New Book Offers Insights Into David Carr
by Winsip Custer, CPW News Service
A new book titled One Nation Under Oz, provides important insights into the death of Salem Bin Laden, the brother of Osama Bin Laden, in Cibolo, Texas on May 29, 1988. Salem died when the borrowed ultra-light aircraft he was piloting inexplicably flew into a high power line like a Predator drone delivering a payload. The story was reported by celebrated CBS 60 Minutes newsman, Lowell Bergman, whose subject of another story on big tobacco became the movie The Insider. Bergman, a stickler for details, claimed that Salem died while flying his BAC-111 jet which he often piloted, but the new book One Nation Under Oz raises an issue with Bergman's coverage. "The two aircraft are about as different as an elephant and a field mouse. I could find no retraction of the error." One Nation Under Oz asks if the reporting on Salem's death was a disinformation campaign.
Additionally, the reporting of Steve Coll, the former Washington Post editor and now Dean or Columbia University's School of Journalism is also significant. Coll's Washington Post was home to reporter Jeff Leen who had taken aim at the credibility of Gary Webb's Dark Alliance. This raised concerns for W.H. Carr the author of One Nation Under Oz in as much as the Bin Laden owned Houston Gulf Manor Airport was razed after 911, but had been squarely within the historic Houston/Galveston smuggling corridor near Ellington Field, a CIA linked airport where James R. Bath had been a focus of the FINCEN investigation up until that investigation was dropped as the nation moved toward the 1992 Presidential election. Webb's research was tied to Peter Brewton's in Houston.
Rather Troubling
"If FINCEN had been left to continue it would likely have netted the Saudi 911 hijackers," said Carr, "but it would have netted James R. Bath as well....GWB's Air National Guard roommate who had been awarded the fuel concession at the CIA-linked Ellington Field, Houston."
Carr's son was found in his burned out Ford Bronco near Ellington Field on December 10, 2000, the same day as Gary Webb's resignation from the San Jose Mercury News in 1997 and Webb's death in 2004 just days after the Bush victory over Kerry and successful deflection of Dan Rather's 60 Minute story with Mrs. Marion Carr Knox. Mrs. Knox, the mother of Patrick Carr....a different Patrick Carr... had typed GWB's Air National Guard memos, validated them and then would not reappear following Rather's 2004 story on the Bush memos. Knox's son, Patrick Carr, would verify what his mother would not in 2004 following her appearance with Dan Rather, but Mrs. Knox's hesitation to reconfirm the essence of the story cost Rather and his producer their jobs at CBS after Knox was visited by Bush consigliore from Pennsylvania, Richard "Dick" Thornburg. W.H. Carr's son, Patrick Carr had died near Ellington Field, Houston just as the U.S. Supreme Court was pondering the Bush/Gore election in Florida four years earlier in 2000 when the same story made available to Rather in 2004 was available through Texas Lieutenant Governor, Ben Barnes. Rev. William Carr's son, Patrick, not Knox's son, had recently moved to Houston from Austin where he worked for the company of Rebecca Rather. He had also recently been befriended by the wife of NY Times reporter, Paul P. Kennedy, whose stories in the NY Times and The Nation in 1960 had blown the cover on the secret training base for the Bay of Pigs in Guatamela and covered in Paul Kennedy's book Middle Beat. Discovering this relationship Patrick's father was concerned because of his relationship to a church leader in Cuba, Carlos Emilio Ham.
Misery Loves Company
Strangely, Dan Rather's ranching partner at New Mexico's Tecolote or "Owl Ranch" about forty miles from Santa Fe, was also the owner of Maryland's Misery Plantation where Fred Bailey....also known as Frederick Douglass.....the abolitionists orator who according to the 1999 book by Thomas Layton, Voyage of the Frolic: New England Merchants and the Opium Trade (Stanford University Press) was employed in the Baltimore opium clipper building business and where he was "renditioned" before being returned to slavery in the South. The owner of both the Tecolote Ranch and Misery Plantation is former Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld. The Rather family's Nassau/Waldec Plantation in Texas is a German settlement where the Buffalo Soldiers initially worked after the Civil War with Reconstruction in Texas being handled mostly by this new group of freed slaves. The Buffalo Soldier's handlers in Texas, the Smith brothers, and their relationship to William Tecumseh Sherman are covered in the 2014 book, Sulfur Lead and Poppies, which clearly delineates the connections between Giles Alexander Smith's Buffalo Soldiers and his brother, Morgan Lewis Smith, who directed the Texas work of the Buffalo Soldiers through the Truehart-Adriance Building in Galveston, Texas.
Roots In An Uncivil War
Sulfur, Lead and Poppies, a book that one West Point graduate said "oh, about the war in Afghanistan" to which the author said "no, about our own Civil War. Not much changes," says "Arriving in Texas for different reasons was Giles Alexander Smith with the Buffalo Soldiers. Giles' name appeared on the record pardoning Richard King, founder of the King Ranch." It goes on to say of Giles' and Morgan were both fighting for the Union at the critical opening battle of Fort Donelson in the Civil War in a type of family dialectic......"Morgan Lewis Smith found himself appointed Counsel to Hawaii in a direct line between San Francisco and the lucrative China Trade route to the silk, spices and opium of the Middle East and emerging 'Golden Triangle.'" The book also goes on to note the Tourtelotte letter of General William Tecumseh Sherman now domiciled at the University of Iowa that seems to indicated "a type of blackmail (of Sherman) by the daughters of Lewis Morgan Smith" (pp. 76-80).
Barnes Storming In 2004 But Not In 2000?
"Ben Barnes admitted that he had the story which he said Gore didn't need in Florida in 2000, but this put our Patrick Carr in unspeakable danger in Texas. Any derogatory information on GWB could have had devastating consequences for Bush's appointment," said Patrick's father a Presbyterian minister like the father of Houston Post reporter, now journalism professor at Texas Tech University, Peter Brewton, whose 1992 book The Mafia, CIA and George Bush had meticulously connected dots between the S&L scandal of the 1980's and the Iran-Contra network that was using the same Houston/I-45 smuggling route used in the Bay of Pigs. The Bay of Pigs paymaster, Paul Helliwell, had owned a shipping cargo company and insurance company in Galveston, Texas and with the number one and number two officers from Cuba's Guantanamo Bay, Harold "Hal" Feeney and John Harvey "Jack" Modesett, both being from Corpus Christi, Patrick's home town. Modesett was teaching a Sunday school class at Houston's First Presbyterian Church, but had also funded the Boy Scout lodge at St. John's United Methodist Church around the corner from Patrick's parent's home purchased in August 2000 only four months before his murder.
In 2004, even back in 1999 when Mapes first learned of it, "Marion Carr Knox's story was being managed by former Democratic Texas Lieutenant Governor, Ben Barnes, who said he didn't think that Al Gore needed that information to defeat GWB in 2000. My Patrick Carr was killed two days before Gore conceded the election in Florida and Patrick had been on a boat the night of his death with his uncle, the fishing buddy of James R. Bath's partner at Ellington Field's Southwest Airport Services, William E. King, the mayor of Kemah, Texas that has been a covert military and civilian smuggling area since long before the Bay of Pigs and the subject of Melanie Wiggin's book They Make Their Own Law. The Wiggins family owns the Kemah boardwalk where William E. King, Bath's partner, was mayor. A photo of King and Patrick Carr's uncle was taken on July 14, 2001 while they were on a fishing trip to Alaska six months after Patrick's murder.
Saudi Connections, Influence Peddling and the Middle East
"Bath had served as Salem Bin Laden's agent in the purchase of the Gulf Manor Airport near the massive Houston petrol refinery district along the Houston ship channel," said Carr. Carr has also written a new book titled Sulfur, Lead and Poppies which gives the historical justification for Gary Webb's 1998 further conclusions about drugs, poverty and CIA participation in U.S. drug flow. "Yea, Webb was right on. The truth is that through the U.S. Civil War the power elites replaced one set of chains on the poor for another," said Carr who documents just how the Civil War was a race to the Pacific and the opium of the Middle East....Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and India....that was dumped following Caleb Cushing's negotiation of the Wanghia Treaty. "The opium was dumped in China in exchange for silk, spices, China ware, a trade arrangement with the Chinese which was later protected by General Claire Chennault who was stationed at Ellington Field and funded the AVG or American Volunteer Group through Chinese opium-trading Green Gang," said Carr. "William Tecumseh Sherman was consolidating the rail head at San Francisco for the Northern rail route in the 1850's working with George Bragg while Sherman was as close to General Braxton Bragg as a stock broker is to his Wall Street banker. Braxton who died on September 27, 1876 died outside William Patrick Carr's boyhood church in Galveston at 19th and Post Office streets was the most notoriously unlucky and hated officer in the Confederacy, having been told by Col. Nathan Bedford Forrest that he would kill the unpopular General and brother of Jefferson Davis' Attorney General, Thomas Bragg, if Braxton, who sat out Sherman's "March to the Sea" in Walker County, Georgia and then pretended not to surrender at Appomattox, got in Forrest's way!" said Carr. "Bragg was the great uncle of Columbia University Professor of Sociology, C. Wright Mills. Mills, frequented the family ranch at LaGarta, Texas north of Corpus Christi and was author of The Power Elite, about the military industrialist complex. He had an insider's seat," said Carr.
The Braxton Bragg Wright ranch at LaGarta, the King Ranch, the Waldec Plantation, perhaps even the Tecolote Ranch near Santa Fe all lay in line across the projected Jefferson Davis highway that had envisioned the rail route from Savannah to San Diego providing a real source of angst for the New England China traders and their business ventures in the North East. Sulfur, Lead and Poppies pulls from the letters of Jefferson Davis to Franklin Pierce at Rice University that speaks of the Civil War and Caleb Cushing's place in the evolution of a "soi dissant" conflict hung on Lincoln's administration.
Nothing to Bragg About
"That Cornelius Vander Starr was born at Fort Bragg (California) is no great surprise, nor that Starr's AIG Insurance insured the Pacific mail and other products on their eastward voyages. It's no surprise either that Austin's Lance Armstrong was doping while on the US Post Office Team when you consider that his recruiter was promoting Bell helmets and that Lance's hometown of Austin was mandating bike helmets. After the Civil War "Star Routes" were handed out as payola to the victors and was apparently the concern of the daughter of Morgan Lewis Smith who didn't get one. During Vietnam it was Bell choppers so when peace breaks out it's bike equipment. It's the military industrial complex and it's everywhere. The retired U.S. Postal Service Inspector we hired as an investigator in Patrick's case took six months to get us the last name of the person he talked to that was not the right one....cost us thousands and then he became head of security at Bush International, Hobby and Ellington Fields. After the Civil War Union spies were given "Star Routes" in the new postal system. You want the real proof look to where the bodies are buried. Which bodies? The greatest repository of Union's Generals at Spring Grove Cemetery in Cincinnati next to Alphonso Taft who was a Scottish Rite Mason which was started in the U.S. by unrepentant Southern slaver, Albert Pike, whose Masonry usurped the York Rite tradition of Washington and Franklin and was imported from Prussia and the region that supplied German mercenaries to fight against the American colonists. Taft, of course, was hooked at the hip with China Trader William Huntington Russell who co-founded Yale Skull & Bones. The destruction of the Georgia railroad by twisting the rails into corkscrews and the abandonment of the slaves at Ebenezer Creek by Sherman, betrays the historical proper line of Shelby Foote who never raises this issue, but said 'I consulted no original manuscripts.' Well I have in both Sulfur, Lead and Poppies and I bring it forward in One Nation Under Oz," said Carr who said that "abolition of slavery was like the lace curtains on a slaughter house."
"I had sent emails to about 100 Presbyterian ministers and outlined the impossibility of the Harris County Medical examiner's conclusions. I phoned my former parishioner, Oliver 'Buck' Revell, former General Deputy of the FBI when the FINCEN investigation was in motion, then derailed. In 1992 he had been ordered to Los Angeles to cover the Rodney King riots. On November 15, 1996, CIA Director, John Deutsch, appeared at a town hall meeting in South Central L.A. to quell African-American anger. It was at that meeting that former LAPD detective, Michael Ruppert stood to affirm what Gary Webb had said in Dark Alliance, but I only learned that history after Patrick's death," said Carr. "Between Perot's assault on the corruption in 1992, to Brewton's 1992 book, to Revell's oversight of the LA Riots and the Presbyterian insiders were really that....with front row seats!" said Carr, "but I didn't now how dangerous those seats were."
No Reveling in the Details
In 2001, about six months after Pat's death his father called Revell. Revell choked on the phone. "'I can't believe you are calling me. My grandson died on December 11, 2000 the next day in Dallas,'" Revell told Carr. Gore's concession speech in Florida was on December 14th. "The Harris County Medical examiner's office was in shambles at the time and corruption seemed the culprit in Pat's case. The autopsy posed an enigma. The death could not have happened as described. Who did Houston bring in to clean it up? The firewaller in the Iran-Contra investigation, Michael Bromwich. Bromwich insured that Gary Webb's concerns about CIA drug involvement which Michael Ruppert had confirmed in 1996, did not reach Reagan or, more importantly former CIA Director, Vice President, GHWB. Bromwich was paid millions from confiscated drug money then moved on to head the BP Deep Water Horizon spill," said Carr which had all of the characteristics of an intentional wrecking and salvage operation. "A faulty medical examiner is a license to kill and Houston has plenty of reason to want to keep people silent. No Houston? No light and power. It can flip the switch on Washington and the world, but it is also like the Vatican keeping Copernicus and Galileo under house arrest while alternative fuels wain and global warming is dismissed until when? Two weeks ago? Is there any information on global warming in Texas' science museums? Tiny. These guys are the Jesuits of the new Spanish Inquisition," said Carr who pastored churches in Galveston, Houston, Dallas and Corpus Christi.
Some Simple Reconnaissance
When the New York Times' David Carr died on February 13, 2015 after defending Gary Webb's Dark Alliance, well, somewhat. Carr embraced Webb's passion for writing and tenacity, but said "he wrote beyond what he knew." Precisely. Every citizen of a serious Fourth Estate writes "beyond what they know." How could they not? Good grief, this wasn't Webb pronouncing Dewey the Presidential election winner. That was writing beyond what they knew. Today, the Webb writings are being substantiated and quite solidly. W.H. Carr pointed to the material on the Salem Bin Laden death in Texas and David Carr's grievances with the Washington Post, specifically Steve Coll's coverage of the Bin Laden family connections in Texas. W.H. Carr was also concerned because of who owned the ultra light airport in Cibolo, Texas and their connections to the National Reconnaissance Office. "Patrick Carr's cousin worked in the Iraq Reconstruction effort for the State Department which was overseen by San Antonio's Stuart Bowen who lost $50 billion but was awarded an outstanding leadership award by David M. Walker the U.S. Comptroller General, while that cousin's aunt, Sue Seward, had worked four decades in the CIA's satellite photo library. The site of Salem's inexplicable death was bought by the Carlsons and Bruce Carlson had been the General of Offutt Air Force Base. "There is a great overlap between spy satellites and Linden and Neal Blue's Predator and Reaper drones and the telemetry they use with Linden and Neal's work on them dating back to their partnership with Anastosia Samoza in Nicaragua who liked CBS's news man Bill Stewart as much as Jeff Leen likes Gary Webb," said Carr. From One Nation Under Oz:
A Nail With Two Heads
by Winsip Custer, CPW News Service
A new book titled One Nation Under Oz, provides important insights into the death of Salem Bin Laden, the brother of Osama Bin Laden, in Cibolo, Texas on May 29, 1988. Salem died when the borrowed ultra-light aircraft he was piloting inexplicably flew into a high power line like a Predator drone delivering a payload. The story was reported by celebrated CBS 60 Minutes newsman, Lowell Bergman, whose subject of another story on big tobacco became the movie The Insider. Bergman, a stickler for details, claimed that Salem died while flying his BAC-111 jet which he often piloted, but the new book One Nation Under Oz raises an issue with Bergman's coverage. "The two aircraft are about as different as an elephant and a field mouse. I could find no retraction of the error." One Nation Under Oz asks if the reporting on Salem's death was a disinformation campaign.
Additionally, the reporting of Steve Coll, the former Washington Post editor and now Dean or Columbia University's School of Journalism is also significant. Coll's Washington Post was home to reporter Jeff Leen who had taken aim at the credibility of Gary Webb's Dark Alliance. This raised concerns for W.H. Carr the author of One Nation Under Oz in as much as the Bin Laden owned Houston Gulf Manor Airport was razed after 911, but had been squarely within the historic Houston/Galveston smuggling corridor near Ellington Field, a CIA linked airport where James R. Bath had been a focus of the FINCEN investigation up until that investigation was dropped as the nation moved toward the 1992 Presidential election. Webb's research was tied to Peter Brewton's in Houston.
Rather Troubling
"If FINCEN had been left to continue it would likely have netted the Saudi 911 hijackers," said Carr, "but it would have netted James R. Bath as well....GWB's Air National Guard roommate who had been awarded the fuel concession at the CIA-linked Ellington Field, Houston."
Carr's son was found in his burned out Ford Bronco near Ellington Field on December 10, 2000, the same day as Gary Webb's resignation from the San Jose Mercury News in 1997 and Webb's death in 2004 just days after the Bush victory over Kerry and successful deflection of Dan Rather's 60 Minute story with Mrs. Marion Carr Knox. Mrs. Knox, the mother of Patrick Carr....a different Patrick Carr... had typed GWB's Air National Guard memos, validated them and then would not reappear following Rather's 2004 story on the Bush memos. Knox's son, Patrick Carr, would verify what his mother would not in 2004 following her appearance with Dan Rather, but Mrs. Knox's hesitation to reconfirm the essence of the story cost Rather and his producer their jobs at CBS after Knox was visited by Bush consigliore from Pennsylvania, Richard "Dick" Thornburg. W.H. Carr's son, Patrick Carr had died near Ellington Field, Houston just as the U.S. Supreme Court was pondering the Bush/Gore election in Florida four years earlier in 2000 when the same story made available to Rather in 2004 was available through Texas Lieutenant Governor, Ben Barnes. Rev. William Carr's son, Patrick, not Knox's son, had recently moved to Houston from Austin where he worked for the company of Rebecca Rather. He had also recently been befriended by the wife of NY Times reporter, Paul P. Kennedy, whose stories in the NY Times and The Nation in 1960 had blown the cover on the secret training base for the Bay of Pigs in Guatamela and covered in Paul Kennedy's book Middle Beat. Discovering this relationship Patrick's father was concerned because of his relationship to a church leader in Cuba, Carlos Emilio Ham.
Misery Loves Company
Strangely, Dan Rather's ranching partner at New Mexico's Tecolote or "Owl Ranch" about forty miles from Santa Fe, was also the owner of Maryland's Misery Plantation where Fred Bailey....also known as Frederick Douglass.....the abolitionists orator who according to the 1999 book by Thomas Layton, Voyage of the Frolic: New England Merchants and the Opium Trade (Stanford University Press) was employed in the Baltimore opium clipper building business and where he was "renditioned" before being returned to slavery in the South. The owner of both the Tecolote Ranch and Misery Plantation is former Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld. The Rather family's Nassau/Waldec Plantation in Texas is a German settlement where the Buffalo Soldiers initially worked after the Civil War with Reconstruction in Texas being handled mostly by this new group of freed slaves. The Buffalo Soldier's handlers in Texas, the Smith brothers, and their relationship to William Tecumseh Sherman are covered in the 2014 book, Sulfur Lead and Poppies, which clearly delineates the connections between Giles Alexander Smith's Buffalo Soldiers and his brother, Morgan Lewis Smith, who directed the Texas work of the Buffalo Soldiers through the Truehart-Adriance Building in Galveston, Texas.
Roots In An Uncivil War
Sulfur, Lead and Poppies, a book that one West Point graduate said "oh, about the war in Afghanistan" to which the author said "no, about our own Civil War. Not much changes," says "Arriving in Texas for different reasons was Giles Alexander Smith with the Buffalo Soldiers. Giles' name appeared on the record pardoning Richard King, founder of the King Ranch." It goes on to say of Giles' and Morgan were both fighting for the Union at the critical opening battle of Fort Donelson in the Civil War in a type of family dialectic......"Morgan Lewis Smith found himself appointed Counsel to Hawaii in a direct line between San Francisco and the lucrative China Trade route to the silk, spices and opium of the Middle East and emerging 'Golden Triangle.'" The book also goes on to note the Tourtelotte letter of General William Tecumseh Sherman now domiciled at the University of Iowa that seems to indicated "a type of blackmail (of Sherman) by the daughters of Lewis Morgan Smith" (pp. 76-80).
Barnes Storming In 2004 But Not In 2000?
"Ben Barnes admitted that he had the story which he said Gore didn't need in Florida in 2000, but this put our Patrick Carr in unspeakable danger in Texas. Any derogatory information on GWB could have had devastating consequences for Bush's appointment," said Patrick's father a Presbyterian minister like the father of Houston Post reporter, now journalism professor at Texas Tech University, Peter Brewton, whose 1992 book The Mafia, CIA and George Bush had meticulously connected dots between the S&L scandal of the 1980's and the Iran-Contra network that was using the same Houston/I-45 smuggling route used in the Bay of Pigs. The Bay of Pigs paymaster, Paul Helliwell, had owned a shipping cargo company and insurance company in Galveston, Texas and with the number one and number two officers from Cuba's Guantanamo Bay, Harold "Hal" Feeney and John Harvey "Jack" Modesett, both being from Corpus Christi, Patrick's home town. Modesett was teaching a Sunday school class at Houston's First Presbyterian Church, but had also funded the Boy Scout lodge at St. John's United Methodist Church around the corner from Patrick's parent's home purchased in August 2000 only four months before his murder.
In 2004, even back in 1999 when Mapes first learned of it, "Marion Carr Knox's story was being managed by former Democratic Texas Lieutenant Governor, Ben Barnes, who said he didn't think that Al Gore needed that information to defeat GWB in 2000. My Patrick Carr was killed two days before Gore conceded the election in Florida and Patrick had been on a boat the night of his death with his uncle, the fishing buddy of James R. Bath's partner at Ellington Field's Southwest Airport Services, William E. King, the mayor of Kemah, Texas that has been a covert military and civilian smuggling area since long before the Bay of Pigs and the subject of Melanie Wiggin's book They Make Their Own Law. The Wiggins family owns the Kemah boardwalk where William E. King, Bath's partner, was mayor. A photo of King and Patrick Carr's uncle was taken on July 14, 2001 while they were on a fishing trip to Alaska six months after Patrick's murder.
Saudi Connections, Influence Peddling and the Middle East
"Bath had served as Salem Bin Laden's agent in the purchase of the Gulf Manor Airport near the massive Houston petrol refinery district along the Houston ship channel," said Carr. Carr has also written a new book titled Sulfur, Lead and Poppies which gives the historical justification for Gary Webb's 1998 further conclusions about drugs, poverty and CIA participation in U.S. drug flow. "Yea, Webb was right on. The truth is that through the U.S. Civil War the power elites replaced one set of chains on the poor for another," said Carr who documents just how the Civil War was a race to the Pacific and the opium of the Middle East....Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and India....that was dumped following Caleb Cushing's negotiation of the Wanghia Treaty. "The opium was dumped in China in exchange for silk, spices, China ware, a trade arrangement with the Chinese which was later protected by General Claire Chennault who was stationed at Ellington Field and funded the AVG or American Volunteer Group through Chinese opium-trading Green Gang," said Carr. "William Tecumseh Sherman was consolidating the rail head at San Francisco for the Northern rail route in the 1850's working with George Bragg while Sherman was as close to General Braxton Bragg as a stock broker is to his Wall Street banker. Braxton who died on September 27, 1876 died outside William Patrick Carr's boyhood church in Galveston at 19th and Post Office streets was the most notoriously unlucky and hated officer in the Confederacy, having been told by Col. Nathan Bedford Forrest that he would kill the unpopular General and brother of Jefferson Davis' Attorney General, Thomas Bragg, if Braxton, who sat out Sherman's "March to the Sea" in Walker County, Georgia and then pretended not to surrender at Appomattox, got in Forrest's way!" said Carr. "Bragg was the great uncle of Columbia University Professor of Sociology, C. Wright Mills. Mills, frequented the family ranch at LaGarta, Texas north of Corpus Christi and was author of The Power Elite, about the military industrialist complex. He had an insider's seat," said Carr.
The Braxton Bragg Wright ranch at LaGarta, the King Ranch, the Waldec Plantation, perhaps even the Tecolote Ranch near Santa Fe all lay in line across the projected Jefferson Davis highway that had envisioned the rail route from Savannah to San Diego providing a real source of angst for the New England China traders and their business ventures in the North East. Sulfur, Lead and Poppies pulls from the letters of Jefferson Davis to Franklin Pierce at Rice University that speaks of the Civil War and Caleb Cushing's place in the evolution of a "soi dissant" conflict hung on Lincoln's administration.
Nothing to Bragg About
"That Cornelius Vander Starr was born at Fort Bragg (California) is no great surprise, nor that Starr's AIG Insurance insured the Pacific mail and other products on their eastward voyages. It's no surprise either that Austin's Lance Armstrong was doping while on the US Post Office Team when you consider that his recruiter was promoting Bell helmets and that Lance's hometown of Austin was mandating bike helmets. After the Civil War "Star Routes" were handed out as payola to the victors and was apparently the concern of the daughter of Morgan Lewis Smith who didn't get one. During Vietnam it was Bell choppers so when peace breaks out it's bike equipment. It's the military industrial complex and it's everywhere. The retired U.S. Postal Service Inspector we hired as an investigator in Patrick's case took six months to get us the last name of the person he talked to that was not the right one....cost us thousands and then he became head of security at Bush International, Hobby and Ellington Fields. After the Civil War Union spies were given "Star Routes" in the new postal system. You want the real proof look to where the bodies are buried. Which bodies? The greatest repository of Union's Generals at Spring Grove Cemetery in Cincinnati next to Alphonso Taft who was a Scottish Rite Mason which was started in the U.S. by unrepentant Southern slaver, Albert Pike, whose Masonry usurped the York Rite tradition of Washington and Franklin and was imported from Prussia and the region that supplied German mercenaries to fight against the American colonists. Taft, of course, was hooked at the hip with China Trader William Huntington Russell who co-founded Yale Skull & Bones. The destruction of the Georgia railroad by twisting the rails into corkscrews and the abandonment of the slaves at Ebenezer Creek by Sherman, betrays the historical proper line of Shelby Foote who never raises this issue, but said 'I consulted no original manuscripts.' Well I have in both Sulfur, Lead and Poppies and I bring it forward in One Nation Under Oz," said Carr who said that "abolition of slavery was like the lace curtains on a slaughter house."
"I had sent emails to about 100 Presbyterian ministers and outlined the impossibility of the Harris County Medical examiner's conclusions. I phoned my former parishioner, Oliver 'Buck' Revell, former General Deputy of the FBI when the FINCEN investigation was in motion, then derailed. In 1992 he had been ordered to Los Angeles to cover the Rodney King riots. On November 15, 1996, CIA Director, John Deutsch, appeared at a town hall meeting in South Central L.A. to quell African-American anger. It was at that meeting that former LAPD detective, Michael Ruppert stood to affirm what Gary Webb had said in Dark Alliance, but I only learned that history after Patrick's death," said Carr. "Between Perot's assault on the corruption in 1992, to Brewton's 1992 book, to Revell's oversight of the LA Riots and the Presbyterian insiders were really that....with front row seats!" said Carr, "but I didn't now how dangerous those seats were."
No Reveling in the Details
In 2001, about six months after Pat's death his father called Revell. Revell choked on the phone. "'I can't believe you are calling me. My grandson died on December 11, 2000 the next day in Dallas,'" Revell told Carr. Gore's concession speech in Florida was on December 14th. "The Harris County Medical examiner's office was in shambles at the time and corruption seemed the culprit in Pat's case. The autopsy posed an enigma. The death could not have happened as described. Who did Houston bring in to clean it up? The firewaller in the Iran-Contra investigation, Michael Bromwich. Bromwich insured that Gary Webb's concerns about CIA drug involvement which Michael Ruppert had confirmed in 1996, did not reach Reagan or, more importantly former CIA Director, Vice President, GHWB. Bromwich was paid millions from confiscated drug money then moved on to head the BP Deep Water Horizon spill," said Carr which had all of the characteristics of an intentional wrecking and salvage operation. "A faulty medical examiner is a license to kill and Houston has plenty of reason to want to keep people silent. No Houston? No light and power. It can flip the switch on Washington and the world, but it is also like the Vatican keeping Copernicus and Galileo under house arrest while alternative fuels wain and global warming is dismissed until when? Two weeks ago? Is there any information on global warming in Texas' science museums? Tiny. These guys are the Jesuits of the new Spanish Inquisition," said Carr who pastored churches in Galveston, Houston, Dallas and Corpus Christi.
Some Simple Reconnaissance
When the New York Times' David Carr died on February 13, 2015 after defending Gary Webb's Dark Alliance, well, somewhat. Carr embraced Webb's passion for writing and tenacity, but said "he wrote beyond what he knew." Precisely. Every citizen of a serious Fourth Estate writes "beyond what they know." How could they not? Good grief, this wasn't Webb pronouncing Dewey the Presidential election winner. That was writing beyond what they knew. Today, the Webb writings are being substantiated and quite solidly. W.H. Carr pointed to the material on the Salem Bin Laden death in Texas and David Carr's grievances with the Washington Post, specifically Steve Coll's coverage of the Bin Laden family connections in Texas. W.H. Carr was also concerned because of who owned the ultra light airport in Cibolo, Texas and their connections to the National Reconnaissance Office. "Patrick Carr's cousin worked in the Iraq Reconstruction effort for the State Department which was overseen by San Antonio's Stuart Bowen who lost $50 billion but was awarded an outstanding leadership award by David M. Walker the U.S. Comptroller General, while that cousin's aunt, Sue Seward, had worked four decades in the CIA's satellite photo library. The site of Salem's inexplicable death was bought by the Carlsons and Bruce Carlson had been the General of Offutt Air Force Base. "There is a great overlap between spy satellites and Linden and Neal Blue's Predator and Reaper drones and the telemetry they use with Linden and Neal's work on them dating back to their partnership with Anastosia Samoza in Nicaragua who liked CBS's news man Bill Stewart as much as Jeff Leen likes Gary Webb," said Carr. From One Nation Under Oz:
"James Risen had reported that Carlson’s spy
satellite program had been in the news when he quit his NRO job in 2012. In his April 19, 2012 article (James Risen, "A
Military and Intelligence Clash Over Spy Satellites," The New York Times,” April 19, 2012). Risen stated “the director of
the National Reconnaissance Office, the secret agency that manages the nation’s
spy satellites, resigned Wednesday. Bruce Carlson, the director, issued a
statement saying that he is leaving the reconnaissance office, which is part of
the Department of Defense and the intelligence community, a spokeswoman for the
office said."
Attacking the WP/Columbia's Dumbledore
Attacking the WP/Columbia's Dumbledore
The story of Salem Bin Laden’s death was covered, along with
the Bin Laden’s ownership of the Houston Gulf Manor Airport, by Washington Post
reporter Steven Coll. His book The
Bin Laden’s: An Arabian Family In the American Century, even covers the
suspicion that Salem had been murdered and the trip by a brother to San Antonio
to retrieved the Medical Examiner’s report (Steven Coll, The Bin Laden’s: An Arabian Family In the American Century, Penguin
Books: New York, 2008) because of fears of an assassination. Coll noted that there were no drugs of any
kind found on Salem’s body, but the book does not mention Salem’s extensive history
as a pilot. Coll’s book was published in
2008. By 2013 to the surprise of many
including David Carr of the New York Times (David Carr, “Columbia Looks Ahead
In An Age of Disruption, The New York
Times, March 31, 2013, retrieved from, on 9/22/14),
Coll was pronounced Dean of Columbian University’s Journalism School. David Carr stated:
announcement that a journalism school has a new dean usually elicits yawns in
most quarters — Hey, there’s a new headmaster at the buggy whip academy — but
the news that Steve Coll had been named to replace Nicholas Lemann, effective this summer, was greeted as if a new
Dumbledore had been named.
Sure, Mr. Coll has some qualifications. A former managing editor of The Washington Post, he has won two Pulitzer Prizes, including one for the remarkable achievement of “Ghost Wars,” which explains how the seeds of the attacks on the World Trade Center were planted over many years.
Sure, Mr. Coll has some qualifications. A former managing editor of The Washington Post, he has won two Pulitzer Prizes, including one for the remarkable achievement of “Ghost Wars,” which explains how the seeds of the attacks on the World Trade Center were planted over many years.
A Nail With Two Heads
David Carr, the notable NY Times reporter, who died last week, hit the
nail on the head, but the nail had two heads….”the seeds of the attacks on the
World Trade Center were planted over many years,” but which way? Who were we to believe and why? Gary
Webb had won a Pulitzer, but he would leave no stones unturned in his pursuit
of truth and so he would never be on a short list for an administrative jobs at
the Mecca and Medina, Vatican and National Cathedral of journalism’s shifty….as
in William S. Paley, husband of Barbara “Babe” Cushing, or Henry Luce’s, husband of Clare Boothe Luce’s
shifty craft. At Columbia, home of the
father of applied sociologist and father of the creator of Wall Street’s
‘credit default swaps,” Robert Merton, Mr. Coll would be free….well, free within
the confines of the Order’s orders….to practice and teach “applied journalism”
which, as Joseph Goebbels and the Hoover Institute at Stanford that owns
the Goebbel’s papers can attest, is an essential ingredient for
David Carr, Gary Webb and Bill Stewart Legacy
David Carr, Gary Webb and Bill Stewart Legacy
Gary Webb had pulled back the earlier ghost war’s draped coverings and
shown the real motivations for Iran-Contra, the same ones that CBS’s Bill Stewart was exposing
in Nicaragua when he was murdered and which the FINCEN investigation had, on the heels of Iran-Contra
convictions, targeted Saudi oil money’s influence on U.S. political corruption. Salem Bin Laden's name and BAC-111 had been repeatedly mention in relationship to the 1980 of the Reagan/Bush ascension to power as had been the SR-71 Blackbird. Salem Bin Laden had been, in 1980, if not the elephant in the Paris
room where the Iran-Contra details were being offloaded, then at least its
trunk. October surprise!
History of Arming Fanatics
History of Arming Fanatics’s review of Coll’s Ghost
Wars (Steve Coll, Ghost Wars: The
Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden, from the Soviet Invasion
to September 10, 2001. New York: Penguin Books: New York, 2005) by someone
named Jiang Xuegin from Toronto, Canada asked a powerful question of Coll’s
work…. “Did America really have to arm Afghan fanatics like the mentally
unstable and psychotic Gulbuddin Hekmatyar? Why would it be
in America's best interest to push the Soviet Union out of Afghanistan? And
even if it were, did it really justify working with a sinister and ruthless
organization like the Pakistani intelligence service and propelling a tin pot
third world dictatorship like Pakistan into a global player?” It was the same question following the
downing of TWA Flight 800 off Long Island, New York with so many
witnesses seeing a streaming missile which the FBI denied, but who were asking of Lufkin's Charlie Wilson and Houston's Joanne
Herring about the shelf-life of Stingers (Jiang Xuegin, “Deep In Research, Shallow in Thinking,”,
April 21, 2012, retrieved on 9/27/14).
It was Smedley Butler’s question, raised and answered in War Is A Racket. In light of the USA’s and Soviet Union’s
inability to forge a working alliance after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the
years of progress under Mikhail Gorbachev and
Boris Yeltsin, it’s a fair
assessment, when considering what their mutual inaction produced….the global
war on terror.
Unraveling a Looming Tower
Unraveling a Looming Tower
Like Lawrence Wright’s The Looming
Tower: Al Qaeda and the Road to 911, that offered no deeper thinking either, but
received a Pulitzer Prize in 2006, Coll’s book received the same
canonization of the properline the previous year in 2005. As with Emma Sky's book The Unraveling, Wright's book did not mention the place of Bernie Kerik or Theodore "Ted" Westhusing in the post-911 rollout of responses in the Middle East.
The whole story of first-born Salem Bin Laden and his death near San
Antonio triggered many memories of the region.
It was in San Antonio that Teddy Roosevelt had recruited his Rough
Riders from the bar at the Menger Hotel before the sinking of the Battleship Maine in Cuba. It was there that Dwight Eisenhower had been
stationed, where Osama’s USN hunter, SEAL Team 6 leader Admiral William McRaven
had gone to high school and later became Chancellor of the University of Texas
just ninety miles up the road with its
endowment’s connections to Carlyle Group and other military contractors through the GWB privatized UTIMCO, the UT endowment investor.
It was there in San Antonio that GHWB sat on the board of Trinity
University and it was there that Stuart Bowen’s young friend and protege, Paul Adams Rush, was a Deacon in the First Presbyterian Church. Eighty miles north in Austin was Lawrence Wright who would write
The Looming Tower."
"If 911 was an inside job it was that the 19 terrorists, 15 from Saudi Arabia, had flown up the historic smuggling routes into the U.S. because the programs set to catch their influence peddling like FINCEN had been set aside for devious internal political reasons. Then the bamboozle continues with yellow cake and we know why Smedley Butler wrote War Is A Racket. He was, like West Point professor and challenger of General David Petraeus, Col. Theodore Westhusing, sick and tired of the fraud and war profiteering! This nation cannot suffer another bloodletting era of the big Bush bamboozle like Pete Brewton reported with the S&L crisis and I'm apolitical," said Carr. "We cannot have a crime family running the nation and using the primogeniture values that our ancestors fought and died to repeal and which Thomas Jefferson wrote out of U.S. law now reinstated through secretive interlocking associations and alliances with utter darkness," Carr concluded.
All proceeds from the book One Nation Under Oz will support investigative journalism students at Texas Tech University and Northern Kentucky University, two schools associated with Peter Brewton, author of The Mafia, CIA and George Bush and Gary Webb, author of Dark Alliance through the William Patrick Carr Foundation.
Editor's Note: In 2013 Steve Coll and Jeff Leen's colleague at the Washington Post, Vernon Loeb, was named Managing Editor of the Houston Chronicle. Loeb had been responsible for the false reporting on the Pat Tillman and Jessica Lynch stories that served to manufacture consent for war in Iraq and Afghanistan and co-authored the Paula Broadwell book All In: The Education of General David Petraeus. Upon Loeb's arrival in Houston he sidelined a Houston Chronicle reporter delving into the history of the I-45 corridor between Houston and Galveston. A former Galveston shipping cargo company owner like Paul Helliwell, Edward Harold Bell, had confessed to multiple killings along I-45 as part of a "program". Bell's 1998 confession should have freed Michael Lloyd Self, held on a false confession extracted by Webster, Texas policemen, now in prison for bank robbery. While Bell had escaped capture following the murder of former Pasadena, Texas U.S. Marine, Larry Dickens, by jumping his low bail and fleeing to Panama, Bell was eventually apprehended. Self died in a Texas prison just before the November, 2000 Presidential election in Florida, essentially eliminating an embarrassing chapter in Texas jurisprudence. While Harold Fenney was a member of St. Barthomew's Episcopal Church around the corner from John H. "Jack" Modesett's St. John's Methodist Church. The Methodist Church Superintendent for the region preached at Patrick Carr's funeral in 2000 and his secretary, Sheila Yuras, was the mother of the boy who called Patrick an hour before his death in Houston. The Yuras family from Cibolo, Texas owned the property adjacent to the ultra-light airport, the scene of Salem Bin Laden's death in 1988. Patrick Carr's new family home in Corpus Christi had been purchased from a successor of the Texas motorcycle club founded by Donald Eugene Chambers between Houston and Galveston. Chambers, a U.S. Marine also known as "Mother" of San Leon, Texas just off I-45 between Galveston and Houston had founded the Bandidos in 1966, another indicator of the hidden dangers of the Houston/Galveston I-45 corridor.
"The house in Corpus Christi was listed well below value because of foundation issues, but anyone looking on might think that there was some connection. There wasn't! None that I knew. Then after Patrick's death I discovered that Donald Eugene Chambers had been married in 1966 and 1978 by two Houston Presbyterian ministers, Rev. Phineas Washer at St. Stephens Church near Hobby Airport and Rev. Kent Sinclair at St. Luke's near the old Astrodome," said Patrick Carr's father. "Patrick's friends have insisted that he was in no way involved in any kind of nefarious activity. I believe them," said Patrick's father. "A subsequent conversation with the sources close to "Mother" said that the 1978 marriage conducted by Rev. Sinclair could not have been "Mother," perhaps his son, since Chambers was in prison for murder at the time. "It was the 1966 marriage by this guy Washer if he was at St. Stephens Church hear Houston's Gulf Freeway," Patrick Carr's father was told. Patrick had been in Houston only a few months, but the boat he was on the night of his death had been purchased by his uncle and friends. "The Sea Note", had been named "Miss Heather" and owned by the son-in-law of a Halliburton executive indicted in "Operation Lone Star", a money laundering sting that had the earmarks of an Iran-Contra era money pipeline. The uncle, who had put the "Sea Note" into a business named "Les Bon Temps Charter Fishing" is fishing buddy of James Bath's business partner at Ellington Field, William E. King, an attorney with Bracewell & Giuliania Law Firm. In 1994, Patrick's father had led the Corpus Christi congregation in underwriting the doctoral education of Carlos Emilio Ham, head of the Reformed and Presbyterian Church in Cuba. "What an absolutely mind blowing clustered copulation," said Rev. Carr, Patrick's father who trusts that he will see Patrick again, but who has not given up his quest for justice in his son's case. "There is no statute of limitation on murder and the Harris County Medical Examiner's report presented an impossible scenario for his death. With Bromwich's arrival to straighten things up I am as a confident as Serpico was that the Knapp Commission cleaned up the corruption in New York, home of Bernie Kerik who preceded Col. Theodore 'Ted' Westhusing in Baghdad and whose leading FBI liaison, Brian Bruh, was in charge of the FINCEN program during the Bush/Clinton/Perot 1992 election that found Peter Brewton's book waylaid by Simon & Schuster. "Where is Serpico?" asked Carr noting that Rudy Giuliani was Patrick Carr's age of 23 when appointed an attorney on the Knapp Commission. Carr said he prayed that there was no connection between the death of his son on December 10, 2000 and the death of the grandson of his Dallas parishioner, former General Deputy of the FBI, Oliver "Buck" Revell on December 11, 2000 the day before the Gore concession speech in Florida or to the December 10, 2004 death of Gary Webb, author of Dark Alliance, but said "there appears much more going on here than coincidence." When asked "aren't you afraid that people knowing this might harm you and your family to get at these parties, to affirm their corruption or to stop your story?" "I'm more concerned that the America people not know just what they are dealing with," said Carr. "If this can happen to us it can happen to anyone."
"If 911 was an inside job it was that the 19 terrorists, 15 from Saudi Arabia, had flown up the historic smuggling routes into the U.S. because the programs set to catch their influence peddling like FINCEN had been set aside for devious internal political reasons. Then the bamboozle continues with yellow cake and we know why Smedley Butler wrote War Is A Racket. He was, like West Point professor and challenger of General David Petraeus, Col. Theodore Westhusing, sick and tired of the fraud and war profiteering! This nation cannot suffer another bloodletting era of the big Bush bamboozle like Pete Brewton reported with the S&L crisis and I'm apolitical," said Carr. "We cannot have a crime family running the nation and using the primogeniture values that our ancestors fought and died to repeal and which Thomas Jefferson wrote out of U.S. law now reinstated through secretive interlocking associations and alliances with utter darkness," Carr concluded.
All proceeds from the book One Nation Under Oz will support investigative journalism students at Texas Tech University and Northern Kentucky University, two schools associated with Peter Brewton, author of The Mafia, CIA and George Bush and Gary Webb, author of Dark Alliance through the William Patrick Carr Foundation.
Editor's Note: In 2013 Steve Coll and Jeff Leen's colleague at the Washington Post, Vernon Loeb, was named Managing Editor of the Houston Chronicle. Loeb had been responsible for the false reporting on the Pat Tillman and Jessica Lynch stories that served to manufacture consent for war in Iraq and Afghanistan and co-authored the Paula Broadwell book All In: The Education of General David Petraeus. Upon Loeb's arrival in Houston he sidelined a Houston Chronicle reporter delving into the history of the I-45 corridor between Houston and Galveston. A former Galveston shipping cargo company owner like Paul Helliwell, Edward Harold Bell, had confessed to multiple killings along I-45 as part of a "program". Bell's 1998 confession should have freed Michael Lloyd Self, held on a false confession extracted by Webster, Texas policemen, now in prison for bank robbery. While Bell had escaped capture following the murder of former Pasadena, Texas U.S. Marine, Larry Dickens, by jumping his low bail and fleeing to Panama, Bell was eventually apprehended. Self died in a Texas prison just before the November, 2000 Presidential election in Florida, essentially eliminating an embarrassing chapter in Texas jurisprudence. While Harold Fenney was a member of St. Barthomew's Episcopal Church around the corner from John H. "Jack" Modesett's St. John's Methodist Church. The Methodist Church Superintendent for the region preached at Patrick Carr's funeral in 2000 and his secretary, Sheila Yuras, was the mother of the boy who called Patrick an hour before his death in Houston. The Yuras family from Cibolo, Texas owned the property adjacent to the ultra-light airport, the scene of Salem Bin Laden's death in 1988. Patrick Carr's new family home in Corpus Christi had been purchased from a successor of the Texas motorcycle club founded by Donald Eugene Chambers between Houston and Galveston. Chambers, a U.S. Marine also known as "Mother" of San Leon, Texas just off I-45 between Galveston and Houston had founded the Bandidos in 1966, another indicator of the hidden dangers of the Houston/Galveston I-45 corridor.
"The house in Corpus Christi was listed well below value because of foundation issues, but anyone looking on might think that there was some connection. There wasn't! None that I knew. Then after Patrick's death I discovered that Donald Eugene Chambers had been married in 1966 and 1978 by two Houston Presbyterian ministers, Rev. Phineas Washer at St. Stephens Church near Hobby Airport and Rev. Kent Sinclair at St. Luke's near the old Astrodome," said Patrick Carr's father. "Patrick's friends have insisted that he was in no way involved in any kind of nefarious activity. I believe them," said Patrick's father. "A subsequent conversation with the sources close to "Mother" said that the 1978 marriage conducted by Rev. Sinclair could not have been "Mother," perhaps his son, since Chambers was in prison for murder at the time. "It was the 1966 marriage by this guy Washer if he was at St. Stephens Church hear Houston's Gulf Freeway," Patrick Carr's father was told. Patrick had been in Houston only a few months, but the boat he was on the night of his death had been purchased by his uncle and friends. "The Sea Note", had been named "Miss Heather" and owned by the son-in-law of a Halliburton executive indicted in "Operation Lone Star", a money laundering sting that had the earmarks of an Iran-Contra era money pipeline. The uncle, who had put the "Sea Note" into a business named "Les Bon Temps Charter Fishing" is fishing buddy of James Bath's business partner at Ellington Field, William E. King, an attorney with Bracewell & Giuliania Law Firm. In 1994, Patrick's father had led the Corpus Christi congregation in underwriting the doctoral education of Carlos Emilio Ham, head of the Reformed and Presbyterian Church in Cuba. "What an absolutely mind blowing clustered copulation," said Rev. Carr, Patrick's father who trusts that he will see Patrick again, but who has not given up his quest for justice in his son's case. "There is no statute of limitation on murder and the Harris County Medical Examiner's report presented an impossible scenario for his death. With Bromwich's arrival to straighten things up I am as a confident as Serpico was that the Knapp Commission cleaned up the corruption in New York, home of Bernie Kerik who preceded Col. Theodore 'Ted' Westhusing in Baghdad and whose leading FBI liaison, Brian Bruh, was in charge of the FINCEN program during the Bush/Clinton/Perot 1992 election that found Peter Brewton's book waylaid by Simon & Schuster. "Where is Serpico?" asked Carr noting that Rudy Giuliani was Patrick Carr's age of 23 when appointed an attorney on the Knapp Commission. Carr said he prayed that there was no connection between the death of his son on December 10, 2000 and the death of the grandson of his Dallas parishioner, former General Deputy of the FBI, Oliver "Buck" Revell on December 11, 2000 the day before the Gore concession speech in Florida or to the December 10, 2004 death of Gary Webb, author of Dark Alliance, but said "there appears much more going on here than coincidence." When asked "aren't you afraid that people knowing this might harm you and your family to get at these parties, to affirm their corruption or to stop your story?" "I'm more concerned that the America people not know just what they are dealing with," said Carr. "If this can happen to us it can happen to anyone."