Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Donald Tokowitz Sterling's Cloud Has Silver Lining

Don Sterling Secret Agent for Universal Racial Equality?

By Hyman E.  Levine for CPW News Service
     Don Tokowitz was born on April 26, 1934 to Jewish immigrants, Susan and Mickey Tokowitz.

     It is not a sin to change one’s name to something a bit more Anglo if you live in a predominantly Anglo culture which the USA still is.  British Sterling was a popular men’s cologne in years past and  nothing says “Anglo” like “Sterling”….. “Pounds Sterling,” and Don Tokowitz Sterling has put on the pounds!  My yard man, Maclovio Rios Claveria, changed his name to Marcus Rivers Law, thus showing his longstanding appreciation for the Claveria Laws that forced indigenous Philippinos to choose a Spanish surname under their brutal Castilian rulers.
     State Director of the California League of Latin American Citizens' chapter of the NLLAC, National League of Latin American Citizens, Jan B. Tucker, thinks that its time to haul Mr. Sterling before the California Bar.    Mr. Tucker also claims that Tokowitz is a Ashkenazic Jewish name.    Ashkenazi Jews are an elite group within their race and include an astounding list of prominent Jewish leaders. 

     Tucker has written to his constituency and asked them to appeal to the California State Bar to censure Sterling, a lawyer,  for his public testimony that he has often paid women for sex at about $500 per sexual episode.  Tucker has also insinuated that Sterling's loose living brought on his current crisis.  Hookers are often known to put their Johns in fruitfully rewarding,  but compromised positions.
     Tucker believes that Donald Sterling’s actions are consistent with a tactic used by double-agents in identifying with captors in a type of Helsinki or Stockholm Syndrome also consistent with overseers on old Southern plantations or middle managers in the Morgan, Rockefeller or Ford companies.  This makes them great targets for civil rights advances or so Tucker claims, but it also means that they must at some point betray their captors to make their own social advances.  Tucker writes:
     There is a long tradition (not a time honored one but a quietly carried out and usually unspoken one) of shaking down racists by so-called civil rights movement organizational poverty pimps when they get into public trouble for their depraved behavior.  I saw the Anti-Defamation League do this when they accepted a huge contribution from Marriott Corporation to give them their organizational seal of approval when an Ethiopian Jew stood up to Host International’s refusal to allow him to wear his Yarmulke at work.  ADL accepted Marriott’s word that the guy was delusional without any semblance of a legitimate investigation.  So carrying on that sordid tradition, NAACP was prepared to honor Sterling and whitewash his longtime pattern of discriminatory behavior, but apparently with his statements on tape and being made public for once, it’s too embarrassing.  These Negroes are not just embarrassed, they’re apparently afraid that honoring him will so discredit them that it will interfere with their further poverty pimping in the name of civil rights, so the estimated $10,000-$15,000 he gave Los Angeles NAACP in the past year alone is no longer enough to buy the organization’s loyalty.

     Tucker did not make the connection, but the Anti-Defamation League also said that George Herbert Walker Bush’s father, Prescott Bush, was not supplying Nazi’s with supplies in defiance of the American neutrality laws for which Leo Crowley, FDR’s policeman for violations for “trading with the enemy,” impounded the assets of Union Bank on whose board sat the elder Bush as a director.
     If Jan Tucker is correct, Donald Sterling Tokowitz is a member of the Jewish elite that’s as segregated over time as the America’s New England Brahmans, Europe’s royal families, Russia czars, Saudi Fauds, Hapsburgs and Hanovers.  “Worrying about their social standing is what these folks do.  Water runs down hill, but that's not for them.  Water is for making obscenely expensive fine wine.  These folks think that water is for pissing in and dumping their toxic sludge so long as it moves way down stream quickly where Mother Earth can do her duty of turning it back into acid-less rain upstream.  It's a big myth,” said Hilda Gruman of  Water Babies a German-Irish-Pakistani-Indonesian-Siberian-Ugandan  America environmental group whose motto is “People are mostly water.  Heat them up and they all turn to steam .”

     Gruman believes that nothing much changes in the current scenario.   "Changing one group of lighter or darker skinned assholes for another group of lighter or darker skinned assholes is just business as usual and meanwhile Mother Earth's bosom is feeding all these little suckers who continually bite the nipple that feeds them."

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Clipper’s To be Sold To Team Members With A General Motors and Chrysler Type “Loan” From the U.S. Government.

Don Sterling’s Girl Friend To Be General Manager.   Says She Will Allow Sterling To Bring Both Dark and Light, Very Dark and Albino Jewish People To Games.

by Indugoo Schmidt CPW News Service

In a stunning reversal of fortunes, the Secretary of the U.S. Treasury is willing to guarantee a $600 million loan to the L.A. Clippers team members to purchase the currently embattled Clippers and to separate them from their current owner, Don Sterling, whose girlfriend aired a private conversation of his racist views.
“If Chrysler could get a government loan for making cars why can’t the Clippers for slammin' basketballs, selling beer and popcorn and filling stadium seats?” asked Spike L. Duncan of Sulphur, Louisiana.
“I agree,” said Hazel Ayes of Norman, Oklahoma.  “GM got a big loan to turn their team around, but unlike the Clippers their product can kill you if you happen to get a defective one.”
Professor Dwight  Thenkon of the University of Saskatchewan said “When Henry Ford lobbied for tax payer paid roads upon which to drive his “horseless carriage” he was receiving a huge federal bailout for a product that could leave broken axles and other car parts strewn across Farmer Greenjean’s pastures.”
Oliver North is reportedly encouraging the NBA owners to hire the former Blackwater Security Company to force compliance of Don Sterlings’ views and to destroy all museums in the U.S.A. that have any “Out of Africa” or “Mitochondrial Eve” exhibits.
Meanwhile, Sterlings' girlfriend has sworn that she was not motivated to record Sterling's comments by members of the Free Cuba Committee nor Raul Castro.

Thursday, April 24, 2014


Lewis Black Presses Socialism At National Press Club

By Penelope Princip CPW News Service
     Jewish Socialist comedian, Lewis Black, took on the National Press Club on April 14th, 2014.  Tauting the 1950’s and 60’s American middle-class living as the silver, if not golden, era of recent American life,  Black did say those days had some wrinkles.    Like when his father who made mines for the U.S. Navy found his defensive weapons being dropped into  Haiphong harbor by Richard Nixon.   His father quit his job in protest and retired at 55, then like the boy that Hitler wished he had been, became a painter.
     Seeing Socialism as “enforced Christianity” Black does not talk about the place that monetary incentives have in peoples' passion for stand up comic performances or mine-making…..defensive or offensive.
     In response to Mr. Black’s appearance, Ishbad Muhmani,  reporter for the Mecca-Medina Christian Science Monitor,  said “Jewish bankers can’t like what Black was saying anymore than they like my people’s prohibitions against usury which we find all kinds of ways around like Trotsky and Lenin’s followers hiding their side ventures from the local block chairman.  Lewis glossed over the fact that LBJ's Great Society was built on the shady Gulf of Tonkin Affair that was more about controlling the Golden Triangle's opium production that bringing freedom to the Vietnamese, but hey, Black's a comedian and not a historian and even the historians don't want to touch that if they hope to get published or tenured.”
     Muhmani loves Lewis Black.   “He’s everyman with a really foul mouth.   What’s not to love about him?  However,  Lewis could have really made better use of the twenty-five minutes they gave him.  He said in answer to a question after his talk that he would change the name of the Washington Redskins if he owned them.    ‘If they called them the 'Jewey Jews' someone would demand that they change the name,’” said Muhmani quoting Black.
     Mumanhi  provided a bit of his own levity on the subject.  “How difficult is the Washington Redskin’s  problem to solve?  You call them the ‘Skins’.    If we can't solve that problem what hope is there for the big stuff?  Take out of the name 'Red'.   Not red or yellow, brown, black or white.   Just ‘Skins’.   An alternative could be 'The Flesh,' but the cheerleaders might be offended and flesh-tone is considered 'white' which is about as accurate as Dick Cheney at a quail hunt.  If you must add color make it blue or green.   Dallas and Detroit are blue.   Make them  ‘Green Skins’. Philadelphia won't mind, brotherly love and all that.  Make it neon green not forest green and take on global warming and abolition of whale hunting and killer whale riding at Sea World as the team’s mission and theme.  You’ll reach a whole new demographic and kick ass doing it.  Get a guy in a neon green sky flying suit to stream green neon smoke into the stadium on the day of the name change.  Or you could call them the “For Skins” and have a little Jewish Rabbi mascot.  Maybe Lewis Black would volunteer from time to time.  Now that would be funny especially if he sings the national anthem with his hand over his heart and entertains at half-time.   Get Lewis Black’s father to design the team’s official hat....a green foreskin hat....which I am told after a time in the Palestinian sun, hell, the Miami Beach or Brooklyn or Boise sun, is accurate.   Better yet, since they are in Washington with all those goddamn crooked politicians and lobbyists, call them the ‘Snakeskins’ and sell those roll-out horns and noisemakers that they use at Halloween parties, but with forked tongues....the Native American will love it! ” said Mumanhi.

Sunday, April 13, 2014


Pitzer College and Robert Redford Make Ecological History, but Sadly, IT’S TOO LATE!
by Winsip Custer CPW News Service

     With Cormac McCarthy’s script for the future, The Road, quickly becoming a reality, Pitzer College in Claremont, California and Robert Redford, its board member, have announced that  they will divest the college endowment fund of its fossil fuel stocks.
     “That’s really nice,”  said Farron C. Jung who has been covering the late arrival of the Al Gore Global Warming Wing of the Houston Museum ofNatural Science.  “When you realize the connections of Pitzer College to Kenneth Pitzer of Rice University in Houston and the James A. Baker Center for Public Policy this is just a piss drop in a pee pan.”
     Fabian Colbachi agrees with Jung.  “When Pamela Pitzer Willeford witnessed Dick Cheney nearly sending Harry M. Whittington to the  big fossil fuel pile in the sky, you had a nice little group of fossil fuel advocates who don’t like the idea of alternative fuels killing the quail or dove while taking pot shots at each other.    Robert Redford might as well be out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean in a sinking sailboat or whispering in a horse’s ear!  Kenneth Pitzer was responsible for stripping J. Robert Oppenheimer of his national security clearance because he wanted to lead the world into alternative fuels.  Nuclear.   Kenneth Pitzer was defending the old fossil fuel fossils, you know, the usual suspects,  against right-minded alternative fuel development….also solar, wind and hydrogen.   Heading up the attack on Oppenheimer was Gordon Gray whose father was head of RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company....another nice source of carbon from smoke.... and whose son, C. Boyden Gray, was the Bush chief legal counsel during GWB’s administration,” said Colbachi.
     Lowell N. Beholde, who has also written extensively about the problem of fossil fuels agrees with Colbachi and Jung.  He exposed the attempt by Anne Korin, James Schlesinger, James Woolsey, Robert McFarland, Greg Doken of the Methanol Institute, Daniel Cohn of MIT, Israel's Elli Groner, to do for fossil fuels what Albert Lasker and others Madison Avenue hucksters did for tobacco sales.  "Those old withered fossils want the next generation to blow more smoke," said Beholde.  
     Beholde agrees with Colbachi and Jung.   “Robert Redford is like that guy in Three Days of the Condor.  Too little, too late.  But, if he could get the privatized University of Texas endowment that’s up to its ugly bosoms in every imaginable weapons and fossil siphoning sludge sucking stock on Hank Paulson’s cabaret of Wall Street, we might forestall Cormac McCarthy’s scenario by a few months.”  Colbachi has written about fuel independence in Hunter S. Thompson's Sandusky Nexus, The Gone Zone: When a Devilish Deal Goes Bad.
    H.D. Thoreau, who studied the documentary, Gasland,  and wrote a stunning review of the film subsidized by actor Deborah Winger whose work on Urban Cowboy and Legal Eagles exposed her to the realities of petro-carbon flares and foot-prints and the legal system that protects them, believes that the University of Texas had fine engineers working on the permeable membrane needed to make hydrogen fuel cells practicable.  Unfortunately two of them who were working together died under unusual circumstances.   "If Robert Redford is trying to be like Martin Luther standing up to the Pope who was sitting on the freedom on inquiry in the 15th Century as the fossil fuel dinosaurs are doing today, he's starting about fifty years too late.   The handwriting is on the wall and it would take a major Reformation and Bastille Day to correct things and even then it's questionable," said Thoreau, no relations to Henry David Thoreau.   "The University of Texas' chemical engineers are as much under house arrest as the Copernicus and Galileo as all the while the dinos of fossil fuels built a new Formula One race track in Austin, pulled Elon Musk into fossil fuel rockets and told the world to suck deeply from their withering hoses.   Time for a circumcision....or a Lorena Bobbit!" said Thoreau.
     Sources close to friends of NASA astronaut, Gordon Cooper, say that Cooper was  sure that we have the hydrogen fuel cell technology to bring us within range of a reasonable jettisoning of the old fossil fuels, though not yet bringing us up to speed with the whatever it was that he saw flying above his squadron over Germany in the 1950's or when on the dry lake bed at Edward's Air Force Base he witnessed an inexplicable craft of phenomenal abilities that was  filmed and sent to Washington for analysis and subsequent misplacement.  "We could be fossil fuel independent, unless our sole purpose on earth is to create the carbon dioxide needed to feed the plants on another planet, for which we were put here and into which we will also go as carbon dioxide to feed the plant life on the planet of  Zelraad."

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Cinderella Man and the White Washing of the American Experience

Harry Voiler’s Film and Ron Howard’s Lost Star

By Hymen P. Judah

      Everyone loves a good myth.   Adam and Eve.  Cain and Abel.     Noah’s Ark.  Tinker belle.  

     In 1951 there appeared as part of the Kefauver investigation into organized crime in America a panel of witnesses that included Harry Voiler.   For anyone who has seen the Ron Howard film Cinderella Man in which Russell Crowe, Renee Zellwiger and Paul Giamatti, son of a President of Yale University, lay out the story of a contender against World Champion boxer, Max Baer, it should come as no surprise that Hollywood sanitized the story just a bit.  Well, a lot.
     James J. Braddock’s fight with Baer was filmed and copyrighted by Harry O. Voiler on June 13th, 1935.   Left on Ron Howard’s cutting room floor was Baer’s signature boxing trunks with the Star of David on the left front panel.   Baer had worn the Star of David in his victory against Max Schmeling  in Germany in 1933.   Just as  Baer was beating a Nazi and enraging the Germanic race to run headlong into war and holocaust, so Baer would cross the Atlantic to join in the fray that was flailing in the U.S..   The “Business Plot” that was uncovered by General Smedley Darlington Butler was attempting to throw FDR out of office by a coup led by Butler.  Among the Fascist Americans were some of corporate America’s leading industrialists.   The timing on Baer’s arrival to take on the Irish Catholic, Braddock,  could not have been more serendipitous….well, unless the fighter had been Jesse Owens.   Baer and Braddock included two of the most despised and hated of America's citizens, Jews and Catholics.    Germanic and Anglo races found Rudolf Hess, one of Hitler's senior officials had tried to forge a cross-Channel and a Cross-Atlantic alliance with a late night flight only a few years later to the estate of Lord Hamilton in Scotland.  The attempt failed.

     By the time the Kefauver investigation had pulled Harry Voiler before the hearings as a witness to reveal his lengthy history of corruption and murder, it was apparent that anything was possible with respect to the Braddock fight, the Schmelling loss in Germany and Baers’ defeat at Madison Square Garden wearing the Star of David on his shorts.
   According to professional prize fight historian, Carl "Big Ears" McGerk, the Ron Howard film was a missed opportunity to educate Americans about the power of race and ethnicity as a lightning rod for total  mindless anarchy.
     "Ron Howard did not feel that this part of the story was important and Giamatti’s father  was apparently not around to educate them.  Being from Yale, it would not have been wise to do so even if he could in as much as many of the "Business Plotter's" children were at his school in the 1930's and 40's and today have strong, but very cautiously expressed leanings toward the values of Rudolf Hess.  That Joseph P. Kennedy, an Irish Catholic, sided with Hitler and Hess against the British does much to mystify this confusing cabaret of cross purposes essential to the fight promoter's bottom line.   Had Joe's son continued to embrace his father's passions, God rest his soul, he might still be alive today.   If he hadn't screwed himself to death or taken a bullet from Jackie, but Jesse Owens and MLK would have been quite angry with him.  That the Irish were arriving in Boston in the early 18th Century by the droves to fight for many of the U.S. power elites who paid them to fight for them in the Civil War, is reflective of Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and George W. Bush whose theme song could easily have been Creedence Clearwater Revival's "Favorite Son."  At least Braddock took a pounding with Baer and had the bruises to prove it," said McGerk.  "But still I wish that the little brat, Opie, had left Baer's Star of David in this nice little fairy tale.   It helps to show us just how close we were and still are to total and irreversible annihilation of the earth now that we have nukes and other crap in so many corners."

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


FLASH BOYS’ Michael Lewis and the Money Balling of the Big Short, Again!

By Winsip Custer, CPW News Service
    In the Academy Award winning film, The Sting, two Chicago con men rig a horse race by controlling the wire….the wire delivering the news of the race to the off track betting site created by Henry Gondorf and his friend, the two played by Paul Newman and Robert Redford.  Following the 1999 repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act during the Clinton presidency which cleared the way for the well lathered and deeply penetrating copulative assembly of banks and investment houses, it was no time at all until, with the arrival of GWB, that a compassionate and principled watchdog, Noreen Harrington, was barking up Eddie Sterns' and Ken Lewis' legs.  Bank of America had pulled off with Sterns a Henry Gondorf wire-rigging, but not at some off-track link to Belmont, but to the entire Wall Street mutual funds money barrel.  President Obama has done nothing to reinstate Glass-Steagall.
   “There’s nothing jaw dropping about the recent revelation that the FBI is looking into the legality of faster computers and their stock trades,” said Nanda Iggohsok of  WWSS, World-Wide Stock  Sifters, an association of independent technology investors.“
    “I heard on Squawk Box this morning that the important thing in stock purchases is not the stock’s fundamental value, but the “buzz” about it on the street.  That came from that little manic, sawed off bald-headed guy who reminds me of the Vicchi police officer in the classic film, Cassablanca,  "What?  There's rigged gambling going on at Rick's Cabaret?  No!"....."Ah, here's your winnings sir."  Well, Michael Lewis is all about buzzing.  Lewis is the king of buzz.  In fact, you could say that he is a buzzard making his living off of the gullibility of the average Wall Street investor and who reports about their gullibility when they finally figure out they are road kill lying in the middle of the four lane at rush hour.  Moneyball and The Big Short, he was the one who gave Wall Street plausible deniability and the appearance of self-analyzing integrity.  It’s all bullshit, folks and it’s bad for you,” said Iggohsok.

     Iggohsok believes that the only real "Wall Street Revolt" came from the Occupy Wall Street Movement that in the wake of the Hank Paulson bailout of “too big to fail” banks organized their contempt for the buzzards and their buzzing.  Iggohsok points to the hype given to Moneyball and The Big Short and the obvious flaws in Lewis’ previous best selling books.
     “I don’t need to tell you,” said Iggohsok, “Your postings have clearly connected the dots between Michael Lewis and those he seeks to white wash in typical Albert Lasker 'don’t tell’em the truth' bimbology. “

    “Your own 2011 articles…. Boomerang: Michael Lewis, Kyle Bass,Meredith Whitney and Charlie's Fading Rose: Big Short is Big Bull and Why Short Selling Should Be Banned in the United States : Random Copulative Assembly and The Healing Power Of Banning Short Stock Sales, did as much to shine a light on these buzzards as anything,” said Iggohsok.

    "Now," said Iggohsok, "You have to ask yourself 'who does the FBI work for?  Joe Six-Pack or the big corporations?  When in 1992 they closed up the FINCEN investigation that would have made 911 incredibly difficult  nine years later and since it was exposing the issue of Saudi influence peddling in the U.S., the paths down which the 15 of the 19 hijackers, being Saudis,  traveled....and leading the U.S. leadership to the conclusion that it was an Iraqi job?    Well, you get my drift.  But don't stop there.  Did the FBI really do their job on Iran-Contra?  You see what I mean?  They bend over, lather up and elevate their bums when told it's for 'national security'.  You can't go by the buzz.  The buzz is coming from the buzzards and the munching you hear?  That's not you eating your profits....it them picking at your liver."

    "If you are trusting the FBI to protect you from them?  Then you believe that TWA Flight 800 was mechanical malfunction!" said Iggohsok.