Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Eye-Opening Perspectives for Heroic Hearts

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Shots Fired At Al Qaeda Lawyer
by Winsip Custer WPS News Service

When seven bullets shattered the glass of Richard Hardin's twentieth floor office in downtown Houston yesterday he began to reconsider his representation of Al Qaeda.

"People have very strong feelings about Al Qaeda," said Hardin who claims he is an ancestor of Texas outlaw John Wesley Hardin who historians claim was so mean that he shot a man just for snoring.  This reporter discovered, however, that contrary to the initial impression in Hardin's on-line ads at his website www.justforsnorin.com that Al Qaeda is not the Muslim terrorist group, but Ali Baba Qaeda a Lebanese date and pomegranate importer who was jailed in 2009 for filling his fruit with Turkish heroin.

"Why don't you make the distinction?" I asked Mr. Hardin.  "Well, the image appeals to many of my clients," said Hardin.  "And in my business image is everything."  So far police have no clue as to who fired the shots, but have not ruled out the possibility that Mr. Hardin is himself a person of interest in the case.

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