Mexico area ranch estate, Acuna, where the Duke and Duchess of Windsor were entertained along with their traveling companion from Boston's Cushing "China Trading" clan, Charles Cushing, whose ancestor, Caleb Cushing, had negotiated the first U.S./Chinese trade agreement, the Wanghia Treaty.  The Duke's wife, Wallis Simpson, was the godmother of Elizabeth Kauffman Bush, the sister-in-law of George Herbert Walker Bush whose father was, according to Elizabeth, the "first U.S. frogman" and therefore the first U.S. Navy SEAL.

(Photo by Christopher J. Wood)
The USS Potomac upon which FDR resided while in Matagorda Bay in
1937 when meeting with Clinton Murchison.  Now at the Jack London Park
in Oakland, California, Oakland is just across the bay from San Francisco
and was the center of activity of the new American China Traders bent on beating
the South's power elites in their railway from Savannah, Georgia to Sand Diego,
California.  After the negotiation of the Wanghia Treaty with China by
Caleb Cushing, Jefferson Davis laid out in 1850 the flat Great Southwest rail
route that was eclipsed by the North's Omaha to San Francisco route. At stake?
China Traders' most profitable product....opium.  New England's leading families
including the Huntingtons, Russells, Heards, Tafts, Cushings and Delanos, married
as they were into the Roosevelt family, all profited from the route secured by
William Tecumseh Sherman and George Bragg who consolidated the rail head at
San Francisco before the U.S. Civil War.

     It was in that same year, 1937, that FDR would park his Presidential yacht, the USS Potomac, behind the private island of Texas oil man, Clint Murchison, upon which the ultra-conservative Murchison built his private airport, the American Liberty Oil Company airport, with FDR going ashore during the five day fishing trip to reconcile with the fiercest of the "Caucasian Gentile-Visigoths" whose America First Committee and American Liberty League had threatened to  put FDR's Presidency into a hasty decline.  Clinton Murchison who later lost this private island in a coin toss with business partner, Toddie L. Wynne (who would die in 1987.  His funeral was conducted at the Highland Park Presbyterian Church in Dallas, home congregation of H.L. Hunt and H. Ross Perot and son-in-law of Rev. Billy Graham, a regular contributor to Jason Chilton Mathew's ultra-conservative, American Mercury Magazine).   Wynne used the private island as a launch pad for shooting a missile into space in 1982, a modified Minuteman missile called the Conestoga I.

     For those who are unfamiliar with Clint Murchison, he was a member of what Lyndon Baines Johnson called the "Suite F-8 Group" which included notable Texas personalities who made Houston, Texas the Mecca, Medina and Vatican of the world's oil trade.   Members included George and Herman Brown, John Connolly, Gus Wortham, James Elkins, Hugh Roy Cullen, Walter Mischer,  William Hobby, Morgan J. Davis, James Abercrombie, Sam Rayburn, Albert Thomas, Sid Richardson, H.L. Hunt.   It was at times visited by, according to the woman claiming to be LBJ's mistress, Madeleine Duncan Brown, FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover.  A more representative assembly of Walker Percy's description of the "fierce gentile-Visigoths" could not possibly be imagined.  Mischer would become the focus of Peter Brewton's 1992 book, The Mafia, CIA and George Bush, which connected the dots between the 1980's S&L scandal and the Iran-Contra drugs-for-weapons pipeline and show that the S&L crisis was the dress rehearsal for the 2008 housing bubble meltdown and bailout that depended on the 1999 repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act by William Jefferson Clinton that opened the door to the toothy grin of GWB and the Bush Neo-Con's misadventures.
     The year after Jesse Owens had run to his Olympic gold medals in Berlin in 1936, FDR was selling his New Deal to as close a Fascist element in America as one could imagine and within whose galaxy of influence was U.S. Ambassador to Great Britain, Joseph P. Kennedy who was also drilling oil wells in Texas in a company called MoKeen Inc..  FDR's sale was not all that difficult.  FDR and Congress had the "business plotters" by their crotches and collars. It was the stuff of General Smedley Darlington Butler's biggest fears and he would have known having been the key witness in the McCormick-Dickstein Committee's look into the purported plot to jettison a hundred and fifty years of Constitutional rule.
Map of Clinton Murchison's Matagorda Island
on which he built American Liberty Oil Airport
 and the home which entertained FDR in 1937.

     The fierce Gentile Visigoths, cut as they were out of the same whole cloth as the F8 Group, were initially the Roman Empire's stolen booty from Eastern Europe...Huns and Vikings taken in conquest into slavery and when their brothers in arms sacked Rome with the help of their fellow enslaved Visigoths who opened the gates of Rome from within, counter to what Walker Percy told us, those didn't flunk that earlier test, any more than would another Hun, Martin Luther, when his freedom loving movement linked up with the insights of Copernicus and Galileo to challenge the Church at Rome with a truly true and indulgent idea....that the earth was not the center of the universe just as oil is not the answer to the earth's energy problems.   Those early Visigoths laid waste the imperial elements of Rome, vanquished the slavers, but left standing the Christian shrines which they may have associated with Moses' legacy of opposing the pharaoh of Egypt while embracing the Christians' well-known teaching that "In Christi there is neither East nor West, Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female".....a message that gets rewritten again and again and again right out of the story-line.
     In 1949 the Broadway musical South Pacific told us, the victors, that we have to be taught to hate and fear.  It must be drummed in our dear little ears to hate all peoples our relatives hate.  We have to be carefully taught.  Logan and Rodgers set our shared myth to toe-tapping music in the after-glow of military victory when good feelings always run high and before the harsh realities settle in.
     Rodgers and Logan's message was embraced in 1949 even if the African Americans who fought the Germans, Italians and Japanese were second class citizens at home, but that wasn't the only "test" we flunked and are still flunking if we judge by the current conditions.
     In recent years in Canada a select fraternity of Canadian clergy uncovered and adjudicated what became known as the "Canadian Residential School Scandal".   Reverend Kevin Annett wrote a book, Hidden No Longer, about the hidden legacy of genocide perpetrated against indigenous families and their children by the Canada in concert with the Roman Catholic Church, United Church of Canada and the Episcopal Church of Canada with upwards of 50,000 deaths in the residential schools there.   Annett would lose his job.  His wife would leave him over his loss of his status in the community with help for her legal fees coming from the very elements of the Canadian society that were seeking to gloss over the atrocity.  Annett went on to launch a political attack against what he perceived is the largest purveyor of assault on children, the Roman Catholic Church and the Vicar of Rome.
      The same issue was true for the U.S. as chronicled in the book Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee by Dee Brown.   It lays out what Helen Hunt Jackson had shared a century earlier in Century of Dishonor.   Together Brown and Jackson show vividly Walker Percy's myopia.
     So does Kevin Costner's film Dances With Wolves.   Celebrated by native American actors like Graham Greene, Wes Studi and Doris Leader Charge who taught Costner how to pronounce his Lakota Sioux lines in the movie while playing Graham Greene's wife, she dutifully defended Costner against claims that he was seeking to cash in on his earlier film like he did in selling centrifugal pumps to British Petroleum that promised for about $50 million to spin oil and Exxon's Corexit out of the Deep Water Horizon's Gulf of Mexico spillage.
      "He had BP by the balls," said fourteen year old, Little Johnny Falcon Talon, of Vancouver.  "The British Canadians had screwed the Indian children and Kevin was in turn screwing them.   The problem came when Costner wanted the Indians to give him acreage in the Black Hills for a casino owned by Costner and his brother.  The deal would have provided Costner and his brother tax free income.
     Dirk Johnson's February 1995 article in the New York Times explained how land in the Black Hills claimed by the Sioux and held within a U.S. National Forest was the target for Costner's proposed casino.  Johnson said that Costner was seen by the Sioux as having gone from dancing with wolves to dancing with the devil.....the same white devil that Walker Percy has said had flunked....not the native American Indians, but the blacks imported to America as industrial slave-workers that the Federalists.... James Madison, James Monroe, Henry Clay and Bushrod Washington, P.C. Caldwell among them with Madison signing the membership certificates of the Colonization Society that supported sending them to Liberia....with prominent modern Federalist Society members being Gordon and C. Boyden Gray the father and son team that both stripped Robert Oppenheimer of his national security clearance for wanting to use nuclear power for peace while as heirs of the RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company that merged with Brown & Williamson, sold carcinogens to the American people for decades while C. Boyden was the Bush White House's chief legal counsel.

JAMES MADISON. Document Signed. “Office of the Colonization Society.”
Washington, [ca. 1833-1836]. With Society’s seal engraved at bottom center
(a ship sailing towards Liberia, with Latin motto “Lex in Tenebris”
 – light amid darkness). 1 p., 8¼ x 11⅛ in.

     Also among the current Federalists is Tulane and Georgetown University Constitutional law professor, Jonathan Turley.   The Federalists wanted to send the American freed blacks who could no longer serve a useful purpose as slaves in America not to a reservation, but to Liberia and Sierre Leone, where we recently witnessed the concentrated outbreak of that mysterious virus that looks like the German Marburg virus from the IG Farben region of the Saxe-Gotha-Coburg's Germany, Ebola.
     Walker Percy seems correct about one thing.  Love is still in ruins.  This may help to explain why U.S. Defense Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, purchased the "Mount Misery Plantation" in Maryland where abolitionist, Frederick Douglass, also known as Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey, was "renditioned" when he fled to the North from Baltimore where he had worked in the opium cutter ship building shipyard, the Gardner Shipyard, that laid the hull of the Frolic and other cutters used in the China Trade and which was wrecked at Cabrillo Point near Fort Bragg, named for William Tecumseh's pre-and-post Civil War business partner, Confederate General Braxton Bragg, in 1850 just as Jefferson Davis was laying out the South's Transcontinental rail route from Savannah to San Diego, but which, next to the Union Pacific, lay in ruins until after a short period of Reconstruction.
    In the meantime, the South's competing ambitions thwarted, the Union plopped a US Navy base and Marine headquarters on top of the South's envisioned Pacific port, San Diego, built the Navy SEAL headquarters in the unmistakable shape of a Nazi swastika, hired the former Navy "mayor of San Diego" as its Chief Financial Officer, the wife of Linden Blue who along with his brother was the business partner in Nicaragua of Anastasio Samoza, but later became the developer of General Atomic Inc.'s Predator and Reaper drones that leave the world's battlefield ruins irradiated with the glow from depleted uranium shells and proving once again that General Smedley Darlington Butler was correct when he said "war is a racket"....a very loveless and ruinous one.


Friday, August 19, 2016

Judge Jeanine Pirro Zings Comey and Clinton, Frederick M. Mellon's Take On Clinton Lies Link Glass-Steagall Repeal To Clinton/Bush Cabal

Fox's Foxey Judge Jeanine Pirro Calls Comey Flea-bitten

by Colin O. Scapey and Y. Donna Usumi, CPW News Service

     It showed up on a number of places, but specifically in Fox News' Youtube videos (at 8:17) showing former President Bill Clinton's defense of his wife's emails when he spoke to a group on Friday August 12, 2016 at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada.  Clinton puts non-existent words in FBI Director James Comey's mouth by saying Comey had to amend his prior day's testimony to Congress.  There was no chance that it was a misquote.  It was an astounding statement for Bill Clinton to make, because there was no chance for misinterpretation or concealment.  "It was like I was looking at a white snow goose sitting on a coal pile or a black panther sitting in a cotton bin," said one listener who worries that putting Bill Clinton back in the White House may not be a good idea.
      This most recent event added to a long list of Clinton's prevarications that came most spectacularly to light in his affair and denial of a tryst with Monica Lewinsky a White House intern and harkens back to that day when Clinton denied it with hair-splitting semantics.  There was no truth-splitting at Caesars Palace.  We had the Congressional testimony of Comey and the absence of any Comey retraction to prove it. 
     Frederick M. Mellon sees a parallel to Clinton well-exposed comb-over and connects his Comey misrepresentation with Clinton's claim that his failure in 1999 to veto the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act was because "it had already been breached."
     Mellon was clear.  "The mud is sticking on all the walls and what isn't mud is flying through the fan and hitting the ceiling.  Glass-Steagall stood like the U.S. Constitution itself, like the Sherman Anti-Trust Law, at the center of the uniquely American political experiment which Clinton and his partner in crime, George W. Bush, whose family's pattern of war profiteering reaped war and economic downturn for 99% of Americans in the post Glass-Steagall era since 1999.  Clinton's failure to veto the Glass-Steagall repeal was essentially to give clemency to the 2000-2008  period of a bubbling cauldron of dark alliances with both Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, both the Democrats and Republican on seeking to devour the same wounded animal while scratching at each others eyes and seeking to devour at the same time their mutual prey....the American taxpayers...the nation.  They should both be put in the same category as Benedict Arnold," said Mellon.

     Here is what Mellon had said by one respondent:

     Judge Jeanine Pirro zinged it!   Comey should come clean in a river of sheep dip!  As for Clinton lying about Comey's statment?  Where is Comey now?  But consider Clinton's lying about Glass-Stegall's repeal in 1999 that opened the door to GWB's raping and pillaging and to the 2008 bailout that leaves a rise in the DOW, but with it dragging nearly $20 trillion in debt behind it to what new bubble burst?  We need a thorn.  We had one, but these morons removed it....and Obama....a 'constitution scholar' hasn't done anything to restore it!  
     As Frederick M. Mellon has pointed out elsewhere, the derivatives that Clinton decried in his ABC interview with Jake Tapper were based on Robert Merton's Black Scholes voo-doo formulas of incomprehensible financial metrics for which Merton won a Nobel Prize in 1997.   In 1996 on the MIT campus where Robert Merton (whose father is the "father of applied sociology" at Columbia University....the Mecca, Medina and Vatican....of mass-communication of the West....home to the Henry Luce Professor of Journalism and Chair of the Journalism School who was the Managing Editor of the Washington Post who provided oversight of the Metro Editor, Vernon Loeb, who wrote the war-ratcheting-propaganda about Pat Tillman and Jessica Lynch and co-authored the book All In: The Education of General David Petraeus), younger Merton was mentored by Paul Samuelson, relative of Larry Summers. Before his death Samuelson would call Merton's smoke screening metrics a "Frankenstein-ish monster" and lamented his relationship with him, if he was really sincere.  You remember that John Nash received a Nobel Prize for saying that Adam Smith needed revision? Yes, and he still does! There is no "invisible hand", folks. It's visible in the primogeniture systems of Europe that we see reflected in the Clinton and Bush genuflecting to dynastic impulses....their visible knees.  It's visible, not invisible. Across the MIT campus in 1996 Frank J. Sulloway was publishing his book Born To Rebel. He should have named it Birth Order Nation because the U.S. founders wrote out of the U.S. law the primogenitor biases of the pyramidal and monarchial systems of the past.  It's money from these tyrannical systems that the Clintons, on the premise that they are reformers, accept not unlike the Bush cabal did from the hand-chopping and neck severing Saudi royals thus becoming the focus of the  Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, FINCEN, looking specifically into Saudi influence peddling in the USA only to see this FBI and other governmental agencies' investigation stand down in 1992 as the Bush, Clinton and Perot Presidential battle heated up.  The Clintons didn't learn these clever tricks of the political trade in a vacuum.  It's all carefully choreographed among politicians in what George Carlin said was "trying to decide how much soft money to take for one's core values." 
     You judge that for yourself! Thomas Jefferson was given the task to rewrite the U.S. law eliminating pyramidal/monarchial biases and this was our unique element along with a peaceful transition of power.  
     Achievement with plunder had given way in America to Ayn Rand's vision of "achievement without plunder" on the basis of wealth-building with an ethical core, backbone and a thorny resolve to create a new world instead of repeating the old one.  Frank Sulloway's book Born to Rebel was bludgeoned by the establishment academics. He went on to do original research in Galapagos on the giant cactus there. Those cactus produced thorns used by the Darwin Finch which used them as tools in their food gathering like a woodpecker. Glass-Steagall that Clinton said had already been side-stepped....meaning that the laws were already being broken when he failed to veto its repeal,  was, not unlike the U.S. Constitution that wrote primogenitor bias out of our law, like Teddy Roosevelt's push of the Sherman Anti-Trust Law, a tool to level the playing field and keep the big brothers from devouring everything. Darwin said not the survival of the strongest....a point that big oil seems not to understand and holds the world's scientists under house arrest like Copernicus and Galileo, but of those willing to adapt and change.
     WE DID THAT! Glass-Steagall was proof!   Nobody laments John Nash's Nobel Prize that showed us that Smith needed revision! Merton? Like Clinton and Bush....are total embarrassments. They gutted the essential element of the U.S. American political experiment and have threatened to return us to feudalism. This was why Sanders called for the return of Glass-Steagall, the act named for Carter Glass, the fifth of twelve and Henry B. Steagall, the fourth of four!   Oh, and GWB and Prince Bandar and Elizabeth Kaufmann Bush, whose godmother was confirmed Nazi spy Wallis Simpson Windsor.....should be.......well, there's so many options on that score, now aren't there?


Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Lowell P. Wigglesworth: I Am Not A Scientist, But........

A World Still Split Apart

by Winsip Custer, CPW News Service

     In 1978, Soviet dissident, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, addressed the Harvard graduating class and contrasted the USSR with the USA.  He called his talk "A World Split Apart".   He was equally criticized and lionized for sermonizing. 
      There was reason for both.  In 1961 in Berlin a wall that separated the Communist East from the Capitalistic West split Berlin, a city that saw a U.S.-backed airlift to Berlin leap-frogged a blockade like that surrounding Cuba during the October 1962 missile crisis and designed to shut off Soviet supplies.  
     After World War II the U.S. imported notable Nazis from Germany to stand with the West as a bulwark against Communism.  While we fought Fascism we chose to prefer its form of totalitarianism to the leftists version that decried personal ownership.  Communism was devoid of incentives for wealth-building which for the U.S. and most to the West was the answer to the age-old program of hoarding the hitting, grabbing and grinding under. These ex-Nazi Germans were not vetted for their anti-American values, but for their potential contribution to the advance of U.S. science and technology.   There was no concern at that point that Capitalism devoid of a central ethic and the U.S.'s unique contribution to the world history, modeled as it was on Greek democratic principles rather than Roman imperialism, shared governance, would revert to a power-elite-led plundering that would turn from indigenous tribes and the settlements of European monarchies to its own household.
    Those who imported the Nazis saw them as logical partners, but in Italy and Germany they had practiced what Ayn Rand called "achievement with plunder" while she advocated "achievement without plunder."   Rand, a Jew, witnessed Jewish businessman Fritz Thyssen's close relationship with Hitler.   Thyssen overlooked the Hitler's brutality until it started hitting too close to home.  In America Rand witnessed J. Robert Oppenheimer's desire to use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes and then saw Oppenheimer banished from U.S. nuclear policy as Einstein had been fenced off from the Manhattan Project.  The U.S. military establishment moved on to bigger, deadlier weapons motivated by the fear of the USSR and the threatening, but serendipitous or engineered, Cuban missile crisis of 1961.
    Only decades later did we begin to understand that as with the power elite circles of any peoples there are wheels within wheels and circles within circles.   Edwin Black would set the record straight with his landmark book The Transfer Agreement followed by War Against the Weak in which Black, a Jewish writer, laid bare his own religious community's participation in the "final solution," as well as the U.S. power elite's culpability in the same Frankenstein monster of human history.
     With a sizable German-American community in the U.S., Nazi penetration into some elements of U.S. society were deep, as evidenced by the work of the Justice Department's O. John Rogge who wrote of it in his books Our Vanishing Civil Liberties and The Official German Report: Nazi penetration, 1924-1942 that linked Nazi penetration into the U.S.A. with Pan-Arabism, causing some leading American academics to question the evolution of U.S. foreign policy under the Bush family with its deep connections to the Saudi royals, to Bill and Hillary Clinton and even Obamas' failure to break with the Bush NeoCon agenda in the Middle East.   
     An attempted "business plot" in the 1930's was investigated by the McCormick-Dickstein Committee of Congress. Names like Henry Ford, Harvey Firestone, John Burroughs and even Prescott Bush, surfaced in connection to the plot whose key witness was two-time Congressional Medal of Honor winner, Smedley Butler, who had been approached to lead the coup, an event with others in his life that led him to write the book War Is A Racket.  The plotters had hoped  to keep FDR and the U.S. out World War II, but the coup would have done more than that. It would have removed a sitting U.S. President.  We now know that former U.S. Ambassador to Great Britain, Joseph P. Kennedy from Boston, was removed by Franklin D. Roosevelt because of his Nazi sympathies.  Kennedy had been drilling oil wells in Texas, was politically connected to Chicago and Illinois where the father of Al Gore's 2000 Presidential Campaign manager, William Daley, Richard Daley, delivered JFK the vote in 1960.   The post-WWII former Nazi immigrants had some reason to feel at home in America.
     Fifty years later with the withdrawal of Gorbachev's Russian troops from Afghanistan following the creation of Al Qaeda in Mubarak's Egypt and equipped as they were with U.S.-provided Stinger missiles that brought down Russian airships, Gorbachev seemed to be opening a door to new relations with the West.  Ronald Reagan stood like no other U.S. President in the second half of the 20th Century as the one man who could have rewritten the last 27 years since the Berlin Wall that was built in 1961 fell in 1989, but the Left was left and Reagan was Right....at least in the second half of his political career.  It would have been an excellent time to rethink NATO, but we didn't.  Instead, the Cold War moved on to become the even more costly officially undeclared "War on Terror" that within four years of the U.S. invasion of Iraq based on false evidence of weapons of mass destruction festered into ISIS.
     NATO's former Commander, General Wesley Clark, told us that the Bush NeoCons, arriving on the heels of the GHWB defeat by Bill Clinton in 1992 and the GWB 2000 Florida "victory" had a plan to start a half dozen wars in as many years in the oil-rich Middle East destabilizing the whole region.  Lowell P. Wigglesworth has extensively covered the other economic element of the same region that he believes was the unspoken and untaught motive for the U.S. Civil War... the push to complete a railway and shipping lanes to the opium of the Middle East's Golden Crescent beneath which would surface, as had the gold of Sutter's Mill in California in 1849, the ubiquitous Middle Eastern oil.
     "Oil and opium explains the unending war on terror, the continuing racket of endless warfare in the Middle East all connected to the dialectic yin of munitions and yang of anesthetics, and feeding the phony U.S. war on drugs all dating back to our own Civil War which historian have not and will not cover," said Wigglesworth who has.
      Barack Obama's continuation and expansion of the Bush NeoCon policies has, as such voices as war correspondent and Pulitzer Prize winner, Christopher Hedges, Princeton Professor and human rights advocate, Cornel West, and Constitutional Law Professor at Georgetown University Law School, Jonathan Turley, have shown, has been the benchmark of his Presidency.  In fact, the NeoCon policies have been vastly expanded under Obama's Democratic administration as evidenced by his Attorney General Eric Holder's speech at Northwestern University that led Constitutional Law Professor, Jonathan Turley, to argue convincingly that the U.S. is now standing on a crumbling precipice.
     Cornel West,  a brilliant Ivy League scholar, sees himself in the tradition of U.S. abolitionist Frederick Douglass. Photos of Douglass invoke an immediate comparison.  Douglass (not unlike Barack Obama who worked at the Springfield, Illinois Republican law firm of Sidley Austin which merged in 2000 with New York's Brown & Wood Law Firm with is long history with National City Bank and Brown Brothers Harriman, was associated with Baltimore-based Alexander Brown) worked in Baltimore, home to Brown's Merchant Shot Tower whose employee, slave James Hamlet (born James Hamilton Williams in 1818), was the first Fugitive Slave Law test case that helped fuel the Civil War a decade before Fort Sumter 
     Also in Baltimore was the Gardner shipyard that built the fastest opium cutters for the New England China traders and even employed Fred Bailey who, not unlike James Williams becomes James Hamlet, became Frederick Douglass.  "Like Cornel West I had read all the histories, felt uneasy, bamboozled, cheated.... until I plugged some gaping holes in the mythology.  I couldn't understand, for example,  why progress had been so illusive," said Wigglesworth who found absolutely mind-boggling the fact that Bush Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, who owned the Tecolote Ranch in Las Vegas, New Mexico, with Dan Rather who in 2004 claimed with Mary Mapes to have exposed the Abu Ghraib prison scandal in Iraq (a story reported by Amnesty International in 2003) also owned Maryland's Misery Plantation where Frederick Douglass was tortured after he ran away and was returned to the South.  "That was some really kinky crap," said Wigglesworth who believes that Rumsfeld collects mementos of America's dark ambitions like Geronimo collected scalps.
      With the election of our first African-American President, the U.S. has made some progress, but the recently merged Sidley Austin and Brown and Wood law firms that were in the World Trade Center on 911 leaves more questions.  Of the six hundred employees who had relocated there by September 11, 2001 the company lost only one employee.  Wigglesworth has written of Sidley Austin and Brown & Wood:

     Lincoln's widow was defended in her sanity trials by the Springfield, Illinois law firm of Sidley Austin that merged in 2000 with Brown and Wood, counselors for what Smedley Butler called "the National City Bank Boys' and who lost only one of its 600 World Trade Center-domiciled employees on 911.  Sidley Austin employed Barack and Michelle Obama from its home offices next to the Springfield statehouse where Hillary Rodham Clinton reminded us of Lincoln's speech...."A house divided cannot stand".   That is what South Carolina Congressman Trey Gowdy's blindfolded lady holding the scales of justice is saying, but she surely isn't blind to this bamboozle and neither should we be!
     Meanwhile, Democratic Presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, has come under attack with release of WikiLeak emails and the Congress-mandated release of emails indicating that U.S. businessman, Sidney Blumenthal, was in Libya during one of the wars that General Clark had told us was engineered by the Republican NeoCons.  South Carolina Congressman, Trey Gowdy, was chairman of the Benghazi Committee that called for Hillary Clinton to testify as to her rationale for consulting with Blumenthal when she did not consult with U.S. Ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stephens, who was murdered with other Americans in Benghazi.  Clearly, Blumenthal was an advisor to Hillary Clinton whose U.S. State Department was essentially following the NeoCon game plan in the Middle East.
      Today, Donald Trump, unlike Obama, has pledged to abandon nation-building in the region and to partner with Russia's Putin against Islamic jihadism.  "Were Trump, like Reagan, dealing with Gorbachev it might make sense, but Putin isn't Gorby," said Wigglesworth. Neither is Trump like Reagan which has the Republican party split over his candidacy.  Trump claims that Hillary Clinton's State Department was responsible for the rise of ISIS, while others point out that ISIS was organizing in 2004 in Iraq during the years of the George Walker Bush and Secretary of State Colin Powell.  "Trump is correct in stating that Hilary Clinton is extending the Bush/NeoCon/Obama legacy in the region," said Wigglesworth, "but ISIS was, in fact, created not unlike the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda by the West, underwritten by the Saudi royals and who are under the bed sheets with the U.S. Republican 'royalty'," said Wigglesworth pointing to a photo of Prince Bandar Bush whose chief engineer and builder, Salem Bin Laden, died in 1988 in Cibolo, Texas at an airport owned by wife of the USAF General who commanded Offutt's AFB and the National Reconnaissance Office that "stood down" on 911 the NORAD response the subject of Scott Shuger's article titled "Ignorad" in Slate.com..  "Salem bought with the help of the Saudi royal banker, Khalid bin Mahfouz and GWB's Texas Air National Guard roommate, James R. Bath, both of whom were directors of BCCI, the Iran-Contra era Bank of Credit and Commerce International, the Houston Gulf Manor Airport next to the CIA-linked Ellington Field where Bath owned the fuel concessions. Gulf Manor Airport was razed after 911.   It had been reported that Salem was an important part of the 1980 'October Surprise' that put together the Iran-Contra deal that had Bill Stewart snooping around in Iran and Nicaragua.  Going into the 1992 Presidential election between GHWB, Clinton and Perot, Salem could have been a serious liability for George Herbert Walker Bush and the Reagan/Bush legacy," said Wigglesworth.
     Wigglesworth sees the current Middle East crisis as an engineered program of war and control orchestrated by the power elites with money to win or loose in the region just like our own Civil War.  "What money is that?" he asks.  "You have to remember that the Middle East sands have easy oil underneath them.  You have to remember that the Golden Crescent has the world's highest quality opium poppies.  Britain's historic domination of the Ottoman's opioids with the help of Sephardic Jew, David Sassoon, essentially fueled the British Empire through the British East India Company.  That history is still stuck in Turkey's craw.  The U.S. and the Allies arrived after WWII to take that over, too, just as we had done with Saudi oil by displacing with ARAMCO, British Petroleum (BP), but unlike Indonesia which created the Golden Triangle's poppy fields and Colombia which created its alternative black-tar heroin crops in Central America, the U.S. did not allow the growth of poppies in our regions which could have easily competed, but through formal drug policies restricted the flow and controlled its distribution and profits by the same New England importers who established the laws to prohibit. Think of it this way....Caleb Cushing and John Perkins Cushing, the Heards, the Huntingtons, Russells, Delanos, Tafts, import the opium.   Civil War soldier Eli Lilly, the Union's best canoneer and pharmacist fires a canon, body parts fly.  Soldier's scream.  'Give me morphine!' they yell. A light bulb shines above Eli's head and ringing ears.  Across Bunker Hill in Boston Oliver Wendall Holmes, Sr. a famous surgeon like the father of Bernard Baruch who monetized through Wall Street the sulfur extraction process that later on made machine guns buzz, was Robert E. Lee's surgeon.  Holmes, Sr. coins the word "Anesthetics"......Oliver Wendall Holmes, Jr. goes onto the U.S. Supreme Court and U.S. drug policy is well on it way to being firmly established, a history that will not be told in the New England Journal of Medicine nor in our high school civics classes.  Today we are in a crisis in the U.S. as the doctor prescribed "legitimate" opioids establish the habit for the cheaper sale of the street variety into which the alternate sources undercuts their legitimate revenue streams, but without taxes cutting into the illegal profits, guarded by the U.S. law enforcement establishment and intelligence apparatus," said Wigglesworth. 
     "You have only to look at the favoritism that U.S. law enforcement gives to the rich and powerful to wonder if Congressman Gowdy, for example, means it when he said that he can't wait to hold a Republican President accountable.  If that is true, I wish that he would take Los Angeles District Attorney, Vincent Bugliosi's, who tried and convicted Charles Manson, advice on bringing George W. Bush to trial for murder. Why wait for a new President?  Take back the Congressional authority with the Presidents you have now and have had then, not the President you wish you  have.  There's no statute of limitation on murder and a Presidential pardon on a murder conviction would be very unpopular," said Wigglesworth.
     Consider that Sidley Austin, the Republican law firm in Springfield, Illinois that counseled Mrs. Mary Todd Lincoln and employed Michelle and Barack Obama showed with their 2000 merger with New York's Brown & Wood, their links to National City Bank whose CEO was Charles Mitchell.  Mitchell would be the target not only of Smedley Butler who said "I was goon on three continents for the City Bank boys....", but also the target of Congressmen Carter Glass and Henry Bascom Steagall.
     Carter Glass, the fifth of twelve children and Henry Steagall, the fourth of four, did not have the Gilded Age's monarchial sentiments that we see continuing in the Bush family legacy that identifies with Prince Bandar of the Saudi royal family and includes the godmother of Elizabeth Kauffman Bush, sister-in-law of GHWB, Wallis Simpson Windsor a known Nazi spy during War II who was entertained with Prince Edward along with actor Errol Flynn on the Fanjul's Cuban plantation....the same family of Alonso Fanjul who was talking with Bill Clinton during a tryst with Monica Lewinsky and whose Romana Plantation in Dominican Republic along the Haitian border is the subject of a priest's charges of human trafficking and forced labor.  
     Carter Glass may have been on the committee that created the Federal Reserve, but Glass-Steagall constructed a firewall down Wall Street and told the investment houses and National City Bank that became the too-big-to-fail Citibank, Chase Morgan, and others that they could not continue their smegma-lathered insider orgies. Fittingly, Bill Clinton, for failure to veto, removed Glass-Steagall in 1999 just before the Bush cabal arrived for the renewed orgy-fest.  Investment houses and banks were bridled with a solidly locked chastity belt that Glass and Steagall crafted for the sake of the nation, but make no mistake about it the wealthy, as today, are shown favoritism.  Clinton took off the belt and now Lady Justice IS peeking!
      "When a recipient of Koch funding like Trey Gowdy rants the loss of Congressional power it's because they don't do what is necessary and when he argues that his Spartanburg black Police Chief, formerly from Alexander Brown's Baltimore, home to James Hamlet and Frederick Bailey (Frederick Douglass) is proof that progress is overstated and that Gowdy is understating the obvious.  Take Patricia Livermore the daughter-in-law of Jesse Livermore who was interviewed on NPR.  She told of how Will Durant and who was running in the company of Charles Mitchell and the 'National City Bank Boys'.....Durant who founded General Motors..... did everything by the clock.  "When he left the house in the morning he did not leave at 8:10 he left at 8:07.  All of the policemen knew, because of his time schedule, that he would be going down Fifth Avenue at 8:37.  Well, of course, traffic lights were hand-operated then, had policemen on boxes.  So the instant they saw his car, the lights were green.  He never stopped for a red light," Wigglesworth conveyed as illustrative of what he called the 'frog in the kettle' compliance' that led to where Glass and Steagall stood in 1929 and that we were in 2008 and are still are in, thanks to Bill Clinton, the Bush family, Alan Greenspan and a neutered, wimpy, corrupt Congress," said Wigglesworth.
      Wigglesworth noted that the Ottomans evicted Sassoon in the 18th Century who moved to Bombay, now Mumbai, which saw the British evicted from India by Ghandi as Britain's imperial grasp on the empire slipped.  It also saw England's import of the children of many of the key players in India's shipping trade.....Ben Kingsley, who actually played Ghandi and won an Academy Award, was son of the "Spice King of Zanzibar" and even Dinesh D'Souza, an outspoken Conservative commentator and Presidential advisor from Mumbai, the producer of the recent film Hillary's America
     "The Ottoman's had the best shit, but Sassoon had to move to India, used Indians to run waypoints in Southeast Asia, Thailand and Vietnam on the way to the Yangtze River," said Wigglesworth, "so Sassoon was not happy when he moved from Basra, Iraq to Bombay to collect the weaker Indian and Pakistani poppies and neither were the British whose policy of dumping drugs in China for trade led to the opium wars and eventually Mao's Cultural Revolution.   Chiang Kai Shek, the U.S.-backed 'freedom fighter' was funded by the Chinese Green Gangs' opium in the mid-20th Century, serviced in his air defense by American General Claire Chennault of the American Volunteer Group or AVG out of Houston's Ellington Field.   The U.S. had weaseled its way into the mix when 'Ku Shing'....that's Caleb Cushing....Boston's leading opium trader.....negotiated the first U.S./Chinese trade agreement, the Whangia Treaty, in the mid-19th Century.  You have to remember that all this made the dastardly Japanese so nervous that they sent fighter planes to attack the U.S.S. Panay that was on the Yangtze River protecting John D. Rockefeller's boats hauling Standard Oil stuff or whatever, as John D. dreamed of Ludlow, and as later U.S. merchant marine who had been there,  Robert McKenna, wrote about the U.S. penetration into Indo-China in his excellent book The Sand Pebbles.  The Panay incident was on December 12, 1937 at Nanking so John D. Rockefeller died and missed all the excitement by half a year. The commandeering of the British opium market in China had begun as soon as Cushing returned and Congress ratified the treaty in 1845.  By 1861 our leading gunboat captain, Admiral Andrew Hull Foote, had returned to the U.S. to do here what he had done in China....open up the rivers of the South to the Union gun boats wishing to commandeer from Jefferson Davis and South the flatland rail route from Savannah, Georgia to the Pacific at San Diego, California," said Wigglesworth.
     Wigglesworth, sees the current Presidential election as laying bare the astounding American mythology and ignorance of the American electorate.  "I am not a scientist, but the whole political landscape is awash in the politics of science and technology.  What's under the Middle East?  Fossil fuel.  What fuels warfare....jets, tanks, ships?   Oil.  What fuels China's growth?  Oil and plastic.  The West had given them the Bessemer Process technology to improve their steel making just as we did Japan. The fossil fuel cartel sees the tightly controlled transfer of technology as a profitable policy of fueling endless warfare.    You also cannot discount the place of  religion in the game playing strategy," said Wigglesworth.
     Wigglesworth was asked about the books of Anthony Sutton, the Hoover Institute academic, who claimed that the U.S. underwrote the U.S.S.R..  "Yes," said Wigglesworth noting Sutton's books The Best Enemy Money Could Buy and National Suicide.  Similarly, Wigglesworth noted that the West funded Chinese technological development.  "The world's fastest railroad in China was dependent on the work of Michael Faraday and Bessemer's steel smelting principles economizing the East's steel production," said Wigglesworth who added "I'm not a scientist, but it's all about the science and technology."
      When asked to clarify Wigglesworth noted that the world's scientific community is being held hostage like Copernicus and Galileo by religion and politics.  "The clash of Western and Eastern religions.....specifically the clash between the Muslim and Christian cultures....is being played out in essentially the same way as the U.S. Civil War was played out to control land and natural resources, but by using a palatable, broadly accepted motive for dying..... freedom fighting under a quasi-religious banner. 
     The underlying magnetic force pulling William Tecumseh Sherman and Braxton Bragg and the New England opium smugglers for which they really worked may have been opium, but along the way there were other resources....silks and spices.....Gold at Sutters' mill, redwood trees.   They didn't know it back then, but there was also uranium.  In the film Clinton Cash it is reveal correctly that the Clinton Foundation expedited Putin's Russian investment in U.S. uranium mines like Hank Paulson, the mastermind of the 2008 bailout for Goldman Sachs has left Goldman to become China's chief liquidation agent for U.S. assets.  Now you can see why the Obama and Clinton administration has been figuring prominently into the current wars that the NeoCons engineered."
      I asked Wigglesworth to explain how uranium was part of the current geo-political mix.  He pointed to the fact that the oil cartel, in bed as it is with the Saudi royals who control the Islamic high holy sites of Mecca and Medina, are like the Jesuits who controlled the Vatican which found Copernicus and Galileo threating the authority of the Roman Catholic Church.  The church owned the system of indulgences?  The Saudi royals own the oil under Mecca and Medina and sincere scientists rightly assert that fossil fuels are an indulgence. There was only one answer to the question of religion for the West according to the Pope in the 16th Century who was keeper of the keys of the church which was built squarely as the capital of planet earth around which everything revolved. "The pope would be damned if two star gazers were going to upset their applecart," said Wigglesworth.  "Neither will the Saudi royals relinquish control of their leash around the necks of the Muslim people even though they have within their tradition the same universal Golden Rule that is found in every other major religion of the world," said Wigglesworth adding, "and is as transportable as an Israelite hanging up his lyre on a willow in Babylon."
     "If Gowdy is angry about the loss of Congress' authority and the erosion of people's respect for the people's house, then he needs to rethink his question to Dr. Nicole Lurie, M.D., M.S.P.H., Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response.... "Why in the hell did the President pick a lawyer to be Ebola Czar instead of you?"  The short reason:  "They need a facilitator and not a doctor."  The long reason according to Wigglewsorth?  Because science has been politicized as it was for Einstein and Oppenheimer.....and for Josef Mengele, too.   I'd look at why B.A.R.D.A. is such a foot dragger on a vaccine, while the tobacco-based Zmapp therapy for Ebola has taken the bulk of the research funding considering that tobacco comes from a (finally) regulated industry that cared nothing about human health while Ebola may well be an engineered virus from the Marburg laboratories of those with the same Frankensteinish mentality that created in the West the credit default formulas the infected, with the removal of Glass-Steagall....thank you Bill Clinton and his NeoCon buddies.....including Greenspan..... our financial bodies," said Lowell P. Wigglesworth.
     Wigglesworth has noted that the fossil fuel cartel has been responsible for the lack of progress toward alternative energy sources.  "There were two scientist in Texas working on gas-phase technology used in hydrogen fuel cells.  They were experts in the permeable membrane that separates hydrogen from oxygen working in the same department of the same Texas university.  One died from a witness-less bicycle accident and the other from a witness-less heart attack, but don't stop there.  Consider what happened to Robert Oppenheimer.  He was working on peaceful energy from nuclear power when Houston, Texas' Rice University's Kenneth Pitzer and William Liscum Borden testified that Oppenheimer was a national security risk.  Never mind that Pitzer was working on jet fuel for the fossil fuel industry when he branded Oppy, the "Father of the Atom Bomb" who refused to make the Hydrogen bomb, a near traitor, so in comes the Dr. Strangelove of the Cold War era, Edward Teller.  But don't stop there.   What George H.W. Bush, GWB and Howard Taft of the Taft-Hartley Act  and so many others of the NeoCon's current circle of influence and traditions share is that at their alma-mater, Yale, in 1833 there was a serious power shift in the USA away from the founding principles of the country's early leadership.   Today you have GWB's fraternity brother from Yale, Neal and Linden Blue, who were the sociopathic Nicaraguan Dictator, Anastosio Samoza's business partners, mining uranium, putting it into fuel rods in carefully limited and controlled nuclear reactors, then taken out as 'depleted uranium' and made into armor cutting shells that are fired from the Blue brother's drones, made at their company, General Atomics, the Predator and Reaper drones that Obamas' Attorney General, Eric Holder, announced at Northwestern University would be the primary weapon for delivering Obama's extra-judicial Presidential kill-list calling cards.
    Wigglesworth believes that it is long past time for the world's scientist to take back the initiative as did Copernicus and Galileo in Italy, supported as they were by a variety of reformers within the religious communities of the times.
    "I was hoping that the Arab Spring would bring out the best reformers from the Muslim world and their rejection of the Muslim Brotherhood may be a sign that it's really begun.  You have to remember that when the Russians were fighting in the 80's in Afghanistan at the center of the Golden Crescent poppy production region on the northern edge of the Middle East fossil fuel sludge pockets, Al Qaeda was created in Egypt within the Muslim Brotherhood and given U.S. weapons through the intuitive of Texas U.S. Representative Charlie Wilson who teamed up with the wife of Houston Natural Gas founder and progenitor of Enron, Robert Herring, whose building at Kenneth Pitzer's Rice University, is in the heart of the world's Mecca and Medina and Vatican of the fossil fuel friars club."
     I asked Wigglesworth if he could help us further visualize just how the early resistance to Oppenheimer vision of ubiquitous and peaceful energy from science may have been further compromised since Pitzer and Borden testified against Oppy before the Gordon Gray Committee.
     "Why yes," said Wigglesworth noting that Gordon Gray is the father of Bush family attorney C. Boyden Gray, who together along with Gordon are the largest heirs of the R.J. Reynolds Tobacco company.  "You have to read the letter to John F. Ahearne from Kenneth Pitzer in 1997 that attempts to derail research on nuclear fusion just as Pitzer and Borden had derailed the research of Oppenheimer on peaceful nuclear energy.  Mind you, Pitzer's office at Rice University was also held by Rice historian, Frank Vandiver, who was the director of the Jefferson Davis Project that held the letter of Jefferson Davis, the Confederate President, who was "like a brother" to U.S. President Franklin Pierce and Caleb Cushing and helped to explain the real motive for the Civil War.   Vandiver made nothing of the fact that Caleb Cushing and Davis both drooled over the South's flatland rail route advantage over the New England to San Francisco route that was until 1867 with the invention of dynamite dependent on Chinese coolies carrying unstable nitro glycerin up the Rockies and laid out along Russell's Pony Express route," said Wigglesworth.
     "John F. Ahearne the recipient of Kenneth Pitzer's May 8, 1997 letter recommending the abandonment of research on nuclear fusion was head of Sigma Xi.   Ahearn was also head of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission which ousted Oppenheimer.  Located at Duke University, Sigma XI is in the heart of Carolina's tobacco country whose biggest tobacco magnate, Julian Carr, had thorugh Charlie Soong opened the region to deep political ties to China and which more recently has been touted for its potential in providing the greatest promise for a Ebola therapy," said Wigglesworth who worries that the tobacco industry, like the NCR with the undisclosed radiation experiments in St. Louis' Pruitt-Igoe Project, the subject of Dr. Lisa Martino-Taylor's open-source PhD dissertation, does not have a strong record of protecting public health. 
     Kenneth Pitzer's letter to Ahearn was accompanied by another letter from the President Emeritus of the Electric Power Research Institute, EPRI, Chauncey Starr, who points to the promise of coal energy in electric power generation while decrying the use of other energy sources, particularly solar power.   "Yea, the Saudis are walking on the largest source of silica for solar electric generation in the world, so their uncivil civil waring between Mecca and Medina Shias an Sunnis, the rise of ISIS and the expansion of war is putting one big smile on William Tecumseh Sherman and Braxton Bragg's dead faces and on the NeoCons' and Obama's living ones!" said Wigglesworth.  "The Saudi royal family is in a more nuanced position, not unlike, say, Anastosio Samoza in Nicaragua or Ferdinand Marcos in the Philipines, " said Wigglesworth adding "....or the Shah of Iran or Augusto Pinochet for that matter."
    Wigglesworth noted that Sigma Xi is the scientific research group honored to have among its members, Albert Einstein, whose essay "The Negro Question" is featured on the Sigma Xi homepage on the web.  "Einstein was not allowed to be a part of the Manhattan Project and who, like Oppenheimer, was Jewish like the aeronautical scientists from Israel upon whose engineering Neal and Linden Blue's Predator and Reaper drones are based.
     "I am doing everything in my power to get the 80,000 scientists who make up Sigma Xi's membership to join the nearly 3,000 scientists and engineers of the Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth Movement," said Wigglesworth, noting that Frank Vandiver went on to become the director of the Mosher Defense Studies Institute at Texas A&M where the Zmapp therapy for Ebola using tobacco products is underwritten at Texas A&M home of the Bush Presidential Library and where former CIA Director, Robert Gates, was President and where in a tragic bon-fire collapse in 1999 proved that carbon-based fires could not melt steel.   The Mosher Institute was named for founder of Mosher Steel Company, Edward Mosher, whose company provided 13,000 tons of steel for the critical first nine floors of the World Trade Center which, like Pruitt-Igoe in St. Louis, was designed by the Bin Landen's favorite architect, Minoru Yamasaki.   Pruitt-Igoe was imploded by Control Demolition Inc., in 1972, the same controlled demolition company that arrived the week of 911 to finish the demolition of the WTC.
     "The three thousand architects and engineers who question the Official 911 Report all know that the only thing that could have melted the steel in the WTC was thermite which was invented in the 1890's and was used extensively in the railroad industry early on," said Wigglesworth.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Bill Clinton, George Bush, Glass-Steagall and Darwin's Finch

How to reset the clock to the Dark Ages

Commentary by F.M. Mellon, CPW News Service

      On August 10th, I phoned in to the Laura Ingraham Show to ask to speak with Laura on the air.  The screener asked what I wanted to talk about since she was talking about the Trump and Clinton economic plans and I said "I want to tell Laura that neither plan will work so long as Glass-Steagall is still absent from the equation.  The screener said "What is Glass-Steagall?"    I said "Laura will know".  He said "hold on a minute" and I thought...."Why?"
     After his extensive study on birth order, MIT sociologist Frank J. Sulloway's book, Born To Rebel, took hit after hit from those dis-creditors who said that his work was flawed, not submitted to peer review, and "unscientific".   I defended the work and noted that good sociology threads a fine line between science and art, but then suggested that Sulloway do a study of the birth order of the first Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay Colonist gleaned from baptism records and other available material that would likely show that the U.S. was based on a birth order rebellion.  The American Revolution was fought by the disenfranchised younger siblings of  Europe's primogenitor-based economy that was only coming unraveled well into the Age of Enlightenment and Reformation that challenged top-down and pyramidal models of organization. Oliver Cromwell came close to achieving a vision of shared governance, but lacked the unique assembly of American minds that created a peacefully transferred leadership based on an anti-primogeniture constitution. Like Copernicus and Galileo looking above and beyond and discovering that the earth was not the center of the universe, neither was monarchial feudalism more than a fleck amid the infinite possibilities.
      After writing Born To Rebel, Sulloway went to the Galapagos Islands to do original research.  I thought, "great, he'll see Darwin's finch in action".  In fact, he told me he was studying the giant cactus there and I knew that the finch could not be far from Sulloway's thought processes.  The finch and the cactus were unusual allies in the process of evolution.
     Sulloway took particular issue with the idea that his work had been discredited and stated as much:  I am currently doing fieldwork in the Galapagos Islands, studying the giant Opuntia, and must be brief.  I have suggested a number of changes to your text below, in red type.  I hope these are helpful.  The use of the word "discredited" is particularly inappropriate, as numerous publications since "Born to Rebel" have confirmed the main arguments of the book, namely, that firstborns are more conscientious than laterborns, and that laterborns are more agreeable, extraverted (in the sense of being funloving and sociable), and open to experience (including being risk oriented and the rebel of the family). 
     In Europe the later-borns' agreeability reached its limit and shifted in America toward risk and rebellion. Believing that Thomas Jefferson's contribution to U.S. law that included writing out of our laws the European first-born biases of primogeniture, Sulloway might see that in the U.S. we were replacing the age-old model of achievement by plunder and land grab with Capitalism's new model of shared governance and citizen "wealth-building"....moving toward what Ayn Rand called "achievement without plunder."  That was the evolving model, anyway, but by 1929 we realized that the wealth was being siphoned off as it had been in Europe's monarchies and the early tools of muskets, lead and gunpowder would need some economic tools to counter-act what the Taft-Hartley Act had done to reinstate the old European model.  Teddy Roosevelt had seen the danger and pushed the Sherman Anti-Trust law, but by 1929 it was apparent that if the tools of muskets, lead and gunpowder weren't to resurface in mass, people would need another tool.  Enter Glass-Steagall that prevented the younger siblings of the New World's wealth-building program from being picked off like Henry VIII picking off the assets of the English empire and chopping off his wife's heads for not presenting him with a first-born male heir.  Writers like Harper's Magazine's Lewis Lapham, author of The American Ruling Class, blamed the average citizen in his book The Wish For Kings: Democracy At Bay for the return to the dusty past. 
     In a similar way Wall Street blamed the Joe Six-Packs for failing to practice responsible household management by moving from homes to castles with funds from shaky mortgage agreements which led to the 2008 melt-down which had actually begun in Bill Clinton's last year in office just about the time he was thinking of giving a Presidential pardon to that supplier of the old order's "achievement by plunder", war profiteer, Marc Rich.  The average American had not manipulated the credit-default swaps based on the complicated metrics of Black Scholes and other incomprehensible formulas designed to conceal the threats to Capitalism's wealth-building potential.  They had not applied the mind-control techniques of Madison Avenue, the handmaiden of Wall Street, that branded the new appliances that went into the new homes that the sub-prime mortgages promised were within reach of the poor whose fleeing jobs were hidden beneath the smoke and flames of the raging housing market's bonfire of vanities.
    Glass-Steagall prevented wealth-protecting banks from acting like Wall Street speculators that in the early part of the Republic were hung for their bamboozles.  Glass-Steagall was in place from 1933 until 1999 right across the most prosperous period of economic growth in world history. Then first-born President William Jefferson Clinton failed to veto the repeal of Glass-Steagall in 1999 thus opening the door to the wholesale return to the past and the 2000-2008 rape of the economy that resulted in the 2008 bailout followed by Clinton's adoption as a new Bush son alongside first-born GWB, as Hillary talked in December 2007 to Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street speculators to tell them to behave themselves.  Why?  They didn't have to anymore.  There were no consequences in law, in tools with teeth and functioning grips.

I went to Wall Street in December 2007 before the big crash that we had and I basically said "cut it out".  -Hillary Clinton

    Copyrighted in 1996, three years before Texas Senator Phil Gramm led the assault on Glass-Steagall that cleared the way, with the assistance of Bill Clinton's 1999 failure to veto the repeal of Glass-Steagall, Sulloway's book would underscore the historic roots of America's birth order rebellion in the evolution of political and economic theory.  This would not have served well the move toward massive deregulation upon which the Bush/Wall Street assault on the economy depended .  Born to Rebel was as informative for sociology, psychology, political science and economics as was John Nash's "governing dynamics" which received the Nobel Prize.
    Frank J. Sulloway would have noticed that on Galapagos the Darwin Finch had found its ecological niche by using a tool....a cactus thorn making it like a woodpecker and less like a finch.   Glass-Steagall was just such a tool in the hands of the younger siblings of the new American realm.  By removing this tool the Clinton-Bush bamboozling alliance of elder-brothers was turning back the clock on the era of the dinosaurs. Darwin's work, and Sulloway's by association, is still very relevant.   It still shows us that it is not the strong that survive, but those that are able to change and adapt. Dinosaurs were strong, but they died out and scientists are telling us we will soon do likewise without radical transformation.  The repeal of Glass-Steagall was an intervention in the evolutionary process of transformation.
     Oddly, Sulloway's book was celebrated by names like Pulitizer Prize winning author of On Human Nature, Harvard University Professor, Edward O. Wilson who said of Sulloway's contribution..."Sulloway has delivered one of the most authoritative treatises in the history of social sciences."  From the campus and city, Boston, that produced the Nobel Prize winning economist Robert Merton, George W. Bush and John Fitzgerald Kennedy, whose parents all followed birth-ordered succession the Hapsburgs, Stuarts, Tudors and Saxe-Gotha-Windsors, there came no direct implication of what the removal of Glass-Steagall's support of the uniquely American evolutionary development might mean to the future of the Republic.
     Robert Merton had created Wall Street's justification for the credit default swaps and derivatives that tanked the economy, but his father, the "father of applied sociology" at Columbia University in New York City that had become the training ground for the Dumbledores of the "applied journalism" with the Henry Luce associated Columbia Journalism that informed everyone from William S. Paley to Fred Friendly, Walter Cronkite and Dan Rather and an astounding array of American public policy makers.
     Merton's father, who had along with Paul Lazersfeld, recruited C. Wright Mills, the maverick sociologist who died young, but produced the landmark books The Sociological Imagination and The Power Elite, could not imagine the obvious connections between his son's work at Harvard and the implication coming to light in Sulloway's Born To Rebel.
     Robert Merton, the Columbia sociologist wrote of Born to Rebel..."A quarter-century in the making, this brilliant, searching, provocative and readable treatise promises to remain definitive for at least as long.  Whether firstborns or laterborns, all of us will learn fascinating and surprising details about ourselves."
     Sulloway's book was being routed like Reinhold Niebuhr's "Serenity Prayer" that was picked off by the Oxford Group and used not to focus readers on the implications of not standing up to the devolution of Hiter's German Reich in the 1930's, but as a tool for understanding the quirks of our individual personalities.  In Niebuhr's case his prayer became an assist to overcoming alcoholism instead of building the gumption needed to resist the tyranny of a military and economic model of domination familiar to all totalitarian and pyramidal systems.
     Sulloway's book was also celebrated by Sarah Blaffer Hrdy, a graduate of St. Johns High School in Houston, Texas home of William Stamps Farrish who had been head of the Bush family blind trust when GHWB was President.  Hrdy said of Sulloway's Born To Rebel..."Sulloway's book will change the way that we think about the past, present and future.  I believe this book will have the same kind of impact as Freud's and Darwin's."   Not if the blinding parallels to the evolution of political and economic theory that led the early Americans to repeal the primogenitor-favoritism of the past were not seen to be the core-contribution of Sulloway's research.
      Perhaps the best and most accurate assessment of Born To Rebel came from Stephen Jay Gould who actually makes the connection between birth order and "niches" which Carter Glass, the fifth of twelve and Henry B. Steagall, the fourth of four, who fashioned the Glass-Steagall Act sought to protect.  Gould didn't actually mention the 1933 Banking Act of which Glass-Steagall was a part nor its comparison to the pointed tool of the Galapagos finches, but he didn't need to.  He said..."Fascinating and persuasive....Birth order places children in different 'niches' requiring disparate modes of competition for maximal success.  Sulloway's substantial birth-order effects therefore provide our best and ultimate documentation of nurture's power."
      At his death in 2002 a New York Times editorial said of Stephen Jay Gould... He was never a scientific bomb-thrower; he worked, after all, in the heart of the scientific establishment. But he delighted in small explosions, and he never hesitated to set them off when he thought it would do a discipline good. His belief that evolution moved in leaps—in punctuated equilibrium, to use his phrase—rather than slowly and continuously struck off far more heat than it might have if Mr. Gould had not reveled in the role of controversialist. That was his evolutionary niche. 
     It was also the niche of the early American settlers and their finest minds who saw a break with the passively accepted birth-ordered past of Europe as a way to insure a leaping era and punctuated equilibrium that had slipped from the grasp of revolutionaries in ancient Greece or Rome or even the Parliamentarian government of British revolutionary, Oliver Cromwell, who unaccompanied by the fine minds of Franklin, Jefferson, Hamilton, Madison, Adams and the rest reverted to appointing his elder son, Richard, to succeed him before the full reinstatement of first-born domination.
      The U.S.A. has long nurtured this powerful new "punctuated equilibrium".  It is the hallmark of enlightened living which is the genius of its unique contribution of the evolution and transformation of the human family.
     Whether Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump become the next U.S. President, without this tool reinstated, the continuing Wall Street bamboozle which hides the old primogeniture model in the corporate interlocking directorates of resurrected nepotism. The U.S. economy, meanwhile, is now based on a rising DOW and a nearly $20 trillion national debt that will likely lead to the resurrection of muskets, lead and gunpowder and the dream of Capitalism as a creative way to bring about a world with liberty and justice for all will slip away...hidden behind the bubbles we are still blowing, but which could have been easily popped by a simple little thorn.

About the author:  Frederick M. Mellon's Echo-Eco-Micro-Macro Theory of Economics has been, not unlike Frank Sulloway's work on birth order's psychological and sociological effects on humanity, a target of substantial controversy and mis-reporting.  Forwarded to Frank Sulloway at the University of California, Berkeley where Sulloway is an adjunct professor of psychology he stated of the above essay: Thanks for sending me the essay--very lively and interesting reading. I have, in fact, recently gotten pretty involved in research on the famous Galapagos finches (an old interest of mine), having published several articles on the subject in the last few years ( http://www.sulloway.org/Darwinpubs.html ).  As you note, Darwin never gets old. With best wishes, Frank. 
     Sulloway said that to his knowledge neither Robert Merton, the economist, nor his mentor at MIT, Paul Samuelson, nor Noam Chomsky, also at MIT, commented on the relationship of Born To Rebel on economic theory, though Sulloway did say.... "Robert Merton (the eminent sociologist of science and something of an icon in my field) did write a very flattering blurb for the dust jacket of the book."


Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Andrew Foster Conner, Martin O'Malley, Julian Assange... Name The Unclean Sprit In Baltimore

"Name The Unclean Spirit and Tell It To 'Get Out of Town'"

by Winsip Custer CPW News Service

      Former Presidential candidate, Martin O'Malley, ex-Governor of Maryland, said on MSNBC's Morning Joe on Wednesday, August 10th, that he believes that to know the history of Baltimore's troubled past is prologue to amending its future.
      Rev. Andrew Foster Conner of the Baltimore's Brown Memorial Presbyterian Church, named for the family of Alexander Brown of Alex Brown & Company with its historic ties to National City Bank and Brown Brothers Harriman said in quoting Jesus, a favorite saying of WikiLeak's founder Julian Assange....."Name the unclean spirit and tell it to get out of town."
      The apparent disconnect between the Baltimore prosecutor who filed charges on the six officers who handled Freddie Gray, a police/arrestee encounter that led to Gray's death, is seen in the acquittal of the officers and the recent U.S. Justice Department's report featured in the New York Times' article "U.S. To Criticize Baltimore Police Over Racial Bias: Report of Justice Dept., Finding Black Residents Were Hounded and Trust Was Ruined."
       Lowell P. Wigglesworth, the historian who has called attention to the fact that the U.S. Civil War was not fought primarily over slavery or states' rights, but over the rush to the Pacific and the opium trade in the Middle East with it primary market in China, sees Baltimore's issues clearly.

     "You have to remember that Baltimore was home of the Gardner Shipyard, the company that built the fastest opium clippers in the world in the 19th Century and employed Fred Bailey who would become known as Frederick Douglass.  In his 1999 book Voyage of the Frolic: New England Merchants and the Opium Trade, Professor Emeritus at the University of California in Chino, Thomas Layton, notes that Fred Bailey may have even laid the Frolic's hull in Baltimore, a ship that wrecked in 1850 near the Mount Cabrillo Light House near Fort Bragg, California north of San Francisco and leaving a relic of the place that Baltimore had in the current phony war on drugs that has decimated the nation, especially the poor of our inner cities,' said Wigglesworth whose work was summarized by this writer in an article titled Tracks II.
      Wigglesworth has made the point repeatedly that the U.S. power elites' primary motive for the Civil War was the push to co-opt the British opium trade which included the Golden Crescent's supplies accumulated by Sephardic Jew, David Sassoon, shipped from Basra, Iraq, Smyrna and, later, Bombay, India up the Yangtze River in China and used as trading chips with the Chinese while chemically enslaving China's poor....leading to the opium wars and China's Cultural Revolution.
     Wigglesworth sees opium and the anesthetics it provides as the yin of a dialectic yang of warfare and painkillers.  "As Civil War canoneer Eli Lilly knew, canon balls and opium make a fine compliment to war profiteers' supply shelf."
     Baltimore was also home to the Brown's Merchant Shot Tower that employed the first Fugitive Slave Law test case.   James Hamlet was a slave employed there making lead musket balls, while in Boston, George Luther Stearns, one of abolitionist John Brown's "Secret Six" backers was seeking to corner the lead mining market.  Stearns was a neighbor of Caleb Cushing whose close relationship with Jefferson Davis and Franklin Piece were, according to Wigglesworth, important in the race to the Pacific.  "Caleb invited Jefferson Davis to speak at Faneuil Hall in Boston, the same site as Frederick Douglass' famous oratory against slavery," said Wigglesworth who sees Cushing as a war profiteer and drug runner who even President U.S. Grant distrusted.   "You will find that Misery Plantation not far from Baltimore was purchased by Donald Rumsfeld as some kind of weird trophy historical site was where Frederick Douglass was 'renditioned' before being returned to the South after he, like James Hamlet, had run away.  By the middle of the 20th Century you have Marine Corps. General Smedley Darlington Butler writing his famous book War Is A Racket in which he admits to pacifying Nicaragua for the firm of Brown Brothers while stating that he had been a goon on three continents for the National City Bank boys.  Nicaragua, you will remember is where the freely and democratically elected Augusto C. Sandino was murdered by Anastosio Samoza whose great niece, Anastasia Samoza, spoke from a wheelchair at the 2016 Democratic National Convention for Hillary Clinton, but omitted the fuller story of her family's immigration to the U.S after the 1979 murder of ABC newsman, Bill Stewart, by Samoza's National Guard officer.
      Wigglesworth believes that Martin O'Malley desire for people to look closely at Baltimore's history and Rev. Andrew Foster Conner's desire to "call out the unclean spirit by name," will be the salvation of the United States as a place of liberty and justice for all.