Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Tamiflu Can't Tame A Flu Virus

by Winsip Custer CPW News Service

     In 2005, George W. Bush chastised Congress for being short-sighted and pushed them into passing a $7.1 billion “emergency fund” to address the possibility of a pandemic bird flu epidemic while launching a government website to keep people informed called "pandemicflu.gov". 
     “I remember at my hospital there were spokespersons from the federal, state and county levels who pulled the staff together in plenary session to say that there was not enough vaccine and that the only solution was treating the symptoms and praying that you’re case is responsive to Tamiflu by Roche,” said a St. Louis physician who asked not to be identified.
     As Donald Rumsfeld had been hired by J.D. Searle Pharmaceutical Co. to push Aspertame, the sweetner Equal,  as the new sweetener of choice, a product that circumvented normal FDA protocols, so Rumsfeld with a $25 million investment in Roche pushed Tamiflu following his departure from the Defense Department primarily because of the Abu Ghraib affair.  The Pentagon bought $58 million of the drug for troops in 2005 while body armor was often sent to soldiers from their families who had to purchase the armor from companies created by retired military officers.  "My boy was killed without that armor and he had a bad case of flu at the time," said a mother of one deceased Marine.  "He took Tamiflu, but the crap didn't work.   I hadn't read Christian T. Miller's book Blood Money nor General Smedley Butler's War Is A Racket," until after my son's death," said the disillusioned woman who has joined the consumer group Deport Rumsfeldt and Bush To Iraq, Now.
     Rabbi Tishman B. Cohen of Los Angeles, president of the citizen's action group RICO for Government Fraud and Wayward Politicians, noted that Tamiflu had been initially developed by the California chemical company Gilead....."from the Biblical reference to a 'balm in Gilead' that the Gospel song says 'heals the sin-sick soul,' but in Rumsfeldt's case there's nothing that will close the huge sin-sick hole in that man's soul," said Cohen who believes that had RICO laws been used against Bush and Rumsfeldt at the time, Bush would have pardoned himself, but let Rumsfeldt take the rap.  “In a fascist economy tax dollars are used to funnel money to private corporations through the government.   In a communist economy like the old USSR there is no taxation and industry itself is run by the government for profit.  By this definition the Wall Street bail out was a fascist act as was the government funding of worthless pharmaceutical products," said Tishman who concluded "Bush and Rumsfeldt and their friends are fascists.  Remember when Speak of the House, John Boener, went to playing grab-ass with that Waffen SS reinactment group in Ohio?"
      Rumsfeldt has been a member of the Gilead board since 1988.  "Rumsfeldt thought it said 'there's a bomb in Gilead," said Cohen.  "Rumsfeldt tries to destroy everything his fxxxing hands touch," said the Rabbi from his pulpit, "but along with Cheney and Bush they were the Three Stooges....rich stoooges, but still stooges."  Cohen's comments support the revelations of Canadian investigative reports which show that physicians at Mt. Sinai Hospital were acting as agent of Roche and Gilead to promote the sale of Tamiflu in Canada.  Like the U.S. government's stockpiling of Tamiflu, Canada, too was unnecessarily stockpiling with citizen's money a worthless drug for the profit of the drug makers.  "Canadian Fascism, but as a commonwealth of Britain where the ruling Windsor family is really the German Saxe-Gotha clan and with the Duke of Windsor marrying an American Nazi, Wallis Simpson, whom he met at the Hotel in Coronado, California...home of the U.S. Navy Seal training base.... what do you expect?" asked Cohen.
     Bush’s tactic of informing the US public that 200,000 Americans would die from a flu pandemic led Congress to stockpile 80 million doses of Tamiflu at $100 per dose or $8 billion dollars worth of a product that is now believed to be of no help in combating flu.  "I'll bet that Bush and Rumsfeldt were working on a Yellow Cake Uranium drug for the cure of flu if the Tamiflu fraud was revealed while they were still in office," said Rabbi Cohen.  "They'd have called it Uraniflu," joked Cohen sarcastically.
     “It was just like the swine flu scare of 1976, but this time we have the smoking Tamiflu bottles,” said the same St. Louis physician.
     On Wednesday, January 18, the Cochrane Library which publishes databases of high-quality research that keeps the health-care decision-makers appraised of recent scientific developments indicated that there has been no clear evidence to support Tamiflu’s claims that the drug Oseltamivir works to relieve flu symptoms.  In addition, they report that Roche is not forthcoming with the evidential studies required under FDA and false advertising legislation to support their claims.
     Citizens for the consumer group Deport Rumsfeldt and Bush to Iraq, Now, have encouraged consumers to picket the Rumsfeldt and Bush residences and demand that they personally refund their money before the two men are shipped to Abu Ghraib, Iraq.  This is where their arriving caravan will face what the groups spokesperson said is the "high likelihood of being hit by a IED upon entering the compound."
    Many want to know who suppressed the true information regarding Tamiflu. Others look to the official medical bureaucracy of the government to get answers regarding the propaganda associated with the fear of a pandemic flu epidemic and the touting of Tamiflu as a possible remedy.
     Amanda Gardner of HealthDay Magazine reported in 2009 that Tamiflu was being used by the CDC for treatment of flu.  Going back to the genesis of the problem she cites the first paper and wrote:
     “All but two of the 11 cases outlined in the first paper involved people who had direct or indirect contact with pigs, but "in another patient, human-to-human transmission was suspected," wrote a team led by Dr. Lyn Finelli of the CDC's Influenza Division. The patients were typically young -- an average age of 10 -- and four of the 11 cases were severe enough to require hospitalization, with two needing invasive mechanical ventilation. Four patients were given Tamiflu, and all eventually recovered.”
     Gardner's work shows that Tamiflu was identified early as a possible remedy by the CDC.  Gardner's primary sources for the article were  John M. Quarles, Ph.D., head and professor, microbial and molecular pathogenesis, Texas Agricultural and Mechanical Institute Health Science Center College of Medicine.  This university is, of course, home of the George Herbert Walker Bush Presidential Library where former CIA Director and US Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, was president after leaving the CIA.   Amanda Gardner also conducted a May 7, 2009, teleconference with Michael Shaw, Ph.D., microbiologist, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Disease (NCIRD), U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as well as interviews or other information sharing with Carolyn Bridges, M.D., medical epidemiologist, NCIRD; and Fatima Dawood, M.D., medical epidemiologist, NCIRD; Len Horovitz, M.D., pulmonary expert, Lenox Hill Hospital, New York City; May 7, 2009 and New England Journal of Medicine, online.
    "The timing on the fear of a pandemic coinciding as it did with the exit of George Walker Bush from office, is like Black Beard grabbing his treasure chest before his ship goes down," said Rabbi Cohen.
    Cohen noted that the inventor who headed the Tamiflu team for Roche was Norbert Bishofberger (born January 10, 1954) of Austria having joined Gilead in 1990 as Director of Organic Chemistry.  In May, 2009 the Austrian Times was reporting that Dr. Bishofberger was predicting dark times for the planet.  The article was picked up in the US by Germerica.com and begins...."The swine flu scare has thrown an Austrian scientist into the limelight this week as his creation - 'Tamiflu' - has become the global medication of choice with which to fight the disease."
     Germerica is, according to Rabbi Cohen, an extension of the German American Bund of the 1930's and 40's and the Jewish pharmaceutical workers who promote Roche's products are suffering from Helsinki Syndrome and delusional thinking."
     Affirming receipt of Hoffman-Roche submission dated between April 29 and October 25, 1999, approval of Tamiflu was given in a letter written by the FDA's Dr. Sandra Kweder on October 27, 1999, Acting Director, Office of Drug Evaluation IV, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research and referred Roche’s Linda Robertson, PhD  Program Manager, Regulatory Affairs to contact Grace N. Carmouze, Regulatory Project Manager, at (301) 827-2335.
     Dr. Sandra Kweder had no connections to Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeldt who recrused himself from Bush Administration decisions to eventually stockpile $1.8 billion of Tamiflu for the military, other than the fact that she was USN Rear Admiral retired.
    During her testimony before Congress with the FDA's Dr. David Graham  (not to be confused with Dr. David Graham whose testimony concerning two of the 911 hijackers who entered the U.S. through San Diego, California before moving to Louisiana was disregarded by the FBI and 911 Report) Kweder asserted the rigors of FDA approval:

"Detecting, assessing, managing and communicating the risks and benefits of prescription and over-the-counter drugs is a highly complex and demanding task. FDA is determined to meet this challenge by employing cutting-edge science, transparent policy and sound decisions based on the advice of the best experts in and out of the agency." 
     It was not readily apparent why such a rigorous process failed to show the limitations and dangers of Tamiflu, nor has Dr. David Graham fully explained why he has remained at the FDA after twenty years of whistle-blowing on the agency that employs him.

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