Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Andrew Foster Conner, Martin O'Malley, Julian Assange... Name The Unclean Sprit In Baltimore

"Name The Unclean Spirit and Tell It To 'Get Out of Town'"

by Winsip Custer CPW News Service

      Former Presidential candidate, Martin O'Malley, ex-Governor of Maryland, said on MSNBC's Morning Joe on Wednesday, August 10th, that he believes that to know the history of Baltimore's troubled past is prologue to amending its future.
      Rev. Andrew Foster Conner of the Baltimore's Brown Memorial Presbyterian Church, named for the family of Alexander Brown of Alex Brown & Company with its historic ties to National City Bank and Brown Brothers Harriman said in quoting Jesus, a favorite saying of WikiLeak's founder Julian Assange....."Name the unclean spirit and tell it to get out of town."
      The apparent disconnect between the Baltimore prosecutor who filed charges on the six officers who handled Freddie Gray, a police/arrestee encounter that led to Gray's death, is seen in the acquittal of the officers and the recent U.S. Justice Department's report featured in the New York Times' article "U.S. To Criticize Baltimore Police Over Racial Bias: Report of Justice Dept., Finding Black Residents Were Hounded and Trust Was Ruined."
       Lowell P. Wigglesworth, the historian who has called attention to the fact that the U.S. Civil War was not fought primarily over slavery or states' rights, but over the rush to the Pacific and the opium trade in the Middle East with it primary market in China, sees Baltimore's issues clearly.

     "You have to remember that Baltimore was home of the Gardner Shipyard, the company that built the fastest opium clippers in the world in the 19th Century and employed Fred Bailey who would become known as Frederick Douglass.  In his 1999 book Voyage of the Frolic: New England Merchants and the Opium Trade, Professor Emeritus at the University of California in Chino, Thomas Layton, notes that Fred Bailey may have even laid the Frolic's hull in Baltimore, a ship that wrecked in 1850 near the Mount Cabrillo Light House near Fort Bragg, California north of San Francisco and leaving a relic of the place that Baltimore had in the current phony war on drugs that has decimated the nation, especially the poor of our inner cities,' said Wigglesworth whose work was summarized by this writer in an article titled Tracks II.
      Wigglesworth has made the point repeatedly that the U.S. power elites' primary motive for the Civil War was the push to co-opt the British opium trade which included the Golden Crescent's supplies accumulated by Sephardic Jew, David Sassoon, shipped from Basra, Iraq, Smyrna and, later, Bombay, India up the Yangtze River in China and used as trading chips with the Chinese while chemically enslaving China's poor....leading to the opium wars and China's Cultural Revolution.
     Wigglesworth sees opium and the anesthetics it provides as the yin of a dialectic yang of warfare and painkillers.  "As Civil War canoneer Eli Lilly knew, canon balls and opium make a fine compliment to war profiteers' supply shelf."
     Baltimore was also home to the Brown's Merchant Shot Tower that employed the first Fugitive Slave Law test case.   James Hamlet was a slave employed there making lead musket balls, while in Boston, George Luther Stearns, one of abolitionist John Brown's "Secret Six" backers was seeking to corner the lead mining market.  Stearns was a neighbor of Caleb Cushing whose close relationship with Jefferson Davis and Franklin Piece were, according to Wigglesworth, important in the race to the Pacific.  "Caleb invited Jefferson Davis to speak at Faneuil Hall in Boston, the same site as Frederick Douglass' famous oratory against slavery," said Wigglesworth who sees Cushing as a war profiteer and drug runner who even President U.S. Grant distrusted.   "You will find that Misery Plantation not far from Baltimore was purchased by Donald Rumsfeld as some kind of weird trophy historical site was where Frederick Douglass was 'renditioned' before being returned to the South after he, like James Hamlet, had run away.  By the middle of the 20th Century you have Marine Corps. General Smedley Darlington Butler writing his famous book War Is A Racket in which he admits to pacifying Nicaragua for the firm of Brown Brothers while stating that he had been a goon on three continents for the National City Bank boys.  Nicaragua, you will remember is where the freely and democratically elected Augusto C. Sandino was murdered by Anastosio Samoza whose great niece, Anastasia Samoza, spoke from a wheelchair at the 2016 Democratic National Convention for Hillary Clinton, but omitted the fuller story of her family's immigration to the U.S after the 1979 murder of ABC newsman, Bill Stewart, by Samoza's National Guard officer.
      Wigglesworth believes that Martin O'Malley desire for people to look closely at Baltimore's history and Rev. Andrew Foster Conner's desire to "call out the unclean spirit by name," will be the salvation of the United States as a place of liberty and justice for all.

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