Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Jason Rezaian, John Phillip Walker Lindh

Washington Post’s Jason Rezaian and Son of Pacific Gas & Electric’s Legal Counsel, American Taliban, John Walker Lindh Milling Around in the Same California Valley

 By Jules Levin DeNile for CPW News Service

     Home grown American terrorism appears to morph over time depending on the cultural cues and conditions motivating the actors.

     Take American Taliban, John Phillip Walker Lindh, son of a leading attorney for Pacific Gas and Electric from Marin County ("Marin Native John Walker Lindh Pleads Guilty," Community News, Mill Valley Herald, pp. 6-7, July 23, 2002) who moved into Afghanistan from Pakistan to fight American troops before his capture.  Not unlike President Obama’s Chicago friend, William Ayers, son of a leading U.S. industrialist who opposed American Vietnam policy by joining the Weather Underground and its bomb squad, Lindh was not from Chicago, but from the California home of currently detained Washington Post reporter, Jason Rezaian, son of the Mill Valley, California Persian rug salesman from Mashad, Iran, Taghi Rezaian.  Taghi Rezaian was sued by his business partner, William Greene, also known as 'Guillaume Verde', an Honorary Consul to the West African nation of Senegal.  It is not known if the name “Rezaian” is in any way related to the Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, but Jason is being detained in Iran for being a spy....a charge flatly denied by the family, friends, the U.S. State Department and The Washington Post.
     Taghi Rezaian was the grandfather of five year old Walker Rezaian whose untimely death triggered the establisment of the Walker Rezaian Foundation in Mill Valley where his grandfather had been both a Persian rug salesman and land developer.
     The Mill Valley Herald reported that Mr. Greene’s suit against Mr. Rezaian, the developer of Tamalpais Junction,  brought complaints of Taghi Rezaian’s business practices which included fraud in his land deals with Greene and the unexpressed consignment of used Persian rugs sold with markups of up to 700%.  "The only thing Taghi didn't think of was credit default swaps of used Persian rugs," said one observer.
     Exactly why the Washington Post has not made this obvious connection between Walker and Rezaian is a mystery, but not to Vance Packard U. Sinclair of the social media watchers group, Disconnected Perils of Columbia, Missouri.  "By disconnecting the population from the historical realities they are more easily controlled by the mass manipulators.  Columbia University's new journalism chief and formerly Jason Rezaian's boss at the Washington Post, is Steve Coll.  He could tell you why the disconnect, but he won't!  At Columbia was Robert Merton, the 'father of applied sociology,' which has morphed from its respected place as an evaluator of societal dynamics to the management of those social dynamics as a tool of trend setting that Madison Avenue and K Street use to sway the masses. Report only the trend and not the larger picture and you keep the people in the dark.  It's no accident that Merton's son is the Harvard economist who created the Black-Scholes credit default formulas that blinded people as to the economic realities and tanked the U.S. economy in 2008 and brought us to the breaking point," said Sinclair who said...."it's part of the racket of war where the rich get richer."
     "When you have only the 'church of what's happening now' running the show you're cut off from the crap and corruption of what happened back when and you relive Santayana's warning "those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it," Sinclair concluded, but adding  "I believe it's important to take it ALL in....eyes wide open!"

(Source on William Greene/Taghi Rezaian business relationship: Mill Valley Herald, 3/14/73:1, 10/20/76:13, 11/19/79:9, 3/14/79:1, 10/1/79:1, 10/1/80:1, 10/15/80:1, 5/14/81:7, 3/4/81:3, 8/5/81:1, 5/15/85:A2, 4/2/86:A2)

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