Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Monday, July 28, 2014

Clint Eastwood, Angelina Jolie, "Freeway" Rick Ross and L.A.'s Dark Alliances

Clint Eastwood, Angelina Jolie and the 1930’s  L.A. Kidnapping Crisis

by Barney B.  Bariscale, CPW News Service

     Being John Malkovich means playing some juicy roles…none juicer than that of Rev. Gustav Arminius Briegleb in the film, The Changeling.    Briegleb came to the aide of Walter Collin’s mother, the kidnapped Los Angeles boy murdered in what was known as the “Chicken Coop Murders” in Wineville, California by Gordon Steward Northcott.  Clint Eastwood directed the true story of the Wineville murders with Angelina Jolie playing the part of Walter Collin's grieving mother.
    Eastwood’s film rightly explains that Wineville changed its name to Mira Loma, California to escape its tragic past.  Mira Loma:  “Sight Knoll” or “it watches hill”….suggesting a new vantage point.  Eastwood’s film leaves out, however, many other important facts in the Walter Collins case that obstruct our full view of the California culture.
    It was widely rumored that Gordon Steward Northcott was providing his kidnapped boys to a powerful underworld of pedophile personalities.  In light of the Jerry Sandusky case in Happy Valley, Pennsylvania and the Franklin Cover-Up in Omaha, Nebraska, these claims could have easily been investigated using survivors’ testimony.   No mention of these connections are voiced in the Eastwood film.
     Rev. Gustav Briegleb, was a graduate of Yale University whose career path took him to Baltimore, Maryland, home to the rich and powerful progenitor of Brown Brothers Harriman, Alexander Brown.  It also took him to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where decades later in the summer of 2011 over 30 pedophile priests were removed from Roman Catholic parishes just months before the Jerry Sandusky  scandal broke at Penn State.   Rev. Briegleb was installed in the Holland Memorial Church on January 17, 1916.  The Sandusky scandal broke between the Penn State and Nebraska football game in 2011 leading many to speculate about the long standing cover-up and Coach Joe Paterno’s relationship to Sandusky and the Republican National Committee.  In 1988 in New Orleans at the Republican National Convention that nominated GHWB, Coach Joe appeared with convicted pedophile and S&L swindler, Omaha’s Lawrence E. King of Lincoln Savings.  Paterno gave a speech.  King sang the National Anthem.  This Omaha and Pennsylvania connection turned heads in a state, Pennsylvania, where names like Dick Thornburg, Tom Ridge and Frank Carlucci were Republican stalwarts.   King was implicated, not unlike Jerry Sandusky, in what appeared to be a wide ranging power elite pedophile ring that had a California connection through the witness of victim Johnny Bonacci who sued King for $1 million and won in what should have rightly been held after a criminal trial like the one that  the L.A. establishment was trying to cover up in the Walter Collins case.
    Information about Rev. Gustav Briegleb is hard to find, but some helpful insights come from Ross Briegleb (from Briegleb’s  Aerodome: El Mirage and Briegleb History, http://www.rbriegleb.com/about/) who writes:
     After one year he went to New Haven, Conn., attending Yale Divinity School, presiding in a small suburban church.  Charges in Tuckahoe and Syracuse, N.Y. followed.
     Young Mr. Briegleb had the desire to become identified with the Presbyterian Church of Baltimore, Md.,being received into the Presbytery of Baltimore in 1911.  The young preacher did an outstanding piece of work there, making extensive improvements in the structure, pacing this congregation upon a faith basis by their tithes and paying off the mortgage. Holland Memorial Presbyterian in Philadelphia sought him and here he served during the years 1916 and 1917, then came the call to California.
     A unique glider airplane is featured in Ross Briegleb’s website because Gus Briegleb, son of the famous pastor, built a glider in the basement of St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church.  Also featured on Ross Briegleb’s website is a photo of Walter Briegleb, a World War German flying “Ace” who according to Jerry Scutts’s German Night Fighter Aces of World War II, had over 25 Allied kills (Jerry Scutts, German Night Fighter Aces of World War II, Oxford: Osprey Publishers, 1998, p. 94).
     Jim Pomeroy recounted his memories of actor Steve McQueen from the 1970’s.  “I rode with him a couple of other times in the desert with Roger Ridell. We would go out to El Mirage, which was east of Palmdale where there was a 10-mile dry lake and big sand hills to ride up and down on. Roger was one of the people who helped make the movie On Any Sunday with Bruce Brown.” (http://www.soloshawn.com/riding-with-steve-mcqueen.html)
     Bruce Brown is the documentary film maker from Nicole Brown Simpson’s home of Dana Point, California, who made the widely popular surfing film The Endless Summer.     Dana Point is named for Cambridge, Massachusetts’, Richard Henry Dana, author of Two Years Before the Mast.
    The LA Time’s Charles Hillinger recounted El Mirage’s history with Rev. Gustav Briegleb:  “EL MIRAGE, Calif. — This is the closest man can come to being a bird," shouted 78-year-old Gus Briegleb as he caught the whirling dust devil and soared skyward at 500 feet per minute.... For 63 years, Briegleb has been catching thermals--rising columns of spinning hot air, miniature tornadoes, dust devils at ground level--and riding wavelike air currents bouncing off mountains...He built his first glider in 1928 in the basement of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church in Los Angeles, where his father was pastor. It has been his passion ever since.
     When Steve McQueen returned to an airplane hangar after his diagnosis of cancer and began a type of spiritual quest, he appeared to be returning to something he had known.  The glider scene from The Thomas Crown Affair, would have been common place at El Mirage.  Ross Briegleb writes:
     To begin with, the reader will learn about some of my ancestors, most noteworthy, my Grandfather, Gustav Arminius Briegleb (GAB), my father William Gustave Briegleb (Gus) my mother Annie Briegleb, and brother Ken. The narrative will then follow my family’s journey from Van Nuys, California to the Mojave Desert where my Dad purchased from the War Assets Administration an ex army airfield known as Mirage Field Auxiliary #3.

     Gustav Arminius Briegleb was the Rev. Gus Briegleb played by John Malkovich in The Changeling.
     What Clint Eastwood’s story does not say is just how close Rev. Briegleb was to the U.S. military and intelligence power elites through his contacts at Yale and Baltimore…..to the Nazi ambitions in Europe via his family ties to Walter Briegleb and to L.A.’s underworld kingpin,  Charles H. Crawford.    Crawford was baptized at St. Paul’s Church by Rev. Briegleb, but later shot and killed by L.A. prosecutor and judge, David H. Clark.
     Charles H. Crawford was head of the “City Hall Gang” that had been disregarding Mrs. Collin’s pleas for help in finding her missing son.   By the time Mrs. Collins' situation was becoming a public embarrassment, the City Hall Gang was in full "damage control" mode just as at Penn State, or in Omaha's Franklin Savings scandal cover-up was the name of the game, but The Changeling is also cover-up by avoiding the full story....sorry, Mr. Eastwood, Ms. Jolie, Mr. Malkovich.  Behind the "City Hall Gang's" bamboozling of the public were other motives that inform everything from the Rodney King beating, the O.J. Simpson murder case, to the "Freeway" Ricky Ross case that cost Gary Webb, a white man, his life for telling the truth of the matter.   Decades later the same issues abound in LA....Hello, Mr. Sterling! 

    Floyd Barriscale’s on-line blog that covers the history of St. Paul’s church states (Floyd B. Bariscale, Big Orange Landmarks: Exploring the Landmarks of Los Angeles, One Monument at a Time, from http://bigorangelandmarks.blogspot.com/2009/04/no-229-westminster-presbyterian-church.html): “Briegleb’s acceptance of Crawford into the fold along with the racketeer’s gift was controversial, of course. The Reverend R.P. Shuler, a former pal of Briegleb, broadcasted he would “just as soon baptize a skunk as to receive Crawford.” Shuler also maintained it was Crawford’s money that was financing Briegleb’s radio sermons in which he endorsed some of Charles H.’s pals for political office, a charge which the reverend later copped to. (In fact, Crawford’s unrealized plans to finance a permanent radio station in St Paul’s were revealed after his death.)”

     Floyd Bariscale's blog also shows that church loans for Briegleb's congregation were secured through Bank of America, the TransAmerican and Vatican related bank in San Francisco that would purchase CountryWide Mortgage after the 2008 bailout which also saw Bank of America buying Merrill Lynch formerly Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner and Smith with the Pierce name connecting directly to the ancestors of President Franklin Pierce and Barbara Pierce Bush.  CountryWide had provided special low interest loans to Buck McKeon, Chair of the Congressional Armed Services Committee. McKeon, a graduate of Brigham Young University and a Mormon, comes from a tradition that is new to women's rights and civil rights in general and from a state that domiciles the NSA's new data mining storage facility.  Floyd Bariscale states:

In January 1931, the Los Angeles Times reported demolition of the old church buildings would begin on the 12th and that the congregation would hold services at the Home Theater on Jefferson west of Arlington till the new structure was complete. The article also quoted Rev. Briegleb’s saying St Paul’s had just received a $40,000 loan from the Bank of America along with a gift of a diamond ring – valued at $3,554 – from “well-known politician Charles Crawford”. It turns out Crawford would give more than jewelry to finance the new church building.
    When in 2014 a film starring Angelina Jolee’s husband, Brad Pitt, was directed by Steve McQueen, many did a double take.  “I didn’t know Steve McQueen had a son,” said one Academy Awards watcher.  It wasn’t Bullitt’s son.   This was Steve McQueen the black director from Amsterdam. His winning film was Twelve Years A Slave of which Ellen Degeneris said "It better win or we are all racists."  Of course, the blond Degeneris did not note that African American, Whoppi Goldberg, was dressed in black and the ruby slippers of the Wicked Witch to introduce Degeneris as Glenda the good white witch," said Frederick Ritchel, of the writers' group, Purple Pandas.  When Degeneris ordered the pizzas for everyone, but had no money who did she get it from, the stars and Harvey Weinstein," said Ritchel.  "Subtle stuff," said Ritchel.
     “Trying to follow the story line in Hollywood is as perplexing and knowing someone's real name,” said another Hollywood-watcher who noted that the attorney for Walter Collin’s mother, Sammy Kahn, died by self-inflicted drowning in 1957.   Self-inflicted drowning is about as rare as Gary Webb's two-shots-to-the-head suicide," she continued. 
      Rev. Gus Briegleb received an honorary doctorate from Whitman College in Walla Walla, Washington the alma mater of U.S. Supreme Court Justice, William O. Douglas as well as U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan, Syria, Lebanon, Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan, the historic oil-rich opium producing region of the Golden Crescent, Ryan Crocker.
      “California has had a long history with the East Coast power elites for whom Henry Dana, Herman Melville, Edgar Allen Poe, James Russell Lowe and others were articulate voice pieces.  Hear no mistake about it.  Their weird intrigues, prevalent there in New England or Baltimore are prevalent in Los Angeles and San Francisco, too.  Their ordered life at Yale or Brown, Penn State or Princeton, informs life in every major U.S. city.  When Gary Webb exposed in Dark Alliance the CIA connection to LA’s “Freeway” Ricky Ross, the gig was up.  We just didn’t know what else wasn’t being exposed until that connection surfaced with Jerry Sandusky, Michael Hess’ story in another 2014 film, Philomena, and the Catholic Church connection in Philadelphia and St. Louis, the Paterno and Lawrence E. King connection to the 1988 Republican National Convention and King's pedophile connection with the Franklin Cover-up scandal,” said Mark Marenowski, a self-described “Hollywood watcher and part-time pedophile hunter.”

      "You have to ask yourself, why would Clint Eastwood not tell this part of the Walter Collins story?    Clint Eastwood?  The actor who at the 2012 Republican National Convention talks to Obama as if he's sitting in an empty chair and telling the world that Angelina Jolie's father, Jon Voight, dislikes Obama?   In Los Angeles where the Clipper's owner, Donald Sterling, has shown that among many Jewish power elites there are those who are as racist as the KKK for which Rev. Briegleb and Rev. Shuler were supporters, it's not hard to figure out," said Marenowski.   "Just as in Nazi Germany, tyranny made strange bed fellows.  It's also not hard to figure out just why LA blacks felt vindicated by O.J. Simpsons acquittal when he was married to Nicole Brown from Dana Point, California.  Tyranny begets cock-eye contradictions of all sorts," Marenowski concluded.

      Was Rev. Gustav Arminius Briegleb's interest in Walter Collins and his mother motivated by his place as a spiritual consigliore for the "City Hall Gang" controlled as it was by Charles H. Crawford?

      Then perhaps, the viewpoint of Klaus Briegleb comes into play.   Germany's Chancellor Helmut Schmidt who had reportedly been expelled from Hitler's Brown Shirts and remained staunchly anti-Nazi cited Karl Briegleb's work.  Schmidt gives us a peek into the mind behind an alternative universe so that perhaps now we better understand just how L.A.'s breakdown, breaks down. Why Mel Gibson can be demonized by Jewish actors and film makers for his father's Nazi sympathies and how behind the lofty claims of American exceptionalism lurks the dark alliances of out-and-out gang warfare, fight promoting and the racket of war.....none of which was a concern for a mother who had lost her only son.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Putin Puting Skids To Timely Crash Investigation. World Longs for Return of Gorbachev or Yelsin.

Malaysian Airplanes Providing Excellent Diversion for Whatever Is Going On Along the Russian/Chechen Border.   Ronald Reagan's Post-Berlin Wall Snafu.

By Zeus  Eversoumbal CPW News Service

     With Malaysian Flight 17’s fuselage being carted off to parts unknown, Russian and Chechen rebel leaders are pointing fingers at one another with blaming accusuations for the tragedy.
    World watcher, Andre’  El Gigante, said on Friday, in Madrid, “It would have made much more sense for Ronald Reagan, bless his Alzheimer-riddled brain,  to have invited the Soviets, Mikhail Gorbachev or Boris Yeltsin, to have joined a new organization of Soviet and Western alliances like NATO, but not NATO.      What good did it do to wait for Russia to digress into a broken sludge pocket of oil reserves to feed the growing planet-polluting needs of India or China?    I believe that the disappearance of the Malaysian airliner over the India Ocean was a media sponge to take the world’s eyes off of whatever was going on along that region’s borders,  long known to be of special interest to Western pipeline profiteers.   With this second Malaysian airline serving as a clay pidgeon in a turkey shoot, it’s pretty obvious that this whole affair is about as transparent as a stone wall behind a smoke screen in wooded ravine at midnight.”

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Filleting The American Dream

by Winona Wyman, CPW News Service

     A phenomenon called “Cowboy Church” has sparked a new movement toward special interest religious groups according to Jake Peezpod of Still Water, Oklahoma.  Peezpod has been studying the phenomenon of special interest religious organizations since he formed the “Ushers on Horseback Church” of Brushy Creek, Oklahoma in 1998.
      “The cost of keeping horses was so expensive, but  all of our horses are “usher mounts” and as such are as tax deductible as the church busses at the First Baptist Church of Oklahoma City.  Our riding arena is actually our church building and our hay and feed is tax deductible, too,” said Peezpod.

     When asked how, exactly, the “Ushers on Horseback Church” fit into the Palestinian image of Jesus who seemed only to have ridden a donkey,” Peezpod said “we have a donkey here, but we only ride him on Palm Sunday."
     John Trotsky, a critic of the this type of special interest religious organization  said of the “Ushers on Horseback Church” that “if a Mercedes owner donated his new car to the church, but continued to use it for his personal enjoyment, I don’t think that would fly with the IRS at disclosure time.  Horses, on the other hand, have no speedometer to check their mileage.”

     Liz Luvenmore and her husband,  Buck Luvenmore, are members of the Plumbers’ Church of Edgewater, Wisconsin.  “I donated my truck and tools to the Plumbers’ Church and write them off, but use them during the week to support the church’s families and friends who get a special deal on all their plumbing.   Einstein said ‘I should have done something useful and been a plumber.  Well I am one and I don’t see any problem with being a part of the church that celebrates my chosen life work.   My son, Jimmy, belongs  to the “Carpenters’ Church of Skidmore,’ said Buck Luvenmore and they do the same thing.   With the American Dream now costing according to USA Today, $130,000 per year, people need to do everything they can to keep from getting behind,” said Luvenmore.
     Members of the “Bute Biker’s Church” in Montana are looking for ways to write off their Harley Davidsons.  Their church is called "Bute Bikers' Free 24/7 Highway and By-Way Prayer Delivery Church".

Saturday, July 12, 2014

GHWB and the Therapeutic Recreation of Traumatic Memories

A Short Conversation With Dr. Winthrop B. Sellars of the Center for Therapeutic Recreation of Traumatic Memories
by Hope I. Friefalz of
CPW News Services

(Click above to enlarge)

McRaven's Speech Flops: The Racket of War vs. the Power of Peace

McRaven (2,144,812)
Williams (340,499,289)

     "People instinctively know that the racket of war is counterproductive.  The 340,449,289 who have viewed Pharrell Williams' "Happy" easily trumps Admiral William McRaven's 2,144,812 hits, but McRaven gets the 'bully pulpit' while decrying the world's bullies and while his troops kick in doors in Afghanistan or Iraq in a war based on a clear bamboozling of the America people.  At the same time Jeremy Scahill featured McRaven in the documentary "Dirty Wars".  After hearing his speech I think that a degree from UT is like a fossil relic."         
-Lowell P. Wigglesworth 

McRaven's Viral UT Speech Leads To Viral Decision

McRaven’s Viral UT Speech Helps to Raise Bid for His Appointment to UTIMCO Board

Ali Breland and Jeremy Scahill May Co-Write New “Really Dirty Wars” Documentary

by Tess Tostirhone, CPW News Services
     The University of Texas student reporter for UT’s student paper,  Ali Breland,  wrote of UTIMCO’s investment in the dirty business of genocide in Darfur.   Breland called for the University of Texas Investment Management Company, UTIMCO, which oversees the school’s $20 billion investment fund to withdraw its investments in Sudan (Ali Breland, UT System should divest from companies supporting genocide in Sudan," The Daily Texan, March 20, 2014).
     On May 29th, 2014, Admiral William McRaven, head of JSOC, or the Joint Special Operations Command, which oversaw the hunting down of Osama Bin Laden, right under the noses of the Pakistani intelligence forces addressed the University of Texas 2014 graduating class. Today, the Austin American Statesman claimed that Admiral McRaven is a leading contender for an appointment to the UTIMCO Board  and new Chancellor of the university(Mary Ann Roser, "Hopefuls Emerge in Search for UT Leader," The Austin American Statesman, July 12, 2014).

     Historian, Dr. Lowell P. Wigglesworth, whose work on the manipulation of history by some of America’s leading fellow historians questioned the pending appointment….”Brain death is not merely a medical description of the discontinuance of thought processes.  We clearly see this in the cheering  of the 2014 UT class following McRaven’s speech.    Had General Westmoreland addressed a graduating class in 1972 there would have been jaunts and shreaks.   Where was Ali Breland and her fellow students during McRaven's speech?" asked Wigglesworth.

   "Claims that the video of this spectacle went ‘viral’ are equally disconcerting and highly exaggerated.   It was ‘viral’ before it went ‘viral!’  Besides, define 'viral',” said Wigglesworth pointing to the Youtube videos of  several popular songs with over 200,000,000 viewings.

     “I have heard that Ali Breland and Jeremy Scahill are planning a new documentary titled 'Really Dirty Wars.'   I hope it is true,” said Wigglesworth.   "I am also concerned that Bin Laden's body was buried at sea not to avoid his martyrdom, but his true identification and that Jesse Ventura, himself a former SEAL, has raised concerns that Bin Laden may have actually died years before his reported death and that so many of the SEAL Team 6 solidiers have died since the reported Bin Laden killing," Wigglesworth continued.

     On June 14, 2014, Willie B. Trayis, covered the McRaven speech and made many of the same conclusions made by Wigglesworth.  "With 15 of the 19 September 11 hijackers coming from Saudi Arabia and we invade Iraq on a false premise and with McRaven's fellow UT graduate and ethics professor at West Point, Col. Theodore "Ted" Westhusing, dying after his confrontation with General David Petraeus who was struck at Fort Campbell by that stray bullet that Dr. and Senator William Frist plugged, anything is possible with respect to the continual bamboozling of the American people currently emanating from a state that has the "Bonnie Blue" flag of a previous Fascist Confederacy sown into one of its panels," said Wigglesworth.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Hank Paulson Stranger Than McNamara

Vietnam and Paulson's Global Warming Agenda
by Seymour Dimley CPW News Service
     There was something strange about Robert Strange McNamara, according to Hank Paulson.  The Vietnam War can all be laid at the feet of Robert S. McNamara says Paulson, the sinking ship’s navigator through the economic meltdown of 2008 and the facilitator of the arm twisting that produced the one page, no-accountability, bailout of Wall Street.
     Writing for his own magazine, Forbes, Steve Forbes said of Paulson’s charges (7/2/14):
     Not content with bearing major responsibility for one of our worst-ever economic disasters–one whose effects, thanks to persistent errors, weigh us and the world down to this day–Paulson now wants to help lead the charge to save us from global warming. In a New York Times op-ed Paulson has trotted out all the moldy jeremiads of the planet burning up while coastal cities are inundated with rising oceans if we don’t rid the planet of carbon dioxide emissions by taxing them into extinction.
     As Paulson, no historian, lays out his diatribes against McNamara and as his new company seeks to import Chinese businesses into the U.S. he jumps on the Global Warming agenda that would further shackle the U.S. against the unfair competition of the Chinese and Indian smudge pots of industrial pollution.  Meanwhile, Germany’s Prime Minister Angela Merkel is in Beijing standing next to their leader and pointing an accusing finger at the U.S. for its recent NSA spying on Germany.

     “I say send Paulson to live in Beijing with Merkel!” said Phillip Seymour Limon of Miami, Florida.  “My property’s beach erosion can’t all be hung on Robert McNamara anymore than the use of Agent Orange in Vietnam can be hung on GI’s.   I tend to agree with Peter Chapman, author of the book Bananas: How the United Fruit Company Shaped the World.  He explains that when a disease was killing Central American bananas the heartier Indochina bananas were being replanted on United Fruit's Central American plantations while the U.S. military was defoliating the crap out of Vietnam and other potential competitors.  Makes sense to me!  It's a messy world and just because Hank Paulson shaves his head doesn't mean his is qualified to legitimately counsel the U.S. on Global Warming.  Let him lead the world in hydrogen fuel cell production support and transition while he stops moving Chinese companies to the U.S. to provide the drilling pipe that Halliburton and Chesapeake and the other frackers are using to fuel China's economy at our expense," said Limon.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

California Rush Not Golden, Without Sutter's Mill, Pick Axes and Shovels... Nothing Is Panning Out

California Not Excited About Importation of Texas’ South American Refugees

Starbucks Contemplates Remodeling Business Plan To Reverse Refugee Trend

by Rodman Gilder for CPW News Services
     “Colin Powell said famously that ‘When you break it you own it,” said Ollie Ullay Einfreih of Seattle, Washington.  “Ever since that god-awful U.S. filibusterer, William Walker, you know the guy….the one played by Marlon Brando and Ed Harris, yea, that one…..ever since he tried to use the Monroe Doctrine to turn Latin America into an American slave plantation we’ve been reaping the result.    Hells bells….does hell have bells?   Anyway, when you prevent people from taking ownership in their country and you export guns and ammunition and make your money in promoting conflict and wars this is what you get.  It’s good for the weapons makers, but bad for people,” said Einfreih.
     Mr. Einfreih is especially critical of the fact that the average South American like Mr. Guzman and his family in Peru who sell their 60 acre crop of Peruvian coffee to Starbucks for ten cents a pound find it sold in the U.S. for ten dollars a pound at a 10,000 percent mark-up.    “Hells bells…..ding dong…..would you not want your kids to come to the U.S. where they might get a job at Starbucks with benefits?   Or Starbucks could pay the Mr. Guzman’s of the world a fair price for their coffee….say a dollar a pound….and suddenly their $6500 per year becomes $60,000.   They could expand and keep more people from jumping the non-existent border fence,” said Einfreih.

     Buses took about  140 or so undocumented immigrants to U.S. processing centers at San Diego and El Centro, California, said Federal sources.
     Counter-protesters rejected the importation of  undocumented aliens from Texas into California and demonstrated to register their anger on Wednesday.

     Selena Dion Lopez of Juarez, Mexico said “I wouldn’t  want to be in the U.S. in a facility near those places.  Especially not San Diego.  The SEAL headquarters in San Diego are built in the shape of a Nazi swastika.  If they import that ideology to Mexico, Central and South America as they tried in Cuba, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Chile and as they are paying poor Mr. Guzman for his coffee beans, we’re all in por mucho problemas,” said Lopez. 

     "William Walker who was backed by U.S. President Franklin Pierce, an ancestor of Barbara Pierce Bush whose husband was behind Operation Zapata, better known as the "Bay of Pigs", Augusto Pinoche in Chile and Iran-Contra in Nicaragua and Honduras then I say he is as much an ancestor of William Walker as King George I of England was father of King George II," said Lopez.  "I'm not suggesting that the world start speaking Spanish or French let alone Italian or German.  Turn the world over to those languages and you'll have a bigger mess, but don't lead the Anglo culture from its crotch or asshole!" said Lopez with a saucy English/Latin bravado. 
     Einfreih agrees.  “Look, I like money as much as the next guy, but when you  pay a guy $6500 for 60,000 pounds of coffee and sell it for about $10,000,000 there is a problem of usury.   I’m Jewish, but no good Jew would want to see Pharaoh return to the top of the pyramid, would they?  There’s no good reason why there can’t be a better business plan that does not include the racket of war and enslavement of people,” said Einfreih citing the recent article in Winsip Custer by William Queequig Budd on the Starbuck's documentary produced by MSNBC titled "The Coffee Addiction".  "It's not my coffee addiction.  It's Starbuck's money addiction!" said Einfreih.  "Starbucks shows in microcosm just why the immigration problem in Latin America with all of its land and resources is a place where fewer people want to live.  If U.S. companies want to pay you pennies for a crop worth a fortune or if you as a Cuban had to live with the U.S. Italian mob owning its entire water front, or if your sons and daughters suddenly disappeared because they wanted to go into farming or to get a higher wage at Coca-Cola, you'd be PO'ed too.   It also shows just why Seattle hosted the World Trade Organization, the WTO,  thinking that Starbucks and MicroSoft and MSNBC are insulated from criticism there. Surprise!   They're not! The world is not sleepy in Seattle nor clueless as to  just what went on there," said Einfreih.