Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Friday, April 3, 2015


Going Clear: Mind Control Alive and Well And Could Siege the U.S.A..  Call Homeland Security and the Increasingly Militarized U.S. Law Enforcement Establishment.

An interview with Peter Pezonus by Meta Betapherson for CPW News Service

      Pulitzer Prize winner, Lawrence Wright, of Austin, Texas, the author of the movie script and film that provides a near blueprint of the 911 disaster, The Siege,  directed by Ed Zwick, the director of Tom Cruises’ film The Last Samurai, has taken on Scientology, but why?   What did Scientology ever do to Wright?
     Peter Pezonus has come forward to express his concerns that Wright’s critique of Scientology may not be what it appears.

 MB:  Lawrence Wright is not fond of Scientology.
PP:  And you have to ask yourself, “why not?”   Clearly, Scientology is built on hidden knowledge that is as squirrely as Alvin singing “all I want is my hula hoop,” at Christmas, but why is Wright taking on this old story now?  It appears that he’s dusting it off to promote the kind of paranoia that he projected into the culture in the movie, The Siege, that essentially prepared the American public for 911.  I mean, if I didn’t know any better I’d say that with The Siege he was writing a travel brochure for Mohammed Atta.

MB:  Others have made similar claims of Wright’s writing interests. 
PP:  Yes, some of them published on Winsip Custer, Farnsworth Jones, for example, but they are quite right to question the attack on Scientology as a secretive, misdirected and purely materialistic and oppressive evil in this world, but explain to me how that is different from, say, college Greek fraternities, Scottish Rite mumbo jumbo, legalistic churches built more on ancient sun god worship than the egalitarian, democratizing elements in the Judeo-Christian tradition?

MB:  Why do you not like Wright’s book on Scientology?
PP:   Because Wright does not make a clear reference to L. Ron Hubbard’s use of Scientology as a drug smuggling enterprise.  This is not my conclusion....his son said it

MB:  Wright's son?

PP:  No, Hubbard's!   L. Ron Hubbard, Jr., who changed his name to Ron deWolf.  Watch the footage of Hubbard in Going Clear.  He’s sitting in front of a bank of red poppies.  Hello!   Nothing cryptic there. 

MB:  Are you sure those are poppies?  They look like tulips to me.

There is absolutely no reason that people the world over can't grow their own poppies in their own yard alongside their marijuana plants for medicinal purposes....like aches and pains.   My doctor said you'd be amazed at the people that do that anyway.  The law prohibiting the opioid production in the U.S. was not passed until 1942.  Ubiquity breeds equity. Start growing poppies in every yard....from sea to shining sea.    Make its production a universal cottage industry and do to it what the removal of prohibition did to alcohol....but then some.  Then you'll remove the power source like unplugging these dark alliances or like flipping a light switch.    Meanwhile, pass a law that states unequivocally that "all e-meters like those used by Scientologists for auditing, counseling or monitoring must be powered by no less than 220 volts and 50 amps without power reducing transformers and without rheostats controlled by the auditor."

PP:  Tulips?  Look, Hubbard was a U.S. Navy officer and for Christ’s sake, the usurpation of the British poppy trade of the British East India Company, David Sassoon’s drug smuggling from Baghdad, Bombay and the entire Golden Crescent where our soldiers are fighting now, means that Hubbard is cutting into the CIA’s market. You know.   The one that Gary Webb told us about in Dark Alliance.   Remember that in back-to-back years Wright and Columbia University's new Dean of the Journalism Dept., the Henry Luce Professor of Journalism who was Jeff Leen's editor at the Washington Post won Pulitzers for their brilliant bamboozles....excellent examples of applied journalism that would make Joseph Goebbels proud.  You know.  The guy who said that the repetition of a lie can make people believe that a square is a circle.  Did the Scientologists use this method?  Well, yes, but so is Wright, not to mention Jeff Leen when he criticized Webb's findings and his Washington Post boss, the new Dumbledore of Columbia both throw Webb under their speeding school shuttle bus.   Beyond this, the Scientologists were chasing their defectors into Texas and Wright doesn’t adequately cover that fact...Debbie Cook needed fuller coverage by Wright to help show the veins and arteries that Wright is cauterizing like a surgeon not with a  bleeder, but a perfectly functioning limb that he's amputating to prevent it from reaching into the patient's own wallet pocket.  Can't have the Scientologist throwing their weight around in Austin where the new Dumbledore is Admiral William McRaven of JSOC and the Chancellor of the University of Texas, whose troops supplied the coverage in the Golden Crescent.      Wright doesn’t tell us just how close Ed Zwick was to him AND Tom Cruise who was meeting with Richard Armitage?   Armitage?  Ask Col. Bo Gritz about “Dickie”.  Hell, just dig up Bo’s appearance on the old Morton Downey show.  It’s all over the internet.  Hubbard wrote his own recommendation letter to get his USN appointment and the politicians who supported him were up to the eyebrows in the West Coast Teamsters' leadership.  You don't think the Teamsters know what's crossing our borders?

Hubbard's son claimed that his father's
Church of Scientology is a front for
drug running.  Here Hubbard sits
in front of a bank of poppies according to
Peter Pezonus.

 MB:  Yes, so Hulen Burnsides wrote about Debbie Cook in Texas.  So you are saying what?   That Wright is a PR person for?

PP:  Wright was working in U.S. State Dept. at the same time that GHWB was the U.N. Ambassador and he was at the U.N. .   He makes a special point of discrediting Hubbard's connections to China and who was the Chinese Ambassador before like a giant sucking sound your jobs went over there?   Wright studied in Egypt at the same time that the Muslim Brotherhood was creating Al Qaeda for their service for the U.S.  and CIA with the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan against the Ruskies.  This smells like a dead flounder in Mecca or Medina in July.

MB: So what is the solution?

PP:  To what?

MB:  This bamboozling?

PP:  Oh.   Johnny Poppyseed.

MB: Who?

PP:  Johnny Poppyseed.   There is absolutely no reason that people the world over can't grow their own poppies in their own yard alongside their marijuana plants for medicinal purposes....like aches and pains.   My doctor said you'd be amazed at the people that do that anyway.  The law prohibiting the opioid production in the U.S. was not passed until 1942.  Ubiquity breeds equity. Start growing poppies in every yard....from sea to shining sea.    Make its production a universal cottage industry and do to it what the removal of prohibition did to alcohol....but then some.  Then you'll remove the power source like unplugging these dark alliances or like flipping a light switch.    Meanwhile, pass a law that states unequivocally that "all e-meters like those used by Scientologists for auditing, counseling or monitoring must be powered by no less than 220 volts and 50 amps without power reducing transformers and without rheostats controlled by the auditors."

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