Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Satellite Photos of Syria's Sarin Attack?


Phil A. Dindrem  CPW News Services

     With a poignant message of serious intent to right the Syrian dictator’s wrong, President Obama laid out the horrors of chemical weapons beginning during World War I and outlawed for good reason by the Geneva Convention.  Chemical weapons are indiscriminate in their killing and are therefore a war crime.

     According to one Miami, Florida resident....."To bolster his case and bring the American people to a unwavering conclusion about the Syrian regime’s use of Sarin, President Obama did what John F. Kennedy did during the Cuban Missile Crisis."

     “I’m proud of President Obama for lifting his skirt and showing us the smoking gun of Assad’s guilt and viciousness.  The Sarin gas attack on Syrian civilians was chronicled by satellite photos that showed the launch, impact, and the neighborhood targets like a photo of a muzzle blast from a canon at night,” said Fletcher Flouerd of Miami, Florida.
     Fletcher provided photos which he snapped on his new I-Phone of what he said were the photos which President Obama provided for convincing the American people, presumable from the television as he watched the President's speech as it was being televised.

     “Fletcher is trippin’,’ said Mildred Flouerd, Fletcher’s wife.   “He kind of sundowns about this time of day.  Those pictured he snapped are from a photo album that he kept from his years at the CIA as an analyst in the 1960’s ,” she admitted.

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