Savoring the Chalaque Beef Bouillon of the Punjabi Jab
by Winsip Custer CPW News Service
Jonathan L. Leichester was a first cousin once removed from Princess Augusta of the German Saxe-Gotha family, the daughter of Frederick II, the Duke of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg. Augusta married the eldest son of King George II of England who named the city of Augusta, Georgia after his daughter-in-law.
Jonathan Leichester moved from Leichester House in London's fashionable West Side to the American colonial city of Augusta, Georgia in 1803. He brought with him the Hereford bull, Prince Albert, and a dozen Hereford cows. He also brought a set of fine golf clubs which he was hoping to use on a new golf course envisioned for Augusta. The clubs were lost by a group of disgruntled Irish baggage handlers in Portmouth. Jonanthan also had hopes of building a Gutta Percha (gutty golfball) factory using the Hereford cattle gut but turned the factory into a carpet mill instead. The mill originally made cotton rugs, then cotton and silk rug blends and then became America's biggest petro-chemical synthetic carpet weavers with the discovery of oil on Leichester's Western land holdings in the American Southwest.
Leichester's Herefords, known for their meat producing qualities, were not fond of the intemperate weather in the lower American colony. As offspring of the Leichester family moved ever westward with their cattle following the vast acquisitions of land that were opening across Tennessee, Kentucky and Arkansas and with the promise of a future Trans-Continental Railroad from Savannah or Charleston to San Diego, California, the Herefords found the going increasingly tougher. The terrain became harsher and more inhospitable.
With the future help of an American railroad baroness, Mrs. E.H. Harriman, and the American Breeder's Association whose members would find parallel interests in the eugenics program at Cold Spring Harbor, New York, great interest was invested in applying the emerging science of genetic engineering to the development of a hardier cattle. What was needed was an all-weather breed that could battle the vicissitudes associated with this tough new environment. Enter the Burgermeister Breed.
When Jonathan L. Leichester met his first Texas Longhorn-Shorthorn crossbreed and fell in love with a bull named "Shorty Longfellow", he said with a uniquely Southern accent that had quickly shed its Cockney flavor ..."That cow has all the qualities we need for lickin’ this gall danged climate, them prairie cactus and them burred thistles of this barren land. Plus it wouldn't hurt for the breed to become more diverse. I'm worried that it may become like those gall danged Romanov's or even King George, my own kith and kin, and end up with hemophilia or some double-downed form of dementia." Naming the first cow "Augusta", after King George's daughter-in-law and the city in Walker County Georgia, for which Augusta, Georgia was named, Leichester realized after a few years that Augusta's offspring were still lacking in one important quality. "These dang beasts are great, except that they are walking magnets for all form of insects...flies, mosquitoes, ticks and the like. It ain’t healthy and makes for unhappy skinny cows and skinny cows lose money" said Leichester whose dislike of the Romanov's seems to have begun when his family purchased some sick cows from the House of Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov.
Enter Leichester's cousin from Punjab, India, Sir James Abbott, known there as "Chalaque", and for whom the city in Northern Punjab, Abbottsabod, where Osama Bin Laden was captured and killed, was named. That city, now in Pakistan was originally a part of Punjab, India. Arriving through the Port of Indianola on the Central Texas coast in 1841, Big Bubba Singh, the Brahma bull purchased by Abbott from the Sikh soldier Madras Singupta Singh, was just the addition to the genetic strain that Leichester was hoping would bug-proof his cows.
Big Bubba Singh and Augusta produced the first of the Burgermeister Breed. The rest is now history. Jonathan L. Leichester's son, Sonny, would team up with Texas rancher Ricardo DeLeon Pina Koenig and together they would produce the herd that heard America's call for beefsteak and leather-goods. Eventually their cows would make Burger King famous, but they would also bring, about a hundred years later, the ire of Chicago television personality Ophra Winfrey.
Ophra targeted the Lone Star State’s beef barons by asking a simple question that had been bothering her even before she met a best-selling vegetarian. "If it's good for animals to diversify genetically, why are you breeders of cattle so inbred yourselves?" said sociologist Felicity O'Migalsh of the McGill University who has argued in her book Oprah Ropes The Beef Barons, that Oprah’s show set the beef industry on its ear by disclosing feeding practices that her guest claimed were responsible for Mad Cow Disease. “That show was really a smoke screen for Oprah’s deeper question about genetic engineering and issues of racial purity,” said O’Migalsh.
"You may remember the now-famous April, 1996 Ophra program in which Oprah had allowed a debate between Gary Weber of the National Cattleman's Beef Association (NCBA) and vegetarian activist Howard Lyman. Mr. Lyman had easily won the argument horrifying Oprah and her audience. The vivid details about cannibalistic animal-feeding practices caught everyone off guard. Links to England's outbreak of Mad Cow Disease were also shown by Mr. Lyman. The cattlemen had responded by pulling $600,000 in advertising from Oprah's television network. Then came the legal action," said O'Migalsh.
When asked if there was more going on with Oprah's appearance in a Texas court, O'Migalsh said "Oh, of course. I believe that Oprah has a desire to be joined by a hulking Texas male cattle breeder and like the Queen of Sheba making a pilgrimage to the court of Solomon or the Nubian Cleopatra parading into Rome, she was carrying her well-researched understanding of the place that cross-breeding had played in the Texas cattle culture," said O'Migalsh. "There is a saying among American black women who are disciplining their daughters, 'You better straighten up or I'll whup you till you rope like Op-rah.' What that means is that Oprah subconsciously sees herself as the breeder that can keep the Herefords, Longhorns, Shorthorns, Brahmas or even Burgermeisters from becoming a weakened species and who'll go out there and rope her own cattle, brand them and breed them for the sake of a more diverse herd. A herd that will be perhaps used for only methane gas production," said O'Migalsh.
I asked Dr. Demitri Demitrius of the University of Piraeus to provide a deeper analysis of Oprah's journey to Texas to take on the cattlemen. "Well, it's not about diversification of the genetic line. Not really. That’s as much a smoke screen as the Mad Cow thing. It is all about the dilution of the family pocket book. If you look closely you will see that behind Jonathan Leichester is the Hanovers and Saxe-Gothas/Windsors and the future eugenicists who denounce integrated human marriages. Remember the German name Saxe-Gotha was changed to Windsor, to hide from their British subjects the increasingly inbred nature of their dynasty. Leichester would link up in the American West with the German Hessian mercenary troops who had fought against the Americans in the American Revolution. Following the American Revolution these Hessians were stuck in America, ostracized in the East they migrated to the barren West ahead of Jonthan Leichester and his cattle, but natural allies in their love of beer and beef bratwurst. Camouflage is nature’s most prolific defense mechanism so they didn't announce their intertwined British and German roots. Nature may show the value of genetic diversification, but in the realm of human dynasties the thrust is toward decreasing diversity in order to maintain tight control of the purse strings. That was why the poor Hessians were stuck in America. The Saxe-Gothas were too cheap to return them to Europe after the Revolution. Wherever they went they created little German speaking cities with names like Berlin, Hanover or Germantown....before World War I.....or Hitlerville before World War II....often changing those names to Smithville or Jonestown to avoid persecution as events unfolded and sentiments changed. Money and power can paint over a boat load of bilge bottom seam splitters. The painting is usually done by a powerful inner circle that becomes increasingly protective of the family’s assets as their royal genes become genetically weakened until, as with the Romanovs, they, well, spring a leak and everything, including their power descends into the abyss," said Dr. Demitrius.
"In India, the Hindus would not eat Big Bubba Singh because he was considered a god and they would have been brutal in their defense of Big Bubba if they knew he was headed to a beef eating nation. But have you looked at a picture of Indian Brahma cattle lately? Scrawny looking aren't they? Protected as royalty the Brahma loose their genetic resilience and vigor. That's also an example of this genetic anti-diversity principle at work. We’ve seen it happen among the Vikings of Greenland who died off during the Little Ice Age by refusing to learn from, integrate with and diversify their hunting methods with the even more robust Inuits. Then look at a picture of Jabba Babba, the top Burgermeister bull from last years Great Southwest Cattle Auction in Lubbock, Texas. I rest my case," said Demetrius as he ate his Burger King hamburger.
I asked Dr. Demitrius this questions in hopes of elucidating his previous comment....
"It is my understanding that when the future President of the U.S. Confederacy, Jefferson Davis, was surveying the Southern Trans-Continental Railroad route across the U.S. in the 1850's, a route that the Northern states desired to control and went to war to do so under the guise of the abolition of slavery, that Davis helped Jonathan Leichester to choose the best water-crossings for his new breed and that he even laid out the foundation for Jonathan's future plantation-style ranch house. Do you know anything about that?" Dr. Demitrius seemed more interested in the cows’ European and Punjab connections, but answered.
"The Leichesters were not only American breeders, but English...and by English I mean English/German/Saxe-Gotha/Windsor empire builders as shown in their ability to get Big Bubba out of Madras without starting a riot among the Hindus who were controlled by the English and Sikhs. Sikhs were the Indian warrior class pacified by the English and then united with them in their love for ribeye steaks. Germany’s Adolf Hitler told the Sikh’s that they were Aryans and that they would play a major role in his new worldwide empire if they’d follow him…and I’ve already said that the Saxe-Gotha’s of Britain were Germans, even though they abandoned the Hessians in America further reducing their own gene pool in Europe. You are aware that the Duke of Windsor’s wife, Wallace Simpson, was a Nazi spy during World War II. It was no accident that in the 1930’s the Texas oil man, William Rhodes Davis, who was selling gasoline to Hitler also claimed to be related to Cecil Rhodes, the head of the DeBeers Diamond Company in Rhodesia and to Jefferson Davis of the Confederacy," Demitrius explained.
"Southern slave owners were not likely to find allies among modern Brits, nor the French or Spanish who had a longer history of rejecting slavery even if they'd later support 20 cents an hour workers in their own Indo-Chinese factories under the new banner of 'globalization'. Hitler’s totalitarian leanings would pique the interest of these Southerners as his Fortress Europe rose from the ashes of the First World War. Some of these same Southerners would find the pro-Nazi leanings of Charles Lindberg, Henry Ford, John Burroughs and other American industrialists who tried to get retired two-time Congressional Medal of Honor winner, General Smedley Butler, to lead a fascist coup against Franklin D. Roosevelt, appealing" said Demitrius. "The truth of American history was systematically cut out of American public schools and college textbooks after World War II, perhaps as part of an agreement for the unqualified support of FDR's New Deal.
The great Southwest had been carved up initially by the Spaniards and French, then the Mexicans and Americans. Had Germany won, it would have been the center, once again, for the slave trade within the new Nazi Empire. The Gulf Coast and Caribbean rim with its cotton fields, sugar and now, stevia, plantations, would have made an excellent new Auschwitz or Treblinka which could have been why Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Peru had been a haven for Nazi doctors after the war with German POW interment camps located along the U.S. Gulf Coast. After the definitive loss of the Confederacy, some of the defeated Confederates still envisioned a Golden Triangle in the Gulf and Caribbean rim as had William Walker, that 'Grey-eyed man of destiny' who was destined to occupy a Central American grave for his botched filibustering attempt in Honduras. He was defeated by the army of Costa Rica which later, in a not so strange twist of irony, would become headquarters for the CIA linked United Fruit Company. Historically the Apaches were a wild card in the American Southwest, but the even wilder card was the poor Southerner's who discovered during Reconstruction that the hand that was carpet bagging them after their Civil War was attached to the Leichesters and their German kin, the Saxe-Gothas of the British Royal family, their enemies in the American Revolution and distrusted by Churchill and many of the English, especially those of the Cromwellian and Puritan bent. Many of the Carpetbaggers' carpet bags were made in the Leichester family carpet mill in Georgia," said Demitrius.
"These Saxe-Gothas wanted to use the American Southern Transcontinental railroad to San Diego, California for shipment of cattle to their oriental empires like Singapore where beef and broccoli was a favorite dish. Then they’d use the same route to bring back spices, oriental rugs, silk and opium" said Demitrius, "Especially opium. It weighed less and if the voyage was unbearable you can't smoke nutmeg or silk. The shorter voyage with opening of the Transcontinental Railroad meant that more of the opium got to market, sold as it was in patent medicines until the passing of the Food & Drug Act and later sold as street drugs as a kind of undeclared tax on America's citizens, especially the poor and young. The Leichester family members in Britain were also aligned with their industrialized cotton weaving mill owners of Liverpool and the Northern U.S. cities...New York, Boston, Baltimore. They were controlling things far beyond Americas' ability to ascertain following the American Revolution and American Civil War. The Brits just didn't count on the ruffian rebels of the South who would have been unstoppable against them if they had united across racial barriers to hold onto their part of America, but who'd become, as we've seen in places like Appalachia, as ingrown as the European Royals, but without their deeper pockets. The British Royals had an interest in seeing that the Southern plantation owners stayed as segregated from their former subjects as were the Saxe-Gothas…I mean Windsors....were from their British subjects, particularly the royal-head-lopping Puritans,” said Dr. Demitrius who noted that a recent episode of the popular TV show 30 Rock chronicled in parody the concerns that Oprah carried forward to lay at the doorstep of the Texas cattlemen.
by Winsip Custer CPW News Service
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Burgermeister Breed's "Ribeye" an ancestor of "Big Bubba Singh". |
Jonathan Leichester moved from Leichester House in London's fashionable West Side to the American colonial city of Augusta, Georgia in 1803. He brought with him the Hereford bull, Prince Albert, and a dozen Hereford cows. He also brought a set of fine golf clubs which he was hoping to use on a new golf course envisioned for Augusta. The clubs were lost by a group of disgruntled Irish baggage handlers in Portmouth. Jonanthan also had hopes of building a Gutta Percha (gutty golfball) factory using the Hereford cattle gut but turned the factory into a carpet mill instead. The mill originally made cotton rugs, then cotton and silk rug blends and then became America's biggest petro-chemical synthetic carpet weavers with the discovery of oil on Leichester's Western land holdings in the American Southwest.
Leichester's Herefords, known for their meat producing qualities, were not fond of the intemperate weather in the lower American colony. As offspring of the Leichester family moved ever westward with their cattle following the vast acquisitions of land that were opening across Tennessee, Kentucky and Arkansas and with the promise of a future Trans-Continental Railroad from Savannah or Charleston to San Diego, California, the Herefords found the going increasingly tougher. The terrain became harsher and more inhospitable.
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Augusta Saxe-Gotha Altenburg |
When Jonathan L. Leichester met his first Texas Longhorn-Shorthorn crossbreed and fell in love with a bull named "Shorty Longfellow", he said with a uniquely Southern accent that had quickly shed its Cockney flavor ..."That cow has all the qualities we need for lickin’ this gall danged climate, them prairie cactus and them burred thistles of this barren land. Plus it wouldn't hurt for the breed to become more diverse. I'm worried that it may become like those gall danged Romanov's or even King George, my own kith and kin, and end up with hemophilia or some double-downed form of dementia." Naming the first cow "Augusta", after King George's daughter-in-law and the city in Walker County Georgia, for which Augusta, Georgia was named, Leichester realized after a few years that Augusta's offspring were still lacking in one important quality. "These dang beasts are great, except that they are walking magnets for all form of insects...flies, mosquitoes, ticks and the like. It ain’t healthy and makes for unhappy skinny cows and skinny cows lose money" said Leichester whose dislike of the Romanov's seems to have begun when his family purchased some sick cows from the House of Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov.
Enter Leichester's cousin from Punjab, India, Sir James Abbott, known there as "Chalaque", and for whom the city in Northern Punjab, Abbottsabod, where Osama Bin Laden was captured and killed, was named. That city, now in Pakistan was originally a part of Punjab, India. Arriving through the Port of Indianola on the Central Texas coast in 1841, Big Bubba Singh, the Brahma bull purchased by Abbott from the Sikh soldier Madras Singupta Singh, was just the addition to the genetic strain that Leichester was hoping would bug-proof his cows.
Big Bubba Singh and Augusta produced the first of the Burgermeister Breed. The rest is now history. Jonathan L. Leichester's son, Sonny, would team up with Texas rancher Ricardo DeLeon Pina Koenig and together they would produce the herd that heard America's call for beefsteak and leather-goods. Eventually their cows would make Burger King famous, but they would also bring, about a hundred years later, the ire of Chicago television personality Ophra Winfrey.
Ophra targeted the Lone Star State’s beef barons by asking a simple question that had been bothering her even before she met a best-selling vegetarian. "If it's good for animals to diversify genetically, why are you breeders of cattle so inbred yourselves?" said sociologist Felicity O'Migalsh of the McGill University who has argued in her book Oprah Ropes The Beef Barons, that Oprah’s show set the beef industry on its ear by disclosing feeding practices that her guest claimed were responsible for Mad Cow Disease. “That show was really a smoke screen for Oprah’s deeper question about genetic engineering and issues of racial purity,” said O’Migalsh.
"You may remember the now-famous April, 1996 Ophra program in which Oprah had allowed a debate between Gary Weber of the National Cattleman's Beef Association (NCBA) and vegetarian activist Howard Lyman. Mr. Lyman had easily won the argument horrifying Oprah and her audience. The vivid details about cannibalistic animal-feeding practices caught everyone off guard. Links to England's outbreak of Mad Cow Disease were also shown by Mr. Lyman. The cattlemen had responded by pulling $600,000 in advertising from Oprah's television network. Then came the legal action," said O'Migalsh.
When asked if there was more going on with Oprah's appearance in a Texas court, O'Migalsh said "Oh, of course. I believe that Oprah has a desire to be joined by a hulking Texas male cattle breeder and like the Queen of Sheba making a pilgrimage to the court of Solomon or the Nubian Cleopatra parading into Rome, she was carrying her well-researched understanding of the place that cross-breeding had played in the Texas cattle culture," said O'Migalsh. "There is a saying among American black women who are disciplining their daughters, 'You better straighten up or I'll whup you till you rope like Op-rah.' What that means is that Oprah subconsciously sees herself as the breeder that can keep the Herefords, Longhorns, Shorthorns, Brahmas or even Burgermeisters from becoming a weakened species and who'll go out there and rope her own cattle, brand them and breed them for the sake of a more diverse herd. A herd that will be perhaps used for only methane gas production," said O'Migalsh.
I asked Dr. Demitri Demitrius of the University of Piraeus to provide a deeper analysis of Oprah's journey to Texas to take on the cattlemen. "Well, it's not about diversification of the genetic line. Not really. That’s as much a smoke screen as the Mad Cow thing. It is all about the dilution of the family pocket book. If you look closely you will see that behind Jonathan Leichester is the Hanovers and Saxe-Gothas/Windsors and the future eugenicists who denounce integrated human marriages. Remember the German name Saxe-Gotha was changed to Windsor, to hide from their British subjects the increasingly inbred nature of their dynasty. Leichester would link up in the American West with the German Hessian mercenary troops who had fought against the Americans in the American Revolution. Following the American Revolution these Hessians were stuck in America, ostracized in the East they migrated to the barren West ahead of Jonthan Leichester and his cattle, but natural allies in their love of beer and beef bratwurst. Camouflage is nature’s most prolific defense mechanism so they didn't announce their intertwined British and German roots. Nature may show the value of genetic diversification, but in the realm of human dynasties the thrust is toward decreasing diversity in order to maintain tight control of the purse strings. That was why the poor Hessians were stuck in America. The Saxe-Gothas were too cheap to return them to Europe after the Revolution. Wherever they went they created little German speaking cities with names like Berlin, Hanover or Germantown....before World War I.....or Hitlerville before World War II....often changing those names to Smithville or Jonestown to avoid persecution as events unfolded and sentiments changed. Money and power can paint over a boat load of bilge bottom seam splitters. The painting is usually done by a powerful inner circle that becomes increasingly protective of the family’s assets as their royal genes become genetically weakened until, as with the Romanovs, they, well, spring a leak and everything, including their power descends into the abyss," said Dr. Demitrius.
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A very lean Hindu Godhead, but bug resistant Brahma breed. |
I asked Dr. Demitrius this questions in hopes of elucidating his previous comment....
"It is my understanding that when the future President of the U.S. Confederacy, Jefferson Davis, was surveying the Southern Trans-Continental Railroad route across the U.S. in the 1850's, a route that the Northern states desired to control and went to war to do so under the guise of the abolition of slavery, that Davis helped Jonathan Leichester to choose the best water-crossings for his new breed and that he even laid out the foundation for Jonathan's future plantation-style ranch house. Do you know anything about that?" Dr. Demitrius seemed more interested in the cows’ European and Punjab connections, but answered.
"The Leichesters were not only American breeders, but English...and by English I mean English/German/Saxe-Gotha/Windsor empire builders as shown in their ability to get Big Bubba out of Madras without starting a riot among the Hindus who were controlled by the English and Sikhs. Sikhs were the Indian warrior class pacified by the English and then united with them in their love for ribeye steaks. Germany’s Adolf Hitler told the Sikh’s that they were Aryans and that they would play a major role in his new worldwide empire if they’d follow him…and I’ve already said that the Saxe-Gotha’s of Britain were Germans, even though they abandoned the Hessians in America further reducing their own gene pool in Europe. You are aware that the Duke of Windsor’s wife, Wallace Simpson, was a Nazi spy during World War II. It was no accident that in the 1930’s the Texas oil man, William Rhodes Davis, who was selling gasoline to Hitler also claimed to be related to Cecil Rhodes, the head of the DeBeers Diamond Company in Rhodesia and to Jefferson Davis of the Confederacy," Demitrius explained.
"Southern slave owners were not likely to find allies among modern Brits, nor the French or Spanish who had a longer history of rejecting slavery even if they'd later support 20 cents an hour workers in their own Indo-Chinese factories under the new banner of 'globalization'. Hitler’s totalitarian leanings would pique the interest of these Southerners as his Fortress Europe rose from the ashes of the First World War. Some of these same Southerners would find the pro-Nazi leanings of Charles Lindberg, Henry Ford, John Burroughs and other American industrialists who tried to get retired two-time Congressional Medal of Honor winner, General Smedley Butler, to lead a fascist coup against Franklin D. Roosevelt, appealing" said Demitrius. "The truth of American history was systematically cut out of American public schools and college textbooks after World War II, perhaps as part of an agreement for the unqualified support of FDR's New Deal.
The great Southwest had been carved up initially by the Spaniards and French, then the Mexicans and Americans. Had Germany won, it would have been the center, once again, for the slave trade within the new Nazi Empire. The Gulf Coast and Caribbean rim with its cotton fields, sugar and now, stevia, plantations, would have made an excellent new Auschwitz or Treblinka which could have been why Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Peru had been a haven for Nazi doctors after the war with German POW interment camps located along the U.S. Gulf Coast. After the definitive loss of the Confederacy, some of the defeated Confederates still envisioned a Golden Triangle in the Gulf and Caribbean rim as had William Walker, that 'Grey-eyed man of destiny' who was destined to occupy a Central American grave for his botched filibustering attempt in Honduras. He was defeated by the army of Costa Rica which later, in a not so strange twist of irony, would become headquarters for the CIA linked United Fruit Company. Historically the Apaches were a wild card in the American Southwest, but the even wilder card was the poor Southerner's who discovered during Reconstruction that the hand that was carpet bagging them after their Civil War was attached to the Leichesters and their German kin, the Saxe-Gothas of the British Royal family, their enemies in the American Revolution and distrusted by Churchill and many of the English, especially those of the Cromwellian and Puritan bent. Many of the Carpetbaggers' carpet bags were made in the Leichester family carpet mill in Georgia," said Demitrius.
"These Saxe-Gothas wanted to use the American Southern Transcontinental railroad to San Diego, California for shipment of cattle to their oriental empires like Singapore where beef and broccoli was a favorite dish. Then they’d use the same route to bring back spices, oriental rugs, silk and opium" said Demitrius, "Especially opium. It weighed less and if the voyage was unbearable you can't smoke nutmeg or silk. The shorter voyage with opening of the Transcontinental Railroad meant that more of the opium got to market, sold as it was in patent medicines until the passing of the Food & Drug Act and later sold as street drugs as a kind of undeclared tax on America's citizens, especially the poor and young. The Leichester family members in Britain were also aligned with their industrialized cotton weaving mill owners of Liverpool and the Northern U.S. cities...New York, Boston, Baltimore. They were controlling things far beyond Americas' ability to ascertain following the American Revolution and American Civil War. The Brits just didn't count on the ruffian rebels of the South who would have been unstoppable against them if they had united across racial barriers to hold onto their part of America, but who'd become, as we've seen in places like Appalachia, as ingrown as the European Royals, but without their deeper pockets. The British Royals had an interest in seeing that the Southern plantation owners stayed as segregated from their former subjects as were the Saxe-Gothas…I mean Windsors....were from their British subjects, particularly the royal-head-lopping Puritans,” said Dr. Demitrius who noted that a recent episode of the popular TV show 30 Rock chronicled in parody the concerns that Oprah carried forward to lay at the doorstep of the Texas cattlemen.
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