Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Thursday, April 7, 2011

What Eva Longoria Owes Her Sister

They Must Have Been Cold

by Winsip Custer

Actress Eva Longoria
     Celebrity actress Eva Longoria's older sister has special needs, but compassion isn't one of them.  When someone took Liza Longoria's school letter jacket from her at school she told her famous sister "they must have been cold".....as in frigid, needy.  Eva's first response was for retaliation and a theft charge, but then she realized that  Liza's simple answer went to the heart of something Eva had heard all of her life in church...."if someone asks for your coat, give them your cloak as well."  It's an ethic that would make the world an instantly better place, but it took the eyes of a special needs sister to remind Eva of the life changing, mind altering power of love.

     While Eva Longoria's genetic makeup has been studied by geneticists who have linked her ancestry to violinist YoYo Ma in China, the Longoria family in Spain and to Mayans in Mexico and Central America, other geneticist's are refining methods for eliminating the chance of birthing future special needs children as if they are the reasons for the world's problems.  "On the contrary," said Fielding Wong DeLeonitus of the Society of Altruistic Attitudes in Seattle, Washington.
     "People who carry with them great challenges from the unexpected and unintended consequences and random occurrences of birth often act like a magnifying glass for others whose good fortune has blinded them to the deeper meaning of life.  Take the Down Syndrome class that stopped at the florist shop at Christmas to buy poinsettias for their mothers.  One girl pain-stakingly picked out not the prettiest one on  the shelf, but one that had crumpled red pedals and browning leaves. 'My mommy would like this one just as much as the others,' she told her classmates," said DeLeonitus.  "And she was, of course, right."

      I asked Mr. DeLeonitus if Eva Longoria wasn't overlooking the fact that the appropriator of Liza's coat hadn't asked for it, but simply took it.  "Those who don't ask and those who can't give will always be eclipsed by the simple altruism....unselfishness.... of Liza and others like her," said DeLeonitus.

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