Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Wednesday, April 12, 2017



by Winsip Custer, CPW News Service

"Just two days after news broke of an alleged poison-gas attack in northern Syria, President Trump brushed aside advice from some U.S. intelligence analysts doubting the Syrian regime’s guilt and launched a lethal retaliatory missile strike against a Syrian airfield.'   -Robert Parry

      Robert Parry, founder of Consortium News doubts the official Trump-jump on Syria based on a theorized sarin gas attack.   Parry, chided for his acceptance of the Official 911 Report of the U.S. government by 911 Truth author David Ray Griffin, has cited the criticism of Middle East CIA field agents who have provided legitimate contrary witness to the Trump White House rationale for the recent attack. Supported by nearly 60% of Americans led by Senators Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, Parry instead joins a growing cadre of disillusioned skeptics who believed that the U.S.'s core value is dishonesty.
      Meanwhile, the conservative talk show host who holds a PhD in what he says is epidemiology, San Francisco-based Michael Savage,  reviewed the film footage of the event and concluded that there is no evidence that it was sarin, a nerve agent.  Rather, it appears that the agent used in the reported attack was chlorine or phosgene, a choking agent, not a nerve agent.  Building on the improbability of either Russians or Syrians wanting to retreat from their assurances that chemical agents, banned by the Geneva Conventions as a war crime, will not and have not been used, Savage is joined by former Ronald Reagan Under-Secretary of the U.S. Treasury, Paul Craig Roberts, Hawaii's U.S. Congresswoman and Iraq War veteran, Tulsi Gabbard, and a growing array of concerned citizens calling for a Congressional investigation of the recent $60 million U.S. cruise missile strike on the Syrian airbase from which the gas attack was supposedly staged.
     Independent investigative author, Peter Pezonus, said "David Ray Griffin pummels both Bill Moyers and Robert Parry for believing in totally impossible miracles in order to accept the official U.S. government version of the 911 attack on the World Trade Center.  Here we see a continuation of the total disinformation of the Left/Right cabal of the U.S. NeoCons/NeoLibs who under the GHWB, Clinton, GWB and Obama administrations have led the U.S. and world toward a wayward anti-American policy coup of U.S. world hegemony while the U.S.  Middle-Class was stripped of their jobs under NAFTA, the Bush/Clinton legacy that included the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act in 1999 leading to World-Com, Tyco, Enron and the 2000-2008 bamboozle of the housing bubble bailout.    Truth is the victim of this push toward imposed hegemony," said Pezonus.
     "Like it or not the old Soviet Union survived and thrived on the inclusion of cultures nurtured by the suppression of religion freedom.  The U.S. Constitution insures the suppression of misdirected religious freedom not by force of arms, but by force of will and conscience, but the effects are the same making us the U.S. and its allies, Russia and its allies natural teammates against ISIS, but along the lines of the message of Alexander Solzhynitsyn in his 1978 Princeton University commencement speech, A World Split Apart," said Pezonus.  "Solzhynitsyn  believed then that we were at a critical crossroads that would require the equivalent to stepping onto a new anthropological stage in world history.  And now? What we have going on since 911 is the use of religion by the fight-promoting war-mongering military industrialist security complex to profit from human misery and conflict," he continued.
    "The problem is," said Pezonus, "that ISIS, like Al Qaeda, is not a naturally evolving religion, but the product of the military industrialist security complex's evolution of the demonic lust for war profits with funding coming from the captured U.S. taxpayers and the oil money of the Saudi royal family which holds control over the high holy places of Islam's warring sects....Shia and Sunni Muslims....Mecca and Medina.  It's like Madison Square Garden on fight night with the war mongers controlling the beer and pop corn concessions and both corners of the ring.  They can count on ignorance prevailing when no new enlightenment  is allowed.  Their common denominator is fossil fuels and the belief that sludge is the center of the universe...which it isn't.  Not even our sun that will burn for about four billion years and create the earth's ubiquitous wind energy is that."
    Pezonus believes that we see the dark side of the U.S. intelligence apparatus' descent into the abyss of insanity with the 1988 death of Salem Bin Laden in Cibolo, Texas, at an airport owned by the in-laws of the National Reconnaissance Office's Commander General Bruce Carlson whose agency was responsible for the 911 games that essentially stood down NORAD on September 11, 2001.  1988 was the year that CIA agent Matthew Gannon was returning from the Middle East to ask the CIA brass at Langley just why the rank and file CIA agents like those being now cited by Robert Parry with respect to Syria, who had no reliable information on Al Qaeda which was organized with Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood, moved to Assad's Syria where Assad ejected them only to land in Saudi Arabia where they were receiving funding, diplomatic travel documents for their arrival in Afghanistan to fight alongside the Mujahedeen and for free access into the USA for flight training.   "The capital of the world's oil cabal is Houston, Texas and its surrounding climes...Freeport where Freeport McMoran Sulphur....Henry Kissinger on it's board who employed L. Paul Bremer at Kissinger & Associates before 911 with Kissinger being Bush's first choice for heading the 911 investigation until the 911 families asked if his clients included the Bin Ladens while Freeport McMoran and  Houston provides the ingredients for gunpowder and where National Lead Co. provides the ingredients for bullets while just up the road the Huntsville  there's the hometown of Robert Abercrombie Lovett who fashioned the U.S. policy of bombing civilian centers....also home to Rex Tillerson of Exxon and now like Secretary of State James A. Baker had in nearby Houston, where his Baker Center for Public Policy honored Alan Greenspan with an award for his 'Greenspan Put' and the irrational exuberance that led directly to the 2008 crash," said Pezonus.
    Matthew Gannon died on Pan Am 103, the same year as Salem Bin Laden's crash in Cibolo, Texas.  Gannon was traveling with the son of the FBI's head of counter intelligence who changed his flight plans at the last minute.  That FBI agent's father, the highest ranking non-appointed officer in the Bureau, was in charge of the Pan Am 103 investigation for the Bureau.  Gannon's eulogy was provided at Arlington National Cemetery by General David Petraeus, but Gannon's place on Pan Am 103 has been conspicuously absent in the retelling of the Pan Am 103 story.  "With the multi-billion dollar settlement going to the victim's families from the coffers of Kaddafi's Libya there is now no incentive to know the truth about Pan Am 103," according to Pezonus who believes that Houston,  Texas is ground zero for the 911 plot and not California as the 28 redacted pages of the Official 911 Report would have us believe based on a 2016 CBS 60 Minutes report.   "Houston is where the oil cabal stripped Julius Robert Oppenheimer of his leadership through the testimony of President Kenneth Pitzer of Rice University as Pitzer worked on fossil jet fuel taking Oppenheimer's national security clearance for not wanting to build the hydrogen bomb.  Rice is home to Philip Zelikow and of Paul and David Rhodes....Paul Rhodes the mouthpiece for the Obama/Clinton Benghazi attack, Zelikow the gatekeeper on the phony gong show of the Official 911 Report and Paul Rhodes' brother, now President of CBS, whose 60 Minutes reporters Lowell Bergman mis-reported the death of Salem Bin Laden for Frontline while Dan Rather botched the Houston-based Ellington Field memo story of GWB's Texas Air National Guard career from a CIA-linked airport where GWB's former roommate, James R. Bath, owned the fuel concession and was business partner with the Saudi royal family's banker Khalid Bin Mahfouz.  Both Bath and Mahfouz were on the board of BCCI, the Bank of Commerce and Credit International....the Iran-Contra plot's primary money-laundering bank," said Pezonus who cited Fabian Colbachi's article on the role of Zelikow and the Rhodes brothers.
    "It was no accident that the Washington Post's Metro Editor, Vernon Loeb, author of the Pat Tillman and Jessica Lynch stories that lied about the circumstance of Tillman's death and Lynch's rescue was Loeb's surreptitious work for building consent for war in Afghanistan and Iraq while he was also the co-author of Paula Broadwell's book All In: The Education of General David Petraeus, or that Loeb went to the Houston Chronicle to become the Managing Editor in a city where the corrupt medical examiners' office was investigated by the fire waller in the Iran-Contra Congressional investigation, Michael Bromwhich," said Pezonus.  "Goddamn it!  People have been totally bamboozled and don't seem to give a flip," said Pezonus a follower of U.S. historian Lowell P. Wigglesworth.
     Meanwhile, in 2004 citizen reporters captured celebrated CIA agent Robert Baer saying clearly that he knew the San Diego, California stock broker whose brother, working in the Bush White House, had told him to sell off his stocks just prior to 911. "The Corbett Report's James Corbett has that video at two minutes into his report on Baer, a 911 suspect," said Pezonus noting that Baer was never asked to explain his statement by Congress or the mainline media.  The fifth estate reporters had asked Baer to comment on the National Reconnaissance Office's questionable move to hold training games over New York on 911 that crippled NORAD and led to Scott Shuger's Slate.Com article IGNORAD.

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