Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Monday, February 29, 2016


 by Fabian Colbachi, CPW News Service

"I like that quote 'I'd rather be a lion for a day than a sheep for a hundred years.'  Yea, I know Mussolini said it." -Donald Trump

"I forgot to tell him about 'The devil is a roaring lion seeking to devour whom he will,' and that Mussolini said 'Fascism should more correctly be called 'Corporatism' since it is the merger of state and corporate power.'  Never mind what David Duke has said."
                      -Mrs. Wilma Poole* the 99 year old
                              Sunday School teacher referring to 1st Peter 5:8.

     According to Lowell P. Wigglesworth, who claims that the Confederate General long associated with the KKK, Nathan Bedford Forrest, disavowed the KKK, Donald Trump is on a collision course with a brokered Republican Convention.
      “There's a growing 'dump Trump' sentiment among Republicans.  The KKK was the product of its chief legal counsel who had been the Confederacy’s head of Indian Affairs, Albert Pike.  Pike was a Roman Catholic and the U.S. founder of the Scottish Rite Masons who usurped the York Rite Masonry of Franklin and Washington….Washington….who disavowed slavery, but only after his death by his probated will in 1799, the only founding father slave owner to do so.  Pike would have been what is today called a ‘human trafficker’, but he was given a place of honor in Washington, D.C. and even Alphonso Taft and his son, William Howard Taft, joined the Pike's Cincinnati Scottish Rite Temple.   Taft, of course, was the founder with William Huntington Russell, of Yale’s Skull & Bones and Alphonso’s grave at Spring Grove Cemetery in Cincinnati is surrounded by the largest assembly of dead Union Army Generals from the Civil War in the U.S…..over forty!” said Wigglesworth.
      Wiggleworth’s assessment and criticism of intentionally-veiled U.S. history has had its critics, but he generally fires back with significant accuracy.   “Arkansas is not only home to Bill and Hillary Clinton, but its leading historian, Walter Lee Brown, wrote the biography of A Life of Albert Pike.   Albert Pike’s home was Little Rock.  To his credit, Nathan Bedford Forrest figured out that the KKK was a sham that united anglophile opportunists across the Mason Dixon Line.   A slaver, Forrest discovered that he had been enslaved by Confederate General Braxton Bragg who was the business partner of Union General William Tecumseh Sherman before the Civil War and whose brother, Thomas Bragg, was the Confederacy’s Attorney General working closely with Albert Pike,” said Wigglesworth.  "Braxton would be enslaved himself after the war dying in the backwaters of the South while Sherman's New England China traders headed for the Golden Crescent's opium docks propelled by their previous whale oil and then their 1849 gold rush profits," said Wigglesworth.  "Eventually they would strike black gold, pump it through the benchmark-price-setting-funnel-and-spigot of Cushing, Oklahoma and bleed the earth of this fossil fuel that is now choking us to death," said Wigglesworth noting that before oil was pumped through pipelines, with the new Keystone pipeline still being routed through Cushing, it would ride on the Union Pacific rails.
      According to Wigglesworth, Forrest figured it out relatively early after his Civil War battle under Bragg at Fort Donnelson where the Union Army depended on the return to the U.S. of the opium traders’ leading U.S. gunboat captain in China, Andrew Hull Foote.   “Foote who with Bragg’s decision to throw in the towel on the South’s key river fortresses opened the Southern river system to the Union gunboats just as Foote had done in the Orient.  Slavery was a convenient wedge to pry the Southerners' hands, ninety percent of whom owned no slaves, off of their potential dominance of the quickest rail route to the Pacific.  Iron chains were giving way to chemical chains and N.B. Forrest was beginning to smell a rat even as a Colonel,” said Wigglesworth offering up Col. Forrest’s acrid confrontation with General Bragg leveled after the April 1862 Battle of Shiloh two months after Fort Donnelson had fallen along with its sister, Fort Henry.   As the proof Forrest's growing lucidity Wigglesworth read Forrest's statement to Bragg that Wigglesworth said "was probably similar to that repeated by Colonel Theodore 'Ted' Westhusing to General David Petraeus in the Green Zone in 2005."  With General Bragg's brother sitting in Davis' Confederate White House at Richmond it didn't much matter what Forrest knew.  Forrest is recorded as saying to Braxton Bragg:

“I am not here to pass civilities or compliments with you, but on other business. You commenced your cowardly and contemptible persecution of me soon after the battle of Shiloh, and you have kept it up ever since. You did it because I reported to Richmond facts, while you reported damn lies. You robbed me of my command in Kentucky and gave it to one of your favorites — men that I armed and equipped from the enemies of our country.  In a spirit of revenge and spite, because I would not fawn upon you as others did, you drove me into West Tennessee in the winter of 1862, with a second brigade I had organized, with improper arms and without sufficient ammunition, although I had made repeated applications for the same. You did it to ruin me and my career.   When, in spite of all this, I returned with my command, well equipped by captures, you began again your work of spite and persecution, and have kept it up; and now this second brigade, organized and equipped without thanks to you or the government, a brigade which has won a reputation for successful fighting second to none in the army, taking advantage of your position as the commanding general in order to further humiliate me, you have taken these brave men from me.   I have stood your meanness as long as I intend to. You have played the part of a damn scoundrel, and are a coward; and if you were any part of a man, I would slap your jaws and force you to resent it. You may as well not issue any more orders to me, for I will not obey them, and I will hold you personally responsible for any further indignities you endeavor to inflict upon me. You have threatened to arrest me for not obeying your orders promptly. I dare you to do it, and I say to you that if you ever again try to interfere with me or cross my path it will be at the peril of your life.”

     Not surprisingly, Shelby Foote, one of the key historians used by Ken Burns in his documentary The Civil War, had a photo of Nathan B. Forrest above his Memphis desk during his CSPAN interview with Brian Lamb during which Foote made his fantastic claim to consulting no original documents.  Shelby Foote did not talk about a family relationship to Admiral Andrew Hull Foote, but he clearly was stricken with the competence of N.B. Forrest.   “Burns should recall his documentary based on this amazing confession by Shelby that he consulted no original material in his writings!” said Wigglesworth who noted that N.B. Forrest died in a spirit of contrition similar to Gov. George Wallace.

     Sherman was in California before moving east to lead the Union army from Vicksburg, Mississippi, the likely future bridge crossing of the South's envisioned transcontinental rail route north of the bogs and bung holes of the lower Mississippi Delta, to Savannah, Georgia, destroying the Confederacy’s Atlantic terminal of the transcontinental rail route laid out by Jefferson Davis in the 1850’s across the flat Southwest to San Diego....San Diego....where the Union would plop down a military town that told the South in perpetuity to "forget about it."   "You need a window on Sherman's real motive for fighting the South?  Consider his actions of abandoning the slaves at Ebenezer Creek," said Wigglesworth.

      William T. Sherman had been working in Sacramento and San Francisco to consolidate the rail head in the San Francisco Bay area with George C. Bragg.  The 1861 letter of Jefferson Davis to Franklin Pierce is the smoking gun that shows us how closely Davis and his key associates, Braxton and Thomas Bragg and Albert Pike were linked to New England’s leading opium trader, Caleb Cushing, who negotiated the Wanghia Treaty with China while drooling over David Sassoon’s Middle East supply of opium  that was dumped in China as a trading chip.   “That led directly to Green Gang’s support of General Claire Chennault’s funding from opium sales and even to the Chinese Cultural Revolution,” said Wigglesworth.   “Sherman essentially handed the railroad to monopolist, Leland Stanford, and the Union Pacific was born  while not uniting with the Southern route for over a hundred years when Speaker of the House, Tom Delay’s brother, Randall Delay, was hired to merge the two railroads…..a move deemed a monopolistic transaction,” said Wigglesworth.

     Wigglesworth is astounded at the lack of curiosity of U.S. historians who have spun U.S. myth as dependable history.  “Shelby Foote, for example, said ‘I consulted no original manuscripts.  It’s all been gone over before.’   Can you believe that any historian would make such a claim?  Good golly!” said Wigglesworth who pointed to the letter of Jefferson Davis which was kept at Rice University, Houston, Texas under the eye of historian Frank Vandiver who became, like Kenneth Pitzer, son of Pitzer College founder in California and whose testimony led to the Atomic Energy Commission’s decision to strip J. Robert Oppenheimer of his national security clearance, a President of Rice University. 
     "Frank Vandiver left Rice to head up the Mosher Institute for Defense Studies at Texas A&M and Edward Mosher, for whom the institute was named, was head of Mosher Steel that supplied thirteen thousand tons of steel for the World Trade Center," said Wigglesworth who has expressed great concern that also at Texas A&M is GWB's former chief economic advisor turned critic, Dr. Morgan Reynolds.  Vandiver's publisher, Praeger Publishers, was also of concern to Wigglesworth who wondered why Praeger's advisors, David Zebeck, Claibourne Carlson, Lonnie Bunch, Paul Bartrop, Ken Albala or Spencer Tucker did not challenge Vandiver's work and assess it more critically.  "Is Dr. Reynolds as concerned as I am with these connections given that Vandiver had written the 2005 book How America Goes To War?" asked Wigglesworth who noted that Jefferson Davis' letters are domiciled next to Robert Herring Hall named for husband of Joanne King Herring whose alliance with Texas Congressman, Charlie Wilson, armed Al Qaeda and the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan and whose company, Houston Light and Power, morphed into Enron.
     “Vandiver sat over the letters of Jefferson Davis at Rice where the James A Baker Center for Public Policy is located. James A. Baker’s family history is steeped in the legal wrangling of the Union Pacific Railroad as its top attorneys.  For decades right under Vandiver’s nose was Davis’ letter to Franklin Pierce, the President for whom Bill Clinton has recently become an apologist saying that "Franklin Pierce," Barbara Pierce Bush's ancestor, "could not avoid a drift toward war".  If there is a ‘smoking gun’ on America’s motivation for the Civil War it is the letter from Jefferson Davis to Franklin Pierce dated January 20, 1861 that Vandiver had in his quiver (Jefferson Davis, “The Papers of Jefferson Davis,” The PJD Project of Rice University, retrieved from https://jeffersondavis.rice.edu/Content.aspx?id=86 on 7/5/14).  It reads:
  “When Lincoln comes in he will have but to continue in the path of his predecessor to inaugurate a civil war and, leave a soi disant democratic administration responsible for the fact. Genl. Cushing was here last week and when we parted it seemed like taking a last leave of a Brother.”

     “Drift toward war?  Hell our Civil War had our citizens gagging not on yellow cake, but blue-gray cake.  Abolitionist John Brown's big Boston "secret-six" backer was George Luther Stearns who was trying to corner the lead market as in the bullets that James Hamlet, the first fugitive slave law test-case from Baltimore's Brown's Merchant Shot Tower, where he made musket balls, for Christ's sake.  You can’t totally blame Donald Trump for being a rich friggin dumb-ass.  There's plenty of those and poor ones, too.  Were any of us taught these facts in school?  Were we told to read Smedley Butler's War Is A Racket in Civics 101 or that the same crypto-Nazis that were to have supported Butler were behind Joseph McCarthy?  Trump is the product of the American educational system and the gangs of New York and Wall Street bamboozlers and the education that is offered these minnows at the top is built on that bamboozle and at the bottom on gallons of whitewash,” said Wigglesworth.  "But following his refusal in the interview with Jake Tapper to disavow David Duke who Trump said he didn't know, but whom he referenced in a prior interview on Friday before the Tapper interview makes me believe that what Mack Stipanovich said of Mr. Trump.....that  'Donald Trump is a neo-fascist, he's a xenophobe, a misogynist, a racist, he's a nativist and a hyper-nationalist.....' is correct," said Wigglesworth.  "But you have to remember that Caleb Cushing and Franklin Pierce had invited Jefferson Davis to speak at Boston's Faneuil Hall in favor of slavery in 1858 before Frederick Douglass, also known as Fred Bailey, who had been employed according to Thomas Layton's 1999 Stanford University Press book, Voyage of the Frolic: New England Merchants and the Opium Trade,  laying the opium clipper hulls in Baltimore's Gardiner shipyard for New England's leading opium traders who domiciled their kiddos primarily at Yale University.   Baltimore is home to progenitor of Alexander Brown of Brown Brothers for whom Butler said 'I was a goon on three continents.'   Hello, Kellogg Brown & Root!  Put two and two together and you see just why iron chains gave way to selling a different kind of chains shackling America's ghetto-classes and why that bamboozle was still showing its petticoats during Iran-Contra with the spillover to everyone else who had trouble figuring out why the world was in such a mess."

* This pseudonym was provided by "Mildred Poole" who stated "I want to protect those victims who were unknowlingly caught in the smegma-lathered random copulative assemblies of Washington, Wall Street and their minions, but who have also come to the realization that their victimization was the result of being severely cranially-anally impacted.  Donald's attorney was Roy Cohn the attorney for Senator Joseph McCarthy neither of whom were an 'Angel in America'.  Need I say more?"

Saturday, February 20, 2016



By John Coffee “Jack” Walker, CPW News Service

     Texas is tough on hunters.  After JFK had crossed a picket line to see Dalton Trumbo’s 1960 movie, Spartacus, a film that would have inspired the Minutemen of the American Revolution he was hunting votes in Texas in 1963.   We know what happened to him.  
     Texas Federal District Judge John Howland Wood was hunting for law and order and was gunned down on his driveway in San Antonio by Woody Harrelson’s father, Charles Harrelson, who was working for the El Paso-based Chagra brothers, Lee and Jimmy. 

District Judge John H. Wood
(Photo: Public Domain)
     Out of El Paso and the West Texas District emerged FBI Director William Sessions to fill Wood’s vacant seat in San Antonio before moving on to the FBI. The Chagras were not Mexican cartel members, but Lebanese-Mexican-cross-border drug and arms dealers who had taken a name like Cormac McCarthy’s leading villain in No Country For Old Men, Anton Chigurh. The name Chagra was, according to Gary Cartwright of Texas Monthly and author of Dirty Dealing, an enigmatic concoction of a name.  If the Chagras had been Wood's prey they shot back.
      Harry M. Whittington, Dick Cheney's buckshot cushion, was hunting for quail on the Armstrong Ranch in Kingsville, Texas not far from Whittington's ranch in Goliad, Texas about five miles from the ranch of GWB and JEB Bush’s first cousin and about thirty or forty miles from the ranch of  Charles P. Taft, the Rincon, the brother of William Howard Taft and sons of Alphonso Taft, founder with William Huntington Russell, of Yale’s Skull & Bones.  Alphonso is buried in Cincinnati's Spring Grove Cemetery alongside the largest single group of deceased Union Generals (forty) who fought the Civil War.  "What does that tell you?" asked  Lowell P. Wigglesworth whose views on the real reason why the U.S. fought the Civil War in the first place….to protect and enhance the U.S. China Traders' , the power elites’, trading position…..based as it was on opium....has been gaining readers.
    Antonin Scalia was in Texas hunting at the Cibolo Creek Ranch Resort of John B. Poindexter, the Democrat, former U.S. Army hero and Houston manufacturer of truck bodies used by an array of heavy-duty fossil fuel chuggers.   Cibolo Creek Ranch Resort is near Marfa, Texas where some of Cormac McCarthy's No Country for Old Men was filmed.  The Del Rio Hotel scene where McCarthy’s character, Lewellyn Moss, hid the drug money, was filmed in Las Vegas, New Mexico in San Miguel County where both former Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, and CBS’s news anchor and 60 Minutes reporter, Dan Rather, co-owned the Tecolote Ranch, another hunting ranch like Cibolo Creek.
    “It’s amazing how many Texas Judges have been hunters.   Former FBI agent whose father was also an FBI agent and security chieftain for Lockheed Martin in Houston, Julie Mogenis, was a professional hunting guide for her own television series called “Hunting With the Judge”.   She was hunting in Utopia, Texas on a game hunt when a rifle being taken from the back of a pickup truck accidentally discharged like that through-the-lung stray bullet that hit General David Petraeus at Fort Campbell, Kentucky.   You know.  The one that Tennessee Senator William “Bill” Frist plugged in Nashville,” said Texas hunter and sportsman, Marlin Remington of San Antonio.

Judge Antonin Scalia
(Photo: Pubic Domain)
     “It is fascinating to me that Judge Scalia was in this part of the world when he died under such mysterious circumstances,” said Remington.  “Anyone who has seen the movie Last Man Standing with Bruce Willis will know damn well that there was plenty of truth in that film.   When the Texas Rangers showed up in the Texas border town and told the Irish and Italians that they could kill each other, but that they had better bring their feuding to a quick end or the Rangers would….well, hello!” said Remington.   “Let’s assume for the sake of argument that the patron saint of the Texas Rangers is Samuel Hamilton Walker and that Walker is related to the George Herbert Walker and George Herbert Walker Bush clan with Sam Walker’s connections to Samuel Colt and that over time those guns and weapons connections just morphed into the Manhattan Project for which water pumps and other equipment was provided by Dresser Industries whose CEO was Neil Mallon for whom Neil Mallon Bush was named.  Well, then, with their continued good fortune in military hardware and so much other stuff their WASP connections to the North East power elites in New Haven, Springfield, Boston, Baltimore, New York, Philly and the late arriving Irish and Italians who fought for many of them the cluster-fxxx of the U.S. Civil War that Lowell P. Wigglesworth has documented was actually a race to the China Trade, then we see that not much has changed.  That was the continuing story that Dan Rather and Mary Mapes were so poorly trying to unravel in 2004 with GWB’s Texas Air National Guard scandal, when they actually knew about it in 1999, the year before Scalia became in Florida like the little Dutch boy with his finger in the dike.  Scalia may have led the assault on the U.S. Constitution in Florida in 2000 with Gore’s concession on December 13th, but in 2016 Scalia’s life, or early death, is even more valuable.   I’m not talking about his being killed by an Obama or the Democrat Party hitman.   Michele worked for the historic law firm of Sidley Austin in Springfield, Illinois, the Republican law firm of Mrs. Mary Todd Lincoln that merged in 2000 with Brown & Wood with its ties to the National City Bank boys and Brown Brother & Harriman from Baltimore, the city where Fred Bailey, also known as Frederick Douglass, was laying the hulls of the New England China trader's fastest opium cutters before the Civil War.  Barack and Michelle aren't pulling their own chains....forgive the analogy.   Sidley Austin & Brown & Wood's offices in New York went down in the World Trade Center on 911.   Like the fall of the World Trade Center as a critical incident for the manufacture of endless warfare, the death of Scalia would serve two purposes.   It would remove a potentially troublesome Italian cutout and become a powerful motivator for building fear of Obama and the Democrats in the months running up to the 2016 election,” said Remington.  "Even life-long Democrats say that Obama has been a disaster in terms of keeping his campaign promises to close Git-Mo, solve the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and bring stability to the Middle-East and restore freedoms lost after 911 to the government overreach of the NSA and the steadily militarizing police state, not to mention the use of executive orders to kill using drones.  "Was Democrat Lyndon Johnson known for bringing wars to an end or for promoting them?" asked Remington. 

     Remington is a life-long independent who believes that the U.S. has been hijacked by the two party system controlled by a very few. Remington believes that U.S. politics serve a crude dialectic and the people are such cattle that they won’t do anything about it.   Fact is, that if we get Hillary we get the same circus that put Bill into power.  Bill, who pulled apart Glass-Steagall and opened the door for the Bush Neo-Cons to rape the nation from 2000-2008.  Then in 2015 and 2016 he has become an apologist for the legacy of Franklin Pierce who along with Caleb Cushing and Jefferson Davis had worked together to secure the flat overland rail route from Savannah to San Diego.  That all changed with the invention of Dynamite which was in plain sight by 1864 or 1865 and patented in 1867. So Bill Clinton rewrites the Franklin Pierce story with Pierce's descendant being Barbara Pierce Bush.  If anyone was wondering just why Billy boy is now a Bush brother like Bandar or why he has been strangely attempting to redeem the legacy of Franklin Piece even in his first stump speech for Hillary," Remington says, "look no further."
      “Then,” said Remington, “Obama did nothing to change things about the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars.   Nor did he push to reinstate Glass-Steagall which forbade banking and investment houses from splitting the same sheets.   Drone kills using the equipment like Predator and Reaper drones developed by Bush's S&B brother Linden Blue's General Atomics Inc., are Obama’s signature metric.  Scalia?  He was sacrificed to keep the game going.  No autopsy?  Please!   This part of Texas is no country for old men.  Particularly if their last name is Scalia and they are on the Supreme Court,” said Remington.


Sunday, February 14, 2016



by Lowell P. Wigglesworth for CPW News Service

     Three months after the World Trade Center towers 1 & 2 accordioned into a deadly pile of rubble alongside the miraculously imploding Building 7 to clear the way for the new One World Plaza and building, Slate.com’s Laurie Kerr wrote on December 24, 2001 the story of the WTC’s architect Minoru Yamasaki’s place in the Bin Laden/Saudi Royal family galaxy of building professionals.  Her story documents Yamasaki’s vision of the WTC as a “mecca” amid world capitalism’s bustling center of evolving credit default swaps, bundled subprime mortgages and Wall Street greed gone wild.  Within  three months, Slate.com’s Scott Shuger would write IGNORAD, the story of the  U.S. air defense system's failure to defend against an attack on New York and the Pentagon.
     This led John Falcon Talon of Seattle, Washington to write the following:  “Yamasaki was treading on Islamic mythology and theology, having incorporated into the WTC design an alternate vision of Mecca.   Employed as he was primarily by the Saudi royal family and Bin Laden’s, his primary benefactors, to tread on their hallowed ground was a sticky wicket," said Falcon Talon.


     More than this, Yamasaki's remake of Mecca in Manhattan was named for the secretive New York Port Authority Director who had demanded that the WTC steel be supplied by a hand picked list of suppliers excluding US and Bethlehem Steel, Austin Tobin, who when Congress wanted to know more about the Port Authorities' activities refused to provide it.  This  led to a contempt of Congress law suit, U.S. vs. Tobin.  Now, we would expect that Tobin's secrecy would be defended by serious Cold War warriors given that Yamasaki's St. Louis Pruitt-Igoe project was used for radiation experiments on an unwitting populace, the subject of Lisa Martino-Taylor's 836 page doctoral dissertation.  Pruitt-Igoe, like the WTC, was demolished by the same controlled demolition company, Controlled Demolition, Inc., in 1972 which used thermite charges based on a steel and iron melting product patented in 1895.  Tobin would be followed after thirty years as head of the New York Port Authority by Richard Leone who was appointed by Governor Thomas Kean, the future chair of the 911 Commission.  Leone was head of New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine's transition team....Corzine....former head of Goldman Sachs.  Leone was also head of Century Foundation that once had John Kenneth Galbraith and J. Robert Oppenheimer on their board with major funding coming from the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation.

Austin J. Tobin
     Indeed, Tobin's chief defense attorney was Roger Robb who had led the assault on J. Robert Oppenheimer who had refused to build a bigger atomic bomb and who wanted to use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.  Robb's chief witnesses against Oppenheimer were Rice University's Kenneth Pitzer and William Liscum Borden.  Shirley Locke Holmes covered the Tobin connection in her article 911 Thermite May Have Been In Building At Erection.  Holmes covers the connection of Rice University's Prof. Dr. Frank Vandiver to one of Tobin's steel suppliers, Mosher Steel, which supplied steel for the first nine floors.   What she did not cover was that the 1961 law suit against Tobin and the NY Port Authority identifies "Woodson D. Scott, Attorney for the New York Chamber of Commerce, pro hac vice by special leave of court (Harry A. Inman, Washington, D.C. of counsel) amicus curiae."  Woodson D. Scott was a two-term president of the National Rifle Association and a life member since the 1930's.  The New York Port Authority had a long-standing relationship to the U.S. munitions manufacturers and few things fuel a war-machine-economy like a surprise attack.  Was the "arsenal of freedom" becoming the "arsenic of freedom" under Tobin's watch?  With Rice University's proximity to Houston's petro-chemical cartel Pitzer and Vandiver were the pitbulls overseeing its connections to fossil fuels, Freeport-McMoran's vast sulfur reserves and National Lead's historic connections to everything from lead pipes, lead paint, gasoline additives and bullets.  National Lead's connection to Dutch Boy lead house paint and the U.S. Civil Defense Agency's production of the film The House in the Middle which promoted a national fix-up, clean-up and paint-up campaign pushed lead house paint as a fire deterrent in a nuclear bomb blast at a time when official U.S. Cold War policy was MAD or "mutually assured destruction".   Scott Shuger's family, author of IGNORAD, owned the Baltimore paint company that made lead-based house paint, a story covered by Ivana Driver titled "No Painting Over A National Bamboozle."  There was no painting over Yamasaki's unique architectural designs.

     "Yamasaki’s 'Beaver Building' in Seattle, Washington serves for those of the West as a warning that tall high-density structures are balanced on a precarious precipice.   A replica of Mecca in Manhattan treaded on Islam’s prohibition of images, but no more than monarchial models of government, as with royal family legacies, tread on the same in cultural and political structures.  The circular field around the brass orb at the old WTC park between the two towers was a symbol of the simplest form of primitive campfire design.    Putting a tall structure next to it is to move toward the old Babylonian Tower of Babel building.  It was creeping pyramidism and we all know how Moses felt about pyramids.    Mecca is one symbol that evolved from the ancient tribal fireplace around which people move or sit in a quest for god, yes, but equally for community and warmth.  While Mecca's obelisk is not covered at all, the Dome of the Rock, another high holy place for Islam is covered, but not in a penile profile, but as a circular 'mammorial memorial' inviting images of warmth and nurture.  The WTC's double-dongs or One World Trade Center's new taller twig-symbol phallic are like all obelisks recalling not trust, but thrust...as 'in god we thrust'," said Falcon Talon who noted that alongside Judaism's distrust of monarchial political systems is their sacramental penile reduction and obelisk snipping called "circumcision".  "Some say it was a symbol of cleanliness, but that was before the Israelites had a scientific world-view.  It was an anti-Babel gesture of humility and bearing the physical scar of self-imposed limits on ambitions run amuck," said Falcon Talon.

Austin Joseph Tobin Park and sphere
after 911 (photo courtesy FEMA).

     "Decreasing density structures mimic the purest form of democracy, shared governance.   The most nurturing and protective of communal images is the campfire in all of recorded history, though it is not recorded in Egyptian or Inca, Aztec or Mayan culture where the leadership sought, as with the European and Arab monarchs, to sit atop the pinnacle without reference to the powerless. In time the populace limited the pinnacle promoters with correctives like the Magna Carta.   Mecca's imagery, too,  is of a ring around the sacred fire like that found in early aboriginal, heck, prehistoric assemblies.   In this case even the obelisk's stone-cold symbolism serves to confound many just as did the globe in the center of the WTC's replica of Mecca," said Falcon Talon.


     Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey used the obelisk as a monument to the assassination of humanity, not its preservation.  Sky scraping is, as in the Babel mythology, a monument to sun god worship, pyramidal pinnacles and ruinous stalagmite imagery which in their optimum form would render the earth tilted and out of balance.  Where Sitting Bull's Sioux warriors circled Custer's men in the Black Hills like Muslims in Mecca at Ramadan, in the case of 911 the imagery is not of Muslim warriors circling the towers, but of the towers dominating the courtyard and spewing humanity in an Onan-esque sacrifice onto the steel and concrete below, a well-choreographed battle between industrialized mercantilism and pedestrian communalism.  Could Edward Bernays have constructed a more power filled image for the battle between the high ground of space-age industrialism and the low ground of tribal affections?  Sadly, this battle is like a pimple on the bulbous ball of cosmic perfection, planetary spheres like the earth and other planets which seem in their simplicity to challenge the obelisk as an artificial construct.  Whether in Jewish, Christian or Islamic traditions these perpendicular monuments to concentrated power, congealed in the prohibition of image worship, are at their core anathema to the system of shared justice, peace and harmonious relations finding their political counterpart in monarchial, pinheaded power structures leading to as disfigured an existence as a jutting jaw on a Hapsburg.   The Christians' theology found a built-in trifurcation of this top to bottom dialectic, but few theologians talk of it.  Catholic theology, for example, serves the linear imagery in its stair-step, seven sacramental system....a linear ascent to heaven. 


Click to enlarge.  Mosher had main responsibility for constructing the WTC's core columns.  Sold to Trinity Industries in 1973,  Trinity Industries provided steel for Texas Stadium, the Pennzoil Building and other architectural landmarks, but was also fined $663 million in 2014 for defrauding the government in a design change to inter-state highway guardrails that proved dangerous to motorists.

     "The Muslim obelisk contains a similar image that confounds their own expressed intent.... wholeness and sanctified living.  Not unlike the Iranian Muslims who distrust the Arab monarchs, the Israelites distrusted their monarchs and we can see that the primogeniture system of Saul was replaced by the evolution of David's golden age and his anti-pyramidal and anti-primogeniture legacy.   Bandar Bush stands as a direct contradiction to this evolution, a throw-back to the Dark Age of primogeniture-puke, and Yamasaki was simply stirring the architectural designs of the Saudi monarch's well-financed puke-bowl where in New York, under the nose of the Goldman Sacks, AIG and other Goldspan's 'put'-pooters Yamasaki meshed the images of Babel with Mecca," said Falcon Talon.   "This is, of course, why the Bush family is seen at every turn to be promoting dynasty and supports the Saudi royals with their embrace of a draconian past under the false image of a pristine, industrialized and drone dominated present.  The Renaissance, Enlightenment and Reformation jettisoned this pin-headedness and now it is being re-formulated as the new snake oil of future progress with more clever ways to kill greater and greater numbers, but with surgical efficiency.    Yamasaki’s design could not have been a better canvas for symbolizing the clash of two worlds,  setting the stage with the fall of the twin towers for endless warfare, consent for war,  and the assault on the illusive goal of worldwide civility and continuing enlightenment....a claim that both the West and Islam, at their best, say they both desire.   Ironically, the great mono-theocratic religions had, like the vanquished circle-fire-sitters of antiquity, the best promise for continuing harmony on earth had their theological evolution and ideals not been so commandeered, convoluted and conflicted.  The new One World Trade Center has replaced Yamasaki’s alternate ‘mecca’, but his Beaver Building stands to remind us that the beavers still nibble away at Babel’s base and no amount of Saudi oil dollars which paid for a significant number of Yamasaki’s structures can lubricate the gears of genuine and sustainable goodness, to mix my metaphors," said Falcon Talon.

     Falcon Talon is proud of his history in promoting decreasing density structures as the optimum structure for the future of humanity having begun his own construction business in the American Northwest at a young age.  "Sky scraping of the type that singer/songwriter Cat Stevens said, before his conversion to Islam, leads to 'building them higher and higher 'til there's no more room up there,' has led to a penthouse 'pimpology' that plays into the power elites putrefied pomposity," said Falcon Talon noting that the pompous Donald Trump confounds the Neo-Con Republicans who hide their devilish pomposity beneath yellow cake icing and who used the WTC disaster to kick-start wars in the Middle East.  Trump is a "sky scraper-scraper", but he's also "yellow cake intolerant".   "Even the beautiful historic Bedouin ethic of level living was sold out by the Arab royals like Henry VIII selling out his six wives.  Copernicus and Galileo determined that the earth was not the center of the universe and freed the world to pursue a new enlightenment, but their equivalent today, those scientists who would provide alternate energy sources, are under house arrest to the oil cartels.  Today, thanks to a suicidal addiction to oil, mercantilism has re-established that the earth's non-renewable fluids make earth only a bladder for oil's slick profits in a universe where our sun can produce radiant heat for about four billion years, and I haven't even mentioned the race against the global warming clock," said Falcon Talon.

From Bedouins To Bandar Bush
     There's not much to be said for Bandar Bush and the Bin Laden's alliance with the WTC architect, Yamasaki," said Falcon Talon who does not believe that the WTC or Building 7 came down by plane crash or building fires and who recommends reading the works of David Ray Griffin on the subject.  "Shirley Locke Holmes' article on 911 thermite should also be read," said Falcon Talon, noting Yamasaki's connections to both the WTC and the St. Louis Pruitt-Igoe projects where the U.S. government conducted secret radiation tests on its own people similar to the Tuskegee Experiment.  "And we must never forget what unbridled mercantilism did to people when it miniaturized and mobilized the communal campfire with the introduction of pipe, cigar and cigarette smoking.  Ed Bernays and Albert Lasker saw from their perches above the masses the lucrative applied sociological and psychological adaptation of our most basic human desires for warmth and connectedness," said Falcon Talon whose great, great grandfather smoked peyote instead of tobacco.
Now in building of chaises, I tell you what,
There is always somewhere a weakest spot,---
In hub, tire, felloe, in spring or thill,
In panel, or crossbar, or floor, or sill,
In screw, bolt, thoroughbrace,---lurking still,
Find it somewhere you must and will,---
Above or below, or within or without,---
And that's the reason, beyond a doubt,
A chaise breaks down, but doesn't wear out.
                      -Oliver Wendall Holmes, Sr.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Schierbecker and Click Clicking, But At What Cost?

Mark Schierbecker and Melissa Click Bring Focus To St. Louis History of Silencing Honest Media

 By Shirley Locke Holmes, CPW News Service


      With the viral video that caught University of Missouri teacher, Melissa Click, silencing dissent and coverage by the independent media, Ms. Click has apologized. The reporter she confronted, Mark Schierbecker, was filming her at the time of the event.  Schierbecker responded to her recent apology.

      “She’s sorry she got caught,” said Rasheed Bowanda of Ferguson, Missouri whose grandmother lived at the Pruitt-Igoe Project in the 1950’s in St. Louis, the notorious site of the U.S. military’s Tuskegee-like experiment on unwitting residents that covered the entire St. Louis region with radiation.  "You ask some American honky if they knew about this experiment and they are like 'America, love it or leave it," said Bowanda.  "Okay, so live here and get your gonads and overies fried without your knowledge.   And you thought lead-based paint chips were bad for you?" asked Bowanda.

      “Click’s actions set off a Geiger Counter clicking in my mind,” said Bowanda.  Bowanda has taken courses in sociology in the St. Louis Community College system where Lisa Martino-Taylor has worked feverishly to educate the populace about this forgotten element of their collective history.

      “Yea, well if you look for information about Pruitt-Igoe and zinc cadmium sulfide you are hard pressed to find any stories about it prior to Jim Salter’s 2012 Associated Press article on this criminal action by a government gone wild,” said Bowanda.  "Never mind that the same architect on Pruitt-Igoe was also the architect on the World Trade Center and that both buildings were demolished by the same controlled demolition experts, Controlled Demolition, Inc.," said Bowanda who attributes his stubbie left leg to his grandparent's government induced misfortunes.  "My left ear is also much smaller than my right one and I have an undescended left testicle," he added.


      “Get over it,” said Rodney Smithers of Kirkwood, Missouri and a Bowanda classmate.   “Our government irradiated its own nuclear scientists during the Bikini Atoll experiment and you don’t hear any of them crying about their bouts with esophageal, colon, pancreatic or brain cancer, do you?”

     Bowanda responded to Smithers by saying "Concerned student '1950', from 3:48 of Shierbecker's video must have missed the fact that in the 1950's and 60's the Pruitt-Igoe Project was being, like the rest of Missouri, irradiated by our government as evidenced by the doctoral thesis of sociologist Dr. Lisa Martino-Taylor who ironically received her doctorate from the University of Missouri.  There's good teachers, honest and open-source teachers everywhere.  Dr. Martino-Taylor decided to put her 838 page dissertation on the web in  open-source because the major media did not cover what she had discovered.  Jim Salter of AP was the only reporter who covered her findings after she published in 2011 and that article was in 2012 and then his coverage was picked up by KNOX, but the connections of Pruett-Igoe to the architect and demolishers of the World Trade Center, much less this secret poisoning of the American population is mostly unknown by people who should be very concerned about it.  You are hard-pressed to find any other articles on this tragedy and you wonder why we should be horrified at what these minnows are doing at Mizzou," said Bowanda  who was astounded at the number of minority students who were "offering muscle" to Click and support to "Concerned Student of 1950."


Monday, February 1, 2016

911 Thermite May Have Been In Buildings At Erection

World Trade Center Thermite Built Into Building At Erection?

 By Shirley Locke Holmes, CPW News Service

     With an increasing number of Americans questioning the official version of the 911 attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon including Dr. David Ray Griffin whose work on the subject has been gaining the support of Lewis Lapham, William Sloane Coffin before his death, Noan Chomsky to some degree, an astounding array of U.S. pilots and engineers including John Lear and General Bert Stubblebine, as well as former Bush White House Economics Advisor, Professor Emeritus of Texas A&M University, Dr. Morgan Reynolds, some are suggesting that the September 11, 2001 event may have been hardwired into the building from even before its completion in 1973.  Thermite was patented in 1895 in Germany by Hans Goldschmidt, a student of Robert Bunsen of the University of Berlin, who called the thermite catalysis the "Goldschmidt Reaction" or "Goldschmidt Process".  The railroad companies used thermite to weld massive train axles into place without having to be removed and to join rails so the process of steel cutting and welding with thermite was established decades before 1973. 
     "The use of thermite as an iron and steel melting processor finds a very significant community of handlers not primarily in the military or demolition industry, but especially in the railroad companies like the Union and Southern Pacific and CSX.  Mosher and Stanray, Inc., also known as Standard Railway and Equipment Co. of Chicago found Hal Pierce Kibbey hiring Carl J. Lodjic for the troubled steel company, Stanray Inc., in 1968 just as the WTC contracts were going out.   Also known as "Jetway Joshua", Lodjic received the nickname for his love of Joshua who fought the battle of Jerico where the "walls came tumbling down."
     According to independent investigative journalist, Rolland Spinout, “the fact that Mosher Steel from Houston put over thirteen tons of steel into the key floors involved in 911 we are finding voices that call for hyper-critical analysis of the connections of the World Trade Center to an array of well-connected U.S. power brokers." Spinout provided one example noting the relationship of Houston to Mosher Steel as well as to the epi-center of the S&L crisis which author Peter Brewton (The Mafia, CIA and George Bush, Shapolsky Press, 1992) said was hand in glove with the Iran-Contra network  in Texas and its dark governmental affiliations and alliances.  Spinout cited another perspective from his notes:

     Ellen Clayton Garwood's connection to Iran-Contra and the S&L scandal conspirators is explored in Brewton's book, p. 257. Connections can be drawn from these persons to Morton C Blackwell, head of the Leadership Institute in Arlington, VA. . Blackwell, from Louisiana, is related to the Blackwells in South Texas.
     During Social Worker Month in Texas, March, 2006, the head of the Children's Protective Services in Victoria, TX, Sally Blackwell, was found strangled to death, her body dumped in a field. CPS works very closely with the Texas Prison System. Atop the CPS network in Texas are Bush cronies from Houston, Robert Mosbacher, Jr and wife who serves on the CPS Board. Robert's sister is a graduate of Pitzer College in California, named after citrus magnate, Russell K. Pitzer whose son, Kenneth Pitzer, was President of Stanford (home to Condelleza Rice) and Rice University (home to the James A Baker Center for Public Policy). It was Professor Pitzer, believed to be a relative of Pamela Pitzer Willeford (Ambassador to Switzerland and hunting companion of Cheney, Whittington and Armstrong), whose testimony to Congress stripped Robert J. Oppenheimer, father of the A-bomb, of his national security clearance after he had been wrongly labeled a communist. Oppenheimer did not wish to develop the hydrogen bomb and saw nuclear energy as a great liberating force. Professor Pitzer made this testimony against Oppenheimer while working as a researcher in high-octane fuels for the hydrocarbon industry in Texas.
     After a six month investigation Sheriff Michael O'Connor stood before cameras in Victoria, Texas whose mayor is a member of the Armstrong family and announced that Sally Blackwell's killer is the 23 year old son of her former boyfriend, Michael Grimsinger and NOT a Victoria County Deputy Sheriff who had just returned from Iraq where he trained security personnel. Grimsinger's DNA had been linked to the murder by the Nueces County Crime Lab in Corpus Christi, TX. Jeffrey Grimsinger's DNA was supposedly found on a cigarette butt near where Ms. Blackwell's body had been left and under Ms. Blackwell's fingernails. No one in the Blackwell family suspected Jeffrey Grimsinger. One must remember that Corpus Christi is home of The Caller Times, previoulsy owned by Houston Harriman Harte, but also home to the Spohn Memorial Hospital where Harry M Whittington had been taken following the Dick Cheney shooting on the Armstrong Ranch in Kenedy County. It's at Spohn Memorial that traumas are initially taken and so it has close ties to the Nueces County Medical Examiner's office. Doctors at Memorial Hospital had announced that Whittington had been hit with between "5 and 150-200 pellets," a very odd distribution provided by the nervous physicians at the hospital. No reporters asked whether or not a 12 gauge shell with 7.0 bird shot could even hold 150-200 pellets....which might suggest a second shot. This is the county lab that was to do DNA evidence on the Sally Blackwell murder? Like Houston's crime lab it had been the focus of scandal and investigation. The agent for Michael Grimsinger's company, Grimsinger & Associates Inc., is Thomas W Rowan. If Jeffrey's father will confirm that this is Thomas Winder Rowan who married Mildred Sears Mosher in Houston with Rev. Charles L King of First Presbyterian Church, Houston officiating, he will see a pattern. Mildred Sears Mosher endowed a professorship at the Presbyterian Austin College, Sherman, TX., but more importantly, she was an heir of Mosher Steel which sold 13,000 metric tons of steel to the World Trade Center, New York. Mosher Steel was purchased by Trinity Industries, Dallas, Texas.  The Army Corp of Engineers' chief consultant on the 9/11 attack of the Pentagon which insured his participation in  investigation into World Trade Center attack was Reed Mosher. He worked closely with Lt. Col. James R Rowan. Reed Mosher is the technical director for survivability of structures for the Army Corp of Engineers and reported to Lt. Gen. Robert Flowers. They had developed a team of specialists that goes to these terrorist strikes as soon as they happen. Lt. Col James R Rowan worked with Taylor Engineering Inc., a Florida engineering company whose founder, CIA asset, James Critchfield,  had been president of Tetra Tech Inc., AKA Tetra Technologies Inc., a company mentioned elsewhere in this report and which had facilities not only at the Alice, TX., airport, but also at the Victoria, TX. airport where Larry Blackwell, formerly at the Minden, LA, airport is currently the administrator. Tetra Tech becomes the focal point of two murders, therefore, that of Jennifer Cave of Alice, TX. and of Sally Blackwell of Victoria, TX.. Tetra Tech is an oil field service company that morphed into a high dollar bomb squad and spent ordinance retrieval company in American's war on terror. Its trucks are seen traveling the private and posted roads of the O'Connor ranch off Texas' Corridor 69 south of Victoria.
     Edward J Mosher, founder of Mosher Steel, is an alumni of Texas A&M, home of the Bush Presidential Library. It was there that he established the Mosher Institute for Defense Studies.
     During the 2000 Presidential election that pitted Gore's Tony Coelho against Bush's Joe Allbaugh, Morton C Blackwell said of the Democrats... "These people are basically Leninists. They will stop at nothing to win. It could get bloody -- figuratively and, I fear, literally."
     Blackwell, whose politics some say are a few degrees to the right of fascism is creator of the Leadership Institutes' School of Journalism, the institution which trained fake newsman Jeff Gannon...an AKA selected (real James Dale Guckert), it is believed, to send a message to rank and file CIA and FBI agents to tow the line...a reminder of what happened to Thomas Tweeton's son-in-law, Matt Gannon and others. The Center for Print and Broadcast Media is located within the Leadership Institute. Also, the CPBM operates out of the "Sacher Multi-Media Center" named after Fred Sacher.
     Fred Sacher is a Director of Blackwell's Leadership Institute and is listed with Garwood, Warm, Driscoll and others in the Lawrence Walsh report as quoted above.
     David Warm, was the former city manager at Liberty, Missouri. In Liberty is William Jewell College. William Jewell College was home to Farhad Azima, an Iranian once close to the Pahlavi family, the family of the deposed Shah of Iran. Azima was, according to Peter Brewton, the primary trafficker of arms to Iran in the Iran-Contra plot, though he is NEVER mentioned in the Lawrence Walsh report.
     Thirty-three (33) pages of Brewton's book are dedicated to Farhad Azima who was responsible for the shipment of twenty-three (23) tons of missiles to Iran as part of the Iran-Contra drugs-for-weapons-for-hostages scheme. Why did Azima NOT appear in the Lawrence Walsh report when he was the biggest arms shipper in the Iran-Contra scandal?
     The FBI prevented any investigation of Azima because he was a CIA asset. Brewton put it this way, "...the FBI was told that Azima was a CIA asset and therefore they knew any investigation and prosecution of him would be a waste of time because he had a 'get-out-of-jail-free card" (p. 389).

     “Trying to rig a building with thermite charges without being detected would be difficult,” said Spinout, “but not if the building was built with a future demolition in mind,” Spinout concluded.

Search there for "World Trade Center" and for Lodjic's connections to
Brigadier General Charles H. McNutt the U.S. government's
contract administrator who had also handled the engineering of jet fuel
storage at the White Sands Missile Base (OOPS!, p. 63). 
General McNutt was also the Army Corps of Engineers commander
at New Mexico's Holloman Air Force Base, the primary training facility for
Global Atomic's Predator and Reaper drones created by Israeli inventor
in partnership with Neal and Linden Blue, Neal Blue being GWB's fraternity
brother at Yale and former business partner of Nicaragua's Anastosio Samoza.

     Spinout was troubled by the cross-fertilization of Edward J. Mosher with Rice University historian Frank Vandiver who left the Presidency of Texas A&M University in 1988 to establish the Mosher Defense Studies Institute, a think tank on national defense issues.  Citing his need to spend more time on research and writing, Vandiver was immediately cited by Dr. Lowell P. Wigglesworth as having shirked his responsibility at Rice University’s Jefferson Davis Project for not having probed more fully the close relationship between Jefferson Davis, Caleb Cushing and Franklin Pierce.   “Yea, Vandiver and the other historians at Rice were silent on the astounding relationship which is now in the news with Bill Clinton becoming an apologist for the legacy of President Franklin Pierce, even rewriting history to make the point that Pierce wasn’t the worst President in U.S. history, a claim that Wigglesworth has made with substantial energy and consistency. “Vandiver had the Davis letters proving that Bill Clinton was flat wrong when he argues that Pierce ‘could not stop the slow drift toward civil war.  Slow drift, hell!  It was a full charging gallop into oblivion for war profits and the rush to the Pacific and the China trade beyond,” said Spinout.

Articles on the U.S. Civil War historian
Lowell P. Wigglesworth supporting his thesis that
the Civil War was fought over the rail route from the
Atlantic to Pacific and not primarily the abolition of slavery.
     “Wiggleworth has shown how Rice University’s former president, Kenneth Pitzer, along with William Liscum Borden, had led the effort to strip Robert Oppenheimer of his national security clearance for supporting the peaceful use of atomic energy and working for peace rather than to create bigger bombs.”
     “Imagine that some element of the far right envisioned that as effective as Pearl Harbor was in galvanizing consent for war or as powerful as Hitler’s burning of the Reichstag was in bringing about his sweeping changes, 911 may have been, as Dr. Morgan Reynolds and General Bert Stubblebine are wholeheartedly asserting along with Dr. David Ray Griffin, a mind-blowing inside job,” said Spinout.
     Mark Loizeaux of Controlled Demolition Inc., whose website maintains that they have been in business for over fifty years was called in three days after the World Trade Center collapsed to complete the demolition.   Loizeaux has maintained that it would have taken a year to place the necessary charges in the Trade Center in contradiction to the fact that his company's own world record set on a building implosion  took about a month to perform.   When it was suggested  that explosive charges may have been placed in the Trade Center buildings much earlier Loizeaux argued that thermite charges have a shelf life of less than three years, an argument used by the U.S. government when claiming that massive eyewitness accounts of the downing of TWA flight 800 over Long Island in 1996 by a missile was impossible.  A CIA graphic narrative released to the media explained "It Was NOT a missile," accompanied by a narrative that explained that the American-made Stingers delivered to Bin Laden and the Mujahedeen in the 1980's as they fought the Russians and provided through Joanne Herring and Charlie Wilson's war efforts had passed their useful shelf-life thus removing TWA 800 from any potential munitions-trading blow-back.  Loizeaux did not address the fact that ordinance from World War II is still being used by some sportsmen/hunters with only occasional misfires according to several sources.  Tom Sullivan, a former CDI demolition expert trained by Loizeaux argued convincingly that Building 7 could have only been a controlled demolition leaving all manor or speculation about the other two buildings.  Sullivan notes that for a classic controlled implosion of a building like the towers and Building 7 needed only detonation of the lower third of the buildings.   Mosher had provided steel for the bottom nine floors of the twin towers.  Explosions were reported to fire officials from the seventh and eighth floors before the total collapse.  Architect Robert McCoy has joined Tom Sullivan's assessment of a controlled demolition and his filmed interview for Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth was produced by Charles Ewing Smith who also filmed the interview with the U.S. Army's head of intelligence, General Bert Stubblebine.
     There has been a significant backlash against the proposition that 911 was, if not pre-wired, pre-packed with thermite at the critical pressure points thus explained the nano-particles and beads of melted steel within the dust and debris, but also a growing consensus among architects and engineers, pilots, demolition experts, chemists and other scientists that the official version was a cover-up at the highest levels of the U.S. government. 
    Robert McCoy is very careful not to spin conspiracy theories about 911.  No one wants to believe that a freely elected U.S. government would be involved in a conspiracy of this magnitude.  "Was Credit Mobilier a conspiracy? Tuskegee? Was the Gulf of Tonkin affair a conspiracy? The Bay of Pigs?  Iran-Contra?  How about Iran in 1953 or Pinochet's rise to power in Chile or Samoza's in Nicaragua or the war between Iran and Iraq with us providing weapons to both parties?  Did Smedley Butler tell us  in his book War Is A Racket that conspiracies are real?  Was yellow cake a conspiracy with the Neo-Con's agenda so clearly laid out by former NATO commander, Wesley Clark?" asked Lowell P. Wigglesworth.   "Minoru Yamasaki, the chief architect on the World Trade Center, saw his draconian St. Louis housing project, Pruitt-Igoe, imploded in 1972.   Yamasaki designed many of the buildings at St. Louis' Lambert Field with its connections to Charles Lindberg and  George Herbert Walker, leaders in the 1930's 'Business Plot' about which Butler testified before Congress only to have his testimony expunged and Yamasaki had worked directly with Emory Roth & Sons the architects on Building 7," said Wigglesworth. 
     "Now we can add to the list of government-backed conspiracies against the American people the clearly documented spraying of irradiated zinc cadmium sulfide at the St. Louis Pruitt-Igoe building that was designed by the WTC's architect as well as imploded in 1972 by Loizeaux," said Wigglesworth. Working for Loizeaux at the time was Arthur Dore, Arthur P. Dore from Bay City, Michigan, who actually "pulled" Pruitt-Igoe for Loizeaux in 1972.   "Now, I would expect given Loizeaux's denials that Building 7 was a controlled demolition in direct contradiction to over 1500 architects and engineers who have gone on record demanding a new 911 investigation that people near Loizeaux would be fight promoter-types like those from the 1850's who were promoting Civil War in the U.S. like George Luther Stearns whose profits came from lead sales...as in bullet-making.  The same war profiteers' bias can be seen in the steel suppliers for the WTC like Mosher and Pacific Car and Foundry and Stanray, the Mosher Institutes' Frank Vandiver having written the book How America Goes To War avoided the question of 'why America goes to war'.  Indeed, Dore was the founder of Toughman Fights that preceded the blood sport of the Ultimate Fighting Championship that conditions young people to live in endless warfare in a nation that makes its money on the promotion of wars worldwide and lives as 'one nation under god.....Kratos! God of War," said Wigglesworth.  Since the destruction of Puritt-Igoe the 100 acre site has been acquired by the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency. 
     Wigglesworth continued...."An online review of Vandiver's book How America Goes To War has succinctly stated the issue, having obviously read my works on the Civil War in America while documenting Vandiver's connections to St. Louis.   It reads:
If there is a “smoking gun” on America’s motivation for the Civil War it is the letter from Jefferson Davis to Franklin Pierce dated January 20, 1861 (Jefferson Davis, “The Papers of Jefferson Davis,” The PJD Project of Rice University, retrieved from https://jeffersondavis.rice.edu/Content.aspx?id=86 on 7/5/14).  It reads:
  “When Lincoln comes in he will have but to continue in the path of his predecessor to inaugurate a civil war and, leave a soi disant democratic administration responsible for the fact. Genl. Cushing was here last week and when we parted it seemed like taking a last leave of a Brother.”

  Franklin Pierce had supported the filibusterer William Walker who would visit Galveston, Texas after failing to claim Baja, California to recruit soldiers of fortune for the annexation of Honduras.  He was the Erik Prince and Blackwater of his day.  This letter from Davis to Pierce shows Davis’ affection for both Pierce and Presbyterian General Caleb Cushing whose home in Newburyport was about 35 miles from John Perkins Cushing’s Trinity Church on Boston’s Copley Square.  General Caleb Cushing, like his relative John P. Cushing, made like most of the other Brahman families fortunes from Middle Eastern opium.  Frank E. Vandiver sat over these letters from Davis to Pierce at Rice University  since the 1980’s just up I-45 in Houston which was for much of his life.  He was President Emeritus of Texas A&M University, a Fulbright and Rhodes Scholar, a Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri and the University of Texas at Austin graduate and author of twenty history books and one that safely avoided the question of “why”.
     Wigglesworth noted that Lisa Martino-Taylor, a St. Louis academic, was pushing for a new investigation into the Pruitt-Igoe experiment that came out in 1994.  "If you want to see evidence of the U.S. media's duplicity in these affairs, pull on the thread of the Pruitt-Igoe experiment and not just in St. Louis, but in the other cities where the zinc cadmium sulfide was sprayed to see just which newspapers covered the story in 1994.   "CBS had to cover it in 2012, but this was so long after the event and so you see that the media's leaking the truth serves as a pressure release valve against the build up of citizen resentment," said Wigglesworth.

      "Widely reported along with the St. Louis Pruitt-Igoe spraying was similar ones in cities across the country.   Corpus Christi, Texas was one such city.   Was the 1994 investigation into the zinc cadmium sulfide experiment reported in the local papers where it was sprayed not from government housing rooftops as in St. Louis, but by planes?  If not, then you have to ask 'why not?' and 'who controlled the local newspaper and who were their friends?" said Wiggleworth.  "The Japanese American architect who designed both Pruitt-Igoe  project and the WTC, Minoru Yamasaki, had been traumatized by his family's internment during WWII," said Wiggleworth.  "We may never know if he was privileged to the knowledge of a WTC steel supplier/thermite connection, but it is a well-established routine in intelligence and clandestine services to turn traumatized people into malleable agents of their dark alliances," said Wigglesworth.

     Wigglesworth was also clear that Georgia Congressman Max Cleland captured the essence of the problem....the secrecy that the 911 Commission used to control the investigation into the controlled demolition of Building 7.  Appearing on CNN Cleland laid out his concerns calling the 911 probe a 'scam' while Wolf Blitzer invoked the voice of Richard Binveniste another member of the Commission who had served as an attorney in the Iran-Contra scandal probe.  "He was like Michael Bromwich, a fire-waller in that investigation insuring that there was no impeachment of a President and Vice-President," said Wigglesworth.  "The documents that the 911 Commission wanted protected were, I believe, containing the complicity of NORAD in the 911 debacle.   That story was pinpointed and explained by Scott Shuger who wrote IGNORAD for Slate.com in 2002 and who later died in a witnessless scuba diving accident in California.   Now Shuger's family was in a very sensitive position relative to the U.S. military complex and its scams and bamboozles.  They made Dutchboy lead-based house paint  in Baltimore that was being sold fifty years after lead paint was band in Europe as a harmful toxin, but sold here as a deterrent to house fires during a nuclear blast.  That was at the same time we were told that no one could survive the radiation poisoning.  The paint industry's connection to the complex is not complex.   Our Civil Defense agency produced the film The House In the Middle to tout protective house painting at the same time that we held the MAD theory of nuclear deterrence....mutually assured destruction," said Wigglesworth. "Whitewash is being splashed everywhere," said Wigglesworth.

     "The real motive for our Civil War made it a conspiracy, too," said Lowell Wigglesworth whose work used the 1861 letter of Jefferson Davis to Franklin Pierce concerning Caleb Cushing at Rice University's Jefferson Davis Project directed by Frank Vandiver to show the connections that Frank Vandiver would not make, but should have as an honest historian.   "911 would have taken a conspiracy at the highest levels of the New York Port Authority who commissioned the building of the World Trade Center towers and the steel shipments whether those came from Mosher Steel or Stanray or Pacific Car and Foundry who made its fortunes from Sherman Tanks during World War II.    With Anthony Sutton's book The Best Enemy Money Can Buy and Edwin Black's books The Tranfer Agreement and War Against the Weak we get a birds-eye view of much more than the controlled-demolition of a few of New York buildings and Pentagon," said Wigglesworth, "that even the Reichstag was packed with thermite is possible given the facts and 911 would have required a secret conspiracy with the general contractor overseeing the entire venture and there is nothing about any of that in the book on Karl William Koch, as evidenced by Karl Koch, II's 2001 book Men of Steel: The Story of the Family That Built the World Trade Center," said Eddie Ott Savant of the Center for the Analysis of Secrets In Social Networking or CASSN in Bridgeport, Connecticut.  "You would have to be convinced that families involved in building and construction in New York were connected, for example, to the Gambino crime family and that the New York mob, who helped to keep the port clear of Nazi terrorists during WWII were now, somehow, unpatriotic and evil schemers of the darkest kind.  You would have to make the same kind of well-documented connections within the building trades  of New York that Peter Brewton established with the petrochemical industry and the S&L crisis and Iran-Contra which he published in a newspaper series and in 1992 in his book that made those connections to the S&L crisis and Iran-Contra titled The Mafia, CIA and George Bush: Corruption, Greed and Abuse of Power in the Nation's Highest Office," said Savant.    Savant noted that a New York company for which Karl William Koch had worked before joining his father's company was convicted of conspiring with the Gambino crime family in a New York building and construction fraud.

     "In the 1960's the U.S. government had taken the Port Authority of New York to court over Austin Joseph Tobin's refusal to provide documents that Washington felt was needed to protect its own interest in New York given its levels of liability in the wake of the Texas City, Texas disaster which was specifically mentioned in the suit of U.S. vs. Tobin in 1961.  Tobin was held in contempt of congress for his refusal to open the books.  It was Tobin who argued that the steel for the proposed World Trade Center should, for the cost savings provided, be parceled out among many small suppliers like Mosher, Stanray and Pacific Car and Foundry, thus avoiding U.S. Steel or Bethlehem Steel, the point made by Angus K. Gillispie in 1999 in Twin Towers: The Life of New York City's World Trade Center on page 83 and published by Rutgers University Press," said Wigglesworth.
     "You must remember, however, that by the 1960's the rogue element of the U.S. government that was really in charge had more than a century earlier kick-started the Civil War through John Brown's assault on Harper's Ferry with Brown's backers being from Caleb Cushing hometown of Boston including the bullet supplier, George Luther Stearns.  FDR, a Brahmin insider may have forestalled their 1930's agenda, but he was now gone.   In the 1840's and 50's Wall Street and New York harbor funded and fueled the war as it had done a decade earlier with the Texas Revolution and then the Mexican American War through the NY Port's gatekeeper and close ally of Aaron Burr, Samuel Swarthwout.   New York harbor had provisioned the Texas Navy whose captains were Brown brothers, the same name as those hung on the yard arms in Texas by Jean Laffite for their criminality against U.S. citizens in Louisiana.   Little has been made of the close connections of George Stearns and John Brown to Baltimore's Alexander Brown, progenitor of Brown Brothers Harriman, of Baltimore's Brown's Shot Tower where James Hamlet was employed, the first fugitive test case, where he made musket balls, or the Gardiner Shipyard not far away, where Fred Bailey, AKA Frederick Douglass, laid the hulls of the New England Brahmin's fastest opium clippers before he became the famous orator for abolitionism, the high moral road over which 600,000 died.....the lace curtains on the slaughterhouse of the real motive for war...the flatland rail route from Savannah to San Diego and the Pacific.....poppies from Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, India and the Golden Crescent dumped by the American traders as the British had done through their East India Company.  Douglass's Baltimore job at the Gardner shipyard where the Frolic was made was documented in 1999 in Stanford University archeologist, Thomas Layton's, book The Voyage of the Frolic: New England Merchants and the Opium Trade  published by Stanford University Press about the Hearn's quick opium hauler.  Samuel Joseph Tobin was as likely to have been piece-mealing the building of the World Trade Center for the same reason that Henry Ford used the assembly line to protect closely guarded trade secrets through division of labor," said Wigglesworth.
    "Thermite did not have to be in every column of every floor of the World Trade Center.   That being said, was it likely that such a critical secret could be kept by the highly unionized Bethlehem or U.S. Steel companies whose fellow workers would die in the rubble or by a well chosen cartel-cadre of smaller steel-supplying companies?" asked Wigglesworth who has studied the work of Derrick P. Grimmer, the summa cum laude physics scientist from Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri,  Yamasaki's alma mater, who had calculated the amount of thermite needed to bring down the WTC on 911 and who claims that he never doubled that the WTC was imploded on 911 by controlled demolition....hence his membership in Scientists for 911 Truth.