Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Flight 370 Planned Media Magnet?


by Sylvia Finemin for CPW News Service

     An outspoken retired intelligence agent who wishes to go by the name “Riley D. Pennable” believes that Malaysian Flight 370 is an American/Russian "wag the dog" initiative used as a vacuum clearing media sponge to redirect the focus on the Russian/Crimean conflict.
     “Yes, this is a typical 'Willy Shoeman' job.    I knew it when Canadian pilot Chris Goodman was the one who,  well into the event, came up with a fire on board and no radio communication saying 'Holy frigging crap we’re on fire!'   My best guess is that the Russian/American oil interests are carving up the mineral rights or pipeline right-of-ways to the strategic Black Sea region.
     D.  Pennable believes that “this whole thing has people glued to it like a continuous loop movie of Die Hard, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, ET, Pan Am 103, TWA 800 and 911 rolled into one.   But it smacks of a Black Ops media magnet operation and diversionary tactic on the far side of the planet.  Look at the way the U.S. media butt holes are using the tragedy to pump the U.S and "developed nations" stellar intelligence that the stupid bronze skinned mealy Malaysians, like Geronimo or Crazy Horse, should have long ago bowed down to, laid prostrate before,  and asked for help."



By Golda Ovembud for CPW News Service
     With women in the Third World and other regions where women experience gang rape and so called “honor killings” there is a rising clamour for the kinds of individual freedoms experienced in the West.
       Freda Fructbar of the Christian religious group, Lutheraner für Fruchtbare Frauen, die Geburtenkontrolle or Lutherans for Fertile Women Who Practice Birth Control,  said without equivocation “the empowerment of women began with the advent of Easter as a fertility rite." 
     In 1822, when Pastor Hans Von  Kanachen developed the bright idea of combining the hiding of eggs on the church lawn with a game directed by a big lovable bunny, Germany began to see within a decade the elevation of the self-esteem of German girls.    The use of a big cuddly bunny had the secondary effect of making German boys believe that eggs were extremely valuable,  difficult to find and must be handled with great care, but are always easily collected by those who approach them with a soft, gentle touch, but without omitting a relentless pursuit.  
       When Pastor Von Kanachen came up with the idea many German Lutheran pastors complained that this did little to really effect the self-esteem of boys.   One Jesuit Priest, Father Stange Eindringen suggested as an alternative to only  hiding eggs that there should also be a “sperm-hunt,” but he was overridden by the Vatican and sent to a monastery in the Baltic region. 
    Bill Maher recently interviewed author Salman Rushdie on his Real Time HBO program.  Rushdie indicated that  Iran was leading the rest of the Muslim world in women’s rights and reproductive choices.   “Yes,” said Freda Fructbar, “this is a wonderful development on initial observation, but it should be noted that the Ayatollahs had asked the good women of Iran to have babies to provide soldiers to fight Saddam Hussein the Iran-Iraq War.  The women responded faithfully and with the end of that war the 20 million man army they conceived was essentially unemployed so they may be looking for a new altar of war upon which to sacrifice themselves.    There is a downside to what Pastor Von Kanachen developed with this Easter tradition that parallels the Ayatollah’s command and that is the fact that an unbridled rise in self-esteem of men OR women can, without education in ethics, birth control, sustainable living, war racketeering and peacemaking, lead to the creation of a Nazi Reich and an Else Koch, the little “Bitch of Buchenwald,” said Fructbar.  "I am trying to get Germany and the other developed nations to pass the WARRECO ACT.   That's the War RECO Act that does for corporations that fuel war for profit what RECO did to fight organized crime."

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

BRENNAN VS. FEINSTEIN: CIA's Top Spy Sweeps Senate. Ducks Under Wing of CFR and Greenspan's Wife

John Brennan Bringing New Era Of 007 House Keeping

by Wilbur Force Debastudos CPW News Service

     George W. Bush and Dick Cheney supported extreme interrogation techniques.  On leaving the CIA, previous Director, Leon Panetta, ordered an investigation into charges that his agency used illegal methods to thwart the investigation commonly known as "obstruction of justice".  Diane Feinstein, former Mayor of San Francisco and Senator from California did not like the heavy handed actions taken to remove classified documents from the Committee members' computers.  She said so in a lengthy and passionate speech on the floor of the Senate, the same floor where she has argued for greater gun control in the wake of the assassinations in San Francisco of Harvey Milk and George Moscone.

     John Brennan, the University of Texas trained expert in Middle Eastern Affairs and fluent in Arabic appealed to the American people's most trusted non-elected body of semi-impartial but rich and controlling representatives....some would say "demonic megalomaniacal oligarchical tyrants."  Speaking plain English and perched before the CFR banner, Brennan gave a non-denial denial. Sitting before the John D. Rockefeller created Council on Foreign Relations, Brennan was questioned by wife of former Federal Reserve Chairman, Alan Greenspan, Andrea Mitchell.  Greenspan, it should be remembered, admitted that Hank Paulson's 2008 bailout took him by surprise and that he had not properly estimated the negative effect of the exotic Wall Street metrics used in what were called Credit Default Swaps. Those Frankensteinish swaps were  created  by MIT economics professor Robert Merton, the son of Robert Merton, Columbia University's "Wizard of Applied Sociology" whose work informed America's major media moguls, Madison Avenue and Wall Street myth-makers.  This explosive little financial IED won Merton a Nobel Prize for economics while Joe Six-pack thought all along his wife was just keeping up with sane Joneses next door who moved to a five car garage home with granite counter tops and walk-in Jacuzzi before the foreclosure. 

     Taking his lead from Wall Street's shifty swap savages and bubble blowing bamboozlers, Brennan, in a rare public appearance by a Central Intelligence Agency Director.... as unusual as George Tenet's UN support for Colin Powell's Yellow Cake Uranium speech at the UN or  John Deutsch's appearance in Los Angeles following the Rodney King riots that were partially flamed by the reports from the San Jose Mercury New's Gary Webb and his accusation that the Agency fueled the crack cocaine epidemic, Brennan claimed lily white-Irish innocence.

     Meanwhile, the son of former Goldman Sachs chairman, U.S. Senator and Governor of New Jersey before his defeat by now embattled bridge closer, Chris Christi, discovered that his son was found dead of a suicide in a Mexico City hotel on March 13th.  Corzine, a Democrat who had taken Goldman Sachs public in 1999, the year that Bill Clinton's administration rolled back the Glass-Steagall Act opening the floodgates to George Walker Bush's economic rape of the nation, was ousted from his CEO position and replaced by Hank Paulson the bailout king fish. 
     In the wake of the Great Depression, Glass-Steagall forbade the copulative assembly of investment houses and banks thus prohibiting the overreach and deep, slimy penetration of one financial function into the other at investor expense.  
     "With Glass-Steagall murdered in 1999 'Confuscious' saying became oh so true'," said one investor...."Confucius say, 'Child conceived on back seat of Chevy with automatic transmission grow up to be shiftless bastard.'"  
     Corzine and Paulson are the fathers of a bungled brood of rich shiftless bastards," said one disgruntled investor burned when Corzine's MF Global went bankrupt and when Paulson started pushing Chinese investment in the U.S.. 

     "I had wanted to supply 'Made in America' drilling pipe in Texas for the Eagle Ford shale reserves, but I can't complete with the Paulson and his shiftless bastard buddies from Goldman Sachs who brought in Chinese partners with Chesepeake Oil getting around U.S. laws to prohibit conflicted foreign investment" the investor continued. 

     "I think that the current CIA-Senate issue is a case of a Congress-created National Security State Agency from 1947 having gone wild and now trying to protect its turf, kind of like a college fraternity sneaking into the registrar's office to change their test scores," said Hilda D. Climer of the outspoken citizen's group Ethics In Spying, Morality in Assassinations
    "Then when they get caught they don't appeal to the elected Faculty/Student Senate, but to Big Daddy Warbucks who claims that he created the place with his billions.  Panetta is Italian and Feinstein is Jewish.   The CIA is likely still kind of WASP'y and there could be some cultural and ethnic stuff going on, too.  When you throw an African American President into the mix who likely is carrying their water and when you consider that Treasury Secretary from Goldman Sachs' Robert Rubin....like Hank Paulson after him.... is a CFR member and that his lackey, Timothy Geitner, followed the bailout artist Paulson at Treasury....thank you GWB and Barak....and it all gets really dicey.   Remember that Obama's wife, Michelle worked at the historic Republican law firm of Sidley Austin which defended Stuart Bowen's handling of the Iraq Recovery initiative which lost a pallet of $50 billion somewhere in the Green Zone and requiring his defense by attorney, Bernard Berenson,  of Sidley, Austin, Brown and Wood...the Brown and Wood was the New York City law firm long tied to National City Bank and Alexander Brown of Baltimore....hello Brown Brothers Harriman....Brown & Root.....KBR....and so on.  Sidley and Austin was the historic Republican-aligned Springfield, Il., law firm that handled the legal affairs of Mrs. Mary Todd Lincoln, wife of Abraham Lincoln and cousin of slaver John C. Breckinridge. This firm merged with Brown and Wood of New York in 2000/2001 which was domiciled in the World Trade Center on 9/11, thus providing evidence that 911 could not have been an inside job unless by someone unthinkably evil.  Which we now know is nowhere near the realm of an impossibility. Mr. Berenson was heavily involved in everything from the Patriot Bill, a less stringent definition of "torture" and the validity of the Geneva Convention as well as counsel to U.S. Attorney General, Texas Alberto Gonzales, who like Texas State Attorney General Dan Morales, also had some problems.  Berenson, a summa cum laude graduate of Yale Law School, had clerked for Laurence Silberman, the judge appointed by GWB to investigate the Bush Administration's rationale for the invasion of Iraq based on WMD's. 

Thank God that John McCain and Lindsey Graham, two whitey guys from the South and West are on Feinstein's side in the Senate," Climer explained.

"I am troubled that Hank Paulson has moved on to bigger things along with a host of his Goldman Sach colleages.  Now he's working on helping China to take over America's last remaining oil reserves," said Climer.

Climer pointed to a recent article on just why the CIA's top officer would make a pilgrimage to the CFR to press his case.    "You have to understand the history and what CIA  Director Allen Dulles said famously... 'the American people don't read'.  I'll condense it for you.  Aby Warburg, the oldest son of Moritz and Charlotte Oppenheimer Warburg married the daughter of Solomon Loeb in New York in 1895.  Paul Warburg, during a visit to Great American Southwest met with the Smithsonian Institute’s Frank Hamilton Cushing, the American anthropologist and was taken by the intensity of the Hopi Indian’s Snake Dance.  The snake was an important symbol for him for some reason.  Cushing was a member of the Caleb Cushing family of Boston who negotiated Amerca's first trade agreement with China promising not to dump opium into China from India, Pakistan, Turkey and Afghanistan.  Of course, being an opium smuggler, Cushing had his fingers crossed while he shook on the deal.  This is the same family that for decades controlled the price of crude oil at the East/West pipeline head of Cushing, Oklahoma, the same city through which the Keystone Pipeline will travel North and South to the refineries in Houston near Freeport's Freeport McMoran Sulfur company, whose longstanding board member was that shady old crocodile war monger Henry Kissinger. Freeport McMoran  mines the sulfur that makes the gunpowder to fill the bullets that are shipped to the military to protect 'Peak Oil'....forget about alternative energy.  Paul Warburg’s father-in-law, Solomon Loeb, became an early proponent of the Federal Reserve Board of which Paul Warburg was a member along with a founding member of the Council on Foreign Relations.  Solomon was founder of Kuhn Loeb & Co. which was the investment house for John D. Rockefeller.  The Loeb’s and Warburg’s were intermarried with many of the other Wall Street investment houses….Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brother whose bankruptcy Hank Paulson used as the precipitating event for the 2008 bailout which forced billions and billions into the tightly controlled  "Too Big To Fail Banks" which can now finish the sell out of America.  Historically they were strong supporters of E.H. Harriman and helped him to reorganized the Union Pacific and take control of the Northern Pacific Railroads.  Prescott Bush worked for Brown Brothers Harriman.  CIA Director Allen Dulles was right when he said 'Americans don't read'," Climer concluded.   "Still I wonder who all these people are really working for and I'm not at all sure it is for the American people as a whole as it should be.  They are working to secure their own elite power base," said Climber.

"We've got the CIA spying on the Senate, New Jersey Governor Chris Christi closing bridges on Democratic opponents as punishment, meanwhile the Goldman Sachs criminals are opening the bridges to the Chinese and selling off what energy reserves we have left.   Meanwhile, the same old douche bags-of-wind like the ill-fated energy dinosaurs, James Woolsey, Bud McFarland, James Schlesinger, George Schultz and Boyden Gray whose father stripped Robert Oppenheimer of his security clearance so he couldn't take on the frack happy freaks sit back and laugh or, like H. Ross Perot sits back and says "I told you so and listen to more of that god awful sucking sound I warned against. Glad I've made mine so WTF!" said Climer.

Monday, March 10, 2014


Prophets of Doom See End In Sight.  
Science Spokesman Sees Mission Accomplished

By Bobby Bono, CPW News Service

     Leaving aside the normal routine of finding scientific experts in climate change, energy engineering, water resourcing and other areas, The History Channel has recruited the Los Angeles police detective who stood to announce to CIA Director, John Deutsch,  that “the CIA has been dealing drugs in LA for a very long time.”
     Founder of From the Wilderness, the online magazine that in the wake of the Rodney King beatings, Gary Webb’s articles on the Iran-Contra connections to LA crack cocaine epidemic and the LA riots that found one of the first  clusterings  of Federal, state and local responses to community  law enforcement issues,  Michael Ruppert has become the undocumented  “Dr. Doom of the History Channel’s Prophets of Doom.”    So says, Ichabod Dorborski, of Retired Scientists for Outspoken Rebuttal or RSFOR.

     Leading a group of doomsday pontificates in what appears to be a castle dungeon, Ruppert and his circle of prognosticators jerk up a list of their most feared doomsday scenarios:  Energy, water and financial melt down head the list. 
     This is all a big red herring according to  Dr. Ichabod Dorborski.  “We are genetically prewired by our Creator to fulfill our destiny.  There is one thing that we humans have been placed on earth to do and that is to create as much carbon dioxide as possible and to hurry up about it.   Earth is 4.5 billion years old and life is about 3.6 billion years old which was the beginning of the Ramanidian's growing fossil  deposits.... their plant food, carbon dioxide.   At the rate that we are churning up the old fossil fuels and pumping CO2 into the air, the Ramanidians will soon be appearing to harvest the CO2 which is needed on their planet for plant life,” said Dorborski.

     When asked if there was a scientific solution to stalling the Ramanidians’ return Doborski said “Scientific? No.  There is a spiritual slow stall, however, and that is for everyone to join a Benedictine monastery sometime this week.   However, the Ramanidians are preprogrammed to see this as a massive strike and it will be answered by another comet like the one that hit the Yucatan and we will all be added to the greenhouse gasses in short order, but in an ashen and dust cloud state that the Ramanidians would like to avoid if at all possible.  They will still return, but for a smaller yield of the gaseous CO2 that will need undesirable filtration.  Relatively pure, low impurity CO2 gas  is their preferred form of the greenhouse vapor they seek.   Taking time for the dust to settle after a comet strike is a big problem for them.  It's easier to transport cleaner CO2 than to filter it or to carry dirty oil or coal to Ramanidia," said Dorborski who believes that the Ramanidians are delighted with the improved fracking practices that have been developed in recent years.  "Planet earth is, with the advent of omni-directional drilling and fracking, like a marvelous beehive just buzzing along at top efficiency," said Dorborski.

    Dorborski said that, alternatively,  if people would return to a nomadic life style like that of the early plains Indians or African or Australian aboriginals that this , too, would slow down CO2 levels and buy earthlings some more time, but this might also invite the arrival of a comet or the Ramanidian's proposed CO2 process innovators which Dorborski called the "Kluugs".  "Kluugs are on the Ramanidians' drawing board, but have not been put into full production because the process of human evolution on other planets has never failed to produce the desired effect of their target CO2 yield.    It follows a predictable and simple process.  Water, slime, vegetation, big reptilians, a comet that kills off 90 per cent of life, mammals, humans who convert the carbon to gas.  Bingo.  Works every time for the Ramanidians for eons like a big galactic 403-B plan.  The Kluugs remain the Ramanidian's untried last resort which has never been necessary.  According to Dorborski the highly efficient Kluugs are engineered to move the human population to the top of the gaseous CO2 production line if and when they fail to fulfill their primary mission," said Dorborski. 
     "Everything associated with humans on earth... life, death, marriage, births, education,  culture and arts, taxes, root canals, hair coloring, Men in Black movies, pedicures, pimple popping, pimp pooping, hat blocking, hammock making, baptisms, culinary colleges, war, rumors of wars, extreme fighting championships, Super Bowls, jazz, rock n'roll, flossing, Presidential elections, economic summits,  you name it, are all just silly side shows providing the backdrop to the primary human function of CO2 production for the Ramanidians," Dorborski added.
      "This means, of course, that John D. Rockefeller, JP Morgan, Exxon, Enron, Texaco, Pemex, Shell, BP, John Paul Getty or Armand Hammer are wonderful servants of humanity preventing a premature derailment of our mission by comet or Kluugs.  As Jesus said "I came not to be served, but to serve," so these giants of CO2 greenhouse gas production stand at the head of the class in speeding us to our manifest destiny.  'Go West young man?'  No. Go down.  Deep down.  Drill here, there, everywhere and suck it up ASAP and convert it to CO2.   Move!"

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

U.S. Military's "Monuments Men In Iraq"

U.S. "Monuments Men" Who Worked Overtime In Iraq To Save Their National Heritage
by Muhamar Wesley Calvin & Winnie Moore Weir, Zack Cumfrum for CPW News Service